The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 19, 1896, Image 8

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    1' "
Lioaal Dews.
A. Boon?, twk Jewel?r.
Women save time ami labor by buy
Inga Washing Machine of T. M. lteed.
Cull on W. V. Reed he will lie pleased
to quote you the Lowest Price* on I-arm
New and second band Binders for
sale at T. M. Reed's
Judge Wall went to Lincoln last
Tuesday on business.
Herman Jung l» laid up with the
rheumatism and I* reported to be quite
.Mrs. Randall will close out her eutlr?
stoilt of Millenary goods at prices to
•nit purchaser
T. H Reasouer, of Litchfield was a
pie isant caller at these republican head
quarters last Tuesday.
Preaching at the M E. Church will
commence at 7-.45. League will begin
at« 8<i and close at #15.
Miss Mina Lander* and Mi** Lula
Round, of Arcadia were villtmg
friend* In this city Monday
One swallow doe* not make Bpring,
but ouc swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure bring* rell*f.-Od#ndahl Bros.
The light ram fall last ulgbt will do
much toward moistening up the crust
that was formed by reason of the heavy
storm of two week* ago
Mr. and Mr*. Jake Wmkleman, Jr.,
are happy over tho arrival of a bran
new baby boy which put In an appear,
auce laat Friday.
John Horn, juu nome rrom i/nppi*
Crack l» assisting 8. F. Reynolds
in tha meat inarkat. John looki nat
ural with his iong white npron oh and
■aw and claavarin band.
Eczema Is a frightful alllictlon, but
Ilka all other skin diseases It csn ba
permanently cured by appliuatlous of
DeWItt's Witch Hazel Halva It never
fallas to cure Piles. Odendakl Bros.
In the Spring time a young man's
fancy lightly turns lo thoughts of—
Da Witt's Llttls Early Risers, for they
always cleans* the liver, purify the
blood, and invigorate the system.—
Odendakl Bros.
A little five year old boy by the
aama of of Fraak Hawett at Ord fell
Into the water wbieh wae etill ran
Ding into a draw after tke atorm of
two weeke ago and waa drowned.
A. L- Coehiser and family was down
from largeat the forepart of the week
visltiag with his brother C. W. Adam
aaya that Sargent will eelebrate tba
Fourth of Jaly In graad style this year
We printed him a fine job of posters
lu colors for tba occasion.
Tb* water which stood in the guaga
the next morning after the storm was
to a depth of ten inches end It is
thought that at least four or live inches
splashed cut by tb* hail or wss blown
eut by tba wind. Any way it is safe to
■ay that not leas tbsn s Toot of water
A woman spent n night with
elaven men on a Denver jury one
night Inst week. While we do not
deny women have as good right to
nerve on juries ns the men (now that
they are voters) still wa do deny tha
propriety of locking up women with
men in a jury room for any great,
length of time. Look* bad, to say
the least.—New York Dispatch.
Loup City will celebrate the Fourth
of July. For the past week the dlffer
eut committee* have been busy making
necessary arrangtneut* for the name.
The committee ou program Informs us
that it will have a cemplete list of
amusements and prizes offered in good
tinse for publication next week Fost
ers will alee be eut in a few days glv
leg full particulars Come to Loup
City to celebrate.
There was about ii.OOO bethels of
oats aud 1,000 bushel* of w heat aud
coru at the F 1*. elevator wbteh was
greatly damaged by the flood of two
weeks sgo The elevator company has
been giving U away to ell who could
use It for bog feed end there has beee
a (-outmost demand for It all week
They had at the time of the stora
niauy thousand bushel* which they
wiiv holding for uetter price*. The
water was *b ut two fast high lu the
Among the farmer* who had their
«rops badly damaged by ram aud had
were l*. J, Tracy. I.oui* Hechtlndd,
Jehu Hawk, Leo. Lee. Jas t eager,
J. f* H• uschoter Freeh Autlewakl.
vs in « rls* tilth rt Hroe . Ceruehus
t.ggeis, .)*» Fut bald, \ a leu l me Me
Imnald. Mr "throve Use MvFadJeu
and father, L«t»* t 'rew ford, Vi else Jor
gvnseu \\ ,\ MlUun VV h lines
Jehe Leheeseu i A Angler. John
.1 ••hausen, t'ylst Jeesen. Henry sail
Irettylck flee* Augisst Jeake, t'erl
Anderson Mr Madsee John ami
Joetg't< Jve* Inn Jot»an*»i- I. I1
«.aldu*r l.oete sitrstskt* Mrs
Joseph tt kestes. I swrvu«e Wmrib *
It Mvllor.t' I. I> its, llstMsa Johan
sen, J, tt. Ft he. f rank I'eht* " m
Jogery. John hetie* % .1 oguat Jeaal
A mil end A
H m hw* ill** ti* In M»
I >1* I **Im»^i |*|**
H'lltfeiiMvm. U U?km m •***!
n«|||v« it# H|I9 #%il If! I*’ tfirf .l
| Millet and Buckwheat Seed at T. M
Eye ami Ear. Dr. Davi*. Grand
Island. Xebr.
James Lander*, of Arcadia #11 in
the city Monday.
Mre. C. M Smith who ha* baan very
tick i» mach Improved.
M.C Mulick.street commissioner is
fixing up the street crossings
T. M. Reed is agent for the McCor
mick Binder*, Mowers and Twine.
There are very few of the fruit trees
that got hailed out that are coming #a
Dr. Sumner Davis, Grand Island, Sur
gical diseases and diecases of Eye and
A largo selection of Ladies Shirt
Waiat Sets from IB cent* up at K.
Don't fail to sea the fine lino of
1,adies Bc!ta from ‘ili cent* $3 BO at E.
1’. II. Criaa is a new sabscrlher t# this
paper, haying added hi* name to our
list this wttk.
W. A. VVilsoa and son Rufus of Ash*
tea was doing business at the county
seat the forepart of the weak.
The inerehants and aitlzens af tha
town bars bean replacing window
light* this week by the hundred*
Gan* Walker, of Mason City cam*
down last Wednesday to look after hi*
property here and shake hands with
•Id friends.
Mrs. O F. Hall is on the sink list
having cougbt a saver* sold. She baa
been quite poorly for tb* past two
_*1. _
Mrs. Wm. Duck, of Litchfield, and
(later of Mr*. C. M Smith, ia here tak
ing care of her (liter during her late
Bids Coj.ds bk Gobi: The maglut
cfan'e waad i« not aaore potest than Dr.
Humphrey’* Specific “77" for cold*.
For sale by all druggist*
Mra.G.W Hunter, Mrs. Wm Nagle
and Mrs. Wm. Rowe made a drive over
to Ord last Monday to see the oonntry
and do some trading.
There was an iee cream aocial at the
Baptist church last evening which was
pratty well attended. The proceeds
will go towards repairing ths church.
The band boya are practicing for thn
Fourth of July celebration They will
he In shape to entertain our visitnri
on that day with some very fine selec
Outside of the ball and flood districts
the crept In Sherman county never
looked nicer nad It Is astonishing how
It la coming ant in so short n time even
where the storm was the heaviest.
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Mlddlaburg, Is.,
writes, I have used Oae Minate Coagh
Cure for six year*, both for myielf and
children, and I consider it the qnlckest
acting and most satisfactory Cough
Care I have over used. - Odendahl
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen
of Oiseo, Mich , after suffering excru
ciatingly from piles for twenty years,
was cured In n short time by using
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel halve, an abso
lute cure for all skin diseases. More ef
this preperation Is used than all others
oombinad. Odendahl Bros.
E. Bcbwer has a bay mar* that ia
bard to catch. It gat loose last Friday
and was aot caught until Wednesday of
this weak Chad Chase captnred her
on Nelse Austins fleet horse but not ua
til she hail worried out two other ponies
ju iuc viinr otuww rwuv una ui luv
ponies ami Hugh McFadden the other.
The animal aeemad to be a privileged
charaeter while loese end viilted sever
al gardens in town. She was evidently
trying te clean up whsl was left by the
The flood up in the Loup Valley
the other day vaa likened auto the
flood experienced by Mr. Noah and
his estimable family a few years
■iace by a traveling man who de
scribed it. The only difference, he
aaid, wee that Noah a flood waa
occasioned by forty days and nights
of rain, while the l.oup flood was
occesioed by a ram which only
leered for a few boure. Shelton
Cheap K.ittw ’inokt every*
where on the Cnion 1‘aeilte.
Call on F. W. Clink, Agt.
«*« Taesday (In rotu»l»*io*»rr» of
(usually were sgsla eeiled together for
the purpeseof lucking ea Ievestigalien
of theiaee uf Kleaaure Ceehraae who
was alleged to be inseaa. They found
that the we* a ti subject far custody
»nd tieetiueal te the Norfolk lltspllel.
Ut>* it Ihe wife of Chart**
t o> krene of Bristol towuship end a
lady "f m*n» slmai-le •tesiiiie* Ik*
lorar wt Ihe deseewe >a her case I* whet
>* usued) leuoiu lusted ’■Melancholy"
eithtorgk w* welly «*ii*idered e seif
sethrwa tips, t is believed by the > otw
iwiutower* of lasealty Ihel with propee
treats** ut to the hospital she will re
•ove* >|« i* rapidly Her sees hee
»*> tied toueh Iktrwu in the neighbor
b«w>d is sit ch ih* t**id»*, on aevenrut
Ihel rh* «ud h*> h>»t*e»d ere both
high * i*«p*. t*,| sod Is* Interesting
little girls ere left lewipnsarily without
ihe lotit.g «tl*H|i>H4» .if a.i sdsei.uu
*»* mother t keiie* he* the full *i to
path* el h4* .ti l I ><up I'liy hteu'b >a
hi* Jitlirw.
Committees from the following CivU
(Societies in-t at the office of W. K
Mellor last Saturday evening for the
purpose of preparing for a Grand 4th
of July celebration, the Knights of
Pythias, Odd Fellows. German Verein,
Workman. Degree of Honor. Woodman,
G. A. K , Ladies Circle and Firemen
On motion C. L. Drake was made
Cbolrman aad W K. Mellor Secretary.
On motion the following order of
position in the lino of march in parade
to be held at 10:30 a in July tth, was
assigned hy lot.
Leup City Cornet. Bsnd
Odd Fellows
Degree of Honor
Knights of Pythias
G. A It
Ladies Circle
On motion the following cemuiittees
were appointed:
On Finance:—Mias Bella Mulick tnd
Miss Orn Hunter and Gee. W Hunter.
On Advertising Jacob Albers, Ooe.
E. Uenschoter, K. A. Brown
On Entertainment:—W U. Mellor,
J S Pedler and H. Jenner.
On Program: M.C. Mulick, Geo. II.
Gibson and F.E Brewer.
On Flags W T. Owens. Mesdames
Bassett and Hancock.
On motion it was ordered that the
committee aeeore John W. Long to
read the Declaration of Independence
and A. P. Culley to delver an oration
of 10 minutes.
On motion It was ordered that per
sons belonging to both and
Insurance orders are reipiested to march
In parade with Fraternal erders.
On motion meeting adjourned until
Saturday ove, June 47th, 1800.
VV R. Mki.i.ok. Sen.
Struck l»y Lightning
A very heavy elaatric atorin came up
last sight ami the ligbtnlug w as In
tense It struck the bars oT W in. Roe
in the northwest part of town setting it
os Are. The hare and all its contents
was entirely consumed. We learn that
a double set of harness, a hog weighing
about 300 pounds, some carpenter tools
and other things were destroyed. The
Are bell sounded^tbe alarm about 1
o'clock In the morning and citizens
rushed te the scene of the cenlligration
bsteould not save the building. The
Are was located loo far from the water
mains and the Are boys although on
tho ground were powerless to render
any assistance in that direction. Mr.
Roe's water eloset waa alse (truck and
a hole tore through the roof aad other
wise damaged.
XV. K Mellor writes Insuranee.
Cherries- Raspberries -Currants - -
Yea 1 hare sear load of Cherries to
sell—thoy aro ready now at 10 cents
per quart, Currants 10 and Raspberries
15. Send the cash with your order or
bring me a Goon calf. Mo fruit sold
on aoin. or on Saturday.
Arcadia Fruit Farm,
XV. F. Jenkins.
Spring Race*.
Omaha, June 3th to 13tb
Lincoln, June 16 th to 20th.
All the world beaters will ba there.
One fare for the rouud trip, pins 50
cents for admission. Tickets on sale
at Burlington Ronte stations within
i50 miles of Lincoln and Omaha.
tee the local agent of the B. A M.
and get full information.
The dates of the Beatrice Chautauqua
are June 16 to 28. Crete Chautauqua
July 3 to 15,and the rate ia Osn Fake
fok the Round Tiup from all points
iu the state.
If you want a ticket over a fast line
and one thatoA'eri superior transporta
tion facilities, call on your nearest
Union Pacifh: agent, and he will sell
you one.
Wake up yeur liver with at twenty
flvo oeut package of Simmons Liver
Regulator enough to wake up the
liver of the whole family A dote a
day is enough, and a small one at that
hut it wilt do the work well and with
out discomfort It is the Best Blood
and Best spring medicine It is the
sluggish ilver that tloggs the eyttern
ami poisons the tdood Wake up the
liver J li Zellm A t o. Philadelphia,
Pa ____
Wanted An Idea ; •'«
wrvjar Mumtn tiaras
mu Weal-.inemo. 1> c , fu* ia«ir el s« y<m vSm
m*> Um ut tau kaa.iral luseaiwaa aeuteit.
AwiftM Migh«»t honor*.
World* Pair.
A pm G'spe iism d Twt« Pwwdm.
Pne Own Aaweawe Alum ee *e< . .set
! sell good Sewing Machine* for loss
moan than you can bay of traveling
agent- from shroud. T. M. Kkkii.
Mrs. Nellie KtuKiall I* offering the
public great bargain* in the Millenery
line M e learn tiiat she is olush g out
pieparitory to moving away.
Hhv ing concluded to oh *e out my
business here I offer my entire *tock
of Millenery good* at price* to auit
purchaser. Mas. Kanimi.l.
One minute i*the standard time, and
One Minute Cough Cure la the standard
preperatlon for every foriu of cough or
cold. It la the only harmless remedy
that produce* Immediate results.
Odendahl Bros.
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortal
ity among children caused by bowel
troubles. Perfect safety may be assur
ed those who keep on hand DeWitt's
Colie <l Cholera cure, and administer
It promptly. For cramp*, bilious colic,
dysentery and diarrtuca, it affords in
stant relief. Odendahl Bros.
OHKAV K A Tics Tit the Union roeiflr
National Demoeratlc Convention at
Chicago, III. July 7th Oao faro for
rouud trip.
National Convention Young People
Hociotle* of Christian Endeavor at
Washington, D. C. July 7tli to Pith.
One faro for round trip.
Annual Meeting Baptist Young Poo
pie* Union at Milwaukee, Wi*. July
lflth to 10th. One faro for round trip.
For rates, datos of sale and limits
call on or addrtss
F. W, Cline, Agt.U. P. My.
One of the leading attraction* of tbe
Crete Chautauqua will be the debate
upon the stiver question, July 4, be-1
tween ex-Cungressmau W. J. Bryan i
and Hon, John I’. JrDh, of California.
No person who wishes to be thorough
ly posted on this most vital question of
the day should fall to hear this master
If presentation of the subject by those
eminent speakers. On the same day
Prof Louis Favour, the “Kleotrleal
Magician," will give one of his popular
sclntlflc lectures, accompanied by bril
liant and startling experiments In
electricity, in which a bewildering
display of apparatus will be brought
Into use. Mr. lleber Dowling Mac
Donald, of Chicago, one of the fun
niest of sunny men, will give an hour
of mirth provoking monologue, earl
cature and pantomime: and the exer
ciaes of the day will be flttin gly closed
with a grand concert Jof southern melo
dies by tbe Slayton Jubilee Singers, of
Chicago, the leading colored concert
company in the United States Ad
mission 15 and 25 cents, children under
10 free. Write for program to Geo.
W. Baldwin, .See., Crete, Nebraska.
GASOLINE engines.
IRON AND WOOD Knipee and Fairbanks Wind
_______ mill* Tower*, Tanka, Irrlga
nillinn Don OnlfiM, Hose, Helling
Ul I RJIIJV Grlndera,.Sbcllera.Wood Saws
I llflr ■■ Drive I'olnte, Pine, Fitting
I Will I %0 llraaa etroda and fralrbianlia
__ ... Mlandard Hralaa. Price*
OF ALL KINDS, low. Get the best. 8end for
- Catalogue.
’1102 Farnam St. Omaha, Nob.
Wanted-An Idea SSs
Protect your Ideal: they, may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDBKBUHN ft CO.. Patent Attor
ney*. Washington. D. C., for their dl.ujj prlae oiler
and llit of two hundred Invention! wanted.
Is Simmons liver regulator—don’t
aettotakeit. T he Liver gets sluggish
ng the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver •
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. It also
regulates the Liver—keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get THE BENT BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator —it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take It In powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You’ll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It.
4. H. Zeilln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
•yf L. MARCY.
orriCB.-Ia (Nd and Mercy Block, Beat
■id* Public Maare. Loup City, Dab. .
Will Defend in Foreclosure Canes
Offlae In NokTHwBSTlKk building
^ prop, or EXPRESS *!*■'
All Kxpreet er Freight order* promptly
attended to
Does i General Law and Collection Bonnets i
A Rotary Public, Stenographer and 1
Typewriter la Offlae. I
Physician & Surgeon. •
Office one door eaet of Odendahl llroc.’ i
Drug Store. a
—... ■ ■———.—.— r
225 Designs^AII for 10c. ‘
The largest collection of up-to-date designs a
ever published In any architectural book la H
the world. 80 church designs—80 Interiors
Ustabla..' COLONIAL HOMES . .
M dMlgn. lo*t*., or both book* for liet*. o
Aar oa* going to bolld, or erer Intending
to build. .houltTiend fur these i 1 -:jfi limited
edition*) of •• Artistic snd ( lotonlnl Bobu." A
HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Architect, ** W*in w r Ig'bVBMg!*' ST. LOUIS, MO. c
and local newspaper in
time table.
1:30 I* M. l.tlfM 8:80 1*. M
Connection* at Aurora for all points
A. F. Whets, Agt
Boglouiug Sunday, November 17tti.
trains will arrive anil depart at this
station as fallows:
Leaves Leaves
Hoadv 1, ,( l?-***' 18:00
Wednesday, ’ Thmiaday. ^
Friday, ) ’m ainrday ) ** “
Arrives at Loep Oity daily 7.<tp.m.
Close eoetieeMon at Grand Island for
all points Cast mid West.
1 F. W. Cure, Ageat
Did you ever think how readily the
blood is poisoned by oonstipatlon t
Bad blond means bad health and pre
mature old age. DeWItt’s l.lttle
Early Kisers, the famous litttle pills,
overeouie obstinate constipation.—
Odendahl Bros
State of Nebraska, -
Sherman County | '
Lombard Investment Company and Fraak A
Hagerman, Receiver of tint Lombard In. (
vestment Oompnnv, will take notlse that mi
on the mb day of June Imiki, Abram F. Allen, f,
1'lelntllTinan action pcndlngln the Dlslrlot
Court of Sherman Oo , Neb, wherein Katha
rlae plarabuck, Haas II. I'lambeek, Frank
Warmlnskl, Lombard Investment Com.
Kny and Frank llsgerman, Receiver of tbe
imbard Investment Company are Defen
dants, tiled hit petition In tbe District
Court of Sherman county, Nebraska,
tgulnst sHld defendants, tbe object and
prayer of which are to forclose a certain
mortgage executed by the defendaate
Katharine I'lambeek and Hans If Plain,
neck to (he Lombard Investment
bmpeay upon the following describe'
real estate situate In Sherman coun
Nebraska to-wlt The Northeast rjeai
>f suction Id, In Township 1ft, North
tangs II west, except III acres la a sonar*
orm In tbe southeast corner of said land,
.o scaurs the payment of a certain coupon
kond dated October let, 18KS. and fine nnd
rayable October 1st, 18W7, for the at) m ofAU,
•nJW.wItb Interest thereon at the rate ,ftp *
rer cent per > ear, from tbo date thereof
mtll maturity, payble semi annuall y, ao
soidlng to llie lunorof ten Interest notes
or oi each, bearing even date there
wit li. nil nt Enid initf'B tiAiLrl nar Inlpraal ul
en percent per annum after the maturity
hereof; also the sum of fill.SO with Inter
■st from .September 7th, Invo, being taxes of
HM. ami ami Interest from the nth
lav of June, lews, being taxes ol bunt, on the
tforesaid premises paid by Maid plaintiff to
irotect his security.
Iicfanlt having been made in llie eoadi.
Ions of said mortgage, plaintiff electad, aa
s provided linmav In the conditions of
aid mortgage, to declare the whole amount
Inn and payable, that there Is now due
ipon said note* and mortgage tb» sum of
1,251,W, with interest from the 12th day
■f June, ISM, at the rate of tan par cant
ler annum.
Plaintiff prays for a decree that defen*
lants be required to pay theaarne, or that
aid premlMoa may b* sold to satisfy the
.mount found due.
You ars required to answer said petition
>n or haror* the 20lh day of July, I sis;
Dated June llih, 1800
A nit a M P. Ai.i.aa. Plaintiff
Lttest Hy T 8 Mom ini.alu,
.01 is It kin, ills Attorney,
lerk of the D'strlet Court.
Ktlie M Bolton and -Bolton, her
usband, whose flrst name Is unknown to
dalntlff. will tak* notice, that on the 24in
ay of April, 1H0U. John 8 Cheney. plaintiff
a an action pending in tha district court 1
f .Sherman County, Nebraska, wherein
’eter Christian Hannah K Chilsflan hi*
rife, Kills M Helton and -Holton,
sr husband, and John Dos, are defendants
led hie petition la the district court
f therman county, Nebraska, against
aid defendants, the object and prayer
f which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
xecutsd by the defendants, Pster .
brtstlan and Hannah H. Christian bl* T
rlfa, to the Maad Bond and Trast Coin -
any, upon ths following described real
Hate tltaate In Sherman County and State
f Nebraska, to-wit: The Bast Half of the
oath East Quarter of Section 3, in Town
nip 18, North of Mange 15, west, to ss
are ths payment of a certain coupsn bond,
sr the sum of *&>0.00, dated April Urst 1H90,
■lth Interest thereon at the rate ol 7 per
ent per annum from the 1st day of April
190, until matarlty, payable semi-annually
ccording to the tenor of ten annexod pa.
(rest notes of *19 25 escb of even dr,te
lierewltb, said bond aad coupons, and
mrlgage were thereafter duly asslgo ed to
lalntlff for value.
That there le now due upon said notes
ud mortgage the sum of 892.82 « ith ln
irest from the Mth day of April, imps, at
le rate of ten per cent per ir.nuui, for
blch sam. with Interest from this date,
laintlff prays for a decree, that dafend
uts be required to pay tbe sair,e, and that
lid premises may be sold to satisfy the
mount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
4 or before the goth day of July, m«e.
Dated June toth lew’,.
John 8. OIIKNbt, Plaintiff
ttest: By T. 8. nkihtinoalb aud
01118 Ueih, Thomas 1,. Hall,
lerkot the Diet- his Attorneys,
■let Coart.
THS mild power cures.
Dr. Humphreys’ hpeclflr* are solan Usually
Uhl carefully prepared hemedlsa, used fur ysar*
In private practice and for over thirty year* Uy
the people with entire success. Kvsry Masts
Hpoclfic a special cure lot the dlscsss emmet,
•o. mum to* _
i-f oTsr*. OoBsasUona, tndammatlnaa. .1 .
—Worm*, Worm Fever, Worm {*«*... J
S-Teelblugi t'•■He, Crying, Wahsfulasm
4-fHarrliee, of Children or *<hilia j !
O-DyseuiervrUriplug, lullou* UuUu.... .< ,
l> « holer* .Uurhus. V ... J ,
tT-4'aagha. i old*. broartilMa -.1 .
Neuralgia, Tnothm-fc*. Fa-each*.,.. c .
Ileadni hes, hi, a l^tarha ViLa.' J
lO-Drapepala, lull, luum* < . nMtroSm .' '.
tl-Maepreaaeil or |*alarhl **--ltd*
Id While., I„ lr.rfu«,Fmi.M.^T; li
IS t raujr. I .a ryaaltla, lluanamsaa...
5 ***,*'*i""* Krvafcafcmtm. ,1
IS Uhcuaiaii.m.or hheumaMaf-*h».
Ih-Malaria, Chula Fsvar aad Asst, .. j
I y-l’llra, lumd urlikwdlag. .
I •tlirht Salary, hmishatlM. ’ j
|tt t alarih, It.ftu. nu. Cold lame f lead j
4«-VVh«a»Mg t«agT!7l?"“.;^ !
TT-‘ ‘—rism _ 3
*1 bar plat hargva, IroiatrvdTisarte .i
FI s. rulslft, tbhred Uhaa tv,nag i
41 Itrasral UshtlUy, rhfstaaTU uahrnaa 1
4S Hragay.aad hmirasaiMa .. <
td -aaa-ulthaeaa, hi-ha**aftv*i luoum j
4* harsaa# lirhiMiy......... a
”77 ’ r , . * grip, 26°.
rut ay la ansa MUa «y p —oa-u .....
■ |v*IHMyUM e—-asm,
M a* U m smt are, ,wt a* Maaat M — -
re s-ouau uwa .iaow,re* ar—Til* I*
»t ar4Mw MSNh 11, * ju ta.s*.-, »,*?**!
•*** OlNT*t*T.
star as* is Una at a iutm.aTa.lrt