Lioaal Daws. A. Boone. Title Jeweler. For Screen Door* call on A. Welkin •on. Hee M. I.e*cliiri»k)'• new add in till* latue. Clia*. Stalil I* a new aubacriber to till* paper. Fred Wlnlcleuiau rode the W oodman goat la*l Tueaday night. Theo OJendyke made till* office a call while In the city Monday. W. II. Conger haa aet out live hun dred cabbage plant* in hi* garden. Mr. and Mr* Auble. of Orel nre vl»il lug With the family of Cha*. Aua’Jn. Women aave time and labor by hoy Inga Washing Machine ofT. M. Kced. W.II. Conger delivered the Memorial addreaa on Decoration Day ut Creely Center. The talk of building a new achool bou*e aeema to meet with general ap proval Mr. Caatele, of Phillip*. Neb., broth er in-law of A. Foil/, la vlNltiug here thi» week. Call on W I’. Heed he will be plcuatd to quote you the I,owe»t Price* on Farm Machinery. New and *ecoud hand liindtr* for •ale at T. M. KeetTi. T. H. Nightingale went to Arcadia )a*t Tueaday night returning W’edne* day noon Jamea Johaunen will give a dance In the opera hour*. l.oup City ou the j Fourth of July. Hand hill* are out announcing a grand celebration at Aahtou on the tf/itirlh at .Infix Mr. and Mr*. Jerry .Shrove are happy over the arrival of a son It their house hold last Tuesday evening. Are we going to have a Fourth of July celebration at Loup City. If so our buxine** men should be up and doing If you want a Bed. White and Blue Fourth of July bill printed come to the Noktii wkstkkn office. We priut them plain or in color* cheap J. M. KI lion, one of Sherman county's substantial farmer* living four miles east of Loup Citv added hi* name to our subscription list this morning. C'ba*. Conhiser took bl* new boat down to the fair grounds last Wedne* day It i> a daisy. The lake ha* a large body of water In It and boating I* good. J H. O'Bryan lost a bridle last week, lie dropped It In the road not far from his residence. Finder will please re turn same to owner or leave at this office and receive thank*. Mr. O. I*. Brown aud family and Mrs. B. F. Bunnell who have been for the past week visiting friend* snd rela tives here teturned to their home at Burwell, Nebraska Tuesday last Kc/.ema Is a frightful affliction, but like all other skin disease* ft csii be perinaneotiv cured by applications of l»«Wltt'x Witch llazel Salve. It never falles to cure Pile*. Odendahi Bros. Janie* I). Tur.iV.ull. of Oleticoe, Mi; n , and father-in-law of W. II Conger; has been visiting here for two week* past, lie will return home the fore part ol next week. R. S. Hayhurst received last evening from the weather bureau a special tele gram which said that the condition* were favorable for a severe storin. Tht storm did not luaterali/.e however. Ill the Spring time it young man'i fancy lightly turns to thought* of— ItevVitt'* Little Karly Kiser*, for they always cleanse the liver, purify th« Mood, and invigorate the system — Odendahl Itro*. The dance to he given hy the Loup City Orchestra on the eve of decora' tlon day was postponed on account of had weather We understand that It will take place tonight. Admission US cts. Ladies free. Notwithstanding the Inclemency ol the weather ther« was a good alien dauce at the County Suudauy School convention held at t'leoralast Sunday lt»v Wetister and several others from tin* plaee attended. We umlrrsUnd that the heat convention will he held at Litfhlietd In July Young ttiolhera dread the sum met month* on aocouut of the great mortal' tty among children caused hy lionel trouble* Perfect safety mar lie *«*ur *d those a ho keep on hand IteWitP* Colie it Cholera cure, and adiuliiUiei It promptly L«i cramp*, hiltous colic dysentery and dkarrtnca, it afford* In sloni relief, tMendshl Hro* After the outdoor eaervtse* wers completed the soldter* led • Urge •food to the ItcplUl < hutch Hon t M XlghUuffale the •peshcr the day and (or nearly an hour msd* art aide sud uy leal add r.» |t..ih in* Choir sad Iho Loup t ily l uttert Ustl read* red some » awl tec I mum |« artuther rotumu of thl* lo*a *»* •til ss*e Iho eall t»r a ttepohllca* thtMOiy t ooveolto* the delegates si rowdy elected ami who attended tt>a last cohven'tou will ho eniitied u Will later a Mow set ol tie teg *ie< Will he elected ami another *»tti"Ml.>i retted fur the porposo of muon •nt h count* o Hcsns as l* neves**! *o pul tu Iho <• M for Iho fall campaign Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder A Pur* e a large number of Irrigation plant* eatah lisped and that the Irrigation acreage will be double what t was last year Kx. .lohn It Maker a gentleman SO year* old I* In Hie city a* the general agent for several tine book* Mr. Maker wn In Urand Island twenty live year* ago. having at that time been In the well buaine** and I* acquainted with most of the old timer* who were then here. Mr. Maker and Ids wife will hex* Novemiwr celebrate their both wedding aniiyersary, the celebration to take place at the opera house In St Caul. Mr. Maker t* quite au old I took ag> lit Urand I.Uml Independent • -- tlv.uraltuH Hwj. hccoretuMi I*ay si Loup t’iijr was duly omened and the attendance w »» wry |<*s| The an1 tre program wa* eondueted tied1 r ihe auspice* of Shiloh Cost and Iks* lad lea »i the Circle t< auuv uaml the proceasiuu of | ulil wkkm Uul ladies of th* . yWo a laige delegation of Slml vh.ld ion Sle.1 Ih Hies at Watkiuaou hall ami ; levl by ib* ImimI nihbrd t* the court | b»uae upuir where short ] were had I he esetvi.e* were opeuevl by a *oeg (hit II hue end ttiee,“ whhh ea* followed by a pwruiw of oiog aerelce by Miser* I wl* It- .. .ai and ! i uvb f’lhereal srstund the I'rsai J ***»! ih# bilk •***# I# «#t HtMvtftft l## ImpmIIIhI Iktftvit Imhi# IH* lllNn t u*m**H* III*# I *ttl# II**# t% |»4f ** wlr4 III# li*44*** #1 likM) Kiiiiitfii,v fkliooi Convention. The Quarterly Sunday .school con vention wn* held at (ill'll a. May Jist In spile of (tie ihrciiiruing chillis, large delegation* were present from the various schools id our coiiniy, line showing ‘.heir li.tcrcst in this grand work Tin'uiornltig session opened with a Song service, in which all Joined hearti ly, followed by the address of welcome by (feorge Kngles, of Clenra, which seemed hardly neeemary for the In-an ti ft. I llowen so tastefully arranged •bowed that loving hearts mid willing liauds hud anticipated our coining. It was responded to by J. A. Angler of Loup City In a few well chosen re marks. After the Devotional led by Mr. K. <4. Holmes a pi nil table hour was spent In the study of the Sunday School lesson. Destruction of Jerusa lem Foretold. I,like. 21:20 80. Vo. of S. S. gupt. present 4 •' •' Teacher* •• 1-4 *• •* Officers “ 7 Convention adjourned until 2 p, in. 2 I’. M Devotional led by Kev. Shoemaker, if Litchfield. A half hour was given to the reports of the various school* md out of the 12 8.8. In the county 11 were reported. The business meeting was then open ed by the President. A letter from uur State Pro*., Rev. II. VV. Trueblood. [>. D., of Kaarney was read, also part* »f the constitution of the Stute Asso ciation. The ipiestlon shall wo send a Islegate to the State Convention at jinuliu July 87-20? wn* then discutsed. A great deal of interest was shown in the matter ns this is the 2bth Annual "HHia /iHHuuiMviun aim nnvriUBvi u«juh lias never been repre snted. A motion made and carried that Association send a delegate to said meeting and pay the expenses of *sld delegate Motion made and carried that the money in the treasury he used for that purpose and each school bear its share. Mis* Converse of Loup City whs then chosen hy a motion as the delegate to represent this comity at the State con vention. The subject of House to house vislta tlon and Hally Day were tbeu discussed A motion made and carried that a com mittee of three he appointed to district the county and appoint committee* in said district to engage iu House tc house visitation Rev. Webster, Ruv. Shoemaker and J. A Angler were ap pointed as cmcMlttee. An invitation was then extended by the L". B. 8. 8 of Litchfield for the Assoeiution to meet with them to three months. Motion made and carried that the Association accept the Sri vita tlon. Motion made and carried that the aext convention hold a two days *es sloii. A class song ws* then given by Gray'* School. Discussion hy Rev. We lister, subject “Are Lesson ffelpi beuetlcial In 8. 8. work?” Responded tc by Mrs. C. F. Johnson, of Loup City, Reading subject “How one Hupt. suc ceeded In getting tbe Bible read,” by Mrs. Edwin Artgter. “(.'lass song Cling tO'lha Bible.” was well rendered by tlx children of Cleorn, A talk by Kov .Shoemaker on The Duty of the Cburtdi Members to 8. 8. In which be urgei tbe attendance of the parent* In thi 8. 8. a* example Is more powerful than precept with tbe children. An interesting discussion then fol lowed upon “In what way i- cmiventioi work pro fitable,” and the session closei with short talks on What have I galnei from the Convention. MrAlpIn of N. V. for Vire-Frftotrieut. Now that the St, Louis con veil tlou has Incu reduced practically t< the importance of a ralitlcation meeting, so far us the nominutioi for the presidency is concerned the chief interest as to the tickc centers in the vice presidency, am for ouco that office is receiv iug par titular attention now, nearly i mouth'before the convention A strong effort lias been made t< induce Mr. Uced to accept tic office, and Governor Morton lia been considered for re noiiutiuMou but tbe feeling is general the neither one of tbese gentlemen hn an) thing to gum in accepting tin office, or would be likely to do sc I'livie seems too, to twi a d|»j>osit|oi to give this t Ittce tti New \orl again, ati>l loimertius other Ne« York enroll lutes are spoken of lieitersi Trncy, Mr Bits# ant others hate Iteetl pfo|»>«i d There appears lo lot a very well deytdoped, tlgeimit and pl«ml>tH| •sntrist n# to hr mg Ittrih lleuern K A 'It Vlpru pivstlt tii < pit tutsan league, ts Ik usati upon whom all the fttlltot* ii N< w \> ItptHuas hot lw» H It coast Itt tin ist>tii‘it •> I algo H Ik *ctlye te|M|h lit an broth I lie was brought plum iiM'iilf» he fore (tie rntmtrv, however, at I Ii * * ('In, IhiiiI <• nvciiii >n of the ••stiii".I ti*|,iili|i<* iii li-.igiic ■( Ijitle lei» lit in u jrur ago, win., in; was chosen pri-iil.Mit uf iinn rgiiniza t**>*»• Hi- loin, howcvrr, In-cn active ia hi* own -tula*, him alwavs been relied llpol, is ii hule itml trust* wort In advocate of*republican prin ciples, lias • leeri president of the stale league of republican clubs, and favorably regarded as a candi date (or the olllce of governor, and is identified “ilh the present state : administration as adjutant-general of the slate, [n New York this is an olllce of considerable importance, as the militia of New York is un j Oouhtedh the best organized and the best equipped citizen soldiery 1 in the world. General McAlpin is at the head of this superb organiza tion, and, allhough actively un guged in business, gives to his pub lic duties a bilge share of his time, and is the directing and Icuding , spirit of this organization. K. A. McAlpin, it is claimed lieie, has the hearty endorsement of the leaders on both sides of the local political quarrel, and will be J supported by them with good will und enthusiasm. He is the mana ger of a verr luioe and successful manufacturing business, and, it is suid, bss a record aa an employer of labor which will be approved by the , workingmou of the country, Of | course, it ia not contended that Me Alpin is a tnuu of large experience , in public affairs, or that h«< would bring to the office the ability and qualifications of such a man aa Reed, and lie is not to be considcr 1 ed from the same standpoint, but bia business ability and bis personal character command respeet, and the thing which seems especially to | commend him at this time is his I supposed ability to harmonize the I factions and deliver the state of 1 New York to the republican ticket, and the further fuat that as a suc cessful business man, at the bead of a large manufacturing enterprise, he is in thorough sympathy with the business interests of the coun > try, and would bring to the ticket additional confidence from that quarter. A fact, too, which will certainly | not operate to his disadvantage if ! bis name should be brought before the convention is Hint there are :i40 members of the republican league ! who are delegates to the convention. , --►Minneapolis Journal. One swallow does not make .Spring, | but one swallow of One Minute Cough ■ Cure hringr relief.—Odendahl Bros. Wanted—An Idea £S3 Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wssltb. Writs JOHN WKUOEKUVRN ft CO., Patent Alter neys, Washington, D. C„for thslr fti.IW prls* offer sad list of two bundrsd lursnlions wanted. Mr*. K. JreYoung, Middleburg, Is,, 1 I* writes, 1 have used One Minute Cough Cure for six yexrs, both for myself und children, and I consider it the quickest acting and most satisfactory Cough J Cure I have ever used. Odendah! ! Bros. -. — > j All IIimmI K*ptib|lei»ii» should make a point of alteudlng the 1 National Convention, to lie held at St. Louis Tuesday, June 10th. The ex pense is not great If you take the t Burlington On the tilth, 14th and | Kith of June, you can purchases round trip ticket to St. Louis at THK ONK WAY RATK. Think-Isn't It worth a I few dollars a few Jays time to sen I the next President nominated Pull II Information on application to any i j agent til the It A M. It. H or by ad ( dressing J. Krancts Uen’I. Pass'r Agent, Burlington Houle. Omaha Neb • | I'll HA I* MATM * la Iks I mImh Panllr. National Iti-pulilieaii I on vent ton at si Lout* Mo June loth. One fare for ' round trip. National |n*mocratlc t'oiiveutlun at i Chicago, III July 1th One fare for j round trip. National • omentum \ ouog People f w a,»-iei|vs o • hrUiiao Lioleator at W oliiuglon I > I July 1th to 1 IIIt E tIne fare for found U p. \ >nual M<<| ng It t all ah04 J .-a- f M tv rtf I this piwpet allow it used thftu ftil —t he is euMihmftd * Men.Uhl Mote. I spring" medicine I* Simmons Liver regulator don’t forget to take it. The l.iver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR to do It. It also regulates the l.iver—-keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body Invigorated. You getTIIK It KMT JILOOD when your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. Rut take only SIMMONS Liver Regulator —it is Simmons LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the rswder; but take SIMMONS I IVER REGU ATOR. You’ll find the RED Z on every package. Look for it. J. U. Zcillit At Co., rtiilAdi-lphiu, I'll. \\7 L MAKCY. OFFK.'K.-ln Reed anil Marey Block. Kiwi Sill* Public actiiare. Loup City, Neb. ^y J. FISHER, Atinrneu-at-LBW, AND NOTKY 1MJHMC. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases ALSO DO A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Officii lit Ho«Tllw*aT«itK building WVi‘ OITT, - • * MICIIIIA8KA BENSCIIOTER, PROP. OK EXPRESS AS" GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All JCipnmit or Freight order* promptly attended to rjt ». NIGHTINGALE. ; lawyer. Doei a General Law and Collection Easiness A Notary Public, Stenograph, r and Typewriter in Office. ONK In lilt NORTH OF HIM BANK. LOUP C1TI, • • NEBRASKA. p E. VON KOKRBER. M. I» Physician & Surgeon. SPECIALTY. DESK ASKS OF THE STOMACH, LUNGS AND KAK. Office one door eiwt of Odcndalil llroa.’ LOOP OUT . , IEBKaBKA I II O’Bryan wishes us to announce th it he has t'u* tinest thorough-bred Jersey bull in the Loup country which he will stand at his farm this season Don't fail to see him before breeding. Did you ever think how readily the Mood is poisoned by constipation? llail blood means had health and pre mature old age. DnVVitt's Little Karly Itisers, the famous litttle pills, overcome obstinate constipation. Odendnh) Bros Tlie best blood medicine for twenty live cents enough for the whole fami ly Oct a package of Simmons IJvcr Regulator, the best spring medicine ami tlie best blood medleiae, because it is the beat liver medicine. If your liver is active it will throw ott' all im purity In the system, and all depression of spirit. Wake up yuur liver, but do It with Miiouiona Idver Regulator. J IL/cilin A t'u.. Philadelphia. Pa. I have a tine Imported lilack Per* idiemi stallion Mbhli I Mill stand at Loup t'ltv every Friday and Saturday | during the sea-on All paitie- desiring I to breed to a high bred Horse i III du j weii to see me. John V r Awarded Hlgheat Honors, World's Fair. DU BAKING 1 POWDiR MOST P1KFICT MM>B A fen iJ«fw C»s*»n el Total IVwd*. fsoa |»|M AaMW'.H|Aa brnm «* snf • >>+* I 40 TfKAKk TH* kUNDAAU. ..—I........ III,-.-—.... TIME TABLE iu KumiTim a MiNNorm kivkh u. k. KANT. 'VEST. I nor M leave. «:50l\ M (’.iMiieellou. »t Aurora for all points Northwest. A. K Whins, A|{t r. I*. Hill.WAT. Ih'tflimiojc Sandal'. November 17th. iraiim will arrive ami depart at thl* st.atIon ns f illowa: l.nsive* [.eaves Monday. Tnwklny, 1 Wed„e»day, f Friday, ) at unlay J *'1,1 Arrive* at liOHp City daily 7. i5p. in. (.'lose connection at (irand Island for all point* East and West. F. W ., A|(aut U. S. DKI’AKTMKNT OF AIIKICCLTITHK IHJKKAU. No. I. Wiiitk Ft.ah. Fulr Weather. No. 2. Ft.AO. Haiti or snow. I No. It, Top IIAl.r WIIITK LOWKU IIAl.r Hl.tia, Local Hal ns. No. 4 Hl.At'K TltyANiii.a. Tempreture. No. ft Wiiitk with BLACK square In center, Cold Wave. iNTkMPKKTATION OP DIHPI.AVM Wilt'll Nn. I is placed above No*. 1,3 and It It Indicates warmer weather ami when placed below Nos. I, 'I and II, It Indicates colder Weather. When No. 5 Is placed below Nos. I, and 2 (air or wet weather with cold wave. NOTICK OF SUIT TO NON UBHIDKNT DKFKNDANTN. William Archer. Mary Archer and Christian Wlnrlek. defendants will lake notice that en the 24 III day of April istm Dunne Manchester, plulnillT herein, tiled Ids petition In the Ills trlct court of Sherman county, Nebraska, against said defendants Impleaded with Katie WltitJek and John Wlnrlek the object and prayer of which urc to foreclose u certain mortitukc executed t.y the defendants Wllllutu Archer anil Mary Archer to the plaintiff upon the South half south west quarter of section ten tlot, In township sixteen ilrti north of I ranpe thirteen illli. west of the Htli p. m In Sherman county Nebraska to secure the pay in- '*1 -mi. I m ini jr iiuir, uumi November U’iIi. |suo fur ttie sum of $2221.00 uml due uml puyuhte In five years from the dele thereof, with Interest at ten per rent per an l iium us evidenced hy live Interest notes foi-^4 the sum of $30. W each uml due uml payable on tin 12th day of November, In the years ihui, |HP2. is'.r.', Istu aad isnft respectively, that there Is now due on said notes and inort*u*?nH the stun nf tfUXJ.UO with Interest at ten per rent from Nov. 12th, IHWft; $.'21,00 with Interest at 10 per eent from Nov. 12. IHUft; $80.00 with interest III |0 per rent from Nov 12. Istii; uml fdn.iio w lib Interest at Ul per H at.from Nov. 12. lsu3 rnr which sums with Interest a* aforesaid, plain tiff prays for udecree that defendants be re quired to pay the same, or that said premises muv be sold to sutlsfy the amount* found due, wiib Interest and costs. You ure required to answer said petition on or before the nth day of June, Isn't Dated April 21th. I mm. IH'AMK M ANt.’IIKHTKIt. I’lallltlff. Hy Ha Hi a ii K Jk HAMCohk His Ally* NON HEK1 DENT NOTICE In District Court of Sherman County. State of Nebraska, i Sherman County. f • Klrst National llunk of Ulfflltiytpwn, Petnmj ivuiila. a corporation Plaintiff. VH, Johnson T. Hale. Kupenle Hale. Nor folk National Hank nf Norfolk. Neb ruska D. Mathewsoa. Wllllain II. Anderson. Defendants. William H, Anderson will take notice, (lint on the .loth day of April isui) the klrst Nation al bunk of Mlffliiuriuwii plaintiff herein, tiled Its petition in the District court of Sherman county, Nebraska, ukultisl sukl defendants, the object und prayer of which ure to foreclose i it certain morlnum executed by the del' ll duets. Johnston T lluie uml Euseole Hale to one I, Hanks Wilson, upon the follow Ins described real estate situate ill Sherman county and Stale of Nebraska, to-wlt: I.otst* and lo In l(lock 34. in the town now villas'' of Hoop City, tu secure the payment of three certain promissory notes for the sum of $201 mi. each payable respectively on the 2nd days or April. Ism isu; and 1x03 with Interest thereon at the rate or elffbt per cent per umimn from f April 2nd IsoO und tin re is now due upon said " notes and in or Is use the sum of 4.111 id, for which sum. with interest at s |,i r cent |H-r an nutn from April 2nd. IHU0 plaintiff pi ays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or tbut said premises muy be sold lo satisfy the amount found due. You are required U> auswer said petition on or before the SI h day Of June. I him. Dated April :21th. IMM The Eihst National Hank of Miffllukton, Pennsylvania. Plaintiff Attest Hy T. S. Niiihtini.alk and It. J. Holis Hein. Nilhtinlalk Its Attorneys Clerk of the District Court. tlKKMAN HAPTIHT Will liml that tin* Union I'acilic olt'ers superior advaniit^cK to Iboae wlm at t'Mid the annual meeting, to he held at Ottawa, Kan., May 30-39 One fare for the round trip, pin* two dollars, from all points in Nebraska and Kansas is the rate authorized for the occa sion. Call on or write to me for full particulars, 5-24-00 F. W. t i,ink. Agent. THE MILD POWER CUKES. HUMPHREYS’ Ur. Humphreys' feperlOrs are scientifically anil carefully prepared Remedies. used for years In prlvatu praetke and fur over thirty yearn by the people with entire suecesa. Every tingle kpeolllo a special cure for the disease """—a ■o. irtririf tug return l-ferere, Cmmestloiis. InlUmmetlm*. ,fl > l-nwaa Wurm Eerer, Worm t'ulio... jj W S Teething! Colic. Cr> In*. \t ahefuluemi ,i , \ 4-lllarrkea, of Children nr Adultt. ji • A -Uyeeelery,Ortpln*, lull,aw Colic.... ,! i •-Cholera Morbus. V,autua*. .1 i t-laughs, I olds. HroochlUs.... j , h Neuralgia. Toothache, t'seearhe.... .11 •-Ileadarhra. *lrh llcadaehe. VefUao IM-Urepopala, *»“*■.-r 1 nntpaikin .). I rr.rr“?- !’r FetCsr .4 ll-dkltM, t,K» 1‘rofUM Tnhata. ,1 t l.l < latryaaltla, liamae.. d Mil U beam, arysleebsa Erupt teas. .| i l.l Khruatail.ta.or iihatouaOe 1‘alna.. j , 14 Malaria. t hiikt, Paver and Aave..., . II l‘llea.mia4*»l4«Hiii.7r^7.:n j Ih-Orhihslart hawlntba i At laAaaasa, CvM laths Kami . 44 Mhoaataf l augh. j , 41 Asthma. ■ ii«... I'cihit* ... * , V* Kar Ulwkstirt, ImuUnaiTkarlaa e , sl-scnftii, ItlwH t.laieh. e*.uiaa j , 41 Iteaeral Uablllty, I h>.» .iUatiaa j , JJ llraaar, aa4 fcautv iservUoaa .... J I «• a.. htsaa. hkhartafivatkkUaa j , tt*pwri Hiw.wt.j 4m harvaus llrhiliiy....„..l* 44 Mara Htsik, art aahee.* , It-Palatal I', > tad. j , l< lMo.o t.nkt ll,ift.lili«ata|.i 22 **■*'““ ♦**—' »*hib#*ta, l t.#a<~»».t. »*«*,», j .« I hruake I aageetlaue a k “■ f It let d , Tu^r;:, ship,**' If l| MtoUft ttt't* « to# »* • ««* MllHMkANII W* »•** ft*. %et ^ ^•*4 %• *tom44 4Mk «• *Mbt p,«A «** — ^ ^ ****** *—••** %*.^ totoJZZ mwsMWMkM.mimMaam.HiMH SPECIFICS/ HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL I **• OlNTMtHT.- | fee rase- b ttestwi -.a item.mi ma«i <• 1 Mhlaa v,J iZJ LJi.l T j lh. t.^1 u MiA lL.;S5Vdds."""“‘ l,*l««, M on. THAI, aiya an mam Mike »atw.*♦ eo KWItiN Maia.Hl imseaelMttCh ,1