The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 12, 1896, Image 8

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Republican Connly C»«*»ab«»
To the delegate* Of the adjourned BepuM:
ran I'ounty Convention.
l’erseant to resolution passed by the Repul>
llcan County Convention held at M>up City
April lltb, IMM. thereby notify delegate* to
*ahl county convention that said adjourned
meeting of *ald convention will tie held at the
Court House. M>up City, on Tuesday. June
jilrd. A. H. IMM. at I o'clock p m. for the pur
[KM of electing live delegates to the Slob
Nominating Convention to bo held at l.lncoln
July 1st, IMM
W b. Mki.ujH. Chairman.
ttepuhllean Mat* Convention Call
The republican elector* for the state of Neb
raslta arc requested to aend delegate* from
their several counties to meet In convention In
the city of l.lncoln. Wednesday July 1st. IMM
at in o'clock a. in. for the purpose of placing In
nomination candidate* for the following offices:
(lovernor. governor.
Secretary of slate.
Auditor of public account*.
Superintendent of public Instructions.
Attorney general
Com. of public land* and buildings
One Judge supreme court, term two year*.
One Judge supreme court, term four year*.
One regent state university, to fill vacancy.
Bight (S) presidential elector*.
Ami to transact such otlicr business as may
properly come before the convention.
The several counties ore entitled to repre
senlallon a* follow* based upon the vote east
for the Hon. Joseph S. Hartly for state treas
la IMM. giving each county one delegate at-large
and one for each HIT) vote* and the major
fraction iBircuH
Counties. OM-ICountUtt Del
Adams .1# Johnson
Antelope *2 KeK*,,f. *
Banner 3.K*ltb *
Blaine. . . ? Ki y2,„“1* 2
Boone ... IJiKiWhaU.*
Boyd fl.ancasler ... 7
Brown . #|l.lncol*...
Butler 14 Masson ■*
rvH. sfflMcPhcrson. I
Cedar. .. v Merrick. 1"
Cherry fl Nemaha »
Cheyenne r, Nuckolls . '•»
Clay. IsiOMie . JU
Colfax.. * Pawnee
Cuming IS Perkins. P
Custer.1« .Phelps .»
Dakota. « Pierce 7
Dawes. " Platte. II
nuwson .is Polk •
Duel .4 Bed Willow.II
Dixon V Kichurdson .22
Dodge IIIj Kook. 4
Douglas. 116 Saline.®
Dundy.4Sx/py ,... 7
Fillmore .is Maunders . IV
Franklin . V Scott* Bluff 3
Frontier s Seward. 13
Furnas 13 Sheridan . 3
Gage .30 Sherman.*
Garfield 3 Sioux. 7
Gosper. 6 Stanton. 0
Grant. 2 Thayer.17
Greeley.4 Thurston . .4
Hall. is1 Valley .7
Hamilton . 14 (Washington. 14
Harlln. g, Wayne. V
Hayes. 4 Webster.12
Htehcork , 0 Wheeler...2
Holt.Ili York .21
Hooker. I -
Howard.. * Total.I.uft7
H Is recomended that no proxies tie admit
ted to the convention and that the delegates
present be authorized to cast the entire vote
of the delegation of tbe county which they
John T. ict'. Chairman.
T. K, 8EIXJWICK. Secretary.
Note The supreme judges to lie nominated
are contingent upon the adopt ion of tbe con
stltutlonal amendment providing for two ad
ditional Judges.
The regent to be nominated Is to ttll tbe un
ex plred term of If. D. Kstabrook, resigned.
Populist Legislation Overturned by tbs
National Supreme Court.
Among (be opinions banded down
by tbe eupreme court of tbe United
States on Monday was one declsr
iog invalid tbe Kansas mortgage
redemption law as far as relates tc
tbe mortgages made prior to its on
T « 1 QllO 41.x. Ua.«MI:.So Isa!_4l_
in control of tbe state, to its greai
damage, proceeded to pass laws foi
"the relief of tbe victims of capi
tal”—of men wbo bad borrowed
other people’s money on land, am
wbo, Hading it inconvenient to pay
what they owed, wanted to bang or
to tbe land and keep tbe other party
out of bis money.
(Jne of these populist laws ex
teuded tbe peiiod in which a mart
gagor coaid redeem after fore
closure to a couple of years, am
left him in possession of the lam
until that time bad expired.
Thu validity of Ibis law was pas*
ed twice by the statu supreme court
Tbe first decision was agaiust it
Tbe seeoud, made after tbe popu
lists bad secured a majority of pop
ulist judges, upheld it. From tba
deaUiou an appeal was taken to tb<
I lilted Stales supreme court, wbicl
declare* that tbe law I* iu plaii
violation of tbe I idled Stales eon
stdiitioual provision that "no stal
shall pass any law impairing lb
obligation of contracts.'
Tbe Kaunas pooaltsia who p*e*v<
Kits act ot tam knew that the su
„ ptt-me eoutl bad often bald *n«l
law* invalid in case of aootraci
unde prior to its passage Ye
they put lb* law os tbn statut
te«>h*, and toi t the farmer* tba
greai thing* bad Item* done fo
Tbe law i* valid ot course a* t<
cos tract* toads after its pasnags
Hut sa that law make* it mote dll
Nmol' for the lender to gel hold o
the pcopwrty m »•» be ha* in for*
cbvsn, Ike latter Is not Willing to lain
unless he **• get higher tnUtx
for tbn tntnr terewee than before it.
passage lie must insure hlm>*l
•gainst the probability of hi* bratni
•mi th« mortgagor p>» hating hi
pmtt* •f the land for two yeeti
after foreclosure lit* rllm t m lb
|«<p«|wl law on th* bgtessi is t<*d
ns t bun a bo wo t'hbago Tribune
Lioaal I73WS.
A. Boone. THE Jeweler.
K J Cattle, of Lin oln (pent last
Sunday in this city.
For Screen Door* call on A. Wutkln
! J \V. I/inder* and several others
from Arcadia was down Inst Sunday.
Korn to Mr. and Mrs V. M. Smith
last Monday a girl.
Women gave time and labor by hoy
In^'s Washing Machine of T. M. Reed.
Call on W. P. Reed he will lie pleased
to quota you the Lowest Price* on Farm
New anil second hand Binders for
sale at T. M. Heed's
The county hoard of Supervisor*
were in session the forepart of the
James Landers, of Arcadia and CUa*.
Conblser of this place msde a trip to
Ooiaha last Wednesday.
Kura cople* of this weeks l»*ue in
Supplement form
W. L>. French In going out while It
was hailing was struck on top of the
head and knocked down.
KUra copies of this week* Issue in
Supplement form
The roof on the opera bouse was com
pleted this week.
U I/ct n11u 11 Itiat mi Sfitr litn
between her store mid the Masonic hall.
Kinder will ho rewarded by returning
One swallow does not make Spring,
hut one swallow of One Minute Cough
Cum brings relief.—Odendahl Bros.
The washout on the K If track made
It Impossible for iis to get our paper on
time, consequently we were compelled
to wait until Saturday morning liefore
we could go to pre*8.
Nearly all of our merchant* have the
water out of their cellars. It was all
taken out by the use of wooden pump*.
A force of men commenced we k
oa the Baptist church last Tuesday
morning The church floor waa badly
wrecked audit took considerable labor
to right it up.
Key. V. M. Williams, of Lincoln, and
District Missionary will preach at the
Baptist church next Sunday at II a. m.
and also la the evening All are cor
dially Invited to come out.
Eczema Is a frightful affliction, but
like all othar skin disease* It can ba
permanently cured by applications of
DeWItt'a Witch Ifa/.el Salve. It never
fallestocure Piles. -Odendahl Bros.
In the Spring time a young man's
fancy lightly turns to thoughts of—
DeWitt's Little Early Kisers, for they
always cleanse the llyer. purify the
blood, and invigorate the system —
Odendahl Bros.
Corn waa too small to be as badly
damaged as at first supposed. Only
the listed and that located ao as to get
covered with the wash will hare to tie
replanted. Nearly all of it was cut
close to the ground but It is coming
The Northwestern force has hail
its bands full this week. Half of the
glass front was knocked out of our
office by the bail and the water stood
four laches deep all over the floor and
left about a half inch of uiud. Between
scrubbing, replanting garden and keep
ing tab on our corpse of reporters in
order to get a reliable repoit of the
storm we have been working almost day
and night. We did not get our ottice
straightened up so as to begin type set
ting until Wednesday morning. And
be it suid to the credit of our swift com
positor end foreman he set nearly all
the type for this Iseae
Mrs. I.eo was a pleasant caller
^ at this office anil broaght .u some
samples of winter wheat and rya
which about ten days ago was hailed
out and mown eioee to the ground. I.ait
Friday it wae severely hall id out again
liters ware a lot of young shoots
three and four inches long which were
’ protected by the stubs of the llrst
1 growth Mrs. says that It Is the
1 tielief ol bet husband that With a favor
1 able season It will make good srops
, One of the leading attrecliuaa ol the
, t.'tete« bsulau>|ua w III be the debate
upon the silver .pie.'ion, July t, be
I tween e» t'oagreasman tv. J, Itryac
and lion. John I*. Iii-h of I altfornla
No |>#re<>o who wi-be« to he Ihoiough
ly posted »n this most vital •|ite»t*eit o|
the day should fail |o hear this master
it presenUttuN of 'he subject by these
eminent speasera On ths tame day
I* of I out. Favour, the " Fleet tteal
1 M*gb ah.' will give one of |.ls m puU*
i j •elatiBe teetures sens-mpanted bv bytl
J Isas' sad startling ehpet'Uaetits In
jelegtrktty a stikk a lie* tides mg
f | display oi appateiiae will be brong lit
Istta Use. Mr lleber (bawling Mac
| lto»eld, «f i iiU'sge lute at the fun
I Meet u! sunny uien.atll gtte se hour
I el mlflh plot .'king monologue carl
I csture and pantomime ess>l the eces
I vises of ige day stU he Bull glv rised
, *•*•» a gtsad rasittl of sssothrso i*»e|o
.ties by the Miss Pm Jubilee lingers of
I t ktvegt Its* Wading c-Itii»d i osss e 11
v'.-uit-auv tw the ('oiled vi*iys |.|
ml»«ioti IF *n4 f* sent* -Midst n .i«g. r
j 10 free t% til# Ins plttgtsin to ttti*
M llttovtis M* iVt, Ntbisska
Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Cream n» Tartar Po» Jar.
Millet and Buckwheat Seed *♦* '*
Jr. tilt Will I wna down from Arcadia
yeaferda v
Kye and Kar, Dr. Davi«, Grand
I aland, X’ebr. f
Dr. Sunnier Davla, Grand laland. Sur
gical dl»ea ea and dlitaaea of Kve and
A large aeleetinn of l.adb" Shirt
Waiat Seta from Ift c‘ nfa up hI K.
A temporary bridge lias been fixed
aero** Dead llorae creek where ilia old
one went out.
Dun't fail to are the line line of
Ladle* Belta from 2ft cent* Si.ftO at K.
J, B O'Bryan wlahea ua to announee
that be ha« the llneat thorough-bred
Jaraey bull in the Loup country which
he will aland at hla farm thla aeaaon
Don't fail to aec him before breeding,
Mra. )t. DeYoung. Middteburg, I*.,
write*, I have uaed One Minute Dough
Dure for aix yeara, both for myaelf and
children, and I conaider it the i|ttlcke*f
acting and moat aatlafactory Cough
Cura I have ever uaed. Odendahl
J. A. Angier brought In a sample of
winter wheat that waa badly aaad up
with the hall. It had eommenced to
aprout again from the roota and It waa
thought that If the aeaaon waa lal" that
ft would make aomethlng of a crop aa
the ground 1a full of molature mid in
excellent condition.
A. L. Wooater, a prominent
of Oiaeo, Mich , after mifl'erlhg excru
ciatingly from tdlea for twenty year*,
waa cured tn a abort time by uaing
DeWItt’a Witch Hazel Halve, an abac
lute cure for all akin dineaae*. More el
thla preperation la uaed than all otberi
combined. Odeudabl Bro*.
L. D. Gardner received tlie following
newa from hi* aon-in law F. H, Illaer,
of Fairmont. Nebr. We have anew
boy at our bou*e, arrived tin* a in. In
time for breakftat. about 6:20. Etta
and baby all right We learn of youi
aad mlafortune, but It might hava t>eeii
worae. We have the fluent proapect
for crop* of all kind* I have eycr *eer
In thla Mate."
Little Nellie'* Funerl.
It waa with a degree of profound aor
row that the people of thltclfy turned
out aamava laat Sunday afternoon U
atte ad the funeral of little Nellie Me
Coy, who waa drowned in a atorm cavt
laat Friday night during the flood
She waa a bright little girl of flvt
year* and much beloved by all wbc
knew he.
The funeral waa held at the McCoj
realdense »t 2 o'clock, and a long pro
station followed her remilii* to tbi
Evergreen cemetary where aha wai
laid to reat.
The aorrowlng family have the pro
foun 1 aympsthy of all.
spriOK n»rri.
Omaha, June Uth to Kith
Lincoln, June 10th to 2<>tb.
All the world beater* will be there
One r»r« for the round trip, pin* 5<
cent* for admission. Ticket* on lab
at Burliagtou Roate station* wlthli
150 mile* of Lincoln nnj Omaha.
See the local agent of the B. & M
and get full information.
Nrw» From Clear Creek
Clear Creek, June 8th, 1800.
As we bear from disaster* In Ahe
localities from hall, rain and wind w
feel that for once we are la lock Am
with an exception of a slight daiuag1
by rain our crops are all safe.
Culvert* and bridge* sull'cred ton
but can soon be replaced.
Rev Hodge* I* bolding a aerie* o
meeting* at Lone Klin.
Kl Murray will soon start for tin
weal to find a home. Mr. Murray ha
been ipiite *lek.
County convention will meet on lb
Mr lieek t« ereci mg a grand lion* o
Urge dimension*.
Corn crib* and out ouihHlig* wet
blown down at l.licliltehl on the flth
Mr < »>uor.h
Awarded highest honor*.
World'a Fair.
A put* (. >pe inrm «i lebi ISstihr.
*•«■ * ~* A<uk.'4 AM* it • r min* i >idm,ng
4* VMM nil >1 AM'AKl)
A -mull house belonging to th•
Barker ertnte vlileh \.ir under the
«U|ier« Irion <if \\ ||. ''•>!,jf>-r w ar
blown away. Mr. Conger hail ju-t
foreeioscd a mortgage on the property
In speaking of tin lorr In- r ilil • i|,hi
It wa>'In Hi i tiiii<• lie ever knew itini
a mortgage * I• I not hold a hon-e '* It
•'••til- It* tlilr e :ie that I lie elements
lOinill'I'ei'il lull" % i* Ii I iiiii proceedings,
tl cd i eri'-s petition anil the moilgiige
war lontnl to lie nogood.
Mrs. Knndall willelor • old her entire
stock of Millenrry goods lit prices to
suit purchaser.
I sell good Sewing Machines for leas
money than you can hue of traveling
agents from abroad. T. M. Khmi.
Mrs.Nellie |{nnda!l Is offering the
public great bargains in the Mlllcnery
line We learn (bat rhe I* ulorti.g out
pteparltory to moving away.
Having concluded to cl'se out. my
business here I offer my entire stock
of Mil enery goods at prices to suit
purchaser. Mits. IUmiai.i..
One minute is the standard time, and
One Minute Tough Cure Is the standard
preperatlou for every form of cough or
cold. It l« the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results.
Odendahi Urns
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortal
ity among children caused by bowel
troubles Perfect safety may he assur
ed those who keep oti hand DeWitt’a
Colic & Cholera cure, and administer
It promptly. For cramps, bilious colic,
dysentery and diarrho-a, It affords In
stant relief. Odondahl Bros.
! Wanted—An Idea S3S
All Hood Ke|»uOilcans
should make a point of attending the
National Convention, to he held at St.
Louis' Tuesday, June lflth. The ex
pense is not great If you take the
Burlington. On the 13th, Mill and
lflth of June, you can purchase a round
trip ticket to St. Louis at THE ONE
WAY KATE. Think—Isn't It worth a
few dollar* a few day* time to see
the next President nominated. Full
Information on application to any
agent of th* II A M.K. K. or by ad
dressing J. Francis Gen'). Puss'r. Agent,
Burlington Host#, Omaha Neb.
OHKAP KATES via the Union PocHie,
National Kepublioan Convention at
St. Louis Mo June lflth. One fare for
round trip.
National Democratic Convention at
Chicago, III. July 7th One fare for
round trip.
National Convention Young People
Societies of Christian Endeavor at
Washington, D. C. July 7th to 13th,
One fare for round trip.
Annual Meeting Baptist Young Peo
ples Union at Milwaukee, Wis. July
lflth to Ikth. One fare for round trip.
For rates, date* of sale and limits
call on or address
F. W. Clink, Agt. V. P. Ry,
Bids Colds be Gone The rnagici
cian's wand is not more potent than Dr.
Humphrey’s Specific "IT’ for colds.
For sale by all druggists.
spring' medicine
Is Simmons liver regulator -don’t
forget to take It. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver—keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
your system is In Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a I.iver Remedy once and note the
difference. But Lake only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator— it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. I ake it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
rawder; but takcSlMMONS I.IVER KEGU
ATOR. You’ll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for It.
9. u. Zt-llin tk Co., Philadelphia, I’a.
yy l marcy.
OFFIO*.-In Head and Marcy Block, Ku*l
•Ida Public aouare. Loup (Jlty, Nab.
yy j.HsiiiK,
Attorney-at-La w,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases
entice In NoatiiwicatBKW building
prop, op EXPRESS an"
All Kspraa* or Freight order* promptly
attended to
Dod i Geieral Liv and Collection Basisess
A Notary Public, Stenographer and
Typewriter In Office.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office one door ea»t of Odendabl l:ro*.’
Drug Store.
^ artistic homes.
220 Designs^AII for lOc.
Tb« Ur.eM collection of up-to-date designs
«T«r publlilml in anjr architectural book In
th. world. SO church design*— So Interiors—
“"•“f -. COLONIAL HOMES . .
M dMlgn. 10.U., or both books for Uet«.
An. on* going to build, or ever Intending
to build, shoula send for these i IKK limited
edition.) of “Artistic and < blonlal Homes."
I HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, Wainwrlgbt Bldg.8* ST. LOUIS, MO.
and local uewapupor in
time table.
I-.TIP >1. I.cvc. *1 :W P. M
( oiDM’rtini.N at Anmi* for all point*
A. K Wkim s, Agt
Hc^limlng N .inlay. November 17th,
traliia will arrive anil depart at thi*
! atation a< I dlow*:
l.eavea Leave*
Monday. / , Tneaday, / „ (M)
Wmlne*d«y,[;ft®’ Thuredey.
Friday, I11"1 arurday ) *•
Arrive* at Loup City daily T.i&
Clo*e connection at firand Inland for
all point* Knot and Went
t . W. Cl.INK, Agent
No. I. Wlirra, Fair Weather.
No. Ill,nr., Rein or anow.
No. 3. Top HAtr wbit* i/iwkk
Local KiiIiin.
No. I lli.A'H ill van*.i,r Tcinpreture.
No * Wiiitk; with H1.AOK aijuure In
center. Cold Wave.
When No. I U placed above Non. I, II ami %
It Indicate, warmer weather uml when placed
below Non, I. and 3. It Indicate* colder
When No, 5 In placed below No*. I, and If
fair or wet weather with cold wave.
Will tlud that the Union Pacific offer*
*uperlor advantage* to tboee Who at
tend the annual meeting, to be held at
Ottawa, Kail., May M-t‘J On* fare
for the round trip, plu* two dollar*,
from all point* In X«bra»kaand Kaaaa*
i* the rate authorized for the oeca
nIoii Call on or write to me for full
tt-iM-W K, W ( i,ink. Agent. ^
The best blood medicine ror iwenty
(lvc cents enough for the whole fami
ly (jet h package of Hlminons Liver
Regulator, the heat sprlag medicine
and tiiu best blood medicine, because It
la ibe best liver medicine. If your
liver is active It will throw off ail im
purity in the system, and all depression
of spirit. Wake up your liver, but do
It with Hlminons Liver Regulator.
J H. Zellfii A Co., Philadelphia. J’a.
l>ld you ever thin k how readily the
blood is po'soned by constipation?
Bad blood means bad health and pre
mature old age lie Witt's Little- ,
Early Kisers, the famous IItitle pills,
overcome obstinate constipation.
Odcndahl Bros
Kltle U Bolton and ——— Bolton, her
hnsband, whose first name 1s unknown lo
plaintiff. will take notice, that, on the nils
dav of April, 1*96. John 8. Cheney, plaintiff L
In an action p> tiding in the district court
of Sherman County, Nebraska. wherein
Peter ChrtetlHn Hannah E Chiistlan hie
wife, little M. Dolton aud -Holton,
her husband, and John Bee, are defendants
filed bis petition It the district court
of Sherman county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object aud prayer
of which are lo foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendants, peter
Christian and Hannah K Christian lit*
wife, to the Mead ltond and Treat Com
pany, upon the following described real
estate situate in 8herman County and State
of Nebraska, to-wit The East Half ot the
8omth East gnat tor of Sect Ion 3, in Town
ship is. Nor'.li of Mange 15, west, to sa
care the payment, of a certain coupon bond,
for the Slim of fA.00.uO, dated April first I*‘.t0,
with interest thereon at the rate ol 7 per
cent per annum from the let day of April
1*90, an til maturity, payable semi annually,
according to the tenor of ten annexud In
terest notes or 319 US cacti of even date
therewith, said bond and coupons, and
mortgage were thereafter duly assigned to
plaintiff fur value.
That there Is now due upon said notes
and mortgage the sum of 693.89 with in
terest from the 34th day of April, 1*96, at
the rate of ten pur cent per annum, for
which sum. with Interest from this date,
plaintiff prays (or a decree, that defend
ante he required lo pay the same, and that,
said premises may be sold to satlsty the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the until day of Julv, 1996.
Bated June 10tli IHisi.
John 8. Ciirnky, Plaintiff
Attest: It- T. 8. NPIHTIHOALK and
i.or 18 Uam, Thomas L. Hall,
Clerk ot the Blsl- his Attorneys,
trlct Coart.
the mild power cures.
Ur. Humphreye' kperifit-e are aclontlfioalty
and carefully prepared Uemodlae, uaed for yean
In private practice and for over thirty yean by
the people with entln aucoaaa. Krary rliflr J
specific a apeclal cure for the dlaeaae »—~»r ™
an. irinm tun ]
I—Feeera, IiiflammaUmn. .HI
a IVarna, \> Pever, Worn, l.ihc. •*< i
f-Teathlaai Colin, Crylup, Wakefulnw M
4 l>larrhra,of Children or A(fciua. VS
A -Uyaeatery.Orlpln*, Pillow Uulla.... a
M-Chalera Marbae, V.aituac.
T—< ua«he, < ohla, Inonchlifc.. a ,
h Nrurelaln. To.4ha.he, Pacaaaha.... a 1
U-llaadachea, fitek lUadaoka. Vertigo. .
Ill UtuwiMla, kiltHuiM. CdafiMH ,
!l-^?f.*rMr4 i* y*1".™ Tarlada- .
I * W hllea. Too Prof UM Per lode. I
13 C ieee. I.aryaelila, lloeraaaeaa ... .
• 4- Malt liheaai, tiyaiiolar. Itrepakw. .
1.4 It hr u mall.mi, or lOwumeUc Phttn.. . 1
I# Malaria. Lhiiu, Peer atid Aana..., ,
if-rllea, Wind or Maedlag.„,„r., 1
I* Uphlhatair, hwolnlbe , ,
Si Bmr »>*'»>>■»»—..RtyalglianlM > ■
»l "*i refala, l.nler*«4 Claeda HeeUiae j . n
III toaaiel Ikh.lut, I’hyahalWeahaHaa j , (
a3 Urapar. I>4 heaaiy IkhUmm ... J ’
I? ' *. hhdumaUwaa Ptian a i a
& t.r^.TOiW::: ::::::--::—^ ; I
W halt Maw lb. o t eehi r . a I 1
ft-j-iirrjiV'ivV.l:— j I
It l*l»«ae*aaflke Heart.PalphaiMtla J
If 'lit*i**-*.«Wf»a I*. Mtw lean I i fl
4} I’lphth. tla. 1 lw.iwla« , ,1. I
Si t hreale t enpveilaaa • hrwptaan. 41 j
U ’ll H PA aw aw | aw raja
77 ut<»!«poaMlP, 25**
MM 3 mat katlaa id pPwMtt — — ~-~
Kta tear >wt |UM ~
fiat.. wnaan, m «-* t-w ,.4 « waaM afnnw
*• Ik new.« «*«*• in mg,, , Ay,,
a. araatia teaa
__*TM« mi OINTMCNT.*
»a* t*fke > I wren,. laamal m Manta*
Inn.-, at* >• Vap a UnTtegT/ Uw lte.V,“
ISlnlkl k laiwelwj ten .wnWatane
TKIOlMm M|g|l
M It hwte.m aaat