Thk Northwkstkrn mr ■ ~.:r— •"T^rs -• ~i •>UUUSHKD KVKKY KKIUAY *T I HI. COUNTY SKAT, oiJi> in I't-iis. Kdlior and Publisher TfcliM ■ (1 60 par Ytar. II Paid in Adnanct Kotor-, I k* thk tsnip Ctif I'rmUithr* for trita» aiisslun through thi mailt at tac- r.d oiatt matur. i .—w -•—_ apauwssdSi Tin? latest reports show that theie were forty person* killed in the Michigan cyclone. Farmers aliould keep a close watch upon the chinch hug. Promptly upon its appearance he ready to act on the defense. Meililejohn and MueCall arc run ning a pretty even race for the noui i (nation of Governor. As we go to press M act'a 11 is about a uect ahead. The school Hoard of Gist. No. 47 aliould have been mure careful be fore they condemn anyone. The charge of forgery which they insti tuted against Mr. Minner did not seem to he well grouuded. Ad electlc ear with eighty pas sengers on hoard dropped seventy five feet through the Point KUtce bridge, into an urm of James Bay, at Victoria, B. C., und more than A, half the vielima were drowned. Hecretary Piper ia well deserving Miilm1 of auotbcr term aud he will get it. H The old addage “Well done thou good and faithful aervait," will he fjt; ad beared to when it comes to that . m office in the greut republican state convention now soon to he held at 1 the Capital City. P Theyer county polls 400 majority republican vote* and promises to ■HP double it if Kichards is nominated. " The western counties of the stale ,uay «‘»t he able to double their l republican vote if MacCall is oouji |L v uated but they will be enabled to ^ bust the ring in the pop strong holds Give us MacCall aud we will carry the big sixth with a land slide. Furious tornados, wind, ruin and bail storms swept over Michigan, Illinois and Iowa last Monday de stroying both farm and city property almost to to the value of millions of dollars and killing a large num j| ber of people. The details of the Hit or m recite many lustunces where farm houses were picked up smashed to kindling wood and tarried for Mf| wiles and all inmates hurled into eternity. It is told that one little town out iu Colorado received four hundred loads of Nebraska worn last inter. At the same time Nebraska as engaged iu feeding any number of Colorado sheep. It is not ex »ctly hi accord with modern niello 3i of transacting huslaeae to as. Bept ebeep as part pat uient for corn, but as long as Nebraska ban to In- short on sheep Mud long Mia m eras |ier bafte lbe Iimi »•■ »u\4 ,1 o under the circumstances Nr1 i 1 Hihe juri waa diemieesMt ve*U»rday afl' iuMii after lour days silling BpU ••tie Jury «»e wu» tied ihu let in and i lint wu> a tegular I arc*. ||t Was the ease o| lUv Stale of Kftirasit v vs. •fofiu it \\ ilson, **| i «l> • lit . .11,. . |, ,i, , a „ » No i... ! ., .tit j k> ’ iu. tv, i VII, "t*g Sthili-.l ills! at • Im,.- • \ 0* llo- vo .nti iu I in «n ti M HUM > ■•■Id ■ i t. i .vie I» ■ f**» I *th I , 14 ivt ii% * t*f *. t | WMIff t||f |i.|n A l V TO THK HUftlNKHII MKS. \ W lint I'rlntftrft Ink In Doing *4f»«l Wl»y II 1 *houli we Me - spot ml to (swap oil ad , ttiUiiiig ta till* wki imwtnug i*i auppofl 11out iiiosp »tm> lees tie it s ( mewl Uni lti from it S*tth-*» pap er! oi the town for the lsat two *e hi i hale msitwl sttowgh m>v«ilia mg i from the t*nones* mew to war mi them tn toniihuu y »a The Tim-• • nl w.e t »oe «* Ihiti tt >ig tan mtimt hi the I «»» { west mi n ot the t an It * ,l i j iudt* it It If the I loir Is* t sol mve we. The fact is the merchant*1 ire net making an effort to get lh< | rade while other towns arc reach ng out after it, and we have seen! innugh to warrant us in making he statement that it is going clsi fl share. And it will continue to got! f you don't use printer's iak. You way gat some trade tint you will oosc more if you don i got yo'ir lame anil business before the people, f If we may be allowed to gt™> ,ou u little advise we would say, idvertiee your prices and gel rsady ’or the full trade. It Is only a few seeks at most until harvest will be iare, A good grum market will iring trade to the town Hut how s the people to know, or how are hey expected to know that we have i good gruin market uulcss the news papers quota them. The farmer, akes the local newspaper to Hud lilt sueli things. Now if you ex il'd us to quota tiie grain market irineipally for your benefit is it not •eaeonablo for u* to expect some ,hing in return especially for our leiieflt. Wa acknowledge tbi. article to •a a little severe on our business iien but assure you that it Is writ cn with a good motiva whatever iffoctit may hare. ?• wa ask you ,o read anil consider It carefully, [irepare yourselves and gat randy or the next. W. H. Conger, of this city, bus Inat returned from Broken How, [luster county, and report* that ha was present at the republican Co. ionventiou held for that county May 23rd, 1890, und that S. II. Jewitt was by that eonvsatiou ae lorded the privllogeof selecting 13 iclegatea lath# State convention in ■ is interest* nnd in aid of hi* candi iacy for State Treasurer. Mr. [longer reported that Custer county was piaetieally unanimous for Jewitt ind that the oounty seem* largely n favor of Jack MacCall for Cover sor, with many friends for Geo. D. Meikeljobn. That Judge Aaron Wall for Congress baa a large follow ng. At a rally held Sa turday even ng Geo. D. Meikeljohu addressed in audience of about 300 and he waa followed by a few remark* from JV H. (longer. In the opinion of thia paper no bettsr selection for State Treasurer eould be made than S. II. Jewitt who is eminently fitted :or the place by education, experi ence in finance and sterling integ ity und manhood. We bid him Jod speed on his journej. WHY THEY SMILE Mr. Harrlty, of Pennsylvania has adieu ted in an indinot wav how tjh? Chicago convention "ill In' i-pt eoliil and liarmonioiiH mid lm a reliable cuckoo body. Having told st newspaper unm that in In* opinion .In'(' invention will adopt a sound money plank and do it uiinnimntialy iml tbat there would be no bolting, tin was asked: ‘-How about tliosn delegates elected from frei eotuage -tale* who, under such leaders as I'illman and iioisc and Bryan, are pledged to bolt ie ease of a gold iiendnrd plank is put in the plat form. “Delegatee pledged to bolt," be replied, ‘'have no right to be admit ted to the convent ion." Harrity is undoubtedly right from the stand point of any workable system of political ethics. If you are not going to be governed by a majority gi a convention, jou ara a fraud when yon go Into it, because the fundamental principle of a conven tion je that the majority rules and most importanti|tialiflcalioo for a sent, in a convention is the sup posed intent of the claimant to abide by tbs will of the same. But there will be music in the air. doubtless, if the euekoos get control of the machinery of the Chicago convention and refuse to admit delegations known to have threatened to bolt in case this, that or the other thing wasn't dons to thuirtuste.- State Journal. Thera promise* to be a very lively fight in the supreme couacil of the American protective association ever tba nation of the advisory board ie declaring that the order is hostile to MeKinley. The supreme council meets in Washington this week and is likely to give a vigor ous overhauling to the advisory board for its uneontidered action. It is stated that the executive com haittae of tbut board exceeded ita authority and that by ao doing it has nearly caused a disruption of the order. Protests by the thou sands have been coming in de nouncing the action of Judge Fteviue and his associate* and in sisting that a majority of the Indi vidual membera of the A. P. A. , will refuse to be bonnd by the reco mendation of those few men It is said that only seven uf the thirteen members of tho executive committee met and issued tba edict and the majority of them were con trolled by inlluences which to say the least are open to suspicion and criticism. It seems likely that the supreme couneil will take off the bun against MeKinley without reeomending him or snv other can didate. It looks as if the advisory board hud put itself in front of the buzz saw and is coming within an ace of receiving injuries which will be fatal to the further influence of the order. State Journal. Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTI8E IN THE NORTHWESTERN. I* •r J| it* The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM; mil local newspaper w r.u «M I • Ml* MWl SK Wlf" MINTY.: l» ««•* **•# ll Mm 4m M« m i D. (' DOK. A. P. CULLEY, Vice-President. Caahier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Lomu on Improved farms at NDTI per ocot. Bead Company tad beat term* to be bad ta the want. 3oanaero*DBNTc:—Chemical National Bank, New York CNy, B. ¥4 Omeke <*>«Aonal Mane. Omaha. Nebwmka. - .. “ ..BMHaBna>MM,l>alMaaMMnllHIMM*MMMnaaMmea«menmmammnmeB« W. ,1. KISUKR, GEO. K. HKNSCIIOTKR, Attorney and Notary Public. Pubiliher Loup City Noktiiwmtkhn FISHER & BENSCHOTER, REAM, ESTATE AUEJYTS. LOUP CITY JO . NEBRASKA. Town IiOtB, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauds for Sale. / 499MM 12II tV«r1rtl(ri>C C®#ts,,om'jrct. 'her p:i ’..iteioda ~u*ver ?;*oil* 111 flour—umvtr.dll/.JCkii^wIrdi'oJ purettIn the world. Made only by CHURCH It CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for Arm amt llainmr Hunk of valuable Uv l/tc.i I'.'WJt. VWVVWVWrW’WV',* r ’ 7 ; RTI8TIC HOMES. 226 Designs^AII for lOo. The terms* collection ot design* erer published In eng ereliltecturul book la the world. 10 olinrch dsslgne-10 latertore U (tables. COLONIAL HOMES . . M designs lasts., or both books for lists. Any one going to bslM, nr over Intending to build, should ssnd fur these ( MM limited editions) of "Artistic end Colonial Homes.” HERBERT C. CHIVERS, Architect, “IKUSWW ST. LOUIS, MO. Qoctor Henderson 102 ft 104 W. 0th St., KANSAS CITY, MO. The Old Reliable Doctor. A Regular Cradu te in Medicine. Oleieet in Agt and longest Lot a ted. OVER rj YEARS OP SPECIAL PRACTICE. Aulhorlied by the State lo treat CHROMIC, NERVOUS and SPECIAL DMtASeS. Cure* guaranteed or money refunded. All Medicine* furnished ready r»r u». No mercury orlnjurlou* raedtoiaea u«cd No detention from work. I'allmita ut a dl.t.nce treated by mail und einrea*. Medicine* win everywhere, freo from Kaxe or break ing. Charge* low. Over3o,otX)r,w* cured. Agoaud cxpariaoaeare Important. Itcad little book, then Male your cu*e. fiend for opinion and term*. Coueul tutiou 1 rcu und confidential,pcraonolly or by latter Seminal Weakness&S<“vu«*r*-* •** (.9b«atjrrktr* and lmR, trnrt\ *•“— ‘' oonfu*e.llU»aat of manlmml, a«, a tore nerve unit ( Syphilis] for life. lT leers, B well I* Gleet, ami all/ postil rely enrif Book fe/ erlptiouof mu liclfcti IliiMlit# . mi i4l*i •* « ./mi u L Free At t v \*»\*»* •«*" 4 Ilf* tike Dealt l>tl« ’ u.m k m v^ umaiJd***44111,1 i 1 ,,u J.etn* C»c wti •**»4*ii ; .«* 44 »«*»• *•* I —! . Tqq: -.r;.:rnvl a l»a jm, * ;; lansKjrss- »«r2 * Ulti>f tint — , W lif • H«n* «• .flU1!! 1^' a — Jama* l‘ar ] « 1'iaar »h.» r»*t 1*4 ( « "Blais |> a e ** ( ’• a w»—— ini'ti.i , hit last i | i >*t*»al Int e hi. •fiWW® ,""-w "4 I H Mm i I hi* ivy - i I v rat* *fi | h Iff are liter ! y >» a > alia* t la* au4» If • a * *•**» 4aa» M I • ■itatx*.' ipou **> «u»pp**\ ,w“ J.|k •*•»“»** •«*•«* ?„V *,**M».iq i\V*\ >u« .,ta »«*?»»>• *“ uni • •! *•***•’ i% U.-Uip J V , utuil “»lU4‘ *** ■*,„ 4»J «m •*» .. *«<•*» t*-** {.••Hi i*jf»«U. pu« l .»JN *«u.w %• * * *t ,«(it •“ tiU*|( *k\ « u«.u » .>**<*•» t *m ' r ««U •«*** •«(«•«« i «•« t*^**^4 «m i«m imMIL4!* *« i‘U V*» <»!■ !«•<• im !*•*« »» *u4 *>k«f IllM Wwf»» kltnii kfc>.«* Mobott* llttNtlM*. K*u M%f g» *TIm «**(*r« »l M»m>i« •>• bi«f «*.t tlml v«i< i»l IWnutui M<»*tU «•! it* xtk**U fs.» *l*«ki. *»4 Uk» ulfatt MU ••»* mi thlm turn** wMftt Umlu ■*»#*, w*«4«* * mtimml >«f imum* «» |i«MM «4kl«| **4 WtMiUf t h* tu»k 4*« I »•*» t>«» *4 lietkii **4 til* t*j«i< i l kit tk* Wu**lil M«* rtk* Wuftk .4 MfemU4kM Ilk* »«••*>• mm*m tut* U»* *» **•«■* 4k* mmumimmm ilka M«*>4 «4# * fcMkMM* Mk* t*lW*l * •*«•••< b*i*f MMk V.. ti • |'***k U»i« kki* ■*»»*»« t U* k■»!»** al Btmmm *M*t| >«Mk* *<%••«♦•* %m ttV#M