The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1896, Image 8

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    Lioaal Haws.
A. Boone. TUB Jewelar.
A new dentist iicoming, and a good
10 pounds beat Outmeal for 33 cent*
at Oasteyenn.
For the New Ellwood Field Fence,
call at Watklnson**.
.1 T. Hale returned from hi* trip to
South Dakota tbi* weak.
Mrs. L. K Walworth made a trip to
Lincoln last Tuesday noon.
For Harness and anything in the
Harness line see T M. Reed.
Two of Frank McOrady's little girl*
aro down with the grippe
Heed Bariev to trade for corn at
Watkinson's Hareware Store.
Miss Marie Hebaupp, of Arcadia vis
ited Mr*. A. Hebaupp Wednesday.
Hot bed sash for early plant*, cheap
at Watklnson* Hardware Store.
Ye editor la having bla new bouse
painted and plastered tills week.
N.B. Thompson wo* doing hu sines*
at the county scat last Wednesday.
Now Is the time to sow Onion Heed,
yon can get new seed at the Watklnson
Hardware Store.
Mias Mabel Arthur, of Ashton was
the guest of Mr. and Mr* A. Shaupp
Saturday and Sunday.
For Mlllett, Barley. Alfalfa and any
thing in the way of Field or Garden
seed call on T. M Reed.
a a_ O __ _ .Lf_»«.l ') nnaa
ZIUHIU -- • -
stock this week and also 50 cars of
wheat from this point.
A. Foltz returned from Grand
Island last Saturday evening wbera be
had been to coriault Ur. Davis.
Mrs. Barns and Mrs. Jorden. of
Grand Island spent Sunday with L C.
McGrath'* family at this place
A run. 1st For Spring millinery,
Novelties,Knitted Slippers and Notions
call on Mits Kandau..
Eddy Holme* wa* very sick with lu
llamatlon of the bowel* last week but
at present writing is muab better.
Mr Bates, of Clark* passed through
our town last Wednesday eeroute for
Broken Bow where b* owns a farm.
Annihilates Colds:—Dr. Humph
reys' Specific “77'' annihilates cold*,
and puts Grip to (light. For sale by
all druggists.
The League meeting at the M. E.
church last Sunday evening wa* in the
shape of a temperance meeting. Mr.
John W. Long was the leader
A large amount of wheat has been
sown and this week will double the
acreage. The weather Is fine and
everybody seem* to be taking advan
tage of it.
When you want Job Work done don't
forget that the Nowthwestern office
ia equipped with the best Job outfit in
this county and that we are doing work
at bar-times prices.
Mr. Blotch, of Ashton was doing bush
nessinthe city last Wednesday. He
drives a vary fine mare, said to be the
best looking animal that has been seen
on our streets for a longtime.
1. B. O’Bryan wishes u* to announce
that he ha* the finest thorough-bred
Jersey bull in the Loup country which
he will staud at his farm this season.
I-'WU V * Ml I IU OV V 111 Ml U* iWI V
Coining events cast their shadows
before. - G. 11. Oibson, who intended
going to Cripple Creek and inventing
In mining stock in the near future, hai
been digging a hole last Wednesday, oul
of wlch he brought to the surface rock
containing metal, experts declare It tc
be Iron, silver and to some extend, gold
The digging was witnessed by
two of our citizens and their is no doubi
that said rock has been dug out in Hbf r
man County. Mr. Gibson has the rocki
on exhibition.
The Uoiiinie Iseutal Company wil
visit I.oup City March Sloth, and wil
stay until April Slrd. Their head
i|uarters will boat the Ht Klmo flute
where they will extract teeth allium
pain free of charge from tl to 0 SMI a. in
ami from l to I :SW p. m. each day t<
demonstrate to the public that they oar
and will do what they advertise wltl
their |>a nless mid haiiules* Augsthetlc
They make a full set of teeth for §.'» is
and guarai'lee all of their work. bon
l» I re chance f«»r the I.oup » ity pimple
They will l«e In Arcadia from Marc I
5*;trd I*, pith.
A very strange phenoiueii < notice
aide ell o er Nebraska Althougl
there ha* been but little rainfall tu tin
state during the past year, there t* at
abundance of sub.otl moisture, Well,
that have tong had iutle or no a tier it
them are now fav wed with a libera
supply of the I «yoid- kirsauo are a!*"
higher than • anal In excavating It
Ihla dry the uilauii ha* less found b
ter Well supplied with moisture It Ii
•li tlcoli to account for the presenn
aaf this mot*isue, Home attribute It |«
4 he heart snows In the mount sum \
mailer what the cause I* ‘In- h i
*e*M*ln» and tusk ♦ live > rop ••■•u
fur the owning seeaou escepllooatlj
•bright, I he gleet did! .tin that Neb
rash a farmers have halm t unteu
With the pa** yeer ha* tmen the lack «i
eubatMl Ntutuxir It would seem tkal
this dtspuuiagr o.«nt Will tto« Irueh l
them gut mg the coming year M •»«“
.fill transcript
A full line of New Seeds ju*t rel ieved
at Watkinson's.
Little Vivian Nightingale la quite
I have Morse* to sjII or trade.
Win. Knut/.en. of A*hton whi doing
business at the county seat Tuesday.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Oscar Brown, of Mason City la visit
ing friends at this place for a few day*
Call on W. V. Reed he will be pleased
to quote you the Lowest Price* on Farm
Oh I sen Bros, commenced sowing
their seed wheat last Thursday. They
will put In about W ncri * near the
Be sure to attend the "Tell Man*
Hoclble at Walworth's Mali Thuusday
eyening Apr god. Given by the B. Y.
I*. U. for the benefit of Kev. Miller.
“Breaks lp” Conn. I»r. Humph
reys' 8 pacific "77'’ “break* up" a col 1
that “hangs on;** fit* your vest pocket
For sale by all druggist*.
It It. Thorngate. editor of the Area
dis Champion was doing business at
Loup City last Saturday While In
the city he made these headquarters a
pleasant call.
The three Daddow brothers, John
Long, Frank Brewer und John Vender
gtift were candidates who took tlrsl
and second degree In the A. O. U, W.
Lodge last Thursday evening
T. L. Pilgor ha.i had a force of seven
men at Work fixing up his farm south
of town, lie ha* thoroughly repaired
the bouie. creeled a new windmill and
llxed up the yard* and corral# In good (
We understand that (he member* of
the K. 1’. Lodge of this city were taken
greatly by surprise at their meeting
last Wednesday when their wive#
walked In. each with a basket fall of all
the good things to eat that the market
aflords. Tho surprise was much en
joyed bp all present.
While diggieg anchor post hole for
to plant a windmill on the farm of
T L. Pilger. about a mile south of town
it was uoticabic that the farther down
they went tho more moist the earth
became. The ground was very damp
from the start and at the depth ef four
feet it was almost wet enough to make
mud halls. This is another uumls
takeable evidence which lend* to
prove that, the theory Is correct re
garding the ground being supplied
with moisture from underneath.
Old Mrs. Peters has been very sick
for the past few days. It is reported
to us that she wa* alone in her home
for three days and scarcely able to help
herself in any way. This is not as It
shoeld be. If her daughter who is
living not a block away does net sec
fit to help or care for her It then be
come* the duty of those having such
matters in charge. We learn later
that a nut))lier of ladies of the town
have done what they can to add to her
W. T. Drajier returned last Friday
from a two mouths trip to Iowa where
he aud his wife had been visiting
friends aud relatives. When Mr.
Draper left here he thought to stay for
violent attact of Nebraska fever and
came back satistled to spend the re
mainder of his days this side of the
Missouri river in old Nebraska laud,
lie says that if lie crosses that majestic
stream again it will lie under very
pressing circumstances. Mrs, Draper
remained for a two weeks visit with
her daughter and will return in ttie
early part of April.
Wednesday evening some twenty
members of the Eastern Star lodge
gathered at the home of Mr and
Mrs. J. VV. Lauder a, the occasion
being for the purpose of presenting
to Mrs Landersu beautiful cotree
pot, in recognition of her untiring
Hl'orts for the good of that order.
The evening was moat plcastutly
speut in a social way, and un elegant
repast, in which the uew notice por
played a prominent part, was served
Those who huve ever eat at Mr. and
Mrs. Landers table, can bear wit
j neae to the elegance of the spinel
1 The party remained until a season
j aide hour, when the) depailed eaeh
declaring that a most eujovahle
evening had been spent--Arcadia
The Chicago Tribune o| March
I'Jlh devotes nearly a eolitum of
space to giving an accouut oi the
in> »terious disappear mice <>l Mis
Liuma IVhepaaker, of that place, a
few days p re virtual f Mra, !Vn«
packet la the wife of Haiti i H IVm
p«li her, a forilM I resident of Au di I
( . w
ttll* tt H "W III |)t« liw lii|a|
iHM im rHi9«iiu rit«t'9ti%4» iif itin
ttliuili 9 «i|* I!»11 * At lilt I 19 Hi % • M I*
tl\ UttfUtftHMi f 14MMh| Jm***| ||Vi*)tll
Tite Wit trie gives the toiiowiug di»
11 itptam of lhe tat*etug woman,
"Mrs IVm p o her i« if visit old,
Ike tlaugUtei of M dilate tbsusitii,
id i * nl K snsas til), >i l
! j •*» ststtiwi to |sa l Hhe All been
sc k ato*i ,,f mo time strive heMag
fivouelit spills of hi stelta. and for
' several month* has bad III of invl
jew.h.4) ti.iii 11 hsit.pi oi
From Lltrhllrlrt Monitor
Miss Mamie Murphy closed a six
months term of school In the Muddy
Mills district last Friday The e ent
was conunenoralcd by an appioprlat*
school entertainment In the evening,
which was it success. Miss Murphy
anticipates taking a course ut the l.ln
coin Normal Collegethl» rummer
K. <>. House whose health has been
IjreHt y Impaired this winter, Is matei
lally worse at present, anil Is iinatilo to
get about. We hope soon to note hia
A alnd load of l.itobfleld toting
people attended the exorcieca at III*
Muddy Mills school house lust Fri
Slews From Clear Creek
Clear Creek, Match 2<nd, I HUH
I’he snow, tin- beautiful «now It will
moisten the earth end fix the ground
for seeding
A Sabbath school was organized In
Hist 2~i with Mathias Heapy ns Super
Mr. Spencer Is expected to arrive
here the first of the month to take
charge of his farm,
lllll has Moved on Ins brothers' farm
near Litchfield
.Inbn Stark I* living In Harrison
townsnlp. Have Carl occupies .1
Stark's farm
Vesely and Nichols h*d a "scrap"
and Vesely now mourns over a broken
Have Klcbardson and wife are among
the sick, Have is recovering and hia
wife la down with rheumatism.
The licit. Itlood Mediailie for twenty
tlveeeat* enough for the whole fami
ly Get a package of Simmon* Liver
Hcgu lator, the Beat Spring Medicine ;
and the Beat Blood Medicine, because
It Is the Best Liver Medicine. If your
liver is active It will throw off all Im
purity in the system, and all depression
of spirit. Wake up your liver, but do
it wills Simmons Liver Regulator. J.
II Zelllln A Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
ii i ■ ii - e» - - — ■■■«—»
Bring Your Friends lo Nebraska
The Chicago, Burlington A Quincy
R R. publish a sixteen page monthly
illustrated newspaper called the ‘’Corn
Belt," which gives in an Interesting way
information about western farm land*,
particularly those In Nebraska The
regular sahscrltion price Is twenty-five
cents per year, but if you want it sent
to any of your friend* living east of the
Mississippi River, send ten cents In
stamps for each such person, giving
name ami full address and the paper
will be sent forone year. The B. A M.
K R Agent will shew you a sample
copy of the paper on request Help
your State and Induce your friends to
Immigrate. Address the Corn Belt, 209
Adams Street, Chicago, HI.
King golumon’* Notion.
Thai. “There is nothing new under the
sun" does not always convey the truth
Especially is this true as regards the
new composite cars now operated dally
via the Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern Line between Salt Lake
City aed Chicago. These handsome
Buffet Smoking and Library Car* are
entirely, new throughout of latest
design, contain all modem improv
merit! utu\ art* u/a*ll aimrtlisxl w!ih
writing material, the lending daily
paper*, illuitruivd period l«*l*. maga
zines, etc. The fact that thexe car*
run dally via “The Overland Limited”
and that the I'tiion 1'aclflc wm the line
we»t of Chicago to inugerate tin* ser
vli.-e xhould commend it*tdf to all. See
that your ticket* read via “The Over
land Route.”
>*-luw*kit Club Cuhb l'rl/«»i Time*
The Nebraska Club announce* an ex
tension of tuna to April 1st. next, with
in which tha articles for prize* offered
may he submitted This action is
; prompted by parties desiring to con
test and who were unable to prepare
their contributions, owing to the short
j notice given last month The condl
! tions of the contest are a* follow*
The article* shall he on the subject of
' Nebraska. Its resources and the advan
tage* t offer* to home seeker* They
must not exceed loot) words in length;
must he accompanied by #1 .on fur
subscription to one share of tb*<)uh
eiititbing tlie subset liter to a member
•hip *hall become the proper!? of the
t ‘luh ami must l* sent to the hecretao
«•( the Club, lice Ituihling Omaha,
Neh , on or before April l*i. next. The
i articles will be submitted to the f*ol»* i
I linlUNI t'SlttNtlll#* of the Club flint |
ca*h prises awarded as fol uss gt.»*H»|
fur the best article, fill tar for the tin* J
t»«st ar.d e.i.o* fur the ;b l i* .t i n*
|*uh||cat|oe t't»uuulUee foil*iits of Hr,
H«>ts I. lUuun *e I o| Prniomi, ax go? {
r i our pure trot lUsaiiV lie aod lion
i . II Morrill uf Lincoln.
w \ % rst»
I, >«b‘ or gentleman to take charge of (
|o»t ailment Iftusbiesa, ai*«l c» lb* t la eh*- I
l'miitb, ^aierf ||H|af week to begin
silk Addfe** iiclosing stamp tor t«
pli. J I* < isriMi 4 i ii
H *o«a* t-|ty. M «
?nfl« a
M«<Uss U iisohf gtvva Skat «•* tbe j
tl|? of Xshil i**, J b* ilMlsSM tti* i a>«
I ,tl'W '« * ' I: * i • U,-\
i f !S« Vtl sgsig l sujii il», t ;
(sat a tss t to put I-. oil |
o*4 *11 itMiitaottiiii t ? a* (M It >?M44-« *n tt*« I
v -usg** »# t *» «p ? it?, ikerwma tu^uh, [
*, .-'to » a <1*4 mo tk* first file* j
4a? v»« Wa? t # 4o4 »*-’•***. *.*» tog «u* tbs \
list ?Ut of Ni»? ('•# tax i*. to*u j
tvu?v« ut * le *«.'«♦**?» 4 s t«< hH 4|*(d »* *
aimtilw iiol mi o# twin** If*? it
|»ois t tnts H*t Is? 4 Wars a, tap*
a II West*, t oUge < 1st*
I ,
lusjiiitc will) a
woman when
p I hill* Hill' HI.I
LOiiiiiIm are tlie
i Only One* to Huy. Ilt
I CttllHl* HIII* kfloWH Wlllll Hilt*
in talking alinul,
hk|. j , Argue with liar
WiTfL fwhen mIii* HttiM
[MjA I Our I’rhea are
M|J|m I Moar.v WAvr.Ha.
IIIJM ^Sbe till Km like
3I|'1Sjq a eeiiailile wntnari who
* ' know* whnl'a what.
mimi Tr\ in i xrn'ie
■QjfjHf] ’voumelf forgo
|l| ^ I mg toaotne oth*
WfllnS [' r .tore instead
■ { (#JI know Unit you run offer no
pluV reaxiin tliut eim lie autllciuut
for puaaing the alore where
^^j»||the Hkht and CjikaI'KRT
’ ^wifii lo meet
you pleaauntly
if you Vi: gone
Ho nome other
atore than Oura, when ahe
i xmIihhIv told you to go
iniifheri* elae. Don't do
tin »e thing* if you eXp'jet
to live long and keep li^ii
hair on.
Dry.Goods, Groceries, QoeoBswaro, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Caps, Foroisliioi Goods,
Notions* Etc*
We have got the Strongest Line We have* Ever Offered in this Mur'd. All at Kxtra Low Frier*.
New York Store. Loup City, Nebraska
1:45 1*. M. Leave* B:50 P. M
A. F. W EKTS, Agt
Ba|(lnui'i(C Huuday. Novembfr 17th.
trains will arrive anil depart at this
station as follows:
Leave* Leave*
Monday. i.g,. I Tneaday, J g.
Wednesday, Thursday. fJJJ
Friday, ),n‘ I aiurday ) '"
Arrives at Loup Clty# daily 7.15p. in.
Close connection at Grand I-Und for
all point* East and Went
F. yf. Cluck, Agent
No. I. Whit*, Pair Weather.
No. 3.* Pi,At., Halo or anow.
Local Kalna.
No. 4 a tmvaxoi.k Tempreture
No. 5 Whit* vlao with iilack square In
center Cold Wave
When No, I 1. placed above No* 1,3 and 3
It Indicates warmer weather and when placed
helow No* I 3 arid 3 It Indicates colder
When No. 3 la placed helow Non. I. and 3
fair or wet weather with cold wave.
tatlMMON* I IVIK Hi Wl» ATOM don't
forget to Ink* II. rtn I ii i1 K* t» »iug.;lvh
dunn* the Winter, Ju*t like all*,
•iiJ (he i(«m tv m a . ii|t Hy
the a.. I»> lilted Ml ■ », tfthwh ( ' lllgi on
M l) I I I. ( ever 41*1 t # a I Hhc.tlM*
liwti, S ij w ml (> tv (;* ujt \ ...» I ii*f
now, (u.t he t m t».. v S!MhtiN>
I.IVIH Hi*. Nil in It d«. It al*»
regulate* the l Ivor k<» i»* it | ■ ,i ly it
wurh, when \ air *i <1 Ml will 1, (Iff (root
k*>.» n an I ' * I* i i Iv int tied.
Yuuyrl Till* III **» lll.IKlllwt .lt
yiuit I* In A| *ita|ill*»m, .• I that
willinily lw w ! i the I . t%*( i*k»{4 lit*,
fry w I Wef H >■ * Uu - and m •* (ho
filfeieiw*. H it t ’ > iMlv siWtUiSt
IN I M Klni ( Utik it l» MH.NHWii
IN I H Hi** t N(**N t* .* * Ii • .». the
difference. I * <« it VI S* • 1 l l>.|<ih|
iiitalv *4i|>. -4* >* ti > « t hi •( (he
tvmde*. Viitt. Anm «*i ini h hicUH
Nl» >N 1
JiWikM* I ("fit
J II illllu hit- ClillW.I, 1(1.14, lit,
Htuie of Nebraska, (
sbermao County (m‘
George Young and Annie Young, Ills wife,
non resident defendants will take nolle* that
on the Otli dsy of Msreh, Isisi Eliza Babcock,
plaintiff filed her petition In tin- district
court of Hfaerman County Nebraska against
George Young. Annie Young, his wife. Neb
raska Mortgage Company J. It Khrerk. I' 11.
Updike. deceivers John Doe. the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by the defendants George
Young snd Annie Young, bis wife to the Neb
raska Mortgage Company, and by It assigned
for a valuable consideration to the plaintiff
upon the Houth-Kast quarter of the Houtb-West ,
quarter the North West quarter of the South ;
East lyd.mer South one half of the South
East 'idarter the North East quarter of the
South West quarter of Section Eleven (II >
TownahlpThirteen (Iki, Itange Sixteen <IH»
west of the «lh p. m. In Sherman County, •
Nebraska to secure the payment of a certain
bond dated April 1st 1*01 for the sum of ll .'bb
due und payable April 1st. IsOO and that there
Is now due according to the terms of said
mortgage upon said bond und mortgage the
principal sum of II,3J0 with Interest at 7 per
cent per annum from the 1st day of October
IKOfi, and one coupon Interest note for (I .MJO
and Interest on same from the 1st day of
October, 1*06 at in per cent per annum pays
lile semi annually. Plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants be req ulred to pay the
amount due on account of suld bond, mortgage
and Interest or that suld premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to anawei said petition on
or before the doth day of April, IMOU.
Dated March Oth, lSOU.
Ki.dsa Habcih k. Plaintiff
Attest ily W. if. Conukh. Her AttV
Louis KkiN, Clerk of District Court
In District Court of Hhermau County
Charles A. Itublnsun. Plaintiff
Mary lfosehynialskl Joseph Hosehy
ululsk) S It. Howell A Co., Pirsi Nut
tonal Hank of Chicago. T. P MeCurtVi
Kansas Manufacturing Compuny i U
l/eiis National llunk of Si I*.oil
Nebraska A W Paterson. William
Deeriug A Cu. and John Doe, Dcb-mlunm
Htale of Nebraska. *
s it Mowtli 4 t’o, i*tr»t Mutluiiiil lUn.. i
<’hi* T ►' M.titrty liaii»u Musi'itoottn i* ,
m> 4 V\ t*atl<*i on W
a i >iu|iuli> iltiiiitUnU, wilt ij«Woi. *ht' ilisil
*»n th< I Itli tUv *4 Mart’ll t IiaH* * \
itnlitiuoii |<latt)ll(Th«r#li» llltHlhU j s.' .m
il»« lH*»trlo| Court of Hhrrumu « uu
«' i*kit anntniil nil III* atm to Matos. I 0 |
I not) |ira y ot »*f a It loti at •
a roHaltt Mtortwatf*’ niwviKtl iif tin* **tt •>?*.u |
Mary K l»y ntaUM an t Jh*** t*h K . ..
n|M*n Um* » h»i hall of tU« n ao>t *j * t« r
Un « ani half of th*‘ north *v*t * ■ I
(ion rtihrovn t|a» lit lutiubly (iHiVi. ■ it >.
ran :« ihirioott ilii in tehortiuot *■«-»
14**4 U»M
*«tt dot#* datotl «m lir #tttl (IdJ Vui si f •*§ t
Mltia» «•*»♦» lor Ibc mini »*f do*-t« «i‘. ij j
daiahta ojft tl»o Mr**t 4aSf o| IVi»♦«*( • .
l"l th< tSilll »l ||llhllllU4< Hll«| |l>. • ...
Hrnl rt *) *1 l4«*io**r Id*. I*|tt> f« 0 i j
.*££, vf; tv *... i
tans, aoto kito- anithtf* in n>«« Uaw - .j *** .*
* - f-*.- Mi* *aut adit d*‘*» j
i>i o tt i,.r «tiioh 4 >im and inti nr...k
a* o atdt td*' t'idt OltlMMt it* a* > t u .
£S*J?i* M*i *«!i h... .
at*. s •*»♦«* l a t ttl*%d» Sail'd-*, ♦<.*,#**
l**«ot»% rCl ltd 4 h«#4 a»?*t*, M* »££ ---
••an 4M-*.da*»a***» Hm» **M *** ,
aa4 Us*
aak-t«4 >a U hmt4<st« alari IIm**-*-# aiaMbt »>#| j
i . |r|»
I i«a *«*•! •*« % «4 i%h* aia u< **.%*-<
pMWHwNI '•d t*f Imldta Id# H *l«i* «§4 t
Ifcatt t tfci* Mi* 4*4 ai Ma»%d 1*0*
p.*:.•"•.. i
;;Cave.-'-'..and 'i
i ent bustnc
Oum Orric1Gr>* i»ri
] and wen , ' •
, remote from V* .1
' | fcend inode!, »t? i
' tfon. We auvise.
! charge. Our tee not
| cost of kaiue m the u. i .
1 sent free. AdJrc .
Opp. Patcnt On t, Washington, d. C.
Ur. Humphreys’ Hperlfles arv scientifically
and carefully prepared Hemedlos, used for yean
In private practice aud for over thirty yean by
tbe people with entire success. Every single
Hpeclflc a special cure for tbe disease named.
■0. jrrrmr ron mesa
1—Fmara, Congestlona, Inflammations. .9 .
3 Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic... .1
S—Teelhliigl Colls. Crying, WakefulneM ,3
4—IHarrheu, of Children or Adults.
fi-Uyaeutery.Orlplug, unions Lolls.... .9
•-< holera Morbus. Vomiting. .9
7-Coughs, ( olds. Uroni hills..
H-Keurulglu, Toothaeho. Faoearhe.11
•— HeudueheSt hick Headache. Vertigo. ,)
10- llyspepsta, BlUouansaa. i nnsilpstlou .1
11- WU|,pressed or Painful I’erluda. ,3
19— \\ biles. Too Profuse
I If-Croup. I.xryugltls, Hoarseness.3
11-Halt Itheum, I rysliwlas, Eruptkiua. ,1
Id llheumullsut.or IdieuinaiioPalua.. ,1 i
■ 9 Malaria, Chills, Fever atal Ague.... ,1
17-Plica, I'llud or Weeding. ,9
IN llphlt, liny, bore or Weak Kyea.. ,|
III tniarik, taflueum, CoWIn lire Head .9 _
90 VV hooping t ough. MS't
31-A.ihom. U|.|.r..,wd Urealhlng. ,|1A ’
99- Fur Ins. hoiges. lini atn.lll.srleg ,1)
•41 imIhIm. I iilir.:td it anil* RMiiiiud .ill
VI <«iue»«l Uebim*. ruMaaM VVntuH &
VI In »iuj lU .mlr .s.. i. il im J
30- st-n MlrltavM, MibuuufrujuIlkittM ,u£
St hlilun IMainura.I A
Ms Nvrvaua *»•bllliy... .....t. &
Mw ttaraltvaib, <* i W«*., . 5
3tl-» rluMiv W i iUtOi Wcuif-s* l««l ,i %
31- I'hIhIuI I'arluil* ... .... .Ml
3v IH*»»*i'»«lih*’ Mi »ri,r.t>i tutu.uI.MU
S3—I allram. H|j mu HI. Vim.' 1 I lav .. I. Ittt
t-lM»MlWrla, l I vr»i. .Ik, f.
• J-l bmslc I aiaf r*lt»u»fc 4.111441 iu, ,vi
Mtl'l Wt HUMi m l VV nnin AT.'
II »» ii.: ro i GRIP, 25 •
l«l *i »« •»»«• Wvia* «» ft-mat \
M •»!***.•«., H(MH> HM •> IMM «f M**
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•I ai-uttir •»». Mfc.1 ti * 11 • Musa MM MU
Hun *. nm iuM nffry
» »»• ■» MV WiHUII|»e.^it t
t'' • 'I t * • * % *H • • > i.
*'.. m *. • -;w.,fc?UKs.i?*i;;; *t
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U. hi. m*. .'i. .:iy,.1 *?' ' '
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