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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1896)
Loup City Northwestern. VOIi. XIV ~~ LOUP'CITY, SHERMAN CQIXTY, XKUKASK A, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1886. NUMBER H» Tm Northwfstkrn •r --- iwar -a ‘•UBMBHBD BVKKY FRIDAY AT I'J IK COUNTY SKAT. (XICO. K IIKBbCIIOTI.B. ■dltor and PntoHahar. TCHMS |1 BO par fair II Paid in Advanea WT-, ' ' -•<— '**”• 1 KaUr»l at ttia loop City Poatnll no for hut aiUaloi, turoofb the malla at w<a4 ulaaa nia'tor, utMBBevr,, :m Bopubllcan Ticket KhUoiiaI For I'roiildoot. WM MaKIVKET, of Ohio For OABBETT A. HOBABT af X J lit st# i ItrVitfUOf 4. If. M i Ol#L 1/lDUFRMtiUitvfrnor, OltbAfjUO TKFFT Kit rotary of Hlat> JDKI.A J 1 * K * A .Millin' I * * * HKDI.I Nl> Traaaurar ' F,. <AHKY Attorney *inooral A H < ll • IU/HII<f. Hupt of Puli Iii>•' II If l l < oiiiiiiIhkIoiht II [ Mllpriouu Jud|/u KOIIKIU IIYAN HiipnuiuJiuiy' M KKIWKAIIl IP viol IT 01. WHIIMOIII. KI.nTUllH Al l.uryu •< K (lout/.. I.anraatar At Larvu F ,I. ttadlli-k. Halloo Firm Ulatrlct A .1 Burnham, Nninaha Hoonud HUirli t A f Fouler, Umiklna Third Ulatrli t Hoi llrapor, Knox Fourth HUH In fi. A. Iinrliy. Howard Fifth Olatrfri J I- MoPbaolny. Koarnoy Hlxth liUtrlr*_M I. T'iii'HQ Valluy Mapuhlliiaa Monatorlal Convention. Tba ttapubllean aleator* of tho jr. Haoa torlal Dlatrlet of thattnloof Nebra.ka ura raqucxtad to a#»d dulayala* from tbo eoitntinacompriiliiK tbn moot tu oonvantlan la tba town of Kavonna on Tuoiday, lho Ittli Jay of koptambor, lb## at 1 o'clock p, m for tho parpoaa of placing I In nomination a ciisalaat# for sweater from void district Buffalo county is untitled to IV riclOKHtu* ami Sherman county to 6 delegatee, UtMtt V. ASHSSWS, ( bull man San, < un't. flora The Nebraska sound money men only got a smell of the Chicago eon ventlon. They were Warily permitt ed to remein arid look on. A Lincoln implement dealer re ceived order* la*t Saturday for 100 binders to go iuto the •outbern part of the state. He also received or ders for HO car load* of binding twine. Judge Wall made a pretty fight in the congressional convention, and if Buffalo eonnty had of done the right thing be would have easily been nominated. Itev. Stevens, of Litchfield has (been spoken of as a probable can didate for representative on the republican ticket. Mr. Stevens is veil qualified to till the position and would make us a good repre aentatlve. With but one or two exceptions the democrats have adopted a regu lar Independent platform. Ono that can be swallowed head and tail by that organization, and doubtless will be if only an opportunity is afforded Hon, A. K. Cady the nominee of the republican parly for congress man or trie Blxui ciimriua, ia a utuu of great ability and if be i* elected will be beard from. He i* a repre tentative man aud the people of thi* pari of Nebraeka will*be repre ■ruled in a moat creditable manner, V —~— - The ‘pieMiiou of there not being enough money in circulation will be nbtioluii'h Mettled when a way ie provided bv which the laborer ran earn a dollar aud not when it eau be coined free, Free coinage of ailrer |H only to the intereata of the mine owner* and not to the wheal or eota producer or lalmrrr I’be democratic national commit* Vc» eeated lb* delegation ft * m Nebroaka and the ilrt an del* gttiiwu »*• enuipellad lor a time in take a lot b **.«t A le*t rote of convention on ratiHiiMttee on • reden tut* abowetl the •drertt** to he IB the nt*jof|>i and **td role rerewad I be de> t«i«n 11 the eowinittee VN wn-lei II tvioini feller blow* ^ that the demo | hi ptailoiio ha* tha (re* n»*rb on it aa wed a* ihe ftv* edier (4 tub ll> claitua t«i l»e a pi 'U i *ei»t *n«t iml .race tha an ic ii p dd‘ «»» |daito*a* tbvept Mi* jM tpi, t*t 4 ui( Ik- *».•****I • liim* \** m m H * iif \ i*r t (Wi |iUduM( * M ill UU I |M|i if Mm) will nominal* him Klse where we give a report of the congressional convention of the Sixth dlstriet, held last Friday at North Flat i«. There were four esmlidates in the field of which Judge Wall of thin city ahd A. K. Cudy, of Ht. Paul were the two moat formidable. Between Mr. Wall and Mr. Cady the vote wna practically a stand-off, up to the *»H ballot Mr. Wall leading most of the time. When the break came however, Mr. Cady secured enough voles to make his nomination. The contest was a goed clean one and all the defeated candidates pledged their support to the nominee. “Tke proud boast that Iowa stand* first iu literacy among the atates of the Union can no longer be made; neither on the stump or in the sanctum. The more is the pity for in this semi centennial year such a statement would come so handy. Hud to relate, or rather horrible to relate the state of Neb raska now head* the list of state* in regard to rsading, writing and arithmetic. The per sent of illiter acy in Nebraska is 3.1, while in the whole United States it is 13 8, The states west of the Mississippi river, as a section, lead the rest of the Union. Mnssashusetls, we are told, has fallen down in the scale of in telligence and that is tree of eastern states generally, due to the con gested foreign and semi-foreign pop ulations in the lower wards of the mauBfacturiug cities. Whether that ! condition can be improved remains to be seen. The probability is that it will grow worse."—DesMoint* (lows) Register. There is one clause in the demo cratic platform that will be hard for the Independents to endorse and tnat is tbe one raising the ery about the people paying heavy taxes to keep so many offices runniag. The more offices the better it suits the pops. If this had not been so township organi/.ation in this coanty would have been abolished long ago. The Burlington railroad company has ordered 1,000 new freight ears to assist ia moving Nebraska's mam ■oth crop. The following is the platform adopted last week at the republican state convention: Tbe republicans of Nebraska In convention represented affirm their faith In the platform adopted by tbe national convention at Si. Louts: the platform of a party not ashamed of its record and compelled to abandon no article of It* ancient faith. Chief among those standard principles is a prole Stive tariff, that cares for every Ameri can Interest and secures the highest good for Americas labor: a reciprocity that while sueking out tile world s markets for our sur plus products, will never yield up a single .inv s umii s that belongs to tbe American workman, a sound dollar, an sound as the gov ernment and as untarnished as its Hag a dol lar that is good not only at home but good everywhere trade goes, as good in the hands of a farmer or a workingman as in the hands of a capitalist, a manufacturer or a corporation •'A foreign policy that reapeu the American Hag and causes it to tie honored abroad that embodies the sympathy of the American peo pie in the struggles of their oppressed neigh bur* for liberty and »«df government, and that jealously resents any nod all encroachment* of the military powers of the old world upon the territory of auy American republic. A domestic pulley that accords fatr treat mriti ami gettoWHl* recognition to the Veter aits t»f the I'nlon army, that gives them pref «■»■♦•»*. e where w-r pi suite aide, In public cm pht)men*, that suffers no union soldier hU Widow of orphan to \m deprived of n pen* *>>11 regurlarly granted without due noth-*e ami an investigation a* thorough and as impartial »* that upon the faith of which the pension to oftgiualiy confer red That patldm a revenue sufheient for current *vprn«o* ami the main i«u»as*v of the publl cfwdlt that alhtws aw eagtMwrs M increasing the nation* debt in time# of !«m« r and IM restore* our merchant neari ne Tb* rwpttblkwfcs of Hebrasha most neat'll » •Mhirw tiw s>si. MP»a d hr* 4 *. t* *• H IkiHi h*hliil#» «*f tthio » # and «*f liavrsht A hi*a Jtfi* i f**< vow p. - ami pto*»*'-( ikk Ik* it noth to* Ms and wedffhlnd **4p|s*r% Thw «k|M *n with prv>p>*« iwalf b?*P*M* fP# the safety and prolevtl*w I the psopto umtat whkh mwiwwi towwitoNto « *wngaM»i* * wsi ha* sag ah*-■■#4 th- *a»ow g ** I «| m * *ht*whl a4 to n p * -«d «r mod* fled a J any war that will duntftw Ito vtmMf «d iMt ■ iMt»>»ta»uae fto *d «satl«piwil fa lots I ths skat* »jm»wM ■ be Invests#* In «to IW*M po*-**bh' «Mde# in tha j •etMMittea sgsyitod in 4ha twh-'Mt daft pa*** * I an*aw bantg #i * * w to stwto -Mud %w*tht.t *■» «td* Then towri 1 iy %tm in torn *d few I v t*** in wshtoig aw apywop#i-«t v*w tor a * • toffh ! |K<««t sAfciMff at tig 'TfWIh^ Ht^f^Wdppf vAprs'1 ■ ttwn to l*e* *nd ha»w * IMmfa* #a»tr^a*l-a : from ito «tote I motor ♦ tw pimagwa Hh# ewiawvs wl tim towto«tpsit^si to tnwhw it an tom- -< w tn*< »t«u and wwfiht wf ta* <•»%**■># that it * n* MMMI Financial Statement ot I M. I’OIJKI, TRBA81IRKB 8HKRMAN COUNTY NKBKAUKA. from jam ary 1st., 181M1 ro jui.y 1»t., IH'.K!. Inve uiientj Name of Fund* Hal Jan. < ol. from! Trull* Trans liMnir- Hlnkinc K. ComrnlMH jltnl. inly Iht, IHtfUjUll so rccM| to from rnent* In warrant*! Ions. ;t*t IKw II II m» ■ ■ I II an .. n \utm\ ■ n r ■■ *•••■• ■ ■■■■■■-- ll™ mmmmam Htato Fund . t 8585.36 * 3818.10 4/4H • 6366.16 j * 3W.IB County (Jeneroi. 1711.67 3375..15 4.35 NM.ta HIM Co. lot. bond. 473/41 40AV3I V'lYT.WI l«,.OB VI,3 33 Co. Ko*<l I54M 44 573.411 ,. 11 70 . j g.* Co. llrldKC . 3733.17 343.14 . , «0.M •*•*» j Co. I’oor 143.1 1 38.4K ***** Co. iudyment. *i4.0* k.tfl • •** j Soldier* Ki ller 344.65 low, **.M 41 ! 455.57 DUtrl. t Si bool 3514.85 44553.73 14 16 7344.35 IU.HT • 8B46*> Sell,X,I .100* let. 1051.71 35.43 . 40T.4JC# .*5 ! Hcbool litlllil . 6150.10 505.54 n« ;44 435,00 , 30 4356.60 Twp. Kun,J* 3715.37 ] 3355.J4 . 4417,34 35.07 4481.4. IH*l. K„»il 3.43 • 40.70 j •** -'.'l Two Komi 31.4i 1 450.53 1 . 15.70 4 ml .31 txiup city VIII. 63.73 457.hi 30O.4M 11*6 lo ll hup City bowl.i 353 73 61161 . 400.00 16/43 640.01 l.ltuhHelil VIII. j 1.35 . . . . I « Ashton VIII.... 1 10.73 34.05 ... «447 IM 534 Koekrlllo VIII. 15.40 ; 5.54. Institute . 117 04 4.oo , l-o.^ I'rioter*. 53.55! 35.50 ll.»0 1.66 55.33 Fine* ft l.l, on*e I0.WI 4.00 |. 14.00 . . MI**eeluiioi)U5 I 63,5.. . , 30 16 J* jJ'Jj iciMiuhjrhOoO;j53 34j__ I - ■ . Total . -Ismi M lM\j) ,*I I*V7M 4 State of Nebraska, t ^ a „ 4. . .. County of Sherman (**' i 1 M. I'olaki, Treasurer of Maid county, do KOltnnly swear that tb< forcj/olnu la correct a I verily believe. I M. 1'OLBKI, County Treasurer Subscribed In im presence und sworn to before me ibll 7th day of July, A. D. IHWd. hot im Kkin. County Clerk Cuily Win* la th» »l*tli DUtrint. Tli« iixth district republican conven tion, aftan an exciting contest of tun hours, made A E, Cady, of tft. Paul its nominee for congress. Mr. Cady won tits victory on tlis fortythirl formal ballot, and until th* dual ballot no on# was able to pick th* winner. Mi* first formal ballot g*ve Akers 33 l-S, 1 (soman 87 1 5, Cady 43 1,6, Wall 43 1-5, Weston 7 1-5. Cady and Judge Wall <|Ulokly made galas until they reached the sixty mark. When the convention adjourned for supper at the tbtrty-slxtb ballot. Cady hail 33 3*8, Wall 30 2 3, Beaman 8i 3-8 Aker* 14 2-3. The candidates had maintained almost this ratio since the third ballot, and It looked like a dead lock for the night, us the strength of each candidate waa positive and his supporters entbnslastio. As the con vention was called together after sup per rumors were atloatthat something was to happen. On the thirty-eighth ballot Beaman gained at the expense of Wall, but Wall's strength soen return ed. Cady now gained rapidly until the torty third, when Wall attempted to make Beaman As soon its the break was made Itawson and Caster counties cast their solid strength to Osdy, start ing th# stampede. The forty-third end lust ballot gave Cady 89, Beaman 68, Wall 7, Akers 3. Necessary to a choice, 83. Pandemoul um reigned fer a while. Frank Beaman olimbed onto a chair and obtaining the attention of the chairman moved to make tbo nomina tion of A. E Cady unanitnons, whleh was carried with a whoop. Mr. CaJy was brought before the convention and made one of the finest political speech es ever del. vered in North Platte. II* was eheered to the echo timo and again a* he arrslnged th* democratic party for its attempts to doctor Amer ican systems. Judge Wall, Frank n _ ] a r. n s union nuu vnj'vwm o iviiuh vu with stirring speeches endorsing Mr Cady's nomination and pledging their support. The couvention was called to order by E A. Conk of Lexingtion, vice chairman of the congression al committee, who introduced Judge Morgan of Rock county as the tempo rary chairman Tin* temporary organ ization was made permanent and the convention started to balloting on can didates Immediately, The platform realllrms allegiance to Die Kt Lout* platform and the state platform, ltesolutioai were passed ia dor.lug the trens-Mlssiseippl exposi tion and the western Nebraska irrlga lion fair. It demanded the protcelion of ihe beet sugar industry and the pro motion of Irrigation (Interests There we* no attempt to Inject aey tree tilver Into the platform, the convection being unanimous to Hand *<|uare on the S| Louis platform for sound money. Everybody is eutkp.lastiu for Cady and believes that the big glilh will be rvdeomed from the uslsrepresoettlioa of the lest six yecu In the auueatity. O M Kent rhe veto of the euuutlos m the lest (••Hast was registered s* follow* jilt t REPORT OF THE CONDITION , -or— First Mi of Loop City, CIIAKTIR NO. 250 AT 1.011’ CITY, IN T1IE 8TATK 09 NKII K ASK A , AT THE CLOSK OF HUSINESS. June no, 18D0. UKHOVKVSt. hOfthHttlHi dlMl'IIlllUl. . $Z7.mb.7i Stock*, bond*. Kccuritlew. judgments, claim* etc;. W 00 Hanking bouse furniture ami fixture* 2,kl0.d7 Other Real Kstato. 2,7bd3fi Current expenses and taxes paid. 1,377.04 Checks and other cash items,.. M.00 Due, from National, state and Private (tanksand flankers. 2,;i07.6:i Cash. *:KIJC Total. tiTlmw LUBIlilTIfifl. Capit dstock paid in. f20.0O0.OO Cncilvided profits. *»525*5? Individual deposits subject to check,. I7.HJW.3S Demuni eurtmeates of deposit. ^ Tot At. State of Nebraska 1 County of fherman. f I, A P. Culley, Cashier of the above named bank, do solmnly swear that the above state meat is true to the best of my knowledge* and belief A. P CfjLLKY. Cashier. ATTEST. D. C. ik>r, Director. A. P. < OLLKY, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me; this 0th day of July, 1H9II It. II. UtiKRoWH, Notary Public. My Commission expires July 1st, IW# REPORT OF THE CONDITION —of the**"-1" FARMERS STATE BANK CHARTER NO. 251, AT LOUP CITY IN THE STATE OF’ NEH KASHA, AT THE CLOSK OF BUSINESS junf; 80th, 1896. ■ EKOUBCEM. Loan* and discount* . <18,838.28 Overdrafts secured aud unsecured.. 877.71 Other sat.'its . 1,431.74 Hanking House furniture and llxturcs 2,22*.87 I. III.I KS nuu UIIIU conn .. Due from National, State anil Private Hanks and Hankers 11,296,(14 Cash Nlcklesand cents “ Currency .. <#-®> Cold coin. 1.745.00 •• Silver coin. 3ia.Ni Total. ■cUPWTO • UAAILITII8. Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Surplus fund. 1,00.00 Undivided profits MQ.7H Inc vldual deposits subject to cheek.. I3.ftflfl.38 Demand certificates of deposit. ‘-’5V mi Time certificates of deposit. lyano-ftl TOTAL. pyi '.*07 Op Stine of Nebraska, ( Coi nty of Sherman ( I, J Phil Juevfer J F’r.sldent of the above named Hulk do solum , ly wear that the above statement Is true to j the best of mv knowledge and belief. ATTEST. J P JAK.KU Per. 1 O 1 OfiMIURt, Director. \V <1 ODnilAlL Director Sybwrtbad and sworn to before me this Tth j da. of July lsoe John W I.onc, Notary Public, j id J'uuiiidMftoa expires June tth. ifuo A nuwapaper publisher who •Unijea 111* politics every liiae the ■< hiiui* Ira linn chaaga* or ofteaar if (biro ia any pap to right luaaca all b■ $ mrtiiaiH’d, awaaeulalaa btoDMlf, aid baa naitbar powar to do gwid o< banu II* advartiaaa bituaalf a* a tbvalar, eutiralv without principle • ad merit* only whal ha gale, lb* cMeiupt of all patrioti< mu hban a wan baa mail* •*» h • H ip lif e ta a i’liHtiuunilji It I* Mm* for b pi to mova, wtieu b* baa flopped it ia high tin* for bint to ilia, kit we know of man »b* k*v* mad* itaa fiilir«i<itit «*hitaibm of Ihtn •pea* laiye |u Ike a tote town aud • ill have *«* little ••■line of tkawe tfai that futttinn* tu ' iatiia*i Ilia aim* poopl# on •jaaaitona of (k>llii. * •l>l tu< tala amt ha*a Ika * iftooi. n it m*al amt tail wtth man «*o Ike »irv«t* who know than a ham* I* a# . and tiiaptaa I ham for it Ho k nawapapei men ar* • diagram# It th* p«i f* talon lal Ifr iairilk .ai.Htp1 W* at* v#it tbanhtnt it eat that# at* not m*»t* than two if iHfft Ik|« || full •* ill Iit4 ||U|i U<'kl it N* h$aaka, and w* tiuttfali hop* •# e*e WiU judge lha profaaaion by , daw t *< k fun** [). c. KOE. A. P. CCLLKY, Vice-President, Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $60 .000, T/oana on Improved farina at NINE per cent. Beat Company aad beat law to be had ta> the wet. OoKaM*o*DaM**. -Chemical National Bank, New York (Sty, N. Y4 Oaaakd **Wtloual Aat*«, umaha. Nehraeke W. J. FISIlKit, OEO. K. IIENHCUOTEU/ ^ | Attorney an>l Votary Public. Publisher Loop Cm Nowrawnraas FISHER & BENSCHOTER, itiwiL MSVTATK JfifJiWm LOUP CITY, - • NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lends for S*l«. 1 \ bbwAttn is the whole story ’ > I of Imitation trade , <| 1 nth* «"d labaU. abOlit > AR/\ AND hV AERSOPAl 1 i j f'l/'lfrAr Cost* no more than nlier package soda—never spoils ft J 111 yUvtlUijt/J. flour—universally acknowledged purest In the world, ft 4 Made only bj CHURCH fc CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere, jr 4 Write for Arm and Hammer Hook of valuable Heoljw* I•HUH. W Ifvv ww vvvvvYWTyw nrnr1 mf v wv W«J| Hoctor HfrnrWgnri I 102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, HO. 1 | Old Reliable Doctor. A Re pilar Graduate in Medioiem. Oldeet in I Age ana Longest Located. Ja OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. I Authorized l>y the State to treat CHRONIC, NIRVOUS and SfCCIH I OftSfARBH. ('ureaguaranteed or money refund*]. All mudiaUaal turnlaheil ready for tm. No mercury or lniurioua-w“1riT uned. I No detention from work. 1‘aliouta at a dlalaime truated by mall I and Mprean. Mcdlulnes sent everywhere, free tnanmorWk-l i ago, Chargee low. OvorJIn.OuO resist cured. Age and eauartecau are ■ important. Head III Uo book, thru elute your roau. Bond for opinion I and terms. Coueultutionlrcuundcoufldi uual.puraouaMyor by letter I Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility,I ^vnh ilu *“»t ii'rriunuin w, n, an •JJI lu t , Iinui. tHUa-i 4 for l Blood 1‘olMirlii,;, Kltlu lllou*-*, tJlerra, f wUlUipa, hoi._<s Ciouorrhna and Uliwit, Bid all forma of Private Lnarw< cured<1 uionrjri.fumled. Wi,,|L for both •*>«*. 1*1 |>«bk», ST Plo *‘’',urv turca, true to 111*, wilu full d,»* crlfit ion of above dUettao*. (ha off.-. *, and oucv.muI -I to piatu wrapper f. rflo In at am pa. fiend Uin little l„»d aii4 aua*. r question. St riet lire I-*ruusu«muor «uva vita■ OH inure out eaumia, cutMaa. boa-1 c;r«f oruumKt. No pain, mi tuiuuiuv. Ft I ttt»t«:iu U .itllu In-iHu.Ujjtttt homo. 9 Rheumatism AhtUMCl UK. ThuHTtmtMtdlBtoDMylal Uni uuuatBof taixUuiuti (>n« 4oa« trivial TO*■ !»• '!»(' * iW hi. iii- *«> Kvwr «ad pats Lai >■!■•*» u i utv in « fa* Odfa. g»Bil twwam ■ >■ » v uo,tt fir f Uvula*. ■■■■ y^ce museum <»i ' ', ' ^