The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 03, 1896, Image 8

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    Mi ' ' 1 11 ■ ■“"*
Lioaal Daws.
A. Boone, rue Jeweler.
Cbsi. Austin lo»t e cow laat Wednes
Look out for Dick O'B. In tba byolcle
race tomorrow.
Adam Scbaupp made a trip east on a
visit Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr* II. M. ilebo took a drive
to Arcadia ye*taiday.
Ohlaen Broa will have a new kiln of
bri k ready for use in aboal 10 days
Women aave time and labor by buy
Inga Walking Machine olT. M. Be«d.
O. Manchester, of Davli creek «**»
doing buelneaa at the bub lait Wodnei*
Min Dru/.Ula Ditto went to Cozed,
Nebraska lait Thursday to ylslt rala
Htevs Drey, of tbs |{ronnd Frost
bam made a drive te Ord Wednesday of
tbla weak
Pedlar. Amtln. Coohlier and Night
ingale dreva up to Areadle lait Wed
neiday evening.
IstriB Crawford returned from a two
weeki vtell to bit paronti in Mlnourl
lait Monday nlgbl
Abraham M. Taylor who ha* boon
away for several year* arrived In till*
city lait Tueiday availing
Corn i* looking tleo but small grain
ii not doing so woll on account of tbo
crust occasioned by tba itorm.
One iwallow does not make Spring,
bet one iwallow of One Mlnete Cough
Cure brings reliefs—Odendabl Broi.
breeze Iaat Saturday which done con
siderable damage butnoooe was hurt
A. Fellz and family atartt next Mon
day morning fer tbe west ia a covered
wagon Gao Kggera will secompaey
B. M Kabo wbe has been in thn ess*
riding race horses for tbe paat two
meoths returned to bla borne la tbia
alty Thursday.
Reports come in from all parte of the
county to tbe effect that imsll grain ia
looking bad. Both crust and rust are
assigned to bo tbe cauae.
Stewart McFadden hauled his tbreib
log machine Into town yesterday
morning for repairs preparitory to
going out threshing soon.
Mrs. L. A. Kossotar and daughter
Mrs. Kate Comer, came up from
Grand Island last Tuesday. Mrs,
Comer will speed a waek visiting
friend* and relative*.
Kczems la a frightful allliction, but
like all other skin discerns It can be
permanently cured by application* of
lie Witt's Witch Hazel Halva. It never
fades to cure Plles.—Odendakl Bros.
Tbe Plttston, Pa., disaster was not as
bad as at first supposed. There were
about fifiy-aigbt men and bays en
tombed in lb* mlaa. Thar* Is still
tom* hope ef raatuiag seme alive.
In the Spring tlmo a young man's
fancy lightly turns to thoughts of—
I>e Witt's Little Karly Kisers, for they
always cleanse tbe liver, purify the
blood, and invigorate the system —
Odcndahl Bros.
Tbe school election last Monday
passed off unusually (jutat. Only three
candidates were In the field. The poll
of vote* resulted in the election of
Adam Sehaupp sad the re-eleetiou of
J. B. O'Bryan for a term of three years.
13» votes were cast.
Mr*. W J. Ditto met with <{ult« a
painful accident la*t week while out
riding a byclelo. She waa at a
high rate of apead when the wheel be
came unmanagebte aaJ (lie fell to the
ground hurting her arm aud receiving
aorna very never# bruiaea,
l.ewl* Kechthold «n<1 Jacob Albert,
delegate* and Judge Wall, W. K Mel
lor. W II Couger, W. II Morrla and
Oeo. K Hanacbeter are at tending the
republican Mate convention from here
tbli week l'ke convention wa* called
to meet at l.iucwln luly let.
Children* Dev eaeraiaea waa held In
the Haptiat church la»t Sunday even
lug. The program wa* long and wall
earrled am Them wa* a largo aii*n
dance and all pre*eol aeeuicj well
pirated with the enterta iiineni I he
part taken by the little children wa*
t*pe«laUy *»»*■ rendered and re dee ted
gleet credit on tbamaelve* nml tench
A t> pogiapMval Mend U»i m»ntb
having nothing better to do wrote up
a long article In ragaid to k>ebraa*.a
K tnea* and South Dakota tlaodertng
tht* whole region of i iniirr a* being
•ob-eild, without noblerianean mot*
lurw tufthdaul *ulotanlially and ••!*»
tllljr IwaoitU'HNii In tain dry tier -nr in
the eiirani* and had be* n *#111*4 ep
while the t I* telli»*d wa* Ming
{itojm ted ihroogtt alare mgi u of (»«■
try hod wooht alw*}* let di I Vo* a*
gltella* ooruplnlio* Uni if thi* tin
Nt*e of I »e ea*t * e ol.i give u* « plan
for g* • lai ieli*i price* (••• w <at we
t das he Sou .1 >t*r tht* coorrlrv and the
l olled State* more good lb n he Jar
to w i it it.* *1**1 matter* he know*
norhtog about and upon whhh be
crorW get ts|o*«o*tioai trout i»r \ih
rarka farster d k* * Or hi aak It
w K. Mellor write* ln»u ranter.
M11)u and Buck » beat Seed at T. M
Kye ami Kar. I>r. Ib»vi«, Grand
Island, Nebr.
Dr. Cha»e received *nm« line water
mellon* lint Monday.
New and »eo<>itd band Binder* fur
•ale at T. M. Heed'*
Johnnie Kabo went to Geucoa, Nebr,
last* Monday to ride race bor*e*.
Work on tbe mill race I* being com
pleted a* rapidly a* po»*lblc
T. M. IP-ed I* agent for tbe McCor
mick Binder*, Mower* and Twine.
|>r. Sumner Davl», Grand Island. Sur
gieal disease* aud disease* of Kyc and
A. M Bcnaett ha* l*een oyerbauliag
and Imprcrlog bl* barber *bop thin
Frank Smith bn* been running O.
Beafcboter * delivery wagon « few day*
tbia week
Jobs Murray, of Clear creak waa
doing tmainca* at tbe county lent laat
Wed Dead ay,
Melae Austin and bl* (later Sadi*
mad* a trip to Sargent laat Monday for
a few day* visit
One of tbe Buebner Bros. cam* up
from Rockville last Thursday evening
to spend tbe foarth.
Mia* Mattie Taylor departed for
Brooklyn laat Tn*(dty morning where
tbe will remain for tome time.
F. W Fnller who live* In the sontb
west corner of the connty waa doing
business attli* connty seat yesterday.
All>crt Anderson I* Improving bl*j
residence property in the west part of ;
town by building an addition to bla ,
Grasshopper* quite numerous in
tome parts of the state au4 it la feared
that they will de much damage to the
Hay Fedler and Fred Odendabl went
to Arcadia laat Monday to mateb a
(am* of ball lor tb* Fourth with th*
boys of that placs.
Tba byciala track baa bcca it ted up
tor tba races oo the Fourth and the
toveral who expect to participate art
practicing almost hourly.
Huts be Ootrx The insgloi
•Ian’s waad is not more potent than Or.
Humphrey's Specific "77" for colds.
For sale by all druggist*.
One minute is the standard time, and
One Minute Cough Cure Is the staadsrd
preparation for every form of cough or
cold, it fa the only harmless remedy
that produce* immediate results.
Odendabl Bros.
Mrs. K. I »• You tig, Mlddleburg, la.,
writes, 1 hare used One Minute Cough
Cure for six years, both for myself and
children, and I consider it the quickest
acting and most satisfactory Cough
Cure I have ever used. Odendabl
Mr. K A Smith arrived home from
Montana last Fridsy where he has
been for the past twa years. Mr. j
Smith inform* us that times are not
much better there than they are here.
He says farmers have plenty of grata but
they cannot get anything tor it.
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen
of Oasco, Mich . after suffering excru
ciatingly from piles for twenty year*,
was cured la a short time by using
LtoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, an abso
lute cure for all skin disease*. More ef
this preperation is used than all others
combined. Odendabl Bros.
.uia. m. tn. ' i mj uviiiib
Klghianeur had a vary narrow escape
from lieiag aerloualy Injured. They
ware on their way from town to the
tiellaway farm when the horse they
were driving fell and broke the fills,
which accident »<> frightened the animal
that she ran away The occupaats wara
thrown nut and badly bruiaad
There U tome talk of the rauai being
repaired ao that water may lie used to
Irrigate the corn crop Util reason A
j practical engineer has been here and
estimated the coat af repairing the
damage occasinuud by the llood to be
about 9'iUMK). from present mdtre
tiwus they at* going to need lb* water
j badly
" alter lloppu, aged fourteen, sun nf
j l.ewla ilnppv living eight utilas vast
of l.eamgtoa was tuurlal y wounded
iunelftt. II* and a younger brother
were cleaning a 9. calibre tevuieer end
while in the band* of hi* brothar the
weopen was liln'kiig*,). the contents
•Hiking Waiter oyer the light rje
lk« l«,l ol|| inn but i annul sntaite.
I onng mother* dread tb •untmer
■nou'h* on account of the greet mortal*
i it) aim*, g children » o-«d by |,i»»*|
J trouble* |Vi|e>t safety wit iw *»»ui
•e Ihitw who keep no bend l»ek* it
•‘*ilr A * koier* i ur«, «,d *gtnini>l> r
1 it prumptty »»< eramp*, lalimit colt,.
• J,' , ,d i
•tent relief tbtendahl Inu
iMd **• «»M a <ee> **a r» >**••> w »i
1 Will I \J ’ . . trhs.i.k.
.. ... —araweatA Ayesaa, r’« »
“ ast arasra, a* , t m n,< nss ra
1191 larnant It, Out,ih«, Meta,
A 0»>rr«*n» y CattohUni*
g. What i* the whole body ol
currency of the I’liiUd State*?
A. Paper, • 175,000,000; silvir.
•010,000,000; gold, •012,000,000
g What is the existing money
standard «f the country?
A (Jold, by means of which all
the silver and all the paper are
worth loo esnts on the dollar
g. What would bn the effect if
we should abandon the existing
gold standard?
A. All the gold would leave the
country in aceorrtanee with the
sever questioned law that a superior
money will not remain in a country
where all inferior money is the
standard Siiverites admit that gold
is Ki times more valuable than
silver. That is what the “ratio of
U5 to 1” means. lu truth, today
gold is thirty-two timet morn valua
ble than silver.
Q. What amount of money would
be thaw withdrawn from the eoustry
if the silver standard should bn sub
stituted for tbc gold standard?
A. Six hundred and twelve mil
lion dollars, contracting the cur
rency to that amount and crippling
the eonntry accordingly,
g. If the silver standard were
subjected tor the existing gold
standard, what would be the effect
on the Into,000,000 of silver now
worth 100 cents to the dollar?
A. The entire ipintlty of silver
dollar* would be worth tbeir weight
in »ilv#r per ounce, which v*rie*
from week to week like the price of
wheat, and the immediate effect
would he to reduce the the $5ld,
000,000 to $305,000,000, the pre*
ent value of silver pur ounce in the
coins, thus contrasting the currency
of the country to this additions!
amount, making a total contraction
of $017,000,000.
Q, What would lie the effect on
the paper in our currenoy if we
should substitute the silver stan
dard for the sxistinggold standard?
A. The $476,000,000 of papar,
today worth 100 cents on ths dollar
on the existing gold standard,
would at onee decline to 50 cunts
on the dollar on the silver standard,
based on tbu prlsu of silver today,
the immediate effect being to reduce
the value of the paper now iu the
currency to $$37,500,100.
Q. lly abandoning the existing
gold standard for the silver stan
dard, what than weald be the first
net result?
A. Ths loss to the country of
$1,154,600,000, every dollar worth
100 tents by reason of the existing
geld standard.
Q. What do you deduce from
A. That we need ail the money
we have and that we want every
dollar to be worth 100 cents.
Q. llow can we keep all the
money we havu and keep every dol
tar most k 1 Afl annfaV
A. By preserving tbo exlatiog
gold standard.
I’at Ibis little currency catechism
in your pocket_Time*-Herald
N«hra»ltu aiivnr Train
The route of the ’Nahraska Silver
Train" t<> tb« Deuiooratlc National
Convention at Chicago. July 7, I* via
the I'nion facile and Northwestern
Many |irointiient OeiuocraO and
other bellnvera In Id inetalUui tiave
.Igallled Ihstr intention of going on
I Hoe train A Urge delegation U al
I ready assured < »n* far# for the round
i trip la the rate authorised, am! par
| tle> desiriag to go on this ape. *1 train
; should remit Omaha via the In ion
t'ai lge not Utar than •* 40 a. in Inly
lor ( <11 particular* call t u or ad lre»i
\V t'Mtft
Awarded Htghcat llonora.
World’a Pair.
A fa
I tM S « A Itwan'-’ -■*»«•%
I sell good Hewing Machine* for let
money than you c*n buy of travellm
agents from abroad. T. M Kkmi
CMKAI' It tTN via the Union I’aeiHr
National Democratic Convention u
Chicago, III, July 7th One fur* foi
round trip.
National Convention Young IVoph
Societies o Christian Kodeavor al
Washington, D. C. July 7th to llith
One faro for round trip.
Annual Meeting Haptltf Youlig Peo
ple* I’liion at Milwaukee, Wi*. July
Ihth to 19th. One fare for round trip
For rate*, date* of *ale and limit*
call on or addre**
V W.Cijnr, Agt.lJ. I*. Ry.
A HolKtay Trip at llalfl.'sual float.
The low rate* toeadeni and wenteru
cli Ic* and dimmer resort* offered by
the Burlington Route eut the coat of a
dimmer trip rlggt I*, two—they bring
an outing within reach of almost every
pocket hook In the date
Here they are •
Half rates to Chicago. July 4, a anil*.
Hall rate* to Washington. D. C, July *. t. A
and A.
Half rates, pin* 18.00, to liufTalo, N Y. July I
and A
Half rotes t« Hot Springs, S I). July A and 84
Half rales to Denver, July A and 6
Ask the ueareit llurllngiou Route
egnnt to tell you what ticket* will to*t
and how long they are good for. A»k
him alxo about the
Special Train tu Hu train.
which will leave Omaha via the Bur
lington Route at 4:46 p. to., Saturday,
July 4th. and alao about the
Np«'Jat Train to Clin-rgo.
which will leave Omaha at 4:45 p, in.,
Sunday. July 6th.
The first train la for teacher* and
friend* en route to the Annual Meeting
of the National Kducatlonal A**oclatlon
.. * D..4r.l„ a... l.a«i of
tbn Jacksonian Club, bourn) (or the
Democratic National Convention.
For sleeping car reservations, folder
giving special Information, etc., call
on nearest Burlington Bouts agent, or
write to J Francis, Oen'l Psss'r Agent.
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
The Washington Pest, speaking
of oue Omer M. Kem, says: “What
ever may have been our disappoint
ments in eonnsstioa with the first
session of tbs Fifty-fourth congress,
end they have been many, we have
at least one fond eoosolation to fell
back upon, and that is the know
ledge tbsi Kem has done a noble
work iu Washington, sad that he
will go home to his constituents in
far Nebraska crowned with a doable
wreath of l&urele and of hay, and
awaited by a reverend and grateful
multitude. Kem is our one comfort
in this hour of distress and grief.
His methods in the Fifty-fourth
congress are like unto Holman’s,
but with a diifcrenee. He was to
Holman, even In the latter's hap
piest moments, as a (lash of light
ning is to a tallow dip. Holman
stood still. Kem zigzagged and ir
radiated the whole horizon of legis
lation. He seorned to argue or de
bate, but thundered, “I object.”
He didn't do a thing but that. Kem
should be oar wonder and delight
throughout the session. We have
found him a strong bold, a fountain,
a note of sweetest melody, and
when he goes home to Broken Bow
the multitude will surround and
foLdle him; they will put beautiful
j and strange things in bis fiowiug
j hair and ury, ‘All hail,’ until hit
heels fly up.”
Ur. Iluapbraya’ Mperlflra are H'lacUfioaUj
and earafuUjr praparad Uemedlaa. naod far ram
In private prnclkw and f<jr near Mbtr yonra by
Ika people wlik t-allia auroeaa. ftaarj ata*ta
kpactflc a apodal euro for Ota 4t»«ae narued.
ao. artnrir urn mat
l-rrtm, roo«aril.«a, Inflammation* .
I -Warma. W..rin»e««r, «.«» Krid... 4
■-Teelhluf | Collo,Cry Ik*. WakefuliuM .
4 Diarrhea...f Chlklrvu or kihilla .... ,*. ..
ft < kalara IHarbaa. V.* . ,
7 -< aagka. < olda. Imnrkuk. ,
ft-btaralalai T.. u»i* Jaaaaaba.... .
ft Haadai kea, kk a lUadarka. Vartria. ,
III Urain aala, I i. • C. , .Ulan, u ,1
II aararraml <* falalal I'nlaft. 4
1* Wkll«*,T.»i IWuw t'crkala. 4
1.1 (>••>., II w. :.«aa ... .1
II Mall IO. ua, trail t a*
24 khxuuaMr l*alM , 4
« Malaria. IkllU. r»*«r aud A*«W ... 4
i»-|*llea.l>iwl otldradiu* ... .
|M likbibnlmr, •>**«« Woak K?a*..... .
ia I .lank, luboruaa, lehl lb Ota tfead ,
*4t VI kuualu* « aaah .. 1
.*1 keikiua. f t Kraatnio* ...... ,
i t bar Ule. bar*#*, la.eauvd (Itatla* .1
U« *< twfula, lnUiaml 1. lamia. koaiku* 4
41 ki.a.ral llakllUr. IkyakalVl mliiari 1
if llldoar Mlaaaaa*
m krrauaa D.ktiur. ............*■
• ftat* ......
* rlaor r VI rahoooa, ftaibu* M. .
| ‘alalal far I ada ,. • ■ a
t Hi,... aallba Heart » ...fkaOua 1.
a..- lull* rn . kaa»*wk or a Ilia' Pakaa |.
- itfhlkorU, I'bvaaknlftaatbraak.* 4
4 baaala I aa*aa«l*aaft b****Mak 1
-•*-•%x&ugjezr ’“****
*.« H MM«a* *a amt pa* tat* to raufta af araa
ka fcoaaaata •«•**» e...ek»t*ftr«a»t„ aa-aftbva
tvliatnt aa*.t*.ld*ii«»-*M» taaa
•TNt ml 0>NTtMNT.a
lie1.4MVtia.» tdlalt tbawritaiiHam,
rhi4ft. M rn ifttAhalftft.MOi*
*a* a* »a<*« ra aaa r~a> .*-4 .a, M-eat u t*aa
k< kraaata kaa »*.*>» •»*♦ ••«aa«k. aa* Vm*.
spring' medicine
la Simmons Liver regulator - don’t
forget to take It. The I iver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR to do It. It also
regulates the Liver—keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get Til K HKMT HIXYODwhen
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
LIVER REGULATOR which makes the
difference. 'I ake It In powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You’ll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it.
4. H. Z*iUn * Co., I’lillaUi-lpliM, 1‘a.
Wanted—An Idea 5S3
uni, W»«liln«t/m, l>. ('..tut vrlto offer
ud lilt of two liuudrt-J lureutloDt wauled.
yy L. marcy.
OFFIGK -In Seed ana Marcy Block. K.a»l
•Ida Public square. Loup City, Neb.
flttnrnEjj-at-LH w,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
Offlee In NoaTiiwaarkHk building
^ prop. OP EXPRESS anb
All Rxpreaa or Freight order* promptly
attended to
Does i Geieral Liv and Collection fiosioess
A Notary Public, Stenographer and
Typewriter In Oftlec.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office one door ea*t of Odendanl Bros.’
l^rug Store.
Wake ap your system by waking up
your livar—Simmons Liver Regulator
will do It—and a twenty-lire cent pack
age at that. It Is an active liver reme
dy and a mild laxative. Just the medi
cine for all the family, children and all.
It's a sluggish liver that cause* all
sickness because of the poison tiiat gets
into the system. Try .Simmon* Liver
Regulator. It is better than pill*.
J.II.ZalHn A Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
The Only Complete Book
or TfIK
Croat St Loots Cyclone,
By Julian Curson
i outainlog 4*45 large, h*aufi»ully
printed pajtes, embracing a oomplcie
hMory of the greatest tornado that
ever voited America.
IIIMat r«t«Ht w It t« I %• l.*r«d Ml*
Kury eiotli bUMttbtf #1 At. Mint lull u*«.r
»•*«». 92 lUUutf wIIIIm *« Ht b* tn«tl
|4^i|w4>l ut» ui |»ruu
Wr) Mb#r«l v«mt* b<
Will# M mil »h« Mil ili«iuuHi* «tod into* lu
totobM lf«« lit Ikili a#tod fat Mr»<**•!
l*|Uh|HF#|lM **| H»4iI 4ft t#bi» «||t#ib tu#vr!|
*'«iif» (ht I 'nl i*l Ibtoliiitt *b4 uillUbt
Ibi |tM iKNkldM Ihto vttfltopto»tg? m*l culltobllt
tefiu# ) »iih MM |**w*t*4kUI« »«| * ir 4 a bu*
I* «to*f tltoutoM 4#*)
l*i toi i* Mb to « *»4 rr* i o*
ft taad m Haiti* INitd*** ** * ***. v* j
I will »«|) you a l-v**l tw thicagw fur
llttAus J*i)r tth >th and tih Aad
a rooed irtp iu.»i f-» #I* II fall <■*
imv l W t'list Agt I I*.
kUTIt I..
Auy <*«• i aught la* tag a lad>h>» t»**u»
the llote I lima >a<*»tlr| will be ,|«||
with awarding l* law, |*tewsw uiarm
het t' l, |»aaaa. Phial
M It. tilMMS, a><
l'lif«|* Halt'* tti*o»l i-t rrt •'
ttlitirt* till lilt* I Itioli I\aa*il|«*..
I‘all 11*1 I’ NN 4't.lM \v\
I ill) I* .M Leave* fl>V)l\ II
(ImiiMvtliiiii 111 Aurora for nil point*
A. F Wkiits, A#t
l —
Iiin• nit H iiiilsy. November 17lli.
| trains will arrive aiid depart at thl*
, vtHtloii h» I illow*:
I,nave* Leave*
Monday. f..() Tneadny, 1IHI
Wrd..e*d»y. [*■ ,’’ Tharaday.
Friday, ) m startler ) *• 1,1
Arrive* at Loup City dully 7,irip.m.
Close couiiaatloi) at tirand Island for
all point* Fast anil West.
F. ML L'i.imk, Agent
1 >l<i you ever think how readily the
blood I* po'Moned by constipationV
Rad blood mean* bad health and pra*
mature old age. ImWitt'e Little
Karly fll*or*, the fainon* litltle pill*,
overcome obstinate constipation.
Odendalll ilroi
Notice l» hereby given that School III*,
trlct No. 9, ot Sherman comity, Nebraska,
wdl receive bill* for n coot rant, for moving
Ilia school hotel bulbil ng aliuate on North
west rjuurturof Hactlon in, lap, IS, linage
IS. from II* present local Ion. to Northeast
I'mrlsr of sccti-m M, In Two IS, Uang* IS.
hi a place designated llmreon by tue
oftlcer* of said district.
Sealed bids mmt be sent to Tied Telch
moler on or before Monday, Jaly-/7th, If,OH
at iloelua, Nebr.
Ekki> Tkick maiait, lilreetor.
School District No, S, Sherman flu., Nebr
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
a chat I cl mortgage Dated on tke Mb day of
December, I'00and daly llled la the ollloe of
the Coen, y Olcrk of Hlierman county, Neb
ruaka on the Hi I day of lie. ember, lk06, and
esacuied by T K McDonald to Kcllpee
llay Press (to, of l.awrnmn, Kansas, to
secure lb* payment of $'.’ W on. upon wblsb
there It now duo the anm of 1117 8th and
interest at the rate of ten per neat per an
num ii'nii ntiv iirw.i, nm vviui;ii<g<i i;jr ■
certain promi-ciry not* of tbul date, pay .
able F ebraary I, lMWI, upon which there isA,
do* tli« sum of $141/ ISO Default having
been made In the payment of said thin and
no suit orolher proceeding at law having
bean Instituted to recover said debt or
any part thereof, therefore I will sell the
following property therein deter I had to
wit One IftxlH Kcilp.n (lay Press, all eo n.
pleta, at pa bile auction at lha store of W
P. Heed In I tie village of Loup City, Mher
man coanty, Nebr ,on Monday, July 27tb.
ISM), at one o’clock p in of eaid day
Cossoi.ipaTCU Hsan tViua Co..
of Lawrence' Kansas, Assignee
Hy T. H NiohtiNoai.u, Atty.
State of Nebraska, I
Sherman County. )* *
Lombard Investment Company and Frank *
llageriiian, Receiver of the Lombard In
vestment Company, wilt take notice that
on the 12th day of Juno IHSi, Abram P. Allan,
PlalultfToi an action |n-ndlng In the District
Court of Hherrnan Co , Neb wherein Hatha
rice l'lambeck, Haas 11. Plambeck, Frank
Wurrnlnskl, Lombard Investment Coin,
puny and Frank ilagerman, Uecelver of the
Lombard Investment Company are Defen
dants , filed kl* petition In the District
Court of Sherman county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to forclose a certain
mortgage executed by tbu defendants
Katharine plambeck and Bans II Plain
beck to the Lombard Investment
company upon tbe following described
real estate eltuate In Sherman county,
Nabraska to-wit The Norlhetoit quarter
of section 12, In Township 1ft, North of
Hang*)* west, except 111 acre* In a square
form In the southeast coi ner of said land,
to scaurs the payment of a certain coupon
bond dated October 1st. imm and dun and
payable October 1st, IMU7, for the an on of (I,
Wi.iMI,with Interest thereon at the rateof six
per cent par y ear, from the date thereof
until maturity, paytd* semi annually, ac
cording to the tsnorof ten Interest notes
for AW eh each, bearing even date there
with, all of said note* hearing Interest at
ten per cent per annum after the maturity
thereof, also the turn of «l ftO with Inter
est from September 7th, iskft, being tax** of •
1h(iI. arid $44 '»i and Interest from the Ittb
day of June, 1«!5, being taxesoi Iskft.on tbe
aforesaid premises paid by said plaintiff to
protect his security
Default having been mad* In the eoadl
lions of said mortgage, plaintiff elected, a*
ls provided he mar In the conditions of
said mortgage, to declare the whole amoant
due and payable; that there Is now dun
upon said notes and mortgage tbu sum of
<L2ftl,ft4, with interest from the 12th day
of June, ll'*6, at the rale of ten per cent
per annum.
Plaintiff prays for a decree that defen
dants be required to jiay tbe same, or that
said premises may ba sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on >r before the toth day of July, >sk<».
Dated Jane ltm, isle.
A hit a vi p. An,aa. Plaintiff
Attest IIy T- » Niuhtinoaiu,
Louis Hein, III. Attorney.
Clerk of the D'atrtct Court.
Kilt* M Bolton and . Bolt.,a, to r
liaaband, whoa* drat name la unknown to
plaintiff, will take notice, that on the mb
day of April, 10». John S. Cheney, plaintiff
In an action pcndliik in the dlelrlct court
of Sherman County, Nebraaka, wliereln
I'eter Chrlatlan Hannah K Chititbin hla
wife, Bttie M Holton Bad -Holtou,
bur liuebaud, end John Doe, are defendanta
ttled lila petition In the dietriot court
of alierman county, Nebraaka, utfaluat
aald defendanta, too object and prayer
of which are loforecloae a certain iu»rt|fetfe
eaeculed t»y the defendanta, Peter
« lirDI|itiinod Hannah E tihrlatlau hla
wife, to the Maud Hon.I and Trail emu
lator, niton Ilia following deaeillmd rent
••late annate lu Sherman County anil Slate
of Ntbraaka. to-wll The Ka*t Half o| the
Soalh East V’iu, ter of Secllou S, in Town
aiil|! IA, Nor'.li of Htnye in, weal, |» -
cure the |*ymenl .d a eartulu noulain latud, "
for the aiiui »l Wait, dated April Aral K*,
with Interest thereon at the rate of T tier
eon I per annum flout the lat day of Aptll
l«lo,aiiltl maturity, payable .ami annually,
a* . oldmu in tbc tionu of leu nniiaeitd lu
tere.l nolea of tin ift each of eten dale
■ herewith. mud boad and coupoat, and
in innaue w. re MtarwUler duty aaatuned t*t
plaint id tor lalue
fbat lhere la now due upiiii aald nolea
and imuuaee the aum of ikl.If with In
teat .1 Hom Ilia Htb day of Apiti, i-en, at
In* lata of Inn pel . uut per annum, fof
all .h asm Brith luleieat limit Ibla dale.
| a uud oral. Ian a divine, that defend
sot* tie le.juiied lu pay tbeaaiur, and that
l pfnut..# may he aotd to In#
amount tuned due
aiv i*.,sued tuanawat aud petition
on Uf the ebb day .-I Juit. 1 «*
Dated June mb te».
Jotia a trUauai, p
y***1 U fa hiout tau i« i and
L«T» kPa, liman I. tint,
ttoWo.M* •“*
Manta wauled tu tell the Life a«4
•pee. bee ul H Em ay, with Pt».eedttte< of
»t l uata «umautpoi. ftaiNai ml Puny
and other »at saw • >»,, anea,
w Hk b» fui pa^e tUoatialcui fiw«,,i„ia j
» » .-all m • , s tl h a tti pc. I(a| *
It,a*want tu Atyauta bamd *> eewta | ,y
Ileaym tu* and tu I put pm ami *M tu
W j*kuAu*»* luueua tail e*> mytM In
•'*' tuwn, A tdiaaa J a i««it«ie lu*
t.hitNi * umpwny. t* a*nat haw t,sk
Wanted *n Idea 2*?-TS
srfirvWiSS Lu&fJSr^