The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 24, 1896, Image 8

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    Lioaal Daws.
A. Boone, tint Jeweler.
Ml** Ladle Walworthha* knew hike
(/', I. Drake he* ataited the towr
M, |*. Ford ataited for Utah thh
10 pound* heat Oatmeal for 2’> cent!
at (>a*t«jrera
KMillr Korn • per hundred pound*
at Watklnaon'a.
A aollcitor for the World Heard wh*
In town yeaterday.
Jacob AI be re waa doing l/iialncaa at
the hub Huturday.
N. B. Thotnpaon waa a pleaaant caller
at title office leal Huiurdny,
For Marne** and anything In the
llarueaa line *ee T W. Heed
The rein fall In thla locality for the
month of April »o far l*« *« Incite*,
Ulchard Baker, of Clear Creek did
bitalt «** at tlie county aeat la*t Tue»
hberifl Patton made aliualne** trip to
J. W lleapy'a place on Clear Creek last
Fvery one come out end bear J. O
Tate'* lecture announced In another
column of title paper,
For Willett, Harley, Alfalfa and any
thing in the way of Field or Harden
aeed call on T. M Heed,
C, Hmltli baa rented the lota aoutb of
tide office, and Intend* to tala* ijulto •
garden the coming newton.
Mr*. V. VV. Cllno alerted for Mchaler,
Iowa laat Tue»d*f tiiornlng for a
month* violt with relative*,
John Oilman moved hl« aaloou na
ture* Into the old W T. Chaae drug
a lore building laat Saturday
The *OHg hy the male quartette waa
well rendered laat Sunday evening at
thu League meeting held in thu M K
'I'heJunlora of the Itaptiat church
gave a very InUreating entertainment
laat Sunday night. The program waa
well carried out.
lfaome on*of our aubaorllier* will
bring ue In u dozen box-eldar or uah
tree* we will give them proper credit
on aubacrlptlon.
Superintendent 0 V Johnaon haa
purchnaed the Tho*. Johnaou realdence
property lo the north eaat part of town
and la materially Improving It.
F, W. Fuller called in to *ee ye
editor laat Friday having jeat returned
from the Omaha republican State con
yentlon where be went aa a delegate
I. B OTiryan wlahe* it* to announce
that he haa the lineal thorough bred
Jersey bull in the Loup country which
he will aland at hi* farm thi* aeaaon
Don’t fall to «ec him before breeding.
O. II. Scott ha* the contract and la
now moving the old Chicago lumber
yard building*,which have been pur
chaaed by Superintendent Johnaon.
They are being moved onto hla real
dence property In thu north coal part
of town.
O. S. Brown made ye editor happy by
paying two big cart wheel* on aub
acrlptlon laat Tueaday. and thla la the
way he done It. He hauled ua four
nice loada of gravel for a walk in front
of our new realdence. Juat aa good aa
the caah In hand. Thank* Mr. Brown
The beat blood mtdicine for twenty
live cent* enough for the whole fami
ly Get a package of Simmon* Livar
Kagulator. the beat aprleg medicine
and the beat blood medicine, becauae it
la the beat liver medicine. If your
liver i* active it will throw otr an tun
purity In the system, and ull depression
ot spirit. Wake up your llrer, but do
It with Simmon* Liver Kegulator.
J II. /.elllu A Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
King aolemoti’s Notion.
That "There Is nothing new nader the
Sim" does not always convey the truth
Especially is this true as regards the
new composite ear* now operated dally
via the Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern Line between Balt Lake
City aed Chicago. These handsomu
Buffet Smoking end Library Car* are
entirely, new throughout of latest
dssign. contain all modern Impruv
mente. and are well supplied with
writing material, the leading daily
pa|ters, illustrated periodicals, maga
sines, etc. The faet that these cars
run dally via ’ The Overland Limited"
and that the t nlon Pacific was the line
west of Chicago to Itiugerale this ser
vice should commend lt»e|f to all Bee
that your tickets read via "The Over
laud Konte "
The dance ami entertainment given
at the o|iera Imuse last Krlday night
under the suspudes of the Loup City
orchestra was a complete success and
was attended by a good sued crowd.
The drama entitled Hie ,,| Upon the
11 aters" must certainly have (men
sc levied especially to please all. tin
vh trader* lit the play were. It ft
Mellor J. N IVdlur K W. Clllic
l.awtnece Smith. K 1 Urnsii Mis
11 It Mellor, Mrs f, It. eti e ami
Ml** Jsooeile Hamilton ,111 did Bt*i
class lliowo aad Petller lurnlshu
mote futt than you could shake a u d
at, am| cap* ml the roll every tinn
they eolesed and left the stage Mi
Mellor played the k at» pan person
at lug the h-vint lie did h uttell greal
credit The ladles carried lltelt patt<
well | he plat Itself was well worn
Urn piles-of admission. |l Was
lengthy and alt had heart parte.
I have Horne* to * II or traoe.
T. M Kkki>
An abundance of tain *o far thl*
K. A Hrown and family took u »pln
In the County Sunday
Mia. H. K. Walworth made u hu*l
trlp to Oblcauo la»t week.
Mr. and Mr*. .1 II Travl* made a
trip to ltavenna la»t Sunday,
Hot bed *»*h for early plant*. cheap
at Wat kin ►non Hardware Store.
da*. Handera, of Arcadia w*« on the
; atreeta «f our city Tueaday la*t.
Dr. Prlco'a Cream Bakin* Powder •
A Pur* (trap* Cream ot Tartar PowAar,
Mr Smallwood, of Arcadia waa do
ing builnea* III H"Up tlly la*t I'uea
(;u||on W I*. Heed he will In* plea-ed
to ijimtc you llie l,owe»t Price* on Farm
F,. K Forty the moved lilt family
Into Hie Win. Nelk retldeoce Tuctday
of till* week
Mr*, Fred Wick mini and Mr*. F. W.
IHotx, of Aibton, mado a vluit to friend*
liiiHoup city ou I'hiiriday,
Mr, Fred Stehr, t.rotber-ln-law of
our fellow towntman Henry Olilaen,
Hum been vl*ltln* here for the punt,
Mr* H, Ua»*ett, formerly of Ihi*
plitcH contemplate* rotiirnln* to Hoop
(.‘Ky »oon to make till* her future
Hadie* who wl»h to have Hal*, Itlb
boot, Hacet, Tip* or Velvet* cleaned
and made over call on
Mitt Kan dam,.
Weunderttand that Mr* .lohannah
ulimuii contemplate* running a res
taurant in the building vacated by her
husband as a saloon
MakhiKK Mr. Joseph J Herman
of Beotia. Nebr. and Miss Msry Anne
Warrant of Loup City. Nebr. were mar
rled by Judge Kay Thursday April
Ziri, IHWJ.
Mr H. Iran, of lloelus brought live
living wolf puppies to town last Tues
day which he had dug out of their den
near that place, Haturday last, but be
tailed to get tire old mother wolf.
J.G.Tate.tba Grand Master Work
man of the Ancient Order of United
Workman of Nebraska, will lecture at
the opera house t>n Wednesday evening.
April :19th. Everybody Is Invited to
attend. Admission free.
A large amount of beautiful forest
trees have been set out by our citizens
on the fair grounds. Considerable
grading baa also been done and an ar
tificial lake made. Home of our citi
zens went down to the grounds to-day
to plant more trees and set out willow
cuttings along tbe bank of the lake.
f;r. V. K. von Koerber, of Omaha has
permanently located here and has
opened up his office In the old post
office building one door east of Oden
dabl Bros drug store. Or von Koerber
Is a graduate of the Omaha Medical
College and comes to us highly recom
mended by Or. Huinner Davis, of Grand
Island. H# has fitted up a neat office
and is now permanently settled for
H Is 'julte remarkable the number of
“prairie schooners" that are making
their way west again this spring. Last
week we were atGraud Island, and the
first of the week at Broken Bow ; on
each trip there seemed no end to the
covered wagons on the road. They
were going singly and In companies,
and there were lots of them. We don't
remember to have seen so many since
along In the middle eighties. Ann
every one we met, we wanted to shout
back to them, "That’s right, come hack
home again, where it rains, and stand
up for Nebraska." Oreely Leder.
We received 91 50 through K. A.
Iiraper aa payment on subscription to
this paper which is being sent to Mrs,
K. K. Pickling, a non-resident land
owner, at < aiiihrlege, 111., who has
lieen a cash subscriber to ouc of our
weekly paper* for the last twelve year*.
All noil residence land owners should
take a local paper It will keep thoin
posted a* to the crop conditions, the
amount of rain fall, the value of ihelr
laud, and, the enterprises going on,
and In fact a thousand and one thing*
that they are most interested III.
The Loup City licbooU and the |m*u
pie of the village observed Arbor day
In a very appropriate manner last
Wednesday. All four school* blended
together and carried out a very Instruc
tive and pleasing piogram Alter the
rruwd gathered at the primary scIumiI j
building they were led by the band 1st
the pablle school block lu Ihe north pari j
of town where tach *< boot partlcpaled j
in the progtam The eaerctses wen*
<>|irued by I'rof Mead, 1‘nu- tpal. I
Kadi school old remarkably well and j
reflected i red ll n n both pupils and j
teaebris whorl addresses were made
by Judge \\ all and M I, Nightingale
I line of ihe principal feature* uf Ihe !
proglam was Hie planting of a tree It)
eat h ot the four tt hsHtl* the high
j st btod plant'd a it,ml Mol A*h tree j
j cud nsinetl l| after ihe author of 4ii»ir ,
i dat J nierimg Morion The m bool
I board bare In lh<* paat three years j
I spared lot pans* nr ekp**u»e m (Mauling
ire-* opott and otherwise tteawlllr lug J
the new school blan k, and Ihe faurr j
lines planted last \V rNiaiesday wit* lai*
teller* add p II* tteeuiy. Ihe loop
• II) I nr net baud ate entitled lo t rcdlt i
I t lh« p tM Ihe) loais and Ihe nrualci
rendered durlug Ihe after noon
Two vkrli Io;i* till * .'iHi'iivi rr i’lili'l* l<
o i" lirv '• i'y\r*ly
A curioui very win lately tun'll
by ii v hv lul l i i tlir dcpartm lit ■>
till’ I , li III !; 1 In- I ‘.I'W
Lett' ■ ■ I!I I -III Ilia pro .1*1-1 . III! till'
mini i'f a i i I'liuU’iiti. w iii li ha*
111 Til I ' I I il flit.' fill’ I III Ill’ll'*- A*
part nf "'i • 1 t In- •.. II* ni I! I* i ill I pit'
wan In ' .iiptoiiiH ill im lip|irniM'li
Injf I'nll .| ', III" [M'liaiitit. obtained |M"i'
iiiIumIoii to remove II ami a few iluy* utf"
lit* net I i Wi rli ti iIf11mli ill It.
After tiilllspr for 'oiipli* of himm, to
lil* iimn/..'in'' it In ini' upon in«iiipli
of ulii'li'tiitt' t/ie ni'i'tn, iirin'i iitul k'ffa of
which I*' ii ti/litlv I» mi nil to I'licli
other by irini I In In. They were In mi
i-rei't [Niiiltlnn mnl It win* evident (lint
they were (lie I'cimtlllH of ini'll who hllil
ln'1'ii I in in 11 mil hundred* of year* a/o.
The wine ffrower lout no time in draw
ing the uMention of loeal iintli|iiarian*
to hl» ill*rovrry mnl a cure fill liivr»l ijfii
tloii rev.'iileil further the pri'M'lire of
frajflni'lil* of clothlnp wlileh lunl lieeii
alinoMt reihieeil to limit, a* well a* of a
runty wenpoii mnl I wo plccen of wnoil.
Till* Hkclctoni are to lie plaei'il la the
llorileAttX in ni*!' 11 111. mnl jfre lit palll* lire
heiiiff taken to lu*ure their Iran iport In
the name jmi Itton a* that In whleh they
were fouuil. There I* III) (Innlit that
noun' trujffily of the lukhlle uio'*. of
whleli iMi»*llily Home r"eonl may hiii'
vlve, led to the I'oliftnement of tin- <
iinfortmiiiti' vlellm* ill the mmiiier it
Her I lied. It Ih a matter of rotir*r f Ii.-*
the i 1 range dl'.eovery In engaging the id
lentloii of anthpiarlnmi In that part * f
I''ranee, and It 1* liy no memiH Impmln
hie that Home elew to t he myntery in,
lie forthcoming ere long.
A OttlvauP I'.il rpillar 'l"**io.
An rleetrielun Im* Invented a eiirlon
device to prevent rnterpllliii'H from
crawling up tree*. The nclniine I. i i.
ply to run alternate wire* of eopi r
and zinc around the trunk of the to
. 1 1 4 . . t .. I I At . . I
apart. When the wire* have Wen pine
Id position Mr t'ulcrplllar starts bl>
l ent lie strike - lli copper wire. p
lilt* little now over it ami continue* II
(III Inch further lip Ids feet .tribe I
z lie wire, Immediately the eiirn
1* carried through his body, With
bowl of pdn I < .itei'plllar dr
the ground, or if lie current i>e Mi
enough remains u prisoner until the
reaper e; Tnrorrlipble Parrot.
An old maiden lady who strongly ob
Jeeted to "followers' hud us a com
pan ion a gray parrot with a wonderfu
faculty for picking up sentences, tine
day the old lady hud cause to severely
reprimand one of her maids for a breu h
of tie "follower" ordinance. Till'- >o
Irritated the girl that, as a wind-up to
th re' ltul of her wrongs in the hear
ing of her fellow-servant , and I’ouy,
Who happened to tie with them, slu i
claimed, pa i.ionatcly! “I wish r id
lady was dead!" The parrot I 1 , •
time in showing off Its newly-a I
knowledge when next taken 1 '
druwlng-rooin. to the alarm of it -
ly mistress, whosiiperstilio ly i. i
it was a warning from another v. d,
Hhe at once consulted the vicar, ,o
kindly volunteered to allow Ids <• u
parrot, which could almost preu h a
short sermon, sing psalms, He,, l i be
kept for a short time with the impious
one. In order to correct Its langiuere.
To this end they were kept together In
it small room for a few days, when t he
lady paid them a visit In company v, It i
her spiritual adviser. To tiielr Int • i u
horror, Immediately the do r ■„
opened the lady's parrot saluted t! ■ a
with the ominous phrase; *1 W l ,|| I In
old lady was dead!" the vlcai » bird
responding, with all the solemnity of
an old parish clerk:, "The lord hear
our prayer,"—Feathered World.
A lirand Spanish 4'lirlntentng.
At ail interesting christening recent
ly In the Spanish village of llcrus, near
Santander, although the parents of tin
lathe belong to the lower orders, lln
priests donned their most magidliei-nt
robes arid the altar of the village
church was one blaze of light, 'I In- Al
calde mid the other local author!1 c*
were present, for the infant was t’u*
queen's godson, child of Mu unit :i
Pod raja. the nurse of Alfonso Sill
Maximinn returned a short time •e."i to
her home in Hems. Hhe la a rich wom
an for one of her class. She ha , hull! a
pretty cottage, where her forlunule
husband alts and smokes 111 pipe and
pretends to tie looking after "hi:, own
property,” Muxlmiuu receives ten
pound* u month from the queen, be
sides other Isninlles, and l>, i hil
dren will never lin k put roilin'.j us I mg
as Maria t'liristlna lives. Her old r.> ,h
ioned chc»u of drawers are full of live
linens. Her necklaces uud earring will
Is* heirlooms for her little dun d>
the foster sister of hieg V'f'it
< filceli t hrlst I liu w us much plea » ", In i
Muximltia's sou was horn tin* >>th< 1
She wrote tllHt she would Is* tin hill
godmother, and that It > lemld l„> ,\
fouwi, of tel the king. That l» why the
village of Herns has witnessed such u
gl and christening t'hieago Triliune
llAi uiirvH lUln*hi|ip "l*apii, Alfred
h*« lawn with you for un hotu What
did lie want * Pupa 'He asked mo to
lend him ,'aai francs the idiot. |,e
I Igaro
lit.son-"twenty years ago i was
married at high lewui in a tiros suit,”
KilUfley "Well, things are dot. cent
now liingo "Not Httudi. I still have
the same suit " t'olicunv flutes
Mi»ia* s# it" cisihi You know
Marie. I cannot allow yon to n .m
your prvti in Us I cousin in tiic kiicHen
every evening \ m nrv> very hind
notin', t>ut he's so very shy, mum he
won t step into the |sot- • * t,, ,,an
fttr iiaoi so or His ihvir< ttov the
Young Man tirai» what w ti .o«
father sees la un* tiiiikjvi t to, ilahlmg”
11m* \ mug Woman I w iping a» «> „ t, ,r >
lie iloe*n t see am thing in I ■ |!
gerncti 1 hat s a hy In » l>p t» t hi*
cs i 'l ilkuiia
llllMi IHHINI NmM |Ii» it
*«lN»t * l»*«l IiimM' !*♦«•♦’IN (It |l«
n ton.
i •** t*t mu
Lmkii On April !Wr<l
18WI. at lil. home In letup Olry, Nehru*'
kn. nf I,a Gllppe mill Pneumonia
•fame. .HeOraily, at (he »K'' of 7*1 yeur*
Mr, MeOrally W»* born In I'miariiii'
K'n i iMinty, In Ihe . iile el New York,
i ./nne Ifni, lain, w here he remained un
til Ihe year IH-f|. al whleh lime lie
mnveil In Mlohlifmii’inil m |h|s ax'dii
mured in I'rophi i.tow n, While.ide
enmity, Illlimla, where he re*tiled pel
inaneiiily iitilil February 0<Hh, Ihmi, at
width time remu'inl in f.mip *'ity. and
ha. ever ► nee realdml In l h I a euliuty,
I'he *|i;kne«. whleh neen.lin, >1 id. ileulh
*eein. in Inive neen lie- only mi Inn*
lllne*. nf id. life, and ih«*«iruiotle with
| Ihe Kin/ f Temn wa* aevere and
painful ill It. i-in.e, lie died In the
hope of a «lor I i« linuinrtalliy. lie
wa* unirrled when year* nf iigu to
Mary i I'm arafiku* cinudy, New
York mid t'n-ri’ly-'i-a horn In (hem *lx
hoy* and one |<lri, Five of Ida ehll
•tren. (fie |(i i and four Imva *rfIf *ui
vlvehlui, III* wife died In 1*711, In
I |KH| he mm(led hi* pre.ent wife,
i Mallnd.i Hhlni Al III* death ami dui
; luxe Id* la** .d-kne*», there wn* In at
tendance upon (dm, Ida wife and
ilanyhler, Mi*, Belle Pratt, Mr and
Mi , Frank MeOrad;,. and oilier friend*
who.e kind and iiflVei Innate attention*
helped In *nolb Id* ilydije limit'"
Tin funeral aervtee* were tield In
the Baptlat ehureh at o't'lork p. m,
and III* remain* were Interred in the
F.yei'Ki'en ceim-hiry near I/iiup < Ify.
(,'Affl of f IiooUm.
M * M' llndu MeGrudy, Mr and Mr*,
Frank MeOrady and Mr*. Belle Pratt
dealrn to ex|>re»» their aineere thank*
to the many klml ft lend* who a»*l»ted
them during the aiekne** and (loath of
. t .I <... i .I .... 1 r.i i...„
When you want Job Wo/ k don© don't
forget that tli# Nowtiiwkhikun otttn©
l» equipped with the bent Job on LIU In
till* county nml (but w are doing woik
lit bard I me* price*.
I'.ruia Ifinir Krlemla li# Mnttraaba
'Hie Chicago. Burlington A Quincy
It it. pnblMi a *1 xiecn page monthly
llliMtrated n©w»iiw|i«r culled lb# "Corn
Itidt,," wlib'll give, Inan Inliucl log way
Information about. we»tern farm laud*,
particularly tbo*# In Nibra*ka. I be
regular *ub*crltlon price I* twenty •live
cent* per year, but If you want. It went
to any of your friend* living «u«t of tb#
Mlmd*>dppl Itlver, rend ten cent* In
itemp* for each aucli peraon, giving
name and full add re mi and the paper
will lie aent for one year, The I!. A M
It It Agent will *lmw you a aample
cony >>t tbo paper on requeaf, Ibdp
your Hlal# and Induce your frleuda to
Immigrate. Addreaa the Corn Belt, libit
Adam* Street, Chicago, 111.
Awarded Highest Honors,
World’s Pair.
A puro Grape Cream of Tartar Powder,
fin from Ammonl,, Alum or my oth.r .dull,rant.
I m
l»r. Humphrey*’ hpeelUr* m tclemllonlly
■uiil carefully j.rcpertul Iteiueille*. umm! fur year*
lu private priuilce will for uvnr thirty ywnby
the people with entire numem. Kviry *lu«le
UpaoUto n tpccbtl cure fur tbt ilt*ck*e uauic.1.
««, jrHjMr ion
-Huerra, rnnne.ilmui, Inflammation!. ,vl i
u>W«rnwi Worm Fever, Wnrin trillc., .11
\ —1Trelhlnnl Olio, < ryliig, It u*. fultuoa ,J|
. -iMnrrb. ■>. of Chihlte.i or A.luli.
IJy*ruierv,iiU|ltm, illllniM t.ullu.i
Whuleru itlurbua, V.uulUun.\
eunbe, t uhl*. l< bllbi. ...
i Nrurnlelu, T >lb«.ho Farrarhe .. ,4,
l- llr*! M. k lleu.laatu.. VmiIuu, ,1
IU lltayeiniu. I Hi ■ i .> -ti| .n n ,4 \
II •.uppl enactl ■ r I'uluIuI l*ert*4* .4.
14 II bile*, l et I'l. |ul.,U.!
if I tuuu. I.u nun III*. Il.».»i** ... ,! ,
II Melt Hlrawi I ryahwlan, liupitiua. ,| ,
IS It heuMiitIUtit, ..r tyuuii.ali. FaUM.. ,i
lit llaltti I*, i i in. Ir Met .I.1
It-FI lea, Hhiul urlh..lm* ,.,..
Id Oublhalwr. b tavi Anlfu*. , ,
|M I alanb, Inlie i.* i, lekl Ik lb*It. *4 ,1
411 II bouplu* • uueh.. . a.
Ai-Aalbiua, . I litralhliin ..... a
44 Far Ilia, buigea, Impair..1 It.*. 1* 4 ,
If d. tufulu, I .'U<e I t.lui.t. aa.iiik* . 3
f <aeu*i*l Iblllui, I b»«e»l VI .ubmaa I
S l»»*uay« b.el lu ueiy h,e*. M**..* ,f
4 b*u*a, »k hu«**<luua IrkUaf
I di4**r IH»»»*»# ....*■ .
d Krrruu* ItiMIliy,■
M duru lluulb. »r l ruler , ,s
t» ineaiv II . ahai aa, 1'viiiu* leal. ,\
(-Faialul FrllaJa . . .1
4 Ittarnar Uullbu He* 11,t’alyttalhu, I, *'
A-iulieuat! *!•.*“* M In... i'.*» |.i
j |ilrhi\* rtw, I * u .Ikuli, .1, ,4
a»< btuMlt I u»nea4iui.r * MUptbata, ,4.
M77Ht“ * i. f CRIP,25°.
I at ay la M*tU delta* el pa auuii |*4dM»Jdd
tuf It bdtm •* Mat eat rat, m **t*d« flatyu
ka k ....... • >*I4U.* .... ak .a
Miirkkii* uaik,miiu*^«n,ii* tea*
l|p4 fl UMMir lilRi* l*w . nil VdlttM.
t mm, m vr% Tinnumm
1*4 *t ld*m«eh at an eat .» 1 • >*-«l»t el *.dk
I Id at***)* **d td.HI k Ml »*•*■•* , »a* Wb.
M. |fl;HO 1'. M
(Jonnsctlona at Aurora fur nil point.
A. F. WKitra, Ajft
ll.'nlmilnc M.imUy, November 17th.
trains will arrive and dspart lit till#
station a. f illnws:
1,1'mvhm Leavo.
Arrlrea st |,oup (Jltv ilnlly 7. ifip. in,
I,'lose eonni'otiou at (Ininil Island for
all point. Haul and West
F. W, ( I.INK, Aifont
Millie el Nehrs.ktt, l
Hiiurman County i
lleorye Vmlnif noil Annie Vnune hi. wife
non re.lileiil in fi ii'liMti. will luke nollen Hint
on Hie imIi ilny of Murih, l"t»l Kll/.u Mulieork
pliilii11rr IIImiI tier petition In Hie ill.irlrt
tour I of Min muni County. Nehrit.ka inniln.t
Osorio* Von 111/. Annin Vnufllf III# wife, Null
rn.ks Moriyiiyu < nmpstiy, J If Hlirnek P, II.
rlullin' Iteri'lver. John l*OS Ih* object mill
prilVer of Wlllull lire In fori'l lo.e ll nertllln
inorli/SiO1 * .ertili'il li,V the ilefemlttlitN Heorye
Vonny nnS Annie Votiuif. III. wife to the Neb
rmikii MorU'iUfe <'oinpony. suit by it ii.ulicueil
for u vhIumIiIs i ori.luerullon to Hie plidnillT
u|ion the Hon Hi K.i m ijuurtsrof the Mouth We.t
oiiiirUir the North We.t i|usrter of Hie Mouth
Kit.l i|uiirl«r Mouth one half of Hie Mouth
Ku.l i|inirlnr the North Ku.t qunrter of the
Mouth We.t oilMPter of Meet,Ion KlnVeli ill),
Town.lliu Thirteen list, llimpe Mlxleen Ohi
we.t of the Sill |i in. lu Mnerinun l ounly,
Nebru.ks to .eenni the payment of u l erlnin
Ininil iliilei) April 1*1 I Mil for Hie .mu of $1 '.'no
ilin unit p uyunle April l.t, IM Hi uml Hun there
I. now due ni i'ordliii/ lo the term, of .ulil
liiorlyum' upon .111'I hotel unit inortifui/e Hie
princlpul »uiu of Si am with Intere.i »i 7 per
i eni per imnuiii from the l.t ilny of Ortoln r
I.Hu uml one eon pen Intere.i note for #17,110
linil Intere.i on .uine from the l.t liny of
fh'tobei tkifft si III |« r eeiil per uiinuin puyu
tile .ertil unnuullv Plaintiff piny, fin u
ilei ree thill defendimt. lie reipilrsil lo puy (lie
umounl tills on uteount of .ulil bond moripuee
uml Intere.i or ihut .iil<1 prejnl.0. way he
.ohi to.utl.fy Urn amount fouriil Hue
Vow aft reipilrcd to un.wer .ulil pennon on
or before the JUlta ilny of April, I MM,
listed Mareh Uth, IMM,
Km/,a llAm oi K I'lulntlff
Att< .1, liy W, II, CosiHcil, Her Ally,
In District Court or Mliciuntil County,
Dillon Coni ml Ufa Insurance
Company, a corporal ion.
Eugenia i.shrke, et al
Eugenie <swill Itn nml August Uslirke will
! I ulte ictus that on t lie I HI It day of Fabril
ury. MM, Union Central l,lf« Insurance
i inpany, a corporation, nhtlnlilT herein,
illsd Its putlllou in the Dlstrlei eouri of
■•■ ins I, county, Nebraska, agalost said
defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foieclose a certain mortgage
executed hy the detendauts, Eugenie
I.elilkAeild August Dchrke, to Hie plitln
hit, upon the following described real
estate owned hy them, situated In Sherman
county, Nebraska, towll The Northeast
quarter H*etlot) four <4i, Township
thirteen (lib, Mange fourteen (14) and con.
iHiulng nun Imudrud and si s ty (h>» acres,
to secure the payment ot one promissory
note, with coupons atlnehed, dmed August
I, leirj, for III" sum of *5nO.OW and dun and
(iiiyal/ie ID years after dale; that there Is
now due iitsoi suld note the sum of t/Vsi,no,
with llllei ,ist at ion per cunt from August
4, IHUki the sum of 17 for taxes of l mt with
Interest at tun percent from November 10,
IMlid, the further sum of (tv.HO for taxes Dill
and IM04, with Interest at ten per cent
from November 18, WU8, for which moiii,
with Inteiest from this date, plaintiff
prays for decree that defendants lie re
quired to pay Hie sums or that said prem
lees may he sold to satisfy the amount
found due,
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before the 85th day of May. DIM,
Union i kni hai. I.ii s. Insi.mani gCo.
Hy A- li. OOFFHOTIl Its Attorney.
In, District Court of Hherman County,
Jennie lisrkhelmer, I’lalntitr
John W. Itcrklieiiiicr, Defendant.
Htale of Nebraska, I. „
Hherman iminiy )
To John W llerkheimer, non-resident
Vou aye hereby notified that on the Igth
day of April, Dial Jcnnlu llerkheimer tiled a
pelItlon against you III the District Court
of Hherman county, Nehruska the object
and prayer of which areloohtalu a divorce
from vou on the ground that, you have
been guilty of extreme cruelty towards
| her and also on the ground of adultery ;
j plaintiff asks fur the custody of the chil
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before the K5tli day of May. Don
Attest Hy It J Nioutinoai.k, her Atly.
Coots It kin, clerk of District Court.
I Notice l» hereby given ttiut the partnership
heretofore existing under the llrm name of
Nightingale llro». lsdesnlved by mutual sou
sentarid each of the undersigned will here
lifter conduct a separated business as uttorn
cys at law anil counsellors at lamp I !lty, Nehr,
i»ui ,;n mna mm uuy • *i .vurni IFW,
l{ .1 Nl'.IITINIIAl.K
Konuoly I'olnaUlulllla Out linn of Nlirhllli
Kuli IfriM,
Nolleo la hereby given Unit on llm llthday
of April, i«*l, ntaulaiutia i.aloavilakl Iliad
Eta applicationand poiitiou with the board
of Traataeanf the Village of Aabton, pray
mil that a I loanee may l>« laauad to him to
■oil lliaiilt, aplrtluona and vluoua lli|Utira lu
ilia Village of Aahton, ahorman County,
Nehraeka, from the fourth day of May, l-an
and lertulnallna on the llrat Tueaday of
M.*y l*». Aliy olijuvtlona protect* or le
'u nalranra to aald upplivalniu uniat lie
Itlvd on ot heforu tlm llh ilai ,<i Mar, l~ta.
Oaleil April 14th, !■#:.
\<<iiMMw tioMaat, Vill,1*0Clerk.
I'or Straight (tanutlit* Nmv
St*tblo|’all kind* lo W at
kiiiHoii N. \ nit lm\ w t»'ioil tht'iu
tor fijflit \ oar* ami know tlmm
f<* l»c all riijit
* 44*** o'
4*#^'“* wk-»*.*.* mmm «****• taut*
*tirniilit 44wrrlr«iw
MW waMr* -W* >**» L V ■ .rei
ill •!"» -* }* E W®,* 4'4|4| 4
, ", iVJdt an P*v* t •<**••*» Ml V\ t Vtl,
pi an,Je4 k ***•», V.a \< <a tVi
No. I Wiiitk Kioto, Kulr Weather.
No. •!. Ill,UK Ki ao. Kuln or anow.
I.nrnl Kuln*.
No. I III.Al K THVANOI.K. Tcmprcture.
No. A Wiiitk ki,ao with amok aqua re In
itnior Colil Wave.
WJicn No. I I* placed aliovo Non, I, it anil <1
IV Indicate* Warmer weather anil wlion plan'll
below Non, I i unil H, It, ludfeulca collier
When No A H placed below No*. I. unit t
fair or wet weal loir with cold wave,
lii Hiaincl Court of Mhermaii county,
i Neliiaaka
llenrv lleeae, I'laintllf.
Oolllnlb mint tier, <101111
Hoe and Richard Hoe,
rnel nuinea iioknoWn,
Hliilo of Nebraaka, /
Hberiouii County,)
Tim di'feiidaot, (inUlolb I,outlier, Will
lahe nol Ice tbnt on i In, Killli dMy of Kebru
wry, laWKlbe aald Henry Kenan, I'lalnlllt,
died bla petition In Him Hiatriet Court of
Hberiniio County, Nebraaka, again*! the
aald defendaola. I lie object and prayer of
which are to forerloee a certain mortgage
executed an I delivered by the aaTd
i",oieil, O ii b I bee lo plaln'Clf upon the
Hum II Call of I lie H./iilli Kaai quarter of
Keetloii twenty.five 1U1, hi Townalilp
llilrtoon tig). North of Mange fourfeen (lit
Weal of alxlli prlael(atl mnrldlan altnate
In Mhermaii enmity ami alate or Mebraaba,
to anc,urn the payment of i wo promlaaory
iiolea dated .lanoury till, lav*, one for the
aum of #J|r,r, mi due and payable In live year*
after dale und one for #<00.011 due and pay
alibi In toil year* after dale, both bearing
Internet nl ««ven per ceul pet an bum from
dale, pnvuhln annually That default haa
bel li made In the payment of the Intern*!
which became due on January fib, IK00
nod on .Hiiiuai y lib, non aa to la,III of aald
iiolea; and plaintiff baa elected to declare
a,i<l dm n doeluio, a* by the prnvlalon* of
aald mortgage be baa the right to do, the
whole of aald aum and Hilernat to lie |,ii
medlalely dim and payable, aad there la
now (Hie fiom Ihe defeoduiil Oottlelb
oiiothcr lo the plalnltir u 1,011 aald note*
and mortgage the aain of #074.711, with 10
lereal on #M, ha from January fth lakAaml 011
#011 r, from January ■##!», into', at aaveo per
emit pcruiinBio. for which min plaintiff
praya lor a decree Hint the defendaola i,J,
required to pay the aam# and that, up,,",
fain ro to pay the came, *11 In premia** may
be aolil lo Nullify the amount found uue by
the court
You in required to nn*wer*uld petition
on nr I *of ore l till lltli day of May, l*»,
Mated till* U7lli day of Mm an, law
IlKNlir loiiii Plaintiff
lly M T. U All l.ow H J,
titot Nioir, c.oai.ii aimI T. a
I,*h la kaik, Nioiitinoai.k,
Cl*i It ol Mmtrlct Court III* Attorney*
In Ulatrlc.t Court of Mhermao County,
J0*41 jili tjiiudry, Plaintiff.
Joint Jeruliek, Kittle Jeruliek, III*
wife, Arinlniii* p Ciilley, Hank
ul A*liton, Joanpli llukowakl.
Moral lo Mmelaer, fan Hail lira anil
Joeephimi Hinltirii, Oufunilanl*
Mtate of Nebraeka, I
Min i man County, I "
The ilefeuilanl* Jan Hadiira, Juaejihlna
Ihnlurit >iimI Joaoph llukowakl will take
notii'ii that on the Mth day of Mareb, law,
J'meph Oumlry, plaintiff herein llleil hi*
petition In the ItlMtriet court o, Mhnrman
■ *iiiiily, Ne'iraaka, iiguiual the ahova nuiiunt
iletmKlanl*, the object ami prayer of
whleli are to forueloie a certain inniiuaw
executed ami ihtllveriul hy tin* ilnremlanla
Jan Had Ilia am, Juaejihlna iladtira to
Joaeph II, and Joaepli Oumlry. ujatu the
Mouth W«*t. ijuarler of Mention thirty-three
list), In 'fowiiahlp ffftenn (lAj, North ill
Itmigii thirteen (1,'lj Weat of r,th p. in,,
allnatelu Sherman eoiiuty and alate <if
Nehrnaka, lo aeeure the jiaynintit of three
prontloary mite*, one for jatyahla on
Mi'jiii'inher lfith, iHtMj and extended to Mejt
tulnher Itth, iktti, <ine for $*» on jiayahle on
Meplemhrr lAlli, latil and extended lo tteji
leiiihnr ittn, IH'ji, ami one for >mnon jaty
ithle on Meptemher lfith, l*W end extended
lo Me|itemher I tth, MAY all itated on Map- f
lumber I llh, Ih-ii ainlTn-mlng ,nlere»t from
date to mul urlty hi * |>er cent per nininni
amt after mu,urlty at ten |ier cant per
annum, ami made uml delivered hy ilefen
dant Jan Hadura to the *ald Joanpli II.
and Joaejili Oumlry. That the Intel eat, of
Maid Joaejih II Oumlry in *ald note* and
mortgage wa* Ihernaf ter aold, a*»lgnud and
conv! yed to idalutiff, who I* now the wile
holder mid owner ol »ald note* and morl
Kitten. That there I* now due the plaintiff
from the defendant* Jan Ha'lura amt John
Jeruliek ii|kiii nalil note* and mortgage
and for nmiile* advaneed hy plaintiff to
redewui kald land from tain* the «um of
•IIU.W8 with lntere*t on ♦ from Nupteiu
herllth, l*Wto Meptemher Itth, INi.1 at a
|ier cent per mi mini ami thereafter at in
pur eenl, and on MOh.Ull from Hejr.emher
lull, law to Map,mm or Itth, IHUI nt a jier
juir aiiniiui and thereafter at 10 |ter eenl,
and on tune (Id from Meptemher 14tli, Ih.ij to
Miiptuinher Itth, PNI.'i all |ier cent per an
num and tlieruuf ler at In jror cent, and on
AHt.HA ut ten per ednt per annum from Jan
uary lltli imim Plaintiff Jiray* tor a de
cree that defendant* ho adjudged to jiav
the minium due tlm jdalntiff thureon and
that in caae defendant*full for in day* to
pay the aume that *ul*l jirumlaeti he wild ut
nutlNfy the amount found duo.
vnu are required to mnwer aald tieil
tionuu or lieforo the lllh day ol May,
Mated Uiih :(Ulh day of March tMM),
Juaki’H (, Plaintiff.
Atieat Hy It. J Nioiitiniiai.k and
I.Ill IK KtCIN, T. M. N 10 IIT 1 NO ALK
clerk of HMlrlcl Court. Ill* Altorriey*.
In Dlnlrlrt Court of Hlioruiuii County,
C'liurlok A. ItohliiMiu. 1‘luluUn
Mutt Itoht'livuiuUkl, JowiU) Him Itv
nittl«kl8 K. Dowell A Co . Flr»t Nut
Innul Hunk ol rhleuifo T F MeCnrty,
Kno*u, Mumifuetiirinn Coiunniiy eft
Den, Niitloiinl Hunk ol At I’nui,
Ni nntsku A W I'uleroon, Wllllnio o
Heeriku A Co mot Joint lion DiTeluUlll, ^
8i«le ol Nelirttukn, I
Hiieruiun County i"-*
s It Howell A Co, Flint National Hank ol
t kleneo I y MiCnrly Kunoi- Mumifu. I urine
t oiii|>nm A W t*utlemon William Deerloe
A loiniHiny, ilrreuUuul, will UMo not lie Dial
“it ton HUi iltty o| Mnrek i»'»l i linrle, A
Hot,in,on iilniuilR in mu, itimt ku imtiuoa in
Hie Dun lit Court ol Nheruiwn County N»k
tn«ku attain,! nil ike ntane nnuteil it, frmtniit,
tke olijiu t met |irny«rol whlek nm to foroeloo*
u t erinlu luortnucji eyemteil t>y tku Jilvielaui,
i Mott UvuiaUfct aiul «ltar)th K«**ctivutaUlii
• in- <*aii hair «»f iiir ■*1*111 ti acii t|uarl«*r
*4***1 Dio »«*l half «tl tin ittifih »tal >|U«t irr t»f
It tl*i IM (Dtitlit li (||t> Ihniirn ill la Nh«tiii4|| tt.uit*! \**|*
*a«*a I** mi'um ih* |««v ii»« t*i tif |||err itrouil*
***** mu I Hr lllti tUi A|»*l» |U4| a*
fttlUlUa Dhr fut tUr %»»lu “f I** la itlM> gut
itatahu a«U Ul*' tlr** *l«y uf UnfHtlat |M»i ut»*
tMf the e.tM|t Ilf »|*«1 t*f tlu* and mult* «Ht lb*
**« il t|,|i 4»| 11**, , uila t lUi t»*M (it| llv». %laN
***** ‘** *'** {Mbf tin ih* llfat tiav tif Up
»ru*ia>« l to* KiaUtli* a i«*t* u* *|uvi»t»u **»■•
lani U«|# «M 14a r* U |u« t|u# iHt| kuia
wM *«M» ih* tufe ttf
tl fwt iMtA *u«U alih |tA»U thty
Mkx ** **w!“ t*'* *♦*» I*1 ftfclMftMi itUiuliff
!*« * , (>f4 aU feu M*al »* f* litiaau U r««at#*a|
i*’ Nf *•*'« ‘u«» *»al *«M I.*** in* if * 4t M la
*$*«» i** alhli ih# tiuMMiti iA>au>| 4iw T|>|
Ike muetMon . Itam tw Uiw «TI M Itm.ii
At ttaM >tt- t ,i >t Nwio.aat I tank ol t'knnkgM
k » | t*<4 1m W U Ur a at-,* **»„i My ia
LTno 'u“* r'L '** w* l it.*, t IJIWai N«lMtl ttwni WI
A A* »*«!,• • ••. kHmntAn 4
*- A t t» .1 ■ »"lAo» to t» ilv«, Wl»* .y.,1*
1 '??'****. * >4* k,M1 * *"•**•# w*‘»twt( ki rv«„,« ,o
in* uwvkfnk, llvk *«a iU wyta,,
tu MUe-IXI llul Itl, till* lo Otl.l |ll|r 0,1 »,*« to
M *'* **“*“ *■ • *•*!, AI aa.l
JJJ;v *** *** •**^14* ti1 *u# »# 4iu»f
kh«i#«i m* imi tUi mi m«h i ion
•*4*4 to I K i
I**'1 u _ •*» MNal 4
i4u Ha*ha
* *..