The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 12, 1896, Image 7

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    A Yfiling Woman*! *n«tit«t»r Ward rub#.
Krntna M. Hooper in answer to a cor
respondent who inquires concerning a
wardrobe for the summer (in May
1-adie*' Horne Journal ; "Have four
dancing gowns of net over silk, chiffon,
white ItrcMli-n silk and a spangled net. j
\N lilte and pair blue pique aulta, sev
eral fancy allk winsta, a dotted Swiss,
a flowered organdy, blue duck and
bright blue outing gown of twill; then
a golden brown cheviot for traveling;
black eatin and whit* silk separate
skirts; shirtwaists, and a tan mohair
mit Add a pretty taffeta silk of
medium hues of changeable green, and
you have the array In which expense 1*
not an object”
A frofllMblr In *#ut ton.
While a great many inventors are
able to invent and perfect, new ideas
but few of them posse** the business
ta» t necessary to Introduce their inven
tions after they have been patented.
Occasionally, however, an Inventor ie
enabled to devise a valuable invention
and ia at tbe same time able to realize
a snug sum on the same.
<<ne of these successful inventors Is
Thomas H. Ferguson, of Omaha, Ne
braska, who ha* Invented a till, within
which is embodied a removable and
adjustable simper so that oval, spher
ical or irregular openings can be drill
ed. the bit being arranged to automat
ically adjust itself u* it feed* forward.
Inventor Ferguson further devised an
egg carrier which lathe almpleiland
cheapest egg crate yet Invented and
placed upon the market and both of
these inventions ha was enabled to dis
pose of to a company with unlimited
capital, the patents being procured and
sold through Messrs, flues A,La, 1'nited
Flutes Latent Follcitors, of Omaha,
Flsreace II. Judson. of Found I Bluff*,
Iowa, has received a patent for an ex
ceedingly clever device, which can he
I used both as a toy and an adverllaing
medium The Invention consist* of a
peculiarly constructed metal frame
which can hr made for a few pennies
1 and which ia adapted lo hold a aouare
^ piece of card board such a* an ordinary
business card, and which when thrown
backward will expell tin* card with a
force sufficient to send If fully a hun
dred feet straight upward, the inven
tion being practically a card shooting
Inventor* desiring valuable free in
formation aa to the Taw and practice of
patent*, may obtain the same by ad
dressing Hue* A <o., I'nlted States
latent Solicitors, Bee Building, Omaha,
tmlf Made It Worse.
A country editor, wishing to pay a
high tribute to en old soldier vleing the
village, wrote of him aa the batlleacar
red veteran When the printer got
through with it it appeared uext day
and the old soldier was referred to a* a
'• battle-scared veteran.”
When the soldier read the (taper he
went up to have it out with the editor.
The scribe explained that it was an
error of the printer, and he would cor*
; reel it In next dey'a edition. When the
next day'e paper eppeared to the old
soldier sea “bottle-scarred veteran,”
the printer being responsible ae before.
The editor had to answer for this at
the pistol's point— l,cul*villa Commer
Hell's Catarrh Car*
Jetaken internally. Brice, 76c.
I'hr«l»'.-xr as she Is Teugbt.
A 12-year old boy wrote the follow
ing composition on "brenth:” “Breath
ia made of eir. We always breaths
with our lungs, and sometimes with
our livers, except at night, when our
breath keep* life going through our
nose* while we are asleep. If it wasn't
for our breath, we should die when
ever we slept Boys that atay in a
room all day should not breathe; they
should wait till they get outdoors
For a lot of boys staying in a room
make curboulclde, and carhonicide ia
more poisonous than mad dogs; though
riot just the same way. It does not
bite; but tliutdoes not matter as long
as it kills you. ”— Bristol Medical
J 1 11 ■ 11
Three for * Dollar!
1 hrce what? Three charmingly exe
cute ) punter* in color*, drawn by \V.
Dciiklow, Ktliel heed and Kay
Drown wi‘l be M-nt free, of postage to
anv iiddrekk on receipt of One Dollar.
Ali wno are afflicted witn the "po*ter
cin/n" will immediately embrace thia
rant opportunity, a* hut a limited num
ber of toe pohter* wilt be iaaued. Tha
tea roily of a good thing i-nhencr* it*
value. Addrckk Ilea If. DeafTord,
t.eneral I’aakeuger Agent of tbt Chi
cago. Milwaukee A St I'aul Kailway.
Old i olony Duilding. f idea go, IIL
ki.moier A kt-orelon* t la the Wrluih N. H.
I St l.otdk June IMh to Ifiih
li/I.K | St I ,uu I* July tf.d
tAIlK | Vtaehluyton Ju y I'd tuftth.
{ Dull* it Ju > Mh *ud Mb
how ou *a e Summer TuurUt Ticket* to
at. cummer re*ort» good returning until
iw HIM I ho* l.'ook ft Son * k|«cial
ir.ur* of Kuro|w Pnr rale*, ititierle*. **il
i* ol steamer* *mt lui inlnrmallon re
It-r.lluy siimmvr vacation tour* vi* rati or
»e'er tall el the IV* a*u Ticket tilth*. No
141ft leruaui St tattoo Hotel block or
writ* l> N t lei ton N IV | A , Dinah*
Net r
to Hake eirewlwrrr Jetty
Doll liner ijuarter* of a pound of
kuyar In half a pint of water. |**ur it
t< ilmg hoi over three pint* of *tr*w
liernea in an aarlhvrn vr*eel, add the |
juice of two leiuou* eover clueely, *ad
let it >i«t<l twelve hour* Then tlrata !
thrnuifh a doth i flannel l* the heal
tiling, ink tha Juice which haa fun
through with two and a half ouaaea af
gelatine. which ha* bnea duuadved ta a
Tittle warm water, aad add awlhcinai
v« id water to mnbt the aithia eae
ttuert Door into a would aad hi m
tha lea to ami
- - .-IIIUI.II-* I
A Bowwie* Wee*it K**t Pro*. |
Writ* lot. A i ran* general pa Anna
?*• aad tick .it agent tV ninth Hadruwd
A I liter VI o fui a titaintl ra»«ft
twoh. iciling all about the beautiful
iaba rag to* ranched hi tha Mahanh)
he i trued
hk< aratafal baart ba* rouaw ta M that
»<!,■ * tenant • le«
A good i hare, ter * i* all , ana* the ft art
*1 | rineti Mtilki*
I AH A heat w.«i*«* terra t Aarta
Iht 'l ent belt ta the aaate «f ae *
DluAirnted uiuethljf aaw epapef pub
itcknl kt the t Imago bur .lag toe fb
tgutaey a Ik It a no* to git* tof«r at
tma in aa tate«**tiag way about tha
fatat latobt ut tha weak *oa«l it ceata *
ta puatae'v *twwp* t* the * or a bet me
"‘I I Ihf- ukg# * ||l>l 11%• Will *
"flood night," «nid Itrent, aa we aep
aratod. "Good night, brother," raid 1,
wltti profound aympathy.
“I’ieaaanl tlreama," aald he,
"Confound all women!" aald 1.
"Ala*, how caatly a woman rati
make a foot of a man," aald he.
"Or two men," aald I.
* * • * •
Kthyll Lynn waa tty far the prettleat
»11miner girl at the ahore, and ahe
lived nltoiit a mile down the Iteaeti
from the hotel where I waa apt-tiding
a month ami all my *|*ire eaah.
I waa airolling along the aand In the
purple and blue twilight toward her
cottage wht.n i waa overtaken by
Crank Itrent, a man I had a real ad
miration for until 1 heard Mlaa l.ynn
go Into rapt »•« over him one day
when | waa doing my Iteal to make
niyaelf entertaining to her, If nothing
Ordinarily I am plenaed with any
peroon'* good laate who agreea with
me In wlint I think admirable, Imi In
tIda Inataiiee I aeemed to hare de
parted from my tiaiial euafotn,
However, aa I waa aayltig. Mr Itrent
overtook me on my at roll and aa I
hail an engagement with Mlaa l.ynn
ami fell caay In my mind on that
at ttre, I waa rather pleuaed than other
wlae to have company In my Iclanrely
twilight walk
"Hood evening, Mr Hite,” he auld,
Upping Ida hat with the grace that
made him a favorite wltli all women
/* ll| »>l I »»»'*»’, • '’HIM’ H” W H”
you do’/ I am charmed to we you, I
hope you will Join me In my km Ik/'
"With pleasure, my dear fellow/'
We were friendly enough for llmt aort
of fMiullInrlty, find lie caught atep
with roe as we moved along
"What a delightful evening!" I aald,
"and how aoft the air!"
"Yea. A Intel breeze ia alwaya de
light ful when the day a have not been
too hot There ia an odor of (lower*
In fl. and an aliaenee of that Invld
litoa little chill which aeerna to he an
eaaentlal of the ait It air of the a eg."
"I have noticed that myaelf," aald I,
ptoaaod to think that he waa an oh
servant, for I admire obaervant poo
"It la the time for poetry and lovera’
rhapaedlea." I ventured,
lie laughed
"There ia on idea In that." he aald
Then I laughed also
"There la In everything I aay," I
aald, laiwlng with moek auperlorlty,
"Of eourae, of eourae, hut aa I waa
about to Hlueldate, It never oeeurred
to me before to have the mofoorogleal
condition* coincide with the emotional,
(ind I never have considered at run*
plierle rurrent* tn connection with
con iaiaIte currents of two throbbing
hearts. I aeon now, though, the ad
vantages of a soft, sweet, caressing
hind I freeze as compared with the
clammy dampness of a breeze Just
off the salt water,"
"It la a beautiful thought," I re
aponded. proud of the suggestion I
had given him on whleh he had based
•o remarkable a conclusion,
"Yea," he laughed llghily. "and the ,
land hreeze doesn't make a girl's nose
cold either, and her bunds don't feel
like day liefore yesterday's blocult*
In the gloaming, aa they do when the
»ea breeze »weeps Its salty tlavor In." j
Notwithstanding If rent, was beeom- !
lug hrllllafit, I hliikhed (Willfully, for
aoiuewhere out of my memory, like
the ghost of something, came the
thought of a cold noao that 1 had once
upon a time felt touch my cheek, and
I remembered that It waa not a land
breeze blowing at the moment of con
"You treat those things with too
much levity, old man," I aald, In a 1
one of reproof. "Love la a sacred
[fling, arid the matters you refer to
ire Incidents of that aacred expert
"I presume you are right, lie aald,
»n Ilf - hu m III|'|>* (« i ii* nnnrn IHMII
iIh cigar "Hut how iloca It hapimii
lint you arc atrolllug on the twach
t lone 7"
"Anil you." 1 replied, turning upon
"Oh. I’m with you," he laughed.
"Ami I am well accompanied," I
mi wed
"Hut what are men to men. under ,
he twilight Htari’t" he ctuiuted.
Thla w mm touching a mitijcct I wan
tot anilouM to dwell u|hui. ms I eg- |
meted to take Mlaa out for a
uooullght walk, nud I tuo*t emplmtl- '
ally did uol want Mr Hreut to tie
if the parly, mo I hedged
"I don't know.” I Maid "I think
nen can lie iierferl com pan Inna to '
‘Mill other, eieli under the moat ro
1Wtitle aiiMpicea."
"I’oaallili a iiiiiii might tie an to
ou," Iaiiglull Mr. Hreut. "Ian not to
tie For me ituaiullght. mimic, mulda
i lid"
"Uiiik:" I Intcrrupud
"Ah. lllliah yolccd " he olgned. wuh
da ejea rolled hearetiwaid. "Inn Iwl
er ilmu any pie that Hit phased a
■a late,"
Itrenl waa grlltlig ailty,
"llow tar are you going dowu the
leaoltY" I naked tnthei auddeuly. for
I thla point we wrre ouly a uuarter
if a mile from Mlaa lynn'e mu lane,
ml I wanted to gel Hieui turned in
hi* other direction
*rth. mu tety far.” be *aul rather
upwrvtllt»oe|y. I thought •» if I had
a* right to aak him am h a uration
' '"ar etoMkgh I lam y I retorted
"And ptay Mr lllte. how tar to 'far
trough ta yoot rocaliothirt T he re
yamded to am h a maneer a« to tan
■ke in* all ore*
"Ih* Uo ii ta a putdh highway to
II intenta amt tMunme Mr Hieui “
replied with frigidity, "wad I wt
trine you i an go ae far a* it egtend* “
ini atlli farther Wo doubt he
•td. wtitnii a* eatm if tl >u»ly eg
ended ole* the rutga into the new
ml there we* deep water there and no
f» •arete ia atght
"Ah yon yrrlrt Mt Itrenl " end I
■ mag .1
"Am yon going too g >" he «H*»nt
hid I net gl pita* at '
"V»n might go ota* to Mtaa I yaw a
ullage a ad reel awhile ae tatg
I had thought of going there I
• u| at indigt really a* t ooid t"-t I
knew lie mtiUI *ee more In what »
an id limn I wanted him to know,
"I | Mean me you would have no ole
Jcetlon to my going with you and ob
taining a much needed reat myaelf,
would yonV"
"i'etuiInly not," I replied, and he
teemed to think better of me, "Nil
Mlaa Lynn might."
"And why ,\ll»a Lynn, pray 7"
"Really, Mr. Hrent," I aald, moat
anerrlngl.v, "I run not undertake to ei
phi In to you why Mlaa Lynn la par
llculnr about whom ahe aaaoeiatea
I thought thla would erttah him. Nit
It didn't.
"Heelng that you are one of her an
aortatea, Mr. lllie," and be awept a
aeomfttl aalaam before me, "I ahould
think not,”
"Mr Hrent," I aald, exaape rated al
rnoat beyond eontrol, for I anw lie waa
bent on Interfering with my plana for
the evening, "If you will ftermll me to
explain I will aay to you that I nm
here by dealgn.",
"And ao ant I, air."
"Mlaa Lynn," I eonllulled, "ha» an
engagement with me for thla evening,
made yealerday, and I may add Hint
from what ahe aald lo me at tin time
and from whot I have aald to her nt
more than a dozen ttniea during the
pH a i two week*, tliiii engagement will
very prolmhly he made a permanent
one "
"In other word a, Mr 11 lie, you and
Mlaa Lynn will he un engaged couple
after thla evening7"
“Kxaetly, Mr, Hrent,"
“Then, Mr, lllie," he went on, "let
me Inform you that I urn alao a aultor
for that young lady'a hand "
"ller fortune, you mean." 1 nneered
"I’leaae don't Interrupt," he aald, “I
waa more polite when you were talk
lug Aa I waa aaylng. I am alao a
aultor for her hand, and ahe doea not,
I faney, look eoldly upon me Indeed,
I had an engagement wnh her nifacir
ttila evenlug,"
He wen idling me a cruel lie, and I
knew It, tint I could not tell him no I
had my engagement to keep with
Kthyll. and I could not rlak a fight
and go to hei covered wnh gore and
victory, and much lev* with gore and
defeat, for Brent waa an athlete, while
I wawn't,
"But you do not love her aa I do," I
aald half pleadingly.
"Imve her, mtinV" and hla tone* were
tierce and fervid, "Love her? Why,
you could no more love that woman a a
l love her than a humming bird could
fly with an eagle. All tn> ho pea and
my ambition*, my preaent and my
future, what I have and what I am «r
ever expect to !*•, are in her hand*,
and If I thought they were to to*
thrown hack upon me I would ca*l my
aelf Info the a«n on the Inatant Lore 1
her, man'/ lurvc her'/ Why my love
Sor her finaaea the comprehenalon of a
ozen men like you,"
i hi* waa painful and peraonal, hut
I preaerved my balance,
"It I* eaay for you to talk," I replied,
for he wa* a lawyer, "but you are not
aeleetlng the proper text. Kthyll Lynn
for week* ha* been to me the one
woman In the world, and I would give
my life gladly to win her Already we
bare talked over the future that la
opening ao happily before it* and I have
gazed rapturoualy along tin rove leaf
ed faith which we ahull follow hand
In hand to the end of our day*/’
I am anre Brent thought I waa lying
to him, tail fortunately he did not aaf
no. At that moment I waa deapemte,
and It would have taken very little for
me to become a factor In a twilight
tragedy down by the wounding aea
"Mr, Brent," I aald, reprcaaing my
Indignation, "you have iinduced thl*
lady, and I do not want to hear any
more from you,"
"I have not traduced her any more
than you have, air," he retorted "It
doe* not traduce a woman for an hon
eat man to aay be love* her "
"Thank you," aald I, much to hla
aurpiiac at the neat turn I had given
hla remark.
And why ahrmldn’t I have thanked
him? I. at leaal, waa an houeai man,
anil I hived Kthyll I.ynn with all my
Brent waa an Interloper, and I wa*
certain of It, He hud the apeeloua
manner >T the in.m nr mat character
“Mr, Brent," I continued, acelng that 1
hr- waa alleut, "yon have made cer- :
tain atateiiienta tlila evening concern
lug a Indy which tuna I lie «howu to In*
true or you will have to anawer for
them ro me"
Thla waa almoal a declaration of war i
and I made It with aome degree of
nervouaneaa, hut It hud to lie done
"Very well, air," he replied confi
dently. "I think I can aatiafy you that
I utu afieakliiK the Imth." And lie
took from hla pocket a delicate little
note and handed It to me. It wua from
Mlaa I.ymi from Kthyll-aud ll up
polliled a meeting with Mr Itrcni Hint
evening at k o'clock.
Waa It |M>aathlc that I had made a
mlaiake In uiidcratuiidlng her It* »ny :
that ahe would meet me that evening 1
at the aame time '
Till* wua |H>«alhlc, for I know that
when ahe told lin* to come I waa III
an* h a white of ig|uire i* acan cljr to
he n<H|M>liettllc
"Thta note," I wiiA after I had glanc
er| over It In the light of Htwnt'a elgar,
for It waa already dark, "acetn* to hi
title y»'ll to aoine right* In the premtwea,
hut there n** oilier* lo he *aMailed lu
thla matter "
lUHo r. I rftiiiilil w)," h<- Mill, with
the Mir of a triumphant ion*picn*r
"fan ion «Uow tauae why you are
here, Mi lliley
"None, air," I waul, it <*ut as
la at I could "eai epl my verluit alale
uieol and I hartll.i think Mr. Hrewl
wiltway that I aw a liar "
"ll la no! ne* * aaar) t**i Mr Mr*nt la ,
at) what he twin tea ke replied an.l ,
I never fell #u tike hitting a man in wt
life Imi I reetralnrd mi heligeren* y ,
"Neither la II aeceaaary for two gen |
itenwn within alghi of a lady’a k«uee
iu t<»*»• u«r luwwon aireet hrnwlere ’ I (
retorted will* greet rtiguPy
"A in* I to i lime la twlief Awl there |
naa a ihreel la hla yoke
* tgultr au Mr Mm m Non lei u> go
i*n lu Miw l luu a >uuagv and aut mil ,
Ho MUM I t" M ' i
A* ton |*trah Mr line ,
He walked on in elk n< * A ewa I
naa natng Mo t ra* k > mud# tyare |
harking *i|* In • hr nw( mre
Aa*kea of ihfkthtMg and Ike angry
MiMlleiing* of Ikutohr but all of it
naa a May ac.rulog t* Ho at im tknl
naa raging nlibtn ua H> nalkrd I
nitre •lietakre rtad tutr met a k*t
it Ik* gate of »Vo «itti*g* and ai**p
lung iha»»- an loaiant waning whkk
n* akuuld Itf* the la* k liter* tame a
httllMhl lightning fun nhtek tty* 1
initialed the whole front of the callage.
It laated not an Inatant of time, hut It
won enough.
Heated on the pbiv./.a waa Ml** Lynn
—my Kthyll, Hrent'a Kthyll. our Kthyll
and Jack llarper, h young dude laith
of ita deaptard from the taiHom of our
henria. and .lark'a arm waa around
he i
W't aaw It all and hoard her little
acream aa ahe aaw ua, and then tha
dnrkneaa eame down thleker thngi
I put my hand to the latrh of the
gale, and Hrent'a hand waa there. Hilt
we did not lift the latrh. We ai|Uoejsed
ea* h oilier'a liarnla aa hrothera In a
common woe, and went hark to the ho
tel arm In arm Waahington Star.
ai.mrilnira Wall.' of fioM anil Ollier
Rllraiamal Kail* In Hnnnera
“There'a an extra vangnni faaldon In
akalea In lluaala which liaa licrri mak
ing |l« way weal ward the laal year or
two, and thla winter liaa really taken
« hold ii|n>n people in ihla country
who ran afford to Indulge In aurh ex
peiial'e caprlcca," aald the iiinnnger
of ft great Itrm, which luma out aonie
iilia of lliouaatida of akalea every
year,' I allude lo the fancy for akalea
of gold and allver.
"The year liefore laat W'e had hut
three ordera for akalea of theae klnda;
laat year we received elglu; tail llda
year, although there liaa really not
Im’cii any akallng up to the preaent
moment, we have had ordera for no
fewei than twenty two palra of akalea
In geld and live In allver, while rot
ative! and gold idali-d akalea the do
mand thla year liaa been almoat pile
"It >a nothing more than a fad, of
eottrae, for a pair of gold akalea are
oo Letter than pcrha|>a not aa good
ft JiBlr of heat aleel, tail they coat more
than » hundred tlmea the mopey. if
you laiy <i guinea for a pnlr of atecl
akniea, you can gel them hb g<aal aa
you lould wlah, hut you eertHlnly will
not vet a nair of uidd under KTaXl
"We recently made ii pair of gold
rkafc* for the daughter of a prominent
IJvcipool merchant, That the fad la
men ly the outcome of a dcalrc to
»|HH<I will he aeen from the fact that
alie wa* not content to have them of
anlld gold and highly cluiacd, Imt had
tlicic an loaaalvc that they weighed
loilf aa much again na wna ueccaaary
“A great numlier of ordera for akalea
of fl'la kind come to ua from abroad.
The other day we dlapuielntd three
|ialt> ot golden akalea to Hi. I'd era
Imrg. and we have In hand for a lady
reahlmg In ihut city a pair to tic made
of gold act with dhimonda, which we
eallniate will he worth $7/(00 when
tln’a) "d,
"That aotinda an enormoiia mini for
aueto an article, doe* It not'/ But there
are more than one |»alr of akalea worth
If to or „lx tlmea that amount The
wife of a Ituaalan mlrilelcr ha a a pair
which are valued at $40/100 We had
them to re|ailr two ycora ago. They
were clumry thing*, gold, act with dla
mono* and emerald*, and obvloualy
made only to look ahowy. No one
could have uaed them with any degree
of comfort. Now the faehlon ha* la*
gun In Kngland, I dare any we aliall
go one lietter. We hate already nwtde
a |Nilr of gold akatea act with a trac
ing of amall pearl* for an Kngltah
eiiatomer which coat $.'l,!VlO.". I.ondon
Till Hit*.
The Inventor of the Mlflr Wheel
The Mfupcndou* growth of the bicycle
alnce the "anfety" and the pneumatic
lire waa invented la llluatrated by a
afatemeut which cornea from l<ondon,
where an International exhibition of
horaelea* carriage*, motor* and motor
Induatrle* la to be held, beginning and
continuing during .May, June, July and
Aiiguat. The cpieen and the prince of
Wale* are the patron* of the exhibi
tion, and (lie chairman la II. J. l.uw
non, who twenty year* ago originated
the bicycle which la now In ulmoat uul
veraal uae, and known aa the "aafety."
l/sst year a lmiii|iiei wiim given to Mr.
Liiwmiu l»y the mayor of Coventry
and li,v the chief iiruiM of cycle iiiunii
fuciurera of the country, ut which he
was presented a leatlmoulal congratu
lating Idiu upon being .lie original In
ventor of itie chain-driven safety, and
it iiiugniflcent gold watch was left with
him aa a souvenir. The Bicycling
V'»# says dial, thanks to Mr. Law
son's Invention, over .’Mki.iliMi machines
are milled out annually by British
manufacturers, and an squat number
nr mere In the I'nlted Ntutes, Frauen
ind tiermany, and It can In* Justly
claimed that Mr. Isiwson has placed
•oinetldlig like $,VMSSi.(MMI In the pock
i*ts of cycle manufacturers, steel mer
'hams, iron foumlera, wire drawers,
rubber works and the leather trades.
Mr. Lawson was askeil how lie came
in isiient the safety, and he laughingly
isdiited to Idmself and said; "I am it
very little man. and I wanted to ride
i bicycle as well as the real, aud so I
•ad one cut down to suit me, I may
•ay ihat my short leg* have made my
fortune" No the popular "safety" ts
he outvalue of one small mail to com
•inict, not "a bicycle built for two,"
oil a ma< blue 10 accommodate tils own
lliiiliiutive proport loos New Ynrlt
% Heaver* ksekSSlMl Skill
Nat Pallia of llaugeley claims to la*
he only man in Maine aim knows •»
icily how fast « Issuer Works lie
*#* solus tip io Sewn I'ontl* aud at A
•'eh* k lie was passing the spot v*-lic.e
►*d ttrant'a tamp* are now located
l h< re was an inch or two of snow on
he ground and he waned the ir*« h
■f ttwe leaver leading up !•• a bird*
is* as though Id* hvavenihlp had Iteeu
an proafws ting tie for* . *,nt on* wring hi*
otuia-t ina opera i woe* The weal tw«r»
ng *1**111 h o'cWh Nat reached the
aim plate m hi* return trip Then
va* *1111 the truck of hut **we heater,
nit ‘n the night owe lurch about Mr j
to he* In dtantrief had l**-evt cut detail,
iml akasul eighties is* to* farther up j
he k>g another rut two third* uf the j
tat through Sail tweS mail* Heetdes I
h<* a wear bv hitch ats*ui two and it
wit Its he* thhk had lets • at down
Wi t M raid
all t» IM»* t»*d*e
tyld Hauwt** Ththtreu I kupi sen
t ■ nd the apple* helot# eat tag ih*mt,
\ rt, mother deal
H hat halt |um th ha with the pel
t*h w* ate them aft*#' families i
The Modern Hranif
Thrive* on good food and sunshine, :
I with plenty of exercise In the open sir.
Iler form glow* with health and her
face Hoorn* with lie beauty, if b* i aya
I t«-m needs the ■ losnslnx action of a lax
, alive remedy she usi s the gentle and
pleasant Hyrup of Klg*. Made by th*
i California Kl* Hyrup Company.
down for a Olrl tiradasie.
Adresaof while crepon made with
a tive-yrxrd aUlrt inUrllned with stiffen
ing to a depth of lifiren inches Hound
watat in track, polntad in front, large
leg-of-mutton sleeve*, belt and collar
of ttve-inch taffeta ribbon bowed at the
back. Ilox-plaitof the goods down the ;
center front oe the welat. Hreleliea of i
ribbon from lielt to ahouldera, back
anil front, with short bow of fourj
loops and four ends.
Coe's t sagh Balsam
I* >h« otSaat amt best. It will break up a Colo uuletw
#r ihen anythin* visa. It It always ratable Try tg.
Kx< opt in the little dllfereni es iu i-rsnkl
«►» (III men are nil tly alike
Mr* II C Ayer ol Itli hford, V't. writes
"Alter bavin/ ever I Mastery mu h de
I hltati'il and l.ia I dv*|ejala so tail i rou it 1
scarce y eat anything. A dtt a lood caused
liioatlng and I urnInz In the stomach with
pain and touch sureties* In my aid* and a
(■ri al deni of headache Vfj | hvslidau
keemed unable to help me anil I colitlimed
in tills mriilltlon until i took Hr Kay's
Henoiiitor which completely cured me "
Ho it by druggists at 36 cent* ami ft. or
►eut try mall by Hr. It J Kay Medical Co ,
Omaha Neb Hand lor Irre sample anil
Hetl emeiit day finally comes to every
I I now that my life was si.ted by I Iso s
Cure for < onsiiuiptloii .lobn A. Miller,
Au HaMe. Michigan, A|rtl HI, IhVfc
An eini^.y head and a rattling tongua
go wall together.
luiN'T let your mousy rust; make It
wotk; tlUO Invested In our system of In
vest ment will earn you 12 per day, An op
portunity of a life time. Address for par
ticulars'handler A Co., brokers and Hank
ers, Kaaotu lllock, Mlnnespolla.
Moscow, Knsaia has tbs largest bell in
the world. 4112 | ounds
II th* Many is catting Testa,
•ass rs and use that ol4 anS watt triad remedy, Baa
tt rsatow 'a ami ais« Svaer for Oktldrm Tmlhinf
Moat people do not want to know tbs
truth, if it la disagreeable
Holng good is the only certainly hnppy
ard Ion of a man's Ills.
('op;, re, • declared war w ith Mexico May
13, ia<i‘.; closed Keb, 2, IH4*
ftohtilng m Mother.
The aii/rette* that we wear in ov.r
hnt* are the feather* from the hack,
called tne doraal feather* of the white
herron They come only when the
little mother bird i* ifctling' ready to
build her neat anil lay the rppa which
*lte wi.l care for ao carefully, that her
little bird* may help to make the world
a more beautiful piece The huntera
know they can iret tbcae feather* only
when the mother herron I* on her neat,
and that aha lore* hrr liable* no dearly
that ahu will not leare her neat. Then
the hunter* ahoot her, pluck her beau*
tiful feather*, and leare the baby bird*
to starve and perikb In the oe*t for
want of care.—Outlook.
KeaiHinalre Moth to Harvh and »*ert
Tim rmrtt* arc of • r. pmnfuliy unit®. Wb#n
I hi* I* lb® tin- h* •*! thirty: to b® ddnr 1“
loM-i-lt tin- it Hie HMi tm»io»iHllRinii a- *I*t
MIK® of Ho*i®tti-r'h Mon iioh Kilter* n hii*
unfit nervine No )«*» n« n«ifi<#loI U if for
dy«n®ptle, billon- uttolitrlul. rhfturnMf I'*.
Ihmo-I find kidiuy <ru.ill;• ini** If * will,
pcmlslent re/ularfy A w lii«vJnM-fti) ti
for® rt'ilrlnir confer* idMp
'I her®* nothin;/ ®pr®«® worn® fhnn n
proud mind mid ley^nr* pur*®.
FITS -AllfW*Mm-i-mIf»*» » • l*r. f<Ilne‘«flr®n|
NrrH- KcnHirtr, Sol- <» ** 11 •*» i Im Iil’nm ' im*.
Miii v >li/uu rill oh. To «|!m Jttitlfrv’li >1 otll lr« • l,
fitcMo.. »»• imi topr. Min** ,1m1 ai «uU.,i Mi*,, J <*
I h® flr*t lm Mer rnnt/h won mad® in
beauty’* bane
the failing or falling of
the hair. Luxuriant
tre*«e* are far more to
matron than to the maul whom- ca»ket
of charm* i* yet unrifleil by time,
beautiful women wdll be glad to I*
reminded that falling or fading hair
U unknown to thoee who u*e
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
..- I
1896 Hartford Bicycles |
REDUCTION nnw.NM.iMoi; ’807*65 1 •
IN PRICE * + K *60 * *50 I
*50 > *45 I
Columbias s^'ssl
ttknowtodft no contfwtitort. And lh« prk« f|AA|
to lUrd 4b*ulut«Jy lor lh« anion d 1 tH At * J || || I
^ Mho1 p a CM Mi koy a IMM I
^ MrG q°- I
_HAUlTOft qof#i If