The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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    Tm Northwkstkrn
ouo. >o. iiKgariioTcn.
Editor and Publisher.
TEHMS SI 50 yer Ttar, II Paid in Advanet
Eatsrwl at Mia Loup City I'ostofftr* for traaa
■ilaskin tnroagb the men* u teeaeA
elaaa matter.
Kepubllean male Convention Call.
Tin) republican elector* for the state of Neb
rasku are requested to send delegates from
their several counties to meet In convention In
the (illy of Lincoln, Wednesday July 1st, lean,
at 10o'clock a. m. for the purpose of placing In
nomination candidates for the following offices:
Lieutenant governor.
Hecretery of state.
Auditor of public accounts.
Superintendent of public* Instructions.
Attorney general.
I'om. of public lands arid buildings
One Judge supreme court, term two years,
One Judge supreme court, term four year*.
One regent state university, to Dll vacancy,
Eight (Hi presidential elector*.
And to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention
The several counties are entitled to repre
Mentation as follows based upon the vote cast
for the lion. Joseph H. Ilarlly for state treas
In IHW, giving each county one delegate at large
and one for each loo votes and the major
Counties. Del,(Counties Del.
Adams . .. Ik Johnson It
Antelope .loKesrney. II
llunner.3 Keith 3
lltnlnc. 3. Keys Paha.3
Itoone ......II Kimball. 3
llox Unite.3 Knox.II
Boyd. tl> Lancaster.71
Drown.ft Lincoln . II
buffalo..,30 Logon...
llorl.111 Loop. 3
liutler ., II Msdlson.Ift
Cass.33 Mcl'herson . I
Cedar.k Merrick. . 10
Chase .• Nance.s
Cherry.3 Nemaha..Ift
Cheyenne, ... ftiNuekolls.13
t ' Otoe. 30
Colfax. *, Pawnee. Ift
Cuming. I'l'erklns.ft
Coster ... 13 Phelps .To
Dakota, . 3,Pierce .... .. 7
Dawes.k Platte.II
nawson.lijPolk . k
Duel.. I Ited Willow ...II
Dixon... « Klchardson.33
Dislge.Ik Hock. I
Douglas.113 Saline.33
Dundy. «>arpy. 7
Fillmore. |Mi Maunders.Ik
Ftanklln k .Scott* Bluff. 3
Frontier. s Seward .13
t Furnas 13 Sheridan. 3
tinge.. 33 Sherman .. ft
Garfield . 3 Sioux. 3
k Gosper. ft Stanton. 3
Grant. 3 Thayer.17
Greeley.I Thurston. t
Mull. is Valley 7
Hamilton. Ill Washington. It
llarlln. k, Wayne. k
Hayes. c Webster.13
Iftchcock.3 Wheeler. 3
Holt. ... II York .31
Hooker. I -
Howard M Total.1.1*7
Jefferson. IS
It Is recomended that no proxies bo admlt
ted to the convention mid that the delegates
present be authorized to cast the entire rote
of the delegation of the county which they
John T. MAU.Ai.Kr, Chairman.
T. K. HKbuwicK. Secretary.
Note The supreme judges to be nominated
are contingent upon the adoption of the con
stitutional amendment providing for two ad
ditional judges.
The regent to be nominated Is to All the un
expired term of H. !> Kstabrook, resigned..
Tbe fellow that waita on tbe
church steps for bia best girl to
come out, aoultl be in a had fix if
a storm should suddenly come up
as he would have neither time to
run away or tbu courage to go iu
ts it ift. Such fellows arc to be pittied.
And uow the ptpulist nati oniil
committee is using every endeavor
to eeoure Teller's (the bolters) nomi
nation for the presidency on the
People's ticket. Tellur In his
speech cudorcid the republican
pi at form clear through except the
one plunk on the , money i|ucation I
whtiih means of course that there
are *< vcisl plunk* in the People's
party platform which he cannot en
dorse Yet it *«•» him that he would
liks to, and thu Independent party
would tike to have him run nu that
ticket simply because he is a Id to
I man. It looka very much like I
the deal was iindtraluotl ami ago nl
to before h*l»d.
The pop'ilists of this count v have |
selected the free silver plank of !
tbdr platform sml have organised a
free stiver club II* so doing Ittev
propose to uiske a t|* i Ullif of the
st I vet issue, t'ben* are a go*4
msut cotiserv tilts populist* !«n
ever (bat do not take hi the spec!* I
silty tat krt, and say (hat the* prs
b r l iking the tdalfofiii siiaight. a*
sdopted bt the tbnshs t.iunnllm*
It Isa go >d platl nil Ihet atguv,
sin not support |t as |t ts sad got
slice tl up tw thunks They sat
that tl bedts |>u> much like eoUteid
r«S the fa> l that a full dose of the
i* hob' ton ml soiifd h‘ psi htg
a *eMig f.a its |<ucti‘ an people * as
sesiloe alt si • <***> Ihetefots tl
must he *4 gt*d**«e«d a pt*- r al a
lime i
Klfrt#*«i NapruMH* <.r»#nl
Word wan received here yesterday
hv telegraph thut J. <J. Tate, grand
master workman of the Ancient Or
der of United Workmen of Nebraska,
liud been elected supreme master
workmen at the session of the su
preme lodge ut Buffalo, New York,
and that his election was made by
acclamation. Mr. Tate has been
grand master workman of the order
in Nebraska ever since the Nebraska
jurisdiction was established, and be
has now attained the highest posi
tion in the order. Shelton Clipper.
Kdward Teedy, a young man
about nineteen years of age, was
drowned in tbe river near Amherst
last. Hunday. With quite n num
ber of other young men lie was
In bathing, and attempted to go
from one end of the dam to
the other. Most of the distance
uould lie waded, but when he struck
Llie main channel the water was
fifteen feet deep, and it was here
that be sank before help could
reach him. He had walked
several miles before reaching tbe
river and was very warm when be
I/l its Ttua wetor ul/irt(t
• rrvv* ~ 9 ' — - "
tin; hunk* win warm, but the deep
water ul the cliunnel was very cold
end it In suppoeed tbm when he
struck that enrrunt be was seized
with cramps. His body wa* not
recovered until user midnight.
Buffalo County Sun.
The following letter written by
our fellow townsman A, J'. Culley,
to the Corn Belt appeared in that
paper in its regular issue of this
mouth (June) and is a good repre
eentation of facts concerning our
prespect for a good crop and future
prosperity. Mr. Culley ha* wiitten
several letters this spring to the
Inter Ocean, Cors Belt and other
leading eastern publication* which
will do much towards bringing
home-seekers to our state, and par
ticularly to tbit part. No doubt
the eouthern land speaulators have
done, and are doing a great deal to
prejodioe the eastern bome-aeeker
against the advantages offered here
in the west, and by so doing induce
them to settle in the south. Mr.
Culley has written these letters for
the purpose of refuting the state
ments of misrepresentation made
by these southerner*.
Loup City, Neb . April 3, 1890
To * 'The Com Belt
1 notice In your valnetde journal
many very interesting contribution* on
Nebraska and her resources which are
well calculated to repel the slander*
and misrepreseniationa assiduously
circulated abroad for the purpose of
directing the attention of tha hoine
aerker to the poor and uuproduclive
land* of the South. To those, like m y
self who have lived in Nebraska for u
period of eighteen or twenty years,
and witnessed the phenomina). wonder
fulaml uaexainnlod urowth in pros
parity mid wealth recorded anywhere
iu histone* of civilization*, and In *o
brief a time, these slander* cause no
anxiety and need no refutation. It it
only the mi Info lined wbe are deceived
I think 1 can snfely say that since
the settlement of this stale Its people
were never In better spirit* and a* satis
fied to remain right here where they
have witnessed am-h bountiful hitr
vests III lh« past and solve the «|ue>
tlonayet to rise out of the wonderful
resource* of this great and fertile state.
The toil at thia lime was never In het
ter condition lor planting and the
largest acreage ever eown to crop# In
Ibis ( hhcriuau) county will tie planted
and harvested this year
The deiuaad for laad to farm has
surpassed anything to the >a*t and
every farmer ha* hi* own see to sow.
The winter wheal Is as line a* ever grew
*uvw here and could not he In better
The farmers of this locality are very
grateful to the • hie'ego Hoard of I'rade
ou account ml tb» generous assistance
received at their hands lu furnishing
the lit I0#tl toll**! In luli lit# aoMM
«lw» f •d Ihl* seed are |>«wctIce It) all
paid, and I woatd ask. where I* tire
locality Woolf!, f.a-t or North where a
ilei>i of this nsagaiiade with wheal »■
Its pt*senl price wuui l l«e lopddatnd
in these timee of p«|'ttc* aed p*nu in
a stogie year f
Many !*»«*< t» wh received ten and
twenty In ahels hary> sled from t**1 to
Ms» hi »h« l» of wheat which enable I
hrw le lift I»a* debt#and have seed
for sowing I he it f tries |h • sea
•«n I'heie Is scatcelv one who l*ll
here during the dtouth of i*W hut h*«
returned, so the! 'hi* atreriMau owwtt
ha* a larger popiitatbm than e er I*
fore a.i<l land it to greater •lenrand
fhon tact* are certainly *•■»» •tgutti
cant and Insure us that ,kvbta«ks wilt
agent repeat lei Imishi re *rd an I
lake her place In fraud w ith the great
agtlculloral stair* of this I horn
\ I* Itiitl.
kupmliari rr»m illii)i>
U'lp City, Neb., June 8th, 1896
County Hoard In session till* day pur
suant te adjournment of March IB
Full inembarahlp present with L. Rein
clerk end John W Long,county attorney
Minute* of prevl me meeting rend and
| approved
Motion mad* to allow l’eter Wogan,
overseer of roads, district No 20, the
amount of $8 75 which he claimed he
had omitted from hie Russian thistle
report w*s lost.
I pon examination of the petition sign
ed by C. J, 1.arson st si , asking for the
establishment and vacation of a public
road and upon examination of the repaid
j of the eperlel road commissioner It Is
; ordered that said road be allowed as
■ prayed for, established and recorded, and
that part vented as prayed for In pell
It appearing to the beard that the ne4
net of sec. TA, tp IV, r 16, had escaped
assessment since and including the year
1889'ip to and including the year 1894.
Hald matter Is referred to the finance com.
with Instruction to make report tkareou
forthwith, whereupon sold committee
made Its verbal report showing the facts
as stated above and recommended that
said land lie assessed and taxes levied
thereon for (he said years, to wit: 1889
at $60Of); 1890 at $60.00; 1891 at $65.00;
laflll si 1 Ufl'l 11(11 at
$48 (X) and that the levies of the reaper
live years be levied upon ssld land and
property entered against it on tho tax
lists of the respective years, on the asses
sed valuation ae aforesaid. On motion
the report of the committee was accept
ed and the clerk ordered to make the
proper entries on the tax list* of the yeais
above mentioned and compute the taxee
against said land on the valuations and
recomendatlons contained In the report
of the finance committee.
On motion the bid, plane and specifica
tions made by C. li.Thode for the con
struction of the wagon bridge across Oak
Creek In Ashton township on section line
between sections 26 and 97 was laid on
the table for the reason that the allow
ance of the petition for said bridge had
not yet been compiled with by neither the
township nor the village of Ashton.
At the request of the Commiselouer of
Public Lands and Bulldlugs for the ap-1,
preisement of school lands, towit ne4,
net and set, n«4 and ae4, se4 and lot 8
of section 26, town 14, range 14 the Chair
man of the Board la on motion ordered
to appoint a committee for thie purpose
The Chairman appoints, Dunker, Beck
and Bechthold as such committee.
Verbal report of Beehthold was made
regardtog the purchase of car of piling
ordered at the laat meeting, which report
was en motion accepted and approved.
The following official Bond* were ex
amined and on motion approved and ap
proval endorsed thereon by the Chairman
of the board, towit:
Anton Kwlatkofikl, clerk, Ashton Tp.
Chris John Zwiuk, J. of P. Elm Tp.
Thos. Jansen, overseer 7 Washington
W. W. Wilson, overseer 35 Washington
Henry Mehlert, constable Ashton Tp.
Emery Bly, constable Ashton Tp,
Board adjourned to June 12th.
Lome Hein, Clerk
June 9th, 1898.
The County Hoard of Hupervlsora of
Sherman County Nebraska, in session as
board of Equalization, as by statute pro
vided Full board present with
clerk and attorney
On motion thren horses at the value of
#14 were assessed to C F. Johnson, same
having escaped assessment and said
Johnson appearing before the boatd and
acquiescing sad said assessment entered
on assessment book nf Elm ip. School
District No 88 Hoad District No 9.
Hoard adjourned to 9 a in, June it),
l ot Is HtIN, Clerk
June |0, 18b#
Hoard in session as boats! of Equalita*
lion all members piesent with clerk and
On motion the following personal prnp
efty is aseeast'd to II, t), i‘stton Itt h ull
township S4 h ell dl*t "Ml fowl d 1st 98. to
will tt horses SMsssel st IN it hogs at
#13, rare *-*(•« at #9{ sgrh oltutal lm
pbwsiilt si #f total ltd Wahl Fallon
spi wallttg Nets the IsisiiI and agreeing 1
t<i aurh a.s. taiaei.i Mg* tolar I e»n
Mfwfh a w| by the so, Mg' <>( tl |p,
II- so the to ato >p. 'sts l la* MmsIi
I stot C' lnoaev ml i, Mums, by it II 1
11'oM#*r, the't attorney slot |eqHeated the |
I II -af I hr lellhr the 4' ssftHi 111 of all r
si- ant lib >oi’ ) hr them In 11sSaf 1 In
| the a stent d f 1 p 11 »n* of the swsitsil
I a SI stl a» Said lots
11^ I,<|e she . slit appeared Ic«* |,n* >»rt*
I iessstls iso-tar hi M II t apt, th«lt #»•
I hsin | not I* Iposlw I that the h * Sid »If I k a I
• I Ms »lf. «o mi M twesk all the Csl w ,
tag tietaftp>l «» I hds Its |,it ht»M
I a t| g l‘h f a*" ‘i, I at #tf eg hjt I
[at |’l, af t-a t s> #.#», af Id ) at #Mt.
*ss Its# gfo'losia of Illegal and double
ssssrsatnent ass# lufthsf tesjUnstad I he
hoard to raduca to $:t par acra, the assess
ment of all the Uuds of laid company
lu section 38, tp 14, r 18
Adjourned to 9 a m , Juna 11, 'IM
Louis Kkin, Clark.
Juno II. 18UU.
Full hoard present aa board of eqiiall
ration with attorney and clerk.
On motion county attorney Is instructed
to file his written opinion aa to the right
of the Lluco a Lana company to vacate
certain lota, streets aud alleys in Its town
sites lu the county.
Adjourned to 9 s in June 13, 1896,
Louis Hum, Clerk
June 13. 1890.
Hoard met as hotrd of equalization
On motion the request of the Lincoln
Land company aud iL Muuu for a reduc
lion of 20 per cent elf the assessed value
of their lot* lu Hazard was refuted and It
was resolved to Iruy* the assessed value
of said lots sa returned by the assessor of
Hazard township.
On motion It was resolved to Iseve the
assessed value of vacant lota in Ashton as
found by assessor of Ashton township.
On motion the assessments made by
town board of lota 7 to 18 In block two,
and of lots I to 12 lo block 8 all In Litcb
field, Nebraska, were allowed to rnmuln
on tbe assessment book of Harrison twp.
ind the assessment mad* by tbe town
board io block* 4 and 5 In Litchfield were
stricken from th** assessment boek and
assessed as Isrm lands, and the area of
laid lot* 7 to 18 in block 2 and I to 12 In
blo> k 3 In said town were deducted frem
unplatted of aeld company in nw4 n*4 of
section 28, tp 14, r 16.
On motion, the ssieesuieut of lands be
longing to Lincoln Land company on
lection 28, tp 14, r 16, ware allowed to
remain as found by the assessor of Har
rison township.
Following are the average price of hor
ses, csttle and mule* for tb# county ae
compiled from assessor* return:
Horses, $4.85 per head; cattle, $2.90
per head ; mules $5 50 per bead.
Following are the averaga price* of
horse*, cattle and mules ae assessed In
various townships and the per ceot added
and deducted by the county boord for tb#
purpose of equalization:
Horses, 46 13.21 per cent deducted
Cattle, 2 63.10 “ “ added
Mulee, 5 60. I “ “ deducted
iapian township:
Horses, $3 11.56 percent added
Cattle, 2 92. 1 " •* deduoted
mules, 5 88. 0 .
Horses, $4 71.8 per cent added
Cattle, 8 05. 5 “ “ deducted
Mules, 5 03. 9 “ “ added
UI.M township:
Horses, $4 76. 2 per cent added
Csttle, 2 76 . 6 .
Mules, 4 88. 13 “
Horses, |4 80.13 p c added
Cattle, 3 14.8 p c deducted
Mules, 4 56 .21 p c added
Horses. $6 52 .. .12 p r deducted
Cattle, 3 03. 4 p. deducted
Mules, 5 19 . ttpc added
Hornes, $5 88.15 p c deducted
Celt!#, 2 85. 2 p c added
Mulea, 0 82.19pc deducted
Hornet, $4 48. 8 p c added
Cattle, 2 54.14 p c added
Mulea, 4 87.18 pc added
llortea, 44 58. 0 p c added
I atlle, }| 87. . 11 p C deducted
Mulea, 5 45. Ipc added
Hornet, ft 18.18 p c added
rattle. 9 84 . 3 pc added
M ulna, 5 88 ...Ipc deducted
•cirri *u«N*MII‘:
llortea,|>l 77 .79 p c added
l attle, 2 91. I p e deducted j
Mulea, 4 89 19 p t added
llttANIi louanptl*
Horace, *4 Cl.. I pc added
mule, 9 51. 11 pc added
Mulea, 8 00 .ape deducted
KKItMM. tire until*:
llotaen, |8 7* .88 p e deducted
I title, 9 HI ... .. II pc deducted
VIUIce. Ill,,.Vpc d*ducted
• »** Motion IU Tollotetui addition Mid
l.’dtMUium *®fc nod* i » 1 UN land »*t
**• «l H*e telt-.u* toeueldpa, N pel p* nee
it pt>iM • m.*lt*ctl >M «» the value# ui
ulJ Utnt*. tc» e It
l ep l> e ad d p * d» d
)«b t’leeb .. Ill
|**a .... . «
It *• .latflMt. ,, 89
ton. . 1* I
u i.te* , ... If4
l> upt'ttp , , ...... *
V»M«a ,,,,.,19
It.k*|H* ... •
I Up . ,, ,,, _9
H*>ihn« .14
*,-at , 8
Head ... .. ,. !•
Hunt. 4 , II,*
V tp-ttiM*V t < 9 % e* Jutec 1.1 I**
Ltetlb Mel*. *le»b t
A Wltuted *•%! aeeb )
n. C. DOK, A. P. CULLEY,
Vice-President. , G'Mhier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $600,000.
I«uu on Improved (arms at NIKI par oant. Best Company and beta tame
to be bad Is the west.
CoBnavososne:—Cbemiea) Ifatioaal Bank, New York dtp, N. Y.| Omaha
*»lonal Mmum. umha. N eta—ha.
. .T.. ..BB.. f
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loot* Cm NOBTHWIMTBBN
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Sale.
• •
4 .*•*
Doctor Henderson
102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, HO.
771# Old Reliable Doctor, A Rerular Grad* .to in Ms diet see. Oldest in
Aft analongest Lot sited,
AutfcorUed by the State to treat CHROMIC. MIRV0U8 aid SrtCIAl
MSIA818. rum. K'tarautci d or money refunded. All modtctnea
furnlahed ready for u«e. Norm rcury or lnjurloua mwlleinae u»ed
No detention from work, i’utb-ntu at a di.iance treated by mail
underprise. Medicine, .eul everywhere, tree from gaee or break
age. Chargee lew. Over fln.inO run n run d. Ago and aapatianware
Important. Item! little book, tin u Ntuie ymir t-aae. flood (oroulnkia
and term*. Consultation (n „ nod tunildential,pcraonaUy or by latter
Seminal Weakness&Sexual Debility,
(SRtrm iftrrA** a a*/ Imf'ttn.y) caused by youthful (otlir.and Meeaaea, producing nervoua
fco»«, hover *. pimple, and blotete .011 tho (are,* n( blood to tfco brief, paliu. In the baak,
eonf need Idea* and forget lulue**. baakfulnow*. av• radon to aoctely, 1 one of ee.ual power, Iowa
of manhood, Ac , cured for Ilf* 1 t un slop all night loaeeu, mature lout av.ual (
i" • uibiii » .cui.»rhum bwh,
for ilfo. III'hmI I'uUoiilutf, KWin Iiwim*'*.
Ulcer*, Swciljui*, Kort», Oonorrhua ui.,1
Gleet, unit Mil lefBit ol PrintWi UhtOMvC
Maturely cured or uioney refuiukxl
Hfutl' lor IwlkMitaiU (tAffe*. ST |>lo*
ijuuiv lunw, |r»« to fife, with roll a• *•
ert|)tioa ol *Ihi*« dlwcMi, U« •#»« <> .1
corv,»ei«i»l to tthtln wretn* r h>r*e tn*l»<»i<«.
ttead ll.U lull* l««'h met »w*»*r if ofwttuM.
Sfriilnrt* l»r«»ti«aUjr cured wltt
•’ll IWIHIV UU1 eau»Ue. etlHu. bon
kit-iiorbuuiut. No |Mln, uo uimui IV
lie’ll i an MM thn imtUueol It huBa
Rheumatism fcSsS&Ji*
Aril lUUt lu: Tti" KTtulualdUbuvvry tb
l he ami it In til in. tilt me One .Iom jit« rw
iu Mate* dune* rutuore fever cad nil ta
J*>iiiU at'iretuafowdare. Beadinlw>m
of i u'.ife etaaiti for eireatar. MBIMB
II ree Museum or Anatomy ' ' * ' * »*“
ttfcHUo It* - * 4^ i i«*i
* ^ 1 r«>«|lt8l||ilAii/<4 |l« MMi *.
<Nil/^/wi /v# #4wwp dnmiii t*4H I MA«rf «vm
Ann oo tieh*tiiMui
\nh — thmshoouhI
Thl» in « **•* •**♦*»• AftordA.
•••I oftor
,.11 .. .. •"«»-»•
Ihto k«im ^Hluhhdr Top.
■>oduu« lllptid during*,
P.*n* PdA,.
uphdlsidfdA in
Wl API . dAnddfdAddf
WHOlllAll > dldlh.d# todfhd#
4 J—J^T—.m - TAfdd df tour
% ijy1 VCw,,i Amo idp. Ctthdf wrIAd »* ddffddi
VW* ltd«k. «■ mould olso furnish Corning
/C* PdAf lr» plddd df Ptdhd hdAf If AodlfdA,_
/•..-«* FRIMRU iAUfUTHfll M.,