The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 17, 1896, Image 1

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    Loup City No: ithwestern.
The Northwestern
Editor and Publisher.
TERMS $1 6(1 par Year, II Paid n Advince
■stared at tha (snip City Postnflree for tinea
sales Ion through tha nialla a* "/id
elaaa in altar.
Republican Ticket
For I’reside ii I ,
WM Mc-KINLEY. ' f Old-.
Kor VI'»* ErckHnit.
lloti rrior ■* MM' D'/.J'
l.leiiienaiii-dovernor OKI.ANIMl !.vh '
Secretary of Slate JOKI. A. I’IIM-.m
Auditor I’ >>. IIK 1)1.1 Nil
Treasurer 11
Attorney (leiieral. A. s ( 'I . V.
Hoot, of I'tili. I list II 11.1 OlIllE I I
<’oinnilsslioier H < . IIDHhKJ.I,
Supreme judge liiilll-.lll IlY A N
Supreme Judge . M l •
Itegerif. W. >1 WHITMOllK
‘ At I.urge ..,1. K. flout/, I.amastei
At I,urge F. .1 Had tick. Ha line
First illstrlet A .1. Hurnham. Nemaha
Heeoiul Illstrlet A O Foster Douglas
Third I list rtrt Hoi Draper Knox
Foorth Illstrlet . U A Derby. He ward
Fifth I list rlet ,1 l„ Mel’heeley, Kearmt
Sixth Illstrlet M l. Frlese. Valley
Sixth District A. K I.ADY
Hrpiitillrsii Senator!*: Convention.
The Republican electoraof the 15 sena
torial District of the statu of Nebraska »r*
rei|ueated to send delegates from the
counties comprising the saute, to meet In
convention In the town of Revenue on
Tuesday, the IRth lay of September, istgjat
2 o'clock p. m. tor tha purpose of placing
In nomination a candidate for Senator
from said district
buffalo county It entitled to in delegates
ami Sherman county to 5delegate*,
Hknkv 0. AaoKr.wa,
Chairman Hen, Can’t. Com.
The populist convention at Grand
Island voted t)99 in favor of endors
ing Bryan to34 against.
It looks very much like we were
going to have a eninpain of Republi
canism vs. I'opocratisin this full.
It is conceeded by all fair minded
men that the republican state ticket
is one of the best ever put up by
tliat party in the state.
While all this noise is going pn
ubout W. J. Bryan's great notnina.
tion McKinley and McCall arc coin
ing vote at the ratio of 1rt to I in
favor of sound money and protect ion.
When Bryan is endorsed by the pop*
it will be 32 to 1.
In the eastern states there is no
less tliun *10 democratic papers
of national reputation and of
world wide intluenee that have
jjuit the old party and hoii.ted their
biumcr for republicanism, MoKiuley
and protection. Not only is this
true of the eastern papers but here
in Nebraska, Bryan's home state.
The German deinoerutic paper of
Fremont Nebr.. and one of the ger
man papers published at Grand
island has stepped into the republi
can column.
It is wonderful to scu the many
K J in I •• \ |i» i'nkiuun iim a. n, \ nuj.
From all over the diatriet lie is re
reiviiiir >tit* united support of hia
party, mid even the demoernt mid
impuliat paper* have t<> aknowledge !
tun iireal uldlity to till xii. ii a pint-!
itloii lie i* a mm. of superior mer
it ami will lie a winner from the
atari. The |»opiili*t paper of Ilia
•own town any a that ’'toy all odd* he
ta the aeleetion that ilia party
■ •mid make uud he will Im aide to
gitv the opposition a very intere*
tit|{ Itiitil " Mr Cady'» idtaraeter j
4 bn i»«»Ued and III* houeaty ,
In* never t» '*n t|U<**iinn«*l
•Some of >mr silver friend*
athiti nttheeonntv »*.«t U*t Halm
day 'itluii me . m»n by
* Mini iliat ntli W «a worth on tlie
Minikai only I tree >nut* |a f i«n*heh
Hot anuh *t||u ii.'U* inu*I half •**■« «
I III ere ted to m|*‘e<* 1, as the market
rp n<» ih>> • n» it i* 'hit nta me
worth l» >>n*a (i f l'.|* . l || >w
il«>|nililn (he) iun«t h • •* - ■ I It 4 I *•
n U|>iif . a* el and vet it*n
are humtfe I* of p-iph> Ihti nw
Will) to aw id IW M *it \ >a o t.e
aura |o i vn * la |-«ai ett nt jb tail
dwa t, for jut) • tie, hue itte *a In
llf lit *«tf tk>‘ jee*» Uh*u»pi * ling
** \
tuner size pitocmpis
] ■T'b
Two Weeks only
JOLT 25. TO AIG.7/06.
II LediMi'i BT. STIIlUip tillItt
victims behove that they can only
4<;t i cents just now when they have
uo oats to sell and consequently
have not paid any attention to the
Don't be alarmed because there
are a few republicans (?) wtio pro
fess to be terribly indignant over
the financial plank of the republi
can platform. If you will travel
backward through the balls of mem
ory you will find tout there were the
same kind of fellows and just as
many of them, who were dissatisfied
with something in eyery platform
adopted, and they always kicked up
a dust and raised a breeze arid —
that was all. Had the financial
plank been built to suit them they
would have objected to something
else. Big bolts were made during
Ilaye’s, Grant’s, Garfield’s and Har
rison's first campaign, but it cut no
figure. These things must oscur it
seems, but don’t let them worry
you. “The people” are still able
to run things.—Sidney I’oniard.
There is alwuys a time after the
republican national convention and
before the democratic ghost dance,
when some people think the grand
Dili JfJlI ' If* II I * I J |/*v* **■».
This is the season when a certain
ela * of bushwhacking politicians
make their exit from the party,
with great ustu ami mush noise.
Tin \ profess to be republicans just
be! i the eunvt lion, in order to
be in a p silion to create « sensa
tlon ami uUuot a little notice by
drawing oul of tbe party after the
Oonvcuii--u i hel l. They ure either
soumlii " bias* or tinkling cymbal*,
..ling to tin -i/.c « I their lung*
and -cope of lb*-ir\oj-e. .Just now
this funia di>■ pro, ,-.-.ioii is moving
out, it* pmiiuiuliauiuuto contain*
less article* than usual, but i» no
shoitci ou that aeoouul. Their
rank* are thinner than ever before,
hut tin- band Is net diuoio h'd
not th< u <i*e in volume. Not on*
of them bus voted the straight re
publican ticket for year*, nor would
lie tote it, even th-igh he named
th- entire ticket, unle«* hi* own
name was iviHI- n lie re i ", the-t
iiWe gained one |e,-iatl- I li-ivi I*
old Teller d r domd • Ti I -1
who, a* seeiet «i t of the talen o,
made stteh a lank and deteslald'
ie old as a *ut«*erve«l • not **f tl-i
i dlroa l* ih*t a h>'wt of p*»> m-'ig
U tU -lt **011 up float tile P‘ 1(1 1' -* I
over I lie > onutrv ?i|'-*e then In*
l,mi, , li ,» '«•*>•* • t MU' h re euf ueett
(Wi| Ms love of M*«< deal pe 1(4# ha*
l..-e» * tfHp ken o Ui.t *v- * * • 1
I, w viti wt«h Ike lefts*NH is po *
wltltU blocked iu col giv *». i fitfl
of hi* *, livisi* | i lr»n*|einn « the
public domain iu vast empires to
mercenary corporations. If Gener
al Van Wyck were still living he i
could tell you some interesting j
facts about Teller as secretary of j
tbe interior. Perhaps the crafty J
old politician contemplate* paying j
the beloved people in free silver for]
the vast domain* he transferred 1
from public to private ownership.
Or, more likely, he sees the free
silver legislature of Colorado in
session before which he proposes to
go next winter, asking for re-elee
tion to the United Stale* senate.
Our cistwhile anti monopoly friend*,
who arc now hot on tbe track of
Teller, and singing hi•* praise*
morning, noon and night, did not
consider him much of an anti mo
nopoly leader wheu he wa» in a
situation where he could do the
corporations the most good. York
Home of tbe N*w York democratic
organ* ure upbraiding the republi
can party for its “partiality” iu the
matter of its policy of reciprocity.
They say that it always looks to the
south aud doe* not appear to ex
tend its generosity towards Aineri
can people up mum 10 t annus.
They profess to see some foolish
prejudice in tliis piiltailitv. Hut
this is merely the democratic way of
evading and dodging the living is
sue between the two parties. Item
proeity is not, ns these people have
always pretended to think, mi ex
ception to the policy of protection,
but is a step farther in the same
The reason the republican party
is favorable to reciprocity with
Mexico and Central and South
America, is that ttie products im*
ported from those stales to the
I'uited States are always of those
artiste- "f i oiisiiiuptiou lh >t as
canuoi produce at home, t offee,
tropical fruit and tint*, mah unit,
India rubber, and so ou. can with
profit he made free of duly, and if
in return I >r our custom, and our
i utl'illl 1- worth that id all h Hope
to these couutrte- • r can | idhl v
these stages !•* take « H their tuti« »
on our agrieutiuisl product* like
uur e i- *l» and meats an out
machine it and iron and textile
fabric*, me exchange |* b*i i ft. lal
to a* ami In out m cjiib o It is
exrv'ly is tin lire «t In pi * wires
IMlII’t eiph till* ta|*av* •* U Pi
admit Im <b* (a* rPS’lti 0 it We
ioiim • ;.f dm e a* li- m i*i * dl u nt
-I ft * if *• all, f *fc|»|»t» our
u m l, m t I
In Ht>< * a »• of t’au* is, rf It ii is
iintiiong that she pro-tuira ih «t a«<
i auui i jn.l a* si II ial»e n| mafia
for our *i-lv>:H, reciprocity will be is
order. But there is compuiitivcly
little that Canada can give u» of
that sort. Ho aslong us (Canada per
Mists iu counting herself a foreign
country she must come into markets
on the same terms as other out
siders. Of course liie democratic
organs will always pretended that
they eauuol see any distinction.
However, they all know about it.
James McKndaffer was one of the
very first settlers in this part of
Caster county, locating on what is
popularly known as the McEndaffer
farm,near Hound Grove about 1871.
He was quite successful in bis busi
ness ventures for souse years end
about the time the railread was
built through this country was gen
erally reported quite wealthy, own
ing lot*of horses and cattle. Be
sides the Hound Grove farm, he
owned a half section just west of
town, where Sam Gates now resides.
In partnership with Byron Mack he
opened up a gencial store in Mason
City, iu June, luini. The business
was carried on with varied success
uutil the store was burned iu tire
following November, tlirc- persons
Using their lives in tlie tir .About
this time financial reverse, seemed
to confront M' hinuH t on evi i-y
hand, creditor* commenced to el<»»<
in on him. and Mel tul.dfei -uddcnly
disappeared, leaving Lie fatally be
hind to light tin it own l>atll< s lie
returned in about a year, and the
family soon moved to pari- un
known, MeKudatlcr wa» iirrccti'd
for participation in the Ketchutn
Mitchell uiui'hi nml laid in llio
Attain# t'oiiat il at lla» in i t
month*, but was never tried for the
crime. McKmlaihr wii a iiu.-i
character iu m re way • than one.
lie hail bul little education, but
puauaacd n natural ebrewducn fur
dickering and bantering coupled
with a* many trick* a*a t> u- mule,
thgt made him a bard umii to deal
with His habit* and diaracUtr
titled bun for life in a new uoumr),
end be vouid ut ter »> lapt totModt to
the to w jM-ople and new t*u» »«•»»
m. th t* Itiat tol| iw< I IU« budding
of tbe mi i. m. fit tbli pait o’ S- It
i*,k• \ * - fitt|iti U> ta*i'
taken h»*rly nil the patU* ip or** in
■ be K'dtluMit *| cum- Il w«
ere wot mj*lwheit wit the men will*
u*,e Mf two egw ptronw, wti * took
part to »h< banging wud turning of
kel> bout .red Mlll bd' bale M*t
u 4*ut ,1* iliti It that to1 that
.Ituios M K'l liff • b»r been *gdd»lc
Il « ill- i »,i •«» I* pal *b* inwall)
* it,, ,,.|i t,e l,a, bad in tint Iml
oil, |, *t wdlfovivt li IIS'*
lb* butoii »l ib* early aei.k meul
of t‘U*Ui| oWHlt wud teutiwi Neb
r«»*w Mavo, l‘il) TraiMeripl
D. 0. DOE, A. P, CULLKY,
Vlec-I’reoldent. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $60 .000.
' < on Improrad forma at NINK par oant. Boat Company and baaa terms
to ba had In tba woat.
• oanaroirnKOTo:—Chemical National Bank, N*w York City, B. Y.j Omaha
*ytloool Uaum. lliuiut N»bf»*l»*
w. J. KlhllElt, CKO. E. BKNHOHOTKK," , |
Utornoy nwl Notary Piiltllr. PtililMi<*r l,oi;i'<;n» Nokviiwmtbkm
ffliVII, i:\T.ITl) MUEJVTS.
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated an<J Irrigated Lands for Sale
j I un wa uk is the whole story
of imitation trad* ,
| 1 mark* and labels. aDOllt
\MI\m h {.
•ti’irtrTiffOC #0 Morci'i-o o*i..-i- jutxife soda—never spoils
J 111 pdvi^d^v9> flour—univcrsaily.. Lui.iwiedgeii purest In the world.
4 Made only b) CHURCH fc CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere.
4 Write for Aria ami Hammer llouk of valuable Recipe* hHUH.
ifBP'rfj ngK V *V \F V v Ml1 V MF V Ml1 V 1
I Henderson I
1 *92 ft 104 Wa 9th StH KANSAS CITY, MO. 1
The Old Reliable Doctor. A Iterular CraJu .te in Meduine. Oldest in I
Age a net,lutigett Lo* a ted. m
Authorixod by tbo State to treat CHRONIC, NtRV0V8 and 8,‘CCIAL I
mSfASEH. Cure!guaranteed or money refunded. All laodiulaesfl
furnished ready for uao. No mercury or iujurtous medtetnes used B
No detention from work. Patients ut a distance treated by muilB
ami express. Medlclm a rent every* hero, free front fax* or break- B
ago, C'liuryea lew. OverDn.UUOeani a cured. Ayouud ex uertuucc are B
important. Road ti'tlu book, thin eta to your ca»«. fiend for opinion B
Olid li rnix. Consul tuiIon iie« nod contlUenUttl,personally or by letter B
Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility, I
IllprrmalirheraanJIm' Imry) cnii.o'dtd \ am In. .anil ex eesaca. producing nervous- B
Boss, lessen, pirn plea and hlotcnraon tl,o faeo.runUcM of blood to tbo bead, palna In Uie tiu.k, B
ooufused Ideuiuud forgetfulness, Imshlulnes o a version to society, lossofsexual power, loaaB
of manhood, At , cured for life. lean slop all b , ht loaaca, reslore lost sexual power, ro-B
still l! nerve anil i, rain IS iu or III In mil It ml ktreoiftl i.Ui tk On Id sand inn lie vnllHt for tnttrfiui/M H
C villi i I i c tiittUnrriiilKitiiti am ,In ail
*-V |riiiii3( |ta form* and alagea cured
for life. HIimwI I'olaonliiif, Nil in iMunuae*
tlloera, Swulliuc*, Mutt *. Oonorrlia a and
Gltad, nnU all forma of Private inaounwa
lively curator money refunded
fur Imlh *e»u», MU pane*, W pi®*
Kruui\ turea, Iruu to Hie, Mitli foil d' a
rrlptlomif atmtii dl»e»»c», thu • f»<« t am|
cure,anulul in plain a rapie r fordo in *tarfi|M, i
Mead Uilalittio fmolt and unmur uet*llon*. |
I Ireo Museum <>l Anatomy '' . „?.V?,V"
«wxlol*t»hil * >. ■ |(y m,w ■ " .! 4 . i>.*,l uf lii.tru.
tloa a fiiiuu »annul m h 1 mutt « ik« M*k> m*M I
WtHfurfitt fur ttkui* l4tdlM lid I iarmuf Ka/I
A n n OO tie hit moms
\hh “ THE BEST L00IIN6
This la a ape «*•' «*OjNl
dial uflkr. W« .**#•**
• •II Ihtm • l
ihia prl«a (• In* ▼•P. I
tr«Mlue« »n«m. Iliptio M|>*in«a,
raaul.f MUM la P,.«* Be,.,.
•76.00* 6 u|ihalii«f«k in
Wl AMI . *******
wHOiiSAti y***'*?*0'
MANUrAO W P'®1®*""*'
Th»M w faur
** top fllSer wide or ••!«•
track Wa watil* a'
S»«l» m )il«M •» Plana
••“TZ fitooSiTi