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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1896)
Lioaal Daws. A Boone. i IIK Jeweler. Itev. Miller unit In t'airo la»t Mon liny. A new ilei tier l« coming, and a gooi on*. 10 pound* lint oatmeal f<>r JW cmti Ht (iaMeyer*. It Iwgg relumed to till* city li»i Monday evening. For the New Kllwood Field Kcnce cell at Watkln*on'*. For Harne*» and anything in tin llarne** line aee T M. Heed H.I Bariev to trade for <• >rn al M'ntkluaofi'a fin eware More, It. J. Nightingale made a profc**ioi al trip to Broken How Tue»day. Hot le d *»*h for early plant*, cheap at Watkln*on* Hardware Store. W. A Wllaon.of Aahton w i* doi g hn*lne»» at the county »eat ln*t Mon day. Mr. O, W Mutton waa in town Mon day and made Ihla office a pl*a»ant call Call on w. I' Heed lie will he plea*«d to quote you the I.oweat Price* on Farm Machinery. The Mupervlaor* have been In »e» alon thl* week, o|ienlng hu*lne»» Tue* day afternoon Now la the time to *ow Onion Meed, you can get new »e*d at the Wutkln*on Hardware Store. .fame* Itentfrow la enJo)lng a vl«it from nl* brother in law, a. r i.iirenoii, of Hargent, Nebraska John Minabiill, of Litchfield Ini* be: n attending to county business at the county neat tin* week For Mlllett, Barley. Alfalfa and nny thing in the way of Field or Carden Med call on T M, Heed, Henry Beck nod hi* Mi*tor, Minnie Beck, of the west aide attended the Germania dance on the 17th C. W. Thornton of Cobb Creek 1* a new suhscrflicr to thi* paper having added lit* name to our long list Monday. MU* Dollie Hutaon and two daught era of W. A. Throckmorton are new *ehol*r* in the Loup City High School Anniiiii.aik* Coi.d*:—Dr. Humph rey*’ 8peel Me "77” annihilate* cold*, and put* Crip to Might. For rule by all druggist*. Mr*. John Hemy and her *l*ter Min* May If wo/ark went to Grand Inland on Thursday morning* train to be absent for a few day*. There wa* an ollicla! meeting at the county seat of tbo varlo, * township assessors last Tuesday at which time the basl* of assessment for IHlki were agreed upon. When you want Job Work done don't forget that the NoWTII WRSTEKN oftl :e I* equipped with the best Job out fit In thi* county and th it we are doing work at bar-time* price*. I. B O'Bryan wishes us to announce that be has the finest thorough-bred Jersey bull in the Loup country which he will stand at bis farm this season. Don’t fall to *ee him before breeding. W. A. Throckmorton's two dauitbt era, of Divide are now in-attemluncc ul the Loup City school. We understand that one of them i* making her hotnt with llarvy Brewer'* family and tin other at ex treasurer Jackson's. C. A' Klttell win has been for soim time past traveling iu the ".Sweet Hum iiV South" arrived In this place iu* Tuesday and Is shaking hands with oh friends. He informs us that the ftoutl U not u/l>ul Iu >• n to l.o plenty of aand and red clay there hut no productive soil. <|uito a large crowd la reported li attendance to the St I'ratlcka danci which wax given laat Tuesday night li the opera hall under the auaplciea o the (jeiumnia Society. Itoouu'a Hr etteatrafurnUbed excellent inutlu and . good time wa» experienced hjr at preaeut T. A Mglitliigule la oouiforlabl) located ill Ilia new office one ilooi nc-rlb of the Klrat llank t he llnu » Nightingale Uroa having lawn dt aulved by mu Inal couaent, the deal tin lion notice appearing lor drat Inaer • uni In Hit* Untie of the N • >tt i n wr.aittMK. It .1 Nightingale will re main and do ini*‘m»» at the old aland. Mra t'. I. Iirake ami mother Mt« Searcy left tor Concordia KtUaaa U. I'neaday »o>m In reapnnae to a tell gram lira'Mr Sea ey wa* dangeroualj III. I h»y had only been gone almti two hour* when a telegram «at revere ed try Mr I*iake informing them lha Mr Weaver aaa dead Ml lliake lloi telegraphed lo I’ dm«r intntmlng ht a tie and Her uodher of th« a ad nea. the Homme l*>nt»t t urn pan t a t vratt I .on i t itr March on. i an ••ay NHtil April .Ird Ihftr head l|Uaitv«a will hr at the <tl l.intn ||, |r where they wilt ttHml lecih with n jaati. free of charge n to u :m « and flow I Iv I Ai pm iach day p itwmmialiatc tu the politic that they . 41 riot will do »hai that adtettiae w til their pa li lea a and haimlva. V laathetn they matte efwtt art m Math tor alp ami gnarm He ail of itw.t woih ho* i* I re chant * lot lh* I mp i in people I hey WiH he tw .\rv»lt» from M. ,i *S»d « lam A full line »f New Meed- Jiel reoleved at Watkinson's. I have llorses to s. ll nr trade. T. M Kr.icir J,H. Banschoter Itougbt IK) bead of hog* last Monday of T. I, PUger Dr, Prlce’a Cream Baking Powder A Pur* (trap* Craam ef Tartar Powder. Mr*. Nellie Itandall will open up her stock of millinery t> tier spring trade In a few days. Ourself nod faml'y scUnowledyc a very pleasand sle'gh ride las Munday through the kindness o Htewarl Me | Fndden Miss Minnie McNulty, slater of Walt McNulty of thia place, b*L for her home in Hmlth county, Kansas, 'l ues I day morning. M fn. ie Welch and two children j arrived from Wood Blvor last Thursday eVrnlng and is visiting her sls'er Mr*. L, V McGrath. "Hmkak* i.i'1 Col.ii I»r, Humph reja’ Hpeclllc "77" "breaks n p*' a coll that "hangs on;" fits your vest pocket For sale by all druggist* .1. It. Cattle, of Lincoln who has been visiting'rlend* and relatives for the past few days returned to Lincoln Monday morning via Hnvenna Home one who wa* a little the worse for Ibjuor, tumbled Irom lop to bottom of the ope re house stairs last Tuesday night. No serious Injuries resulted from the fall. Fifteen hundred farmers along th • L P, railroad have been suhpumaed to appear before the I' H, court In Omaha April hill. The case Is one ufl'ectlng the title of their laud O, W. Conhlser and wife. H, F. Rey uolds. J. H Pedlar and several others who went to Hargcut last Haturday to attend the funeral of Henry Conhlser returned home Haturday Mrs. C, J, Otlendahl returned Mon day from Grand Island where she was calletl to the bed side of Iter sick mother. Mrs. L A. Itwsater. Hhe re ports bar mother some improved. T. H. Beasonerand wife and Mr. J. M Robert* and wife, of Lilchfleltl were visiting friends In the city Inst Tuesday, Mr. itcasoner inane mis office a very pleasant, visit during tils stay, T. H. Nightingale received two flue large book cases yesterday by freight for Ills law library In bis new office, lie also lias a new Itemlugton type writer and Is furnishing hi* office In llrst-alas* style. A surprise was given Louie Hentfrow at lna home last Haturday night, March 11th, by a number of tils friend* who took occasion to celebrate hi* 21st birthday. A good *upper wa* served and a most enjoyable time I* reported, The l.-.te snow fall ha* afforded good sleighing and the people In and about Loup City have Improved the oppo tiinity. Last Sunday sleigh* were out In every direction. The *now was about 8 inches deep on the level and did not drift The enterprising spirit of “young America'’ wa* manifested till* week by the gentlemanly little scholar* of ibe second primary who were seen liaiilingthe school mantis of the pri mary departments to school on a sled. Noble tioys and happy school inarm*. Last week soiiia unprincipled and avaricious scoundrel took eighty rods j of wire fence from off' the posts on Ueo Lees' farm ■"> miles west of Loup City j There being only one wiie the dis covery of Ibe theft was made when the | cuttle were discovered wandering over iln prairie. No clue as to the thief Adolph Kuiisgan. road overseer from Kim township was before the county , board lust Tuesday and Argued his ltii<,»lun tlilnt lo etaliu in a verv forriu hie manner. We understand that the HuperrUer* promised him tiuiii' con eolation hy referring the matter to a committee for the purpose of iit.certaui' I tig ho W much of the fiipd* cmilil lie • pared for that purpose .'Untilt il; M uch lith Him at the residence of ihc brides father. I .etui* l». Uariluer, of tl«k creek Hheniiali eowiitv. Nett. by the lt«v <W Itoliart. I'astor of the r, |i church of Yale Neti. Mr W . Itnwer to M l»» Mary liarduer lloth the contracting parties are widely known lu this count* ami ih li many friend* join the Nouni i WMtBUM In wishing them pio*|ttiliy alld ll4ppl|n-»» Hunt .1 Henry • onb l*rr brother i oft " aid A. I*. t;«iii»l**>e, die<l at ’’atgeril l».i Friday, March l.tth. laud. I lie »*t |T year*, itl month* ami If day* i old at the I tint ol hi* t|***lh i: lie yy t .it., ttt tt a * well known anil highly respected hy all ol out v.llseit* I here haying ronyetlln I,nop I'ify In the I fall *»l I* *4 amt rvai.ted here for an* ere I year* I or ib* pa»t two year* h» ha* i redded with hi* brother A. I * •«** NIm'i ai waigvui, and doting atari of 'l»ot hi* health ha* h>ra yety pwur ■ Hr* fonetal toon place la*t, i M ai h lath at 9 o'clo. k p m* i * Hiootier of r*latl*v* and fr|r«.|t f>, to here at tenth t| the Maaenlr order of ’ w htch he w a* a m*w*lw*t took t barge ol ike brutal nrit'liM lie 1**1** a i i Utile daughter taverwi relaflye* and a ht.*t of fit and* to toooi*t hi* In** I A swrptlse party was given at the home of Mr. and Mr*. T. M lleetl. in tumor of Mi«* Minnie Chase, Friday evening fast. Not.wltbst indlng tiir unpleasant weather lln-re were al out tblr y merry people present croklnnle and progressive spelling was the order of the evening A sumptuous supper wa* served, nnd after laughing and chatting for some few minutes the crowd adjourned, wishing Mis* Minnie that her life may he made up of many such pleasant occasions Onk Who Was lit HIV. 1 he M. IV. A Camp of this city held a special meeting of that order last | Monday night, they having an turns' uni amount of work to do in Hie initiation of new member*, some •even teen application* 'even of these Were taught how to ride the goat Mild Hu* rest were Instructed the night '<>1 lowing, tfulte a visitir g delegation from Mtehfleld and Ashton we»« over Those from Idlcblleld Were, Joseph It V an, l.aroy A. Fugleman, Clots. Haller.Thoa llnller, John J. llnller. Frank Haller, Henry \V, llelsner and Adolf h fstark«. TIiomj from Ashton were l.oyd illy, llohett Helitian A. Conklin and Julm Asmcson, Our weather prophet Prof, Arntiulns Polan ler Colley prophesied that there would he snow this month and snow we got. Now he says that we will have a foot of snow about the lftih of April,and also, that we w ill have a mimher of shower* during the summer lust how large a number he did not -taie, tin? It I i safe to say that there will he some at Miy rat* Prof. Colley further say* that all kit"1* o crops this season will grow, and whosoever sow* will reap. The best spring medicine for twenty live cent* a dose a day for evet y mem ber of the family. Get a package of Simmons 1,1 ver Regulator, the Best I flood Medicine nttsi the Ifest Spring Medicine. It will save you seventy five cents on a dollar's worth of medi cine bought before, and wiU give you better blood and better health, because it regulates your liver There's the secret of health. J. II /.cllin. Phila delphia I'**. Mrs T. .1 Johnson mid children started on Wednesday morning* train for Oregon, whither they go for an ex tended visit with Mrs Johnsons sister. T J, accompanied them a* far ns Oratid Island returning Thursday even ing Itrlng Your Yr lauds to Nebraska The Chicago, Burlington A Quincy If K. publish a sixteen-page monthly Illustrated newspapercalled the “Corn Belt,'* which give# In an Interesting way Information about western farm lands, particularly those in Nebraska. 'I lie regular suhscrition price is twenty-five cents per year, hut if you want It sent, to any of your friends living east of the Mississippi Klver, send ten cents in stamps for each such person, glvng name and full address and the paper will he sent for one year. The B. A M. It. If Agent will show you a sample copy of the paper on re<|iiest, Help your Slate and induce your friends to Immigrate. Address the Corn Belt. 209 Adams Street, Chicago, 111, Kliitf Molomon’n Notion. That “There i# nothing new under the i »un" doe* not alwny* convey the truth Especially is til's true as regards the new composite cars now operated dally via the Chicag >, I'nlon I'acifle and Northwestern Line between Salt Lake City and Chicago. These handsome Buffet Smoking and Library Car* are entirely, new throughout of latest design, contain all modern Improv ments, and are well supplied With writing material, the leading daily papers, illustrated periodicals, maga zines, etc. The fact that these ca's ' run daily via "The Overland Limited" ( and that the I'nlon I'aelflc was the line west of Chicago to Inugerate this *er vice should commend Itself to ul' See that your tickets read via "The Over laud Ituute." >t'l»lg»k t ( lull < Moll I’rUlHI Tilltn Him N'«i»rH«k4 Ulitb miiiu>miic*'» im *•* tfttftioii i»t lmum tu April Ul, n*kt« with n which th# <4ri u l*** fur prUea oHmimiI l»«» »lllimlllM<| TliU nr! tun 14 pMMiipltuI l»v pi«iti**w t|t'»lriiij( in ton Im*i mikI w li«» .ii'if un tMr in ptttpitu Kiivil i Ulllribillioiii, Iiwiug III lilt* all rl IIOII CM |{iMMi Itiil HiMlilll. Him Mill ll III I l|M 4IT to f W * » Him uHit li * *1**11 (m* «mi M»* ’Mil.) *1 ti| ill IftiillU’I'l Hl)i| III** |i|t Mi i «il«o i ufur* i»« Immum «MMk**ro Ih*** Stitt*! |tt#l It#*! Mt»|«l» ill iMlsgllt tt* it % * il«' 4« \ 11 iitiiivii lit Hi i ll |m* 4 I* *l I 11*1 l*M* It# llflM fet|«*M «if I « I I sit «’•»< t Mm» tUikM liUi It* 4 HiflUiM t *|ttp *lM*l i»*ti»tiir Him »#f |l«« I Itltt ton-| «*t*»«t li* «t*Kl |t| III* r«*|||#t *1 I •♦** I M*» |l» M ll lll l ll^ I IlHtild \ Mil III* M| Isz-lulr \|*»l |*t, UT|I Hi* iHU'hf *■ HI Im# lii lit*’ !ftitl" iu'tli *M 1‘lsttiHUM tt| tItv * Itili 4ts< * «*h | Mt''t 4* •• f»i| tl**t % IA •« lot (Im* h*«i mttvir, flu l*> lur Hit* fit i^ a! *mI » \ »ii itif Him -1#*( b#*l fH » *1 <l»l t'*#.«*tutII* •' %*«»#♦• i o*t ttf t|i N o*t% t. II **tttt*M44.t *t| ^ f«#itt****t* n d*ii MM*. II ) HIM t* «*l lit t4Bl Ik 4|i>I II t*t* 1 fl II tlwnlllv* Lincoln DON’T DO IT Dispute wilba woman when I »hc ►ai* oi;r LGoihIk are the I till V < )pi*r. lo ItllJ . lit - ran nr she know* wlial Hill! *» talking about. Ai'ntie with her f will'll she sh', * II )in I’m 1 * lie Monkv-Ha vkiis. !*he talka like L a sensible woman who Bl knows what's what, H Try to excuse ? ’lOIIIM'lf for no il inji to some ni h lei stole i list rail v| _ of I turn. Von « know that you ran offer no I reason that can be sufficient ■ for pursing; Ihe Mtore where Ha the H»;ht anil CllKAi’haT ■ u<> legal her. Jr s . Kxpeei 3 o 11 r "'wife to meet too pleasantly if von ve (dune •lo *01111 other ore than < fnr*, when she 1 x|ire* Iv toltl 3on to. H‘> nowhele else, Don't (lo these tilings if ton expeiit in live long ami km p tol^ hair on. VVK WANT ALL I'KOFLK TO DUOF IN AND HKK OIJK NKW STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Qaeeosware, Boots, Blioos, Bats, Caps, Fproisliioi Goods, TSTotions* Kic IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We twive got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in tlii Market, Allot Iv.tra Low Prices. OOP BAIT IS BAAlps v T. L. PILGER, New York Store. Loup City, Nebraska J Caveat and Trade-Mark* obtained, and all Pat-J, Jent b-.iiirx-'mulcted for moocaatt fttn, <1 #0un Or^icr '? or'vo*irr: U n. patcnt OrricrJ ? and wc • nt\ t i'rri *•.»...■ •-» ItuiO loan luuftC ], #ictnote from vv si*.ii»nf4tou# ... , # beud model, uua'm;; or vbot /,, with de*crlp jtlon. We advtftc, u i■•*»«? mole or not. free o(J Jcuarge. Our tec not due til feu cm :» * ecu red. # A pAMAHLCT, "HOW tf» ( Udlll-l PatClItH,''* With Jcoa ui ft*uic 111 the L\ 9. and foreign countrki J tent tree. Addreuft, sC.A.SNOW&CO.* { Oss. Patcmt Orrict, Washington, D. C. 1 A*%a%*a*ta.'*aaaaa,%»%aavwws%%— TIME TABLE. HUKI.INOTOM it MISSOURI RIVER It. U. EAST. WEST. J 1:45 P. M. Leaves 6:50 P. M A. F. W kuts. Agt U. 1*. UAII.WAV. Beginning Sunday. November 17th. train* will arrive mid depart ut tills station as f >llows: Leaves Leaves .Monday. J .... I Tuesday, / H (M) I Wednesday. :• ’ | Thursday. Friday, H'I aiurdsy \ *• Arrives at Loup City daily 7.15p.m. ' Close connection at lirand Island for all points Kast and West F. W., Agent |- M l»KI*AHTMKNT OK AOItll lTI/r URE WEATHER III!REAl'. k!o i Witrii.' ft’i.Aii Wimlhi r Nu, i III.U* Kl.AU Kuluor xiiiiw. Mu .1 T»l*HAI.r WHIT* IA»WKH MAI.rMI.l t i.iH iti Halnt Mu. » Hi.a. * iMr AMi.i.r. Tuui|intlur*. M». & WMimri-At. Mini mi.aih suiiar* in t-dliUir. I'nUl W»t« IhtBMMMIrrATIHM i>r l<l»l*I.A»» \Vtu'M Mi* • l» |il.u >"l AOiiti’ Ni*»- I ! ami H U |Uuifm. » **»WA'r wtHkihar mm! »i»n l*Ui'«ni iH'iutt MU* ■ • AMil 1 ll IimIU'»i»* I'Hlili'i wmltw. W hi'M Nil » t» tiUi txi «*»Ul» N'*« t »Mil ; lull mi w«l *«atlwr With mUl «»»» Awarded Highest Honor#, World'* Fair. DU |[ MOs 1 PKRRCT MM)I* A pm (>iAfO u**n *4 Ta.ia. I «1m rw It ■ ■* •*» •**•* go VIARtTHI fcTANOAAD I "notick ok hi:it to non hk.hidknt IJKKKN HANTS Statu nl Neliranku, I Sherman < minty f ' Oeorye Youny and Annie Youny. Ida w ife i mu -renhlcnt defendant* will lulu- oollee Dun »n the Hill day of March. l*l*>, Kll/.u Uubeock . j plaintiff tiled her petition In the dlatrlcl ( niiirt of Sherman County, Nehruaka aynlnai leorye Youny, Annie Youny, III- wife Net) •paka Morlynye Company. J It Hhreek I* If ',’pdlke Itceelvcr* John IJoe the object, ami j prayer of which are to foretdeae a certain nurtyaye executed by the defendant- Oeorye Youny and Annie Youny. bta wife to the Neb ■aaka Mortyaye Company, and by it uaalyncd lor a valuable conaloeratlon to the idiilntllT jpon the Him th-Kant quarter of Die South-Wr t juarter Die North IVe-t quarter of the Smiih riant quarter. South one-half of the South Kaat quurter the Nortb-Kaat quarter of the South-Went quarter of Section Klcven illi fownahlp Thirteen IIJ), ftariye Sixteen i I8i m at of the 8U1 p. in. In Sherman County Si liraaka to accure the payment of a certain timid dated April lat, laid for tbe aum of SI Hid lue mid payable April lat. 1*181 and that there a now due accord I riy to the term* of aald nortyuye upon aald timid and mortyaye the principal aum of $1,son with Intercat at 7 per sent per annum from the lat du.v of October 1*11.7; and one coupon intere*t note for $13.00 mi) Intereat on aame from the lat day of ictober, I*HS at 10 per cent per annum puyn Pie acini annually. IMuIntiff praya fur ,i leeree that defendanta la- required to pay tin iniimnt due on aecmint of aald bond, luortyiiyi md Intereat or that aald premiaea may be wild loaatlafy the amount found due. You are required to anawer aald iietltlou on ar before the 30th day of April, 1*1*' Hated March tub '*'*'. I'll.IP.A l’lalntlfr. Afleat Hy W H. CusiiKH, Her Ally, I.iiuih Kkin. Clerk of lliatrlot Court. NOTICK OK SKIT TO NON HKHJDK.NT DKKKNDANTri In lilatrlit Court of Sherman County, Nebraaka. Uhurle* A. lloblnaoii, I’lulntlfl va. Mueil lfl^ul>l».lula.lri ll.aonh I/.. hluUklS. H. Howell & Co.. Klmt Nut lutiwl Hunk of Chicago, Y. 9’ MiT’imy, Kiiimu* Manufacturing Couiimtt.v. t'lt l/eli* National llatlk of St Haul, Ni'hrunku A W l*at«r»ott Wiilimu Dee ring 4 t o. and John Doe in-r. n.lani Hi at# of Nolirttnku i Hbertiiati (bounty t s. |( Howell \ Co. h*lr*i National H«nk uf Chicago Y K McCarty Kotina* Munuf'.i* tm mi* i oiii|tuuV A. W ISUffWHI, SVliiunn Devi mg 4i'oro|»uiiy defendant*. will take notice ttint •»n the 1 Hit day of March ti*M Charle* \ Unt»in*on nlahitifTkeralu It!«•«! f«In the ItutrU i Court of shevtnan fount> \»»»• t'Uoka awalio»t Mil the alto* e uaun d tfi Mnun the oh)e» t and firmer of which arc to lurwl ' *♦’ H certain mortgage emeu led i»v l!•«« defendant* Mat y ii m nsutuUht ami Jew•t»n 14 * **■ hinlal-ki u|»o» the e**t half of the Mltitll w< lit ano the ea*t half of the north •taaro r of Mellon clghui < u tlhi la towa»hi|i fourteen it range Hurt*cn 11.*» In Sherman » > miv S a mA i tOMourethe i*ay incut of tloto |<> *d «*»*f y (tote* iitliui on the Hlk day Atoll |w » » l««Uow« one ho the «aui of ta i* »t« • u t i ihOitMi >ot the ftr»i day uf H * into * i -t t h r the «uttt ul il'tMWihni and Mayan* «*n *. >i Hf*« day uf lkec« tnt»rr Ittftl one for the muw I ft at»d (ay«itl4i OH the «tf%| Hay of |»« * « hi** r Ita Htwimtif atari* to d««i-r-' * •. d hl*t n*te due unit hi re i* How due «*4 |»av t*i« »Mt UlM b*iir* tMi Mi**1 Uh* the >» *1 M « <1 for which *oi» with ititi««*t .• m C . •late at eight |»» cam |* > wan an* |daU»t * |it>41 * to# a dev fee that <k h ud*M * las i jtuii’v d itt taf - ,U| vuiu of that MgHt •« o*.* -ad to Mtidi the 4Henmk Ponded 'tut Ttn* the Hi<<di4lm it* M Ml fu%‘»t« of W M ||ttf«]| 4tV gad the 9 »Mt hu mural t» *«h id ♦ ;* * *«#■ 4o nol not to ha a Halt >aM |n-v * .#« and to t#«- Hoi and n«»4 rUut th* i*i h> Ml» la la* or df r Met a*fc* 9* ah >a •• M •-e ufa* luting i n l iUgm Nulcurai itmi »t at is*<»i atot’tMha t W INtfi♦ * tVni <**MtH mi« 4 t ** he 4*''. **•*’! M t*» ’a? I** n * u|***H • *'d Thai the * chmA wiiaite^ k» h a e •* - %atd !**••■%hoHH-* Ifeya atrd the *a**i * w *%t*H’9*4 wad the tna to «gM |»o o*? ** c ^alf udlw d% Hadauti Man 14 • vhtn'iUi.' ■ 4 •« #h How* h» a»atahi Vow wad a uf iaua»» te«fwirvd »«* a**.«w#t *atdi tari'tTd* idt o# haHww the H 4u • of %r* 11 * un<t thH t*ft* dai t#f Mw*c h tma » m tut m | H.<**»• •» \Uv%t * Mr Hi t 4 H | .-t t* Hath m l ktMittVii ttit Hit n t h »h v4 th* lh*t#o t iiiitVt ns ft Itluttr* it« of ' *M t - ‘ nif Sen# BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO Or. Price's Cream Itaklng Powder l-'orty Year* the Standard. 1 he Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactory ing concern in the world, is now' putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accident* that 'ocfail watches fitted with the old-style bow, whlch is simply lick) in by friction and can l<e twisted of! with the finger*. It is called the ««*«• t*«u ti«4« «tk<k- a H*44 only through w itc h dealer*, without extra v hargv \-k any jeweler for pamphht or « id u* th*« mauuhkt tuiti* 4 I Mi 1 *. X..«... I