Lioaal Daws. A. Boone, rim Jeweler. •James Johansen ha* Invested In x new bike. Kaffir Korn $1.85 per hundred pounds at Watklnson's, \V J. Fisher and family waa veiling In I he country last Sunday. Mr. Kirk, of Litchfield was doing buxluext In the city Wednesday. J. 8. J'edler Is having a new fence put around hi* residence property. We noticed Mr. Smallwood, of Arcadia on onr street* last Saturday. Women save time and labor by buy ing a Washing Machine of T. M. Reed. (julte H heavy ram and wind storm Visited this section laa', Tuesday morn ing. Dave Eaton, of Litchfield was in the city Monday looking after a stray pony. Miss Mattie Hnydcr, of Rockville spent Saturday and Sunday with Mis* Lula Bouer. Altbc O'Bryan came up from St. Paul Saturday night to attend the dance at i. B'a. place. Memorial exercise* will he held at tl»e M. E. Church next Sunday May 24 All should turn out. Mr. fowl# and daughter, of Litch field visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Neville of thia city. doling out Millinery good* at cost a_• tiA ,1... Mum. Nkli.ik RiXlMU. Mr*. F. W. Cline returned Tuesday evening from a month* visit In Iowa and Frank la happy again. Mr, Greening and wife in company with Mr, Hutson and wife took a pleas ure drive to Arcadia last Sunday. The Mlssea Gertie and Kdltb Katon. of I.ltchfleld waa in attendance aj the entertainment and dance last Friday night. O. Benschoter and wife and Mrs. .f. S. Benscboter started for Burwell last Thursday morning having received word that Mra O. 1’. Brown, their rela tive waa dangerously ill. Kczema I* a frightful affliction, but like all other skin diseases It can be permanently cured by applications of lie Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve. It never fades to cure Files. Odendahl Bros, Montgomery Htroud, of Ashton was doing business at the county seat Mon day and made this office a pleasant call. He swelled our general fund enough to secure a weekly visit from this great family comforter for another year. In the Spring time a young man's fancy lightly turn to thought* of— lie Witt's Little Karly Risers, for they always cleanse the liver, purify the blood, and Invigorate the system — Odendahl Bros. A1 Tangleman, who has not heen here for ten years past, hut now holds a responslb’e position with the Ord Creamery Company, passed through town last Wednesday on hi* way from Ravenna to Ord. One minute is the standard time, and One Minute Cough Cure Is the standard preperitlon for every form of cough 01 cold. It Is the only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Odenilahl Bros. I have a flue Imported black Per cheon stallion which I will stand al Loup City every Friday and Saturday during the season All parties desiring to breed to a high bred horse will dt. well to see me. John VANugguiuirr. Profs. Slote and Mathewson, ol l.itchlleld gave their musical enter taiument in this city last Friday even iug. The large opera house was not well tilled although there was a fail sized crowd present, The hoys an masters of their profession and all win attended felt that they hail got tbeli moneys worth. Vouug mothers dread the summei months on account of the great mortal' ity among children caused by bow* troubles Perfect safety nicy be assur ed those who keep on baud DaWlU'i Colic A t holers curs', and adiulnlstei It piuiuplly For cramp*, bilious colic dysentery aud dlanh<>-«, It afford* In slant relief ftdendshl Bros Mo* May Multek on her INtli l.utb day anniversary which occurred i.(.i Mouday, received several very tumult fttl ami costly presents A gold watcl was presented to lur tiy her father an* mother a grid woven wire twit wai given her by J It tFiUyau and J P .1 siturd* and a beautiful Waist *«l In Mm Mctrratb, Mrs Mtokey and Mr* MlPlwav'twr A it mne presented gri with a gold wai* h chsin. J Phil Jvagtsf waa taken smftlewi) III with an attack **f heart laitorw laa Haturday tnurulag and for a Mm*' hr voodlliv n w as very vittc te lie b*> beam lent. *tg til nil day Friday tmt fal some tantivy Malaysia) murntng an name down town. It* tween |U and I n'wtwsk whi e sitting tn the drug Mot* nf Udendah Bros he w «• »u a hen a above italt >1 I •« von hueriwy wa< vtlM and it was nvartv an bony tw|*#»r ha rns'ovvivd *M# 'erst to btt lake* home. Me ta »bt» to bn an dots al lb* bank again The rltnt was the (nail el lagyipps Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder A Pur* Or*pe Cream ol Tartar Powder. Millet and Buckwheat Heed at T. M, Heed’*. Kye and Kar. Dr. Davi*. Grand Dland, Nebr. District court for Sherman county will MDvrn* May 23th. T. S. Nightingale i* giving hi* Dw office a to w coat or paint. K. A. Brown and *on Arthur made a trip to Grand Dland la«t Saturday, Dr. Sumner Davl*. Grand Dland, Sur gical dDea-ea and di**a*e* of Kye and Kar. Call on W. P. Keed he will lie | lea«#d to quote you the I,owe*t Price* on Farm Machinery Banker D, VV Tltui, of Lltehttcld wa* doing buetneia at the county »eat laat Saturday. Will have sweet Potato* plant* in on Saturday, May 1«tb, at \Vatkln»on’» Hardware Store. t/uarterly meeting will t»e held at the M K church Saturday evening and (Sunday, June lit and 14. John Malheweon anti Stephen Sweetland from Clay lown»hlp were In the city Friday evening. One awallow doe* not make Spring, but one awallow of One Minute Cough Cure bring* relief.—Odendahl Bro*. I.adie* Who wi*h to have Hat*, Klb Itoni*. Lace*, Tip* or Velvet* cleaned and made over call on Mil* NKM.IK lUXI'AlX. Mr J. W. Duncan, of Ravenna l* suggested as a possible candidate for representative on the r« publican ticket for Buffalo comity, W. II. Conger aud family are enjoy ing a visit from III* faflirr-lii law from Minnesota this week, and grandfather of Miss Abide Conger. Bids Cou>» uk (Jo**: The msglcl clan's wand is not more potent than Dr, Humphrey’s specific "77" for cold*. For sale by all orugglst*. A weather signal pole sixty feet In length ha* been planted on the south side of the public square. Most of the business men of the town assisted In the raising. When you want Job Work done don't forget that the Nowthwkstkkw office la equipped with the beet Job outfit In this county and that we are doing work at bard times price*. The seventh anniversary of the Kpworth league was duly observed at the M. E. church last Bunds)* even ing. The church was well filled and a very interesting program listened to. The l-oup City Orchestra will give a dance at the opera bouse, this city, on the eve of Decoration day, May tfbth. All who enjoy dancing and a general good time are asked to participate. Popular low price for admission. The school In the Cray district on Clear Creek closed lust Friday with an entertainment which was well attend ed with s full house. Mr. l^sininger was the teacher and gave good satlsfsc tlon. Tbs entertainment was enjoyed by all present. We took a look Into the fine yard of Thoa. Inks last Monday. Mr. Inks was busy pushing the lawn mower and at tending hi* garden The fruit tree* were full of fruit and everything look . i./l frpkh utwl ItAaiififnl Mr tnlfl hau u valuable residence propert y There was ijiilte a number of old and young folk* went out to the residence of J. It O'Bryan last Saturday night to have a good social time. Dancing was the or Jer of the evening after which Ice cream and cake was served. Boone's Orchestra furnished the music. Wc wa« In error last week In stating that the Jewell y store was soon to he vacated by A . Bonne. We have since learned that Mr. Boone Intends to re main in business here llesaysthat with the present prospects there Is no place to hi* notion more favorable or offer tietter Inducement* than I,oup City. All tiooil titles hi Should make a point of attending die National Convention, to lie held at St. I .outs’ Tuesday, June lilth. The eg i (tense Is tiul great If you take the Burlington tin dm I .tin, 14th mil i 49th n June you can purchase a round | (rip ticket to St I .out* at ini': ON K 1 WAV ItATK. Think-Isn't It worth a lew dollar* a lew day* lime In *ec , the next I'resldenl nonilnatrd Pull i! Information on application to any agent wt ih» It A M. It It <«r hr ad i | dressing J I'raueU tien't, Pass't Agent, Hirrlinglon lionte, I limb » Neb i nr tr s tits n* no i ms* r«nk' National He|tultlte#u Cnnreutloo at | at I,on is ht” Jo* * lath One fare hi ' muml trip. • National Ihrttto* ratty Convention at j t'htc*.' Ill July 1th One ho |ut I { round Irtp N at ion «l ♦ owkenttuu Young People I kwhillrs u‘ I'hlUtlau t,in|ee*ur at h r*klk|i«s D t July 1th t« I Ufa. tine tar* tor louts I ti p. h'tnual Meet Hg lit | lu caab ami fiOO In atarnpa were taken The realdence of J. S. Jonea wa* entered tbe i*m« nlgbt ami a lot of allverware waa atolen. Suapt clou* cbaracler* were »eeti about town who have been auapected of Iciving com milted tbe burglay but they have not been apprehended. Itev, tfulvey, of Omaha waa in tbe city laat Sunday In the futereat of the National Orphan* Home Aaaociatlon and occupied tbe M. K. pulpit during tbe morning aervlce*. He got aub acriptlona to tbe amount of which goca to the aupport of the home lea*. He alao eatubllahed a local home aaaoeiatbm at Loup City whoae duty it will he to report all children found to he homelea* In thi* aectlon, to tbe Omaha aaaociatlon. The f|uarterly Sabbath School con vention will lie held May Mat, at Cleora church, all are cordially Invited to at tend. Superintendent* will pleaae be prompt in auawerlng ail correapon dence concerning conv* utiou ho pro gram* can be printed next week SkOIlK I A itv ItKCOKATlON DAV. Shiloh I’oat No. )’24 G. A.H asslated by Slitloh Circle No. 6, Ladies G. A. K. will direct the exerclae* May :tOth in honor of the known and unknown dead who sacrific'd their lives for our National integrity and unity. The fid lowing program will lat fully carried out: Klltsf f 'out III It leu on decoration of grave* at ceuieury ami elsewhere to meet promptly at G A. It Hall af I* o'clock sharp and take conveyance to ceiuMtary end decorate the g ave* of I'nIon soldier*and return in tlum to lake pari In the street parade at in an. Slu nk li I'osi and Ladies li .% It, to meet at Halt at |0 00 o’clock, primes • toil to form on the street ea*t of the Hall In the following order Ui Loup t'lly Hand; fail Cost colors followed by Mhototl I'osi, SpeaWeis au l Choir, -ifil L i'll*-* of li \ If 4 h Sons of Vildans, H-bimi Children and t'lvlc Sociriie* Line i | toutch north to Hie NW cor net o| ettorf l-ou.c . pi oe thema west one hi ah. Ho me south to li It slrert nil*- li in a , I Ui to e l “»I two hht. k s |o h|$ cor it-if of sMoirl h -use 1114*1*, IIcihSuiIiN la gale Mil . i,| (l| said »ipi«ii thence Io lh> t suolaph whet* sat*|eis lo Ihe unknown .least wilt t>e hei|s*M 1 hull h while atos- *| Caktis will tie In UlIrmltM* Alter the • I" *l|i> 4 alt old wt nets amt f imllies, l»il«»i of ihe It A M amt l-milei Woe* ill VsletaMs and tnvl's I arsis *» lit let 01 it |o l« A H Hat sli is a *oidois dinner Will ht acre»t tr-so't 1 algal lo tfti-f ah-og some go. si thing* In e »l I to I faNsllt Isssstiet ft) I lgnt U 11 1 tig, King Molfiinuii'ii Motion, Tint "Tin re i- nothing tn w tunler On* Min" iiiu * nor iiimn» on vet iim mull. K»i«ei i It |m |i« true ii - ri ■ ii>il» On new e Mil mi- ll* now n|.i -rated ,|n It tin I In- < lili-hir . I'llldM I’u.ifl,* i,ml Xiirllitt e-n rn Line tierwi mi Mall l.nk* * llv .iim i ‘liii-’.i/i, 'I lien- lie I droit.r III,lie, Hinnltlng i*i.11 |.till' I■ y Ci. ra ate entirely. new On ntiglinui of lan*rt ill mI: i . 1'n 11,11, nil modern I in pro v Ilienl-, Mini me Well •npplied w itn «rltlng material On- leading ilaily |iw|/ei». Ilin-I lull'll perlndloida. iiliigri /lm a, i'i«* The faet that Ilirae eu r inn dully via 'Tilt* Overt,i,id l.linlted" and Olid Ihe l lilon I’lieifle t, mi* On- line w*at of Chicago to ifitignrale II I* aer vice rliould eoinineiid Itm-ll to all. Hee that vnitr tlcketa read via “The Over land Itoilfe " ItrtiiK Vi,ur Xrlrn-1* In Netiraoku Tit* Chicago, Burlington A (Quincy If, If, |niMI»li a aixtecn-page monthly Bloat rated tie wapaper culled (Ini •*Corn Hell." w hleii give* In an Infetratlng wav Information about we,tern farm land*, particularly Ihoae In Nibiaaka, ihe regular tubacrltlon price la twenty-live cent* per year, but If you wind it. retd tomiv of your frltttida living euat of On* Miaaiaalppi Hlver, aend ten cenfa In atanipo for each aucb perron, giving inline and full addrera and the paper will be rent for one year. Tint B. A M H, it Agent will aliow you a rumple cony of tin* paper on reipieaf. Help your (Bate and Induce your frlenda to lititulgrale, Addrera the Corn Belt, 201, Admin* Btreet, Chicago, HI. Llat of latter* remaining uncalled for In the Loup City poit office V r the month ending May 20. Mr. If M. Huill, Mr John Itaron. Geo. K. Bellinger, John Rock. Arthur Clayton, Geo G Johnaon. Ilern Franz Lauda, K. K. Handuland, II. K. Vaude car. Kd Whitmore, Van Yanda, A ton I’oklna, Mra. Klvln Dlxo.t, Mra, H C, Kdwarda, Mlaa Nettle Golf and Mra, NInn,fuenaaon. L, K W, I’. M Attention! <>. A. 1C. The mem tier* of Shiloh I’oat No. 12-1 and Shiloh Circle No. f> wl'l meet at their hall on Sunday morning. May 24th, 1*90, at 10 o'clock aharp and march from thereto the M. K church where memorial aervicea will be held. All old aoldiere are cordially Invited to meet anil march with u* on that day. W. T. Ovvr.g, Commander. I. II O'Hryan wlahea ijj to announce that he I a* the flneat thorough-bred Jeraey bull ut the Loup country which he will ataud at hi* farm thl. aeaaon Don't fall to aee him before breeding. For Straight Genuine New Seed of all kinds go to Wat kinson’s. You have tried them for eight years and know them to be all right. Mra. It. DeYoung, Middleburg, la , write*, I have uaed One Minute Cough Cure foraix year*, both for tnyaelf and children, and I confider It the qulckeat acting and moat aatlafactory Cough Cure I have ever uaed. Odemlahl Broa. Thu bent blood medicine for twenty - live cent* enough for the whole fami ly. Get a package of Simmon* Liver Regulator, the be»t uprlng medicine and the beat blood medicine, becauae it la the treat liver medicine. If your liver i* active It will throw off all im purity in the ayatem, and ull depreaalon ofapirlt. Wake up your liver, but do it with Simmon* Liver Regulator. ,f II Zellln A Go,. Philadelphia. Pa, A. I,. Wooater, a pioiiiiueiit ciiizeo i of Osaeo. Mich., after aulTeriug exciu j cluilugly from pile* for twenty year*, waa cured In a abort time by uaing I leWItt'a Witch Hazel Salve, hii ubto lute cure for all akin dtoeaaea. More nf Ililw preperation la uaed than ull other* combined. Odendahl Rro*. NOTICK. To all whom ilnia. concern You are Hereby notified that, we the uniieralgnod, liav* made application by petition a* re. qulrud by law to the Hoard ol Triiateu* In and for tliu V >lla*e of lump City, NHerman eoiinty Nebraaka f»r a permit and llcenae to anil malt, aplrltuou* and vtnoqa liquor* lor media*!, meeliantual and eliemieal pur 1 poaea for the anauina Kauai year. OlrkkilAHb llkoa. OrilKguat* 1 >iit you ever think how readily the ! li'ood la po armed by ctmallpulhm)1 j ll ol blood mean* had health and pie I mature obi age DeWItTa I.title 1 Kelly Rlaer*. the faliiona (little pUrt, live room* rdwlinate I'otialipatiim * I idendahl Hro» Awarded hi|heat Honor*. Warld'e Pair. DU BAKING POMDIR MOST PI RPIC-T MAUI, A fW* (trim 4 1 rite I* »4n faaa*ea Aarwa, A'eate* »t osar i Inlwue* 40 HANS f HI ITANHA tU spring' medicine l» Simmons i.iver Regulator -don’t forget to take it. The I.iver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and tne system becomes choked up by the accumulated w;r.te, which brings on Malaria. Fever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your I.iver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it. it also regulates the Liver keeps It properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body Invigorated. You get Till: II KMT IILOOI> when your system is in A1 condition, and that will only be when the I Ivcr Is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. Hut take only SIMMONS Liver regulator — It is Simmons Liver Regulator which makes the difference. I ake It In powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; out take SIMM* >Ns I.IVER REGU LATOR. You’ll find Hie Hill) V. on every package. I .ook for It. J. H. Zcillll * Vo., I’lillatlelplila, l*u. ^y ip *>i aiv*/1« orriCK.'In Heed and Murry Mock, Kiwi Hide Public »a. *** t ea wep at ariea •W a. eteeeie Meeet* dwept t i.■-«.*, e. jl., aearaaat*' mmim*! t»* t it euawtM., taa taaa SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL “THt Hit OiMTbMNT fMIOM, M With flat. ana Batyr*. Mat ki tenet** ev teal ea* .»■* .*t^eilikSa thirteen*' ItMInMI * niw«a, e..W*. 1 I TIME TARLK BIHIMROTON it MIBROI'KI KIVKK II. K. EAST. WEST. I :n !’ M lA**.viv «:!M» IV >1 t oimi’i'lInti- hi Aurora for nil points Northwest. A. V WhHTS. A|(t 0. V IIAII.WAY IIi'KIihiIiik S indaV. November I7lli. brains will arrive ami depart at till* rial ioii a« f illowi: I/Saves Leaver Monday. i . ... Tneadny, / ,M| ..erday. Thursday. [JJJ I Friday, ) “• murday j "• Arrives at Ixrsp dry daily 7.idp. in. Close connection ai UramJ IsUml fur all points Kurt and West F . W. < A (jeut. V. H. UKJ’AHTMKNT OK AUBUTLTUKK WKATIIEK ItUBKAl’ No. I. White Kalr Weather. No. 2, III,he Kalu or mow. No. .1. Toe IIA Hr WHITE l/OW eh Hti.r Bl.tJI, l/OCul ItulllH. No, I III,A* a THVAH0l,K. Tempreture. No. ft White ri.Ai# with Hl.AC'K square In center, Cold Wave, INTEUPUETAXIOM or OiaPHAYs When No. I is placed above Nos. 1,3 and 3 It Indicates warmer weather and whim placed below Nor. I, : and A It Indicates colder Weather. When No. ft Is placed ladow Noa. I. and t fair or wet weather with fold wave. NOTICK, In District Court of alicimun County, Nebraska Onion Central l.lfc Insurance Company, a corporation, vs. K'lgcule (ielirke, nl al Kugenle i.ul/rk* and August (lelirko will lake notice that no the noli day of Kebru ary. Me, I n.on Central I,If* Insurance Company, a corporation, plaintiff herein, lllnd II* pul It Ion ill |||« District court ot alinrman county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are lofoiedosu a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Kugenle cel/ikeund August fiehrke, to tha plain inf, ujam Him following described real eslutc owned by them, situated In Khcrmnn county. Nebraska, towlt: Tlie Nnrth quarter i't), auction four (4j, Township l liirlnco (i;i), Itange fourteen (Ml and con tninlug One litmdred and sixty (hyp aerss, to secure the pavment of one promissory note, with coupons attached, daled August 4, lab-, for til" sum of J ad 'iO and duo and payable In year* aftar dale; that there Is now due upon said note the sum of, wli Ii luteresl at tei per cent from August 4, I writ the sum of WIT for taxes of 1 Htl with Interest at ten jnireeul from November 10, labi, Hie furl her sum of Ml.a# for taxes DIM and Ikfrl, with teteresl al ten per cent from November nt, laoft, for which aum. willi Interest from tills date, plaintiff prays for decree that defendant* be re quired to pay the same nr I bat said pretn 1*0* may be sold to satisfy the amount lound doe. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before the Tali day ol May. lids*. Union ckktmai. IkmikanckCo. liy A■ II. CoymoTII Its Attorney. NOTICK OK HI'IT TO NON KKH1DKNT DK.KKNDANTrt. william Archer. Mary Archer and Christian Wlnrlck, defendants will take notice that on the 24th day Of April, nan Daunc Munchester, plaintiff herein, tiled Ills petition In the Dis trict court of Mherman county, Nebraska, against said defendant* Impleaded with Katie Wlnrlck and John Wlnrlck. the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose u certain mortgage executed by the defendants William Archer and Mary Archer to the plaint |H upon the Booth half south west quarter ot section ten <10/. In township sixteen ill)/, north of range thirteen 112/, west of the Dili p m In Sherman county, Nebraska to secure the pay ment of one principal promlsory note /luted November I'iih l*ko for the sum of rum 00 arid due and payable In five yeurs from the dale thereof, with Interest at ten per cent per an num a* evidenced by five Interest notes for the »uru of *80.00 each and due and payable on the 12th /lav of November, In the years I Mil, 11*2. 1*4*1, 1*01 and l*0r> respectively, that there is now due on said notes and mortgage* the sum of 1300.(21 with Interest at ten per cent from Nov. 12th. I*kfi (30.(21 with Inter/si at 10 I per cent from Nov. 12, I *0S; HSMSI with Interest at 10 i*-r cent from Nov. 12. 1*01: and 280.00 with Interest at 10 per rent from Nov. 12, 1*03 for which sums with Interest as aforesaid, plain tiff pray* for a decree that defendants be re quired to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amounts found due, with Interest and costs. Vou are required to answer said pelltlon on or before the *ih day of June, 1*0*1, Dated April 21th. I*W). Dr ask ukhtku Plulnilfr. tty HAKIINiK A Baihs/IIK. Ills Ally*. NON-ItKHlHKNT NOTICK. In District t.'uurt of Sherman County. Stale of Nebraska. < Sherman County f First National llank of Miftllngtown, Pennsylvania, a cor|Kirutlou - Plaintiff, vs. Johnson T. Hale. Kuyenle Hale. Nor folk Naliouul Hank of Norfolk. Neb raska. D. Muihewsnu William H. Anderson Oefenilants. William II. Anderson a III take notice thut on the -loth day of April. I MM. the First Nation al bank of MifHliiptown plaintiff herein, tiled Its petition In the District court of Sherman county. Nebraska. UKalust said defendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain morlifuao executed by the dcleu dants. Johustun T. Male and Kukcnio Mule to one I.. Mariks Wilson upon the follow Ink described real estate situate In Sherman county uud Stale of Nebraska, to-wlt: Holst) ami 10 In Hlock III. Ill the town, now vlllaye of Houpi'lty, to secure the payment of three certain promissory notes for the sum of mi each payable respectively on the hid days of April isin iMr.' uud l*ti;i with Interest thereon at tin rule of clKlil |mt cent |H-r annum from April lid, l*uu and there Is now due upon said notes and iiioriyum the sum of S.DI.M1 fur wlili-li sum. with Interest ul x per cent per un nuni from Auril'hid. iswu plaintiff prays fur a decree Ibul defendant* lie required to pay the same, or that said prom «e* may be sold to satisfy tbe amount found hue. Vou are required to answer said petition ou or before the XIb day of Juue. Ison. Ibited April antli IMM Tm* Fiiist Nun.mi, M ins of Miitlinulon. 1 Pennsylvania. Plaintiff ’ Aitesi Hy T S Nl*.M and It J, HiillsItKIx Nli.MHMi.xi ii It* Attorneys i ‘loth ol the District Court s" It ■ i HI J It fO NUN-HKalllNM'l' UKPKHDANT. In blilili'l 1‘iinri o( ahenuau l omtiy, Neoraaka Jennie Uurkheliuer, Plaintiff «*, John VV lidkbciiucr, l>elandeut. 'Ul# MI S- l rUfflkH. j ill* lutmi >'utility i 9 9 Mu W ll«*ititi«Hii«r, hum -M»«ht«ift| V tit| m# li« ilit tMil|ttv«t t«n 11|«» l§4|| •Ut v*f V|i«il, itiittl* lli'iliuiiuvi Qietl * l«*t|tt44»| VUM |»| lit* iHffll h i | '♦< rtiUMklt ili# ti)«|t«i • »»*i l UtPi t»| «i*Hb »if tt*uM«ttit t(t«tiit« IMMM VtMl *Mi lH« Ifet«it|i»<| Uttl |(*|| |,4tH ■••Mly ‘*1 Olklvtttt VMMrtly «♦» I 4I* » 4lt i MM lilt* H»m*IM«I l*f II i |* 4>Hlt* Atklltil Ml«vt|»iu»l| Ml I MM eMla i**rM | |l| )<*M -*«»* b* lM|« ll*M 4HI| *|«| Ml Kt In& JMM* M MUM 1*1 illll IffUtUll. Ilk M I Ill.tHllM %| M »*«» *lly« it M MIM, I till <>| |*|||| Ul IVitill mrn«r « III Null 11**1 the » via* l'*> |ll> off if. Hijatliii oli iu *.>•• Mi llmis who al i l«H*l the ant*u»i m«< stiWff, M« t*e hell .|' IMUff., halt. U*t ff h tin* fata lM* l* *' t»*m**l ii»p. pit** t«.a iin)i*t*l III! M * I I’“In'* '•* Mllleti *n,| h • i* the l«li *H*bi>fl*etl ha Hu* nes’ai Ho** « all ..«■ nf « rile l» me » .» lull I*** t tat*$*i* * ^ M Wl I * Vft I I.* IK It, .«%