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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1896)
Loup City Northwestern, i VOL X1V~ "-LQUP CITY. .-lll.HM.W coUXTY, NKLKASKA. KltllLW. A1MSII, I'M*;*;,_NUMBER H Thk Northwkstkrn *»UBl.iaHBD BVERY FRIDAY AT Till'. COUNTV HK AT. uICO. 10. HI'JSNttllO ri'.B. Editor and Publlabnr. TERMS SI SO par Taar, H Raid la Mvanca Eatered at tlte Loup Clay PoeV/IBae for toaaa atUelou throafh tbs mall* M mmmA •laaa natter. ObIf BepomiCiB NewiDaDsr id SDeroaD cooDtr Miriioucaa uoi kTy ooavaaToy, /. Republican county convention for HHer man county. Nebraska will lm held In the Court floime at Coup City. Nebraska on Saturday. April llth IkM. at one o'clock p in., for the purpose of electing delegates from aald county to the convention to bo held at Hrokeri llow. April lath. IWM. to elect delegatee from the sixth congressional dlstrlet of Neh rusks to the National Republican convention at Hi. Lools, To elect delegates from aald county to the nehraska State Republican con volition at Omaha. April I** and to trim •act such other business as may come before ealdcounty convention Representation In said county convention Is apportioned to the several townships of said yountp as follows-. Oak Creek 2. Rockville 4 f,ogan k Clay k. Washington k Harrison 7, JL. Kim 2. Hcott 1 Webster 4 llszsrd ft, lump City II Bristol 4, Ashton ,4 It Is respectfully recommended that town drip primary meetings he held on Katurdav April 4th l»d Republican central committee, Sherman 4'ouuty, HyM H Mkao Chairman, It It, Urn nows, See. pro tern So far h* heard from every town* chip in Sh«rma» county hum elect ed * McKinlnv delegation, which myana of «r>ura* that * McKinley delegation will tie aent frotn here to the <Jm«ua niav® coDvemion. • It is proposed U» organize a stock commission company for tb« pur pose of raising, shipping and sell ing celery at Kearney, and if that is done a t housand acres of celery could he rai **<1, and employment given to 5,000 hand* annually. t’olitisal issue* awd-public joter «sts seem to die a natural death un less the newspapers stimulate, and revive them. The truth of this statement is evidenced in the re cent, should-ha ve-beoii village elec tion. Now the prominent business men of the village are saying that an election should have been held. This is true, and It is also true that they should have taken more Inter est in it. The newspapers simply published the call but made no issue on which to conduct a campaign JIIOUS WALL roil CONUSLMMAN, The following are the comments extracted from our exchange* pub lished iu Hus congressional dirtrict regarding the caiutidaiy of Judge II'— 11 . V V nil < Judge Auron Wall of Loup City will be a candidate for uoiigrees from the Sixth district, subject to the approval of the republican con vention at Broken How. Mr. Wall ban bean long identified with this locality and knows its needs and the wishes of the people a* well as anyone, lie is also an able speaker uud an energetic worker. -Ord 4juiz. v Judge Aaron Wall,of l.oupCity, is announced ns a candidate for the republican nomination for emigres* in tbi* district tliis fall, Jedge Wall is known ail over the stale a* an able lawyer, an orator, and a fearlee* exponent of rcpubliuanixu The republicans bon l got a strong •r rasu in Iks dietriet then Judge Wall, nor one who would make a better eifligressmau, in ease of hi» Iuotninaliou and election Mason 4Hty Trenwiipi b Judge Well, of l.oup City In* si l«*t sighted lo* lutwutioii of ei tcr iog tits in* ‘for the oongr> seional ••iwissllec in Ibis U 1*1 ltd, Tbs Judge Is one «il the old sleiMldii* •’* ihe og u' O mui |oi<«, and o. tit > »-t up urn Us* j t*im| but bl* yob. ti»* •*•'** tie .1 I ||s It*• alsi*}k l«>rii s*a|k*ii.g tbi utto. I lent l*‘ p'. »i kt I to i ci * •kvtl iny lieu r f r bbssrif fHsrsfote H i* not uii at this Mine f u Wall to s**!*•** t 11*1 Ihi »» fio'ii l« it, pan 4 *■* *b%i b> bk* 4*<tsi> I up tin I* duty nl I sldii, st*i oid put t», p, <**> ticsl ** *1 I he o publican idea in f» i I »»•'**>» ChsWr Con hi * |l, pwh‘t WEDDING BELLS iron MASCOT Mix* Kl<i A<I;iiii« mix! J. TlhU» IJ»'t#i1 In tli« Holy Honda of Wsitlacli Tlic ««rlil wax x»>l Tin, yiiriJcn wax it Willi Ami mun, ttii' hi’inilt xltiln"! Till woman »rnIll'll bast Tuesday at high noon, at, the borne of the bride* parents, Miss Flora Adams was united In marriage with J. L Tibbs, Mr, Tibbs for tbe past two years has been ona of the most dashing beaux of our oily. Ils la an active, bright hraketnsn on tbs B. A O. W. W , and on the high road to promotion. Miss Flo has bssn known for the past two years as tbs Mascot of the Flora Demo erst olTIus. She is ous of the best compositors In the slate, a <|Hiet, level headed little lady with rare ability, industry and Independence, and withal very handsome. The couple were married in style, the beautiful Miss Blanche Adams set ing as bride's maid ami Dr James M. Crall as the beat man. The bride and groom after tbe eeremony was performed mounted the train for Fairfield to tarry a few daya with Mr and Mrs. Bland, the par ents of the groom. In the Joy and excitement of the occasion our Mas cot was not unrniudfai of the Demo oral force, and famished it with an ample supply of specimens of the good things of the wedding feaet. Tbe well wishing and the blessing of the Democrat will follow the I £..t. wIIh.i nanlli.a Hvum I hoir "■H" .r-. • 1. matrimonial voyage over the break ers and white crested waves of Un great sea of Matrimony. Flora (Illinois) Democrat, Miss Adams first began to act type in the Northwistcr* office arid from the Oral set a vary elaan and accurate proof, alia baa doubt less been working at the trada most of the time since leaving here and lienci has breams a very swift eom posftor. The North wist*** is pleased to note her excellent suc cess as a typo and joina her many friends here in wishing her a happy and pleasant future. For the benefit of these who ara doubtful of tbe coming season, we reprint what Dan Freeman, tbe man who entered the first homestead in the United States, and a faithful observer of seasons and crop, has to sav: “We have plowed every month in the year ao fur and 1 am much encouraged over the farming outlook. Wheat ia all right and 1 tbiuK we are gofug to have a big crop of all Rinds tbit year. These little flurries of snow is all right aud tbe ground takes them all iri too it is not juat the time yet for rain, but we will get it this ut.HiM.s au I, a n mu, at i.i., t it f rua u I ,u off my calculation* hut I'll he seventy years old iu April, and l have never yet *een a winter live this h*t what wa* followed by a wet spring ami big crop* .Nebraska i* all right.—Auburn Herald. A great deal of the big crop of grain raised iu this region last full is yet unmarketed The Ashton header editor, bearing the state merit that tod half the grain rained iu Osdeoia eounty had beeu sold by the raiser*, hunted up a wall posted grain buy nr and asked hi* opinion, ha said over hall had beat maiket ed, but that fiilltr .‘il» percent of the oats, ill |ter (Mil of the wheat and go |*»i ueiit of the barley remained iu tha farmers Inn* In 'he twelve mouth* ended Match I, lathi, mio | i ar load* of grain was shipped and Itt v«M of etnefc w«r#»eit| oiit ini the a turn Mum l hi> givi < <<• idea of the immensity id last team *10111 grain *'r* p tlsueui* count* *«n , tto evaeptiott to the lole of lai. • y i< |d* l < reawav Vnd o«ris them si untold has hell of oiii tw (II thou e..«nlo« coin to throe Iu the pig* I hough pitees ate low, the great uitaaMy of uyg ><u hand sa||l briny; In a i d of Monte* to inivitsa Ike potae of 11«d* hi ,»v t ij lows}* Weekly History of Irrluotion In W*t>r««li» The following is u brief blatoaj nt tl.e conception awl announce went of Ui** construction <<( irrlga tton canals in Ilia*, part of America lying east of the Rocky mountain*. During that past three years of active discussion of the irrigation • |ue»tions, »e have rend and heard of the merits of different canal *je terns of Ihc I nitad Male*. Jet the pouieer irrigation country of the great plain* of America has remain ed silent. Lincoln county, Nehresku, alaimc precedence In *.hc leadership of the irrigation movement of '.he great plaiua. As far as can he learned from careful it**|«iry the flret irriga tio:i canal constructed by Ameri can* on the territory designated wa* built by a gentleman now re siding to North I'slai'e, Nebraska, by the name of Washington li. Hill (OS u. Mr. IfiBinau first com nn need excavating a small < anal in the mouth of March, 1903, taking his water out from ike south bank Mouth I'lattc river, at a point about all miles rest of old Port M'l'her non now of J.iacolo county, Neb raska. In tb* the spring of another resident of that vaetnity, John Burke, of Conttonwood Hp/tng, near the same military post, commenced the construction of a canal a little below Mr llio man. Both of these canals were need. Mr. Hinmao’s In both the summer of lhi;?) and 18(5}, and Mr, Burke m during I HO t and 18<i6, and n lurge amount of valuable farm and garden produce was gathered and •old to tlx; aoldierM and residents of iln- poet, bat the Indian wus, break jog out in made farm labor and irrigation both diflicult and dangerous and no crop* were plant a l on the lands subject to irrigation by these ditches after iHfib, and the canals were abandoned. In 1870 there was u stock company formed in North Platte, Nebraska, and a small canal was es cavated that obtained its water from the Mouth Platte river, at a point about four miles west from North Platte, the head gate* being I seated on the north bank of thi* river. Tbit cant! was capable of irrigat ing about three thousand acres, •ituated in and About the town of North Platte. Only three srope were grown on the lend* thus water ed by this ditch. Aa the rapid growth aud development of the free range anil stock interest during these earlier years entirely elitni naied all interset in everything per taining to agriculture by the culti vation of the soil in this vicinity, the canal was Abandoned. But North Platte still retains some of tbs ber.fits deirved from thi* work, in the growth and development of several long rows of magnificent trees now standing that were plant •‘■1 in tin *e year* along Ike line of thin f inal In 1K71 the i-oldier* of Fort Sidney, Nebraska, constructed a •mull fuiiu! that wa» used to water the trees and uleo the poll gardens, This ha* since hewn ahamlom d aleo, owing to the non on tipanc) of the fort hv the I'nited Htate> troops. Iu IHa.i a promoter, hy the name of 1C. >i Pay, of North Platte organis' d a usual company at thie point, that after ewvural uhaugee in it* organisation. Snail) completed a cansl, now known ns the North Platt* *imil, that was twenty mites tu length and was capable of irri g*Ui ".id nvfi * of l*t.d I to* renal I* One of the p*nuen»nt works of thi* avcii >u and has hem the no in * of rilu stUni the p* oj*lw of i \e » i, tie gt> «> out I and Wai-o of tnigsth *>. In l*»t * he people of > olte Itlett n out) Ndiiiti* , iiitr*r<«d t ha * nsursrt h*n of iniy*ti u ratio*, and in taco the r*l>*i <**ic trust of || It'fci tut ronaty wa« pi p** I ai l e*>m ; nsernwtl. tints tin* dale the titi I gat it •vtilin < at Ha* he** *l#a<tnti | itoi*'**ine a**,! at the pie-sent ttn**, ( w*|, it*, t-mueie a m* tnpietwtl mm 1 THE BECT SPRING MEDICINE to Simmons mvkh kiout.Aiop don’t forget t» t ike It. I ll I I, ft get* sluggish dunn/ the Winter, ju-.t like all nature, and tile system l on , s choked up by the a ut' dated vv ■<<*, which brings on Malaria. Fever and Ague and Hheurna Warn. You wan' to wal < up your l.iver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS LlVIW FI.OUI.AIOW to do It. It al*o regul. tr* the I tvtr keep* it properly at work, when your v/m- m will be tri e from poison and the whole F>.Jy Invigorated. You get Till: HKH'V l$l.< )OU when your *y*lem Is In A1 condition, and that will only l e when the Liver I* kept active. Try a Liver Wrmedy ot < and note tlie (Ifrerence, But tal e only SIMMONS jviw Ft oid.Arow • it I* Simmons LlVIW Fudd.Ali.W w! h make* tlie differeme, t e it In j ,. e-r < in liquid already prepared, ir u <• a tea ot the Cawderj but t il n ' I M 'A I IVI.K Fl-.OU AlOW. Y dim It, Fid; / on every pac kage, !«■!'. for It. J. H. Zetllo & <’o., 1‘liPn.f' tj.t.lH, l*«. W SNTfCO. Lady or gentleman to I.a: <t uhnrge of Installment finalne**, ami collwt fnihl* (W,lint)' rtolery OlOper week to begin with, Addre. ncloilng stamp for re ply. .1 K. oamiuii id. A r<> Kansn* Itlty. Mo. Uf .1. MAKCY, 1)1 Fit I In Iti'i'l mill Murcy Work, Kn»t Kldo I’lihitc *1)11111'#, f.oupUily, Soli. yy .1.Kisiilit. -AttarnBy-Ht-Law, W'1'1 find nnprovn‘1 liin<l.« for mil«. And monny to loan on real Lour CITY, . • KKBBAUA. A 0KVHCHOTKB, V7 im«r EXPRESS *«“» GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All 1C * pi nna or Freight ordera promptly attended to Do Your fiends Wear Glofhot? AQEMT8 WANTED. _ U*|<l money eaty with our tampls outfit, for fint no Tailoring of oil kind* at popular piles*. Write lor full p.rucala/i and tpsuai larina to Agunti. Nathan Wolff A, Co., Ill W. Seventh St.. Cincinnati, O. THE MILD TOWER CUREO. HUMPHREYS’ Ur. iluiiiphrev*’ bpeclDci are •olentlOoally and carefully prepared Ilawediea, tuml tar yaan la private practice and for over thirty yean by the people with entire lUroatt*. V "ery single Kpet lflc a ajmcUl euro for the disease Lamed, so. arrrtnr yon muuaa. 1—Fever#, Prmgeatkjns, Inflammatt mi. ,U »-Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... ,1 B-Trrildiigf Cello, Crying. Wallet alma# 4 - lllarrhen.ot Cbiidreu or Adult,. ft l> y.emery,'Irlplng, Illllous Guild.... .4 •—Chiller# ltlorbu*. VoiultUjg. »—C’ougbe, Colds. tlroiuhlU*... ,11 Ct-Neurulgl#, TooUiaike. Farroebo ... ,4 fh-lleadmbi,#, kick lieedaetiu, Vertigo. ,! I 10- Drspep*l«, pllloiiannM. ConaMpaUoa .) I 11— Siuppreaaed or I'uluful Periods ,1 i Bl*— Whiles, Too 1‘rofuM I'eiUkla. ,1 i uup, l.uryagllU, Floanenea#. It H bruin, Kryalimla#, Krui.Uoua ,1 i ieuniull,ni,or lloeuiuaUo Pallia.. ,1 i ilurlu, chill*, Fever and Ague.! > lee, Mind orUhirdlug . , bihuliur, BurourWeakByaa...., . i lartb. lufiueiiia. told liilbe Used . bunplug ( uuab. 33 41-Aalbma, lireaihlng ....... dl» ‘44 Fur III*, burgee, llnivbad Bearing .'AS 4B—Nerolula, I nUra<,1 eland,. kweIllug ,s 44-iieueral iVrklhty, rh>,k alUrakuM# 4 . 44 llrupsy, and beauty Hwrribmi . ,1 : 14-»rer«lc her**, kk know from Uldiag St Hldury Ulsruee#... ■' 4H- Nervous lit blllly.......4, ‘ IMF--Bur* Sleuth, or Canker.... , 3»-l rluury Wrabnre*. Wnttia* M. 1| —Fululul Period. .. ,1. .'If tllaeuseeol lb» lle#rt.l’atpttalki#|,# IA ~ I ettepay, Hp*,e,a. Ft Vitus'Patter.1 .iLlHsklkrrU, I t*rai«ibwTtnai. .4 > 4a~t brattle t uugasilen, A bittptloua- .43 "V"™ Hu«ntmiM (GR1pf260. I'M an la rmad turtles of pi «>.ol aMbpai pta | tMAf YNNI |h 4.4*0 4-k4 fcj U> v4«W4«. **t a»HI km k*>i mb aw, ate* ad MateM 1% *4 ■/***(« 44 ,4 , >M»| ^ >44t*4H» ] I inrun HI 4 IUIU,lilAiU*l4MK,IU l»*4 SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS* WITOH HAZEL OIL “THI Wtt OlfeTMINT," >■‘14 11144 1118.11 trim. »• *«*•.«* *•*> S3 •• «•»**« .i,.«* #> Itiuil ***>*.»H 4 It* ■*•*••*»•«* !«•. • *<•» (AM Mill )»• l( >M UImii ('•91, NiWmIi < a, j 4 »i« l« klW mu 4 all"# U4I 4f* »>l*rt Jllil.l# of Iril 4ll '4, | It* W44H* 111 III* >444l>, tbal *111 4 4414 4 |» «in*'.* •#> Ml Ur l|l| | » I'mai |M|»,t4lloi> 4io| >>.1 • IM4ltlllvll MltMt In all |««|« Hi t>uW* I A jfttyl >>l North Him*, 14 U*ii44‘ « An> * | I). r DOE. A. I*. GULLET, Vice-President. t’suhier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stoek, 1600.000. Ix>one on Improved forme ot NINE pm oent. Beet Oompony oad bent taRM to bn bed in the wmt. OonananonDBim:—Cbemiool Wottonol Book, Row York aty, B. Y4 Omnkn JHeloool Baum, omoko. Rebroebo 1 W. ./. KIHI1EH, OEO. K. BENSCHOTER, Attorney snd Notary Public. Publisher LOOP Cm NoimiwiwTnnw I FISHER & BENSCHOTER, ilEAE estate aoejyts. LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. i _ *hdhav b I PUR ' I uiiWARii I is the whole story C ’ I •( InlUtion trad* I , f I | mark* and label*. | aDOlit P W\ AND H A " «VER SODA I ii-irtflffOC Costs no more than other packanesoda—never r.'olle P IF! flour—universally icknvwteJjjed purest In the world, B 4 Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. / \ Write for Arm and Hummer lloolt of viilnuhli Ui non VJiU. if I rwT"*Jr'w~r ?“r-*rrTr*p^rv'iy‘*dr%- - Vfwwl ~ RTISTIO HOMES. 225 Designs—All for IOc. The Urtrssl collection of up-to-<1*t«) dostrut < v«r puMislie'l In Any arrl.iffuiursl bonk Id ill* world. MO church do*!««•—Si Interiors u.tabi;.. COLONIAL HOMES . . r-1 M da.lgn. loat*., or both book, for net*, g* . Any on. got nr to bulhl. or ever Int'ii'tlar i-r n—■—-tmhJi to bund, .houl* Mod for thrM ( If*. Haitian , million.) of “ArUntlc and colonial Hoium,” HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Architect, ‘SUSaT ST. LOUIS, MO. Doctor Henderson IC2t104 W. 9th St., KAN'AS CITY, SO. Thi Old RlliabU Doctor, A fifrular Cradu .// in Mtduim. Old$»t in Aft andLengut Lecattd* g OVER 37 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by the But to to tr«nt CHRONIC, NERVOUS and SHfCIAL 0181A Sill. Curoa Kunrauu ed or money refunded. All ■udtelne* furnished randy for use. No mercury or Injurious medlotaea u.ed Notleteutlon fmw work. I'utleuta otadUtaooe trauted by mall und express. MoUlelne* n nt everywhere, free from gaze ornrenk uge. Charge* low. Over IkMiuO rum* cured. Age and eiperlauaeare Important. ltead little book, then .tale your case. Bend for opinion and term*. ConuuUatlun I tee and ooutldiuua),personally or by latter Seminal Weak ness & Sexual Debility, (Sfitrmalorrkoa am! /M/e/rory) caused by youth I n I follies and excesses, producing narvoua BesH, losees, pimple* and ulotcbenou the face, rualit >4 tif blood to the hi-ml, pains In the back, couf used Ideas aud forgetfulness, bash! nines*, at o n toeoclcty, loan of mutual power, loan of manhood, Ac , cured for life. I uan atop all n ; •••, restore loat sexual power, ro atore nerve and brain powur.eulargnamlstreugtle u weak part* and make you (It (or marriage. St'llhllK VI1IU l''i rintu til tin, , in (I I Its furiiiMuiiilMlutri a curt l for lift). Itl.Hxi Potannlny, HUlii Iilxomu *, IIleers, ftWilUB**, Mules, fitmurrliti a and Uif t, and nil forma of Privuio Mmms tend lively enretl or money refunded H,w.L fur liuth sexes, “>i pn^es, CT pic ixiMirx lor, n, (run to ftlt,. wltli full ilea, erlpllulief nUivo Oie uses, ilt’i elite ! a ml cure.seuieil in plain arapporferf'e Insi.irtiiw, Ileal u.lalmiu Instil «na uiukm r questions O.riClUrc gut caustic, futdntf, bou ■ v • tor hound. No |>afn, no erpoaure. P>l ilmtcun mu the treatment at home. if Rheumatism feSjRy&Sf | A tekBCfUN. Ttin greuleat dtaeovery la B It ittlaol tnodlcnue. One done glvea r«>B l.i.. ■ # tlos. eremove foyer and pain luB joint at irultt alt w days. Bead>ttww»lB » .mp lor circular. ■■■■■■ Irree museum of Anatomy • " tu5 ■1 n> > i ■* ««• MMb »*M I mOlfatfa‘1 far «»«*• #iM<M«* Uill I MUNI wn