The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 22, 1896, Image 5

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    f _
"Yes, I am a confirmed old bachelor,
(jueer, you say? You would not
think so if you had seen women in as
many different shapes as I have. 1
have been io the company of asociety
young lady, when really I would have
left her, with pleasure, and be boiled
or frozen, or even eaten by cannibals,
rather than remain in her flippant
society. I have heard women more
than scolding their husbands for the
mere fragile trifle of being late for a
meal, or lor having remained at his
club later than the usual ten o’clock.
I have been bored by so-called litera
ry women until my ears have ached
1 have sat in silent ecstocy with ft
baKliful young lady until I have felt
like screaming aloud to exercise my
vocal organs. Have I never had a
mother? Well; I'm not like Topsy,
I ken. I suppose that 1 did have
a mother long ago—but so long ago
that I have ceased to remember her.
She died when I was two months old,
so no wonder that I cannot recall her
features. The aunt who took her
place and acted master to me was a
regular old Tartar- raw boned, red
headed, bleary eyed, and cross. Wom
en! 1 hate them. Did 1 never see a
pretty, piquant girl face with yellow
hair curling over her white forehead,
and big, blue eyes upraised full ot
wonder, at a man who would dare to
say that ho hated her sex? No. I
have never seen such a paragon. Have
I never seen a coquette who expects
to have men fall in love with her, as
much as she expects the sun to shine?
Jen, i have mot Much lauie*, ana have
M itt«l no trouble to resist their so-call
ed charms. Have I never met a sen
sible young lady, who canid talk of
the latest news, and interest one? Oil
yes:—but I have failed to he interest
ed. I tell you, mon, I hate them
all! 1 have no ideal. I ablion the
whole set of false, whimpering women!’’
Harold Clemens looked at his sin
istrous friend in amazement. He sees
a tall, straight, grandly proportioned
man, stretched at full length on the
grass. His bat shades ids dark eye
from the sun, but Ins blown, hand
some face is fully exposed.
Truly this woman hater is a
favorite of the gods, if lx auty is con
sidered the criterion. Hut the ex
pression is a discontented one and
the Byes seem full of longing. Harold
Clemens and Ralph True are spending
their vacation by wandering over
Italy together. Both are rid) Ameri
cans and college churns,
"Ralph, I'll make a wager with
you!” and Harry springs to ids feet
1 in his excitement.
"Well?” lazily.
“I have a sister whom I know yon
cannot resist. She is a charming
coquette. 1 will give you just three
weeks from the time you meet her.
until you fall in love with her, or
vice versa- its all the same.”
y "Fact?”
"She is so lovely. No man can re
sist her.”
"No man? I will he an exception.
I take your wager. Fivehnndred dol
lars down to one hundred thru I win,”
“Granted. Comedown to Hazeldene
on Christinas and I know that you
will leave an engaged man.”
* * « ' * * * »
Hazeldene on the Hudson—a home
ns pretty as its name. The winter
snows are falling and the deep waters
of the blue Hudson are lro/en, entic
ing skaters to glide on its smoothness.
Hazeldene sparkles in the wintry sun
shine, a grandly built, modern man
sion of white stone. The rooms with
in are bright with roaring tires and the
laughter of a gay party, gathered
around the open tire piece in the ample
entrance hall.
f\_ A...rsf ti n mi/tnn
t One merry voice is heard above tlie
din. One merry piquant face is ever
turning toward the door, as if in ex
pectation of an arrival.
"So. he is coining to-day?” Gerald
ene Clemens says, turning her glorious
dark eyes upon her brother, lounging
upon a rug before the tire. "Oh, 1 can
scarcely wait. The great, overgrown
baby. Thinks no one i* so gooil us
he. * I’ll soon teach him that I am of
sonic importance, too. Oh. what lun
it will be'.”
"ile merciful, Geraldene," cries one
manly voice after another.
"Zounds! I i ify the man”’murmurs
fiume one.
Geraldene tosses her brown ringlet
ed head.
•'llariv, remember that two hun
dred ami tiftvdollars ol that wager be
long* to tins.
"Gerry," a stft voice whisper* at
the beauty's elbow, "don't do it.”
I,rt tlx poor mm he happy m hi*
I lea*. I'on’t make hi* heart a* he for
fun, Gerry. Han't do it, sitter, it*
Uetatdeue laugh*.
A small, childish creature it i», who
It thus pleading. A lair-hoired, bflie
eyed, delicate girl, a* unlike iter bril
liant slater, a* water t* unlike wine.
The fate Ol the elder *i*ter, oolU-li*
"Iht'sy, ‘ alia -ay*. "I won't hurt
linn, lie ha- boasted *o long that he
hale* u* alt, it will do him good to b*
caught once bun'i worry little girl.
He'll havj our fun, and only Mi.'true
will be the wiser, till, 1 long to •»*
him' Th.* great, boasting, woman
hater ol the per Hid”'
"H hmn you can w* by u»mg your
eye*," a quiet Voice observe* at tier
k II - ha* (Utercd ni quietly, that
Gera-lei.e, m her eicitemegit, dt-l uu
bear him.
Mb* turns to hint now, and her
laughing Wee do nut tall beneath hi*
lacs«sja>*ual care.
l*o-*y‘* blue *y<* Alt with *urpri«ed
• H *11, the old adage, that lUteoer*
hear nu good ol I beiunel \ #*, hold*
true in your case,” Gerry's saucy
voice cries.
Ralph True laughs.
“Miss Geraldene, how delighted am
I that I could grant your desire at
the right moment.”
“Mr. True is truly kind. Come to
the lire. You are surely cold.”
“No—your warm reception has re
freshed me already."
Is she at a loss what to say? All
listen eagerly. She straightens her
slight figure and looks at him soberly.
“Pleased with a rattle and tickled
with a straw. I see that wo will have
no trouble entertaining you. True ”
“Show this lad to his room, John,”
—to the servant who lias answered
her ring—"Come down stairs tonight
with a hundred question* and I prom
ise to answer every one For the pres
ent—adieu.” And Ralph True leaves
the room, his face puzxled, his brow
“Gerry, I'm afraid it’s all up with
you now,” Harry observes, dob-hilly.
"Nonsense, man! Can't you see
that he is interested already?”
The next day dawns bright and
elear and cold. Gerry informs them
at breakfast that a skating party is
to be formed directly alter that meal.
All those not prepared with skates
will be supplied, she says.
Ralph True turns to her. “I do
not skate. Will I stay at home?”
"No indeed! Poor little boy. f will
teach yon how,”
Daisy looks pity from her eyes, and
Ralph thinks how rarely pretty those
same eyes ate.
“You do,” Gerry says, “come!”
And they all rise from the table. An
hour later a merry group is on the
river. Ralph is awkwardly trying to
stand on In* skate* while Ids eyeH fol
low a little ligure, skating alone, some
distance beyond the others.
“Watch your feet! Look out!”
Gerry is expostulating, when, with a
cry, her awkward pupil dashes over
i ne ico (is oniy an experience!! samer
can, to wnere a little figure is strug
gling in the water. Gerry forgets her
vexation in her fright for her sister.
“Oh, Daisy, darling! Save her! save
her!" she cries. Ralph True has suc
ceeded hi cal ( him; a long braid of fair
hair, hut as willing hands draw
tier from the water, lie looses his
hold and disappears in the dark
water. Home one dives for him and
saves him, but the merry party of the
morning return to Hazeldenn with
two unconscious burden*. Ralph i*
none the worse for Id* ducking the
next morning, hut Daisy does not
come down tinfll evening, when even
then she looks pale and languid.
Ralph gazes at her as he turns Gerald
ine's music, and catching her eye ho
wonders why she blushes so prettily
and why alio always turns away so
“Chess?" Gerry rattles on, “do you
play it, True? f,3t us form a sel.
You and I. and Mr. Koge, and—and”
“Daisy,” Ralph supplies. The party
is soon formed, but some how, Gerry
can never tell how, Daisy is Ralph’s
partner, while her lot is cast with
that of Mr. Sage. 8he looks at Daisy’s
drooping face rather angrily, and
when the game ends declaring Ralph
ami Daisy victors, she rises with a
small grimace and goes over to her
mother at the other side of the room.
“Door Uerrv." Daisy says, compas
sionately. “1 think that you must
be a wonderful player, Mr. True,
Gerry always wins at any game slio
ever tries.”
“Does she?" Ralph quizzes, "It will
do her good to jet left sometimes.
Come out. Mbs Daisy, and see the
Hudson by moonlight. Do you feel
When they return sets aie forming
for a dance.
“Come," (ferry’s clear voice cries,
I want you, True.”
Ralph crosses to her side. “You
“No. I do not.”
“How am 1 to know hut what you
are deceiving me like you did yester
“Take my word for it.”
“Won’t you dance this set with
“I’ll walk through it.”
“W e-l-l,” doubtfully.
Never was (ferry so provoked. Nev
er was Ralph so delighted. They
managed to uet through, somehow,
1 and when the music ceases, Ralph
pauses with a laugh.
“Do vou like to dance with me. Miss
“No!" she cries. “Go away! I hate
He walk* away to a little figure al
most lost in a great chair by the open
“Will you ilam" the next with me?"
lie asked.
, “Yes.”
“Did you see how very awkwardly
| I step?"
“Yes. But I’m not afraid."
(ieialdiue looks after them in
amazement ns t hey float past her.
“Sold again," she murmurs. “What
in tin* hoi Id am i to do with such a
The day* fled hy. If a person could
have judged a* to the success of tlie
. wager hy tint fact that Ifalph and
i tieraidvni were often together,then,in
| deed, Harry i« <u a faw way to win.
i Koch cM in iion planned; each game
■ ployed, each tableau; each theatrical;
these two aim partner*. The fact that
| quiet Duf y i* often with them, too.
dor* not seem to count, Harry is
pu !«d Vn>l t*«rry, lot* to conic**
! that *h« ha* met a man who ilis* not
I make love to her after a one week'*
, acpnaiiitau.c, The friend* who ar*
m lh* secret look on with tntsre*l.Mnt
knowing who w It win that most un
tor tonal* Met. The/ ate planning
a nio»ipi*r*d* ball
Each guest U to keep hi* own t'oun
i set ami not let a p«r»ow know what
charm ter he intend* to ueieonut*.
ifn h mystery, *n> h Inked <|nnr*,*uvh
secret*, a* reign lor a »wlt before t he
■ lentlot evening arrive*, t* wonderful
to relate. At ta*t time brut# around
the evening The hou*e gtu*t* have
all managed to glide Otto the rtM>tne
with an outsider. *»» that ad tUrtily
t* lost, and they mingle together a*
one unknown whole
I tieraideue'* ahrtil ms* suiiM has*
! betrayed her, even tf «>m* tong temlrti
I el hair (tad not **vap*d from it* r«»
finement ar.d hung almost to her feet.
She is Venus, goidews of love, and
never has she appeared ho beautiful.
She looks in vain for Ralph True's tall
figure to betray him. She cannot de
cide whether that tall soldier, or yon
der Romeo, or the cavalier by her
side, is he. She sees Romeo bending
over a small Juliet all in blue, and she
wonders if Daisy knows who her Ro
meo is.
"Juliet,” Romeo it whisper*ig, "fol
low me. I want yon."
Daisy rises and follows hTs lead.
Does she know him? The little lady
keeps her own counsel, if she does.
They stand on the terrace. The
stars sparkle overhead; the frozen
Hudson gleams in the distance.
‘‘Daisy, I overheard you telling
(Jerry of your costume, and I dress
ed to match you. Daisy, do you
know me? I love you. Will you be
my wife?"
And Daisy, without a thought of
her conquest or of Derry’s augur, looks
up at her tall Romeo answers both
questions with a lmppy "Yes, Ralph."
4 # * # * *
How surprised they all were when
the announcement is made at the
breakfast table the next morning.
Silence falls nr, first, ami then with
one accord they all roar with laught
er. "Who has won the wager, old
hoy?” Harry asks. "Of course I
meant (Jerry, f never even thought
Of Dot there, as captivating a great
woman hater line you were in the old
college days. Rut she is my sister
just the sains,”
"Granted,” Ralph replies, prompt
ly, “but I said that i could resist
your coquette sister’s charms, and 1
‘‘I’ll tell you," (Jerry cries, hur piqu
ant face nil smiles, ‘‘put the five
hundred dollars and the one hundred
dollars in one, and present it to the
bride on her wedding morn.”
Anil that was the way they decided
who won the wager.—Yankee Rlade.
How One Town Avoids
Tlio Industrial World tells about
the situation in Olean, N. V., where
an increase of twenty-five per cent, in
population lias been provided for
within tlie last three months by addi
tions to its manufacturing industries,
through the organized efforts of a
Hoard of Trade, tl:o capitalists have
inaugurated a novel movement which
not only aids materially in the
growth of the place, but gives such
advantages to the laboring men that
the chances (or strikes and kindred
troubles are reduced to the minimum.
Any manufacturer locating in Olean
is guaranteed homes for ids employes
built after their own plans, and sup
plied to them at actual value, the ten
ants paying thereon the rental price
of from §5 to $8 per month. Thus
is left witli the laborer the
option of owing his own
home, or of paying rent, the
terms in either instance lifting the
same, save in the matter of interest
upon the unpaid portion in case of
purchase. This the capitalist takes
as Ins profit upon the transaction.
in t lie one instance ttie man who
buys lias his homo paid for in a few
years; in the other the tenant pays in
the same time nearly as much and
does not own a shingle.
In Clean the labor classes are not
slow to see the advantage of buying;
the manufacturer sees the advantage
of steady and reliable labor thus
afforded, and the resident capitalist a
sure prevention of strikes and safe in
vestment of his money.
The example of the moneyed men of
Clean is worthy the emulation of
those in other towns whose growth is
retarded by the too conservative pol
icy of capital.
Hoop Snakes.
Most people have heard of a hoop
snake, but few persons have seen one.
0. T. Mason, of the United States na
tional museum, in writing to the
Washington Star, emphatically and
dally denies that such a creature ex
ists in the world, in order to open a
controversy on the subject and elicit
information. Now Conductor Addy
Kirk of the Pittsburg division, Penn
sylvania railroad, affirms most posi
tively that he has not only seen but
had an adventure with one in Warren
county, Illinois, during Ids residence
there, lie says lie was in the woods
one day, picking blackberries, and
having heard of a hoop snake observ
' ed one rapidly rolling toward him.
Me stepped aside; the snake glided
past him and struck its tad into a
white-oak tree which was two lcet in
diameter. The reptile, having secure
ly fastened itself, whipped itself on
cither side of the tree until it was
dead, lie proceeded to the house of
his employer, and with an axe they
returned and cut out the tail. In live
weeks every ieut on tlie tree was dead.
The tail of the serpent was armed
with u horn like append age, about one
inch and three-quarters in length, hol
low and tilled with a poisonous mat
ter, and sharp like a ins die at the
, point. 'Ttie creature he dcscrilies as
I dark-green in color on th» back and
[ sides and the belly as white as snow.
| III rolling it grasps t Ids horn ap|iend
| a.’« ill its mouth, turning its belly out,
j He r> member* In wring his father say
lie saw two of them in Ins time, and
! Ins Illinois employer three. After tills
| well authenticated Vttlslull of the ex
I istroce of a hoop snake Mr. Mason
will hate to taka to the woods or
j tnodilx Ids sweeping denial.-—Altoona
il'a Tribune,
What looked like the largest.
I #;tai.-htest, sunn iest, and longest
»a not lug exsr tloat*d down lbs
i t muls-iiand rea-iud .Naslixtlle the
’ other day. It belonged to a |;r«n
1 look me country man who gate good
| reasons why Ire nntst self It tmttre
dialtdv It was so* It a tine U\t that,
i d#si III# III# • fttttMjf ||
| ( tchvtl iU VAiUf.
| lu tin# tmir*# ui I mi# ll wm I *li##t
mil i»t (b» Mt«r #u*t In i#a
*vt ulMOh it*4 #llll !•**%
* (i| uti tt\#f || in fit# IMIllI 1*4w
> NiAUlWi Ybv Iff##*! tmmlfVtfMIII Nimi
l«Ml UvfMt %#*H lUlVv \ bull
Told in a Dream.
"I made ft fool of myself," said Ju
lian Blair, bitterly. "Here I am, a t
young lawyer, without practice in a i
little country town, and with no hope 1
of bettering my condition. Instead I
of waiting for something to turn up I
I have bad the audacity to fall in love I
with the wealthiest heiress in the j
place, and to-night I forever disgraced <
myselt by asking her to marry me. 1
To-inorrow I am to see her father, i
There can lie but one result. Mr. |
Howard is a millionaire. He will ask
me about my property and prospects. I
Well, I have about $5 in my pocket,
and I owe $500. The old gentleman
will regard me as a fortune hunter
and request me to discontinue my
visits. Yet, ttie Isurd knows I love
Alice, and 1 would devote my life to
Blair looked around I lie office and
took a survey of his scanty posses
sions. A few articles of furniture, and
perhaps a hundred law hooka this
was all. lie sat alone until the town
clock struck the hour of midnight, and
then retired to Ids chamber adjoining
Ids office, and made nu attempt to
sleep off his trouble.
In the course of the night, a strange
thing occurred, .lust how it happen
ed he did not understand, but he had
a late visitor, who introduced him
sell as a lawyer from London.
"Mr. Blair," ho said, "I will not
detuin you with any preliminaries.
You are the heir to the estate of John
Blair, one of your uncles who ran
away from home when a mere hoy
and settled In Liverpool, Your uncle
was remarkably lucky. He found
friends, went into business and in
course of time made a fortune. He
died a month ago and left you $500,
Julian proceeded to ask for further
informat ion, Imt tho J.ondon lawyer
pleasantly remarked that good news
would keep,
"1 muMt leavo in* half an hour for
New York,” he said, "but you may
expect me hack in a week or so, ami
then tho necessary arrangements will
be completed lor placing you in pus
session of your inheritance.”
With tins the strange visitor van
ished, and Julian Blair, as he raised
himself on his elbow and looked about
the room, asked himself whether he
was awake or dreaming.
A sudden drowsiness came over him,
and wiien he again opened hi* eye* it
was morning.
"SVas it a dream?" lie cried, a* lie
dressed himself. "No, it is impossible.
There is the chair the man satin. J
remember hi* feature* distinctly, and
every word lie said, and even tho
tone* of his voice. Thank Hod! it
wa* no vision; it was a reality,”
Julian found, after making Ids toi
let, that he wa* *;lll a little feverish,
with a Strang) fullness in III* head,
Imt a glance at the mirror *howed
that lie wa* looking unusally well.
One thing startled him not a little
in the course of tho morning. After a
brief interview with one of the hank
ers of the town, ho walked out, on tho
street with 8500 in his pocket.
A sudden doubt struck him a* ho
reached the sidewalk. J fad he mode
a mistake in telling the hanker of hi*
good fortune? If the whole thing wa*
only a divam, as he sometime* sus
pected, ho had done a very had thing.
“Psiiawl" lie said to hlm*elf, "I atn
sick and nervou*. How can it be a
By degrees his confidence who restor
ed, and later in the day, when he *aw
Mr, Howard,hi* manner wa* well calcu
lated to impress the millionaire. Un
told tho story of Id* legacy, and tho
rich man took him hy the hand and
told him that no man in the world
would suit him better a* ason-in-taw.
A week passed away delightfully.
Blair found himself the lion of the
tnii'ii tmt In* wm-iit most. of his leisure
time fcith hit) affianced.
One morning tho young lawyer
arose, cool and clear headed, without,
u trace of fever. Hu looked back up
on the events of tho past week m
amazement, lie no longer had any
belief in a visit of the man from Lon
don. It was a dream and nothing
“I am in a disgraceful fix!” he groan
ed. I have borrowed money under
false pretences. Nothing will ever
convince people that 1 am not a swin
I hit just then a card was placed in
Julian’s hand. It bore tho address
of Henry Morloy, solicitor. Middle
Temple, London, and as the owner of
tho card was ushered into the ollice
the young lawyer looked at him in
blank surprise.
"My young friend,'' said the visitor,
rather pompously, “it Is a genuine
pleasure to be the hearer of good tid
ings, I have been two weeks io tho
country looking you tip. Your uncle,
John illair, died recently hi Liver
pool, where he lett a large estate, and
there is a cool (500,000 tor yon."
"Is it another dream?" whispered
Julia it.
"I don't understand,” said the Mu
glishuiHM, somewhat mystified. "Tins
is no dream; it is business.”
"You have nsver called oil tus be
fore, have you?” asked Julian.
"Certainly not,” replied the visitor,
"I have just loom! you, and it sun
no easy matter, I can tell you. '
"AH tlii* is very hard for me
to tielieve," replied Julian, mid it will
take time to convince mu of its real
"Well, rummy ought to be tangible
«nmi«h.“ *md the lawyer. ”11 yon
bet like drawing lor a lew thousand
now I'll arrange it lor >ou "
Julian, wanted by the trick* bis iin
ai nation h« l pint*4 bun, h»*t no
time in uhlaHting Ins legacy and ion*
-crung it into substantial Invest'
V\ hen this w vs tone lie led Sweet
Ah>e llum I to tbs altar.
The** wi t It*div ides) among sujer
| sail isle) |'N»i tiers and widows
I i-fphans of pr•<%* her s, ot the Mitho
| U<t tail. i, i, v.illicit ties! tSftf,
! $|tHi.iMKt on! ot tits orolits ot ths
1 Method**! Itu-ik I liluem. TtiS Honk
i on,era wll fee a » n* n, o' I m ten •
Unique Railroading.
A young lady who had just return
d from a far southern tour was aer
ating her experiences away down in
Jixie to an American reporter. The
unniest thing that happened upon
he whole trip, she said, "was while
raveling through Alabama. We had
ust passed a little town in the heart
if the cotton district when my atten
ion was called to one end of the
oach, where I noticed several pasaen
;ers standing around a boy about 12
rears old. He was yelling vociferous
y, with iiis iiand poked into one eye.
V lady whom I took to be his mother
was doing all in her power to quiet him.
lb-tween yells be managed to explain
lie cause of his mishap, lie said that
in was looking out of the window
when a boy, who was standing near
lie track in n lie Id, as the train was
passing, picked up a rock and threw
it at him. The stone struck the win
low pane, shattering it, and a piers
r»f glass cut a long and painful gash
under the young tourist’s eye.* In a
few minutes every passenger in tin
-oach was offering some suggestion
and interfering with those wiio wort
trying to bind up (lie wound. Tin
■onductor came upon the scene about
Ibis time. I'pon learning the situa
tion he immediately stopped tin
train and began backing It to till
place where the deed was done. A*
the train had been going at a rapic
rate it was several miles from tin
scene ol the action. The lad win
threw the stone was standing neai
the track with bis hands in on
pockets, doubtless wondering wbj
the train was coming bock, tail whet
the cars stopped within a lew feet o
him lie must have guessed tin
reason, for he immediately gras pi
ll is lint in ins hand am
started like a race horse across tin
muddy Helds, in a few minutes all tin
male passengers on the tram were ii
hot pursuit, find all nut lernaies wet
at t Fin window watching the chase
Over fence* and aero** fields th* littF
hoy and hi* pursuer* ran. Finally i
hill hid the race from our view, Fo
nearly hall an hour we waited in mix
penso the result of the chase, Th
first man to make his appearance wa
a drummer, who explained that affce
chasing the young miscreant about i
mile, they came to a broad, shallow
creek' which the boy plunged fhrougl
without hesitation, but the p/is-en
Hers, not desirous of getting wet,decide
to discontinue the pursuit, ft was th
most riduruloUH thing I ever willies*
ed. .lust imagine about thirty or fort;
great big grown men running after a I -
year-old boy just as hard as the;
could tear. Another half hour wa
spent in waiting for the scattered pa*
senger* to get back to the train, am
Dually, we resumed our journey 01
south,"—Nashville American,
Sixteenth Century Mirrors.
From the Ohio Valley Manufacturer.
It is only since the curly part of th
sixteenth century that mirrors have bt
come article* of household furnitur
and decoration. Previous to tha
time—from the twelfth to the end c
the fifteenth century—pocket-mirror
or email hand-mirror* carried at th
girdle were indispensable adjuncts ti
Indies’ toilet*. The pocket-mirro
consisted of small circular plaques «.
polished metal fixed in a shallow cit
rular box, covered with a led. Mirror
cases were chiefly made of ivory, car v
ed with relief representations of lo.'
or domestl* scenes, hunting am
games, and sometimes illustrations <
popular poetry or romance. (Jol<
and silver enamels, ebony and othe
costly materials were likewise used fo
mirror cases, on which were lavishe*
the highest decorative efforts of ur
workmanship and costly jewelini
The mirrors worn at the girdle run
no cover, but wero furnished with
short handle.
In 025 I’ope Bon'face IV. sen
Queen Ethel beiga, of Northumbria,
present o! a silver mirror; and ther
is ample evidence that in early Angle
Haxon times mirrors wore well know
in England. It is a remarkable [in
that on many ol the sculpture'
stones ol Hcotland, belonging probu
bly to the seventh, eight or ninth cer
tury, representations ol mirrort
mirror cases, and ecinlu occur.
The Boy’s Suggestion.
It was at tiie dinner table. Tn
head ol the house hail a passion lo
preserving, tiling, ami indexing ever
letter that onmes to him, and has a.
cumulated an immense mass of coi
rcspomlmtce. llis wife believes thu
when a letter lias been read the bus
thing to do is tr> destroy it. Th
conversation turned on the relativ
merits of the two systems, an 1 a lad
guest related that she knew of a get
tic man recently deceased in a n* igl
boring city who Ml instructions tint
his correspondent' e should be bin
led with hint. "They act unity had t
have a coffin mad • on purpose, so a
lo make room lor the letters," »h
said, "(iteat RcOtt, father.' rxrlaili
ed the son ami heir, "they'd hare t
bury you in a freight tar."~ llosto
Mark Twaln'iAdvIce toYounf
A yottmt newspaper man o' Hart
ford recently wrote to Mark Twnu
with whom lie had more than a pa
hm «» |imuit auee, ask tug hint ft ti
Would kindly look over the main
script of a serto hnoiorousaktt he ha
writ lea, and would give a candt
opinnm as to Its worth. He m<io
tlte iuMowhia charaete. letu reply an
hold* ft high hi htk lo'Uvttou ol »o
If .si* use, ls.» If * ■— » {1irtafaf.|
geed It llgkt al«e>4 I>* l lie imk t« | ! 1 i
letswr a ...sole ,»l .kl... nase*l *»
bank si a ewjik el rrta l»t..n»», tor aei
l.tisg |m Iwii it '1,* The man Dell tell*
tigs. a...kl lugs In Ike <hrt II asm ad
Y«..nti*7. », r, I'uskia
•* I’hi fads p'ila Piss#
Curious Facts.
The glare of the electric lights in ths
Czar’s Winter palace has proven very
injurious to ornamental plants.
It is said that during its period wt
growth, Indian corn draws from ths
soil thirty-six times its own weight
ol water
A lady in Islington, Ga., has a ball
ot yarn that was spun and woven
during the Itevolutlonnry War, over
100 years ago, and yet ths thread w
seemingly sound and whole.
Miss Jennie Chamberlain, the Obis
beauty who created such a sensatww
in Europe, is now living in Cleveland.
Bhe seldom goes out, receives few
visitors and leads a very quiet Ida.
Boms of the shepherds in the mount
ains ot Bulgaria live for ten and fil
teen years attending their flocks, and
never knowing what it is to sleep in a
house or to <-njoy any of the comforts
of civilization.
By careful experiments M. Bioc'ibwc
determined that it takes 1.72 of a sec
ond louver to hear a sound than I m
see a sight, and 1,21 of a second Ion,:
er to feel a toucli than to see a sigh'.
A New Bedford man has a cat wi; k
a remarkable fondness for sliding ok
on the ice. When it finds a likely bn
of he it runs to get a good start, and
then, throwing itself on its belly with
fore and hind Icp extended forward
and backward, slides daily again and
again until surfeited with the fun.
Edison, Die Inventor, has sixty mm
at work in tils laboratory. Th»y ar*
alt preparing something that has fir'd
i existed in his brain.
The pin consumption of the Enitol
1 Btates is one pin to each inhabitant a
1 day. Tliis necessitates the daily
manufacture of 00,000,000 pins.
, Bcientists assest that the newly die
i covered cities of Arizona are the sow
• as sought by Cortez ami ths early
■ Hpfinish adventurers in their exped*
1 tlon* niter gold. The cute* are note*
In number and show evidences of toe
mer civilization and wealth.
A Nashville carpenter arose in hie
- sleep and went Into hi* shop and ba
i run filing a saw. The noise woke him
i up and lie was mightily puzzled bo
i find himself engaged at such work *b
2 o'clock in the morning in a dark
i shop.
Ify mean* o? an air gun, J’rot. C.!.
r Mees ha* found that to drive straw*
• into pine boards and hickory bark,
< as is often done by tornado**, a*. e
i iocity of 100 to 172 mile* an hour is
■ necessary.
t The largest cotton mill In tlie world
i* said to be located at K ran it o'm, in
Jlussia, 'I'he establishment contain*
'M 0,000 spindle* and 2,200 loom*,
disposes of a force of 0,.",00 hors*
power, and give* employment I*
' 7,000 hands.
A correspondent from Omaha want*
' to know how it in that the great thick*
r of crows that pass over that placed*
‘ not freeze during the severe weather.
* He says here and there one come* up
(■ on a frozen bird, a black tuft in th*
j white snow, in the track of the bita
zard, like a mourning badge, but
r countless flocks of rawing crows still
I come with the day from the east, and
. sweep away at night in black columns
, a* if Nebraska winter* had no terror*
. for them. The question is, how d*
, these bird* manage to keep alive at
j all?
1 What Becomes of Antlers.
It has been observed that in a die
1 trict where several thousand deer are
! kept, and where, consequently, there
• must be hundreds of stair* who every
t year cast off a couple of horns each.
only now and then is a specimen ol
t these horns met with. The author at
t “Forays Among Salmon and Deer"
1 accounts for this fait upon tlie an
, thority of one familiar with the habits
: of the animal.
1 They either bury their horns, or
• destroy them with their teeth. He
• >ays that he has himself seen deer nb
, the period of spring, when they cons
their horns, tramping them down in
the moist soil ot the peat-bogs whicti
are so numerous among tlie hills.
That they were so employed he has
i. abundant proof, for more than once,
r after thus disturbing the deer, he lias
gone to tlie spot and discovered the
’ remains of horns halt-buried and
. broken up, the fragments having the
. marks of teeth upon them.
t Though it may be thought that the
, horns ure of a substance too hard lor
1 tills, yet tlie jaws of tlie deer are so
» very powerful. Another considers
e turn which makes this more probable
f is that scarcely ever are the horns of
• a young stag discovered, being, of
• « ouree, from their si**, more «u»y of
• destruction than the antlers of a ftilW
• grown one.
• Raffled Mtmaolf tor an Orphan.
From the I.twrpool Courier,
I(’ A rich merchant of Wt. IVtersburf it
a trustee of an orphan bouse, Ha
j wu* desirous of concluding a second
I marriage ami thought he could not
I find any girl better educated than
, I a pupil of tlie asylum under hie ova
, I cars. Many a walk he made through
.. I itr# rooms of the girls, hut titers wan
t-! non* lie took a pai titular fancy t*.
■ I st, h# d*termined at last to entrust
t i ins future to ti»e goddsts of rhsnre,
i! All n# gul pupils id lit# asylum, w d
i Id amt upward rwelinl wulutwiu
i; to an svaamg party,**1 u of tb#«» h*4
• | |o draw a <ot l**tit ait urn p*n< *d m
ti,# cenii* of the tooui, one ol tits pa
l»«rs having lit* soniiiNt u #»«s
1 j srtttsu on it, Th« girl that drew she
1 j price is one id tl>* piaimsl looking «e
nil the nousUe ui tne asylum bsiee
i i he’s**, ths met chant (mutedmisty
i ■•reseat**! b«r to her cwiiipatiloai aa
j like intended ads*