The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1896, Image 2
TIIK NORTHWESTERN UKO. K HMnaCHOTBB. Edit«w A Bab. LOUP CITY, -s- KEBKASKA. *-...BP. '-15 NEBRASKA. Catholic* of <*m*ba b*v# brokea gromad tor an HO.OOO church There are (nit ala woman la the Ne braaka pan Iteatiary, lour colored and |po W Ilffd. The echool* at (antral City kera been clnaed on account of tha prevalence of •carlet fever. Tbeaounty treeeurer of Otoe county, within the p*et *i* month*, haa ra funded *41,000 of bond* K. K. Overturf, of Lincoln, fell thronali and w»* drowned while cron* ifttr tha lea ai Borilnffton lleacb. larael Brown, a prominent mlnleter of the (ionsrelational denomination, died at York laat weak of Inns and kid aay trouble Buy home made pood* and build up borne Industrie*, la a ifood policy. Bar rall’e Eire Katinsuleher made by Par rail A. c«, (mmha. Oov. Ilobomb » tmiliiff lu tba Orend Inland Soldier. home laveatlpatioa la to tba affect that chars#* a**ln*t < out maudant W Ilium are not *u*teln*d by the evidence. if. <i. Howell: n well known yonns man of Nelish, wm arrented on a uku.uu wi uu./.eeeil bear UUa M «a Miner. The plaintiff la said to be un der the age of consent. L. Hermann, a former reskdeat of Hotter county, who four years ago wae attacked with the T*xae fever and left Nebraska, la again back to ins old haout* He bad too seres of land In Texas, but could not make a living on *, Mrs A. K. Root narrowly escaped being burned to death try an explusion of gasllnc Nhe was using stoea polish mixed with gasoline, which took fire, and only for Iter presence of mind In smothering the flam** eh* would have lost her Ilf*. •/nit* a stir was created at Chadron when It became known that Arthur itertieli, father of Hheriff I turtle tt arid a mao of some years, had <{uietly eloped an') married Amelia Roberts, a young girl living near fhinlsp The girl 1* about is years old. In the case wherein Valley county sued the bondsmen of A. If. Robinson, a former treasurer of the county, for a shortage of some 04,000, with tau years' interest at 7 per cent, the Jury, after a stay of twenty-four hours, brought in a verdict for the county of 03,37H.43. Whan T. J. Hollister of Pawnee City entered the stall to harness his horse the animal became vicious and lumped upon him, and severely injured him be fore he could gat out of the stall. A doctor waa au in monad and found two ribs fractured directly over the heart. ft was determined at a meeting of the executive committee of the Nebraska club last week to set to work an organ izer in each congressional district to form an auxiliary In each county. These men will be rery carefully se lected, and aa soon aa possible. The appointment of ex-Governor Furnas ae a member of the publication committee waa confirmed. PlsUsmoulh ha* the honor of pos sessing probably the only pensioner of the war of IH1Z that lives in Nebraska, if not the only one is the I 'sited State*, in the person of Mra Mary K Harrison, widow of CoL Mieldon I*. Harrison. Mra. Harrison la almost 'goyears of age, and remarkably well preserved. Mie wae about thirty years younger than her husband, who baa been dead for a number of years Col. Harrison waa a resident of Virginia during the war C. K. I'erkins. president of the C., U. A<t,(l. H. Harris, vice preaident, G. P. Gardner, a large stockholder of Ho*ton, Maas, Gao. W. floldrege, general man ager of the H. 4 M and other railway officials, inspected the ahops at Have lock oa Wednesday. March 11. Mr. Harris pronounced them the beat on the C., It A (J. system In the near tnfnre extensive additions will be made 'I he hurlingU>u Kailway company ia Siting up a building at Harelock. Nr braaka. to ba used by the employe* id the shops a* a muling room One room ia twenty by thirty feet with long reading tablea Another room ia pro vided for gamea The building ia Mi be treated, lighted, and mapa/inea and newa papers are Mi lie furnished free of charge oy the railway company ami the Lancaster l.und company, owuen of the town site of Havelock The United States authorities ai Oaaaha have been notified of the arresi at st. Joseph of W. I. I Vase arid wif« on the charge of couulerfellinp. Th« parties were detected at an esprcusof hce where they went to receive a pack age sent from Oinwlia, and winch 01 investigation was found to contain ■ counterfeiting outfit Mrs I'eusc is si leged Mi have confessed that the cun found in their poswsahin* were uisdi in Omaha, w lie re much of it hail beet paased Mark l-evy of llaeiings returned Iasi week from a trip seat with the inleu Uon of enlisting the aetive support oi teutieuma of euip>e means, with slum • waa peraouaily acquainted. in s pro Cl to eatahilah at that point a chicory torjr lie came home with all ar raaffemente perfected to huiid the plani this season, aad alum a set about se earing twnlraiu with farmer* to raiM the «hhmg|t plant thta year ‘t he c m Cay will eontraei fur uniy run », i*. is season, and that acreage will te dlv.ded among aa many farmer* as >.» aibie Sheriff Iloiloway of OMi# musty ar vested Samuel Sperry at tmeber npus a warraat Mewed at llepnrr Morrow county Oregon, charging him wto horae Mealing hperty w»s piaeed >« me mvuniy >ail aad an oftt« Mat r«.... Oregon la en route to Nebraska • tty foi the prisoner Joha I* VVeletter of Omaha lelui net from Washington, where h« ** i*i».i |i arguing the maalmum tale cam hefuc the aogratae mart Me aaht that It wa difftenlt in aa* when a dents an w-mi, he reaehed the case would nwih.ui. be eonetdered by the Judges In ns r. g« tar wider and the reewit might u henna la a month »uf*r> in* < mirt t'vWBw Lincoln dispatch: On the 14th knot the terms of Nnprrmr tourt < ommie (eloner* Ryan, Hagan and Irvine ea 1 pi red by limitation Today the justice* of the court r#ap|*olnted them in the following order: "Supreme < onrt of Nebraska, In the Matter of the Hu preine Comuiiselonera; 'I he supreme court of Nebraska, reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, and ability of Robert Ryan. John M. Kagan and f rank Irvine, do hereby ap point escb of them a corn mis* loner of the supreme court to perform the da ties required by the act entitled An Act to Amend Section 1 of an Act Knti tled an Act Authorising the Appoint ment of Hupreme I ourt • ommlssionere and lieflmng Their Ifuttrs, Approved Mart i* if, I *i*3. and to Repeal Saul Origi nal Section.' Approved March 12, IHIfft. And vre do hereby authorize and am i power them to discharge the dutiee of sa d office according to law. In teati j mony whereof we have hereunto sub scribed our names this 17th day of ; March, A If. I«f*i." i ———'— RfftiibM h*tf v*bt> Washington dispatch: Senator Allen. Representative Mciklejohn and tieneral Manderson called this morning upon the attorney general, secretary of the Interior and the commissioner of the general land office m regard to the 1 (tending suit of the I lilted States ! egalnst the settlers upon 200,000 acre* | of indemnity land* of the llurllngton railroad Ity the terms of the ai t of March 2, l*Wn the title of the railroad to these i. _4l.i. illU C# ea 11 bona Kile purchaser* to the railroad laiwl* la also nmllrittkl The question of the good faith of the purchasers under the act named can bedetermlned without stilt by the interior department and no suit is needed for such determin ation. That tb* necessity. In the Ic j terest of economy and equitable treat ment, is that tlie suit which ia now pending in tit# I 'cited Htalcs court for N'ebrsska should ne dismissed was urged upon the officials. They quite agreed ae to the correctness of the views expressed and after giving a few da ye’ consideration to the subject will ! probably order a dismissal of the soil. Urmurt A riuf Ksunliiii Hate. The reunion of the Grand Army of ; the Jtepohlic will be heid the week be ginning Monday, August 24, islet Tbia ! date was decided upon at a meeting held in Assistant Adjutant Genera) , (rage’s office, at the state capital. be | psrtment Commander < ulver met ih# location coiumlttee of l.iiioeln and the matter of location and time waa fully discussed, although tb'- question of the riace at which to hold the reunion wae left open, to be decided later. There 1 were prescut, of the local committee. John McConnell, If. W. Johnson, Cap ; tain Hamuei McGlsy, < olonel L. C ; Pace, < aptain J VV. Woods, i>r Hoover and others. '1 he date set wilt, it ia 1 tbougiit, accommodate those who <le sire to visit the state fair at Omaha and wish to make but one trip from their j homes, aa well aa those who intend to go on the annual national encamp ment tree* is tb* Hill I *** Governor Holcomb ha* settled with Judge K. Wakeley and Attorney O. M Lambertsou tor their services in tb* 1 prosecution of the case against ax Treasurer Hill to recover 4236,(KiO lost | in the Capital National Hank fnilure. Judge Wakeley drew 41,non and Mr. i.amberison 47V). This completes ail payment* for feas due attorneys. Of I th* 415,000 legislative appropriation of ! the legislature of 1*03, ail hut 19,700. JO | was expended in the first trial, and in preparation therefor This latter sum was turned over to Governor Holcomb i by Governor f'rounse Of this there now remains in the bands of the gov ernor 44,205.30, making the total ex reuse, to date, of the trial. 410,704.70. t ia understood that there are aome . other bills in the way of witness fees and bailiff s expenses to be paid yet. I oii,|,lali,t from a state < ontrselor. Lincoln dispatch: Complaint was made at the state house today by the manager of the Lincoln Cooperage company, one of the concerns which Is employing Die convict labor at the pen itentiary. that owing <o tin- giving out | of on* of the Ixuler* there was not suf ! ficient |a>wer being furnished, and the , shops would be of necessity shutdown. Agent Whitehead, who went to ins home in i ualer county aeveral day* apu to complete urntnpeiiieulM for tuovinp liia family down to Lincoln, Im* been detained by aicknrae. and haa not yet returned. The board will probably wait until he ran make a report »« to what the condition of the Iwiler la lie fore tuklutf uuy atep l ante Held In Ijitareiitlue. Grand lalaud diapatch The union etock yarda of this city have been made a <|iiar,inline atalion. and the tlratahip invnt to arrive la fifteen rare of i *itfor nia rattle tour of tbeae rare are fat and reudy for immediate ataupbiar The** will leave for a. nil, iiaiaiia to 1 rilplit nut the ten remaininir • are are \ atock rattle, and muat l>e kept In arpn rale yanla for a teriu of ninety d,ty* •I. It tiler, the union yard* luaiiarer, remind hi* laatruction* t<al«y from I Manager llabna'k ot tne *oiilit tiuiaha yard* *<pai ile pm will i* kept lot them 'the eow»iptmienl baloitp* to John sparUa the pleat Wealaru rattle man, and I* abip|wd from A made# < at Jullu* Julaon, an uhl raatdam» ol Newman Grove w hile pomp home from l‘*ter*burp fell Irum lit* hupp) Hit tartly W*» .aupllt Iwlvtlll the lev and wheel* and bit limb* routined In in* happy by tin rube* and be waa drap pad in lb*t |Mwlltt*u over two wile* A* lb* hoiae* laarhe i hut# tb«y ran into a wIre f»nv# and threw him out tt be* fuuud In* i *• k w*# broken nud be bad apparently haa* daud aunt* time Tha *npranta rourt mat laat weak for tha rapnlar aittmp f«w tha third T«** day la tha muuth tadp* tt*b*l* w*r •t the *l*i* i oua# and when *»«ad II thera waa auy othar *»*p which aouivi ha tahau I* tha **a# uf tha atata apailtat a*-'l reaenrar lllll and hu hondamta to rea»**« tha amount »i atate ruottay "« d*|«udt <u lha * apit* Sat'Mval hank at tun tun* of it* fat) are, a*id that ha auptawad that “Iht •top la dead ' Tha Judpa talhad aWui tn . I*, .aloe ul tha •uprema court, an t*i* that tha ahoi* uf tha caw lm praethmlljr baan port a ovar thraa Mara* anu tha court had *pobcn aavl that *at I Had It THEY WANT RECIPROCITY. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS FA VOR THE BLAINE 8YSTEM. MANY REPLIES RECEIVED A at mug rrapoml>r»M far th# l» ■••rat of the HwIprMltf l|iMaHI< •• liter lililnl I n<tar the Me Mialaf law — Commercial Orgaul/eilona Also ra ver f(eri*«r*l. Whkiiivoto*, March >1. —Rcaponae ia now la-log made by the commercial and manufacturing Intdrevta of the country to the circular letter* ad drenwd to them by the waye and mean* nuboomnilUee on reeiprodity and commercial treatlaa, inviting •aprevaloua of opinion a» to theadvlaa billty of endeavoring to renew the reciprocity agree merit* with foreign aountrier made under the term* of tha McKinley tariff act. Tha replle* ao far received number aeventynlne, including large manufacturing coo a _I ..A 4 1 _ ll(..l„. A _I _ , . __J those heavily Interested In the export trail e. '1 here Is a strung preponderance of desire for the renewal of the recip rocity agreements and in many cases tha writers cite figures to show the great diminution In their export trails since the repeal of the provision of the law under which these spree inente existed. In few oases is thera any attempt mads to conceal the self interest of the writer* In the matter Kor instance among the few concern* which oppose reciprocity, is a grain commission house which feels that It will he thus placed in competition with the great Mouth American grata producing countries. Another concern favoring reciprocity, in an swer to the direct question write*: “Decidedly yes. We are more and more convinced that what we want is not free trails hut fair trade, and the writer make* till* admission after hav ing been for fifteen years a fres trader." Politic* crops out in many of the answers and not a few of the writers do not hesitate to express their preference in the matter of the choice of the next President. Three great commercial organiza tion* are on the committee's list of eorrespondente and all of them are re* | corded a* most emphatically favoring reciprocity. Thev are the Milters' National association of Milwaukee, ('. 1 A. Pillshury, president; the Mucin- | nati chamber of commerce and Mer chants' exchange and the Cleveland chamber of commerce. Of the seventy nine replies, sixty- ! eight are strongly In advocacy of a renewal of the reciprocity agreements a* they were under the McKinley act; ! three are absolutely opposed to any- , thing In the nature of reciprocity or . that contemplates discrimination in trade with the world; four arc In- I dined to favor a qualified kind of re ciprocity agreement and four are not responsive to the direct question* of the committee and merely take ad- j vantage of the opportunity to vent! 'ate some private grievance*. Bank Bobbers Make quite e ileal Decs Tim, 111, March 21,—The Nl- ! untie bank was entered by burglars last night and robbed of 9-3,11)0. Htranger* who came to town Friday evening are supposed to have com mitted the crime. I). H. Msypoul’s horse* were stolen. The horse theft is supposed to lie part of the bank robbers' method of making their ea -jape. Yuan* MIIDkse Net ins Wxmhimotox, March 23.—Tlte jury in the esse of Kenjamln II. Millikcn, former private secretary of Senator Karris of Tennessee, whose trial on charges of housebreaking with intent ut criminally iivvmiii miu wrriruae I'hillip*. daughter of ex-Sollcitor fien erel I'h III i |>e, cloved yeaterduy, re ported an acquittal at noon to-day. Til* Mouth-Turk*** atari. Uomiion, March 33, — There was a large gathering of member* of the Salvation ariuy at Waierl'x* railway •tation to-day to lild farewell to Mr. and Mra. liooth-Tucker. who vail for New \ork from Mom hampton hy tha American linn kleamnr Ht. I.ouiv in order to avail me command of the foreea * Ill-re Teaed a lliou* aad ite*li»»U hmrurt. Mo., March if3. The Iter. Kara Itoach of Worth county and Mm Mary Met on net I were married lure vevterday Shu u an aged woman ! end wav without a hoiur She adver tise! for a huvitend and Mr. It -aoh, win* t* in gooil cirviimetencea. nn twrrad Knelt I* *i>->nt Otiyaere of age. Troup* fee tha Territory Wtmnwitiit, March U - Thu Senate eoiumltlne mi Iit.lUii affaire bee uaittd In e letter to the l're*ld*et recommend tag that a regiment of United Hiaiee troop* I* ttallourd permanently In the Indian territory lor tha paipuee ot preeerrlug order litem ta atrip#* three Meet* tlm the trim Jarreawievit la. lad , Maren *). - Within ten minntea after Joe Iktyle had etuieu a bottle of wine y**l*rd»r iao«»lug he wee • treated end bed utendrd guilty ttlth'U three hour* he hed donned a *uit of etrlpee, whteh he la to wear two year* under *en ■**»#« of the fourl • 14tehee** WO! Me hr Mettleier til tunta, tthle. Mereh 31 Heporl* ftom a mapirity of the couettae of the territory indicate the! the MeNtnley peooi# raptured the prtmnrte* in >>rer half them initnliy end that th* territorial con vent Ion will dealer* for MeN mtry i»Mtn eitto t tteuehier t«Mhm«iy tit. vt ttninttfoa. Mereh II J«cw Urawa- » daughter M ertlteelly tit el I n«a Anionlo fruMl tmneompitou The pretldent of the V#p**o#in eomuooviee I 'eft e tew date ecu fur her hetirit REED MEN AGGRESSIVE t l|oriioa < ampalgn f» lie lusauauralaU Iff trlmiila of III# *p#»k#r WAaiiiMoTo*. March The H#ed man have decided In iiiaugm-te an aggi'e**!?* campaign for the Sp-ukar. Hen* tor Hodge and Kepiiblican iiicm tier* of I ongreaa from Maana lmaatU, have r«Ml*cd a number of telegram* from ibcir Hiutc annoiin<dug ihal the Mi Klnlcyilea were inv ailing Muaaacliu ■alt*. decided that nomething mint b« done to atem I tie tide of aeniiment for the Ohioan. They accordingly held a conference with Kneii, in which aonie of the * pea her'* lead ing xipporlera from oilier Mute* iilao participated. The reaiili of the con ference wan a dedal on to ai once open •t Kei-.i bureau and begin an a'luck on llie McKinley force-, all along i lie line || |a reported that the McKin ley mlaaionnriea have already done enough work in MaaaudiUM-Ua to make It. probable that the Hay atate will not acrid a nolld delegation to Ht. l/oula for tha Maine man. GUN MAKERS COMBINE. Tb* < ramp l oai|Miif nod Ollier I un cerna form a Ml* 1 rnat. Plflf.AfiKhf'HIA, March Henry W < ramp, of William < ramp A. Hona, ahip builder*, announcaa otlh hilly that all arrungcmente for tl.c uniat gamation of the ordnance depai’ment of the work* with other extciiklve or* gkulzktlofi* have bei-ii completed, and that hereafter the varloii* gun making concern* Inter**ted will be known a* the American Ordnance (otnpany. till' win ill it ii'i MM idini the llultbkiM ami lirlgg* ordnance and Fletcher rapid-lire guns, Til* cannon* and niechln* gun* to he. inun ufa'-iurrd will he the Hotehki** re volving cannon, Hotehki** automatic gun, A cel** inm’liln<- gun and Huwall torpedo Mo I for Intervention. VVasjiiwotoM, March 23 The State department ha* caused a careful ex amination to he made Into the case of Oilverlo Agramoute. who was ai rested i>y tlie Spanish forces in tuba on tile Jaragun estate, of which ile wa* the manager, on suspicion of beftlg an Insurgent sympathizer. It wa* said that Agramonitc was u nat uralized Amerizan citizen, hut th* (Jolted States consul, who, by direc tion oi the State department, visited the man in jail, now reports to the de partment that hi- I* not e naturalized citizen of the Fulled Stale* hut e S| aulfch subject, and consequently our government he* no ground for inter ference. Manallb Demands Indemnity. Hour., March 23 King Menelik de mand* an indemnity of 40,000,000 lire from Italy, This condition i«, of course, unacceptable,and further com plicate* the situation, The Negn*’ forces now threaten to surround As mara, while continuing the advance upon Masaowah. Ml* Until Mill* to Hast. Lon KM,. Mas*, March 33 On ac count of the general depression in the cloth market, the Merrlmac mill*, which employ 2,600 people, will on Monday close for one werk. The I-owcll Manufacturing Company will close it* Hrusscl* department during the same time. HU l.anrh lost Him Hear. Sr. JokKgn, Mo., March 23 Frank Ferry, a young man who stole two loaves of bread, two pie* and a can of honey from a farm house, near the state fish hatchery, wa* found guilty in the criminal court and hi* punish ment lixed at five year* in the peni tentiary. I.eava* for Parts tlnbnown. Oi.atiik, Kan.. March 23. —Ed L. Charlton ha* re»igned hi* position a* steward of the Kansas lleaf and Dumb institution, located at this place, and gone to parts unknown. He is said to have left ilia hooks and account* of the institution in a badly mixed eondi •ion. _____ Head tha favorite la, A.vx A pom*. Md,, March 33. A poll of the l.rgislaturc show* Heed ha* thirty-seven supporter* for Die presi j s r.. i — i_ _ . (. .. i oil a ■ llson !*. Morton ft, Theodora BooMValt I, Holiert, Lincoln I, Harrison 1. Cannon tor the Confederate Hume Wasiiinotom. March ?8.—Hen a tor Vest * hill donating two condemned cannon to the I on federate houin at lilggllisriile has passed. NEWS IN BRIEF The Ihnnlnion |M»rllament iiussed the Mull Holm school till! on Its second reading The three lleiuooratlo candidate* fur llovariior of Arkansas anoke at Arka* del pi in Hattrelxry I'haintierlsiii said that Kitgland will hold what territory sha con. pie is tn Honda n. low Uaad says that be shall uut attempt to latarfrr* tn Nt*l<» that have presidential candidates Kidney Ktoeam, fraudulently aatra* dttad, waa allowed by Judge Urosacup of t hicag.i to return to l auada A K Ward of Memukta. allaged atslndlar, ta dying and has twee ra* moved from tb* Jail to a hoapitab Tha I'raabylartatt Mtastoa near Nhangbai wav raided b* t blouse rob bar* Hat. Hufus Went waa wounded A gang of young toughs ol Hurling lu« Iliac tied * boy l* a eallar end ael Hr* to lha bu«s* Tb* buy waa rnaeued uaeretaiy Mortoa tbtak* that tb* faltura of ->rop* tu Houtb Africa pre saata au eaeatleat ipaatag lot tiuart* MM grata ftp'll He* liaorge K tliwwi we* arrest* I la I.title Mock, charged With slaudef by Met I «• MWOtg* tn« lust! il.ouai.d the #**» Hat, J A Anoslfoug, former pastor pf the lo lcp* Mdenc# aveuue chut* h, Ktsos (tty Was e s ire I led from the miutstiy to* alleged Immorality Uaveatv aia* answer* have her a raealyast to the «ireui*r* asbiug mean f*eiui«is as<l rtpalin opinio** . n re* IpriH lly, awd all MM ou« plan- d la favor at It o* tb* ffoami • i a*lf*lalarval BAYARD UNDI R FIRE. Resolutions In Hie House that 1'sslsrt the Amhssesbnr. Wasiiiwotom. March 1#.—Tba Am bassador Bayard censure resolutions were called up in the House tbie after no m Ity Mr. I|llt of Illinois, who made a strong speech In support of them, and wus followed by Mr. Ma Dreary of Kentucky, who opened for the opposition. Tue latter said that such resolutions were unprecedented and an Invasion of tha right# and authority of the President. Mr. Bay ard was not the first diplomatic officer representing the United Mates who had been assailed by hi* political oppouenta while representing his country In Knglund nod a rot# of censure uow, prompted by preju dice and partisanship, would not hurt hint The purpose was too well understood, it might prove a garland of distinction and open the way to him for higher offices and greater honors. The people of litis country knew that Thomas K. Bayard hud proved him self a patriot,a statesman and a faith ful public servant,and the people were behind him in his opposition to pro tection and trusts in far greater num bers than they were behind those who sought to condemn and censure him. To censure Mr. Bayard at this lima would he to detract from the prestige of this country with (treat Britain when he, as a diplomatic officer, rep resented tills country In negotiatlona concerning Important question* now pending. Mr McCreary concluded ae follow*: ‘‘When a citlmi of onr free country becomes mi ambassador or a minister, should he be required to sur render or suppress n.s true senti ments? Sti<(iilil he not have the right to speak his sentiments politely and re*|x-ctfully, If they are In accord with the policy of the goveruiuent which he represent*? The people of the civ- , iliseii world are aware of the political revolutions which occur in this repub* iie, ami they are aware that we do not , have in tills country a special diplo matic corps In oflice for life, but that our ambassadors and ministers are ap pointed by the political party In pow er. They are men who supported the I'rraidsiits whose com mission a they bear, and they uphold the policies of ids administration. Their view* on these policies should give no offeus* at home if they give none, abroad. I am sure the Ucpubllcaii majority of 1 this Mouse will Lave more praise for , abstaining from the adoption of tha pending resolutions than they will have If they adopt them." Mr Md reary was followed by Mr. , Cousins of Iowa, who supported the censure resolution*_ A I0UU4 <or* I manner. 8t. Joski'ii, Mo., March 19.—Sev ers 1 days ago some one administered poison 10 the family of LI. LI. Taylor, who reside* near Craig, north of this , city. The poison was administered In coffee, and the father, I), il. Taylor, 1 died, while one son is now expected to die, arid the mother and two other ! children are in a serious condition. The coroner's Jury concluded ite in vestigation last night, and held Mine 1 Gertrude Tmy lor, a 13-year-old dangb- 1 ter of the dead man. 8he I* in JalL The girl admitted buying poison of a druggist. It is thought that she had advice from older head*. Gieat ex- , citement prevails around Craig over ' the matter_ _ What Mandorsoa Wan!* Washington, March 19.— Kx-8ena tor Manderson of Nebraska, referriag to the proposition of Henator Thurs ton relative to the Nebraska delega tion to Ht. Louis, says that it simply place* the cart before the horse. “If I do not go into the convention with my State behind me," he continued, “I will have no status and will not be | entered in the race. A* 1 have said before, when my State delegation seea an opportunity to make a nomi nation by supporting another candi date, it will be welcome to do SO." I.1VK STOCK AND ITtODUCK MAKKKTS Quotations I rout New York, C hlcago, St. , l-onl*. Omaha aiol I Nowhere. OMAHA. Butter—Creamery separator 17 46 18 Butter—Fair to good country 14 46 18 Eggs— i'rosh. . H ® 8H Chickens Dressed, tier 16 - 7 46 7L, Turkeys l*er **. 10 4b 11 Leuions Choice Meanings .... 8 SO a 1 71 oranges B. r box .... 2 60 46 8 76 Honey—fancy wldtc, per lb... 1,1 <", 14 Apples I'er 01*1 .. 8 60 46 4 60 foistoki -fur bu IN) 44 as Henu» Nuvy. Iiund-plci I to 44 I ao Oranberrlri. 1 aim I nil, pr.blil 8 SO Hi 8 7* liny IJplsmi. pur bin . & 5 00 unions I'erbu. . <1 40 II mom Corn Ureen. per *• Hi 2fc Hoys Mined parkins. lit B NO lloy* llesvy VVeluht* . lift 8 B7H lleeve* Moeker* sud feeders S UO aft a 70 lieef Steers. .IBB $ « U> Hullo . 8 IS t# 8 0 Milker*. 1 « aft 8 On eiaif*. a On (l 1 21 UaTves...... I tft so .• Mi Oscn .. 1 M> "3 2/1 I Cow* ... I I# 111# Heifer* . 1 :* hi a 40 Vteideru* .. . | On •» :i 2ft “dn-up i.siub*. J 7ft a J on I HU Aid) 1 Vt liesl Nik *prlllg ... M A lU I 1 urn fur Ini .. '!■ it S*1* ; nsia I er bn... ' 10 ! fork . f A. *ft 8 tti 1 I srd .... .V BU ti II 3f« I 1 nille ft port ■ stile 3 81 *4 4 2ft lloy* -,tvernye* ... , .... 4 dt 4ft 4 714 Miet-p I *11.1.0 .4*** kk 4 |0 eiteep VV relent*..........». .. ,1 4n *4 I |l ofet-ep Nsvlve* . ...... 2 In d 1 t> MM tullK . M peal >it fed Slater . , ‘Ob# 7V*b out >» 1 .... ..... . as f fork .. ..OMft* 41 l-*rd ft «« S ft Oft vt brftl • >0 11*4,1ft.i1 1 ore l‘*r bu u*t* f»r i.u I Sltle >*l|.e I ■ heeg^ Molt- a. k t>* t*i I 1 V M best >>v I h*rd . l u*i. >.* I > «1 il ■ i. I feeder* Ho*. Mit«d IVk.r. *br« p I •Mite lists Bsfttow (***ht l« l*4lt*s >'S««|.« Mu, tlsreb lb I Miss lit* I*, tdklljl *»l M I null bss 1718144 In 1‘fsnsewtisM ktl-rusy Ulhsua in 44**14 requisition peter* trust lielMMt lleM for Vt tlltstM lime* Morris. Its* *tt Id Vsu*bu sud Vt Hits in Hotfsrs, Muds* s»r* *v st lirtniriU*, Ibd , for beldlsp up s tllo.'Sii IVlbe frslfbl l-ttlb tl t4«ss lunwtios ssssrsl • ■vki *f* «».t robbing tbs 4t*s«k ml ss*sr«l 1. usd reel ibdlsre. *fver wound 'us 1 undue tot Irtehstk lbs Islts# Ion relurssd from KrSntrUle sad It soundest ibst vbejr srs tbs fstlly par vis* Doctor Albright. A BROAD MINDED PHYSICIAN WITH PROGRESSIVE IDEAS. Believe* In Reeotnmending Any Mndlnln* 1 bat Ha Knew* Will Cara His PetleaM —Think* l»r. William*’ Plah PIU* • Oreat Discovery—Ha Cites Some Marvelnue Care*. Prom the Riamloer. Doncaster, Pa A kbob, Pa., April adth.’M Da Wuxuiu' UaDiciaa Co Gentlemen- While It la entirely contrary to tba custom of tba medical urofesslon to endorse or recommend any of tba no-flailed proprietary preparation*. I shall, never theless, give you an account of soma of my wonderful experlenree with your prepare lion Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale 1’eopl* The fact Is well known that mad leal practitioners do not as a rule, raoog nlr.e, much lee* use. preparations of this kind, conseuuently the l<ody of them have no definite knowledge of their vlrtoe of lack of it, but soundly condemn them all without a trial. Much n course Is manifestly absurd and unjust, and I, for ore, propose to give my patients the !ie»t treatment known to ma, for the particular disease with which they are suiTorlng, no matter what It is, where or hov obtained 1 was first brought to prescribe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alaiut two years ego, after hav ing saan some remarkable results from their use Reuben Hoover, now of Read ing, Pa., was a prominent contractor and builder. While superintending tba work of erecting a large building during ooM weather, he contracted what was thought to ha sciatica. Ha first noticed it one morning In not tielng able to arise from bis bad Aftar the usual treatment for tbla disease ha failed to Improve, but on the contrary grew rapidly worse, the case developing Into Hernlphlegla. or partial paralysis of the entire right able of tbo body. Kb O'rlclty, tonics and maeaage, etc., were all given atrial, but nothing gave any benefit, and tba paralysis continued In deepalr h# waa compelled to bear Ills phy sician announce that his case was hopeless About that time hi* wife noticed one of your advertisements and concluded to try your Pink Pills He bad given up hope and It ratiulrad a great daal of begging on tbe part of bla wifa to perauada nlm to taka them regu larly. He, however, did as ahe desired, aad If appearance* Indicate health In this man, one would think be waa batter than before bis paralysis. ' Whv,’ says be, ‘1 began to Improve la two day*, and In four or five week* I waa entirely wall and at work.' Having seen these results I ooncladed that such a remedy la surely worth a trial at tbe bands of any physician, and aonsa quently when a abort time later I waa called upon to treat a lady suffering with palpitation of the heart and greet nervosa prostration, after tb* ueual remedia* failed to relieve, 1 ordered Dr. William*’ Pink Fills. Tb* reeult was simply astonishing Har attacks became laaa frequent and also leva la sararlty, until by tbair use for a period of only two month* she was tb* pic ture of health, rosy cheeked and bright eyed, as wall as aver, and sb* ba* continued to until today, more than on* /aar siac# aba took any medicine. 1 bar# round these pills a specific for chorea, or as more com monly known, Bt. Vitus’ dance, as b#n*B eial results bar* in all cate* marked their us*. As a spring tonic any on* who, from overwork or nervous strain during a long winter baa become pal* and languid, tb* Pink Pills will do wonders In brightening tbe countenance and In buoying tb* spirits, bringing roe** to the pallid Up* and reaaw* iBgtb* fountain of youth Tour* Ke»pectfully, J. D. Ai.bkiout, M. V. UNCLE SAM'S TREASURY The total ordinary expenditure* of tbe government In 1895 were (356,195. 298. In tbe year 1904, only eight year* from now, 1100,000,000 In bond* must be redeemed. In 1890 the receipt* from import ■> amounted to 177,000.000 more than laet year. The tax on import* into the United Rtatea amount* to |2 for each Inh.iln tant. Thlrty-aeven cent* per cupita in 1891 waa Mufflclent to pay tha Internet on the nation * borowlng*. France, KuhhI*. (Ireat Britain, Aue trla-liungary, Italy, Hpaln and Prueaut are the only nation* deeper in debt then i* the flitted States. y In 1887 3 cent* per capita or alivet and 08 cent* per capita of gold »«» coined. In 189t 13 cent* per capita of ailver and It 17 of gold wan minted The Indebtedue** of the Fulled IPaie* le«* raah on hand on November 1,18*3 wa» 1811,137,810 87. Without deduction* and including certillcaiea and Treaaurv neiea ll waa II.717,4*1.77* In Franc* l.vso toil** of light r*<> nay* have been already buill, though many of the line# laet year ««r* narheu at a loan Aa American tourist recently eoat hi* bicycle front loadoa to Pari* hy pare•*! pool The «*«t wan only a h« p#*«* and *« racticag it in p*t(**t talw t'ardlaal Mekher • death, fuilawi** •loa*ly an thoa* of t'ardlnalo Paratre and Mooapam. will heap allva th* toparMlilon that .aidiaaU alwayn die in threaa. NIW8V tNIPLhn — Tha Rohm powraataat mad* a piotv 4 *1 ahoni |t, teat year on its man apoiy ta tptrita Hr Vauap retard* that at Uthran#’ tha hoataa vote* haa baas heard at • dt*iae>« of tea actlva Mwmhny tan aaw b* r«a*a«d hy faac etsantaf from Wandas la ihirtnag day* and the F*pa af ihwd llup* ta f* arks*a A Mailman Ma man 8m feat t* '*•*' d |iat t»am tha naiunat ■*<*** meat far a horaa hlllad dating th# «tv> war