Loup City Northwestern. Vol. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL _Q, lHtx>._NUMBER 8 Thk Northwestfrn «r. - • • v r,v*rtrr- r- - _ - tj ’UBUSHEt) KVKUY FRIDAY «'l Till*. COUNTY HK AT, UE.I K. HKHNOIIOTbiM, Editor and Publisher. TERMS II 50 mr Tsar. II Paid in Advsnoa BaUra l it tbs 1/oup City PoitoWr* for traee BiUllou through tkr lusllt »• •••■u.d ■Isas mstUr. W. A. Wilson, of Ash tun town ship whs in the city a week or two ago anil while walking up main street passed a crowd of populjats on the side walk. He held in his hand a twenty dollar gold piece and as he passed by each and every pop made a grub for it. When he had got by the last one he turned and said: “Gentleman I thought you were all advocates of free silver You are the most dishonest set of rascals lever saw.” The Incident was well calculated on the part of Mr. Wilson to llrid out which way ^ the wind blew regarding the true convictions of the sixteen tooneites. Hull county will present a candi date for state auditor in the person of William M Geddea of Grand 1 slami, ex-clerk of the house, lie |a in every way qualified, Iota u large acquaintance over the state and h following which should insure his nomination. Hall county will he earnestly, unitedlh und energetically for him und will urge his claims with that prcsisteiicy characteristic of tills Ideality when presenting n candidate. Mr. (Jeddcs has always been a consistent republican and there is not a blemish on his public, private or political record. tJrund Islan d itcpiiblicsn. The republican State convention is to be commended in taking the mat ter entirely out of the hurids of Hens Thurston and the anti McKinley faction, It sat down upon the reso lutions offeed by both parties and adopted others tliut was more to the motion of the repnhlicans of the state. The resolutions offered by Crounse was undoubtedly calculat ed to put a dumper on Thurston and boom Mauderson. It did neither one. The convention did not endorse them und neither does the peoplo. The resolutions offered bv Thurston were also noted down and the author given to understand that no compromise was asked foi by either the people or the eonven turn. At the comity conventions Illllt«-1eiimi* mi uir urirji»u*n wrn elected and instructed for McKinley. The result whs that the people'* wishes have been adlieared to anil the convention was not run by u few politicians* A gentleman whose ottlce is ir Worcester and whose home place is * suburban town is plauuing a built ing which will contain perpetua summer It will be a combinalloi greenhouse and aviary. A grea1 y I<>iim will have double tloora ant roof, glass for whiter ami wire net ting for the summer months. In it will live all the year around uativt birds, which may uesl in trees m the same species where hung then parent nests, or in the shrubbery ot grits»ci ns instinct ilictates Tin wiltl (lowers will bloom at Christ mas time. There will |m mtnaluit swamp*, |oth> pastures. All sorb of "on lit tons ale possible lo Hu eft Hiusissl foitunsle enough lo hstt »«"h an op|uuiuni'y lu the spring Htue, when the glass is removed the bouse «t|| i*»> aluttml as pleasure for the leutnlrtaa teal freedom. St targe a structure would hanlly tie ■err* to tie t ailed a cage WcMvvn ter Uasei'e g A senator ate* is not cm «led Mekenlerile is tpioied as satin* that noth mg lust a metode i*s Iwai the mew fr.«m Otd<>. ||<> Bj* »e« H.e ailuaHow out ot list* am •'fake from \|hi>|., evert, thing u» i ra it'Vi'llsl, evert toi« . * mt*»sie l allow that the op position will curry every point that it iniM aet out to curry: calculate that McKinley will get no votea from Florida, or Delewnre, or Maryland, or New Jeraey, or Miaaiaajppi, 01 Weal Virginia, and that lie will only get ten from Georgia, only aix teen from lllinoia. only twelve from Indiana, only twelve from Mimic hoIu, only two from New York, only ten from North Caroline, only foul from I’ennsvlveida, only four from Mouth Carolina, and only aixteen from Tenneace, and he will atlll have left 359 aure votea. It place* him within loo votea of the nomi nation, and 100 votea ia conceded by every one to he the danger line, Kvery practical politician know* that when a candidate get* that near to aucceaa It I* al waya eaay to puab him up, uuleaa there ia u bi Hemet a of oppoailion which necessarily limit* Ida strength to that with which he aiaria out. Hut no huoIi condition uppeara in thie caae. With 065 votea ahaolutely aaaurad, beyond the reach of man euver, trick, ineincerity or accident, McKinley liua to draw from \ column of 250 votea ull having « tendancy in Ida direction, Aa a matter of fact, U« ia more likely tc have 455 than 096 on the flrat hul lot, and he will he nominated eithei on that ballot or the next. Noth inu hut a miracle «-un heat him. State Journal. COSTLY I’l.ATK*. His alleged that the government is being overcharged for the new process plate armor it is buying from the contractors for the big war ships. The price paid is eer tsinly very heavy, $500 per ton. It is alleged that the actual cost tc the manufacturer is only $ ;Oo pci ‘on, leaving the owner* of the in venlion a snug profit of $200 pel ton. This is the disadvantage of using a new invention. The government, of course, wants the best and then is no doubt that the llarvcyized steel plate now used is by far the most impentrable to modern pro jectiles. It is made by a patented process ami the government is thi only customer in this country and the monopoly easily has it* own way in the matter of price, as there can tie no competition. The true policy in such matters is a change in tii* patent la’'* whereby in ttie case of inventions in which tli* government is the only beneficial) , the invention may be purchased outright at something near its honest value and then the govern rnent will be aide to secure compete uuu «Jy turuwiu^ lomiujuim ture to all eatubliehiuenla thut net tit to me the invention in bidding for government work.- State Jour nal. A pruxa diapatrb from Ottumwa, la. dated .Monday of thix week, hux the following: “R, K. Martin, tin man w ho attempted to aaaaull .Mixi Kva Moore, the 1 i-year-old daugli ter of Mra, Mary Moore, at Kddy ville late Sat urday afternoon, wai arrealed ibla afternoon at Klbon, mu# in ilea eaat of here. Chief ol ■ I’olioo Vatnlerveer went to Kldon , (Ida evening and nei-ouipauicd th* . priaouer tothia etty. lie haa beer put in jail lor aafe keeping Mar I (In admit* to hivlug made an ai tempt on (he Moore girl. Martu , wa» v*f> inueh frightened on tin ; way up from Kldon teuiing a lynch lug puli would he met Here lie »*iid to Chit f \ Milderv««*r that it* had formerly lived in NeUtaaka and that he had lieeti connected with III* i llroki n ilt<* jvl«i* »iimii aaan editor lalwnitr, Martin waived prtdiuo : Matt fVUUIHllftii mid hi* t"ut' will | Iw* to ud lalniv the grand jury The people « ty ome and note the difference. But la >• only SIMMONS Liver Regulator- * k simmons LIVER REGULATOR wl.ic.li makes the difference. I ake It In w U.-r or In liquid already prepared, or ; ■ a b a of the powder; but tab r SIMM; < • ’ IVER REGU LATOR. You'll fmd tie- RHIj / on every package, l.oob. Rt It. J. 11. /aUllii C < l'tillu. DOK, A. P. GULLET, Vice-President. Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $500,000. I t I/oans on ImproTsd (anna at NINE par oant. Boot Ootzipaajr and Baal lama to ba bad la tba weot. OokkEaroenaur*:—Cbamlcal National Bank, New York (Itp, N. Y.| Osaka ■wHouai Bans. Omaha. Nehasoka , W. J, FIHliEit, OEO. K. HKNHGHOTKK, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Lour(BlT MoNTHWUeTkWt FIHHER & BEN8CHOTER, REAE ESTATE AUEJYTS, LOUP CITY, • - NKIJKAMKA. Town Lot«, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Hale. « “ RTISTIO HOMES. 225 De»lgna-AII for 10c. The l.rtr.Nt collection of up-to-date dcalgna ever publteliad In any architectural book In tb« world. Ni church du.lv nan Intcrlora COLONIAL HOMES . . M daalfna lOata., or both booha for lleta. Any ona going to bslld, or *»*r Intending to build, ahotild .rod for then I Ilimited odltloua) of "Artl.tloand ( olonlal Home.." HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Architect. ST. LOUIS, MO. Doctor Henderson 102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, HO. The Old Reliable Dot tar. A Regular Cradu ,te in Medicine. Oldest In Age a nalongest Lot a ted. OVER 37 YEARS OP SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by tho Htuto to treat CHRONIC. NERVOUS and SPECIAL DISEASES. Cures guaranteed or money refundad. All ■udtcluea furnlnhed ready for une. No mercury or Injurious medletaea used No detention from work, I'ullenti* ut adlatunce treated by mall undoaprcMw. Medlclnna aenl everywhere, free front gaze or break uve. Charge* low. Over hU.WJ0cn.ooe cured. Age and experience are Important. Keail little book, tbm htuln your caec. Rena for opinion undterme, Consultation Iras and ouutldentiuI.pereouaUy or by letter Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility, (SpcrmalJrrk** and /le/o/.nry) caunedby youthful follleaand exceeeee,producing nervous neea,Iokdch, plmpleHandblolclieaou the face, runheo of blood to tbo tn■ml, palne In tbeback, eonfiiKcd Ideas uud forgetfulness, bashfulneas. uv rgion to society, louaof aexual power, low* ot manhood, Ac , cured for life. lean nlnp uli bight bmeen, rciloro loet eexuul power.ro gtore nerve and brainpower, enlarge end utreugtlu u weak purl, ami make you dt for marriage. Gypilllla, da forms and stages cured for lift). I Hood Poisoning, Skin llliwases. Ulcers, Swellings, Sores, flonorrbuia and Gleel, and all forms of Prlvsto LMseasc* positively cored or money refunded Honlr (or iiotn sexes, W pages. »T pic. IJUUIV turos, true to file, wlUi full des erlptlou of above diseases, (he efleei and cure.sealcd In plain wiapoerfur Ac in si.imps. Uesd Hits llulo book sad answer question*. v»■» 1‘fIMUIBJ. *1*2 • Rhou rr*aitisin Kunjoin*I It-rco museum of Anaiomy ' ’ v life-tike module Mil» »« ■mnadw: lion eM-rOHin eUUi-m w«»U. h » lOlw^klMit •tufiffti: fvt aka** Jittutu Mat / eaa.wt »«/* IdlAA OO TIE MIT MNH \hh — TIE IEST 100(111 V U UI FOR TIE STIOIIEIT lUILT Thle i. a *pe M eial afTer. ¥»«*•♦**•" .... • •II lham at “»• thia price (• In- ukfeer Tap. traduce tftwti. Kllptlc • |.il>.«*, IT!.™ J* ©70,00, » uphaiaiarad in wt srr • **•*• •* uNOuiaii MAMUrAC Ifprafatfd Three or t*> tap. (It her eaute at narraei We eeauld alaa furnish ©arnln* f ©tana P»dy if rteai.eid, iifioiii MiNUficTUiiiMi so