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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1896)
THE NORTHWESTERN OKO. E. HBNMIIOTBB, Editor * I'ab. LOUP CITY, -I- NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA. Schuyler'* new *cliool building eo*l *1,0001 Nearly every dam in the Hlue rlvei waa waebed out by the recent flood*. A piano tuner from abroad baa been doing up a number of citizens in Al bion The datcrn around the publie foun tain at North l'latte 1* to be stocked with mountain trout The family of O. II. I’. Hhivley of Fremont had a narrow excap* from apliyxication by furnace gas. Joaaee Wheeler, on trial In the dl» trict court of l odge county charged with hog dealing wa* pronounced not guilty. Huy home mude good, and build up horn# Industrie*, ia a good policy. Far rell'* FI re Kxtinguiaher, made by Far rell A co, Omaha Trenton boast* of a curiosity in the shape of a pacing colt les* than a year old that ran show an eighth of a mile in eighteen seconds II. C. browning, accused of robbing a a tore at Beatrice, wa* arre*ted in Kansas and brought bark to answer for hi* trausgreaaiona The populist atate coovsntlon will he held in Orand Island July l&th, It chooses fifty-seven delegate* to the national convention to be held In Hi. l/oul* In July. Kmel Thorton, twenty-two year* of age, a son of (-hurls* Thorkon, a farm er residing three mile* east of Wahoo, wa* kicked over the heart by a hors* and Instantly killed. 'The receiver* for the Union I'aclflc road have undertaken the great work of hallasting the track from Omaha to « neyenne wiui ri;« gravel irotn me bills at Sherman, Wyo. 'i'lia postofllcc department is now giving consideration to the matter of selecting a site for the South Omaha postolllce. This information conies from Secretary J. Sterling Morton. Ueorge W. Morgan and Claude H. Hoover, both of whom were to have been hanged In Omaha last Friday, have awile yet to live until the su preme court passes upon their cases Martin Havels' large barn south of J'ierre was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, A few hogs and cattle were saved, but live horses a team of mules and forty tons of hay were consumed. The Mhnroe prospect well is now down 130 feet, and It la said there are strong indications of coal; also that for the last 100 feet there has been oil in the water all the time, forced up with the elete and stone. Hoy Connor, e 3-yesr-old child of Charles Connor of Kearney, waa fatally scalded by falling In a bucket of scald ing water. The family had just re moved from the city to the Island when the accident occurred. Mrs Harriet Walker of Fairbury, was taken to the Asylum for the In sane at Lincoln last week. Hhe was missing from her home In the city and after twenty-four hours* search waa found sitting on the bank of the river below town. The county commissioners of Lincoln county will soon call a bond election to vote bonds in Nichola precinct for a bridge ovnr the North Platte, north of llerehey station. The bridge will be about 3,000 fset long and Its estimated Coal is nearly 9(1,000. After four hours' deliberation the jury iu the Fenton cattle rustling case was discharged at O'Kelli, having failed to reach an agreement Thfa case no cupiet| the attention of the district court for h Week, two days having been •pent In securing a jury. I ue usual affidavit of poverty haa been tiled in the (ieorge Morgan case in the supreme court Morgan, who It now in the Douglas county jail wait ing the bearing in hia case by the supreme court, the sentence of death being suspended In the meantime. If you will write to us we will send you adcscriptivscircular of the best rid ing cultivator made, your uearcet agent s name, and a Flying Dutchman stick plu free of charge, and a copy ol "What Others Say" about the Moline Flow (as goods Nebraska Moline Flow ('a, Omaha, Nab. In the supreme court Attorney John C Wharton obtained an order for s writ of mandamus -•ouimandlug the district court of Itougla* county to ap point nt once s receiver (or the old (<uus hotel This was iu tlie case wiiereiu the Fbliadelpbia Mortgage and Trust compauy recently oluaiued a judgment against Feter lioua and others fur about |T\uou senator (iray, of North Loop, whuae failing hsalih has been a source ul deep concern to his family and many friends stef slate his illness during the last session of the legislature, na* apparently been rapidly growing w„. „« lately and is n«w tying -,uite 111 si hta home nine miles west of (hat place but tittle bope of bis improvement be lag entertained Ike elate (making board kas issued a cksrter kith# termer* and Merchant* tank of It »*e spfiag-. |h* . spue! sack of tkg bank, wniek to a prirau .tracer« will be knhtani Ike uwaer w t bar tea A \aa thrih Ike Mato tank r»l * »m *wd kas baea allowed in reduce its > apttal stuck laa | m utm to |ju,,u a»d lU na»« has been changed h I aimers aiaie Haak uf I Mound •bellow* pMtmaaUr 4tore to Au bnra last weak to lay in « supply ol peal age stamps, as th* liu«* push g ,« was biohen into, th* ,.,«*» (..uni out u| Ik* sofa kn»<ak*d ..if the 4><*m tow**) ogwa l(f mean* of a bar uf trua ami siaty Odd doit**e la stamps, all lag in tk# oktfa taken Nuak Ikreal mtptd uo rather walk od away, Iwa Ike ks|>iui ,.i tk# ta sake at l-inels last week sad h*s **<< baaa beard from ties* lie started Is Ik* barn to work, but k* net** amt ad gt hts destination ihraa- wa* seat at frtuw Ankara Ho wa* t»*nt» su year* of ago sad was not mstMMefm dang St,.** The biennial state convention of Ancient Order of Hibernian* will be held at Columbus the 24th Inst. The question for dlecusaion at the Kansas-Nebraska debate, to be held May 1 at Lincoln, ha* been flnslly se lected. It read* a* follow*: "Resolved, that the Initiative and referendum should be Introduced into our form of government, after the same manner of the law of Switzerland." The negative of the question has fallen to the lot of Nebraska, whose debater* will be A. J. Weaver, II. W. gualutanec and II 111 Newbranch. It Is no longer doubtful about gold being in paying quantities on the Wag ner place, two mile* west of ( alhoun. Of late there has been a gang of men at work blasting the rock, and about 1,000 pounds have been taken out There seems to tie no end to It Wag ner has an csperlencsd (.'ripple ('reek prospector doing the work, tie claim* there is gold In I letter paying quanti ties there than in some mines that are being worked at Olpplu ( reek. Sheriff .lames lloyd of Nuckolls coun ty was In Lincoln last week, having brought (1. II. iiubbell to the insane asylum. Hit filial I had nil tiie N uci oils county farmers wild for a time, as lie went through the country contracting to pay cash down for some of the larg est farms in the country. Hit said Ins relatives in the east were prepared to furnish the coin and had agreed on terms for five farina. When eearched he did not even have a button in hia pocket and was violent at times W, C. Airs worth of Klk City wae at South Omaha etock yards with two loada of prime cattle. The cuttle were bought in South Omsha a year ago to put on feed and weighed soo pound*. Now they average I,ft*7 pounds, or within thirteen pound* of double their weight when they went to the country. Mr. Ainsworth said he alar ted them In on to cent corn, fed them largely on Srs cent corn and iinlshed them on 17 cent corn I noy were *uoi ny jimgr* to in i one of the beet fatted bunchc* of rattle ever even In Houth Omaha. A month ago Lewie Haldwln. a Itaher iiian and .farmer living near Aehlitiid, dlecovcrnd a pile of rock and dirt which hail caved down upon the H. A M. track, and flagged u pu*»<nger train Juet in time to *ave it from lielng de railed and precipitated over a high em bankment into ihe I’iatte river, The railway official*, a* a alight token of their appreciation of HaTdwin'e con duct, notified him to call at tiieir head ijuarlera In Lincoln, where he wan pre ken led with a fine team of hor*e*. a new wagon and iiariic** and a new break ing plow. The etate banking board announce* that Ihe following change* have taken place in the etate banka: The Mecurity Male hunk of Kundolph ha* reduced ite capital atock from $60,000 to $26,ooo, and tlie Ntate bank of Arcadia baa re duced if* capital atock from $16,000 to $10,000. 'Ihe parinerahip heretofore exletlng under the name of the Hunk of llarriaburg haa been diaeolved by the withdrawal of Kranci* K Croe*. 'I he buainee* will be carried on under the old name, the partner* helug now A. It. Heard, C. 8. Heard, .1. M. VVilaon and lialay Nettle ton. Much damage waa done In Frontier county by the recent heevy rain*. M. V. Kerry, a proaperoue atock man, hav ing a large ranch north of Mtockville, In the Medicine valley, eatlmete* hie lo*a at $1,000. All of hi* fence* and feed yard*, wood and hay, were *w«pt away. William l.altue foet aeventeen head of young cattle and a few hogu lieorge Kenton, a farmer living oil Mitchell cannon, loat among other thioga a crib with 400 buahel* of corn, which wan acattcred down the atream for *everul mile* A large number of email building* and wind mill* were blown down. Will Hand, a well known and popu lar young man of Nebraaka City, died 1 from the effect* of polooii which he had - taken. HI* reakon for committing the I ra»ii act i» not known, but it ia j thought that he waa mentally unbal anced. He hud repeatedly threatened | to end hi* life, but no one thought; that he would do it. He woe in coni-1 furtnble clrcuiiiaUnce* and he termed 1 a. II_ t . _: 1 .. I I _ __ a •>.«_ SV |in j/J/IIJ. •• V »* MW •* UWW V J V M • w of itire and lias bean a r««i<leut of Ne braska City for about twenty-two years lie leaves S wife, father, moth er and two alaters The executive committee of the Ne braxka club held Its fullest auil beat meeting so far id Lincoln last week. The full coininitiee was present save the chairiuuu whose place was tilled by the selection of May. T H Clarkson of Omaha after he had been made a mem ber of the committee^ The secretary was instructed to prepare a letter and send It to outside corporations doing business in Nebraska aud to individu als having property interests in the stele, asking them to aid in the work of liettenug conditions iu Nebraska by contributing to the dub kail Lake dixpatdi Louis C. Jack sou was found dead iu the rear uf bia eouiectionary store in this city recent ly. lie had committed suicide by blowing out bis trains with a revolver. Jackson had eloped on April I front friend Neb with Mr* t- V\ liavts, wifeut the llurittttfieu station agent at that place, 1*4 vis reached the dty in search of hts wife aud child, who had actHouuaaied the ruuawaya They had previously twee located lit tnecity dvtectivea. end u|sin liavts' arvical Were taken to pet tee heads|uartera where they were eonfionted by the ta Jur»-I huibilol Mr* Intr-s ta a stron. Mtiaded piam looking woman of to years and never it ncfc.d at the unes peeled appearance of the maw ahe had desertesl tfter a short interne* she agreed to glee up the ehtid, leave ta- k •»*a aad go to Iksrvi tu live the Mate Hoard of I reevput tat mu will insivt that Ike f.lkhoru A Moos City, It'Nelli A M esteru rauroe-t* put tu ntettehea at n Nettl, 1‘tatnvtew aud Mawdotph. ail junction* ef Ikeae Hu**. i * ti>u ken*at »i p> .locate At. Cure te taaek a tent k*l at Nor feds aad otkee pwiaie south At the peeeewt time sugar beet r*i*ets e>e ccotpafC 4 te heel their prudent h» teem tu Norfolk from points a- vth uf what ts huowu a* tha I s* I He nhort I me to this sad the haul t as cal ted u the remits to comply With whet ts held to be *-.n mow tew aud bare ast the brat et May as tha day el hearing ALTGELD TO CARLISLE. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SECRE TARY OF THE TREASURY, IS SHARPLY CRITICISED The llllnola Uurtraor Kapllee to the A>MrM, «f Mr ('arllal* lierentl f l»l leered In (lil<»(a on the Manetarr y«nlli,„ — M>b« Charge* In Itegard la Iha Muuil Mjrudlcele,, III., April 37.—In an open latter mail,, public to day Gov ernor Altgeid repllr* to thcaddre** on the money qucatlon which Hecrctary CarlUlu recently delivered In (he Au ditorium in Cbioago. Tin- letter i* a* follow*: "A teacher abould ho will ing to an*wnr queatlon* At the clow of Mr. Carlbtle'* apceuh a number of gentlemen a roar ami a*ked for further information, hut. he turned hi* hack, and *11 oped off the *tage and by direc tion of hi* manugar* the queatloner* were huotled out by policemen." Mr, Altgeid uuote* at length the oft-quoted epeech made by Mr. < ar liele In ;*7*, in which he declared that the demonetization of allver would ultimately entail more mlaery than war*, peatllrnce* ami famine* or the detraction of half the movable prop erty of the world, and declare* that he can not under*t*nd how Mr. < ar Male changed hi* view* when he be came a member of l'rc*iuent < lave land'll cabinet.. Ila also refers to the change of views of Hecreterle* Hoke hinitli and Herbert, who had long denounced silver demonetization and declare* that, unlike Haul of Tar*u*, they have been ashamed lo discuss their conversion*. He ask* whether they were "scoundrels and Itinutics' until they got to lie old men and the tinsel of euhinet positions not only made them honest,but gave them brain* He asks Mr. Carlisle to ex plain why for 200 years, despite vari ations In annual production, gold and silver held the market ratio of Kijf to I. explanation is asked of the state ments of Huron Kothschild and other eminent financiers in 1*00 that the sum of the two metal* taken together formed the measure of values.and why wherever »iiv«r was stricken down it was by the arbitrary aet of govern ment and not by commerce or busi ness. Mr. Altgeld ask* Mr. Carlisle if, when the volume of money was re duced and property values fell corres poudlngly, but debts, taxes snd in terest were not, a great crime was not committed against the debtor and producing classes and how either debtor or laborer can spend as much money a* before, thus injuring the great home market. He hold* that a* rises in price* are dependent in in creases In volume of money, stagna tion must continue until the volume of money Is again restored. He tjuole* from the bank report* and the treas ury statements that there was only 9227,<K>0,ooo In gold In sight duly II, JS7-.ii* u contradiction of Mr. Carl isle's statement that there were 9000,000,000 of gold in America, and asks why Mr. Carlisle make* such on hi end ing statements. In closing lie says: < “A year ago Mr. Cleveland sent for hi* former law partner and close friend, and through him Cleveland 1 anil Carlisle together made a secret liontmet with another friend, who was a former client ot Cleveland's, by widcli that friend and his associate Seen tutors were enabled to make 1 .1100,000 or 910,000,000 out of the gov ernment in a few wooiU on & shiall bond transaction And the reason given for this extraordinary and even criminal procedure was that the sp.'-* ulutors and shark* of Wall street had | agreed to protect the government i against the gold reserve until the following November, following that, Mur wealthiest, the most enterprising, most powerful, most industrious aud thrifty nation on the globe paid tribute to a small bund of speculators for protection And wnen the month uf November arrived these speculators withdrew their pro tection and then the government pro ceeded to issue another liOO.boO.iUK) of builds, increasing the burdens of our people Now, Mr. I ttrlisle might have expatiated on this, aud pointed out to the Amcriuun people the lofty eharac ter of the statesmen Involved in these transactions, ftu, strung* to *sy uiauy of our intelligent people are utterly uuable to comprehend It. VMitle Mr t'arllsle does not seem to have been a success tu the e.ipaidty uf a bunco ateerer among the laboring men of Chicago, there many points upon which he could )<e very Ihierrsting, aud I would suggi at that they hrtug him bach aud let him talk about mai lers lu which he la at home * t IHtww la tkt Avail l.kA vnsaotitH, Kau April 8*,— Mrs Virginia llrady was granted n decree of Uivorea from lieuteiunt deeper h llrady by Judge Mvers of the Ihtirh t euurt > vsteiday tftcraooa The ground waagloaa negfe, t Ilf duty, and there ear no contest Mr* tirads was given lb* eualudt of their I-year old child The suit was en term! late Thursday eight sod ae effort wav made tu Weep the matter nut of the papere they ate both wntlhnown In society and army •ire tea •••alar ervuafia t*-*«•*»•• t* it,J. VI mtiiuud April x* vvattuv and Mr* at*watt auuowm* the engage aural uf tb- >r daughtet VI • i It* l« tu Mr l*a|iaon In* wedding will take place at th« ntewart t a»d* May is ! Tim young euuple will r*a>4* la Haiti [ more where Mr. far *<a l* at pieennt | engaged tu buainea* Meal Ms»t*an Kmart ltvia>l It k*r-wi. tv* Aped Iff t he Xante buiatut Minna uf t hthuahwe saved m reatervte« Keren miner* have been taken out deadend thirteen wounded forty fvntr uHtru am atilt tu the mlnew A COMMERCE CONVENTION ! Tariff and ( onanlar (Juration* to He Con* j •Idered at Detroit, Heglnolng .Inn* U. Dktroit, Mich., April 27.—A circu lar letter of Invitation to the national oonmicrolal tariff convention, to be held here beginning June 2, I him, ad dressed to all oltizens Interested In tbe subject* to be discussed, bit* been Isaurd over tbe eignatore of N. II Archer, secretary, chamber of com merce, this city. The objects of the convention are stated to be the discussion of mean* to take the tariff question out of poli tics. to improve the consular service, especially in Central und Month Amer ica, to consider the advisability of recommending to Congress the crea tion of a department of commerce, manufactures and Ishor, und of form ing a |>ermanrnt organization. It le stated that the convention will be non-political and non-sectional, PERISHED IN FLAMES Ilealli Chosen l>y Insurgents In Prefer enea lo Capture by Spanish Soldiers. Havana, April 27.—Official advice* received here state that Colonel Aldea while In pursuit of parties of Insur gents, encountered several bands of them on the Carmen estate, near Maintains. In the province of Ma« lanzus. The Insurgents were lieeing from an attack which had been made upon them by the Hey column. The troops charged upon the Cubans from til sides, forcing them into the cane Helds, which were burning fiercely, tnd many of them perished in the name* which they themselves had darted. The tfOope continued pur stilt of the fleeing insurgents, killing many of them. Cardinal It*.i.poll*'* Letter. CIIK'AOO, 111., April 27. — The long looked for letter of the I'apal secre tary of state has been received by the iommittee on religious liberty for I'rotestant* In Mouth America, and It will be read at tbe Chicago Methodist ninluters' meeting next Monday morn ing. The letter gives the result of l Ha* ln>«sl(<«(if Iona of f'a i*dl I n U I If n in. polla, the papal secretary of lime, concerning the inurriage aw* of Peru, Kcuador and liolivia, and also the religious tihcrty dial la accorded to the people in thuae :ountrie* Furthermore, the letter mu ounce* tvhat the Holy Nee pro |iose» lo do in the matter. Iter, John Lee, ihairman of the committee, declines iostate In advance anything further lonceruing the details of Cardinal Ita m pol la’a com hi u u lea 11 on. A Kin at Leavsn worth. Lr*VK.NWOHTH, Kail., April *1.—iCarl Hoffman's ChfcWermg hall and hia wholesale and retail music house, the argest In Kausaa, were damaged by ire early thie morning. The building was valued at about $29,00C' and the I lock and fixtures at $20,000. The oaa on the stock and fixture* la $12, )00 and on the building $8,000. The building la insured for $13,000 and the itock and fixtures for $10,000. Many pianos and other musical instruments were either consumed or ruined by seat, smoke and water. The fire itarted In the shipping room in the Mtaement, and was not controlled for Jiree hours. Mo Trw»t7 With the <*«»»»• Imoki'Rmpkmck, Kan.. April 27. —II. D. (ionium, nephew of Henator Oor nan of Maryland, who, with W. M. fruskclt of Arkansas and Judge Kook >f (icorgia, was appointed by the gov ernment as a special commission to ,reat with the Osage Indian* for the purchase of th^lr lands and allot nents, passed through lust night on ils way back to Washington. The iommifcsion did not accomplish any .hlng and the limit of their appoint nent lias expired. Ante-Nuptial Auuoonf emeiit. Bi.oomingtox, 111., April 27.—Infor nation received from the family of Vice 1’reuldent Stevenaon at Witnlnng Lon in to the effect that Mi** Julia kteveuxou, elder daughter of the Vice E'realdent, and Kev. Martin II. Ilardln >f Danville, Ky., will be married at the New York Avenue Preabvterian ;hurch In Waahinglon on May 2k. The invitation* are not yet i**ued. 1 he bridegroom ia a *on of Hon. H. Wat Hardin, the diatlnguiahed Ken >ueky Democratic politician. Maui tiMk'i kllver View* Maxim. Mu, April 27.—8. H. Cook of llie Democratic Slate central com luitieu aay* a amall percentage of the touud money Demoerata will vote the Itepuhliean ticket, bnl the loaa to the party from thU aouroe will not exceed lO.ikKi vole* He think* on the other hand the clean cut, unequivocal plat form adopted at Ncdalia will not only bnug out thotuand* of iteiuocraU who were dl*gu*ted lu l»'H, hut It will brlug t» the lu-oiot racy two vote* for every gold atamlard I lemocrai who Udna the Hephblicaua --- | tandrrktll Mum Ibe INNwIii. Nrw Yoaa, April if Mr ttllliau. K Vanderbilt, the head of the ayadi* cate that built, equipped aad raced the liefender, ha* become the *ote uwuei of that yacht Mr. Vaaderbllt ha* bought out the latere*!* of the other*, a* It **» agreed in the piaua that he bad the right to du aay time after the America * cup matter h«d bee a decided tthgt Mr Vaaderhtll j wilt do with the fam >a* craft ia mere . ly % matter if eualecture 4a ledtaa ur*lMlt*l teataa* I, *aa**i •. Kan . April sV*»The la ! diaa pupil* at lle*helt iu*tltu»e held i aa oratorical *oa»eat la»t night the • rat of the hiad ao fa* a* ta known, j ever held Id the I aited Mate* There were tea oielore aeJ If a programme I wan tateraper *ed with mu are Mnuard and lent* Ire twonrva Tiirrkt hair , April >f t tank Howard aad freak table were tuued ! guil'y ta Id federal court wt rokklag ! the poetodlee at lT»«eea, Ureal •*»ualy , aad Judge I >w»r» meteaeed them tu the nentieatter» Howard fur three j year a aad t eWe fur lira I FAVOR FREE SILVER. THE WHITE METAL WIND OF ' NEBRASKA DEMOCRACY. Proceedings of th# Steto Convention In Lincoln—Choice of Delegates to the Chicago Convention Pnltb la Free Colnnge Pledged Anew In tbe Plntform nf Principle*—The Trans-Mlssleslppl : Interactions! Kspnslllon. Msbrnskn Democratic Convention. RELEGATES-AT-LARGE. W. J. BRYAN . Lincoln 0. J. 8MYTII ....Omaha W. II. THOMPSON .Or And Island W. I>. O I ill A M . hearney HI STRICT DELEGATES. First District F. J. Morgan.Piatumouth C B. JONES .Lincoln Second District _ ,, . JOHN A.I,'HEIGHT N.Omaha (\ II liRoWN .Omaha Third District .. C. 11 u I, I, I: NIIM ’ K...I/* roont 5. A l.l I HART.Norfolk Fourth District r, J. HOW DRY..•Orel* | K. V. ..Seward ; Fifth Dl«irlcl F. A THoMI'HKN.< lay < enter I'. .. Mel ook Sixth Distil t ... J . MESC. DAIILMAN. t hadron DR. J. C. IlLACKULUN.Atkinson Lincoln, April 23.—The free silver democratic state convention was not called to order until nearly 3 o’clock. Tbe delay waa cauaed by the Fourth congressional district, whose delegates occupied the hall until a late hour, electing their district delegates to Chi cago. Chairman C J. Hmytbe rapped tbe delegates to order and Necretary Lee lierdtnan read the call A committee on credential* wa* dis pensed with and credential* were hand ed in to the secretaries and accepted The chair appointed the following committee on resolutions: W. J. lirvan, Lincoln; W. ii. Thompson, Grand la land; J. O'Connor, Omaha; .lames Mul ligan, Columbus: Matt Goring I’latta mouth; Kd Fallon, Falla City, and II. U. Klltenliouse. mciook. KESObl'TlOMS OK BVMPATMY. The following resolutions were mov* sd by C. J, hmyth, und unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, Hon. Ed I’, Smith has beep one of the ablest and most loyal cham pions of true demot-rucy in the stale of Nebraska; Whereas, The hand of a terrible dis ease presses heavily upon him, and he has been, arid is, suffering excruciating pain; therefore, be it Resolved, That the democratic state convention, recognizing hie valuable services to the cause of democracy, and deeply regretting that he is beset by an awful affliction, sends to Hon. Ed P. Smith words of cheer in hie manful battle for life, and tender to his wife snd children the assurance of its pro found sympathy. Tfi A NS-MISS IMS! 1*1*1 EXPOSITION. Resolutions endorsing the Trans-Mis sissippi and International Expoaitlon were adopted aa follows: Whereas. Delegates representing the twenty-four states and territories west of the Mississippi river, at the Trans Mississippi congress of 1805, adopted resolutions providing for the holding of an exposition for the purpose of exhib iting the product*, manufactures, arts, industries and capabilities of these states, and territories, and Whereas, The said congress voted unanimously thatsaid exposition should be held at the city of Omaha, Nebras ka, in the year 1N08; and Whereas, The common interests of the states and territories constituting this great region will be greatly pro moted and beuetitted thereby, and the great state of Nebraska will be espec ially benetitted by such au exposition within her borders, therefore, be It Resolved, Hy the 800 citizens of the state pf Nebraska assembled together as delegates to the Nebraska democrat ic state convention, held at the Eunke opera house at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 22. A. I). 1800. that the holding of ■aid 1 runs-Mississippi exposition is hereby heartily approved, und that our senators and representatives in con gress are requested to co-operate with the senators and representatives of the other trans-Mississippi states and thor oughly and actively endeavor to pro cure at this session of congress the fiat sage ot a bill giving national recogni tion to said exposition und providing tor an appropriation for a national ex hibit and the necessary and proper I buildings to contain the same; and be | it further Resolved, That a copy of the forego ng resolutions be certified by the sec retary of the convention and sunt to the senators sod representatives in congress from Nebraska Mr. Itryan. of the committee on reso lutions, presented the following report We, the democrats of the slate of Ne braska, in convent inn assembled, renew our ulleglance to the principles taught by Thomas Jefferson und courageously defended by Andrew lackson. uud de mand that the great problems now be fore the people shall be solvi-ii hv tile application of these principles to pres ent conditions We congratulate the democrats of Massachusetts upon the candor and frankuess which characterised tne.r pletform utterances of yealerdav We repttue that they no longer >|Utt bi» about the ratio and buttling out the tie Incite hope of imeruat'Ottst eoopeia lion, have at last concerned to submit to the people the i|ueatiow whether the l luted states shell have mom<metot- , tsm or Idmetalism whether the Arner lean people shall delilarately adopt the Klglitii system ol finance or reetmetbe gold ami silver mintage « t lhe constitu tion I he Massachusetts demand lot a single gold standard ami f t the re dvmptn-n of ell government obligations in gold alone prsseata tne paramount issue ot the camj aign end we welcome the content We endorse the language used by Mow John U i artiste ta late, whea he dseooaeed tha conspiracy to destroy stiver as a standard m aey aa "the moat gigentie ertme at this or any age. and we agree with h<m ta the deelaratmn then made that ' tha awn »most ms of a a- Seme wool t ulti mately eatail m-oe aunty up»s tha human »a-e tfian all the wa»a> pastb lernes and famines that hava ever oe eurred la tha tub*ey ol tha •telfi" Wa are aot wtlliag to be parties to tufi a ertme, a ad ta order to a ado the wrong already done and to prevent a farther rise ta the parehaamg power of tha dotlar, we fa tor tha immediate to storation of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the pres ent legal ratio of 16 to 1, as such coin age exixted prior to 1873, without wait ing for the aid or consent of tnjr other nation, such gold and silver to be a fnll legal tender for all debt*, public and private. We are opposed to the retirement of the greenback and demand that tha secretary of the treasury, instead of is suing into rest- hsaring bonds for the purchase of gold, shall recognize silver ss money of redemption and exercise the right to redeem greenbacka, treas ury notes and all other coin obligations In silver when silver is more conven ient believing that general laws should not be set aside by private contract, wa favor auoh congressional legislation as will, without interfering with valid contracts already in existence, prohibit for the future the making of agree ments for the payment of any specific kind of legal tender money. We are in favor of a constitutional amendment authorizing the collection of an income tax as a part of the feder al revenue system. We are In favor of the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people. We are in favor of a liberal pension policy. We are in favor of the initiative and referendum system us an ail to secur ing a government of the people, for the people and liy the people. The democratic party lias ever been the party of religious liberty in this country. It has always been ami is now opposed to the union of church and state In any form or under any pretext whatever; it is op|io»ed to the Imposition of unv religious test for office; it is opposed *.o all secret polit ical organizations of every kind ijr character, or any open political organ ization baaed upon religious prejudices, as contrsry to the spirit and genius of our institutions and thoroughly un amerlcan. It stands by our public school system as a means of popular education and is opposed to any diver j sion of public school ,'unds to unv sec-’ tartan purpose. but It recognize* tho right or parental control uud the right* of conscience in the education of child ren a* in accord with the fundamental doctrine* of the democrat ic party, that the largest liberty consistent with the rights of others insures the best gov ernment. On motion of C. J. iiowlby the chair man declared that nomination* for del egules-al-large were In order, •'elec tion* were then made in accordance with the reNuit given at tlie* commence ment of thl* article, VV. J. lirysn and kudu other* being *e!ectcd by accla mation. A resolution wa* introduced by J. U Dahlman declaring that “the democra cy of Nebraska present* the democracy of the nation the numc of VV. J. Hr;,an and recommends hi* nomination a*can didate for president, and that the Ne braska delegate* be instructed to for ward hi* candidacy.” The reading of the resolution was received with great enthusiasm, but Mr. iiryau asked that the resolution be withdrawn, and this waa done by the mover. The convention then adjourned, and moved away in a body to the Hurling ton depot to meet Governor fritone of Missouri, who spoke at night in tb* Punks opera house. The speaker vig orously denounced the administrate* uf Grover Cleveland at short intervals luring bis entire speech. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. ' f It costs four tlraea as much to gov era American cities as Is spent tor th* same purpose In English cities. A new steamboat, just launched for the Hudson river service, will cost 11.000. 000 and be provided with engines Df 8,000 horse power. There are nearly 16,000,000 children in school in the United States, nearly 14.000. 000 in public schools, and nearly 400.000 teachers. During the 050 years that the Pekin Gazette has been In existence 1,800 of Its editors have had their heads taken off for having exceeded Instructions. ThA fhililron nf rt/vnr In Inntan ari, Dearly always labeled In case they S* ould stray from their homes whilst eir mothers are engaged in domestic duties. , , The longest paved street In the world Is Washington street. Boston, which is seventeen and a half miles long, the shortest Is the Rue Ble, Paris, which Is barely twenty feet long. In Kngland and Scotland milkmaids believe that If they forget to wash their hands after milking their cows will go dry. This superstition Is diligently fostered by the owners of the cows. In Nebraska farms average 190 acres. In Massachusetts Kti. But In proverbi ally thrifty Holland the average Is thirty seres. 8*VMtesn• twentIsUugf all the farina lu Holland arc less than 60 acres In extent. Japan claims the oldest wooden build ing lu the world. It Is a log slorehouae lu Yarn, which Is now used to shelter some of the Mikado's art treasures Alt age of I 200 years Is claimed for It Home of the lugs are nearly worn sway by the weather. To send a telegram to tenndun from New Yurk and get an answer takes two hour# The message goes through t'susu. Nova tk-otla. and Pettasme When special arrangements have been made to rleor Ike wires lltrri seconds will suffice for a message ou< way MAM » HUMNS, Any kind of an unrepentant mans* is S tool one Bible promisee were ma te for Bible loving people flatly those oho love souls van learn bow to win them A negative sinner is as sure i* bo to*i as a positive one, 4 The Slave la n« leoa a stars whom* rbatn is mada of gold In n sold proysr meeting the back •eat* Of* lb* oatmeal • be offi-e of temptatlaa M u teoeb ua tor need of t'bftst there la no greater com mend meat than "loro *** aaotber * l%e grateful heart baa moats Ml II that angels eonnef nag Whoars* beti*vein Uod a troth got* (iocTa toward for lotsg Ik