The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 20, 1896, Image 7
The Greatest Hedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALO KENNEDY. OF ROXOUKY, NIKSS . Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures everv kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred lertificates of its vajue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week a<ter taking it, Bead the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. N.» change of diet ever necessary. Eat tne nest you ca.i rci, *uu cii«juhi* vi iu Dose, one (ablespoontul In water at bed time. Sold by all Dru^ists. ll<I'. <> :i >««#,. . »,</, «»<•» half Ui» World'i WfiMlmlll hurtiimiA, U*< *u*e it ha* reduced the rout o wind power to l .11 wnul it 'a an.« it has many brand -Bouiev. touts ilea It* good* and repairi . at four doot. It can and does furnihh i [hotterarticle for lenn ruoiifytiiai other*. It make* Pumping am (feared, Steel (ialrant&d after Completion Windmill*. Tllilhf f arid Filet] Steel | oarer*. Steel lliux S.iw Frames, Steel Feed Cutter* and Feet I Grinders. On application it will narne out ef the*e article* that It will unti January fit at |/» the usual puce. It ai*o maker Tanks sod Ptimpsof all kinds, send for catalogue HcUryi 12m, Bocbw.U end Flllmr* Strwt., Cklcaf* SSfffSfff k MR5»Ss6Sa MULCihgu lar.LKRMISERB M0.M1UDN.RL W. N. U., OMAHA—12—1800 When writing to advert,inern, kindlj mention thiH paper. TIIIC nOR[.l)'« PAKI.IKBT POTATO. That’s Halter's Karllest. flt for use In 2* day*. Salter’s new late tomato. Champion of the World, is pronounced the heaviest ytelder In the world, and we challenge you to produce its equal! 10 acres to Halter s Karllest Potatoes yield 4000 bushel*, sold In June at $1.00 A bushel $4000. That pay*. A word to the wise, etc. New If you will eat Hit* eel eed seed It with 10e postage you will get, free, 10 package* grains and grasses. In cluding Teoslnte, lAithyrus, Band I Vetch, Giant Hpurry, Giant Clover.eto., and our mammoth seed catalogue, w.a. for m I ol«l Hit so that the back is near the tire and stay there until it ia thoroughly warmed. Soak tlie feet in iiiu*tar«l water a* ' hot as can be endured. I Drink a glasa of hot w ater imd Scotch whiskey, tiien jump into bed anti have ] blanket* heaped upon you I If the cold begin* with a cbill *turt immediately to drink hot lemonade. Heat of All To cleanae the ayetem In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Hprlngtlme cornea, uae the true and per fect remedy, By/up of Klga. One bottle i will anawer for all the family and coete j only 50 cent*; the large *l»e II. Huy the genuine. Manufactured by the Cal ifornia Fig Hyrup Company only, and for aala by all drugglata. It take* a good deal of ability to do any I thing well. Take I’arkrr'iUlafrrTinlr Horn* with >»u Von -III ami It to •lei’ll ymr eapecnnl n» In ■Puling oolilk, anil uianir ill*. *< lie* and w»»kni'*mi» True love often uae* moat allocking grara mar. ____________ I'aln la ant einCorlti la plaaaur*. aa|H>na ly alien on *■ lomi'i liy ivimi llonlereoma will pleaM yuu, for It r»ino»n» ilieoi perfectly. 'I be afgbt of a cat alTecta a toy and a dog In aliout the lime way. PITS ■•AllPit*utopl^d fr**l>y I>r. K llnr’«<Jr*f»t krrr* KiiUirrr, S<» KlUaftvr ti»« iimt «im; » um*. Bf*rvH<>u»<’tirrM. Trcf'Jirfiil u»n|. fr#-» l» Hit*u*ca. beud UtkJt.mufJkil Ar vAttl.fl'blla.'l'iie 'Jhvrt is hop# for anybody who I* * bling to i)nlf*arn. ■ For 5 cents you get almost as much “Battle Ax” as you do of < other high grade goods for 1 0 cents. I Before the days of “Battle Ax” I consumers paid 10 cents for same | quality. Now, “Battle Ax”— Highest Grade, 5 cents. That's true economy. T.4th PRIZE CONTEST. Tl 1' 1st Prin. Kiabill Pino. "St|l« 3,".$ 600 00 <! 1. 2d Prin. Bicjelt, far an or voan. 75 00 < ; 2d Prin. rod. 50 OC I i 10 Cash Print, ucfc $25. , , I 10 Cash Prim, each $10. i , i 60 Cash Prim, itch $!. <» 13 Prim.$1.195 00 V** 11 i! fstttua muialulap tWSlraut WtlktaOaUlaa' aufala whatbar ha tlHI uftsa I I , ur WH Tblaroalaal .-l.vaa April IS MS Tha prl*a slnt.ara a III ba ai.nuun.d4 uaa , , • aah laiar and tha alaataf MiMm publtahad laraaa ta,,..r a..,ra uri.o ala- ' I 1 tlu mm art. ul I*. lai.pi,. pmtpraaca will tar flaw, In I I , Uk «“.u.uu.r u.uai a.adru,'l hi. aaataiu*. and a.. ... ra.. .. will bp aHosatl , , k. .alar tala , ..»■>(# tbau .... a .. ... ...... tad ..r auhalUuw4 ' I i MRIMI ara rwalrad VsaMasta ml Otuaha in awl panalltaJ |u CuaipstS I * HULKS POM TM« IINTINOI I Ws Othara l.r.i.M. Ikl tSSKth ul a aaataaaa la to ba laaaurad to »ka iwkH ml lattata IINtatalas % I 1 bat as Imim MS bs pass a* «Htatatl pm >haa Ikraa Iltaaa V# s..rd a.rapt ' a I ’ , I H “r M. ta uaal vr. tla« Vha Matapu uiu.t f.nalal ml . ..uaplata • *rda | il.aa aM»a>iali.<aa u» amtra liuai atu . uiuat a..| ha u» .1 1 ka pmanaa I 1 *f* m*4 ‘*W am. la a ’sill ha a«n*j>UMl aa dmaplala Sonia t‘i,.aa. iuaai«aaaH I1 I I .nutaataal u.uat luQInata br Igu.aa al tha «ad .d Va .aatattaa ana j | o' u*ar Ip atada hy ika *mt, W» HaaabS. ml MM f l i latak. .J.t . tM.i-aaaa.aa . WILLIAM J. aav an. Is editor. | i | *s4 N S ranal.a I that aa-a M>wpaala« aaatsaHP ka aml.awd attk ua>a dull at la* a , | isaa'a Mfcaaalptlua Tha * aaat « WoatP Ilaaau. t« laauad la aal aaaklf aaa ' , I 1 waaa. aud ha... a a *aa,ly M guvs aa a dally It la tha aaatara . havugb-a ml ttaa I 1 I | atlaad aal«as« ami tha .**4lap ntaalty aaaapapai ml Hahraa.a ( ( l! Weekly World-Herald. Omaha, Neb. !! i I __ 1 '** l I H BA auataat mh nil um/ it ins I 1 aaa* -d ll a ah* Tlaau la tklNl a-maat aaa I. It tight, l.-.t a Mu j , | S <aua* ul IMS *a*b p*t*a la cam., auataat saallm Maty L Thtaba* titfrlgi*a.MaS . i ARK VOl HI'KHATITIOM look f«> lour Antnl Month anil Met A imrn If mm Other* Mer % on All IjiclUli authority Im rcAponMlbit for the a«Mcrtlon that a inaii'M d»-sliny dcpcudM upon ihe month of IiIm birth, i A man born in January will be a hard i worker, a lover of gmid wine, a Iln alngcr, n manager of great enterprlMt-M I A woman Inirn In that montb will be ' affable; will have domealle, mini cm ami j will be t’Hpnhlc of great endiiranee. I A man born III I'ebnnuy will love 1 money much bin women more, lie will ! lie mi limy ai home but prodigal abroad. ' The woman will Ik- an affectionate wlfe and itiMid mother. The man Imu-ii In March will In- hand Home, bone*I and pmdent. Yet be will die poor. The woman w ill Im- tall, mI.hii anil witty. Tie- man Ihh-h in April will not mv cKxnrlly be a fool even If IiIm birthday Im the next day after March :tl. Tin woman Will he II fhuttcrlHiX and will have advanced idcitM. Min- will Im- a leadltm member of the Mlirh-khm «la* terhood. 'I'be man Imii-ii In May will be amiable and will make IiIm life partner luippy. The woman will eijual him in ninlabd It.v and the other above named dexlr* able iptallty. The man born In June will In- of Kinnll Mtainre and very fond of women illHI • ll'DII' ll, lilt* » Will. Ill Will IM Highly mill n high liver, Inn will rcpiiil mi l goher down at forty. The man liurii In .Inly will la nf mill Inry In sirs, n Irllte pompous. Inil a gnu I fellow wit lull. The woman wl I have a sulky temper; she will Is' proud an I handsome. The man horn In August will he am bition* mid courageous. Tin; woman will Is- whut Americans call capable. Him will he equal lo running a farm or editing a newspaper. The man Isiru in Hcptember will lie strong und wise; lm will make few mis takes and live and die rich. The worn an will lie loved hy her fricuds, have many suitors ami die an old maid. The man Isirn In Oeioher will write poetry when young; then lie will dahhle In polities atul wind up as a reformer. '17m woman will lie pretty, and late In life an apostle of tolul abstinence. The man horn In November will have a Him face, great address, and If not careful he will he a gay I/othnrlo. The woman will he large, liberal minded and fond of novelties nnd novels. The man born In December will have a passionate temper, yet will he tlm llrst lo forgive. The woman will he a I.ndy Bountiful to the deserving poor, hut a terror to tramps and wilfully un employed.—Philadelphia Press. Itv A SCHIST III- MOIST AII AH AT. The View From the Summit «f llae Mountain of thr Ark. At last we stood upon the summit of Ararat hut the siiii no longer pierced tlm white vapor; a lieree gale drove across the forbidden region mid whipped the eye .straining to distin guish the limits of snow and cloud. Vague foniiff hurried past on the wings of the whirlwind: In place of llm lundseupc of the land of promise we searched dense hanks of fog. We wort- standing on the s;s>l where Ihe ark of Gopher rested, where llrst the patriarch alightpd on the face of an earth renewed. Before him lay Ihe valleys of tJOO years of sorrow; the air iest pinnacle supported him, a bound less hope filled Ills eyes. The pulse of life beat strong and fresh amunil him; the busy swarms thrilled with sweet freedom, elect of all living things. In the sellllng exhalations stood the how { of many colors, eternal tokens of God’s covenant with man. Although (he summit of Great Ara rat, which has an elevation of I7.DIH feet, yields In height to the peaks of the Caucasus In t’m north nnd to Dem avend (111,400 feel) In the east, nearly , BOO miles mwiv. vet. as Brvrc in Ills admirable book lias observed, there ( can Is- but few other places In the world where a mountain so lofty rises i from a plain ho low. The smiuiilt of ' Great Ararat has the form of a dome j and is covered with periM'tual snow; this dome crowns an oval Ilgurc, the ! length of which is from northwest to , southeast; and It Is, therefore, tin* long : side of this dome which you see from the valley of the Araxes. On the southeast, as you follow the outline ! further, the slope falls at a more rapid ‘ gradient of from 30 to 35 degrees, ends In the saddle hetweeu the two mountains, at a height of nearly 0,000 feet. From that point It Is the shape of the Little Ararat which continues the outline toward the cast; It rises In tho shape of a graceful pyramid to the height of 12.K40 feet, and its summit Is distant from that of Great Ararat a space of nearly seven miles. The southeastern sloj»e of the lesser Ararat corresponds to the northwestern slope of the greater mountain and descends to the floor of the river valley In a long and regular train. The unity of the whole fabric, the lntln ate correspond* ence of the parts between themselves. In a word, the architectural <|imlltlea of this natural work at on v impress tbe eye and continue to provide an in exhaustible fund of study, however long may Is- the period of your stay.— Hcrthner's for February. I.umlnoee Trails The t'hluese have a curious liellef that certain crahe are at timee In-atel to a white heat, and if taken Into a boat liave the faeulty of burning wlutt* aver they touch To any one familiar with cram lu Ibelr variety there might seeui some reason for this, as. so far aa api»miranees are concerned, some of lbs cralia are wonderfully luuiiu us and seem to glow at svery |*>nll with aa latenae light that In Its rn.lmt|..u* Mlumltu-e not only the siiIiimI Itself, but all Immediate objects. One tight In rowing my taai along the Florida reef I noticed that the water eitddettly bacante highly bMulnoue At the t».w two golden wave* rushed away, break ing Into a lumlnoue r-am sts-iuiug to Iga'ie the eatlre surrounding water. Kvery movement of the oar wae like a touch «f Midas and left a g- bleu tram Here were great nwus like utaamw; now tratle of light as Ashee ilaehed away, and hy aidaahtng the water vtu- ) leuliy to and fro with my baud, to hrtllkaal a light wee lUel print isitihl ht< reed hy It. Is«>*IIm | non showed ilai this woudetfid phe nomenon was csiis d hy M ist* > rua* , lavrana eoualna of the neons-u ctetia, teat whdw minute lu alar alwuat t.-w ; idetely Ailed the water end hy a nun | hi nation of forces nr dneed tho mar dlapiay I'htlaiielphia Timee How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollar* reward for any rare of Catarrh that r.-mnot be cored by Hall'* i atarrh Cure F J CH BN BY * CO.. Toledo. O We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Inst 15 year*, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all bualnes* trarm u tlon&. and tbi.inelally able to carry out any ‘ vtlons made by their firm. I WAI.DINO. KIN.NAN « MAKVJN, W holesale Druggist*, Tola In, Ohio. Hall'* (Catarrh Cur" I* taken Internal i ly, acting directly U|ion the blood and i mucous surface* of the system. Testl- I menials sent free Price. 75c per bottle. I Hold by all druggist*. | Hall * Family Pill*. 'Xc. What It Wanted. livery boy and girl hat. doubtles* heard of Hits great composer Handel. Here is a little atory told of him and of Hr. Maurice Green, a musician whose compositions wero never remarkably fine. It seems tie had sent a solo an them to Handel for his opinion, and Handel invited him to take breakfast, and Ik* would say what lie thought of it After coffee Green's patience be came exhausted, and he said “Well, sir. wiial do you tuirik of it'.1'' “Gh, your anthem! Ah, I did t ink d«t It wanted air." /in. ur i*ii » m rrn “Yes, sir: and so I <1 id him/ it out of de vintlow,'' replied Handel Harper's Hound Table. wiir.iiK mu von uKTTiiiMorntrr Had the Ladles’ Aid Society of our Church out for tea, forty of them, and all pronounced the Herman Coffceherry equal to Klo! Halzer’s catalogue tell* you all about It! 35 package* Hardest vegetable seeds $ 1.00 post paid. If yon will cut fills out sort "Mil with 15c. stamps to John A. Halzer Heed Co., Isa Crosse, WIs., you will get free a package of above great coffee seed and our 148 page catalogue! Catalogue alone 6c. ... w.n. If you want s good servant girl u" to a milkman. tw'i t ough Balsam Is th* oldest and la-sb It will I,rusk in, a' <du •r than anythin* •!»«. It Is always n ilabb. Try lb Whv Is It we nlwufs Iwliete that we mi save a little money next mouth! All A trout Western farm l ands. The ''Corn l!olt” is the name of an illustrated monthly newspaper pule lisiied by the Chicago, Hurlnigton A Quincy H H. It aims to give informa tion in an interesting way about the farm lands of the west. bend 85 cents in postage stamps to the “Corn licit,’’ 309 Adams St., Chicago, and the paper will he scut to your address for one vesr. _ _ No man s creed is complete wbl b does not declare a t ellef in himself. still mm in* Away »'rises. The novel prize contests of the Omaha World-llerald still continue. The last one closed February first and the prizes have been awarded. The new prize contest just announced in our advertising columns is to see who can construct the longest good sentence in Knirlish without using anv letter more than three times As usual the first prize is a fAOO.OO piano, this , time a Kimball, and five or six hundred ; dollars In cash prizes follow: Of course the object of the Weekly World-Herald is to secure new subscri- 1 bers for their popular and tie way journal. This is the third big contest of the kind which the World-Herald has had to boom circulation and Kditor Bryan's paper, which champions the cause of free silver, must be spending a good deal of it in prizes All thing* come to biin who know* when not to wait. _ Free to " Comrade*.” The latest photographs of the Hon. 1. : N. Walker, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Write to F. H. Lord, Quincy Ilullding, Chicago, and you will receive one free. The Same Old t mmrii **l>ear ine.” said Maude, “there ha* been a dreadful lot of talk in the tinun* < ial article* abont a ?oid rmfr. What do you suppose they are driving at?M "Oh. 1 don't know,” rep.ied Mamie, in a w<-ary tone. '*1 true** it s just Mime more of Utia silly joking about engage men U.”—Washington .star Don't He Too l.ate for the ^Ii hiiht \ ud don't mnltwhen you are ps'klntr up your effert** preparatory for the \oyay< to In elude among them a ■ apply of llostetter’* lorpueh Hitter*, the treat remedy fortes sleknes*. Travelers for plea«ure or liuii* | • ie***» ** ekInf foreign ellmes. or s ho !oe.y piote by MteiituhoMt or train, t>« aides yatrh men and marlin rv testify to the remedial and preventive elileary of the Hitter*.ehleti Is lm*omparst>l* for nausea, headache dys pepsia. Id 11 ion •* Dean, rheumatism, nurvoii* ario kidney trouble. If a irlrl I* I ullt rlclit *lie donu t need a garter to keep her *t<*klnK* up Hurmiinoil Coinne, Hoaa Throat. et>’ . khould ha eoiiktuutly ruppllod with “Crown * ilronehlal l ri* be*.'' Avoid Iml tlltloll* _ A n Imaginary Uaaalng l« only part ot a hlatodnK. Cl*o* l lira tor (onxmoptlon ha- raved me Inrpe do< tor hill* ('. I,. Halier, d .' .'H Heel'll I Hip, Chi ndalphla. Ca , He •„ *, llfi. \\ lien you me to 11 tune aeknow edit* It It Ilia llahy I* Cutting Team. km IU* *nd nr* lhrtol'1 rod well tiled rmmmtr, Mm. Wi»mw‘i*ooT*iao knar lur riilklrrii T**tbl»«j. (upld prom he- more than hi* vl/dltn* are uhle to perform < “A Word j I Season.” ) The ee;iAon is Spring, * ? Spring when you cull on i your body for ail its en- l ergy, and tax it to tbo ? limit of effort. Does it l answer you when you l i call? Does it creep un- f i willingly to work? It’s ( the natural effect of the C 1 waste of winter. So much f for the season. Now for J the word. If you would \ 1 eat heartily, aloe;i { isoundly, work aaHily, and j feel like a new Ikiuh, \ 1 take ( ( Ayer’s s Sarsaparilla. ( flurv , unu , Thompson’s Eya Water. | THE KINQ CURE OVER ALL FOR i | ■ < j R44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444Q* j Bicycle Economy^; * Before buying a bicycle said to be “ just as » good as a Columbia ” it is well to compare the * prices at which the machines sell second-hand. 1* The second-liand price of Columbias often equals or exceeds the NEW price of the " just-as-good." If you look a year ahead, there is wise economy in | Columbiasnoo f STANDARD OF THE WORLD ij j POPE MFG. COMPANY ! i • Oounl Off*** and Factor**, w curt it lift by ulbif on It* Columbia i « 4 * HARTFORD, CONN. aftnl; by mail (or two 2-c*nt rtampt > DauuuaaauaauaaaaaauuauuaaaaauUMnaMua^ i Premium No. 1 Chocolate j| jjj Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., •: £ Dorchester, Mass., has been cele- :: $ brated for more than a century as :: I a nutritious, delicious, and flesh- :: forming beverage. Sold by gro- :: cers everywhere. ;: for WOMEN $1,000 FOR THE ONE WHO 6UESSES BEST! □ YEAR AGO THE CHICAGO RECORD offered $30,000 chapter, the purpose being to give CASH PRIZES to those reader* of In cash prize* to authors for the best •' stories of mystery." The TH E < 'H 1C AGO K K( 'OKU who should be able to solve the mystery, stories wero so called because It wue required that a mystery or come nearest to a correct solution of It. IN ADVANCE of the pub should run through the entire story and be disclosed only In the last licatlon of the last chapter In the paper. THE AWARD OF AUTHORS’ PRIZES HAS JUST BEEN J1ADE. Merles from all parts of the English-speaking world, to the number ol 816, were entered In the competition. Twelve Cneh Prise* were offered for the best twelve stories. The first prize was <10,000, and was won by Harry Stillwell Edwards, of Macon, On. His story Is entitled: “SONS AND FATHERS,” ANU IIS rUBUM I ION WILL BKUIN IN I NK tNICAUU KEtOKU ON MARCH sj, and continue In about thirty daily Installments until completed. "SONS AND FATHERS” Is beyond all question THE QRBAT STORY OP THE YEAR. There will be an interra! of a week or more between the publication of the last Installment con* taInlug the explanation of the mystery and the immediately precrd Ing chapter, during which period the gueaaea will he received t>v TUB RBCORD. To still further promote popular Internet In thla remarkable story THB CHICAGO RBCORD offers 110,000 In (HO cash prlaea for the am. guesses which shall couin the nearest to being true and complete solu Hons of the mystery In the story. THE 310,000 IS DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS x I rin.l. LAMM *• Lu Uw tlMtaJlsof 111. .h.iiiIiI lull* *a««i u To tho reader from whom Tilt. HKCOHli receives the moat complete and correct col ntion In all Ite de tails of the entire mystery of the story, aa It shall he disclosed la the last chapter when published . ... •1,000 Tor the second best solution... 500 Tor the third heat solution. goo Tor the fourth best eolation. aoo Tor the aeit A nearest beet eelutleas. •too each .... imhi Tar the neat 10 aeareet bawl eolations, AO each..... AOO Tor the aeat lO aeareal beet eolatlana, M each. AOO Tor the best AO nearest beet eelatleaa, IO each. 1.000 Tor the neat AOO aeareet beat eelatloae, 10 each. a,otto Tor Use neat AOO aeareet beet eelatloae, A each ..... 1.000 la all AM prises, emeuat!a« to. , •10,000 In* lha a»«»din* of lh«*o |>rU*« will bn |.ubti«h*4 In TUK I'WCAOO MW <iHl». Tha prtnrlpal rulr* ara a* follow* 1. Mot »»**■ aoluUou ran attlaraA by a rnoAnr It I* Immaterial wfeathnr lha rvolur •ub«’rtb*a for tha |*a|*ar Alrart lo lb* oAtnn of imbllcniion, or whrlhai ll I* boiitfbt fiuw tha loom aawatlvniar Tha aontaat la u|m>a, iuul«r tha *|mk iitv4 luwlUtuiw, lo all who rwa4 tha pal*' V. Tha asplanatuia of lha layrvlary may Ini mail# In lha raa4ar*s •*« wartla, m lha Khgllmk iao*u*«* and without any aMampI at "Ana writing ’• •imply Alvin* a* many of tha fa*l* that *u to rnaha a " eomplata and alow IMaly aorraut aolutlon of tha antlra myvtaiy a* lha raaAar may ha Ohio to Alaaoaar. tt Tha 9IA,MM will ha aaarAa*. onAar tha rondlttaa* aanoatmrd.aa •ofAin* to lha haat )u4*maoi of lha Jn4#a* appoint #4 by TM K i HIl' tttll NK4AJMB. and lhay will h«» * nmylaM « oalroi aa4 Anal Aaatato*, bayanA any ai^aal, in all ana liar* ralatto* to Iht* un»<|u« aontaat. An4 Inal, hm not anal, ONLY WOMEN AND OIRL5 MAY OtJESS. me urmmuu neounu iMWllmn »l • ki«k «•«*• M>kl Mott M _I k SPECIAL OFFER. TMH IHMWII alii to ml to mi >*dtssa, |ml-pU. (to Mteit, to*i». •Ito alto Ito aim «to*tot ul tos Mtof. »«« M (lira, to Mia at a-ims hmi» Tto awf toaias Mama M. aad II Is toifito ilM *m • •sfiaUsas tossM to issattsd •• fat la sd«as.s ai ual dais as a—stots. toi all svtosrliMlto* va this simlsl •••I ssstossd up to 4toil I alii to Wtod tol aM« altar Atoll I THt'.CMICA'IO WliCOItl) ... IsftosadSS Isadisg ato*aia« datii to tosl. at to • sisals **e»nias ll Im ito larvMi atosaiaa siisaiausa to A ami to l«MM a dar ll U 1 —alto* d tto Astotlstod I'tsas sad " |SIM all Ito asas Ismb all Ito a«tid.1 It l> todsfsBdtoi to tolllla* and a l»« ail — Mloil aaoa *llk jialii >al loi|<a(tiallt t lew leutu tar mmi Of ponuaa ■talk IlkllkiMa i ImIIi Mumu' l*r«* J T III ti«u, of lk« NwilMakn lltinnMi. omltta w iw Kimhm till» I Mia*. «*** '• I ka»a > o<u* la tka Bna roarloaluo altar a Omni mm awl alia* a •IBa > natiwruoa alia taa jouraaU a< ataar Mata* ak4 wwaUlk. iku TKA CIMCAUO Ml'kOttO MMMB a* mm Balk* tka Wlaal datlf >*o.. ikl aa aa ara lor wao itaia IU*tf to Ba4 «a Ikaaa atonal akora* " Tka jooraaJiM* , law *•!►»», (wWUkaJ la Na« Yark *akail Vra*|ta|a>riloM» tar* " Tkant la ko oarar iMfOakatl Ik Akor-.-a Ikal aa aaatly kraarka* tkalrw* MnalMO Man « TIIK • HtCAUO MHO HUl Kotaanl faor *ok»rt|Mi«« aa rorll at filktr. to Ikal faor naata MU ka aaloroH aa tka aotovrlittMi UM al w« aad Ikr |M|w» ka «aai fwo olikuol aat Aakar aau la iMk* lor tka apaala* akkk*a*a al IW UMU'I ilBVAT BIB.MO VBMB OfABV. AAOwa, VtCTM f. liVtm. ftlNtt TM 6WCAI9 WWW 111 MbAibu IlfMl, omicaoo. iu rVffl Hfilt All Kf Ilf I THAI AMI ^ im< «immm mhh mu ut tu. m mi mm m m» mm «m Mm mmmm M mm »mm IMU riAUJ RK( Klim IMMM VMS M IttHIH Ml immM ''MOMtHMMUMIlaW M»«MM« WIIM