THE POMAINCc OP A EPIDEMIC. The North Herman liner Kaiser WII helm II. was three days out. Fine Veather, for the depth of winter, had tiecii experienced, uud ou Christmas eve the celebrations on Ismrd were very enthusiastic. The saloon was effectively decorated, and two Christ inas trees had l>een creditably maun faetured. Surgeon Colonel 1 ledford had not been prominent In the amusements of tlie voyage, and the taciturn person wim accompanied him In most of his deck rambles had been conspicuous by his a I me Hut an Christmas ere all reeuleltrants laid been beulen up, anil ••very available man had been request ed to contrive sutiielhlng to the sum of the general happiness. After a dance ou deck the dancers well wrap ped had been successfully accom plished, a concert was given In the sa lon, "Hilib* Nnehl, llelllgc Naeln” was well received, hilt by the time It was sung lledford and Ills friend thought they laid done enough, and were -lip ping away, when the doctor met them with an Invitation from the captain to Hujoiirn to Ids room. Cupt, Klein had only Invited lledford. lull the doctor could not well avoid Including Ids friend, more especially as he had no Heed Hie pair so constantly together. When they came on deck they found that a sudden change laid taken place . In the weather. A line snow was fall lug. The iniisis. ropes. Ismts awl deck houses were white. The whole vessel had been metamorphosed Into a specter ship gliding with even motion over a Jet black sea. Capt, Kteln had already a guest when they entered his room. This man, a Hungarian named An drasssy, hud, after a long residence In Chicago, become plain Anderson, lie was a musical eiilliiislasi and a eultl valor of the emotions generally. He was therefore n contrast to lledford Illlli'*''ii nil** nn * lliilford’* friend. •Had weather ahead V" Auderaon a-ked with a truce of anxiety. ■Well, pretty had. We’ll have a rough *pcll for a couple of day* at any rate. We are more likely to bo batten ed down to-morrow than darning on deck. I can tell you." lledford and Id* friend puffed lei* Ul'oly at their cigar*. The doctor wa* equally placid. ‘By the way,” the captain *ald to lb dford. "I did not quite catch your friend* name when you Introduced him.” I’anlon me." lledford replied. Mr. “ (then with a Jerk “Mr. Smith " Mr. Smith did not a**l*t the eon vernation much. He wa* a wet blank et of the worat de*erlpt:lon. Stein vttlnlv tried a few anecdote*, but they fell tint. •’Como, come, lledford,’ ’the captain «.'th! at )a*t. “Till* 1* Chrlatma* eve. Tell u* a good *tory.” “Ten them about Henrik Ibbetaen," k f i I Wkul a Klenillsh Joke. mii t ImU-ra, hill the tiiwuiellwg link hr whhh ll had Imwm mlrmloxil never had hi * found In auNM "*ie fandlh exterminated wllhmit ant proper rei urd having lieen kepi The la«k tiefore me vhivvimI inip a tide Vi Molh-t v txpreal I Hade ihe at ipi.i ol.iioe of (he girl lu whom he wa* | i-ngigod Mite waa Kngllah. a Mlaa ttieutwkh Muller wouhl nm go near the houae In whhh the lived, dreading the iomIMUIJ uf bringing the i-omag h*n THU extreme inulhiu I aet down i« nerrmt* alrwln from uverwuih; for •ut'li Muih-r •hookI have been aware that It ta ilnooi tmpoaaitd* to tranamli . hoix« In aie h a luawner lie iimk no rlaka I loll'd he nulv wruie lu Vitae tt'Xitwtih when atwotuudy Weveaaatv and he hnl given her elaborate lorn no dona aa lo di»iwf" Hug every okjeri. grunt nr g^gil that reached the boo*. from without. Mi** Brent wloh win* a handxome girl, nntl I have no ul>t that, tinder ordinary cireum*tanccx I xhould have found her xixdety agre.-a I tie. lint xbe w.ix mill'll deprexxet. ami It wax too evident that xhe only toler ated me on account of the new* 1 hronglit from the |i''xt|lentlal xeut of war. There wax a romantic xtory re ganllng her engagement. She had. ow ing to her pretty face, xplendld llgnre, l»erfeci manner and admirable hank lug account to iiM-ntIon her attraction* In the cumulative climax to which the average man lx amenable a large cir cle of admirer*. In the proce** of xe lectlon the*e had been eventually re duced to three, (tcorgc Morrlxon, Kng IImIi; Henrik lbbelxen, Dutch. and *VII helm Muller, Herman. Muller, when he found that he had only *ecured third "Hr It Down at Imtl," Mbr littpril place, quietly withdrew, and devoted hlmaeif to Ida profeaalon Mid Jbbet aen, a well known paUiologlet and a rlalng man. did not yield ao readily to a mere Kngllah gentleman, lip to thi* time no actual propoanl had been made, hut every one knew that Morrfaon had only to aak and he would be accepted, tjeorge Morrlaon waa In the Aral hatch of cholera vlctltna. lie wua aklllfully ami ehlvalroiialy attended to the laat by"Muller. Ibhelaeti had abut hlmaeif up lu the bonne and aaw no one. Ilia condnet waa conaldered atrange and cowardly. Mlaa Brentwlch knew of thla, and. although In great grief, ac cepted Muller out of gratitude. A a to marriage, Muller had no time to think of that. Ilia hauda were full. "The behavior of Ibbetaen at ruck me aa very atrange. A man like him waa badly wanted In the hoapltala and in the hula, lie had been u fearleaa prac titioner, and bad never counted Ida own life when aciencc or Immunity de manded hla aervlee*. Ami the atraug eat part waa that the change In Ihhet aen'a whole nature waa cnactly con tcmporarieoua with tin* outbreak of the cholera. On thai 1 formed a theory, and acted on It. I determined to Inter view tin- man, and. after much dlltl cully, l iliil mu. Ilihciscu s appcarancc was startling I had heard of him jim a man of Iron nerve anil abstemious hab it*. I found him not only a hopeless drunkard! lint a drugged drunkard. It Im had enough to be In the eomjiauy n man who is merely drunk. It la inin li worse to he In the company of a man who Is In delirium for want of stimulants after prolonged drinking. Itut ihbetaeu was practically in deliri um ireim-us and deadly drunk us well. The eomhlnatlon lx an ugly one. "I got him to bed, and finally asleep, and, considering his condition, I felt rather proud of my presi-rlption. I then sent a message to my hotel to say that I would not return that night. This dispatched, I rang for Ihbefson'a servant and directed him to sit In bis master's bedroom and call me If any change took place. On that I lay down on a couch and fell asleep. I waa awakened soon b.v n touch on the shoul der. It was Ibbeisen, himself, who called me, wide-awake and partly ra tional. lie talked Incessantly. My business, of course, was to get him to sleep again, but when the powerful medicine I gave him failed so soon I was puzzled bow to set. Trying to oc cupy bis mind and draw It away from exciting fancies. I said, soothingly: " 'Kit down, and let me tell you the news.' •' 'The news';' he gasped. ‘Any more news';' "'No. no. It Isn't news. It is only about au appointment I have with Dr. Muller at. the cholera hospital.' I don't know how I came to say that. It was u bad time to say it If I wanted to prove m,y theory. "'Cholera!' he yelled. Cholera!' "With a hound he was on ine. Hla nervous system was In a bad state, but Ids splendid physhtue bad not bud time to suffer permanently, and I was obliged to use great violence, for there was no help near. I was lighting for my life. 1 got through with It at lust, and Ibbetxeu lay back on the couch ex hausted and crying childishly. '*'Cholera! Cholera!' he sobbed. ■All dead, all dead! The Kngl'xlicr, Morrison, was a tine man. Itut be wiim ihe first to go.' Then with a hurst of fury, he shouted: '• Where Is the dam licit spy';' "I sllp|M-d Is'hlud u screen. •• Him'Ii! Him'Ii!' lie maundered on. •Thai was a Bin* dluucr party. Holt lu TkMf bar ikklli K»»riBk»r», *»•■ • l mI tkrn llliumal. Uwl a hrara tlanca uf ili-alh Thr uilatab. w ta that Ilk«*» W uoi .li ink from abulia Hirer (buy nrr l*». Ill* uf thrm' Mkiilta rwrgfwbaru till! "Hr al»|i|Mal fur • nouwrut ami «brn imummI I tlM «<>* •limb ibai night. Hm I Ihiii bail a ro*al drlnb •la*1 " llera a lu ibr Ural uf lb»» i h.-hra hu-«; hr aaul ltala atuwtjr amt ilrllbar aietjr, aa br raiaml Hu- glaaa lu Uta II** “I al»-*|iml fr«ilil la-hliul Ibr *l»rk Ik i be buur Ilf mb lug ibr In ami* fr«M bllU The light uf Ibr alnglr *«• Jrl wua falni lull H ahuwril nu* Ihhatarn'a iliaivti'il fa>r glaring in a mirror o* |H«llr \|* own fai'n wna rr*m Iml I'lum |u b'a Thatr naa a anoill ajmiw iu*t worn In that ***** H a»»*l imi a aligbi Mini I—gaa •« gaibar M* awiM ba>l barn wruughi n*»n by wtaai 1 liinl gone through. The fUtn took Mhii|te— the aha|n* of a face. ' It in the fnee of the Kngll*ller,' lb bet Men mu Id, in a low, steady voice. Then he ilrnuk oil the itraiuly. Whirl ing hi* right hand Klioucuiy i.iitlui Him Iii-uiI he ditMlied the bottle jt the uilrror. It "truck the glamm In the center and Mtuualnd It to atom*. " tlood night, Morrlaou,' he Maid, In the Maine low voice, and fell hack on the i-intch. ••The next day he waa permanently I ll-um\” Atideraon waa now livid Uapt. Bteln had liven from hi* *eat and *tood bolt upright, with Id* head "hot forward— a habit of IiIm oii the bridge when "teamug full "peed through a fog. The •{'"■tor hardly breathed. I fed ford continued: •ibbetaen’a lab oratory wa* a wonderful place. 1 did not covet the man'* poaltlou, but 1 envied hint hi* laboratory. I wa* a long time "earehlng for what I want id. I found It at laat. It wa* a thick gla-M Jar, with a well gelatlned "top per. and labeled but lhat would an ticipate, "A few minute* wltli a mlcroMcope proved what I “xpeeled. "1 left the holme and went to my hotel. The gray dawn wa* brightening Into day when I arrived. Notwlth miiitilling the hour Ml** llreuiwlch wn* waiting for me. Her face, alwaya wan and white mm I hud aeen It, wore a new horror. “‘He I* down at laat,' the gaaped. *• Muller!' '"Yen. Human nature could no longer ala ml the "train. You will go to him. You will "live the brave fel low. I cannot bear more. I wl*h 1 wa* dead.’ "Hhe "aid till* without a tear.' Her tear* had all been abed. "Muller wan not pant hope when I found him. Hut he thought he waa. 1 believed 1 could have vuvcd hie life-" Oiiitie*: "Which, of courae, you did V 1. 1 allowed min io die, am > might »ay, without benefit of clergy— itini la. without even the alleviation of I in I n which Mdence can In the la*t ex tremity provide. Walt!" Wild lied* ford, again, abarply, for the face* of hi* hearer* (except the linpurtabla Mr. Xmlthi were frowning tlereely, "In the terror of death Muller told me the aeeret of the pedldetnie." "Which you have told ua?” "Not yet." "t;reat Scotland Yard!" Oapt Xteln Interjected; "witat’* next?” "Till*: Ihbeiaen had given a dinner party to hi* friend*, Including Muller and Morrlaott. 'fhe hoat had a apeclal wine in hla cellar which Muller knew that none of the gncaia drank rave hltnaeif and the Kngllahmart. Muller alao knew all about the cholera bacilli farm In the laboratory. He doted the Mpcchil wine, and at the la*t moment left to look after a pretended urgent ra*e." "W’hat a fleinllah Joke!" cried the captain and hi* officer. Neither Xinifcb nor Anderaon apokc. • No," aald Medford, "tlutl’a the worat of It. It wa* not a Joke; nor even an accident, aa poor Ibbetaen thought till the thinking of It "rove him mad.” “Muller believed." Ileiuord went on, "that he could confine the dl*eaae to •‘Cboleriit” He Yelled, “Cholera!" WHb a Hound He W«» on Me. otic man, Morrison. But It happened that owing to some lianter at the table all the guests hail drunk the fatal wine, lbbetsen would have done the same, only that owing to u slight In dls|K»sltlon be avoided stimulants that evening. Kleven of the thirteen—a number thut served for many a merry Jest at table-developed Asiatic chol era within two days: some of them within a few hours. Their residences were widely scattered, and so the epi demic got ahead of Muller—" A message was here delivered to the captain. He apologized hoarsely and left the cabin. The others followed. When Hteln returned frlnt the bridge tie found his friends listening to the singing of an Kngllsh autlieiu. which could 1k* faintly heard from the sa loon. Iledford concluded quietly: ••Muller indirectly killed many thous auds whom he vainly tried to save— but he did directly kill, and be roeaut to kill one man tSeorge Morrison.” Very softly from the saloon Uouted up the last line of the autheni. ••tin earth, |K*tti*c* <}«nmI will auo»ug men!" I ilohe Ileuiocrst. Thr Helallv* Weiabl si lb# Huiuas Hrala Prof. Ilankn b*« autmilllutl to tha tiri-timn Alllhrotml'Nfbol Hmimy tha rtublUaa ur a l*"i» mml l •’Natibar. toy fbibti ba la wbai I bay ■ all a Hum i|o*“ b tty mamma." aj* uUiml iba hkft. • iluti iwi |«tiiina, II • MbftuO No* \»rb Nun * Haaalaataa al HU •»•*« •that ymlar la Mr X •, who ba* t ••uirthutatt it. »tt* many a tour." * ItUaa hla klu.l banrt V. hat f»rt tla ttuly .bola In |*a»hot i.au4karrhtafnM I.# «|*lrlin frlbite tie Had tlearil Her *« So. That it is only s step from the sub lime to the ridiculous it well illustrated by the following amusing incidenttnst happened a few '-ablmths ago in a well known church, and canted no little merriment among the teacher* The superintendent was telling the wee small folka of the custom In certain countries of chaining the prisoners' hands and feet together "And.'' she asked, "don't you suppose that If some one came and released I hem they would be happy and grateful?" It was unanimously agreed that they would. "And,” continued the superintend ent, coming to her point, "Jesus was sent to the world to release people from their eina Are any of you here bound with the chains of sin?" "No,” pitied I the 4-year-old of the minister, "I'm | not. hut my grandmother ie"~ Louis ville Post. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he le the senior partner of the Arm of K. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Male afore said, and that said Arm will nay tbs cum of One Hundred Dollars for each | end every case of Catarrh that cannot ; be cured by the us# of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHKNBY. Hworn to before roe and subscribed In my presence this till day of December, A. D. >KK« A W ODKABON, (Heal ) Notary Public, i Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal 1 • and acts directly on the blood and mucoua surfaces of On system. Hend for testimonials, free F. J. CHKNBY * CO.. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists; 711c. Hall's Family Pills, 26c. __ Tha grave and reverend Justices of the supreme court sometimes - oflener, Indeed, than might lie suspected de scend from the dignity that murks their , ottlciul and public life, and do not scorn to indulge ill little pleasantries nod I frivolities that ordinary mortals enjoy. ! The other day Mr. Justice Dray was in a reminiscent mood and begun the nar i ration of un incident with the sentence, I ‘’When I was a little l>oy.” Mr. Jus i tlee Shims broke In with the incredu lous remark, “You don't meiin to say you were ever a little hoy?” ■ -Washing ton Star. 1 lielleve 1'lso's Cure is the only medlrlii* that will eura consumption Anna M. Koss, Williamsport, Co , Nov. I?, "Jit Njro's Favorite Story. Hill Nye's pet story was the one ss to how he was charged |l for a sandwich in a village in New Jersey, lie told the man who sold It that it was a high price for a sandwich, and said that hr IibiI frequently gotten a ten course dinner witii four kinds of wine for just mak a speech, and finally asked the man why he charged 94 fora ham sandwich. “Well, I'll tell you,” said the sand wich man, "the fact is, by gad, 1 need the money.”—Detroit Free I'resa Iowa farms for sale on crop payments, 10 l«r (ent cash, I alan> e '.. crop yearly, until paid for. 3. MCJJIAHl., W'sutegan, 111. Moms People 1,1 vs Just for Meanness. “I have half a notion to end my ex istence,” said the dejected youth. “I have nothing on earth to live for.” "Hatter wait a while,” said the Cum mineville sage. “After you get a few years older you won't want anything to live for. Just living will be consid erable satisfaction.”—Cincinnati in quirer. Cos's Cowgh Balaam A Double Punishment. A man was in the dock charged with theft. He pleaded “fJuilty.” hut the jury’s verdict was “Not fiiiilty.” The judge was not at all satisfied with the result of the trial and remarked to the priaoner, “You do not leave tliia court without a stain u|>on your character, for by your own confession you area thief, and by the verdict of the jury you are a liar.”- Tick Me l'p. IOWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. Dts Moiaa*. March —l’atcnta have been allowed, but not yet issued, as follows: To M. Macy, of Artel, Iowa, for a gauge for flouring mill rollers. The device is very simple, strong and durable and well adapted to show whether or not the rollers are trammed or parallel while in motion. Kollera are often parallel when stationary and yet out of tram when rotating, and the device for detecting auch defect is very important in millh.g. ToC. K. Murray, of Des Moines, a practical railroad man, for a block signal system that will operate automatically to protect a train in front and rear when going In either direction. It is designed to be used at stations and on dangerous curves, etc., and is positively actuated by th# passing trains. Hi* i'nlted States patents were issued to Iowa Inventors on the 17th. Printed ©ople# of the drawings snd specifications of any one patent sent to any address for 16 eenta. Valuable information for inventor* about secur ing, valuing and selling patents aent fr**. Thomas U. a*d J. Ob eta. Bolicitors of Pateata Aaa’hsr 1‘eeellr **f Uiwum. Th# gifted but impecunious literary genius wrote an impassioned letter to a personal friend, asking him in the name of sweet charity to lead hiiu tlu to keep turn from starving "I may not get th* •lu,” hr wolilte i|ut«ed bitterly as he sealed it. “but some day a mercenary grandchild of hia will gel tluu for this letter **—* b»» >*#« tribune Half rare Hseeeeie** ia Ike W*k**h. * he short ilk* to SI less akd t|kleh rout# i heat vt Sunil, speu ith, it let Met Mey Mh Ks< ur»t»a* to . til pkiata keeth at <«• far* fee th* ruead ( ftp with bJ W added JCMI. ISIS Hsttoeel Kepktdhaa t uaveatam el IM lens Jt'i V at Wattoael hdw. aiV'ksi tew laik-a *1 hkffata JlTl.V Mh t hrtellaa IsOmiw i wkseaikm *4 to **hlnal.'k JVtTWkd Satwaai p«»pi* **t Hti**e t uaveatMi a* Ht l«ul* 1st rales, time let. *» sad further tofu* *Mk* rail si the w •• *•! tv **♦ «*»#. . nib Ifaeaam tit, Jraato* Metet tlsi, «e , sett* tlso N ivairu* N W Pew A*t , I Nnaha, net. A that .graph el Moat htaac he* bee* tele* *1 a diatom* *f aft« •** mum Mom# n head ao far back that he can't ace the collection banket when it romen along Some folkn arc no fond of trouble they can't enjoy honey for thinking of what might have happened if the her had ntung 'em. The road to heaven In no narrow that notin' people have about decided tlirrc in not room for two at n time Wlien yon hear a man haying that thia in a hard world, ten to one he'n broken hia leg trying to fly when he nhould have been walking. Atlanta Constitution. tii lille -avenger. The bowel* act the part of a nc avenger, In »-iriUi h a* they remote milch of the ilcbrl*. t lie wn-te effete matter of t he *y.lem. Vt hen liny grow Idle, neglectful of limy. If. la of the iitinmt Imp irlance that they nlimild lie liniielli-il to activity lloalcllnr * etommli I Miller, effect-. I It la ileklrahle ohlect without V rlplnit them like a ilrn.t Ic purgative The llltterh I* nlao cfflciiclou. for mahirla, hi I - 1 Ilona, tly.peptic uriil khlney trouble*. (telling lleaily for the allow. Young I'erklnn bad been paying court to the billpoater a daughter for aom* time, but no engagement neemed to come of It The father, becoming im patient, nald to f’erkina finally: "Young man, when doe* your ahow open 7" “I haven't any nhow," replied I’er Uina "I thought you had, for you and Sue have been hilling for gome time hack." I'arkina took the hint, proponed, and wan accepted, and the vliuw commenced not long after. —Texan Sift Inga If th* Baby la Catting Team, bn* »n*»wttn«oM and wall triad ma*dy, Baa ffiHion acKrraiio irhtr tor imildraa Teethl.* No man ever thought a woman wa* an angel, though many of them have lied about It. _ There I* plen.ure and prefft and ao amalI Milm.eiUm In »li*ili'g iri,uhlmn*w • tut ,,*lutul ill. by» I'm ter . tilngar Tonic, If you love anyone well enough to die for him, f!r*t get your Ilf* Innured In hi* favor It I* m raiy laeearwve t'liraa with IIInilrr,e.rrua .•wuudvr ai many will euilure ihmn Hut llin Irrc irn* *u Kveryone make* the fatal blunder of telling their »ecret* «o ilium who tell their awret*. __________ Milliard table, *econd-hund. for tale cheap Apply to or addraaa, H. 0 •vsry homo at law than cost hand iminay ordwr r Stamps. (Frossrra this a* It will CHICAGO rM>WM Mil 00.t not appear again.) I* Inm It, Otsogs, Patents. Trade-Marks. Kiamlnatlon sad Ad>l-« *> to 1'aonul.lllty a* lavmtaxi. Mud tor "ill»«aj»_r»’Ogtd-uL*Hug,'»»*«* ar.Mut • patkci o-r/xtiLi., luatoKW. o. e. Wrltr for what you ws/it to THK MM’IIKM IV* V ROTH KMT OP., Mining Koohangs, In u»ct, Colas SORE^^^^^ST,JACOBS OIL: l8Tm!88>^^pr^au. ; ' .... ...'■■w- ' iwl.l.«.« J1 '» . . ' '■'inil ri»' ‘ i ■' ■'■■Wei' ... . ul!l!'j»«J»aM«WWr~ I 1) ; It’s Pure !: Walter Baker & Co.’s Cocoa is Pure—it’s all Cocoa — no filling—no :!j chemicals. WALTER BAKER * CO., Ltd., Dorchester, Mess. J I i > i r i l m i 1 & 44 No wonder poor Dinnlc’s so tired, carrying Jf P all day that great big piece of « 0} iBattfilki I PLUG w1 § No matter how much you are 9 c’» charged for a small piece of other I § brands, the chew Is no better than 1 f 44 Battle Ax." For 10 cents you I g get almost twice as much as of 9 0 other high grade goods. The 5 1 cent piece is nearly as large as other a fc> 10 csnt pieces of equal quality. 9 00 0 vju iiasiMMnioJ