The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 01, 1896, Image 1
Tm: Northwrstkrn «r. r» .•> •»UHl.tXHKD KVKKY KMIDAY aT I'HI rolINTY HK AT. UlCO. 10, llinWCIIOTMt. IMtuo- and Pobllsnsr. TIM*'. SI SO pot Y«*r It Psld in Advanot Bntkrii >1 tbl Loup Http fOPtoHtft for trim. ■uMlUin Unuugl tb* in Bill >* MC'ii.A. illtl nil'Ur, a i r nfrwi. /udr.Ai&i Ut7..\u 9ft r t 'Atf tftusat 9 9- - W Of nil llie unmet that will be pre sented Hi the congressional eonven tlon for the Hig Mix there are none #o prominently mentioned us those of Judge Wall, of Loup City and A. K. Cady, of Ml I'anl. The nom Inalion of either will make the pop candidate shake like on# with a sud den at tuck of Missouri ague, Clifton, Kansa# wa# the scene of a terrible and most distinctive Cyclone Iust Huturduy night which covered a width of about a ipiarter of a mils and whs about live miles in length, Hevcral farm houses were V smashed Into kindling wood arid six person killed, two fatally Injured and about fifteen more orluss hurt. One of the tilings tlml the demo orats anil populist* full to explain is the attitude of the Lincoln Journal in the present presidential campaign. The opposition ha* always claimed that the Journal was controlled by the lb lit M. railway, but ‘hey have never furnished any evidence to prove that there wa* anything in thedmm, and now the claim is proven to he unfounded by the fact that the Journal is supporting Mc Kinley, while the II. & M. railroad la doing everything in it* power to further the candidacy of Senator Manderson. The fact of the matter is that the Lincoln Jouanal is a re publican paper first, last mid all the time, hacause It believes the priuef pies of the republican parly are right, sud not bfuUi* the il. <fc M railroad or any other institution of y a like character holds any eluh over its head. Shelton Clipper, The county Supervisors at their lust meeting allowed claims to the Times-Independent to the amount of over $50 00 and to the Litchfield Monitor for over #70.00 for print ing Kuastai. thistle noticei. laat year when the Noutiiwkstbhs had the contract to do ail the legal printing for the county for the as me year for $10.00. On top of tills outrageous confiscation of public fund# the county paid Brown $10 00 far print ing another legal notice in the .Nichols case, which notice was handed u> llio Time* hy Hut county Attorney, John \V. Long, who drew up the contract between the county ant) the North WKHTRHN. and knew that we agreed to d > all the legal work for #40.00, and that the print ing rightfully belonged at thin oltlce, The oilier paper* were allowed full legal rule* in every inetauee aud I he total amount paid them waa y> ver #Lm ,o0. We probably did more legal work Ilian they did fur which we ouly received the huiii of $40 oo, aud hail it come to thi* place null llO.oo would have been paid lor the whole aimuiut of work. We call on the Tunc* to udl u» where the rvfotrn come* in In llu* tuaiaice and to make a plaiuable e«>u»c for - reformer" Long aud the) Super * i*>r* of popdoiu Would it not tie better to prieHce reform at I home than to lie pleaching atale aud ualioaal reform We pat font lime* the amount of lavra for to run | out home gotetumetit than tut U>th •tale and aattoeal. \ •pedal to line Si tie J„UIMI ‘t o the bill -alug t - in regarding Hm- \ ret an Hoke *«ttith* |n>*iiit>n || the; kitte of th. Ian,| gtaat by the government to Ik* H 4 M, railroad! IU Nen«a»ka II <h Smith ItaUt for i »if<W I (rllM to I Re *Uou.v,,i ; m*I in i»l*t#«<« in the auli it-.oe l, entered b- the go* eminent •grlutt the Itariingtoe 4 kliMwurt Huh) I It jilroad company mid the Innocent pnrohnaer* of land* from that com pany for the recovery of land* *nid to have been cronemisly patented to the compact on account of its grant. After referring to previous letter! on the subject, the Secretary Hays: • •Upon further consideration of the matter I have concluded that it' the consent of the railroad company can he obtained to astipulation that the pleading* of the goverment in tin* case may be xo amended or referred a* to enable the government to pros ecute wuid case again*), said company for *abt land* or the value thereof, the ca*e might be dismissed a* to all the parties thereto, except the rail road company." The Secretary say* furtitoi thut ha think* the gov ernment will be protected in tin* way and that the apprehension of the settler* will be releaved also. General Maudcrson, who we* In the city today, said with reference to the mutter that the trouble seem ed tolls in tb« inability of the at. torney general to comprehend the situation, flu said that on behalf of the Burlington road he himself bud agreed with Secretary Smith to fetitmlfitst Him! Hi- III 11 f*( i 11 I'GIMlilltlV -- • * should not he released from any prosecution for the lauds or for their value if proceeding* should be disoiissed against the settlors, who arc absolutely protected by the law and who are unnecessarily and un warrants lily disli essrd by t he pro cocdlngs brought against, them. General Mundersoil said that Hen* tor Allen liad i/eeu most faithful and earnest in his woik on hebalf of the settlers at the interior department and before tbe attorney-gunural; that he personally desired to thank him for Ids t(forla and that be trusted he would receive due credit in NcbrasKu for his work. General Mandersou udded that the attorney general had left for Ohio, hut hud promised to take up the matter tin mediately upon hjs return, when lie trusted that the suits against tbo settlers would lie promptly dismiss ed and that the questions at issue would be permitted to lie determin ed between the government and the railroad company. Ho fur as the railroad company is concerned, General Mandersou expressed tiie opinion thst it was fully protected by the act of congress and that iit i gatien which might ensue would tic chit-fly at the cost of the United Stale* CHlrPMC CI*KICK WIPKII OCT A special from Cripple Creek give* the following account of n most instructive lire *aiit to be the woik of iuccuiluric* anil act for the purpose of robbing the First Nation al iiauk of that city: "Fositlveevidenes bus been »ecui ed to prove tbal the tire at Cripple Creek wo the work of an Incendi ary for the purpose of making a raid ou the First National Iiauk, which now appear* to have had on deposit over #100,(ton, on account of tho near approach of pay day at the lending iimies. Chief Marshall revealed his raa sou* lam night for keeping a he»»d I) united guaid on the town, lie said he had positive information that 'he city was in Ibe hands of OUC of the boldest gangs ill the country, and that the lire was start ed to loot tho bank during the vx viteutcut, Ktery train the j i tty ts searched and ltd) r *ad lo ut, the gold vamp t* under a heavy i guaid of deputies Stationed as pn k j vis all the way fiotu Clippie Creel*' to |louver, tine hundred » l titty m*’*« h* t, lame »*<«tit tn during the night t"j take control * I the tsttsol dl*ttt and tegniate with r*»is of lion ; Kav n m *n had leg levvtt, er* * • a| iwd If* hi* m««l |t»%* w|h • * *1 u ||* Ullfll **»»*> I ilk l Ml •!»* lh|d Ml »* |( 1*14*1' ‘f I s ^iv **!**> tt *lcHll*llb A * f |trfl|»4 * s . an*! MMH l*»f IlM* * f h ‘H't l**| Mh I futth Hnd|t| It'll M It’ M *f l§44# 14*111 ** *kf|' M* h M H*» ) |b4lH»Hvi| ktw I' 4*1* M*j •hoot at. the Drat Indication of inuti nv. A hordo of hungry brigand* wav not deterred by the tisk from venturing fourth on plunder, and good* disappeared in astonishing fashion. ilullding began at day break yes terday, and bv * o'clock there were twenty-live buildings under process of construction. Hi noon the vault of the Kirst National bank was op. ned and tUe oontents rescued intact. The work of open inf safes and vault* was com menced yesterday morning, end In most eases the contents ware found to l».t In good shape. The steel lined vault of the post olllce had to be blown open with dynamite, but the valuable government proparty was safe, A vast amount i f mail matter estimated at from 2ft,000 to lift,000 peices, were destroyed. VlMtnil A Ssi'ond Tims. bast night* Htatti Journal con t lined two column* giving uu account of a second fire which broke out in Cripple Creek Wednesday, and com pletely destroyed the town save a a few tesideoce buildings in the out skirt* of the town, The loss of lifeUipiltc large and the loss of nmiHMl v is estimated to lie no leu* than $2,0oo,0oo. A thousand pen pie urc left hotneluv* and tin- scene was a moat Impressive one. The (Ire originated in the Portland hotel and is thought to he the work of lueenduri' s. The llsme* spread so rapidly that it was impossible to cheek them ut any point and the only thing left for the people to do was to gather up what, valuable* they could and flee for their lives, Trl<‘k« ‘ii all Trull*## ‘•There are tricks In ail trade* Out our*," remarked the carpenter, “and we sometime* drive screws with a hummer." A few days ago, not more than a thousand miles from here, a collector called upon u far mer for the payment of a note se cured tty a chattel inorgag* The farmer wn# obdurate and gave no satisfaction that he would ever pay the note, Finally the collector said, “Well, I II have to take the eleven cows named in the mortgage.', “Ob' no, you haven t gut a mortgage on eleven cows on this farm.” “Why, yes I have." and the collector pulled out a copy of hie mortgage, nud read ns follows: “One red and whitecow, one cow spotted red and white, one red cow with white spots in forehead, one cow with two white hind feet, one whitecow with red spots on aide, one white and red cow, one red cow with two white front feet, one white cow spotted red." “Now Imw do you like- that?” “Ob that’s all right; I see you’ve got eleven ntor-j gages on toy old red and white cow; ; there On- is down in the pasture; the i boy will go down mid help you catch 1 her.” Kansas Farmer. SPRING MEDICINE to Simmons i mw iogulator don’t forgot to take It I lie I Iver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like nil nature, and the system |>.. owe* «linked up by the n cumulated v t ie, wl»ti h bring* on Malaria, l ever find Agtie mid I'hruma tl*m. You want I > wake up your l.lver now, but be •■• ire you take SIMMONS LlVl.l' lO.oUI.AIOI/ to do it. It also regulate* the l.lver keep* it properly at work, when your xy; i -in will be free from poison and the whole h • )•/ Invigorated, You get Till-: Midi* ItMIODwhen your *y item I* In A1 c ondition, and that will only he when the I i ■ ■ r Is kept active, d ry a I Iver Remedy Olkv and note the difference. Hut take only SIMMONS I.IVFK Rf.OUl.ATOIC It f* SIMMONS Livid/ IO.OlJl.ATOf' whlcfi make* the differed! e. 'l ake It in powder nr III liquid already prepared, or tun! e a tea of the powdrr; but I .ImSJMMO: Si IVI N lOOU l.Atol/, Y - in’ll find the 10 i J / on every package, l.ooi- for It, J. U. /a-tiin Co., J’lillHoolplila, JV. WANT r.u, |>*ily or gi'MiIonian to taka idiarifo of limialirnont IIiihImim, and onlliwt lofhl* Conuij Hilary flOpor week to bogln with Addro*' incloalns atatnn for rr ply. I K. <'A.Mi'iiKM. A * </. Karma* city. Mo, yjyr i, makcy. Offji r; III B«ul ami JMaroy lilnok, Kant kl4« I'nl/llc finiara, Coup City, Nab. .I.FI8JI Kit, AttnrnBK-Bt-LHW, WUrt anil impfovijd lan<U for aala, Anri motiny 1.0 loan on raal natata, I.OUP CITY, * • IBBBA1KA. (\ HBNHOIIOTBB, yj .’HOP. or EXPRESS ani» GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kxprnaa or Pralght ordara promptly altanriori to Do Your Friends Wear Giotbet? AGENTS WANTED. Mil? money easy with our temple outfit, for fiat CUM Tailoring of til kinds at popular prices. Write for full particular* and special terms to Ajints. " Nathan Wolff A Oo , III W. Seventh St.. Cincinnati. O. . * The REST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ami luuul uewapuper in D. 0. DOE, A.P. CULLBY, Vice* President. Caekier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stook, $600,000. lioarm on Improved ferine el BIBB par oent. Baal Oocnpeny sadkaBlMM to be bed In the want. Oouaaffoaonmc—Chemical National Bank, Baw York (Up, B. I4 Omaha B*UmsI Bene, Omaha Nikwske W, J. FIHHEH, CEO. K. IlBBBCHOTEK, Attorney end Notary Public. Publisher Lour CiTf MoWMWunm ■ J 1 FISHER & BENSCHOTER, it MU, ESTATE AUEJTTS. LOUI’ CITY, - - NEBItAHKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. _ PUR ] I iwwahu I is the whole story “ I •) imitation trad* I , 4) | cat** and labala. | iDOUt AR/\ AIIP HA ’ ^CR SODA 4 n«|r‘fr<a4V(>p caste bo more than other packa<f#*oda--nevir*:,'>ll» <| 111 p3lvl^d§C5. flour—unlver .ally a. m ///I*.!;; ! purest in the wurid. A Made only b) CHURCH k CO., Hew York. Sold by f nicer* everywhere, M WrMn fur Arm unit flumnut Hunk if ruluult, H - 1;,<.) ! . „ jpn.i "IT—~~~ • ~v xtrtyrin •\rAgrtcrrgfr»:,*mjr- ' • • . ‘Xr*.T’<k HTIBTIO HO^rmn 220 Designs—All for 10c. M%AdV\ Ths Urssst soUsetlofl of nti«tA.r!ata designs ev«*r fin b|i#tisn in guy sre III I«#torsi !/>";■ la tins world. 90 church di *uit* 2u latorlors unable.,, COLONIAL HOMES . . M daalfna Mala., or both book# for Mata. Aar OB# rnlnt rebuild, or «»er lotradlac i to build, ill',old rend for ( lOJ# limited edlttoua) of ‘“Arllnile rod ( oloaialHorn##.’’ HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Architect. “ZZZifU?- ST. LOUIS, MO. - ----———————a————m Doctor Henderson 1021104 W. 9th SI., KANSAS CITY, «0. Tht OldRolUbU Dim tor. A Rfptlar Crndu t* in AUUuino, Oldoti in Ago and lutng it Lo< a ltd, OVER 37 YEARS OP SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized liy the HUtu to treat CHROMIC, MIHVOUS and li'ICIAL tutu A SLR. Cure* guarani'-' ,| or money refunded. All ■caltciaea furnished ready for use. No no miry or Injurious medtotaca used. No detcnllou from work. 1’atlouts utudlstunco treated by wall and e*pre«.«. Modli lio. i < nt everywhere, free front gaze or break age. Charges low. Over Ho,KUO ran * cured, Ageaud e z uartunee ere Important. Head llttla book, tboa state your ease. Head for nptalou ui.durum. Consultation free andootiUdeultal,personally or by lstu-r Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility, iS**rm*t»rrk*» ami caused ty youthful folllosandexeesaes,producing nsrvoua ness,, plmplesandblotcheaon tiro face, rush.* of blood to the head, pains In the bach, eoufuecd Ideas and forgetfulness, bt*shfulno»o, av< r im to society, loss of sexual puwer, loan of manhood, Ae , cured for life. I run stop all night losses, restore lost sezual power, re store mr valid brain nowtr.euliirgtteud strength' it weak part sand make you Ut for marriage. i I i * t iiat turn wo aiaoaae, in ail |fi 1111.-*, lta furuiaiuiUaliuua ruled for lift), Mood I'ulMintiur, HMliiTMaoaaKe. plwn, Sat II hunt, Hun -1, r.nni.i rli(> a ami tiltwt, ami alt forma of PflVaUi Vw*m* nualtively cured or money refunded U/U.L’ f«,r liolb •*.-». a, MU $T plio Ijirwru turra, fruo lo Ilia, with full «««• erlpttou of at>ova dtaeaaea, lha • Rw umt euro aeale-t In plain wrapper fur An 1111111,1111111. Uead HiUllUlo boon and »»»** r ^UMlloua. V1 rii-t I" rumnruu/ curvu wita-H sir.ciurc ol,i »*«,«»;0uiiu«. u»u ■ Ui-aor ■»un<L No Da * » ixwure. 1*4’ B lit lit ran u u th*< irfaimujit It ham*. | A St tt Ket ItK. Tu. tpraMaldlaoovery la ■ t « ■ n .!*<>( medl«lu«. Dim do*» gt«M iwB li«fi#t»» limn* n imivo ftmor and bow InB joint* arurelnaltiwilaya. Dniut»tat gamntB . ,wua m >uiji lor l irrular. BBHHBK I Free museum or Anatomy ' “ r.rCtuy* tX Ilf* Ilk* «a» IUu^'V »l«<* •»*•»'* » *J . * IlltWi* llun-allboiti » •»!>. * * /»*«< .MiwMiwn l*« **»*. **/«* / mllt/w/e t /M «*»M MMM 1**1 I «**.<*!**»# ..-...... i .. oo Tic ictT moms — TIC KIT ItOIINI FOR TN ITWMIIT BUILT Thu .. . .r «*•»*#»•»* •<*•••* •1*1 altwf. W*' •**•# ... . • •II thorn at lhl« pita* la In* u**a# Tap, Iratluoa ihant, litptla •prtnat, '•ttutat pria# I* Hiatt. BaUy. i — -- uphaiaiataii lit ' "wtl * ,,n* •* LuAiitm alalh,** laathat |WM9LB1AM If pf«tatr«rf, ▼hraa a» Hat lap. Clthar tal#a at natta* trauh Wa wwM alaa futniah Oatnin* iMKfy In plaaa af Plaaa iMufy If HaalraH. •.- MMONU KUNflfllRM ft, Oaiaifiaa._fouwaiTawi, o*oo» j