The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 28, 1896, Image 8

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    LiOGal Daws.
A Boone. TUB Jeweler.
Mr. A. Hutton made a trip to Arcadl*
last Wednesday.
I have Horse* to hjII or trade.
T. M Rbeo
For the New Ellwood Field Fence,
call at WatklnsonV
Mr*. L. A. Walworth went to Broker
Bow last Wednesday.
Frank Hrnlth was busy *on»tructiii>; *
pig pen last Tuesday.
For Harness and anything in tbt
Harness line see T. M. Reed.
Heed Barley to trade (or corn al
Watkluson's Hareware Ktore.
W A. Wilson,of Ashton wa* doinn
business at the huh D*t Monday.
C. M. Smith has been having a siegf
of the LaQrlppe (or the past few day*
F. W. Cline took his first degree It
the K. P. Lodge last Wedaasday even
Call on W. P. Reed he will be pleasec
to quote you the Lowest Price* on Farm
John Hutson* family moved into th«
house south of the Dead Horse creek
last Wednesday.
Row Is the how Onion Heed
y ua uui |(vi> iiwn reeu w»v **
Hardware Store.
(Jus Foltz went to Grand Island Iasi
Tuesday to have an operation perform
ed by doctor Davis.
For Mlllett, Barley, Alfalfa and any
thing In the way of Field or Carder
seed call on T. M Kced.
James Gray and Dick Baker, o!
Clear Creek was doing business at th<
eeunty seat last Tuesday
John Remy moved bis family intt
the Wheeler residence, one-half blocli
south of the NMBTnWKSTKKH ofiler
last Tuesday.
We are pleased to see Rev J. M
Snyder once more on our streets. Mr.
Snyder has just recovered from a very
severe speell of sickness.
John Needham returned from a three
weeks trip to Cripple creek Iasi
Wednesday. We learn that be will
make another trip out there soon.
Geo. Oltmsn went to Grand Island
Tuesday to see dector Davis at tbai
place. Georges' ears have bees
troubleing him quite a good deal of
There were several bon fires around
town last Monday evening which indi
cated that people were clearing their
garden grounds preparitory to making
Mrs John Remy went to Grand
Island last Baturdey to see Mr. Remy'i
mother who has been sick. She found
Mrs. Remy much better and returned
home Monday.
Mr. W. R. Mellor and J. W. Long
made a business trip to Omaha last
Monday returning by way of Hazard.
Herman Johansen drove over to Hazard
Tuesday and brought them heme over
The Loup City Fire Department will
GflvA A flanOA in fkn nnnva Kaiiam Prl.
day, March 6th, '96, (or tha purpose el
raising funds to buy suits with. The
admission price is 60 cents ladies free.
Every bedy attend the Firemens dance.
Mr. J H. Bene, formerly of this
county, but who has resided nesr
Good Mope, Ohio for the past 18
months returned to this county last
Thursday night. He Informed ns that
he will try Nebraska for another sea
son of crops.
Presiding Elder .Smith, of Kearney
preached in tbs M. E. church at this
place last Sunday night and J. Webster,
of St. Paul preached lu the morning
Mr. Webster will preach in the M. E.
church at 11 00 a in. next Sunday. All
are cordially luyited to attend.
G. W. Sutton, of Montgomery coun
ty, lowu who purchased the old John
ilogue farm where Mr. A. Sutton hs»
heeu living, made this ollloe a pies»aut
call last Wednesday and planked down
enough of the' lilthv lucre" to Insure
a weekly visit of the Noktiiwkhtikm
for a year.
I.oup City is now a Signal Service
Station and for the past week the
weather siguaU have tieeu raised above
the band stand In the court hoise
square under the supervision of E 8
May hurst. So far the dupaUhe* re
ceived have anuoueeed the f>>reva»l
about right
School lb si X o. tkl doted a very
successful six mouths term of school
last week with an exhibition, They
had ajlong program and it s«< »,dl
rendered The crowd »». somewhat
large for Ihe *;ae of ihe school haute
but everyone weal away sab tiled with
the evening* entertainment Civile
1 a'los wi Aintlvy was Ihe instructor
Wit* i»h»rp s leant took it into their
heads last Monday tu rue away and
ststied «g with the wagon partly load
ed with lumber they dieted anting
the square and then headed lev home
in the north part of y. n,«, a
wu» no <*ue at the bate Im earn »o. ih»m
they crossed the bridge on the dtlch
astst wade vest »*»» the Mugs. Nteeert
Ml Faildeu euugbl them neat the U X
Utilitsy turns wnUwxn, Noon# uas
hurt and u t damage to speak «f results d
from the loutusy
A full line of New Seed* ju*t recieved
at Watkinson's.
Goe. Ware made tbl* ofllce a friendly
call last Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Nellie Randall, Artistic Milliner
will open up for spring trade la l.oup
Arthur Plgue, of Grand Island was
up to visit the K. P. lodge at this place
last Wedoesday.
Mr. II. L. Teeter*, of Cleark creek
made these headquarter* a pleasant
<■*11 laat Monday.
I’he boy* around town make good
u,i of the fine weather we nave been
having by playing marbles.
We learn that Chat. Hlnderson will
farm Superintendent C. F Johnson's
farm on Clear creek the coming aeaadn.
Mrs. Odendahl, mother of W. G. and
C. J. Odendahl Is quite tick with a
serious attact of LaOrlppe W, G. I*
also on the tick list.
Banker Kinsley and Geo. Hatting*,
of Arcadia wa* doing bu*lnett lo Loup
City la*t Wednesday
Banker A. P. Gulley purchased a fine
span of full blood Kentucky Whip
mare* from Banker Kinsley,of Arcadia
last Thursday
“Hints k* UP” Golds. Or. Humph
rey*' HjieclAc -77” “break* up" a celJ
that “hangs on;” AM your vest pocket.
For talc by all druggists.
Owing to the series of meeting* at
the Itnptlat church the Young Peoples
Oay exercises will be postponed until
Sunday evening. March 1st,
Mrs A. Mlnshull and family and
Miss Jennie Duck, of Litchfield have
been visiting the family of C. M. fltnltb
of this place for the past few days.
Htewart McFadden and W. D. French
went up to Truelsen's farm last Tues
day and dehorned one hundred head of
cattle for Geo Truelsen.
C. L. Day, former editor of the
Arcadia Champion Is now associated
with his brother arid Is publishing a
paper at fltulla. Richardson county,
this slate.
The proposition to establish an Irri
gation district of the land under and
through which the North Loup Irriga
tion ditch runs was defeated by a vote
of 57 against 2d.
Don't forget the date of the grand
ball to be given at the opera house by
the Germania Society. Ht. Patricks
Day, March 17th, Is the date. It will
be the best ball of the season.
Posters are now out announcing the
grand ball to be given by the Germania
Society at the opera bouse on Ht.
Patricks day, Mareh 17tb. Admission
50 cents Indies free. A good time Is
Mr. Kdwln Harper, of Clear creek had
quste an accident going home from
this place last Tuesday. He was
driving a very fractious team and
while near the bridge they shied from a
bunch of hay that was lying in the
road and broke the buggy tongue off,
but he luckily escaped without further
Richard Baker, from Elm township,
while in town one doy this week re
ported thnt the springs nlong Clear
creek were bursting out afresh, the
first time for the past three or fonr
years. This is another Indication that
the ground is being moistened from
Grand Island, Neb , Feb. 25th, '00,
Referring to the clause in our con
tract regarding delivery of low grade
(mjcih w» winu e&pum uiai# uwvl
grower* can have theprlvllego of other
wise disposing of beets below 12 per
cent sugar, with a purity of 80, after
November first, 1888, provided they
pay us for seed.
This Is a good time of the year to
take Simmon* Idver Kegulator. It I*
the v ery best medicine to take in the
Spring ter the Idoed, and to dense the
system of all impurity. “I have used
Summon* Idver Kegulator as a correct
or and blood purifier and I think it an
excellent remedy. I alwayt k«ep it on
hand to take iu preference to any ether
medicine.-’—I M llysell. Middleport,
Mr. John Ituehuer received a tele
gram last Friday night, on hi* arri
val from Otusha, where he attended
the annual O A K. Encampment, that
hi* father, John Heeluier, of Minus
burg Ohio died very suddenly on tbs
14th, In the eeih year ol hi* age. The
follow lag day Mrs, Buchner received a
letter auuouneiag the death of an aunt,
on the same day. who was also, **8
year* o' age Kavelina New s
People are very (wigetfol. They
have to think pretty hard to re«iiew'>er
the vice pie*I<t«iiilal candidate two
campaign ion'll" and *et b* was pretty
welt advertised at the lime. It I*a*
i,rmi truwly ««id that lb«* time to ad«er
ttse la e'l Ih • in* In business there
|i no sot'h thing a* standing still, A
burns** man moat go toward or tali
tint Kiss II |WW do Jmt a* wiueh
burnt* »e a* too did last year, *o«w» oth
#r fellow ta doing uture buatneaa and
b> I* gvttihg ahead of tow fitch
i year's effort* *hould Ire to rti’W'l last
| year* safe* I* he only sore we* to do
' i ft, |o advertise Advertise tn b *t
lime* is*r mm* the iron most be iinsk
white it i» hot, and tw dwll llm** to heal
the If**' I* t*r* h* done K'
A Surprise Party.
On Saturday night last a larce num
ber of the porunnal friend* of James
Rentfrow were seen wedning th'lr way
to the residence of Chile Hawk. Jl
wa* tbe reot'ezvou* of a nurpfl"'- party
for “Jim." At about half pa«t eight
o'clock they moved In a long and
atatHy column to the house. Of
course Mrs. Rentfrow and the family
were home hut where wa* "Jim"? He
wa* at Shiloh Rost and would not be
borne until nine o'clock, fly that time
the house was full and when Jim came
borne atteoded hy a few of hi* old
soldier friends, hi* face all aglow with
good nsturnd smiles, It was amusing to
hear him say when he first came “Oh
I new all about it before 1 came home."
And then afterward* say “Well this I*
a pleasant surprise,” Just a* though he
had'nt known about it. Jim wss forty
seveu years old, and mott everybody
present wished that he had a birthday
every week, for somebody knew about
that surprise before band and got
ready for tbe guests. After several
hour* of pleasant chatting together
the gnesta were Introduced to a good
aupperof choice edible* which were
spread oat upon tables la an adjoining
room, where tbe hospitable lady of the
house assisted by others waited upon
tbe visitor* until all bad bad enough
It waa then nearly one o’clock and
everybody retired wishing the host
and hostess many happy return* of tbe
day. A very pleasant featura of the
evenings entertainment was instru
mental music hy Mrs. Jennie Hagelin.
Lorln Crawford and ye editor rode
the goat last evening In the A O. U.
W. lodge and are now full fledged
member* of that order. We were the
first candidate* admitted under the
new rltuala recently Instituted and
adopted by the order. The rheumatics
In our right knee seriously impaired
opr progress, but we managed to pull
through, or rather they managed to pull
us through, without any serious diffi
culty. Brother Crawford cits relate
his experience In hi* own language.
A nice little patch set to small fruit*
of various kinds would l>e a good idea
with the farmer who would he willing
te take care of it. It would make
ready money, sure money, and b'g
money. Farmers ought to grow more
berries, use more and sell more berries
than they do. The farm is no place
to starve for tbe luxuries of life.
Nebraska Farmer.
Depew & Neville report a rushing
business In tbe blacksmith line. Tbe
sound of thetr hammer* cun be beard
early and late.
Grand Island, Neb., Feb 15th, IHitd.
Our book* are now open for con
tract* and will remain so until the
eleventh of April (Saturdayj unless tbe
required acreage shall be made up pre
vious to that date. No contract will
tie accepted from any other than parties
purposing to give tbe crop the best of
attention, and who either own or rent
desirable land adapted to the growth
of tbe sugar beet. Not less than three
acre contracts will be accepted Blank
contract* can be seen by applying to
J. Phil Jakukk, Loup City, Nebraska
10 poimds beat Oatmeal for 25 cents
at Gasteyers.
Or. Price’s Cream Raking Powder
Moat Perfect Made.
Notice -All parties knowing them
selves Indebted to me will please settle
by cash or note. We have carried you
as long as our circumstance* will af
ford and we must make settlement In
full to first of year. Please attend to
this at once. Respectfully,
J. I. Dei-ew.
Muluinnri’l Nullitll.
That “There is nothing new under the
aun" docs not alway* convey the truth.
Especially ia this true a* regard* the
new composite car* now operated dally
via the Chicag >, Union I’aciflc and
Northwestern Line between Salt Lake
City and Chicago. Theee handsome
Bullet Smoking and Library Cara are
entirely, new throughout of latest
design, contain all modem improv*
menu, and are well supplied wltn
| writing material, the leadiug dally
paper*, Illustrated periodical*, maga
sine*, etc. The tael that these cars
run daily via “The Overland Limited''
and that the I'uion I'aclflc wa» the line
west of Chicago to luogerate tint *er
vice should commend Itself to al1 See
that your ticket* read via ' The Oyer
land Boole "
Awarded Kightit Honor*.
World's Pair.
A twnv to ip* litatn wf 1 t > t\«v 4sy.
few tea Awns***, Atssa *» *»r «<-■***•«■*,
with a
I ^ i' ^ I T wootn wl'*'"
! I jIII I*11® »»J" our
±J UU IGooda are the
Only Ones to Buy. Be
cause she knows what she
is talking about,
Ja Argue with her
j! I ATI twhen she «ays
! i1: ' I Our I'ri'es are
I Mokky-Ha vkhs.
"W11 l«he talks like
a sensible woman who
knows what’s what.
n >a Tr* to excuse
linn f°rK°'
I | I: J I tog to some oth
- ler store instead
AJUli Ours. Vou
know that you ean offer no
reason that can be sufficient
for passing the store where
the BksT and CllKAl'Ksr
go together.
j * Kxpect y o u r
T wife to meet
I you pleasantly
lit you've gone
^to some other
store than Oors, when she
expressly told you to go
nowhere else. Don't do
these thing* if you exoeel
to live long and keep Tout
hair on.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Qoeensvare, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Gaos, Foriisdii Goods,
INTotioriH* Edo
We havegot the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in thi- Market. All at Extra Lotv Price*.
_______ - - - . . .-. ......
New York Store. Loup City, Nebraska
to trade is Gasteyers—And Consumers are convinced of this when
they read our prices.
What Do You Think of Thittf
Genu underwsar, per suit .70 Ladies hose, guranteed fast Mack, pair.l2
Gents all wool “ “ “ ,.,,.,.1.10 Childrens “ “ “ “ “ -10
Mens work gloves, horse bide.00 Infants hood, silk or velvet, each.70
Men s “ “ oil tanned .75 Silk Tam 0 8banters“ .M
Steel Enamel Ware, First Quality.
Coffee pots, 2 qt each. 46 hea kettles each. Of.
Tea pou, 2 <tt each. 45 jllandle stew pans, 1 <jt each. 15|
LYK. Oil*
Lewis Lye, per can.10 Kosene, per gallon. 20
*> •• “ .08 Headlight, per gallon. 17
Cain met per pound.SO Celluloid per box Ill
S|jh •• •• .lft Argo gloea I Itoxee .26
American family *• " .1ftArgo corn »■ » .25
all package coffee twenty-one cents.
Dried Fruit. Cereal*
\|.na»U, |.« r (Mtuml. .10 S*»\ |iar puttml .01
IVattiaa »• ** OnandlO Cal. I'lnk Iwaiia « ** 04
I'luiuk •* « .(»a» iM^ai ** »• ..ot
I'ruuna m m ..0k IwlJtp»l r4«"« •* *• ...........0!
lUitina •• » 04 |4«ioU'1» grven |«*a» •' •* ........... 01
N It T«* tkoaa )>aMlw owing a.*«tu»u of #4,o«»wr nut*'. wl> * •••ulaaainn will.i# tka wait J>» >laya w»
wtll gl*a a hauilaoitta Cook Hook
To iHnaa |tailiaauwlag ao.'oaiili «>l lift «»f u»o»a, wko liaUioa ».* i*. Wlurt' V»rrli l*t *«’ will gtvn a |io^
alii of a talaaMa K»f« aa.l llauaab >M Kn>.'val»|ia«lia.
Head till* over carefdlly and take your ea»h and produce to