The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 08, 1896, Image 8

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    Uoaal Dsws.
A. Boone. THK Jeweler.
Judge Well went lo Ord IhkI .Mi ii
W I*. K»ed ha* Invested I: h new
Mr* Wm. K e la on the nick 1ml thi*
JO pounds bent Oatmeal for 25 cent*
at (iaateyeri.
J,ou Wlnkleman H working In tlm
Arcadia Mills.
2 Kafflr Korn #1.85 per hundred pound*
at W*tkln*on’*.
Albert Hantlng* came down from
Arcadia Wednesday.
Or. Koblneon. of Mason City wa* in
the city Wed need ay.
A. F. Wertaplanted his potatoes In
the dark of the moon.
For Harries* and anything in the
llarnea* line aee T. M. Heed.
Kdltor Brown »ay» that, he la garden
lug thi* year on a selenitic plan.
Walter Sorensen, the tonserlal artist
of Arcadia was In the city laat Sunday.
A F. Warts has bad hi* lota plowed
up tbla weak and ha* put out a flue
HI Obase. the popular druggist of
Maaon City spent a few day* In thi*
city visiting friend* and relative*.
A little 111, then a little pill. The 111
la gone the pill baa won. Oe Wltt'a Lit
tle Early Hlaer* tbe little pllla that
cure great 111*. Odendabl Bros.
1/a* M 11 last t 11ii rliiv Allltlf.l fill ll ailV
thing in the way of Field or Garden
need call on T M Kecd.
J, |*hll .longer and T L. I'llgor weat
up to the head of the ditch the front
end of the week to Inspect the work
now being dono.
The children of the primary school*
took an outing la the afternoon last
Friday and gathered a large variety of
May flowers.
It's all the saute, a alight cold, con
gested lung* or severe cough. One
Minute Gough Cure banishes them.
Odeadabl Pros.
Mr, Marloa W. Polsten and Miss
Lucy Rogers, both of Sherman county,
Nebraska were married at Loup City,
Friday, May lat, ISM, Judge Kay ofllol
And atlll the work gees on at the
fairgrounds. This week they are lay
ing tiling through which to run the
water from the dl teb to the lake on the
Six buildings at Aurora were struck
by lightening last week and a 93000 00
church was struck by lightening and
destroyed by Are. A 91,300 pipe organ
was saved.
C. J. Bolt has hit house completed
on his homestead west of town and put
down a well last Thursday, We
understand that he will move his fami
ly tomorrow
I)epew and Neville are so rushed
with work in the shop this week that
they have had to call on J S. Pedler to
help them out. Joe pulled off hla coat
and went at it.
Busy people have no time, and sensi
ble people have no inclination to use a
slow remedy. One Minute Cough
Cure aets promptly and gives perma
nent results.—Odendahl Bros.
K. Smallwood, of Arcadia purchased
a car load of brick of Ohlsen Bros,
while In tow a last Monday. Mr.
Smallwood la going to begin the erec
tion of a tine residence soon.
it. J. isigutingaie is using upms law
office In first class shape. He ha* taken
off the lath aud plaster and eellad it ap
and Is repainting It outside ami In Adamson is do Ing the job.
Take a dose of I>a\Tltt'« Little Karly
Kisers just far the good It will do you.
These little Pills are good for Indiges
tion, goad for headache, good for liver
aoiuplaiat. goad for constipation They
are good. — Odeadshl Uro*
J. A. Angler made this office a pleas
ant call last Friday lie hat D30 acres
of winter wheat out and says that It la
looking Ane In fact he says that all
small grain lu hi* section of the country
is in a nourishing condition,
Tbos. inn* wet with a severe a# id
dent last Honda? morning While
tv log a colt In the stable the ro|»e ha.
came wouud around hit middle Anger
The animal jumped hack tad the end
of the ftngvi a' Ine Aral jalat was «o«
plately tore off, |i» dona* dressed the
Injured hand,
T It Heatoner, l.nnt-h Unwin and
Allred Fliat. of LiWhAsld was doing
business at the county seat last Inn
day Ml Ksssnn-I marts I|um head'
•|o*rl# a a friendly visit while her*
tad tail the wherewith to secure a
weekly v»au trusts the VmiMuastheg
N ssi-lh*» year
A cttlserss waatieg tailed |u« the
purpose «| getting the etprasstao at
the people at to whether or not It
Wttuhl ha advisable to d»w* I He
water work* was Md *1 the court
house lost evening kite* the es< ,ms
had bee# Mt*NM« y 4t., u*«* l * vote
sa Ike ywywUtov «%* takew and it
was uH*atint»usiy 4- tiled that the sy>
t> os of * ater W»*kv he esurt latest in
I have Horse* to s II «r trade.
r. M Rkki>.
|)r. Price’s Cream Bakin* Powder
A Pur* drape Cream ot Tartar Powder.
Eye and Ear. Dr. Davis. Grand
Island. Nebr.
Itev. Webster made a business trip to
Ht. Paul Thursday morning.
Earnest Mllburn, of Arcadia w** u
Loup City visitor last Sunday.
Dr. Sumner Davis. OcuHatand Aurlst.
Examination for glasses Grand Island,
Gallon W. P. Reed he will tie pleased
to quote you the Lowest Price* ou 1 arm
Ladies who wisti to have H its, Rib
lions. Laces, Tips or Velvets cleaned
and made over call on
Mita. Nki.i.ik Rand am..
A Foltz, e uiie home from Grand
Itland last Saturday to spend a few
waeks before going to Colorado,
Bitia Colds bk Gonk: The maglcl
clan’s wand is not more potent than Dr.
Humphrey’s Hpeclfle "77” for colds.
For sale by all druggists
Cbss. Gastayer Is fencing in his two
lets west of his brick block and we
uaderstaad, will seed It down to blue
The blacksmiths of the village are
having all the work they can do It
souuds like old times te bear tbs seund
of their hammers early and late.
<«*• «**•« ■ * 1 — 4, I..* fit. ..
1 ||C ▼ 11 Iiuaiw mot »
evening and among other things grant
a license to John Oltinan for a saloon.
Last year tha license was fixed at
•000.00 but tbia year waa cut down to
live hundred.
A. M. Bonnet haa erected a new wind
mill on hie city realdence property. It
la ofhla own manufacture We under
atand that Art !• trying to think of an
appropriate name for It. Aa It takes
wind to run it lot tie auggaat that it he
named ‘‘Populist."
A. G. Wolfenbarger, tha President of
the State Board of Irrigation will speak
oh irrigation at 2 o'clock Saturday,
May 16th, 1806 at Loup City. Kvery
body should coaee out and bear Mr
Wolfouburgor apeak aa he Is a master
of his subject and the lecture will be
Twelve members of the M. W. A
Camp of this city went to Kockvllle
last Saturday night and Initiated live
new members iato the order at that
place They report a right royal time.
The Kockvllle camp has a very good
membership aad is In a flourishl ng con
Jason Gilbert, of Omaha and brother
in-law of Walter Moon, la visiting here
this week. Mr. Gilbert used to make
Loup City his home In an early day.
1I« made this office a pleasant call
Wednesday aad Infermed us that he
had about made up his mind to go Intn
business at Arcadia.
All the school children, big and lit
tle, old and young tre Indulging in the
pleasure of distributing May baskets
this season. Nearly eyery evening this
week some one has found a beautiful
basket Hied with choice (lowers bang
ing on their door knob. Ye editor and
wife acknowledge, with thanks the re
ceipt of three of them.
Chris llauck seems to have plenty of
work now days In his shop We called
on him last Tuesday and found him
very busy with work piled up all
uroiiBil IVM ultn filGli u iuumi intn hia
orchard which showed that Mr llauck
bud spared no expense to beautify his
property anil get his trees in a thrifty
The trial of Odemskl vs. Trueleen
came up for hearing last Friday. Geo.
told th# court that he did give < idem
ski allgging because th* latter, instead
of leaving th* premises as he ordered
him to do. got saucy and showed game,
or words to that effect, w Hereupon his
honor Judge Kav A tied hi iu $'* no and
costa. Judge Well appeared for (idem
ski aud T. 8. Nightingale fur TnieUen.
Wake up youi liver w ith at twenty
Avo cent package of Siututons Liver
Regulator enough to wake up the
liver of the whole family A d<>te a
day U enough eud a small one at that,
i,Hi it wilt do the work well and w ith
out dlscoutfert It I* the Rest lllinnl
and Rest spring medicine It i« the
sluggish liver that cloggs the system
and pi. sons the blood Wake up the
liver J II ifekhu * • 'o, t'hlia leSphi*.
There was nuuiidakahle evidime of
some prison or |>er*ous prowling
around the residence of ye editor last
Mtutihi night shout ten o'clock in the
evetsiug We were sitting in the par
hit Indulging in the pleasure of tewgmg
a top* of (inhwimd whe i an uuu ua>
sound wa* heard at the gate At gist j
1 ae thought Mat little uf it and kept ss .
leading ncetwiy a m mile htJ pa.* |
i ed when e heavy rap s as peasd at Ike j
dour, fto ms J that *e pin* ped |
to the veiling aud lauded Its the ml. kin j
uf th* Aosm * mas as we vent.I real
coyer (*>»*« imi Right we west! to tin
dusut eud wpewlag It pweyed out tele!
the hitssu km the let inter h* d tail j
aswi ttsdhiug fssId he found hot a hsa» |
ttfui kit '■ isket hanging oat the Amu 1
bowk The doner* b*>e aur *jyyr-y !«. '
IhtU hugoliful g’R vh h. sssstsis tow
>< highit appreciated
Our merchant* received h car load of
salt Wednesday.
A. 15. Outhouse Is enjoy In ing a visit
,roin Ills brother of Illinois
Mrs K. Kcmt. of MllforJ. Nebraska
Is visiting her son Mr. A. Foltz.
Mr. Hcbaupp. of Arcadia lit ought
down a lo id of flour Wednesday.
Sheriff Patton and County Attorney
Long made a trip to Ashton Wednes
We understand that the populist*
will hold a rally here on the ‘Jllrd of
Karnest House, of Lltchtleld made
a business trip to the county seat the
forepart of the week
We learn that Kd lllalop, of clear
Creek got hi* leg broke la*t week
while handling a horse.
A. M. Hennett, eur barber has turned
hi* shop over to Mr. Patton and is do
ing veten try work these day*.
Mr*. I>r. Jones I* teaching a kinder
garden clasa. The exercises are given
daily, every forenoon we believe.
Aitho O'Hryan went to Grand island
Monday morning to get a position from
the U, P. railroad company at that,
Sheriff Patton and wife went to Nor
folk this morning They took the old
lady Augustine who has been ad lodged
Insane to the asylum.
We understand that a base ball team
will soon lie organized at this place
again The boys have barn practicing
every night this week.
Wa learn that the water was turned
In at the head of the ditch taut even
ing and it will probably rauch Loup
City by Saturday night or Holiday.
It’* Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure a* anything else. It'*
easier to cure a severe cough or cold
with It. Let yeur next purchase for a
cough be One Minute Cough Core
Belter medicine: better result: better
try It. Odendahl Bros.
The quarterly Haldmth School C'>n
ventloa will tie held May 31st. at, Cleora
church, all are cordially Invited to at
tend Superintendent* will please bn
prompt iu answering all correspon
dence concerning convention ho pro
gram* can in; printed next week.
News From Clear Creek
Ten Inches of rain In the month of
April. How Is that for drouth stricken
Home few will plant corn thl* week.
Kddle Hlslop I* In bed with a bruised
shin. A horse did it.
Mr*. Throukmorton I* visiting her
Mrs. Itolt Kansguu took the train for
Casper, Wyoming where she goes to
Join her husband.
Born to Mr and Mrs. W. Spenser a
son the unusual weight of eleven
The prodigals are returning. Thom
pson, son-in-law to A. .1. Wilson Just
arrived and will assist A. J. to farm.
Thl* week Tube Castor and the post
musters of the great state of Nebraska
met to determine whether the demo
crats have an organization In this state
or not. Kei oitfiKK.
William McKinley is a life long
member of the Methodist Kniaeopal
church. He is a free mason of long
standing; he is a Knight Templar,
a Knight of Pythias, a comrade of
the Grand Army of the Kepub
lic, now and for years past, a mem
ber of the Union Veteran Union, a
member of the Sons of tUe Aweri
«un devolution, a member of the
Loyal Legion, and a member of a
literary college fraternity— and
these are the only secret socioties
with which Major McKinley is in
any manner connected, ltutfalo
County Sun.
The great drouth has moved
around to the other able of the
world India and Australia are uow
•iitiering from a dearth ot moisture
that beggar* rut description id the
condition of K tit*** an I Ntduaska
during the two year* last past In
Austral a the di«ir*** ha* been vsft
great, domcattc animals dting l»>
Ik |ui W4>t| »»f w r-tft ftiul
fvptl, m*t vvph ih«* Mtftl (i |tr
gKFMIM Ills* t tilulli fuf Ilia |k |*| j
fp* mr* IiIp p %pi- Udatt
•*• U1 » $**'•
hi ‘Hi* tl ’ ifltt u d* ,
h )t| |l (« *«|t| In * huig
III** JUm iHtil |»«> (*ou» ||| j
in rait#t t*»fi M M m h» it*** j
Hi|t* Jtuiit|j«|
* Hun 41* 'I*** kin*! ul |
tit*! U*v tr ltiv« I«»«|p Uhmm N«* J
m*ii ii* !» m i i*4«l iitl it j
W tam* 4 Immo*! l|k k» Ml •!!* i
kM*’ I- t*|»**t, *4»i4 Id* l»*|| j
ilH i k*vd t MilMiill tti0
King Sul,>'s Motion.
That "There i>* nothing new miller th«
min” iloi - mil always convey the truth
Especially is ih s true h* rey arils tin
new composite c«r« now operated dally
via the Chicsg •, Union Pacific anti
i Northwestern Line tietweeu Salt l.ukt
j City and Chicago These handsome
, Bullet .Smoking and Library Cars arc
I entirely, new throughout of luteal
ileal*n, cm. tain all mndern improv
, itivnt*. and are well supplied wltti
! writing material, the leading daily
I papers, illustrated periodicals, tonga
*lne*, etc. The fact that these ou't
run daily via ‘The Overland Limited'
and that the I’nlon Pacific was the lint
west of Chicago to Inugerate thi* ser
vice should commend Itself to all. Set
that vottr tickets read via “The Over
land Itoute''
1 W e might tell you more about Out
Minute Cough Cure, hut you prohah
ly know that It citrus a cough. Every
one docs who has tiled it. It is a per
feet remedy for coughs, cold* horse,
ness. It Is an special favorite for
children, being pleasant to take ami
'julck in curing,—Odetulahl Bros.
Ilrtiia Your Krlfoiits to Mrliraxba
The Chicago, Burlington & (Julncy
It It. publish a sixteen-page monthly
Illustrated newspaper called (ho “Corn
Belt,’’ w hlcli give* In an Interesting wav
Information shout western farm lands,
particularly those In Nebraska The
regular suhscrltloii price Is twenty-five
cents per yoar, hut if you want It sent
to any of your friends living east of the
Mississippi River, send tan cents In
stumps for each such person, giving
name and full address and the paper
will be sent for one year. Th« B. & M
it K Agent will show yen a sample
copy of the paper on request. Help
your Slate and Induce your friends to
Immigrate. Address the Corn Bolt, 201)
Adams Street, Chicago, 111.
List of Petit Jurors.
The following is u lint of jurrors
for the May term of the district
court Beginning May 2Mb, iHllti:
HDIiy llol.MKN
II EM 14 Y •* HI.MEN
I'KTKIt 140 WE
ij Ko, PORT EH
N IS. TlloMl'MDN
L B O'Bryan wl*ho» ii* to announce
that lie ha* the flnent thorough-bred
.J«r»€*y hull in the Loup country which
ho will Ktaml at hi* farm thin gea*on
Don’t fall to tee him before breeding.
For Straight Genuine New
Seed of all kinds go to Wat
kinnon’s. You have tried them
for eight years and know them
to be all right.
Burns are absolutely painless when
DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve is prompt
ly applied. This statement is true.
A perfect remedy for skin diseases,
chapped hand* and lips, and never fails
to cure piles. Odenhahl Bros.
It is tot a miracle. It won’t cure
everything, but It will cure piles.
That’s what DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve will do, because It has done it
in hundreds of cases.—Odendahl Bros.
Wake up your *y*tein by waking up
your liver- Simmon* Idver Keguliuor
■A 111 do it-~and a twenty-Hye cent pack
uije aithat It U an active liver rente
dy and a mild laxative. Juat the medi
cine lor all the taiuilv. children and all
It'* a ahiKglih liver that cau*e* all
■Ickne** because of the polaou that net*
Into the *y»t*m. Try Hlmroci* l.iver
K»'*ul»tor. It i* better than pill*.
J. II. Zellln A Co.. Philadelphia, P>.
To all w-lout It utav concern You ara
lo-rat.v notified taut, ara lb* underaltf «*d,
Uav* iua.1* application by peitilioi a* re
I r|*lrel by law to lha Hard ot Troalaa* lu
amt tor th* \ illaga of UiupVlly, aharuian
ouuuky Jiebraaka Mr a perml aad liceuae
to aell mail, aplrttuoua aad viaou* ll*|0»ra
tor rued teal, lueckaultal aad chemical put
!«•»•■» for lb* an.aiua n« al vaar
iMoau.Hl liana tir,«ua*al«
Award* tl hi (best Honor*.
World * Pair.
A *wm t <|* itr-i 4 I h> Paw An.
t*«A ItaMI 4*— 4*«dK «* «*« «lW M4m4
In District Court of Slieiinan County.
Union Central I,lf* luRurance
Company, a corporation
Eugenia Uehrke, et a!
Eugenia Uehrke and August Uehrke will
tAko notice that on the 19lh day of Kehru
ary, I-!*), Union Central Life Ineuranoe
Company, a corporation, plaintiff herein,
died Its petition in the District court of
Rbennnn county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are tofoieclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendants, Eugenio
Uehrke and August Uehrke, to the plain
tltf, upon the following deacrlbed real
estate owned by them, situated In ahormitu
county, Nebraska, towlt The North-east
quarter (ig), section four (4), Township
thirteen (1.1), Kariga fourteen (14) and emu
taming One hundred and sixty (Mil acres,
to secure the payment of one promissory
note, with coupon* attached, dated August
4, IH!W, for the sum of WVIO.IIO and due end
payable 10 years altar date; that there Is
now dim iiiani said note the sum of W«.uO,
with Interest at ton per cent from Aegusl
4, lHOXj the sum of $0 17 for taxes of 1*0$ with
Interest at ten per cent from November 10,
Iwi.i, the further sum of ttj.aft forHIM UM
and 1HIM, with Interest at ten per rent
from November lit, 1RU.">, for which sum,
with Interest from this dale, plaintiff
prays for decree that defendants be re
quired to pay the same nr that said prom
lees tuny lie eold to satisfy the amount
found duo,
Voe are required to answer said petition
on or before the tfali day ol May, IHISI.
Union Oknthai. InsiikancbOo.
My A. M. CovvaoTlI Its Attorney.
William Archer, Mary Archer ami Christian
Winrtck. defendants will take milieu that on
the !Mth day of April. Iswtl Duune Manchester,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the Dis
trict court of .Sherman county. Nebraska,
against wild defendants Impleaded with Katie
Winrtck and John Wlnrick, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by the defendants William
Archer uiid Mary Archer to the plaintiff upon
the Mouth half south west quarter of section
ten (10). In township sixteen Odi north of
range thirteen (l») weal of the eth p. in In
Hhormkn county, Nebraska to secure the pay
ment of one principal protnlsory note, dated
November liiib, ISIS) for the sum of $(!oo.uo and
due and payable In five years from the dale
thereof, with Interest at ten per cent per an
num as evidenced by live Inturcsi notes for
the 13th day of November, in the years IWI,
lmr; ihuh IMH and IHWI respectively, that there
Is now duo on said notes and mortgages l ie
sum of $30000 with Interest at ten per ei ut
from Nov,'12th, IHIB; iWlo.OO with ltiterisi ui, lo
percent from Nov 12, IM«S: *30.(ib with Interest
at |o per cent from Nov. 12. IH1M; und BUM*! with
Interest at 10 per cent from Nov. 13, I MB tor
which sums with Interest as aforesaid, plain
tiff prays for a decree that defendant* i»- re
quired to pay the same, or that said premises
rim v be sold to satisfy Hie amounts found due,
with interest and costs.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the sth day of June, IMM,
Hated April 21th, Iswt
I wane Manchkhtbii, Plaintiff
ll.v Maim u n K to BaiuoiiK. Ills Atlys,
In District Court of Sherman County.
Htate of Nebraska, i
Mhermun County, f •
First National Hank of Mlllllngtown,
Pennsylvania a corporation,
Joliusou T Male. Kugenle Mule Nor
folk Natlonul Hunk of Norfolk. Net,
ruska D. Mathewson, William M.
Anderson. Defendants
William II Anderson will take notice Wat
on the With dav of April 1 sue. the Flrsi Natlon
ul liitnk of Minilnglown pluInlllT herein tiled
its petition In the District Court of Sherman
county Nebraska against said defendants,
the object und prayer of which me to foreclose
a certain mortgage, executed by the defen
dants, Johnston 'I'. Male and Kugenle Male
to one I, Marik* Wilson, upon tin follow
ing described real estate situate In Sherman
county and Stale of Nebraska, to wit: Lots#
und 10 In Mloek IM. in the town, now village of
Loup City, to secure the payment of three
certain promissory notes for the sum of $3til ud.
each payable respectively on the 2nd days of
April. Imh| |Mir; and IMM, with Interest thereon
at the rate of eight per cent per uuuoin from
April 2nd, IMio. und there Is now due upon said
notes and mortgage the sum of (3td.00. for
which sum. with Interest at H per cent per an
num from April 2nd IMS), plaintiff pruys for a
decree that defendants tie required to pay We
same, or that suld premises muy be sold to
sutlsfy the amount found due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before tlm Sth duy of June, IsWI.
Dated April HOW IHWI.
Ton Fiiiht National Hank of Mimingtou.
Pennsylvania, Plaintiff
Attest My T. S. Nii.iitini;ai.e and K. .1.
Louis Mein. Niohtinualb. Its Attorneys.
Clerk of the District Court.
Scientific American J
1:30 P. M. Leave* 8:50 P. M
Connections at Aurora for all point*
A. F. WERTS, Agt
negluiilng Sunday. November 17th.
ttnios will arrive and depart at till*
station as follow*:
1,olive* Leaves
Arrive* at Loup City daily T.IOp.iii.
Close eonnaatlon at. Grand Island for
all point* Knst and West.
F. W. Cl.lNE, Agent
No. i. White, Fair Weather.
No. 3. Ill,he Kl.Ao Italn or snow.
Local Rains,
No. 4 Hf.ACK tiitaeoi.k Tcmprcture.
No, 5 White ei.An with hi.aok square In
center, Cold Wave.
Intehi’hetatiiin or iiimpi.atn
When No. 4 In placed above Noe. 1,3 and II
It Indleatea warmer weather and when placed
below Nos. I, •: and », It Indicate* colder
When No, li Is planed below Nos, I. and 3
fulr or wet weather with cold wave,
In District Court of Mliermaii county,
llenry Iteese, I'lalnllff.
Oottlelb number, John
Hoe anil Richard Roe,
rest name* unknown.
mate of Nebrasku, I
Sherman Comity, ( • ■
The defendant, Oottlelb Ounther, Will
take mil leu that on the 3Htli day of rebru
ary, iHtsltbe said ll*nry Reuse, plaintiff.
Hied Ilia pel II I,III In the District Court of
Minimum County, Nebraska, against the
ssid defendants, the object and prayer ojf
executed mi I delivered l,y ille *mu
Outtleih Gunther to plaintiff upon llie
Hunt li llult of t ho Sou in Rust quarter of
Section twenty.five iVb, in Township
thirteen OH). North of Itunge fourteen <Ui
West of sixth principal meridian situate
In Sherman uoiinty and state or Nebraska,
to secure the payment of two promissory
notes dated January uh, lest, one for the
mi in of $iU.(Ml due anil payable In five years
afterdate and one for •.'Sti.SU due and pay.
able In ten years after date, both hearing
Interest at seven per cunt tier annum from
date, payable annually That default has
hecu made In the payment of the Intelest
which became due on Junimry 4th, IS96
mid on Jnnuiiry llh, imei as to ts/lh of said
notes; and plalnllir lias eluctesl to deelure
mid does declare, as by the provisions of
snld mortgage lis has the right to do, the
whole of said sum and Interest to be |,n
mediately due and payable, and there Is
now dun from the defendant Gottlelh
number to the plaintiff upon said notes
and mortgage the sum of 1974.70, with In
terest on ••Ml,so from January 4th Istifi and on
•1/14 H5 from January till, Isis) at seven per
cent per annum, tor which sum plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendant* he
required to pay the same and that, upon
failure to pay llie same, «ulu pinmises may
he sold to satisfy the amount found one by
the court
You are required to nriswersald petition
on or before the lltli day of May, Inis,
Dated tills 'ffth day of Marsh. ISIS)
IlKNiit Kkisc. Plaintiff
liy M. T Util tow it .1
Attest Niiiin imiai.U and T. M
l.ohis ItklN. NliillTIHffAl.K, i
Clerk of District Court Ills Attorneys
lu District Court of Sherman County,
Joseph Oundry, Plaintiff.
va. f
Julia Jernbek, Kalin Jeratiek, his »
wife, Armlnio* F Culluy, llauk
of Ashton, Joseph llukowakl,
Horatio Muielser, Jan lladura ana
Joauphlna Hadtira, Defendants,
state of Nebraska, i
Sherman County, I
The defendants Jan lladura, Joauphlna
lladura and Joseph llukowakl will take
notice that on thn Pith day of March, ISVC
Joseph Oundry, plaintiff herein filed lite
petition In the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against the above named
defendant*, the object unit prayer of
which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage
execated and delivered by the defeudante
Jan lladura and Josephlnu lladura to
Joseph 11. and Joseph Oundry. upon the
South West quarter of Section thirty .three
(.'13), in Townehip ffftcen (18), North Ot
Itunge thirteen (l.'l) West of 8th p. ni .
situate In Shennsn county and state of
Nebraska, to secure the payment of threi
prouilosry notes, one for 4300.00 )*yabl* on
September l.'ith. IHUO anil extended to Sep
temper l ltli, Is9.l, one for •■'KiO.OO payable on
September I5tli, istil and extended to Hep
lumber inn. isin, and one for AsiO.oo pay
to September llth, HKJ, all dated on Kap
temher llth, t~'9 and bearing Intereet from
dAle to malarlly al H per cent per annum
and after maturity at ten per cent pci
uunum, and made and delivered by defen -
dant Jan lindura to the aald Joaeph II.
nnd Joaeph tiundry That the Intereel of
aald Joaeph H tiundry in aald notea and
mortguge waa thereafter aold, aaalgned and
eonvtyud to plaintiff, who la now the aole
holder ami owner ol aald notea and mort
aggn That there la now dee the pluintlll
from the defendante Jan lladura and John
Jerabek upon aald notea uud moilgage
and for umiilea advanced by idaiullir lo
reduem aald land from taxee the auin ol
with Inlereal on $«iMdfroiu keplem
her lllh, low to Meptember llth. teal at a
pm Deal pm annum amt thereafter al 10
lair rent, and on> from aep'eiuber
llth, l*t« t„September lllh, l«ui al a per
l>er anunm and thereafter at m per cent,
and on saw no from hepiciubar llth, Mjj to
■September llth, l*0> al a pei eeut per an
num and thereafter ai lo per cent, and >>'•
Hal leu per e,tni |>er annum from Jan*
•ary ?lth ixw, TiaintiiT pray* tor a d»
eree lhal delemlanla tie adjudged to pay
the aiuotiul due Hie puinuif thereon and
that lu ease defendant*fall for a day* lo
pay the earn* that aald pramlee* b* euld «•
satiety theamouat lounddua.
touare leijuirel l - auawer aald iieli
lion on or befura the llth day <>i ttav,
1‘aied line an It dry o| Uareh lata,
Joann 1,1 anal, CiatuliH
tlleet IIy II J kmut 1*1,41* and
hoi IS Hat* Y # Nw|tllMitt
> ink «l Itialnt I Court Hi* attorney*.
Xllth l or aCIT To HUM NKklUKMr
la IMalilet court ot aueimau • aaaiv,
donate lieskkeimer, Platutttt
John M Mwikhetmet l efvadeal
elate ol Metoaek*. I , -
se t oust, » asst y c *
to John • Peruhaiaset. *••>« psilaal
I on are tanav matiMast teat ,*a th* t,»,
das 1 trill, i a* Jennie twitssiaisi hied a
ysliisw tpusst po Is its Ioshoi touts
ol sheSUsaa count*. Hentatk* the utpsl
hast eiaser ol ktl* h are t„ >l»tala a dltueea,
bu» too >* iHe |iwasl that too hate
*•**« |»<ll| »* ealseiso lusel,
ktltMtiei »»« Use ,,| «4u<teit
pnahatllf sths lot theiUsl.el, .,| In. ahll
die* a
1 1 ,
***** fe* #»*» Ml* * *** *4» '*4 H*".
**••*>** . «•* .
B» N 4 llNuitimii, (mi
Ml ••Ml. * l*ilk o| iMtiitvU uHi)
i **m «<§*§ 4»»U VV tti^ »|im4 |
ioagr-t that the V*ta utta* »>WWo
liojatypi I kill the Wat Ink i-u'Bt to
Ik1 • tool* it ao*l that a a atv uiag a ot It
|l M * * I I. «|ftV % 111 th‘4