The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1896, Image 3

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A Utrotiff If#• port tti K»vor of (ho *•»«»••
NltOiMlI of Orc|on (ilvM (.'oirnt lit***
•ont XVhf » hr Sy%tr in Should l»r t liAfiff«*<l
— 4(liH>iiMgfii fn I <>giiltturfl and H#n*
ah’ an* salt Forth*" A Mlnorltf llrport.
Waniiinoton, March f.l. — Senator
Mitclmll of Oregon to-day reported to
the senate from the election* commit
tee liie joint resolution proposing an
• in* ndment to the constitution, pro
viding for the election of Senators by
tio direct vote of the people. The
committee say* the accompanying
report has approached the subject of
tlir proposed change in the method of
circling Senators with a full appreci
ation of the gravity of the subject
anil of the importance of the public
tut* rests involved
The objections ( list are raised to the
proposed change are discussed fully.
'I hi amendment, it ia held, does not in
the slightest degree trench upon the
svstein upon which the government ia
founded. 'The objection is not tena
ble that auy proposed change in the
mode of electing senators can be
properly regarded as an at tempt to
deprive the stales, respectively as
slate., in tbeii- sovereign or political
eaeacity of their legal representation
in the Henate. It propose* a change
in the mode —only thl* and nothing
more by which the states respect
ively, mid the people there of, shall
choose their representatives in the
..I.. Id... .1,........... .... .....
Du- people, tint qualified electors of a
state, tl>** proper mouthpiece of the
state in the election of senators, and
if entitled to speak, then why not ill*
reelly and for themselves, and not
through their representative* in state
tine weighty and principal objection
* to Die present system of electing Sen
ators, says tint report, Is that the
power and right of the individual
voter are hedged about, anil circum
scribed, his will is manacled, his voli
tion paraii/.t-d mid he cannot vote for
his choice. It carries with It the im
plication Dint the people, the tpiallfled
voters, are, for some reason, unfit for
Die full exercise of the elective fran
chise. Again, it is held that the pro
posed amendment is au enlargement
of the right of suffrage on tiie part of
those entitled to Its exercise under
existing laws, and it tends to render
imnossiblo tiie use of improper
methods to influence Senatorial elec
tion*. While it is possible that the
Inducements of a wealthy and un
scrupulous aspirant for Senatorial
honors may reach and influence the
majority of a small body in the Legis
lature, such a thing would be impossi
ble were ih* decision left to the great
mats of voter*.
Another unanswerable objection the
Committee finds to the present system
of electing senators is the great length
of time frequently consumed in the
election and the consequent distraction
of the leg’slatlye mind* from business,
to say no’ilng of the strife, ill feeling
arid contention that too often follow
in Die wake of such contests. Another
vital objection to the present system
is that In the election of the members
of the legislature, when such legis
lature ha* as one of its duties the
selection of a senator, every consider
ation is iostsight of except the solitary
one of lio'.v candidates, if elected, will
vote on the question of the senator
ship. Public opinion, it is argued, de
mands Die change proposed; the
demand is loud und emphatic; pro
nounced as it Is imperative; earnest as
it seems to be, although unanimous
among the great masse* of the people.
The tendency of public opinion, the
report concludes, is to disparage the
Senate and depreciate its dignity, its
use fulness, its integrity, its power. If
there Is any cause for this tendency
in the public mind. it should be re
moved without delay. Tbe adoption
of the amendment will remove preju
dices now existing which are rapidly
becoming deeply and dangerously fas
tened upon the public mind, will dis
sipate all cuuse, excuse and pretext
for unjust criticism and will tend to
elevate tbe character, advance the
dignity and increase the usefulness of
the Senate.
The minority who oppose the prop
osition nrobitbly will (lie a report
later. __
Iht Ntbrukt Oeuawir in line* llir Populist
Wahiiinoton, March 21. — lu the
Senate to day thu usual routine busi
ness was abandoned, the reading of
• the journal dispensed with and the
i uba resolution taken up. Then Mr.
Sherman yielded temporarily to Mr.
A Men of Nebraska to state his views
01 tbe claim of Mr. Dupont of Dela
ware. The statement had more than
passing interest, as the six Populist
votes in the Senate are regarded as
ds-ciaive In Mie contest and this was
the Mrs! expression from n Populist
senator. Mr Allen eouteuded that
Mr Dupont was not entitled to a seat
without n certificate of eretlritiinU
from the exeeulise of the Stale end
that when thla was tacking as lu this
< »o the courts of the -Mate compel
the issuance of the credentials by the
Messrs Miteheii and i handier relied
lIMsticl to the fact that senators
now sit in the chamber who did not
hold credentials from the governor
and Mr, Mitchell sarcastically added
that this disc used Mi Alien as the
<*te*st nian In the senate.' but Mr j
Attea Vigorously maintained his go*
Mi tiuriiiiu moved that when the
MMlv aOittufMed In de I It be to meet
•seat Muunav Adopted
a spaa US sslsisi Is Vans Mien trie* Is
hot sa tsunsss iMMvt
tfa» V'»a, March It. —The steemet
Cs-uh, a from iSulu ttueu brought the
kewa tost ae sitrw,.! we* made we j
the life of Pelted m*»e* * oesui J It >
Hell My a b|seateh emdie# et hi Juba
Marsh A
tr-esut Halt has written Au tbe niete
fsMita-si te Maebiegtoe giving e
fell report ,.f to# attempt ->e his life
It «m reported liut tbe shuwtieg was
a eoteetel sod inet tbe hddisr wee
fentsg at ea **• *m*g woman artaowe*- j
Tin* Hook* Adopt* the Resolution by •
strong Vole.
Washington, March 31.—The debate
ou the resolution to censure Mr. Bay
ard. which ha* already occupied the
attention of the Honan for two days,
wan resumed to-day under an agree
ment entered into yesterday to take a
vote at 3 o'clock.
Mr Adams of I’ennsylvauia, who
was minister to under the Har
rison administration, fuvured thereso
iution* aud said Mr. Bayard's long
service and commanding position aa
au Ainericau made his offense more
tiagraut and reprehensible. To show
Mr. Bayard fully recognized his po
sition a* I lie representative of the
whole people, he reud from a speech
delivered a year ago by Mr. Bayard at
Wilmington, Del., in which the am
bassador said: "1 represent no party
as ambassador to Orest Britain, but
my oouutry and my own people.”
Mr. Fairchild of New York, took Is
sue witti the majority of tha foreign
affairs committee us to the character
of Mr. Bayard's offense, expressing
regret that the committee had not
brought in articles of impeachment
instead of censure Mr. Bayard's ut
terances, lie argued, constituted a
criminal libel within the definition of
tiielaw, and, in view of his exalted
position, a high crime against his
Mr. Wheeler of Alabama, in oppo
sition to the resolution, said that this
attack on Ambassador Bayard came
from Massachusetts, a Slate that be
lieved lu protection for protection’s
sake. Major McKinley had, on this
door, argued in favor of high protec
tion for iron cotton ties ns absolutely
necessary to their production in this
vuuuir/. vuuuii urn mtu ureu
on the free list by the Wilson bill, yet
lie read a telegram from Young*
town, Ohio, chronicling thn first ship
ment of cotton ties to Bombay, Indus.
After several other members had
spoken briefly it was decided to vote
on I no resolutions censuring Mr. Bay
ard separately.
The first resolution, being that cen
suring Ambassador Bayard, was
fussed by a vole of 180 to 71. Bis
democrats voted for it and five Re
publican* against it.
Messrs. Cummings of New York,
Bailey of Texas, Latimer of Booth
Carolina, Borg and Layton of Ohio and
Cockrell of Texas, voted with the Re
publicans for the resolution, and
Messrs Cook of Illinois, Draper of
Massachusetts, Willia of Delaware,
Pitney of New Jersey end Baker of
Maryland, Republicans voted with the
Democrats against it.
The second resolution, which ex
pressed the general opinion that for
eign representatives abould not make
political or partisan apeechee, waa
adopted, 101 to SO.
Vlslai for Many Million* Which Spain
Must Meet.
WASiii.NGTOM, March 21.— President
Cleveland will sends message on Cuba
to the Senate early next week, prob
ably on Monday. It will be an answer
lo the resolution offered by Benator
Hoar calling on the President for any
further information in the possession
of the State department relating to
the Cuban situation, particularly with
reference to the effect of the war on
American interests. The message
will show tiiat property of American
citizens in Cuba lias been damaged
and destroyed by the operations of the
insurgents and of the Spaniards to the
extent of about thirty million dollars.
The bill which the United States
will be called on to render on behalf
of its citizens against Spain will be s
heavy one. As long as Spain persists
in maintaining that it Is an insurreo
tmn mil v f liixt. Mkiuti nn fit* ialonH ■ rwi
not a state of war, it is liable for all
daumges inflicted to the property be*
longing to the peaceful citizens of an
other nation, whether the damages
are inflicted by its troops or by thoaa
of the insurgents.
Edison Plods That Tungstate of Calcium
la Extremely Sensitive to tba Kays
New Yoke, March 21.—Thomas A.
Edison has discovered, in connection
witli his X rays experiments, a sub
stance so sensitive to the rays that by
using plates with it, he can
see the human hand at a distance
of fifteen feet. The substance
is tungstate of calcium If an object
is held between a tube generating X
rays and a plate coated with it, the
{date at once assumes a phosphorescent
glow wherever the rays strike it,
while at those points where the inter
vening object preveuts the rays from
striking, a dark image of the object la
Tiie tungstate of calcium is six
times more sensitive to tiie rays than
platinum barium cyanide, tiie sub
stance heretofore used to ••see" with
tiie X rays Kdiarn discovered ita
powers after he had tried 100 sub
stances. __
Weather Purerasta ua Tear Letter*.
W.tSIIINuToK, March 21.—Theschem*
of add tig the latest weather forecasts
to the regular postmarks on letters
will la- commenced by the poatofflee
department July I. Application* for
this service from orer forty poaloflltea
have twen tiled, and it will be Intro
duced tlrat In New York, l hieagu and
other large cities
Meaty Mae tail la York st*t*.
RtinlA N- ¥•« March II »Tlw
heaviest snow fail of the season tie
enrred last night. About eighteen
inches has fallen It has drifted hediy
and ail train ■ is impelled Mtreet ear
I ID,Ml were opened with dilMcuiljr this
I'HMiixt* MethaUMts Passe Nmh*
Vt im tsasfokt. IV, March II The
central tstlvivsvs this sfteraooa
Voted, lit to it, to admit Women as
lay delegate* to the geaerai confer
eoe The propo* tioe to redttee the
representation io the general confer*
earn pamed by a vote «' ■ t» to tt
t IttXluN W,oSl»e tar HUMS
Poan *»i*. lire, March It Jamaa
A t tatfeauw of Iowa sa t party hava
arrived here from hae fitsrtse
npeahiag ef his lily Want. Mr tia«h
sw satd "I am wa ay “•< I* the
Mate ef Haahiagtua la the interest el
ttultam It tllavt for P resides i*
;the bayard debate
(discussion of the censure
Hot Uprtrlifi for wnd A|«ln»t the Am*
Imaaidor—Taft of Ohio, Oaraon of
North Carolina, and Gen. Groevener
Hevere In Their Crltlclmii—Mrlirnk’l
Poker It'ite* end Memory Defended.
An Attractive Day In the House.
Washington, March 20.—To-day the
galleries of the House, despite the in
clement weather outside, were well
filled. After the reading of the jour
nal, Mr Taft, Kepublican, of Ohio
took the floor in support of the Rayard
censure resolution. He declared that
Mr. liayard had abused his privilege
by attacking a great political party of
his home country, and lor that reason
be deserved criticism. Mr. Taft
strongly resented Mr. liayard'a classi
fication of Kepublican protectionists
a* "jobbers and chaffers” and free
trade Democrats as "statesmen." In
closing, lie said: "When the ambas
sador has reached the point where ha
is willing to secure personal approba
tion at the expense of the dignity of
hia own country, and when hi* self
importance has become so expanded
as not to permit him to recognize that
his own position and influence in for
eign lands depend upon the support of
a united, dignified and proud nation.
I. 1. I_I .1_ .1 . i.
• * •"n” viini nmmr, 111 re* 1
fleeting public sentiment, should by
resolutions of censure command him
to maintain the diguity of his own
country und to subordinate bis own
personality to the interests and good
name of the entire American people.”
Mr I’carnon of North Carolina said
that lie hud been an admirer of the
liayard family and of Thomas K. Hay
ard, hut he believed that Mr. Kayard’s
speeches deserved censure. He pre
dicted a new triumph for protection
in the coming campaign and closed by
appealing to the House to pass the
resolutions, saying: "Ther. if our
representatives in foreign lands can
not boast of our institutions they will
at least pay them the poor tribute of
their silent contempt. Get it never
he expunged until the day of doom or
until that day of gloom and shame
when the representatives of the Amer
can people no longer dare to defend
the fair name of their country against
all enemies, foreign and domestio;
against the assaults of the open foa
and against the insolence of the pub
lic servant who would exalt his party
by debasing his country.”
Mr. tiros venor of Ohio, in reply to
the remarks made by Mr. McCreary
yesterday about: General Nchenck
while minister to Great Uritain in
connection with the Kmma mines and
his authorship of a volume entitled
"Rules of Draw l'oker,” referred to
General Schenrk’s distinguished ser
vices in times of war and peace. He
could not understand the purpose of
the attack. It was not germane to
the discussion. Assuming that poker
playing contravened the high stand
ard of morality set up by the gentle
man from Kentucky, all that was out
side of his official conduct and could
not be made a ground of censure.
Mr. McCreary said that he had made
, no attack on General Nchenck. No
one could deny, however, that hla
conduct had been Investigated.
Mr. Grosvenor wauled to know then
what the purpose was. If It was not
intended to assail the memory of a
dead man like a ghoul, than the utter
ances of Mr. McCreary were idle
words In either case, be was here to
defend him. In regard to the Kmma
mines, the best proof of General
Nchenck's good Intentions was that be
himself invested large sums of money
in these stocks and continued to pay
assessments to the d y of his death.
As tn the book on draw poker he had
i n i ittcu uui n ic ** ( men i/t tuo ^ i enu
! American game by request of a friend
and had been, of course, very much
chagrined when public reference to it
had been made. He abused no confi
dence when he said that General
Schenck told a friend he knew just
enough about poker always to lose his
money. As a poker player, however,
he desired to say that he died without
leaving an unpaid poker debt.
Report or tlio ErilmUHtlrsI Coon oil
Which Tried the 1’astor.
8an Francisco, March 80. — The
Congregational council lias declared
ltev. C. O. Drown not guilty of Immor
ality, hut has censured him for un
miuisterial conduct. As the council
apologizes for the censure, Hr. Drown
considers his vindication complete.
Dr. Drown s explanation of the pay
meei of 8»00 to Mrs. Davidson is re
garded ns weak, and Miss Over
1 man's strange story of love and
hlaekmail is given passing mention.
Dr. Drown met his e nigregation
inst night, and the report of the coun
cil was read and received. The
smoothness of the meeting was sud
denly marred when a memlter of the
church named .lama* offered a signifi
cant resolution, us follows
"That the interest* of this church
uud congregation will be bent served
ny a nu*tor whose name and repute
{ I loti have never been called tutu trues
I lion ”
Immediately there was a husa of
eteitemeul ami the uot«e lieeame »u
great that an attempt wan made to
dear the room of straugers Dr
Drown'* friends rattled to hi* aid and
■ lie rcwdulloii wa* tabled mdetiai tel v
tw tHMIlree Bcrtweslf mk
Sas Vimk. Match ttt — I uloasl
Thomas I* ttehiilree is seriously sick
at hss home ia this city. IDs phyal
-iaii has ordered absolute quiet,
|*i a kas I asi Walt ksatrtas
W s*Hisei»s. March D — ksasbe
Itahet a ameadmeat to the poatoMve
hill appropriating V* till for a task
malt service frura ksswtl h| to New
too. ban ha* hiss >et* rted h* tits
deaate by Mr. btritnti sitkest rsaas
atk lilt'll and referred to the suw
Wit tee OS appropriations
Bsw Wsskew's kSetww* PaswseO.
WtwiHtw* Msreb lo —la the hew
at# b» day Mr Davw of Miaaasnka
abatrusaa of »a« committee oa lain
torus roposted favorably the MU te
admit New Mvaleo to atatah tad
Klllad While Attempting Robbery af the
Ciprra* Company.
Titlark, Cal., March so.—Two of
ficers were shot and a train robber
named Daniel Met'ole killed in an at
tempt to hold up the Southbound New
Orleans express near here at 8 o'clock
this morning. The robbery probably
would have succeeded if it had not
been for the perfidy of one of the
hast night the officers in this city
were informed that an attempt would i
be made early this morning to hold up
the Sunset limited. The man who
gave the information gave the details
of the plot, and said tiial at tlrst he
intended to take part in the robbery.
Under Sheriff Karl Daggett and Con
stable Heed, armed with shotguns,
went to ttie place where the robbery
was to take place and awaited the ap
proach of the robbers.
'1 he robbers did not intend to msko
their presence known until after Die
train had pulled out from the station,
but the officers saw the men and
opened (ire. The bandits returned the
volley and Daggett was shot through
the lunge, sustaining a wound that
will probably prove fatal. Constable
Reed was shot In the shoulder.
MoCole, who Is believed to have been
one of tlie Dalton gang, was killed.
The other robber escaped.
Officers this morning arrested Kov
ern, the keeper of a notorious dead
fall where Assessor Frank Coffee was
killed, Charles Ardell, a barkeeper,
and John Haynes, a member of the
Salvation army, supposed to bo a mem
ber of the gang.
ViMratorj Morton Preparing to Carry Out
Coogr«M' I'oaUIra I nut ruction*.
Washinoton, March 20.—The Secre
tary of Agriculture, In accordance
with instructions from Congress, has
prepared a circular letter to be sent
Immediately to grotvera and dealers
in seed throughout the United States
■taking them to furnish at reasonable
prices to the department :0,000,000
packets of garden, Held and flower
seeds, beginning with asparagus and
endiDg with wheat This number of
packets will give to each member and
delegate in the House of Representa
tives and to each United States Sena
tor 11,000 packets for distribution
among bit constituents, after deduct
ing one-third of the whole amount, In
accordance with law, for distribution
by the Secretary of Agriculture. All
the seed must be delivered on or be
fore thirty days from the 17th of
Marc1- ___
Insorgsnts Worsted With a f.oas of SOO
Killed and Wouodod.
Havana, March 20.—A hot battle
between the forces under Colonel
Hernandez and the insurgents under
Bandera and others Is reported from
the neighborhood of Candelaria and
Pinar del Rio. The insurgent loss is
reported to hare been 300 killed and
wounded. Of the troops Captain
Guerrero was killed and Lieutenant
Comas wounded. The official report
also says that Are soldiers were killed
and tlfty-Hlx wounded. The details of
the battle are meager.
Floor Trust In Working Ordor.
Mii.waukke, Wis., March JO.—The
combination of flour millers of tbe
Northwest has gone into effect and as
a result flour has advanced slightly.
Every large mill in the Northwestern
territory or spring wheat ilistriet, ex
cept the Duluth Roller mills of Mil
waukee, and the Gem Roller mills,
also of Milwaukee, Is said to be a
member of the organization. J. W.
Heyward Is the manager of the or
ganization, and it is said he la to re
ceive a salary of #60o per month.
The Armenian Massacres So Character
ised by One Who line Been There.
Nbw Yobk. March 30 — W. W. How
ard. who was sent to Armenia by the
Christian (Ierald of New York last
September to superintend tbe distri
bution of the Armenian fund, has re
turned to New York.
“Of all the black spots In tbe
world," he said last night," the black
est is the heart of the Sultan of Tur
key. It is he who has ordered the
massacres, who is directly responsible
already for the death of 50,000 per
sans and for the destitution of orer
400,000 more. It is he who orders the
murder of men, the destruction of
whole provinces, the outraging of
women aud the ubduction of young
girls. The excuse is made that the
Armenians are in a state of revolution.
As a matter of fact, a crusade agaiust
Christianity is in progress."
rreparstiona Carter Way to (arc tor the
tireal C (invention Crowds.
St. Lotus, Mo., March 30. —The Bus
iueoa Men's league of H Louis has
established a bureau of information,
to supplement the work of ita hotel
committee |n tinning aecorn mod attune
for delegate* and visitors to bt. Louia
duriug the Uapublican cunveulion,and |
also duriug the I'opuiLt aud bimetal- |
lie conventions in July. The boarding
houses of the eity are being canvassed
and arrangements are being made to
furnish a .corn mod el lou a to at least
.lo.iioti visitors in addition to those the
hotels can take car* of It is be lie rod
that the managers of the McKinley
• am 'Sign who nave rented the kvpo
sitbm but ding complete fur tbe entire
Kepubiicau c*>avention week, will also
pat cote la some sections of tba build i
ttvt Bawd b( a tt«n Watte lt|lt| t*
Stress 1st* s stave.
I'lttsat at.. K ill . March 90 I.set
mgbt about H o'elta'h. white attempt
tag t>» brash into Mt.luns Hr others'
grocery store Oestrg* A. Ruwim, about
In feat* of age, wws shot t w tee a ad
instantly bitted *>th a Winchester
ride by are eat Wilson who was sleep
ing ia tbe slur* H. si* wan formerly
»f Nevada but earns to tktsettv shout
thru* weeks ago frutu A*dai.a. Met,
where uu uuete, Vruuk H »iv i. lit
lag. sad has bee* making a is home
With another **et*. W L Ikgkf. I
rht Kentucky l.crDlattirn Now » fUmln*
lic#nr« and No Senator Meenrad—'Dem
ocrat! Dcnonnro (im. Bradley In Cn
meaunrcd Terms—Cols. < lilnn and
Garther Clash — Friends stop In and
Tkas Bloodshed is Averted.
No Senator la Kentucky.
Frankfort, hy., March 18.—The
fa*t joint session of the legislature
assembled to-day aa peaceably aa of
old. A better feeling prevailed in the
house and a number of women were
allowed /or the first lime since last
Friday to enter the galleries. The
doors were thrown wide open aa on
yesterday, and the same sight of bine
coats was witnessed In the corridors, j
When the clerks culled the roll of both
houses the Democrats refused to an- ;
awer anil the roll stood tlfl present.
Tho ballot was then ordered for the
last vote In the race for I'nlted State*
senator. Neither Democrats nor Re
publicans voted. On motion of C. Z.
llrown the joint assembly dissolved,
never to meet agalil Then the long
meter doxology wras sung and the
gavel fell for the>la*t time in the Ken*
tucky general assembly at 12:17, with
out sleeting a successor to Henator
A a soon as the joint assembly had
dissolved, many of Senator Black
i____ . . .
• ..-vmwo m ■ unis lur tUB
senate cloak rooms and began shaking
the hand of the champion of free sil
Indications are that the legislature
will not adjourn until a late hour to
night. Repreeentative K. T. Burnham
■aid after the joint session that if the
Democrat* had not refused to Tote to
day, both Janies and Walton, the two
expelled Republican senalora, would
have voted.
Colonel K. H. Gaither was walking
to the Capitol Hotel when he met
Jack Chinn. Gaither said: "How are
you, Jack?" and was passing on when
Chinn replied: “Damn you, don't you
■peak to me,*' and at the same time
made a movement for his hip pocket.
Before a weapon could be drawn.
General I*. W. Hardin rushed in be
tween the two men and succeeded In
preventing a tight, not, however, be
fore Gaither had aaia to Chinn: "I
am ready for you at any time, air. It
don’t matter whether you speak to
me or not. ”
W. A. Dunlap, who was given Mr.
Kaufman's seat in the house by that
body, arrived from Lexington this
morning. When asked if he would
vote in the joint assembly, be said:
“I will not. I am here on other but
Dunlap waa sent for by Colonel
Hoyle, the Republican nominee for
United States Senator, but he refused
to yield to the Republican instruc
In the House Mr. Barnett offered a
resolution indorsing theaetlon of the
governor in calling out the militia
and Mr. Howard of Butter, moved the
previous question. In u moment
almost every Democrat In the House
was on his feet demanding to be heard.
The sneaker ruled that the previous
quest fon bad been ordered and no
speeches were in order. At least half
a dozen Democrats were at it at the
same time in the greatest of confusion,
during which bayonet rule, carpet
baggers, soldiers, militia, anarchy,
cowardice and other such epithets
were thrown at the Republicanu The
resolution was adopted by a yea and
nay vote of Si to 4;>.
The usual ballot was taken for
United States Senator to-day, the last
day, hut there was no election.
A meeting of Blackburn Democrats
is to be held to-night, si which ad
dresses are to be delivered by Senator
Blackburn, General Hardin, Oilie
ntl.o... ... V. I„L 4\.a« ...til
claim that the fact tiiat no United
Utates Senator was elected at this
session is a great victory for Black
burn. The meeting, it is said, will be
sn opening of the free silver campaign
in Kentucky.
The report of the Senate investiga
tion committee in charge of Senator
Goehl will not be ready until after
the joint session. It will be very
lengthy and will score the Governor
unmercifully. One story has it that
the committee will recommend that
the Senate fine the Governor g&OO,
together with imprisonment for six
months. That this is contemplated ia
Shown by the remark of a member of
the committee: “The committee lias
power to recommend such punishment
as you have suggested. The only
thing that will prevent such a report
being made is the fart that It is known
thst a number of Democratic Senators
will not consent to vote for the reso
lution. ” __
To Kestrlrt l»lol|nllits
Wasiiimotom, March IS.—The Hons*
committee on immigration to-day
made s favorsble report on Repre
sentative W. A. Stone's luunigraliou
bill, which provides that no alien
shall be admitted to the United Htatee
without a certificate from a Utided
Htatea consul in the country from
which be bails that he is eligible. Mr.
Uartbuldt of Missouri, chairman of
Ike committee was strongly apposed
to th* measure.
IwlISM Murdered by Whiles
Kill (sue, Mont., March IS, —New*
has reached here of th* killing ef two
Indian* belonging to th* Mtoahune
tribe in Northern Wyoming by three
while wen, who then stole their
borer* Th* wurderers escaped Into
Montane end soUl the horses They
sr* being pursued by failed state*
Marsh*! Mcl>erm»tl of \t towing
IS* Sr** sent Ileus
Wsaaisulos. Mereh Is - The (flirt
Itu* at the eons tract ton of the seed
revolution shirk ha* now he, nsr a
law has been referred by secretary
Morton to both th* Attorney General
pad th* comptroller uf the treasury
for opinion* l“mUameui*r« arrange
natal* (or carrying the l*» into rlfeet
have been wad* (»» the agricultural
deiutrtweul sod heeretery Mrtoa
say* that %* atll assent* to la* letter
the law as eoaetracted by the Attorney
General. The re far see* of the wetter
to 11 wntrolte* Howler Is to ere reel
nay hewing up of th* ctpeadder* aw
HI* N*inp fo R« PrMtntpd to tht Chkftft
Washinotos, March 19. — Secretary
Carliale is a candidate for the Presi
dential nomination at Chicago, and
public announcement to that effect
will soon be made by one of the Secre
tary’s close friends in the Senate.
This announcement, however, will not
be made until President Cleveland haa
formally stated his purpose not to per
mit his name to be used in the conven
tion in conn.etion with a third term.
It ia learned on excellent authority
that the President has fully decided
upon this course, and it Is expected
that he will make known bis deter
mination within a short time.
Although Secretary Olney’a name
has been considered with favor among
the Democratic leaders, it is known
that he does not desire the nomina
tion. It is undoubtedly true that Mr.
Carlisle's candidacy will have the sup
port of Mr. Cleveland and the mem
bers of the cabinet, lie will go before
the convention as the representative
of the sound money views of the ad
ministration. His faiends, in conduct
ing the canvass for Mr. Carlisle’s nom
ination! will urge that it be laid upon
a sound money platform, and, if he be
successful st Chicago, will then maks
this issue prominent in the campaign
leading up to the November •lection.
Representative Patterson of Tennes
see has received from Necretary Car
lisle the following letter in response
to ex-Hpeaker Crisp’s declaration that
silver had received unfriendly treat
ment at the secretary’s hands:
"In answer to your question I can
only aay tiiat in ail the operations of
wie iroftsurv (U'lmrimnni (luring iuj
administration of its affairs the legal
tender gold and ailver coins of the
United States have been treated pre
cisely alike, except that greater ef
forts have been made to keep sliver
coin in circulation than have been
made to keep gold coin in circulation.
The amount paid out by the depart
ment In silver coins and silver certifi
cates, greatly exceeds the amount paid
out In gold coins and gold certificates,
and in no instance has tiie least dis
crimination been made against ailver
or its paper representative.
“It has always been the policy of
the Treasury department to encourage
the use of silver to the largest possi
ble extent, and In order to accomplish
this, standard ailver dollars will be
sent by express at the cost of tha gov
ernment to anyone who will deposit
an equal amount In silver certificates
or in treasury notes of ld'JO with the
United Mtates treasurer or any assist
ant treasurer or with a national bank
depository,and subsidiary ailver oolna
will be sent by express at the expense
of the government to anyone who will
deposit with such cfficers or banks
eny kind of United States currency or
national bank notes; but gold la not
sent to anybody free of charge.
Editor Halo, of Washington, Kan., Deed.
Washington. Kan., March lg —
Jacob T. Hole, editor and proprietor
of the Post-Register of this city for a
long time, one of the leading Repub
lican editors of Northern Kenans and
popularly known as the "fighting
editor,” died here last evening from a
complication of disorders and after a
lingering illness. He leaves a wife
and eight children.
Mailriu I’ubllc I nipsllenc
Madiiid, March Id.—The press and
public here express disappointment
and impatience at Oeneral Weyler’e
failure to suppress the Cuban insur
gents, who are still scouring the pro
vinces of Havana, l'inar del Rio and
Matanzas, and burning plantations,
villages, etc., on as extensive a scale
aa they were doing during Oeneral
Campos’ command.
Ulsters Huron mb to Surgery.
Chicago, March id.—At Pratt aani
tarinm, Sunday morning, Mra A. W.
Dickinson and Mrs. Sarah Blish of
Seymour, Ind., sisters died while be
ing operated upon for cancer. Mra
Til l alt wiiu t.hct wifA fit t.h « friii ml or nf
tbe Blish Milling company, the largest
concern of the kind in Southern Indi
ana, and her sister was the wife of
W. A. Dickinson, tbe former general
manager of the Missouri Pacino rail
road. _
Inoandlarle* at KHInchais, Km.
Atchison, Kan., March 78. — Sml h
Sc Pierce's new elevator, the Missouri
Pacific depot and three freight care
burned at Effingham last night. The
loss is estimated at 87,000. A number
of incendiary fires have occurred in
that vicinity of late. This is the sec
ond time the elevator haa been burned
in the past four months.
Tha Km. Mr. Brown Acquitted uf Im
morality With Ms stock tom
San Francisco, March 18.—The
council that Is silting In judgment on
the Kev. Mr. Brown has acquitted
him. after a long debate, of the oharge
of immoral conduct with Mra. M. A.
Stockton. They based their ODlaion
on the folowiug facte: That Mra
Stockton was uot a woman whose tee
tirnony ooult. be taken for the truth;
that do evidence was introduced
strong euough. In a legal mease, to
convict tha pastor; that ha had ahowa
Mra Stockton great kindness ia tha
war that a Christian minister should,
and that she bad takan advantage of
that kind uses.
Puerate Would Ret lu»en l|ul*
I AIM DON, March it—The Berlin cor
respondent uf the Timet say* that the
Hamburger Cor respond# a I, whisk la
oftea need aa an official mouthpiece,
believes that the power* would refuse
to Intereene ia support of Spala ia
the Cuban affair against tha United
The Urtttehhgiptieu troupe hare
Taft Cairo ua their ad venue lata the
Herbert Itooth sill ret re front tha
eosnmaad uf the Canadian Melvattua
A< my June I
The ttuvemmeai haa tailed for
deposit* »a all heaht holding geld
dapwsited fur hoadw
I he u«>aee naval eummiUea has da*
rated spa the building uf a earn! dry
dura at Alger*. U
Tha We**t ****** t eoAtaa re pert
atahe* eat the euttem eveyef 'MA ha
he ehout a tmt taw hates