The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 03, 1896, Image 8

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^^uoaal Daws.
Boone, tiik Jeweler.
IQ pound* beat Oatmeal for &’> n uts
at (lastcyers.
Our streets wefe Hurd with trains
last Wednesday.
For the New El I wood Field Fence,
call at Watklnson'*.
Let ua have a full representation at
l lie county convention.
There will l»e a great deal of tree
planting her" this season.
C'lias Austin is building an addition
to hl» residence property.
For llarnesa and anything in the
Harness line see T M. Heed.
Heed IlHrluv to trade for corn at
Watklnson'* Hateware ::tore.
Hot lied ssah for early plants, cheap
at Watklnson* Hardwaro Store.
A little baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs M. P. Ford last Monday.
A Foltz returned to tirand Island
yesterday for further treatment.
Or. Price’f Cream Baking Powder
Forty Years lbs Standard.
A, T. Nichols, of Litchfield was doing
business at the county seat yesterday.
The resident owners of the village
are preparing their ground for garden.
Mr. McCombs, Union Pacific Claim
Agent wa* doing business In our city
this week
Don’t forget to attend the Republican
primary at the court bouse to-morrow
at ‘J o’clock p. m,
Now la the time to sow Onion Heed,
yoa can get new seed at the Watklnson
Hardware more.
For Millett. Barley. Alfalfa and any
thing in the way of Field or Garden
need call on T. M Keed.
A case of spontaneous combustion In
clover bay has recently occurred at the
barn of the Pennsylvsn a Experiment
Annihilate* Coi.DR:~Dr. Humph
rey*'specific *’77” annihilate* colds,
and put* Grip to (light. For *ale by
all druggists.
It ii pretty generally believed that
the old board of village trustee* Are
the proper persoos to handle the aff air*
of the village for the ensuing year.
T. L. Pllgers little girl has been
very sick but I* some better at this
writing. Last Sunday she was so very
low that for a time her life was dispar
ed of.
When you want Job Work done don't
forget that the Nowthwestekn office
Is equipped with the best Job outfit In
this county and that we are doing work
at hard-tlmea price*.
I. B O'Bryan wisbe* us to announce
that he has the finest thorough bred
Jersey bull in the Loup country which
he will stand at bis farm tbl* season.
Don't fall to aee him before breeding.
Dr. A. J.Kearns arrived home from
the College View Sanitarium last
Thursday night on the B. A M. and
Will viMlt uim ramlly for a time 1 he
Doctor i» still very lame and unable tc
walk much.
Engineer O'Bryan brought hi* engine
No. 501 up from Grand Island last
Thursday evening. It has been under
going repair* at the car shops for th<
past several weeks. Joe has beet
anxiously waiting for her.
A genuine Nebraska blizzard wai
experienced by our people last Tuns
day, except that It was not so ven
cold The wind blew all day am
night and (or several hours was accoin
panted by a dense (all of snow.
Three prairie schooners ptusei
through Freuiout recently. Gn on<
side of the canvas wagoa top* wer
written; ‘ From Cleo Springs, O. T ,
on the other in large letters; “Sneak
lug baek Ui Nebraska." The beautie
of Ihe siiunv south evidently hail m
charm (or them aud they were glad t<
return to their old hum*. Itaveuni
A particularly aggravating unealfo
for and cruel affair occurred on tin
prmisesof Ur. James II Dayls 01
Saturday lest,say* the Gibbon lleacou
III* hired man w*ut to the Held t<
catch some horse*, the horses did lie
care to be caught aud wbeu cornered u
one of them kicked at aud possibly hi
Ui* men This so angered him that h
went to a neighbor*, borrowed a she
gun and deliberately -hot the bur*
three time* a* we understand. Tb
•hoottug did not permanently Injur
the horse hut It almiMt make* the shiv
era run down one'* back In think n pet
sou who I* avcuilmut'd to harutliu
bores could tie mi dellbvrntoly truel.
There i» snow tut the b d -P ps *»
•now no the plain, lleif i intis in Ih
valleys and drew* whew it melts, I*
we say, we'll have plenty of rntu, an
'twill f*il I* * fisfiuui tow. Mfehai
angered three )*ntt with wppreaato
and dfwt'th we bate worried p>il worse
without pa), end lire Huilvhmg lt>
wiMtla that Mew up frmn the toot
•mole tsn wh»at g*M> aud light*
i ur hay, But the new d«v t* dawoln
the pr«w|Hat* ere great hern's an am
ls» a long oroe I night There are ive*
mm for still standing up lor lit* state
II p snowing Its* stnoae a* I write’
■I shy
A full Hue of New Seed* Ju«t rerleved
at Watklonon'a.
I have Horae* to « II or trace.
T. M Kkkii.
Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder
A Pur* drap* Cream ol Tartar Powder.
Call on W. P, Heed ho will be pleaaed
to quote jrmi the Lowest Price* on I* arm
doe Morrl*. of Grand Island made
the run up to till* city on the I,. I’, in
d. II. O' Bryan'* plat e
H<‘v Stephen*, of Litchfield occupied
the pulpit In the M. K. church l**t.
Sunday. He preached a very able
neriuo; .
*' link a k a ci*” l*r, Humph
rey*' Hpecillc •‘77" "break* up" a col l
that "bang* on;" tit* your ve»t pocket
For »ale by all druggist*
^Ladies who wish to have Hate, Hlb
bon*, Lac**, Tip* or Velvet* . leaned
and made over call on
Mm. Nki.i.ik Hanpau..
Mr. Wm I .owl*, of Litchfield *nd
brother-in-law of our worthy black
•mitb.Wm. Neville, spent Sunday la*t
In the city, lie retimed home Mon
A farmer from the north aide whose
name we did not learn brought to
market la*t fhur*d*y a balrlea* calf.
The animal attracted considerable at
The Woodman Camp report five new
application* for memberahlp When
ihe*e live are admitted we understand
that the Camp will have a memberahlp
of over one hundred.
An alfalfa plant with a root two feet
and ten Incur* long *«« brought Into
A. W*tkln*oii'e store last Wednesday.
The plant wa* grown from seed that ‘
was town last spring.
No village caucus lias been bald and
the time for filing cartlfleaw* of nomi
nation baa aspired It will I* neccea
sary to print blank ballots and the
voter* will have to write in the names
of their choice.
Wake up your system by waking up
your Liver Simmon Liver Regulator
will dolt—and a twenty-live cent pack
age at that It la an active liver reme
dy and a mild laxative. Just the medi
cine for all the family, children and all.
It's a sluggish liver that causes all sick
ness because of the poisoixlbU gets In
to the system. Try Siasmeus Liver
Regulator. It Is better than pill*. J.
II. Zellin &Co. Philadelphia, I’a.
J. T. Campbell, now of Colorado but
formerly of Hherman county, wa* a
pleasant visitor at these headquarter*
last Thursday. Mr. Campbell ha* been
traveling in the Black Hill* country and
all through the northern part of Neb
raska and iu hi* round* came for a few
day* stay In old Hherman for the pur
pose of looking after hi* landed proper
ty here and renewing old acquaintance*.
He say* that In all hi* travel* he bus
not struck a place where people seem
so enterprising and baveao much push
as they do here.
Last week we mude mention that old
lady Peter* had been left alone for three
days, sick, and unable to help herself,
and indeed such was the report of those
who claimed to have found her tbu*.
We hare since learned that she bad only
been suffering with the tooth ache and
that she was able to bo around ail or
, the time We are also informed that
her daughter has been doing more for
her mother than these representatives
of charity are willing to give her credit
1 for, and that her daughter* children have
daily visited their grand mother for
the purpose of helping her and ascer
* mining If there is uuy thing she wanted.
Now the North wKSTLii.N at this writ
ing is enable to say positively which
I of these two statements are cored,
i but we wish to say. however, that in
i all cases we.try to report such uiatteri
■ of news items correct. If It Is true
■ that it was aa reported by those who
i claim to have found her In such a post
i tIon, then we believe It to bo a publlt
> matter as she would then lie placed In
i the mercy of a generous public, but li
the report was ungrounded, as It seeun
| to have been, then we will plainly aa>
, that It should never have been so re
, ported, and w hlle it may have aoemoii
to these ladles that they weie dolnf
, their duty yet they should have boot,
l more careful We will also say li
justice to Mr*. Cetera daughter tha
I Mr* l>r l|cmlrlc**i>u who has beet
their attending physician, titled to o
. personally that but a I# w days ago *b
csuie to her and got ni edlcllie for he
* uiotber
Awarded Highest Honor*,
World's Pair.
A pore »'.«*po u < l «»*' •* - • •* *<*■*•■*
40 \flAK* I HI IfAMURU
Married: On Tuc»day. March.Mat.
Mr. .1. H, BenachoD-r «nd Mi«a Mav
Dougla* wer united In tuar'Ug* at lb"
reeldence of the bride* alater, Mi*.
Adam*, Grand l«land, Nelir. They ar
rived home on the Wednesday even
ing iruln and afier taking attpper with
hi* brother, O. Benachoter In thl* die
went out to the faru *outh •> town
where Mr. Benachoter Imd ertabllalmd
a home preparltory t« I ha happy
event. The groom I* al*o a brother »l
ye edit r which of comae I* recomtnenda
tion enough. He I* well known t•• ad
our people, having lived here for year*
before going to Kali* t 'ify, where In
re aided about eight year*. The bio>
I* one of Grand lalanda' fair young
ladle*, highly accnmpIDhrd and move*
In the be«t aoclety. The North*
wkhtek* |oin* their many friend* In
wlrblng them amouth aalllng n er the
*ea of lima an.1 the aatul bar- of the
Middle 1/oHp.
Dikii; John Treffar. an old and
highly reapected iltl/.en of till* comity
died at hi* home to Kockvlllc lowmdilp
la*t Thuraday after a long and aeyere
fllne** of dropay. Tim funeral aervice*
were hbtd la*t rtaturday afternoon »nd
tie wa* buried In the Au«tln cemetarv.
Mr. TrafTer wa talong the olde»t ***i*
tier* of Hberman county.
ftittlra Ilf Village r.lei-Hon
Notice i* herein given that on
Tlienilny, the 7th dm of May, I HUH
an election of the legal voter* of
the village of Loup City, Sherman
Count), Nclirnak *. will lie held at
the court lion*' , in Loup C '1* v, Ndi
ra*ka for Min purpoa** of electing
live inernLora of the boarl of tin*
tj.e* i,( kuid viliniso to nerve (lullin'
tbe yciir immediately suc
ceeding May Alb, 180*1. The poll*
of said election will be open from
H o'clock a. in. to A o'clock p. tn.
of Haul day, M, If, MtJkl),
Village Clerk.
Bring Tour friends In Meltrarba
The Chicago. Burlington A Quincy
It K. publish a sixteen-page monthly
Illustrated newspaper called the “Corn
Belt," which glees In an Interesting way
Information about western farm lands,
particularly those In Nebraska The
regular subacrltlon price Is twenty-live
cents per year, but if you want it sent
to any of your rrlends living east of the
Mississippi River, send ten cents In
stamps for each such person, giving
name and full address and the paper
will be sent forone year. The B. A M
It It Agent will show you a sample
copy of the paper on request Help
your State and induce your friends to
Immigrate. Address the Corn Belt, 200
Adams Street, Chicago, ill.
King golnmun’s Motion.
That “There is nothing new under the
sun" does not always convey the truth.
Especially is this true as regards the
new composite cars now operated dally
via the Chicago, Union PaciAc, and
Northwestern Line between Salt Lake
City and Chicago. These handsome
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars are
entirely, new throughout of latest
design, contain all modern Improv
manta, and are well supplied with
writing material, the leading daily
papers, illustrated periodicals, maga
zines, etc. The fact that these cars
run dally via “The Overland Limited"
and that the Union PuclAe wa* the line
won or tnuago 10 inngentio uiii iter
vice ahould commend Itnetf to all. See
that your ticket* read via “The Over
land Route ”
WftAlher Hu purl for March I Him at
Loop City, Nehranka.
The month of March wa* about
normal In It* cbareter. A alight de
ficiency In precipitation and temper
turn and au exceaa III atmoipherk
The mean premie of the attuunpberc
aa* HO. 15 Inches, which la 0 05 Inohei
above the normal for March.
Th# hlgh#*t wa* HO 05 Incite* on tin
•.‘Hr(I. The |owe*t wa* 40.HO incite* 01
the 47th (Theabove »r# actual read
lug*, to get *ea level add 4 HO Int bei
for illfTereaee iu altitude i
The mean tnuiperture wa* H1.M tie
greet, which I* 4 5 degree* Mow tin
normal for March.
The hlgheat wa* 7H degree* on tin
47. It The |nwe*t wa* ttero on the t At It
The prevailing direction wa* frou
the N W,
, Tim nutttlier of cleat day* during tin
, | month wa* tl.
11 Number of ptrtly cloudy day* 10
r Number o| cloudy day* 0,
I h» number of day* on wblcb pra
cipttatloii fell to the amount of tl it
niche* or tuot# a a* tt.
‘I he total amount of prey IpHMIoi
for the mouth Iu ralu and melted *tt»*
aa* I It Inch** which I* not tactic* t*
I low lh« uuimal of lb# *tat*
■ mpartxM of p*»t Miute * *cer*g
l>ivt l|dt«ti«m for lb# *t*t> for a t> »vt->
of twenty year* from
t*?d tu ImM wa* I t* Im he*
for l*cy wa* u.tat
INI wa* til
tutli h
kuttce t» hereby rtt«* that ** ta* im
>t*t w4 Mock. .*». jwhk iKiew hl«d *i
*yyt**ti'i* uyl petttk«a ettk tin V tit*#
tt.«i* I tu< y it *g* t euei ll- i *i
IIhiU|ui.»*« i*«i WtH«el Uk * **l
hw'iH *oi*iiwa**e4 v *>«** Uikor* m ih
V .11*.* of t .»u|« l tty. *k#t<o*e > t*l|
**!.*.■**, *..!*•**#*I•*# **k t t*e «'.« ( *. .
**i >« Cat I* *4M ImMatlH **» •*
*••1 t***t*i ut d*» net t*t ui .mat i
wi ic.*>.*«u*.rr* to **t t ,.g* *
turn *,**. t*< it**t ua or t**|ui« U .y *
It.ix i ibi> *i*t 4*» *4 Hatfk, t*w>
’ it it httl> il’Mfrl'i't
TV j g Dlapute with 11
‘ I fill T woruun
I Illll I**'*’ *av* OBr
XJUll l<Jood& are the
Only One* t<> Huy. He
eauae alie known what alie
I* talking about,
a . Argue w tth her
Twlieii ahe aa\h
I (fur i’rleea are
I Mo.nky-Bavkhh.
■Him talk* like
a nenaible woman who
know* wlint'a what.
tu )g Try to exctiae
I Iflll tv'°"rM,,f (orw>
I I llll ll’r hton' inataad
()nr„ you
know »1'at you t un offer no
rei on that cun be aullicient.
for pn*«b:g tin- wtorc where
the and Cheai’EBT
”o together,
)g Kxp< et y o u r
Twife to meej
I \on pleaaantly
III' vou've giine
■to Home other
-lore in in Our*, win n ahe
exi-r H dv toll) you to go
i .vhi re »|*e. If n t do
hi <<• thing* if 'ii expei i 1
in live long and keep wnn
hair on.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Qoeeosiare, Boots, Sloes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods,
Notions* Etc*
We have got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in this Market, All at Extra how Price*.
New York Store. Loup City, Nebraska
1:40 P.M. Lmvbb fl -OOP. M
A. F. W ERT4, Agt
B«|(luuinf( Hunday. November 17tb.
train* will arrive nnil depart at thl(
nation u follow*:
Leavk* Leave*
Monday, ««,, i Tnaaday, u. p(j
Wednaarlay, Thar*day. r“;™
Friday, I alurday
Arrive* at Loup City daily 7.15p. in.
Clota eonnaatlon at Grand Inland for
all point* Cant and Went.
F. W. Clime, Agent
No. I. WHIT* Kulr Weather.
No. 3. BLOB Klaij, Raiu or nnow.
Local Rulnn.
No. t Black tkvamolk. Tawpreture.
center. Cold Wave.
When No. 4 In placed above Non. I, 3 aud 3
It Indicate* warmer weather and when placed
below No*, 1. 3 and 3. it indicate* colder
Wbeu No. 3 1* placed below No*. I. and 3
lair or wet weather with cold wave
lu Dlitrlet fourt of aheriimn Oouutj,
11 our v lie#*#, Plain lilt,
> Uotttetb o until or. John
Do* and Hiubard Rue,
real name# unkuuwu.
met* of Nebraaka. I
abarman t.ouuly, i
Tha defendant, Bottlelb Ounther, will
take unt lee that uu the With day of > ehru
ary. law. the **ld Henry R*’«#e. Plaintiff,
filed hi* petIIbm lu Ilia lueirtcl Court ol
i aberuiau < ouuty, Nebraaka, afaiual lb*
I Mid deleudaole. the object and prayer ol
i which ere to turecloee a oertelu moriaawe
e( ecu led uni delivered by the Mid
trullleih tiuuiher to vltlnUn upon the
I itoalh Hell ol lb* Buntli Baal >|Uait*f ol
aecttou twenty**# tk»), iu Tu*u*Mp
ikltiewu ill). k«*4k of Imm lourieeu (14)
I ! vv**t m ililh pna*dp*i Ihmidiaa »ii»a‘e
lu ahermau eouuty aud etui* ol Mebraaku.
! to mh nr* ll.e pat meat ><l twu promt.#..ry
uoleedated Jeueer* Ilk, W* one fur the
1 earn ol tea '• due nad payablelu »** > mi#
alter date end owe lot duu und per
1 able iu ten yewr* after dale, both bealo.*
i lutereel at •ate* per eeut per auunur I mu.
! .tele, pel able eunuelly that d.dealt l a*
>m*k made 1" *k* puyioeul of the tuterea*
II will, h lo• *u,e dee on January Mb l«a*
, ope I,* June*rv Mb, I*** ea lo kolk of Mtd
I uuie*. an i ptAtnlltf 4a* elected to daetei#
au i 4. ** dec 1*1*. a* by Ik* peovialou* of
* 1 **b| neoiuee* k* ke* tke tlRhl to do. tke
e hole ol o*nl ,*im **4 lulereal to kc I e
Mediate » dee ami IMyabJe. aud there I*
uua due liout laa delaadaut >• !' etb
I Muutbar lu Iba uiulutlff at*1* m<4 Uola*
i end i4.«.ria*ae the iiw of *. . with 1 a
I |„„( w, | < M iiorw Jau .at | Mh i<* aud nu
■ I b*ii fyoio Jauuai y hk Ilk at ***** iwi
* Tefcl pel eneem lot e ho k **M plalntd'
* i pray *1**1 a dv, tea that Ik* deleudaut* ha
” ; i,i..aired t>, pay ike ***** ***d that, up,***
1 loll re to mi Ike cam* *a*o ***»«.•#• **.*r
1 ! be on.I to eativir tke aooeBUt louud dua hy
* | the court
* I \ou *1* Moulted lo ****** Mtd patHUMt re the tllk d*» of May. t»W
|>*te l ll... tttb *•) 3 M*’«K ' *
ll*ee* ***** Plaiutt*
ft* M T km*** k *
atteat UloUtlkoAt B au*l y. B
r hi..»>■• t*e
t ok * l*i.l> . I tour! Ml kite.*****
State of Nebraska. I
Sherman County |
George Younp and Annie Younp III* wife
non resident defcndent* will take notice that
on the Ptb day of March, ISPS. Eliza Babcock
plaintiff, filed her petition ill the district
court of Hberroun County. Nebraska apulnst
Oeorpe Younp, Annie Younp, his wife Neb
raska Mortgage Company. 4. II. Hhreck I‘ II.
Cpdlke. Kecelvcrs John Dip;, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
inortpape executed by the defendants Oeorpe
Younp and Annie Younp, bis wife to the Neb
ra«ka Mortpupe Company, and by It asslpned
for a valuable consideration to the plaintiff
upon the Sou th-Eust quarter of the South West
quarter the North West quarter of the South
East quarter, Mouth one half of the South
East quarter the North-East quarter of the
South West quarter of Section Eleven (lie
Township Thirteen (13), ltanpe Sixteen (IIS)
west of the ffth p. in. In Sherman County.
Nebraska to secure the payment of a certain
bond dated April 1st. IHPt for the sum of tl 3jo,
due and payable April 1st. 1*99, and that there
Is now due accordlnp to the terms of said
mortpupe upon said bond and inortpape the
principal sum of 91 3J0 with Interest at 7 per
cent per annum from the 1st day of October.
1H9S; and oue coupon Interest note for tl .'xj
and Interest on same from the 1st day of
October lst« at Hi per cent per annum paya
ble semi-annually. I’lalntlff prays for it
decree that defendants lie required to pay the
amount duo on account of said brad, inortpape
and Interest or that suld premises may he
sold to satisfy the amount found due
You are required to answer suld petition on
or before the 20th day of April. IH9<I.
Dated March 9th, IHtM.
Eliza Babcock, Hiulntlff.
Attest lly W If. Com.KM. Her Att.v.
Loins Kkim, Clerk uf District Court
In District Court of Sherman County
Charle* A Kublnson. Plaintiff
Mary Koschynlalakl, Joseph Koschy
nlalsUIS It Howell A Co First Nat
lonal Hunk of Chicago, T F McCarty.
Kansu* Manufacturing Company Cli
Den* National Hank of St Haul.
Nebraska A W HuU)r*on. Wlllluin
lieering A Co. aud Jobu Due Defciidunl *
State of Nebraska. I
Sherman Cuuuty. ( *
H It. Howell A Co., First National Hank of
Chi, ago T F McCarty Kansas Mauufaciui H.p
Company A W Haltersuu W,i Deertup
A Company defendants wilt take notice that
on the lllh day of March lawk i baric* A
llol.iiisou plaintiff herein hied hu mi
the District Court of .. > Nen
raska a. aluslall the nano I m (eloUnl <
the object aud prayer of a bu n are to for*. to c
a lertaia mortgage executed by (he d> b n ianis
Mart HuachvaTeUkl end Joseph U,**, hi me *t
U|M-n the east hail of the south a. q c...
aud the »aat half of the north ae«i quai < i id
*ei lion elgllUei n i Is. Ill toaushlp l"Ult, « e II
range thirteen iIti la Sherman e. i.iitj \.
ra>ka to set me thi payment of lb'< < (o.-arl
j s*.ry hole* dated on the Nth dar Apr!) lai i*
I foiloas one for the nnu of fee is -Icq amt
j oq , ..a the Itrst dal * -f I e
I for the lira of flthMlM doe and pottai. - on In*
| nrsi day of llesemher ise one lor ..
i tnaMXi due and tMtahle on the h* «t d** i l*
I tfetohor iwet tnaiailA starts t*< Ac e.n .a ,,
| taH note doe and there is n<<e dm* and pat *
i bU» on said note* and martgag* it >-tU. i
i tr> i| m akut eia atth laietesi Hum in
I date ai l ight pa* went her >
I**# 4 tk't tlMkt (Uifi)ik4iis*< Im r* i, • *i••
j |*4| mam* tii iImi! mMI j*i « «* 1 • *w- a > i -
I **‘44 4m haltUf * ife# #a#4i»W4l I ' ***1 tlW I it
I III# ft##* 1*4# i#* It## »# - t *9 H II “*» il
j 4 t * *h l ito* IW Mvlilr I NiU .ha •
| W 4*4 I# 4# 4 U#4 «4* »-»i l ‘ *;
[ tiMftw 4Dm4 I# 4# Kdl |K«i I m!a4 f%»** * lit# jt»’•<
(>4> ttu ia i#%u« «it r niityi} !%***#■* w
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In district Court of Sherman County;
Joseph Cunary, Plaint lit .
John Jentbek, Katie Jerabok, his
wife, Armimus p I'ullev, itauk
of Asliton, Joseph lliikowski.
Horatio Smelscr, Jan lladura and
Joaepliina Madura, deietiduulH.
state of Nebraska, i
Sherman Comity,!" *
Thu defendants Jan lladura, Josephlna
Kadura and Joseph llukowskl will take
notice tliat on the mill day of March, isiki
Joseph Uundry, plamtlll herein tiled his
petition in the district ■ onrt ol Sherman
county, Nebraska, atfamst the above named
defendants, the object ami prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain iiini'iuaife
exeeated and delivered by the deiendanls
Jan liailura and Josephlna lladura to
Joseph H. and Joseph (lundry. upon the
south West quarler of Section thirty three
at), In Township tffteen (lib. North of
ItaliKe thirteen (Id) West of Hth p ill ,
situate lu sheriiisu eouuty and state of
Nebraska, to secure the payment of three
proniiosry notes, one tor MHO.ili pay aide on
September I Hth, 1X1*0 ami extended to sup
lumber Hth, 1MM, one for pmoon payable on
September IStli, Issu and extended to Sep
lumber mn, isui, and one bo psinue pay m
able on September IMIi, K« anil encoded *
in sepleuitMir Hth, IXO. all dated oil sep
lumi.ur IHh, f II and Itesriuif luterest from
dale to inalsi Ity el N par rent per snimm
uud aftei maliirtty at tun pur rent put
annum, suit made an t deliveied by detou
dsot Jan lladura to the said Joseph |l.
uud Joseph tinmlry Tliat the interest of
•uhl Joseph It timidly in said notes and
lien tw»Ms was thereafter sold, asslifned and
eonvr yed to plaintiff, who Is now the »oin
tedder slid oauei ol said miles uml m.iri
That lliets I. HOST due the plai.illd
bum the defendants Jan lladura and John
Jafah* k o|sm said notes sail non lease
sml f»o Iconiu« advanced by claim lll lo
led cum said land Horn tales lee sum of
SUM -x a itn internet on t to u ttoiu Supiem.
•■•r Hili, isp; |o senlemtier IIIb, iaa! al s
|e* ' * ol pet annum and Ihefealier al |o
yet * eat, and on lluui Iron, sap'ember
Itili, i t,.ssiitsuu tf Hth, lost at » iwt
|u t amtaio a»d liter. a|l> l al te per earn,
•ivd iwt vhr irnm seut, muar Hth. ls<t |u
*» piemimf Hih, i as ■ alt pet cer*l per an
mrm and Hreievtlei al to |wr .. i.l an I o r
« al l*» i«t oil a i p*y uhamir iim, Jaa
urt , soli la> PuiotlS pravs for ,, ,j,
tine n.4i deletrdanis lie eijsl|u| to iar
thaannual due lire idan.t.1 I Helena ami
I ial o, . r*e dslerrdartls tall lur | Os,;, 1 ,
MJfclf ' >«Hw It**! mM |*r«»n t«4 * tM4*4 (m
Mtllilh ititi..•) i|i4m
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Haled this SXhd.i al M*«rh l«m,
lustra hi sc*» t'laiuHH
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