liELLIftERKKT RICHTS PROPRIETY OF EXTENOINO THF SAME DEFEATED. Hi* Hnhjpf i llnilpr DUpiimIoii In th* Hpfiair—Mr. full ***rrHj 4rr»lfin fh#> Hp»nt*h Oofprnmrfil far It* Adminis tration in CiiIni—How ft#n*tor* i *unon and l«nds* Hi and an tti# Qiiritlnn. _ Nrntlnr* lll*riiM « nlm Wssuinoroa, Feb. z!.—The Senate to-day, on motion of Mr, Chandler, po*lpound,nvnaldcraf Ion of Mr. ledge'* resolution for an Inve»tig*iion of re eeut bond Issues until Monday, Mr. Call, at a o'clock, called up the resolution to grant belligerent rights to the Cuban Insurgents. Mr. Cam eron moved * substitute resolution re questing the President to offer the good office* of this itovrrnmaat to bring the war to a dose. Mr. Call spoke, severely arraigning the Spanish government for its admin istration m Cuba. Senator Cameron followed Mr Call lie referred to the fact that lie was in President tiraut's cabinet at the time of the former ' *«»•*»■» *» |r» I'tip tff, iir i| nur committee resolution as accomplishing ' nothing and giving offense to Spain 1 without extending any benefit to tuba lie .vanled the United Slates to act. Iln urged that the miseries of l tihs he brought to an end. Mr Lodge followed Mr. f'ameron In j m vigorous speech advocating I he rec j ognitfoii of Cuban independence lie 1 referred to flic unfriendliness of not \ only Spain >iut France and Khglaud ; as well at the time of the civil war. A letter from Secretary Carlisle, as to the coin and other money In circu 1st ion was road and ordered pr inted, Mr Squire of Washington reported favorably a hill requiring marine en pincers to be American citizens. Mr. rye, called attention to recent re ntal as of Mr. Squire criticising the un American course of the international steamship line. Mr Frye declared that the senator had unintentionally misstated the facts. having been '‘crammed with misinformation. UNION PACIFIC SALE tt*r*iv*r SailiiniM Olijert* to tbs Csiitral l-selflr Using l»l*|MM«d uf Hsparatsly, WASiuNfifoK, Feh. 31.—Mr. Ander son, a receiver of the Union Pacific railroad, and ex-Congressrnan Coombs, a government director, appeared be fore the house committee on Pcelflc isilrosda to-day. They asked that the Union and fJentral Puciflc roads be put un for sale «s a whole and given to tin- highest bidder. Mr. Anderson submitted an amend merit to the bill presented to the committee by him, providing for the Issue of patents to the several road*. The Union Pacific, he said, had used the proceeds of the sale of lands fur the payment of in terest on bond*; what was done with the money secured from the bonds he did not know. The Union Pacific was very much misunderstood as to its financial ability, for, Chough it was insolvent, It hail been able to pay every bill for operating expense*; The proposition to sell the properties in separate part* was not good- They should he sold as a whole, and iri that way would bring a much higher price than otherwise. Ail propositions for any other solution than a sale, he said, would meet with opposition from Congress, for however meritorious they might be, It was im possible l.o secure a unanimity of opin ion from so large a body. Mr. Coombs agreed with the propo sition that the roads should he sold together and carry out the original plan tnat they should he a through line from the Missouri river to the Pacific. 'I he government would probably ob tain £75,000,000 from them. It might be well, he said, for the government to protect itself by making an upset price. It would also lx; well to bring those persons owning terminal facili ties into the suit to settle the question whether the terminals should he sold with the road. The government should not sell it* lien upon the prop erties. If we osn rid ourselves of this rsilroad scandal, he said, the value of our stoeks all over the world would appreciate. TWICE HANGED. Ilia First I(o|h» llroke unit Fitzgerald tllil Not Ism* (unu liiiiiiiins Sr. Louts, Mo., Feb. 31.— James I tl/gcrald was hanged here this fore noon for the murder of Ilia sweet heart, Annie Nacsscus, on the night ■ >f November 34, Fitzgerald was ’aken to the gallows at 10. o'clock, bound in the usual way, the black cap adjusted, the trap sprung and tliecul |u it shot down six feet, hut uot to y tenth. The rope Orokr and th« vio Ftll«t lay struggling ou the ground lie* ueath the gallows. 'I lie l,luck cap was iuxtuuliy removed by I lie doctors, wlio found Fii/gcruld stdl conscious, stimulants were glveu and lie revived and was lakcu into the morgue a tew feel away, where he wa* eared for by the doctors A new rot>e wa* sent for at once, and at l| o'clock the sick and trrm bilug, hut nvrv.v victim, was uuaiu taken tu tin* eiaffulrt. At J l Hi (lie trap waa again *|>rung HU nark an broken Walter# •'*»*!»*« aigiieu. Harman ro«, feh. vi, *e«ret*ry ulr.ry th a luornlng reeelreil the fn|. lowoig cablegram euamiitiing the liariloutng of ettCouaut John I. Haller , I'rctUienl laure of Kraim |*atU, | eh P*. -The I'renbieat algneil I hi* looming UeMer'a partlnn Ur.lera are tieiug Uaneil for hi* reteaae. — ihigne It I.Htli* '' 111 ™a k Way* I awl la ateet- Waking l HM'imi, r ell fl the IlllaoU ainel j- ofanv U taaking plan* to tike the Uueatgen phut gnpiit for the tlrlr* I Ima |J *a •»* In aluel II .* »u rIiiiphl. going tbig Hue are aueeeMinl one of i hr gi rate <1 On until* of the near pint lugrepn* will nee ewe in umunfaettir ae eu*l » »te*Mto*a 1'iaaMaei Ueaanal Whawtaufoa. keb. I - The l>angh k«r* uf the Atorrieea HeruleUua he 4av aaeai«Muu*ljt eleete4 W*« hieieu tin, a ill of ibe Vine IWeaktewk, aa pfeeuieul gaaeral THE DAWES BILL VoUUf %falilng m fttrong Fight ' Against th* Mraann. Wasiiixoto*. Keb —i hnlrnisn ! Dawes of the commission that hear* 1 his name occupied practically the whole nt the time that tin- IndiAn affairs committee of the House va' aide to give the commission to-day. His address was in support of the hill for the government of the territory. A concerted effort to defeat the measure appear* to tie making pro gress President Cleveland assured the Indians and the commissioners alike that he would sign any measure which came to hint preserving the gen eral features of the hill tentatively submitted by the Dawes commission. Acting upon that information, the Indian lobby is manifesting the strong est real in liehalf of amendments which would make the hill extremely radical. In House and Henata alike the lobby is laboring for Its defeat LIVE STOCK MEN fh•/ Ash Congress for K*< l|ir»t al legis ts'Ion Is hirmlgii Markets, Wsshisoios, Kelt, tl! The officer* and members of the executive board of the National Hive Htock Kxchange of Chicago, St. Hoiiis, Kansas City and Omaha were given a hearing by the Senate commit tee on agriculture yes *_I-.. '1't. ..Hu,i L.n I ” ' " ••'■.J —.». whit li won hi o[hoi tli«; foreign markets to American live stock and while they suggested no especial plan, urged that Congress assist in llnding a way to do this. 7'hey complained especially of the restrictions placed upon importations of American cattle hy foreign countries and contended that there was no foundation for the charge that American live stock is diseased (senator* Warren, Hear and fieorge were appointed a suh committee to In vestigate tlie question and report. EDISON AND THE X RAYS The Wlisnl Succeeds In Taking an In slantwnenus Tlrlnre okanok. .V Keb. 2l. After ex perittieuting for two week* in hi* lab oratory in West Orange. Thomas A Kdisou yesterday succeeded in taking an instantaneous photograph hy means of the Uoentgen ray* from floreseent tuhex, the rays having penetrated a heavy cardboard and vulcanized fibre plated holder, in another experiment a sharply defined image of a metal strip was made on a plate with four ami one-half inches of wood lie tween the plate and tlie floreseent tube, and, after an exfosure of twelve minutes, tbe photogrAh was takeu. Mr. Ml son said by^llie end of tbe present week lie will be ready to try to take a picture of tbe human head and make other interesting photographic exprr i merits. BILL NYE SERIOUSLY ILL Suffering from a Ulrofce ol Apoplexy and Can l.lve Only a few Hours. Asni'.vii.i.K, N. Keb. cl —The read ing public of America will hear with regret ih»s W. Aiyo, sfu* oiOlie Nye of the world of humor, whose writings iiave made the whole world laugh, is seriously ill at his home at liuck Shoals, eight miles south of Asheville, lie is suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. It I* thought he can live only a few hours. COX GETS THE PAPER. Kansu* (Tty Time* Hold In the Receiver ' for (MU,300. Kansas f'lTV, Mo., Keb. 2b—The Kansas City Time* was sold to-day at sheriff's sale and bought hy Wiley O, Cox, the receiver, for $82,300. Mr, Cox represented a syndicate of promi nent Missouri Democrats. Mr. Cox wilt l>e the publisher and make it a straight out Democratic paper. forty Cars of Implements. Omaha, Neb., Keb. 21.—The Union ' I’acific this morning sent out a train 1 of forty car* of agricultural imple ments to Snake Hlver valley, Idaho, j and Utah. It is consigned to one of the co-operative concerns of Halt Lake ! City. It is one of tbe largest single j shipments of machinery in ihe history of tlie West, and Is designed to as»ist j til irrigation work in the great Snake , river valley. I.egUlalor* II,••cut Carlisle's tauter. I Ow> nshoHo. Ky , Keb. 2l. The, Daily Me*,euger published last night, ‘ response* from eighteen DeiuoeraUo ; me in tiers of the legislature severely i criticising Secretary Carlisle's letter. > in wliieii lie declines to advise sound i money men to vote for llin.'klnirn ! Nearly all say it looks like < ariisle is making a bid for lliu nenatorstiip him- I self l eft * Miniature folttn uu III* llnor*l*p I'Kitov, DU la , Keb 81. - Twenty mile* north of here a few nights ago whileeup* left a in ill is I ure coffin *>ti the rkU>|Hi of I* A Irwin On ibe ( •mrttn warn inwriln'it tlin wool*: ! "IVbl'm’a|>k l)T." liikula Ilia irnflin »<> lltrup (tint of rn|M’. Il !• IhouifM il *•• lafl tliara by Irwin'* «Hrnl**»t* mil* in *«nre bun out of lha vuunlry. W M, IiIm’i l.uNlma, Tab J<,—Tbr I,anil* Mar aury ««yt lha •••fatfamani uf Vlllllmu MulUurf A •tor ami l.mly l.uu iu!|,h • hurt'll,II. fui uiarly M »* Jntuila Jr rumn III Sew Yurli. will ha *IInuliuavil •liurlty Mr* A*U>r dta.l Ifwaaml* <■ ts. IWI •ml l.inl ls*n4ul|ill I b irrblil 41*4 4m»tt*rv tfl, i*u‘. HI** l*«»iln.» u* * Uumiua IniMr KlIuiUlMI, KuW. Tab if|* •la Iwwalilnif. lUiltrblri uf a* Our ariiur UwalliHy, uf Vltahita r| i n> t « >i*m *««f i lu»k bar a ya«lart|*y ill’ll furly |‘uiiti*, anil #*»* • mtUi.a i«a*|i iUm w ho h w uk ulUmla.t (■> • HUiu liar uf lamtliia v!|u< n* item • WafcaraaiiMMt t'wamuala Nut in Hull, Ini . lab il tha Trlbuna My* that Hn.-aar > (bin will nai-aiil tba t*i>|H fur guaarnur uf lmll«M uu ■ ululfufui farurluif Iba fia. ,iiat Ik »» IIIHMIVt ll»*UI » U m ■'•HIM ,,rl iirlulluu ui lhl» 11iii*. Iiut Huiitkil tli* hum uf Hi* trovurnuikui'* *|i|»ni|irlk Hun k*i ul •-■uu.immi lie tlit**■ »• III lliul luil few prenviil ruuliiMHl III* |fr*kl uf Ih* wk|UM.tlun. *«*uui<*r 't hinmiiu Miht, I inn *» in* ei|ie«l*lii'« I’m hkil wllli Hi* Ifrull* iii»ii uf HutniiU They ilun'l lib* in (iluy lu u kiuull limit ' A v**li’ mi the umuuul uf lit* u|i|in> |iriulluii in lu- knuiMi fur *»•» u mn«i UMuiitmuuk in ilri uliiur mi •'> mi luayriui Ulli W iiUil III u|inru|iriulr iUl.iKNi uf Ihik umuUMl Ul on IV. Ik* fun* ***»...»« k !*•*••# ul IMikkk Ilium. N It, felt I. A ilniw nt (Hr**11**, k|>i>mv«(l hy I'upi !»*•»». mi» Ini of Ilk IiiiiiI *mr r««n»a*(| In * »»»• (lu, hk* fan*k irruktud In Jc i« h*> f*i w|iuikiik|f him Irnm Ufa wife «>* lb* yfiaiml nf uin>l*ltlv iim lb* iiurl nf lb* » ni(4«ii Mwvh lnl*r«**i I* rwllnt •*» lit* (■••iii'*»*iii*tk Uum* k* n*m» itmluv* ii«* u 4!rnt«* b#*n rrung«tk«,4 In tin* munii v hr u Hnmkii illWta »it I bur 11 l b* .U.'r** *r**i*4 Km«** U nut ok!y un* uf v*|HMkinik, but fa lu-ruill* * ri'kiarrlu** A l***l 4lk*m I ul mu uf lb* murrlkij* b*» *'**• b*uk iibt«lk*4 Irnm lb* kutNvm* vunrl. AFTER CARLISLE. •VlUlam flniM WH KefassU H»n0,o00 to carry out its provisions. " ‘‘Tha committee gave no such as* , surance," said Mr. Lacey, chairman of tha committee on public landa '‘Someone whom 1 supposed had authority to speak did give it," re ; oiled Mr. McMilliu. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS, Mil'll IfWB III bate Over Indian Affair*, Wssuiso roa, Feb. 22. Again the House attended strictly to business, j The conference report on the dlfiio | uiatlo and consular hill was agreed to, | the Senate amendments to'the pension ; bill were sent to conference, und »tics I Indian appropriation hill was taken | up. Tin- latter bill carries §s,i<:'.O.Vkft, j or 0132,727 less than the law for the I curient year. In connection wltli a I proposition to Increase the salaries of i Indian inspectors from 02,500to 02,000, the salaries fixed by law (the hills of the last two years have only appro priated 02,500 each for these salaries), • both Mr. Cannon and Mr. Ilfngley, the | Itepublican leaders on the floor, ap pealed to the majority In view of the situation of the treasury to keep down expenses, and refuse to take a step in the direction of Increased salaries Hut their appeal* were In vain, and the action of the committee on Indian affairs in restoring tne salaries was sustained. H7-5U. A hill was passed granting railroad companies In the Indian Territory ad ditional powers to secure depot, grounds. Mr. Kiynn, the Oklahoma delegate, moved to strike out the appropriation of §15,000 for five Indian inspectors, whom Mr. Flynn termed "Ifoke Smith's personal body guard.' Mr. Dockery. Democrat of Mfseourl, moved, as an amendment, to reduce the salaries of inspectors to §2,500 each, the amount of salaries fixed iu the current appropriation law. The motion was defeated. 'The committee roar with the Flynn amendment still pending. At 5:10 p m. the House aillourued. WALLER A FREE MAN. He I* Heleaasd From Frlaiui—Will Join HI* Family. WssilIXiiroN, Feh. 22.—Secretary Olney received a cablegram to-day from Am bass ail or Kustla, announcing that Waller, the ex-consul at Mada gascar, was released from prison to day. it is expected that Waller will Join bis family in the United Slates. A* Waller Is entirely destitute of means, Ambassador Kustis has been authorized by Secretary Olney to pro vide him with transportation to the United States He lias been in prison for nearly a year, having been ar rested on the 6th of March last, In Madagascar, and afterwards being kept in confinement In the military prison in France. The authorities here feel that they have reason to be gratified at the outcome of the case, which, as revealed by the correspond ence on the subject, came nearei than the public was aware at one time of leading to severance of diplomatic relations between the two republic*. Tlio point at issue was not whether Waller was guilty of the offense charged against him, hut whether the government had the right to Insist upon satisfying Itself that the Ameri can oltizen had had juatioe. The Waller family announces that, upoiv Waller’s return from trance, theyAwill return to Kanaas, and will live again In their old homo in Kansas City, Kan. Third IMatrlet Missouri Mepulillass*. Karri.mon Mfhiuos, Mo., Fab. 22. — A call has bi-eu issued in the Third district for the Itepublican delegate convention to meet here March 95 for the purpose of selecting two delegates lo the uaiiouat convention at ht, l,o«|is The count!** Ciouieisliig the district with the number of delegates i.. Hal* Iaaak * sat *i L ***.,t mm follow* I aid wall a, Clay (Minton h, Ibikalti .1. Havu** ». Ocntry 7. Ilairlaon 10. Mrrt'tr 7. Hay h *«r HiKlalti and Mawt Tofkaa. Kau . IVIi S3 lior* roonty haa t'ttoaan (iff .laleyalat to lit* VV wblla vowvaiitlou In th* |M>rtona of j IV U, llelury au>l N. K Tarrltl. I loth an *iilbu»ia*llc for M.’kinl*) atol lot land Itoultdian aowtity alao baa rboH. it her >lala*alaa amt tliay at* for M. hmU-v awtl Udaud Tlia aaiu* t# trtt* of IHlaworth aownty. tN«| Will ant %aala Ha|WH Ih* I w«M Malta* at Ih* *!»*•«»* Vt liaitmul I rli Sit I ha |Si|>ull*t MMiator* liam now «!•-. nivd that whan Hi* motUm la r»n» w*d for tha towaUl■ • niton of Itr tariff bill, tb*y wilt anal I naif Mm in Ih* nllltmall** If thay adhvra lw tht* d**laton Ik*) will ha abl* ta tarn th* laaalt from Ih* fa dal If* to tb* a Airmail** able of Ih* a ih, a»l that anar* th* »o«*ii»|k to 4l«*t Air Into tl»«* ftliaft 4n«>l »!»«• law k>y ibn im|iuMlHiii ul |ivm*UIm« (ur *l« latlook, « rrn «lrt« k«*M nuL lMpurt*«l II tl»* UT I*»T*U»I»I*U< K*ti tU -Tl« ynuutf biutf nl tur** i* h»r* k**hluf III* |tiul*vllu« ul Mu«li fut hi* *uuu try. HU *UU I* kuin«u*4 tu b* * |ir» luu ml m'r«l A* ImlliM HaikHitM ilwiW KImmIIi, l*i* i# —Chari** A N*«ntirtlijr. *kki*n*r ul lk« Ai«*rl«t*u l.u*ug« i I mu itml * u*rr*Al <*»* tuo il tur Uuu II* h*< aUinI 9***l ul Ih* l,iiku|l I utu r*> k Miiiu; It I* *ll***4 Ibat b* •loirl Im hi* ***wuul* M 4*pm* *>u4*ir yuurniiir II* I* u «*wh#r ul lb* U*i iu« * tub kml I* A h Might ul fylhl** I bu aIumumuu Kumullt/ ktl«i»|U*4 **I*I4*. II* •*••«•* ll** A A bent When Senator Stephen it Klkina wm in Philadelphia the other day ha told an interacting story of bta election to bis present seat. “I was sitting in my study at my conntry home,” said ha, '‘awaiting ths returns that would tell me whether or not i had been ehoaen to take the place of Senator Camden. The operator at the telegraph station had orders to open ail telegrams ad dressed to me, and to telephone their contents to me immediately. Suddenly the telephone rang, and the children's ! gorernsss, who answsred ths ’phons, came to me and told me the person at i the other end of the wire waa saying something about ’shoes,'she couldn't quite make it out. ‘Oh,’ said I. ’it's my wife’s shoemaker, probably. Tsli him to let the matter rest until tomorrow ’ She delivered the message, but returned shortly to say that the man Insisted upon talking to me. I went to the tel ephone It waa the telegraph opera tor, and tha massage he was trying to send ms was: ’W hen shell I send you my shoes? Johnson It. Camden.' Then I knew that I had been choaea to All the shoes of thst worthy genUeaMn. — Philadelphia Record._ l)n pardonable Preeemptloe. “You know those people thst live la that two story house serous the way— the llumpersons, or some such name?” “Yes. I know them when I see them. ” I "I here e passing acquaintance with them. Hpcnk to tham when I meet any of them on the street. Well, one of the girls stopped me while I wss out walking the other morning. Hbe said, •Miss ilTgbfly, your bouse wssn't broken Into last night and robbed, wss it?* 1 said: 'No. Why?* And she said: ■I'm ghid to bear it I dreamed last night somebody had got into your house through the kitchen window and stolen aver so many valuable things' Think of the presumption of itl Dream ing about us! And they aren't in our sat at all.''- Chicago Tribune. Oklahoma sad the Indian Territory. A u..ll n._ v..ab laanaiaa Who recently made a business and pleasure trip through Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, In a letter to a friend gives soms very Interesting data and Information relative to "The Land of the Fair Ood." lie says, la part; “When 1 recall my experiences, while la Oklahoma and the Indian Tarrltory, It aeema to me to he more like a dream than a raality. I never wee mere fa vorably Impressed with a people, and the resources of the country ars truly vondsrful. ' “Before making thfa trip I waa Im bued with the idea, so prevalaat among the people of the east, that thla terri tory have llUle In common with the in terests of our people, end was a plaoa fitted more by nature for an abode for the red man and n rendesveue fer out laws than a home for a civilised aad Christian people. A personal Investl ; gallon aad InapocUon of tho country oarly dispelled this Idea, and I found that nine-tenths of tbs sensational arti cles of outlawry and other tragedies credited to that country emlnated alone from tho fertile brain of some over-en thusiastic newspaper correspondent. “The Chicago. Rock Island A Pacific, U* T/.n -.1.- a O »* B*a ft** Choctaw, Oklahoma A Gulf and the Missouri, Kansas A Texas systems ef railroads each lead Into nnd across this country, and the great amount of cattle, hogs, wheat, cotton and other produce 1 shipped out from there evidences the fact of the fertility of the soil and the productiveness of the country. I “The Indian Territory le rich In Its mineral lands and coal fields, and these industries ere only In their Infancy, while the cheapness of the land and rich soil over the greater part of Okla homa offers Inducements to capitalists as well as the farming and laboring class of our people. I "There le etlll some fair hunting In the Keebl hills, southwest of Annl 1 darko and la tha Gloss mountains, and 1 the streams are well supplied with fish. “Crop prospects are exceptionally good, and undoubtedly the eomlng sea son will see s large emigration from th« •net to that country." Mrs Emily Crawford, the well-known Paris correspondent, contributes to the March Century a biographical sketch I of Alexandre Humus the elder. The article is a succeaaion of anecdotes of j the old novelist, and presents him in a very picturesque light Mra Crawford , has an account of the Bohemians and i “sponges" who took advantage of llu mat' prodigality, and of hie architec i tural folly, the Chateau Monte Cristo, with Its strange menagerie. (•palling I'otataae. In a bull-tin lasued by Prof. Knyder of the Minnesota Htate Agricultural college he makes a point of inlerevt to ! the housewife, lie shows that where i potatoes are peeled and started to boll I ing in cold water there la a loaa of Hu per cent of the total albumeu. and where they are not peeled and started ! In hot water this lose is reduced to if Cr cent A buabel of potatoes weigh t slaty pounds, containing about two pounds of total nitrogenous compound* when properly cooked one half pound j la lost, containing si a- tenths of e i pound of the moet valuable protelda i it requires all of the protein from nearly (no (miiaa* n rounu In rr(>!*<•• Ik* lua* it imilaia (ruin lm< pruparly Utilintf n buattat ut p»n»t«a* 1H*|ur* of the Npaular-la. fWMM In Antvrba a/t*r Ha tll#.M»rary by umtiua. i'iiin|irl«nl about Iwalv# million Nuan mil*# of urrHory. { Tb# (‘bln**# train lb# luimuiaal a# * •akin* bird A ring I* |4a«#4 *ruu«4 lb# blr4 a ***k wbWh pr*v*nl# Ha • lb* Sab It tall**. \t itt> ih* Mar. h lb* AltaaW# Monthly b#*iu* imp«cl#ul#arl#*»l umra tb# Irlab Hi Amartuaa I .If*, C || l'. Matwlu la ih. kraiollha I pt