The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 06, 1896, Image 7

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    (HIM I* KINO: HliRRAWtf
Bhout for Joy. The green gras* rule*
It * more valuable tban oala, wheat and
rorn together. Luxuriant meadows are
the farmer's delight. A positive way to
get them and a very sure one we know
la to sow Bailor's Kxtra (Iras* Mixtures.
No need ef waiting a life time either.
Balxer baa a mixture, sown In April,
producing hay la June. Many farmeri
report yields of six tons of magnificent
hay per aero. Over one hundred dif
ferent hinds ef greases, clovers, Teo
■Inte, Band Vetch, Olant Bpurry and
Kodder plants! 36 packages earliest
vegetables far 11.00.
11 fee will eel Ibis eel and ••art
with 10c. postage to the John A. Balxer
Bead Co,, La Crease, WIs., you will re
ceive free ten grass and grain aamplei
and their mammoth seed catalogue.
Catalogue alone 6c. for mailing, w.n.
Dmth, •• K»4 In tlm Eece.
A rather curious discovery has been
made with reference to soldiers killed
In battle. On the authority of several
English army surgeons, It can be stated
that the cause of death Isdearly shown
In the expression of the face of acorps*
on the Held of battle. Those who have
been killed by sword thrusts have a
look of repose; if it was a bullet that
killed, pain, often of the most fright'
ful nature, la clearly depicted. -Medi
cal Review.
HmI ef All
To cleenae the eyetem In a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
Hprlngtlme comae, uee the true and per
fect remedy, Hy/up of Klgs, fine bottls
will answer for all the family end cost*
only Ml cents; the large six* II, Huy
the genuine. Manufactured by the Cal
ifornia Klg Hyrup Company only, and
for sals by all druggists.
Every lie Is the assaesln of *oiu*l<ody'i
JPITP -A II nwatopped free by I»r. g line’s Orest
Nerve Keeuirer. so bus Her n>« fuel lie/ » ums
■ srvelouecore*. Tresitae sml ttlrlsl bottWreeS*
Situs***, s*mlU>pr.Kllu*Atlar«bSt.1t'bUs>,l'w
^ There I* a foolish controversy a* to tbi
Imaginary leadership of New York *odcty
I kilftd I
* would make no Impres- *
L sion on the number of the 1
f germs of consumption Y
* that exist in one affected Z
9 lung. All germs are lit- 9
9 tie enough, but those |
Y which cause consump- Y
f9 tion are very minute, t
Cod-liver oil won’t kill 9
$ them. We don’t know a j
Y remedy which will. The Y
$ germs float In the air and £
9 we can’t keep from $
\ breathing them into our 5
Y lungs. Then why don’t 2
Z all of U3 have consump- J
9 tion? Because a healthy 9
J throat, sound lungs, and Y
fa strong constitution 2
f won’t allow the germs to |
9 gain a foothold. $
S colts Smufstcn,
% of Cod-liver Oil, with 2
| Hypophosphites, restores J
f* and maintains the 9
strength, Increases the j£
2 weight, heals inflamed 2
^ membranes and prevents J
| serious lung trouble. 9
j*’ This is why it is the food- #
* medicine in coughs, |
9 colds, loss of flesh, and |
^ general debility. $
90C. and $t.oo at all druggist!.
Jhmllll Morphin* Habit turril to It
{Thompson's Ey Wittr.
I hr IIIffrrr»i« r.
"( an you tell me, colonel, w hat I*
the difference between capital and
labor?" wa* asked of a retired officer
of the engineer cor|>», Halted State*
army. “1 flatter myaelf that I can,
»lr,’f *aid the colonel "One day before
j William II Venderlmt died he waarun
down by an unruly team at Fleetwood
park. Ilia injuries did not amount to
a ecratcb, eir, but they cau*ed a panic
1 In Wall etreet and the newspapers pub
I Halted four column* about It. At the
! name Instant a brick rnaeon fell from
i the top of a wall he wa* building and
broke hie neck. One-twentieth of a
column answered for him. That, air,
I ia the difference between capital and
Men «»• Made to Hoorn.
Perhaps, hut rheumatism nerd ant add in
the calamities to which we eir more or le»*
subject, whrn there I* such an efficient
means of counteract In* the dire complaint
as > listener * etomacli Hitter*. When thr
liver, bowel* and stomach *re out of order,
or the kidney* or nerves troublesome, I he
Hitter* j- also an effectual remedy It pre
vent* and remedies all malarial disorder*
t title** Atblettes,
"Any eiupbaala given to academic
1 of developing a man's animalism for
any other purpose than to give the best
possible support to the enlargement as
a rational and moral possibility is a
perversion of the purpose of human
disclpltns. and to that degree blocks
the wheels of all proper college Inten
tion,” writes |)r. I’arkhurst In the
March Ladies' Home Journal. “Nev
ertheless, the real animons of the ath
letic tendency Is a wholesome augury
, of a better breed of men. * * '*
rwi IM|h Halses*
l*thssM»i as<i lw*t. It will lrl-**k «|, » i qulM
*r *l,sn snvteing saw. Ill*slwsv* ralskl* Try a
III,a <;lis«*« sirs*** Are Made.
To make cbeeaa straws, put half s
Brund of sifted flour in a mixing bowl.
aka a hollow in the center and in ll
put four ounces of butter, two ouncei
of cheese, an egg a pinch of red pep
per and one gill of milk, added slowlv
Mix all well together. Holt out thi
paste till it I* about one-eighth of an
inch thick; cut into strips one-*|usrtei
of an Inch wide and six Inches long
and place in a moderate oven untl
colored a light brown. Serve very hot
II the flail/ is (Jutting Teem.
Sours *i»l u«s ttisl ><M snd wsll trlsd rsmsSr, Mss
Wi*suv*'**oi/TMi*a Stai r fur ClilMrss Tsstkiog.
'J'hc secretary of the New York tens
merit house commission, Mr. Kdwarc
Marshall, contribute* to the Marc)
numlier of the Century a papercntltler
“Stamping <>tit the I/imdon Slum*'
This is the first account that has beer
written of the enterprise which, at tin
cost of two and a half million dollar*
Irondon has undertaken »ln the cleans
ing and rebuilding of one of the wort
of her slums. Mr. Marshall sets fort)
the character of the people and of thi
neighborhood, and then describes thi
improved manner in which the pool
Vf ill l/C IH/UIH'I. » ll»- »• viv-w
rect bearing on aimilar problem* in tin
large citiea of the United Htatea
All About Western Karin l-aiida.
The “Corn Belt" ia the name of at
illuatrated monthly ncwapaper pub
liabed by the Chicago, Burlington d
Quincy H. It. It aim* to give informa
tion in an intereating way about tin
farm landa of the went. Mend 2» cenb
In poatage stamp* to the “Corn Balt.'
20U Adama Ht, Chicago, and the papei
will be aent to your addreaa for oni
year. _ ______
In Har|>er'a Bazar for February 2«ti
will lie publlahed aevera) beautiful de
aigna for elaborate tea gowna, frour
I’aria, and a wedding toilette, the lirai
of the aeaaon. A variety of coetuipei
for children, and aome pretty aprlnt
dreaaea, will make the number a aignitt
cant and atriking iaaue in the world o
Iowa farina fomaleon crop payment*, U
per i ent cu*h, I alance W crop yearly, nnti
paid for. J. MUI-HAI-I-, Waukegan, ill.
A photovraph that I* not I otter look ini
than the autiject I* a poor photograph.
| 'l.'^Kr^VrVtTlu**-'?. """M-caulS IU»« •pew’uij
| itutxi foroolU*. imln au l almost every wu.ikue**
No amount of cultivation can make t
I nut tree hear good fruit
Thor rtlatrrulne « urn*!
11*1 nullify uni, IIukI riKiini will r»n»of« LMm »n<
th<‘ii you timu w/tJ* Mud ruu and jump a* you ilk*
The rult i nt ion of tohfMTo it* prohibit#*
I In Kgypt
“Baowa'a Huoviiiut. Tkoohk*" are a*lm
pie yet must nfTectual remedy for t ough*
!iofir*em-»* and Bronchial Trouble* Avohl
| imitation*.
Kvery I iikiue** place i* annoyed hy *omi
f particular loafer
I i*o'» < ure for ( onsuiuption ha* I ecu *
M family uieiltclue with u* »luce latlA.—J. it
: Madison, v-iotl Od Ave., ( hicago, ilia.
lu trying to he "independent" ninuy |>eo
pie ure | o*itively impolite
•; lit Prlza. Klnbill Plano. "Style 3.".$ 600 0 Jj
I 2d Prlza. Bicycla, tar nil or vonaa . 75 0
| 3d Prlza. Glib. 50 0 ,
, IQ Cash Prlzaa, aacb $25. 250 0 ,
II 10 Cash Prizes, aacb $10. 100 0 , >
, i 60 Cash Prlzas, uch $2. 170 0 <»
13 Prlzis.S 1.195 00 V%«
I th# Aral prU# will law |ltnn l«a III# urriuu whu rnnalfntla lb# l*»«g#«l |
' wnlaiitn lw |tw4 bnylhh unlnlHlu| •»*» l*ll#v wf III# wury Ihwit llsrnn '
t\ iIimm II la mm» n<H«Mn« a l«. wan M«ry l»tl#r nf III* nlyNnWI Th# ulb#r urln#n will |
I gw III rt|«l|r ur4#r lw I &#••*» JW|wUlnf« wbwww •wwlwaar## #r# am at lw Uwglh ,
' fr'.v#»» wtMpilltdil .t Mlvium r#«* haw iwvnty-Iw«» l#ai»fi* will r#«'*»t*# a ii»i«rr 1
I • > «•*«nul v*»l»4»i>«* * «*•«twbaaUaw \wr jvfuf WIlls»* i *4Ilain iu*t #)n whrth* r h# «tnn» prtn* (
. I ur it id Ti»l» t't»iii*'«t . h*. n * p -H lb. M 1b# prl*# wltmrm will tw» gi*MMaai«#4 •>**# (
‘ art k l#l#f #Mii lb# wlbililng k mI* t**‘vn puhluhttl In • «#) intun yitm *lb 1
( I MlH| «4 Mintfr* Wf%» **4 I' # *nu**t IrMgth |»r«if#a#tn# willlw glta'ii |«i |h» lwM»t "U* |
1 I b * ■«»MH»atUla»i M.ual is.l-lfM*! bln* *l» n# Ml* lit *. #1**1 l*4» p*-VW>ui *• . It* **»)».W*l .
' la*c »il#r lbl«e**4*l#*| lUMfM liMbMOtti* *#l*t*•**.. r* * bm«m»Hw » on* • t#*i«f nulwl*lMl*4 1
{ I alit r »».*-> in a* • •i«**l tUnidanu »*f Iiiunhn is* m«*i p*au*Ul*4 !• tt.rii|win, (
. | 4lv#*Tly**r lutiim*« »Is i )
HUltt* roil T«8 ISNT8NOI ** i**—m Iumub#4 ( >
Th# l«Mg«l* *»f a n#nt*M a* U 1*1 la# i«*#*»ur#4 by lb# Muiwb#9 *•# |t ||«M II .
{ ' m no iMlt* * t au lw* *s*a *1 »*» *<ui*in4 »; t.N ttian Ibbfw* It**'## V»< w.«f4 •••*’#p4 • \
. I • i I
* *♦*•
(J tT astiti thr Wt4l< l« n Will 1* 4* • Mlawl •• • »*-l* t h w«‘t4n l*VMWi 4*‘U*** t,**»****4 (
I I hat I annul l .*•>■# * <tth*uul M*w«l liwivnl* by llWUu #1 lb* #«m| m4 win nuU'ii • b • ,
' . *«•(»* l»lt* an II #M*l*l*n. , .
( f f>U $%uur knitly llb#rwl **lt * a i* w*n4# by th* VI n»t» y NV m«i i» Mmii |< uf *hi*b <
i | lb# 4tn!Illy Uinb* 4 #1 ut»V m»Uiin. |
,i WILLIAM J. BUY AN. In Editor. i
. I I |
' • #«» • twin* a'plh>« t bn Alan | '%*wi»* ||*«4t|t la u«**aul t. m.«i • ••kW •#**» ’
( t Ittuan. *i*t| am**'# in ttvnai) aa *>*4 4* « 4bII|t *b U lb* WaalrfM * bn* pb*n « ft#* I
I ) Mliti |n4 Ik* I* »*|laai twawlly M**yi^'l ol habtnnn » ( I
|l— Wficbiy Worm Hcrdlrt, Onidtbi. Net). !l
. | l» . ••» - i*-*i •« • M *y * i ’ ' * | |
\ winhtt . <**a>tl |*kikuri III *•*<•*. ] .
(I m b.. »u i •*.. ■ u.ta-l #**»**•.* «*%• i> |» I 1,1.* 1 « >\ M {t
. \ ’ _til IhMS• w*b pal*# lh»#»•*« *'* *«b##l wwnwfn^lBvyl m**i* 1 a$ !*♦» **•• »**h#h. . }
ml* !*.<*■ M i
Hll| * KHMt ox
n* Minna Hark »klll la « on*lr«rl
In n Klah Karr
All examiner of lulu under all teen
for iIm elvll »« rrlcp roinudaelon nur
for a ijneaiinn. "lii aiTltw* the liiiMl* of
Ilk,” Here ia a lllenl nan-- i>t of
olio out of a lUMch of amir huiMlreda
of anaweru;
tin* ahark la alaiui 'Jo feet long amt
liaa live rowa of twill when the aliuik
la going to cateh Ita pray It Mini* on It*
aide The aluirka are found Ind India,
where they are retry tnitnernua In
Africa, ele. The way they catch ahark
la lowering a piece of nicei on a aharp
b<*>k (and aallora will do ll for atnuac
I ineiit), and Mie ahark la very hungry
; ulwaya. tlwit he will grab at the meat
and ttud hlinaelf caught.
tin of Ida foea are the aord hah It
will go and mu Ita xword through it*
I "When the ahark haa laen floating
alauit on the water for aoine time It
geta a lot of amall Hah In Ita month and
they will go and lay on the laa'di und
I let amid I Idrda come In Me-lr mouth
' and pick them off and will not heart
them. The ahark can live in wat t
und oil land, doing from Kuglund to
i Indlad, you will aee ahark* in the idle,
they will follow ahlp* for many ml lea
00 purpoae to get aoine meat and Mien
perhapa not gel any . They are differ
, out kind* of aimrka, I he Black ahark
I It/I f.
“Tin* ahark i«* h v<T) curloti* animal,
it ciin lay Iih twth down when not
1 catching any final,
“Once lt|n»ti a time there wav a ulilp
going to america. and on hoard aome
nIhvch the nlavix* were packed no clone
together that they rmild not live, ami
the eapllu of the *hlp .von'*t to let
Home come 111mifi ileek .and man) of
the Hla\f-H yoii'at to Jump ovorlfoard.
;iinl In- eat with ahark*, mo the eapllu
. determined to atop It If he could. Ho
' one day a black alave woman wan JiimI
In lhi‘ acted to Jump overboard when
I the caplin caught her. and had ax
1 many hIiivcm iih lie could on deck. And
I then he IijhI a roup fantelied around
I her waat, amt lowered her overlmard.
. when a nhark came ami blit a half <>fr
, her off, and then the eapllu had the
1 other half pulled up and Mown to the
hIuvcm on fleck, and then mm|i! lo them
| that In' would do any one of them the
Hume If they Jumped overboard," l/on
1 (Jon Church Time*
riillfmrfl hr lUfftfil I hiit-Mr* h I r*t
•lour* l.alrr
! “Who bid*'/”
i The auctioneer h«-ld up a child'* rock
lug hol'HC, battered atul Mtailieil. It had
lielotigefl to Hftme little member of tltc
I man'M family whone hoUHi-lpdil prop
1 erty wan being Hold tinder the ham
;' liter.
He wa* utterly rulueil. lie liail given
i | up everything In the world to IiIm cred
i |tor* hotiae, funtil ure. honte*. *tock
■ of good* a lift land*, lie Mtfififl atiffiug
• the crowd watching the huIc that wan
> acattcrlng IiIm hmun-hold good* and IiIm
helrhMMnM among a hundred Htraugc
On IiIm arm leaned a woman, heavily
"Who bhlMV"
The auctioneer held the rocking
home high, that It might be Keen,
i «'til It I Im It I ui tit Jh had tffrn away the
i Meanly mane; the bridle wa* twlxted
and worn hy tender little lingem. The
■ crowd wa* MilII.
The woman under the heavy veil
aohlied and *t ret died out her hand*.
“No, in», no!” ehe cried.
The man'* face wa* white with emo
tion. The little form that once mo mer
rily rode Ihe old rocking home had
' drifted awuy Into the world year* ago. !
. Thin wa* the only relic left of Ida
I nippy infancy.
- The auctioneer, with a queer iiud*
till'* III III* Cyi*H, III! lull'd nil! rorgmg
horse to tin- man without a word. Ilf
1 seized it with eager hands, and lie and
the veiled woman hurried away.
The crowd murmured with sympa
: thy.
The man anil the woman went Ini'o
an empty room amt set the ris king ,
horse down. He took out hi* knife,
ripped open the front of the horse and
took out a roll of hills. Hi* counted
them uml said:
"It's a cold day when I fail without
a mke-off. Klght thousand live hun- j
dred dollars, hut that auctioneer came
very near hasting up the game."—
Houston Post.
Illllll'* NKST OK STEEL.
Broken Mutch Springs I sed by
These Ingenious Swnllons In
A striking Illustration of the skill of
birds In building their uests Is In the
museftm of natural history at Holeure,
Switzerland. where there is a bird’s
nest made entirely of steel. Then* are
u uuiulicr of clock-making eatuhllsh
incuts at Holeure, aud lu the yards of
these many broken clock and watch
springs of all sizes urc scattered utsait.
One day a eloekmaker noticed In a
tree lu Ills yard a swallow's neat of |m*
collar appearance. He ellmlssl up to It
and found that u pair of wagtails had
hullt u nest almost entirely of < lock
springs. It was more than four incites
across and parfactly eomforiuhh* for
the hliil*.
lu the fall, after the young hlrds had
grown tip uud the whole family had
tutted southward for the winter, the
neat was carefully taken down and re*,
moved to the museum, New York
la a Pure Bred Ball
The new year Is usually a season for
niaklug giM*d reaolullous. and it Is still
uoi ti«i far advanced for the go*si ;
work. II Is uoi only a titling time for j
making resolutions to do ls*iter, hut
It Is a grand time to commence to do ,
hotter. Now, farmers, .d**ug with the
other g*s*d resolutions that you make. |
il**n’t forget to resolve to hate Is del i
atm'k. and If you Itave in* pure hred
hull, just resolve to get **ue thts year,
we ihai’t want you t** g*» away to sou***
tar country ami t*ui y**ur money in an
expensive animal, lull just !m*k ai**uiol
you ami get one In your own state, aud ,
1 at a tiesl*'tali* prt.c and when y**u get .
i him lake out* of him Take ta-Her j
I tare of Mm lima you hate teen ia the
| lot hit of giving it* y«m otto* »i*s k
ami take tteller car* of them Ik* tlitg j
ami when the nett year ***uos you
[ will Is* happier than you art* today 1
I |ss*k into this tiuesthm It Is a** mu* [
I ter fof jest, There Is usmet lu ll
J l it e stm k la all Iks Northwest ts Ian |
I gulaftitng fur want of hatter stirs
J NeMhwestrru I'ltWSk
Spring downs sod lirrii staffs.
One of the first subjects broached in
tha early spring are the new colors that
are sent us from Paris Nothing is
lost in brightness, for vivid tints pre
vail and brilliancy abounds Combina
tions will thrive, and the moat promi
nent colors ure orange-red, or Hastur
tlnm, golden-brown, green and cherry- ;
pink. Kuch fabrics as plain white,
pink, yellow and blue pique, and the
same having an occasional rib of while
and even a black hairline, will be worn
more than ever. There will he blazer,
coat and waist suits, and all will have
• akirt with gathers at the hack, five
yards wide and well gored, the front
narrow, at they are all cut nowadays
Plain and elaborate gowns eie fashion
ed out of the neat plaid, striped and
checked < lilheroe zephyrs that are
lighter in weight than the heavy good* .
told under the name of ginghsm.
State of Ohio, tJIty of Toledo. I,oca*
Frank J Cheney oath that he
la the senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney A Co., dolor business In the
City of Toledo, County and Hi ite afore
aald. and that said firm will pay the
•um of One Hundred Hollar* for cacn
and every case of Cat-rrh that cannot
be cured by Ihe use of Hall's Catarrh
Hworn to before me arid subscribed In
my presence this tlth day of December,
A. n 1XM A W <II,F,AHON,
(Beal) Notary Public.
Hall e Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
I" and eel* directly on the blood and
mucous surface* of th- eystem Mend
for testimonials, free
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by druggists; 75c
Hall e Family Pills, 25c.
Perils of Phrenology
'i he woman phrenologist who was in
Atchison some time ago did an Atchi
son man great damugr /she told him
that he waa cut out for a great orator
and statesman, and that be bad only to
engage In politic* to become famous
The result was that he quit Ills Job un<l ,
is now a peanut ttolUleiun. and owes
mortry an over ujwii. hi* »» ;
poorly clad, and hi* (children look ti* If |
they did not hare enough to rat. lie
fore hi* head wu* turned he worked
regularly, supported hi* family and
owed no one. There i* no possibility
of him ever amounting to anything in
politic* and the phrenologist knew it,
but he hud paid her a dollar lo exam
ine hi* head, and she knew l hut. he ex- ,
peeled something for hi* money. Atch
ison Globe.
The John A Heed Co., La
Crosse, Wla., pay high prices for new
till rigs. They recently paid $300 for a
yellow rind watermelon, $1,000 for 30
bu. new oats, $300 for 100 lb*, of pota
toes, etc., etc,! Well, price* for pota-1
toe* wilt be high next fall, i'lant a
plenty, Mr. Wideawake? you’ll make
money. Halzer’a Karlleat are fit lo eat
In 23 day* after planting Hi* Cham- j
plon of the World la the greatest ylelder
on earth and we challenge you to pro
duce Its equal.
If you will semi II cents in stamp*
to the John A. Halzer Heed Co., La
Croaae, Wla., you will get. free, ten
packages grain* and grasses, Including
TeoNinte, Hpurry, Giant Incarnate
Clover, etc., and our mammoth cata
logue. Catalogue 6c. for mailing, w.a.
A Typical Ka*t«r Mown.
Isabel A. Mellon in telling of “New
Gowns of Laatertide" in March Ladies'
Horne Journal, describes a typical cos
tume allowing the most fashionable
combination, that of black und stem
green, with a black satin skirt tilted
closely over the hips, but flaring so
much from the knee known that its
fullness almost suggests a flounce. The
jacket bodice ia of stem-green velvet
fitted very smoothly to the figure until
the waist is reached, and then there 1*
a short ripple skirt so full that the
black satin lining is visible The roll
ing collar and revera are faced with
black satin.
The March number of Harper a Mag
azine opens with a new installment of
Caspar VV. Whitney's "On Snow-Shoes
to tlie llarren Grounds.'' the most
striking and novel narrative of travel
given to American readers in regent
yeara The article is profusely illus
trated from sketches and photograph*
taken on the spot, some of which have
served as motives for eharistic draw
ing* by Frederic Kemington Wood
row W ilson continues his papers on
George Washington with a sketch en
uvieu wjiuuci nuRmu^MJU, niiuwiu^
him in his boyhood nud early manhood
--ns surveyor, and as soldier in the
memorable and disastrous campaign of
Iiraddock nguinst the French.
I)ks Moinks, February in.—A copy*
right has been granted to J. K. Fagan,
of Des Moines, for a publication
entitled "J. K. Fugan’s Family His
torical Record." A < anada patent lias
liecn granted W. W. Fowler, of Osku
loosa, for a device adapted to hold the
cover of a cigar Imjx open and at any
angle desired. United States patents
have la-en allowed hut not yet issued,
as follows: To It. N. llroinley. of lb-*
Moines, for a jeweler's tool adapted
fur holding small articles advan
tageously. To l>. L. M. McMickeii, of
Springtldd, 111., {late of lies Moines),
for a portable device adapted for hold
ing a car wheel tea rati and supporting
a lift lug jack when applied for remov
ing the asle Is-aring hlouka. To Mi m.
Onthauy, of Cfcnrdnn. for an automatic
treat her strip for disirs to preveut air
and rain from imssing in uuder the
disir To A. W McFarland, of West
End, for au egg and tracking separator,
adapted for emptying a basket of
pocked eggs therein without breaking
and allowing the «**tk, chaff, or other
pocking to foil into a receptacle aa the t
eggs are removed and counted 1
four United State* patents were j
Issued to Iowa inventors last week.
Valuable tnfitrmatktu alsrul obtaining, 1
valuing and selling |stU-uU sent free
t<- onv address. Printed tstpi* t of tha
drawing* and »|»-i ilti ation* of any ona ;
United State* patent tent upon receipt
of M cent* 4
Tnonaat) aatid MstruMtntain,
isillrltuni of Polenta,
A <al |lw* Inkstand *tth illoi mount*,
•oar-k favored tkla e**-a la sprai e in luvm .
OUitaid tats*, ms owl Sand, tor «otO j
vkasp A|ys* U w ad-troM, M r Oats,
lit it Itlfc At . tkaako. Nan
Thadar* af tay-id1) a, < uu»u!attag far j
tanas un *| • u'*ti-» are ytkitug by
Ike ataa eku la true to hi* ana h>*he*t
talar est* , annul lot fU'*a in Ika* af to?
taalv e *a
11 The flrat acute twinge of ,1
i;i OIL.
Delay, amt thoae 1
I/mBB twlngua
1 your '
1 of auape.
Nine immediately, and
one after he had looked at
others. And the Journal
bought Ten Columbias.
Paid $100 each for them.
On even term* a Columbia win be chcacn
TUN times out of TUN
IM An CttalMM lh« tom Ik. Ci4amlM u.rrnDn swunu
»*.».! by mail fiw iwa I ml alampa « raJfCW, VAJlXrH.