The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 03, 1896, Image 1

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    City No: ithwestern.
:• ; - ---- - —---— - - - -- ~ —---—---—--rrv- —..
Th k North western
Editor and Publisher.
TEHMS $1 BO p«r Tsar, II Paitf In ASvanes
-- n 11 S'
■atarwl at th* I.nnp City Pnatofllr* for tr tu
rn l»* ton through th* mail* a* Mound,
olaaa matter.
McColl Win a on Flltli Ballot.
The Republican State convention
wliieli convened at the Capitol city
last Wednesday nominated John
H. McColl on the fifth ballot. The
nominating ballot stood on the
three most prominent candidates,
McC all (104, MeikU-john 310^ and
Hayward lltf^. It was the largest
convention ever held in the state,
there being 1057 delegates and at
least 3,000 people admitted as spec
tators, in fact admission tickets
were issued until the house from
^the main to the gallery of the
Lancing theater was packed until
standing room was at u premium,
and there were yet hundreds that
could not gain admission.
Tli« following ticket was nomi
uovernor. a it.
Limi tenant.-* lovcrnor.ORLANDO TKEFT
Secretary of State.JOEL A. PIl'ER
Auditor.P. O. HEDLUND
Treasurer .0. E. CASEY
Attorney-Oeneral.A. S. CHURCHILL
Sunt, of Pub. Inst.H. R. CORBETT
ComHilssloner.II. C. RUSSELL
Supreme Judge .ROBERT RYAN
. Supreme Judge. M P KINKAID
At Large.J. E. I lout a. Lancaster
At Large.F. J. Sadllck. Saline
First District.A J. Hurnham, Nemaha
Second District.A. 0. Foster, Douglas
Third District.Sol Draper, Knox
Fourth District.II. A. Derby. Seward
Fifth District.J. L. McPheeley. Kearney
Sixth District.M. L. Frlese, Valley
The convention adopted resolu
tions afflming their faith in the prin
cipals enunciated in the platform
adopted by the National convention
at St. Louis. We will publish the
platform next week.
, McKinley, MacUoll and victory
this fall.
A gentleman from Utah writes to
the Nebraska Farmer that lie has
“sixteen pigs to one old sow.”
A large wheat field near Sutton,
Nebraska is reported to be greally
damaged by grasshoppers, which
came along in a cloud and settlad in
the field.
Secretary Piper, Land Commis
sioner Russell, Superintendent Cor
bett and Attorney-general Cbtirbilfs
past official records were heartily
endorsed and they were renominated
by a large vote. They are bright,
honorable and capable men and
will be elected by an overwhelming
majority next November.
“We would like to know how
much of the state school fund that
the republican board refuses to
disgorge, is used as a Campaign
fund, paid out to party newspapers,
speakers, eta. Perhaps the ••North
western and “Monitor" will deign
to throw a little light on this sub
ject to an anxious and interested
public. Times Independent.
The alsive is a base slander and
relief's no credit on its author. W#
defy editor Brown to prove that a
pennv has been or will In* used that
The chance is guniig, the oppor
tunity will stwilt tm here. Hold on
bravely, fur a few munths lunger,
you honest American wage earners
and you shall Dave the chance, yon!
•ball have the opportnnttv to vole
to Nil these dinner pails tu the full
again and to keep them Aiiwd even
lutiugb the democratic pulttklan
telis ton Hum are “taxed * There
M> Max so to 411 as the “lea
of idleness
Me K inlet ptoiewtMMi gave tou
your dinner pnil* and tilled them for
you Ih'intHralie dsutu tlton his
emptied them tut this is whl I he
WOW* of the people, the millions,
demsnil *he uxmiwaihm of Vt plum
McKinley fur pisatdent <af th« j
I nltsd Slates
It is a little amusing to note how
C. H. King, in a letter to the Times
Iiulependeut comes ut the republl
oan editors because they denounce
0. M. Kem for his miserable record
made in congress. Why, King
says, “when Kem and MuKegan
attempted to move that body to
make an approprialion*for the des
titute people of this state they met
with no better reception from the
leading papers of Nebraska.” This
is a very poor argument Mr. King,
especially when you consider that
your own dear governor Holcomb
refused the aid tendered to us by
neighboring states. On more than
on# occasion tho legislature of other
states then in session, offered to
make sn appropriation for the relief
for the people of this state aDd
while Kem (pop) was howling starv
ation at Washington Holcomb (pop)
was refusing aid and saying that
Nebraska couid take care of her
The Independent papers over the
state are sending np great and pro
longed yelps because the legislature
last year took the power to desig
nate what papers the Constitution
amendments should lie printed in,
out of the hands of the goveVuor
and placed it with the Secretary of
State. They are saying thut many
thousands of dollars have gone into
tiie republican campaign fund.
Where woald it have gone to if
governor Holeomb had had the
power? The fact is that not a dol
lar of this money will he paid out
until long after the campaign Is over
and then it will be paid to the pa
pers who have honestly done the
work and are justly entitled to it.
In the eyes of the pop editors it is
a sin for a republican legislature to
see that the republican organs re
ceive tbe patronage, but if the In
dependent officers capture every
thing by way of publiu patronage
for their own party paper (and they
never fail when they have the power)
why that is all right. These re
formers should never forget the old
maxim that ‘-it is a poor rale that
won’t work both ways.” Don’t get
so infernal blind that you eant see
only when looking at yourself.
Supervisor* Proceedings.
Leup City, Neb June 13, 1896.
The county board of Supervisors at
said county in session this dsy for the
transaction of general business Present,
all the members of the board with county
attorney and clerk.
On motion tbe petition signed by 8. G.
Johnson and others, pray in* for the
establishment uf a public road is referred
to the road committee, with Instructions
to report thereon by Monday next.
Adjourned to June 15, 1896.
Louis Hedli, Clerk
June 13. 1896
Hoard In session ns board of equaliza
tion All present.
On motion th« following personal pro
perty is ordered assessed to J U Mhoe
laaker, to-wit: 2 horses $ft; 1 Hufgyf.'t,
1 watch #1; household furniture |2.
total, (11, and said assessment placed on
ssaesemeut book of liarrlton tp, sen owl
dial. 15, road dtst 25, said Hhooniaker ha
Inf present and agreeing thereto
In tbe matter of tbe request of l.oviua
K Walworth, ask lag the beard to reduce
the assessment made by the assessor of
Kim township, on the net tec 15, tp 15, r
It, it was no motion resolved that this
board had no jurisdiction In the matter
no complaint having been wads’ before
the board <*f sa d township
A letter from the auditor of the It a M
railroad company was laid before the
hoard and read, in whieh said auditor
claimed that the county hoard had n«
right hr law more II an it mills N
county purposes and that anid Ih mills
e« teeted th ild include the leria* til the
•SInot* MS wahlpe
Adjourned to h a m -tune I V, IMA,
l.outa K»w t leth
June IV HWA,
H ar t of equatisado* In essest«u» AH
The foil tva lag ta Urn ttloeimw of the
wisal| as found and corrected hr *h
honrd of eqnaltsaMun of real and petuutal
proper «t and niltenh, vie graph does
ea4 psdwt e i its
fp ted ttlt |V r« i I ae-t fi * il
• • *
Ling i teet . ,,, A tdn it *14 AA,*s»’.
I.ogau *, 5JktA 52,A*» hi >
Washington AM Wilt Mils
Kim. 3,076 99,900 82,876
Webster.4,M5 81,216 95,701
Loup City Village.11,894 20,148 I
Loup City fp. 0,021 48,786 {92,844
Aahton Village- 4,249 )
A shton tp.11,800 80,605 f 52,220
Rockville village.. 1,095)
Rockville. 9,784 68,801 ) 64,070
Clay . 4,878 48.495 52,808
Lltcliflcld. 0,405 )
II arriaoo. .17,722 85,048 f 69,280
Scott. 4,170 81,282 85,452
Hazard vlll. 1,048 ^
Hazard. 5,178 84,907 ) 41,788
Bristol.8.09H 55,007 63,705
Total.101,137 591,604 008,781
Total as shown above....... |068 781 00
G 1 A W C H R Co . 42,480 00
LaHHRRCo.. 71,91000
O * R V K R Co. 07,840 00
Western l nlon Telegraph Co. 900 06
Pullman Palace Oar. 238 12
Valuation of county, total.. $851,468 72
The following levies were made for
county levy.
County General Fund. 9 mill*
■ Bridge •• .2J* *•
•• Road “ ..“
Bond Intereat refunding fund....5 “
“ '* old refunding.1 “
•• “ bridge.2 "
•• “ OaRVRH.8 "
I HUM ... AO
The following levies were ordered
made fur township levies pursuant to the
certificate* of said levies from tho various
townships filed with the comity clerk and
read before the board:
Tp mills. Tp mills
Oak Creek. <> Logan. 5
Washington. .. 2 it I in. 12
Webster. 1 Loup City. 3
Ashton. 0 Kockvllle. 3
Clay.3‘i Harrison. 7
Scott... .Hazard.. 5
Bristol. 6
The following levies were erdared
made for vlllugn levies purpuaot to the
certificates of said levies from th* follow
ing villages filed with the county dark
and raad before the county board:
l.oupOlty:—Gen fund 10 mills; water
fund 10 mills; street 2 mills; judgment
lSm'lls; interest water bonds 23 mills;
Total 63 mills. Ashton 3 mills. Kock
vllle, 5 mills
On motion the county clerk Is ordered
to levy upon the taxable property of the
various school district* of this aonnty an
amount sufficient to raise the Interest
payable on the bonded Indebtedness of
said school districts and Is ordered to
make the necessary computation therefor,
and the clerk Is further ordered to levy
upon the taxable property of aald districts
the amount* certified to by the officers of
said districts for school purposes as re
quired by law.
On motion the county clerk 1* ordered
to levy upon the taxable property of th*
County (except High School Diet) a levy
of % mill as provided by atatut* to con
stitute a county achool fund. (Sae Sac,
5 to 8 C H 70 Subd. 6, page 060 Wheelera
On motion It Is ordered that no levy be
made to raise the interest payable on the
bonds Issued by both Logan and Loup
City townships to the Skermen County
Irrigation, Water Power & Improvement
On motion County Hoard adjourn* aice
die a* board of Equalization.
Louis Halo, Clark.
Loup City, June 15 1896
The County hoard of Supervisors of
said county In session this 15th day of
June, 1800, for th* transaction ot general
business, pursuant to the adjournment of
June 12th. Present all member* of the
County board, John W. Long county at
tornev aud Louis Kuin. clerk
The road committee made the follow
ing report
I.nup ('Ity, June 15th, iMIltj
We, the committee on road*, beg leave
to report on the road petition of S U Jo
hunaoti, et al. We find that the road W
nrc**«*ry and the rlgbt-of way U given
free of charge to the county and we rero
ute ml it* allowance
Yours respectively
Henry Bet h
Frank tladura
1 ewl« Bechtbold.
which report >M on motion arrepted. and
the aald petition coming on t<> be • a am In
ed by the board, together with tha wave*
of damage*, the b»‘*rd And* that aald road
la a cvuwnt road and n public n*cta*tty
and it I* *>n matt n ordered that aald road
he eeletdiahed at pr*t*4 and it Is ordered
that out * rued be platted and record made
(' J Tracy. i#Mee of the I tHfi nty gpHwt
farm hating paid into the f iety taeaa
wry the mm of tun ug and giving a Mil
of -nle *•> the voaat r in nil pnramtal ft*
|>erty mentbmed in coanwliteee report an '
peg* MW. this hunt and fa>l*g given hi*
»”H to the > tntniy * ■* Mu th> *ml having
agteevl to *>n ><{-* Mid pc or farm fnr
tha heneilt of the county It a* tea of fall J
• hear aa ordered by the county h>>ard In <
»vi«i V|te l IM ami there *4,11 being1
4| tM# tit ttirtHity ff« 4M »d||a| IlHf %*WBI ’
t*l |}( l*t| <« M, *m Rtnt^tfi Mi»t I
itHlhli I %« Mk*» h*t l !»»»■.» Hi-4 KhM w# -
ttlvg M 44* t**f« 1^4' mh|
>tNK t4n <1 turn H iM }
httfMW* dH*h had bean damaged there
by to tbe amount of $10, tbe said leasee
be credited on bis debt to the county by
the said sum of $2104 on the condition
that ibe said less«e cause to be made,
free of charge totho county, what repairs
were required on tbe duilding* on said
farm, resulting from tbe recent storm
On motion the county clerk la ordered
toluformthe commissioner* of Merrick
county that Sarah Carlson never waa a
pauper beta and never had bean a charge
on the county.
Claim of Jacob WlnkWtnan waa reduc
ed $2, being the charge for attending
jurors one day In the cnan of State vs
Claim of II <1. Patton was allowed' at
$121) 35, there no funda being to pay the
Itaui of $15 Jailors feet In case of State
va Pllenowakl.
Cluirn of John W Long was allowed at
$170.50; no funda being on hand to pay
the item of 50 cants expenses for telegram
in State va Hold.
On motion claim of A I) Marling waa
referred to Bhn township said bill not
being a proper charge against the county.
On motion ttlulin of Henry Capellen Is
allow ad, same being for $5.
Ou motion claim of Merrick county
waa pussed.
Claim* committee made Its raport on
claims as the same sppaar from page 0114
C R 4 to page 85 C H 5 which report waa.
on motion, accepted; Back voting nay.
The following claims were allowed,
and warrants ordered drawn on the re
spective funds, to-wU:
0KHKIU1, Ft HI):
H V Capellen $ 5 CO Fred Berk. .. 0 00
H I/Cook ... 40 BOH Ohlsen... 2 10
C Mauck ... I4 86 W McNulty.. 4 10
Omaha Ft co. 2 00 L Bechthold Jr 8 50
I) A Campbell 11 10 J p Parker... 89 00
T Kilpatrick 5 63 J M Robert*.. 61 40
A Kllkowski. 6 00 Omaha Pt co. 12 05
J M Russell .. 2 00 E A Brown.. 117 00
Omaha Pt co. 37 00.1 Wink leman. 13 00
T Nightingale 3 00 O L Way. 61 00
Dr chase .. 3 00 W Dietrlcaa.. 80 00
Estate 8 HnlmalO 80 P Wogan... 10 75
Keystone Li 10 90 8 8 Porter.... 37 60
Hamrneixl Bros HO Patton..129 35
& Stephens 31 00 John W Long 170 50
DD<>row... 4C 20 l.oup city tp.. 16 00
F 8c hr si I.... 58 20 c F Jnhnsnn . 178 40
M Gilbert.... 8 40J A cllne.... 37 60
H Wrche.... 0 10c W Benson.. 15 59
HH Bristol.. 7 40 I M Polskl... 10 IB
P Hows. 8 10 H Dunker.... 22 50
M R»woltnskl 0 50J Mlnshull... 22 60
G Hremmer.. 0 80 P McKeon... 23 50
A Falrbalrn.. 0 30 F Badura .22 20
M Jacobson . 0 flu E Bechthold.. 3150
J Zakezawsbl 0 40 H Beck_ 32 30
M Wozark... 0 40 J P Lelnlnger 26 80
H Cramer.. $ 5 00 Thoa Bly ... I 50
F McOrady. 8 75 C Detlaf . . 3 00
GOUmann.. 2 50 H Hansen. .. 3 00
Ja? Cole.... 17 50 Uo Klein... 7 06
E Holcomb.. 4 00 Wm Badl... 4 50
W Cramer.. 5 10 Jo* Curtla.. 2 50
DMCriaa... 4 90 E Bly. 15 25
W T Olbaon. 27 10 L Gaydeoki. 2 50
T L Pilger. . 2 50 Wm Baker.. 2 50
Keystone 1 c. 328 22 J Beabeck... 10 00
.1 Albers.... 7 35 A Foltz. 4 50
C Eggers.... 4 00 W T Gibson. 28 00
L Bechthold. 7 50 E Holcomb.. 4 87
O Bechthold 7 50 H Brewer... 5 03
R Reiman... 5 25 S Galaway.. 9 50
E Bly. 4 50 H Dunker.. 3 00
8 Newton... 1 50 P McKeon. 3 00
John Rapp.. 1 00 F Badura... 3 00
School Dist. No. 1, Sherman Co . ..$22 00
School Diet. No. 69, Buffalo Co.... 4 05
The following claims were all or in
part taken far taxes:
claim for tax
J E Murray.$ 2 OH all
Eddl* Holmes. 8 80 0 Hfl
J K (onklin. 0 20 3 (10
Andrew Garska. 0 30 all
LE coleman. 0 80 4 50
Frank Uydalek. 8 00 all
Henry Lewie. 0 80 8 80
JobnTockey. 0 80 all
< >eo Porter. 8 80 83
N 1) Thompson. 8 00 all
W T Owen . 8 10 all
Cbarlua Kraus. 3 20 all
John 31 Taylor. 4 10 all
I) h Mather. 47 50 10 77
A (' liarnaa . 44 40 7 43
John klathewsou .... 48 HO 2 82
J A Angler.110 00 7 07
('art He la Matte ...5800 53
Jerry Shelter. 54 60 0 BO
J V Manhlney.MS" 33 00
hhiinih F0*O
William Cramer .... 1 85 all
Uuy flotmee..8 15 24
J t‘rii hard. 4 00 nil
W-T Owens . 3 73 3 32
Lea Adamaon .... 1 till all
3’<«d Hckneiderhetl I 5(1 nil j
U-wid Hw-MUdd. 18 oo It*
s II Hraiurumb . |8»l d m
J • Aug ■Milne ... 4 50 M>
Henry Mehleti ... 4 3u 3 do
1 .<• F 8(Ml(k ... »t« d‘a«!
J s.e A in >«»Ai t «U ill
Frank 8eat>ee3 ■ ... IIW * %M
tny ll.itne* . , I tel nil.
Ilia J kn tOfl' ■. II tl* I At
I W sttiawa 3 13 nil j
I la I* Meek 73 73
o« si"U«n ike twenty eieth I* inmnst ■
el I' nln ntw (at i *Maa it14 ye aatuae
t >ak ( imI
l‘kn eatwnli »Nth Is urdnfed |e entree.'
l» > 4 a ilk lAa > .'tutn>aai*tt»»«« uf Mu*n>4
i.ihh(| aa l» * l«l lltl • Intend* A*
t hl««e(l Ik" »* lilt' tits I Ik*
a *a V*hi^« •><<«. <t*a ( *♦*k »*ta a* wn*y
IN Swtlun k M4 a4j«t*»n#d nilkwwl,
4al» Unit* IU»Sk I te<3
..... . at- w. fall
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $500,000.
Loans on Improved farms at RDII per cent. Best Ootnpany aad boat lams
tabs bad in tbs west.
CoaaasrosDixTS:—Chemical National Bank, New York dtp, B. J4 Oaako
Wwtional Bane Omaha, Neheaebe
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loci' Citt North wksxrrn
Town Ijots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale
Doctor Henderson
102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KAN'AS CITY, HO.
The Old Reliable Doctor, A Reptlar Graduate in Medicine, Oldest in
Age analongest Located.
Authorized by the Stato to treat CHRONIC, NtRVOUS and 8RICIAL
DtStAMS. Cure* guaranteed or money refunded. All ■udlelaa*
furnished ready for use. No mercury or injurious medicines used
No detention from work. l'atieuts at a distance treated by mail
und express. Medicine* sent everywhere, free from gaze or brash
* age. Charges low. Over flu.OUO case* cured. Age and experience are
Important. Head little book, then stale your ciute. Run J for opinion
and term*. Consultation free and confidential, personally or by letter
Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility,
{Sptrm.ittrrh*, and Imp-ttncy) canned by youthful folllesand excesses, producing nervous
ness, losses, pimple* and blotches ou the face, ru dies of blood to the bead, pain* In the hash,
confused ld< as and forgetfulness, bashful no**, so.. rsiort tonoclety, loss of sexual power, Uma
of manhood, Ao., cured for life. lean stop all night losses, restore lost iiexual power, rw
■ torn n»*r • uTit I hrui n iw>w • ri*nlnrt»g* uml rat rt»ni/tln rt vvi •:»U iiarfsiiMi rnstUt* enn fit. fur murHnca
^svnhilic that terrible illi.oiu.i-, in all
|rl 111 lc>, |ta form* and Hlage* c ured
for life. Blood 1‘olKnulng, Skin nUouara,
I'leera, Swelling*, Hole*, Coiiorrhma ami
oieet, amt all forma of Pm ale timeasua
positively cured or money refunded,
Knot- tor Imth »e*ea, **) paw*, CT pie
IJUHI\ turea, uno to file, wllta full dea
crlptionof above dlseaoeii, the «IJ.vt. and
ouro,»eul< d in plain* rapper fordo m Maavp*.
Bead IhUlittle book ana aaaner ifueatlutui.
mrirtnr** I" huanently cured with
«3ll IUUIC out owuntlc, euiMuf, bou
fictorruund. No pain, no ejpoeure. IV
tent inn u»o the treatment at borne.
Rheumatism 1
A .‘.I i t l UK 'l l. • •' 1*"ldiuuvwy 1;
tli« ....e.ileof mcdli■ sti.* line doeo give* 1
o fever ead tel
j" ut>t .> 'ituiuafewdan. Beade>
■ ( a.*.', with clamp fur t irvelor. i_
II ree museum of Anatoim. ’ 1 ' Y,^ V,"
* .1*, A a /Aviv#* *4m IA« >uw*, w*/«A t
mitt fbrf*t fvf lAu* tA*if / I