The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 28, 1896, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
y0) XM| 1 I.OI I- ( ITY. .-'ll i:i!M.\N < Ol'XTV. NKUHASK.V I KIIlAV IKIiltl AHY ->H. IH'.Kl_Nl'MUKH Vi
"I'm* Northwestern
Uic<l K. IIKRMCIItfl'KB.
Kdltor nod Publlahwr.
JCi M II 50 per Year, II Paid in Advance
Aat*r*>l «t the loop f tty f'.«V>m<rn for Vm*
biIMIu/i through the made M Mi.jul.
oiaee matter,
our Bepoblicas Newspaper li Sternal Coiitr
1,1 ven of poor men off. remind un
Horimt toll won't ntand a ehanee
The more we worb there (frown behind an
Hllflfer patehen on our paotn
On our pantn once new ami vIon*r,
Now of ktripen of different hue
All tieeaune aubnertbern driver
And won't pay up what In due
Then let un be up and dolnir
Hend your mite however nmall.
Or when the ralnn of niimmer ntrlbe un
We nball have no pantn at ad.
Htolen bodily.
Thirty-*!* year**#*; Jatne* Hwun
uey. a miner at Wi!ke*b*ri'*, I'a.,
Willi*' I'Hirjiiig iij'/ii’ inj
amounting to 145, home lost It.
» Last Friday Sweeney's daughter re
ceived a letter from a town in Neb
rank*, inclosing the $4ft, with interest
to date.
It took Robert Fitzsimmons Just
ninety seconds last Friday, at
Langtrv, Texas v> defeat Peter
.Maher and become the champion of
the world to a prize fighter. Maher
secured the belt as a gift from Jim
Corbett who gave it to him because
he did not care to fight, both Maher
and Fitzsimmons. Now Corbett
issues a challenge to Fitzsimmons
and it is likely that another fight
will be on.
At M Cook; Neb., Feb. 20th, the
disfigured remains of Michael Travis,
a farmer of Coleman precinct,
were discovered by neighbors
and th» firmer was promptly
summoned from Indianola to investi
gate the i »se. The eonooer's jury
reported a case of murder most foul,
with robbery as the probable motive.
Strong suspicion attaches to a
young man of the neighborhood.
The man had been dead a dav or
two when discovered and the remains
were terribly disfigured by animals.
Several citizens of this town and
from every part of the county heart
ily endorse the article which we pub
lished several weeks tgo regarding
the erection of suitable buildings on
the county poor farm. We believe
the matter should be thoroughly dis
cussed. We are informed trom dif
ferent sources that there ars now
quite a number of citizens within out
couatywhoare entirely dependant
upoa the county for support. Fot
such people there should be means
provided by which they can earn a
It is reported that the ground it
being moistened from underneatt
and tlisifcthe water rising ia causing
the spring*in the eaalern part ol
the state to start afresh. J’artiei
who have recently dug wells in thii
loculi!* state substantially the sarm
thing', and that itftcr digging a fev
feel the earth is veil dump, and it
places r. I most muddy. Tills is ven
apt to be so. Only fill mild
from here the great I'iaite rive
often rises nearly to its banks am
at other seasons ol the tear then
is not a drop of water to be seen fo
.miles up <tud down the river.
The World Herald gives the fo|
lowing account of I'oilce otUce
Heuifrow s experience with soim
loughs tu Oiuutis, Mr. ll.ntfro*
is a Igoile r of our fellow lowusmsi
James Reiitfiow, of this city am
used to reside here some \ ear* ago
"fnl power* wud hi* gang bwvi
msslr irouMe again, siul the) ul
we ir sole head* ot > r II a* a result
while the leader languish** tit )*i
ail I the |a<!lcctlt*tt Itiet tried ti
d*m<di*li i* til a little better Hgtil
trig trim titan tmfor« flier i r<
I sfi i at t * ind tt<ste<liih and Ni It
.■Is* *h n slid have a j« in haul fo
creating trouble, such h# raising
disturbance* at dance*, and once
Ted Power* was convicted of brat
ally as*aulting n man passing borne
from bis work at Thirteen'h and
Nicholas streets because he wouldn't
give Ted the price i f a can of beer,
hilt nigbt about 10:3d I'atrolb
man Kent fro w (card a woman
acreaming, and after a run of about
threu block*, saw Her struggling
with some inert hi the alley bet ween
Chicago and Case, and Twelfth and
Thirteenth etreeta. As lie ran up
Ted Power* let go of the woman
and turned hi* attention to Kent
frow, who placed him under arre*t.
At that juncture two more men
jumped from the side of the alley,
and joined Powers in resisting
Rentfrow. One of them Rentfrow
Identified as a man named Collins,
a six footer.
The officer succeeded in knocking
Powers unconscious with hi# club
after mooting at him three times,
and ms* himself brought to his
knees by a blow struck by Collins,
when ihi! third man sprang upon
j his back, clutching hi# arm# around
the officer# neck. Rentfrow laid
him out by a backward stroke with
in# club .lust iljen Collin# shied
a brickbat at him. and wa# in the
a,-t of throwing a second one when
Rentfrow shot at him, and lie drop
pei I,
By that time i' was necessary to
attend to Powers end the stranger,
I and Poll ms disappeared, It is not
j known if he is shot, (filter ofiiecrs,
| hearmfifce shooting, arrived and;
! ihe tii4^ mini disappeared, while
i litntfrow still clung to Ted Powers
l>r Towne dressed hi* bead it the '
police station, Bentfrow was I
struck once in the face, and Ills j
clothing was torn, but otherwise he
to readv for b isine**, ’
A dispatch from O’Neil, Neb (
says: “A few daj s after the abduc
tioo of Barret* Scott by the vigi
lantes in December, 1894, the Odd
Fellows snd Knights of Pythias
I Oil gas, of which he, was a member,
eaeh ottered a reward of $100 for
the recovery of the body. On the
day when the body was discovered
there were about thirty men engaged
in searching the river for the remains,
.Some were cutting the, ice and
others were using grab hooks in
probing the bottom of the river.
W. Hudson got his book eoaght in
the body and be was assisted by the
others in getting it out of the water,
lie then put in a claim for (he #200
reg ard. The men who were there
sawing the ice and making it possi
ble for him to probe the bottom
Ihrmaht Ihot- vuvru to ft
share of the reward ami they wanted
it pro rated. The lodge* wanted to
do tbi*, but Hudson demurred; be
wanted it all and brongbt suit
against the beige* to reeovcr that
amoant. Last spring the ease was
tried to a jury ami Hudson won. A
new trial was granted and it came
up yesterday and agsia the jury re
turned a verdict for Hudson.”
A colored person riding on the
train a few days since remarked
that he knew all the great presi
dents the United Hiates ever had,
«vhcu a gentleman who heard him,
1 doubted his word and very pointedly
' asked him to name some of them
Said lie, you i-an't name three of
the greatest pii-sidents this country
ever had, The e dored gentleman
reasserted that lie would and the fob
' lowing dialogue took place;
(leutlesnan. “Well who was the
l llrstV”
. Colored Matt, '(Jen, Washing
. I too,"
<J “Well, what did Washington
ever do?"
('. M “He freed the country
' t> “Well, thats so, who was the
- neat?”
0. 'I. “Aim Lincoln Sir.’
(1 “What tin! Lincoln d«<?
C 'I. "lie freed our rac
^ abolUed slavery l*If. "
I) "C trteet, now wbo *» »• the
• | thud?
I (!, 'I Why, tlrover Cleveland
j Htr."
(! “Wall, what d|d Urover d *
1 CM Witt hi to freed
> laboring men, and lift b*v »t had a
Job* since,"
It Was agreed am ottr tit* t*
get* and a-titilUi d by the ijtitstio
i t that (lie t idoti it gvi|t| itini k i •
1 t j-rta itrli tv Its l he aaa t.tlaui,; about
A Mmmrnmm To n«»ln<
The withdrawal of on< hundret^
million dollar* from the private
pocket* to be Invested it. United
States bond* i» * new menace t4
business and reviving prosperity.
The governuw n' becomes a compel!*
nr against public' and private elite,*
prises of all description* Business
is eonductcd largely on credit,
tVhen a factory i* bailt and opened,
when a railroad i* constructed snd
operated, money liu* to hr borrow*
sd to conduct the enterprise, With
government bond* In the fb ld to
"ornpete it t-e'-omes almost impossi
ble to sell (mods of railway, gas,
trolley and other c .terprise* or
borrow money to open and operate
fsi-tories and industrial enterprise?
»l all description* A nation which
lias to strengthen it* credit by
forced loan* is a menace to industry,
■'nice (Jrov< r Cleveland came into
power he has neon « persistant lior*
rower, bo long us lie hu* borrowed
not an industry of note lias started
up, not a railway lias been able t«
get out of the clutches of a reasiver.
Panic times continue and will eon*
ticuc so long us this executive eon
tin lies to borrow all ths money in
sig!p. It, is auperfluoua draw |
the conclusion that tariff reform is]
the prime cwiiae < f f'levrlandie bor- !
rowing. Tariff reform and C'leve
land have made the government the
f»r bog of modern time#. The j
government live#, hut iiifloatry i*
dead or at least paralyzed, It i*
nothing that many article# of nece«
aity and luxury are cheaper under
tariff reform, no one ha# any money
even for cheap oe< ■##i,ie*. The
atrfeteat economy prevail# and the
maase# auffer untold hardahip#.
VV'ages arc tiie lowest and the larg
cst. amount of labor ever known fa
unemployed. 'Ac have made our
experiment of tariff reform, with
government te nd# and with Clevc
land Ac if.’ satisfied suuf nate
had enough of nil fheonea, tlicor
i#t# and their renuitant uctuaiitiea,
I,«t uh relapse into tariff protection,
call in the bond* and resume pros
perity New York Diapatcb.
Col. Bixhy, of fiie Nehrnska
Stale Journal in writing some very
fine poem# on the current event# of
the day. The following i# one of
hi# latest.
A farmer of Nebraska lay dying at Blue
Hprlngs, there was lack of woman's nursing
and a lot of other things, but the hired man
sat near him while tlie sands of life ran low to
take his farewell message to the sage of
Broken How. The dying farmer faltered, as he
dimly viewed the seen.- and In feeble tones
requested one more ehew of Lincoln green;
and his (rale blue eyes grew brighter as he bit
off bait a pound, expectorating feebly on the
cold, unfeeling ground. The sun was slowly
setting as It had for many a week when the
farmer caught his second breath and thus be
gan to speak: I feel I'm growing weaker, all
the sand* of life have run. no spark or ray will
linger past the setting of the sun and I want
to make a statement while I have the
strength to blow as a warning to Nebraska
and the sage of Hroken How. One for life’*
unequal battle I wu» fortllled and strong, but
III eighteen hundred ninety old John I'ower*
came along and he filled me full of terror at
the thought of« per writ, till I popped with
other popper* In my frantic dleeuntent; ana
In *heerc»t desperation i nryiern <1 all my
crop*, and txyun to Mtve the nation hy cavort
Iny with the pop*. 1 attended. In di Nance of
all thovte who in lain. entreat, and kept track
of the alliance and deelatnMd n|»on the fctreet;
boy* tnlybi die for want of ration, and the
home*In the ham I wa* nut to »ave the
nation and I diHln't ylve a daru. So It went
with cow* ami chicken* and lbe farm *o dear
to me all tuyetber to the dlcken* and the
lianrtUm* niortyayee. The cou*l*tancy of
xtopplny wa* mprmnely evident, nut I popped
and kept mi poppltuf till I dldu t have a cent.
Then when alia* wa* elected bow my *plrlta
-•'•■ined te warm liutlt * not a* I c*peeled,
and I don't *»*e much reform It haa only
tirouybl confu*lou and I'll Mil lieforo I dla,
It * a »uare and a delu»uin lor the lametlt of
HI He baa hi ten fa»e*t place* to the people
lea-t In heed and Ira* kepi no aort id caaoa on
the fellow » *hori of feed only democrat* can
coach him alnce a< made a * w, it my race I
don't »ay thl* to ..a him tbouyh I *a» It
tubulate i,«,i t»i, ihi-ed to warn my
yattut thl* awful laippv era'" for the re#*on
that by mmnUiy I will have u*< voice l"ralwv "
The omitd yrew we ak and aeaher III It bittl
... with bln breath aaJ llo unlile hearted
o-c*. >,*, dUtlHlIy mid Hi death th. each
lid a a* pi.o d a copper a* the to***n lavenn to
clter-ii a* I door <!. «• upon a puppef who
repented ju*‘ lh »l*be
\ r-in.l.e lull .tat Inn of l«l«(<tlt P*ll
11 v *|nr| land fur rale. I’rlvf WdOOtii
t ot loi 'loi (oiflli tiler* call oil Ilf art
t|re**. I unt il <t Mhbil ti ll Ml.
hi l.»it|i I !l»f ,
Oo Your Friends Weir Cletkis?
Mot* » tt#ip i tty >*m •-•ffnA'U (mi ’ fH
JUh I -■ I *l| 4»*«h<4-t #1 |»»>|r y = 4l |»««* #*,. H Hu
iw l| « •*»*** dhi *|* ml Mimi Id 4/<*<•
Nnttvnn Wolff A Oo-,
III W. •evtnlfv Si. Cl«olnn*ii, 0.
to Simmons Liver regulator don’t
forget to take it. I lie l.lver get* sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and tlie system becomes choked up by
tb" accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your l.lver
now, hut be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it, it also
regulates the l.lver keeps it properly at
Work, when your sysft-m will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get. the: j*i:ht nuton, i.m
your system Is In A1 condition, and that
will only be when the l.lver Is kept artive.
Try a l.lver Remedy once and note the
difference. Hut take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator -it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which mat <s the
dlfferem e. | uke It In powder or In !t |Uid
already prepared, or nuke a t>-.» of the
powder; but take SIMMON si IVER REG If*
LATOR. You’ll fin J tin- HEb Z on t ry
package. I.ook for It.
J. If. Zeilln tk < <>., l'tilla«l<-Ipi|lu I'S.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch cage manufactur
ing concern in the world, in now
«.i i f in/v ss«i/i«4 I lw< Tea at U/ lastly. ^4
i.f, —r - -.
ami other canes made by it, a bow
(ring) whu h cannot be twisted or
pull"! off the watch.
i t in a Mire protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can lie twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
A ■ k any jeweler for pamphlet
or send to the manufacturers.
Iii roan tv curt, within and for Sherman
county, Nebraaku, in the mutter of the
elate of Mary M Puller deceased.
To the creditor* of aald ealale you urn
hereby noliflcd, that I will all at the
county court room In Coup City' in Mid
county, on the rah day of July, A. If. lew, to
receive and examine nil claim. again at
aald da**, with a view U> their adjuat
rneiil and allowanec. The time limited
for Hie pr« mentation of ulalma agalnal aald
ealnte la alx monlha, from the Alb day of
January A. If. IsW,, and the time limited
tot I lie payment of debt* la one year from
aald rail day of January. ISO#.
W lueaa my hand and the aeal of Mid
county court, tliiatith day of January, A D.
iw.. OKom.* Jlkiir, County Judge.
stale of Mebraaka, " „
Sherman County, I
William Oaah, non reafdent defendant,
will lake notice that on tne 'atti day of
January, law., Ituck K. Ogden plain Cl IT
nidi bln petition III the Ifiairl, Court of
Sherman Con lily. Nebraska, aga! at William
Oaah. Union Truat Company, Henry T.
riaike, Receiver Union Tru> t < ornpanp,
Arinl'tlna P. Culley, the object and prayer
of whie.i are to forecdoae a certain oort
gage execute 1 by llie defendant William
uaah to the defendant Union Truat
Company ii|a>n the fullnwlng (leacrl*>ed
property, to-wit: The Northeaai Ouerter
of nectlon Twenty rtt> Townahlp Fifteen
(If,) Mori b Range Fifteen (15) weal 8th P. M.,
in Sherman County. Mebraaka. to aecure
the payment of a certain lauid dated April
Mil IHS7, for Ifieaumof Thlriaan Hundred
IfoHura ig!.■*»».(»)) due and payable on the
first day of April, law. and that there I*
now due upon aald bond and mortgage and
for laxca upon aald properl) paid by aald
lluek K. Ogden the eum of Thirteen
Hundred sixty four Dollara and Eighty .one
cent#<gl#R all and inlureat maroon Plain
tilt praya for adacree dial defendant. lie
icuuireii to pay the amount due ou account
of »ald la,nd, mortgage and taxea eo paid,
or that aald premiaee may l»e aold loaallafy
the amount found due.
you are nujulied toauawer aald petition
Mil Ul mi i u** ••»»» «*«».* ui .unii ii ibvi
Unit'd January I»tta I'lfu.
Hick K OuiiM, I'lelntitr
by ilAKTI.kTT, IUI I01H.K, OK Bollll
mid NH.HTINUAI.K It Hue,
Altext Mix Atlnrm y»
l.otne It ki m. Clerk of IJIntrlt’l court.
HOIII k Of "I n I" n->n BUIOBHf
dial* of Mebraake, 1
KlinruiKii county, t ‘
John J l*en»|>eikur and Harriet 4 Pene
lumkor, non reenlenl delendanle will twee
mil me illAl Oil lire lib ilay ol January, UM,
■lurk I linden lUklnl III UIimI hie Ixillllon
in l lie Irialrlut I ourl of eheruien Comity,
Ntibruka, aifeluxl John J l'ru*t*n kur,
Hamel A Kineuiaker, L'ulou Trite! Coni
1,nny end Henry T < letke. keeeieer t'lilou
C.oin^ny, theohjefl end ineter of wlueh
ere lo foreloxe e mlain morlnen*’ eleeuted
nr ihe deleoidanl* Julm J ren*|xnkii end
llerrlet A I'eneixokei lo the deleudAiil
fnlon 1'riikl • .on|«oy U|xoi t'.e lidlowtnn
dexilbed j.ioi.ioly. to-wll The Nurtfc
Weal ijnerlio of xeellon fr dr III lowuehin
xltlxeK (lk> North ol Ilk lire yourtren ill)
We*l ol the Uli I* M in Khei men Couuly
Nubixihe, 10 eeeure Ihe |*vinunt of e eer
lain i*ni.l deled tier #* text, for Ihe euni u|
l eelre lldi .lie l Oollere ||*«i*n due an I
myenleonthe ftr*l dxt of Me , I'M, end
Ihet llteie In new due e|erii eenl bool eud
iudl»»n* eud for latee uixin *eid |>io|M>i|y
uxld by mxtil Itx. k 1 linden. Ilia min uf
I erlvx Huuiire'i I illy one IMIerr and 01
ly I wo eettte <> Al .11X04 inirtrMl lltrieon
i xp.iitt (Mx t • lor » .|e> lee Ibxl ilrfendxnl*
lie i«i(til 11 <1 to |.xy Ibr enoiuut due on x,
1 mud ol eald hnnd, ami ai|. end 1*1 e* Mr
m 1, 01 Ihet Mid ideuilMex luey I* mid to
n il 1*1 y the euooiui found due
|on tie 11 iiilo >1 luMkovf Mid iixIltiuH
on 10 wiore tlie Inil day of llei'h ixat.
|i,i it Jaioieiy loth M
Mia 1 ixiiire. I'laietld
ny tit* ti rtf HtM'kldk, He ItoKir
and NldMIlkii 11 e I'lx
All**! It* Attorio>y*
l ot la 1(111, * terk of IMelrle! Com!
Vic* President. Oeebier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
OapHal Stock, $600,000.
Lonne on Improved tarme at NOT par cent. Beet Oompaoj and hart lane
to be hod in the waet.
OonnaerononersChemical National Bank. New York (Up, B. T.j Omaha
w. j. yi until. uka. k. bknsciiotkb,
Attorney ami Notary Public. Publlaber I/h/p City Northwmtkkn
Town IiOt«, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale.
1:4S l\ M. leaves l\ M
A. F Wekts. Agt
Beginning Sunday. November I7ib.
trains will arrive arid depart at till*
station a* fallows:
Leaves Leave*
Monday. I.*, I Tuesday, /
Wednesday, [ Thursday. f
Friday, »•'» I aturday )n>
Arrives at l/oup City daily 7. »ft p. in.
Close connection at Orand Island for
Ell points East arid West
F. W. CMMK. Agent
ritop. op EXPRESS awu
All Express or rrelffiil order, promptly
attended to ,
* AttnpnEH-at-Law.
W'ld and improved land, for .ale And
money to loan on real e.lnin
loop cm. • • mtiiu
Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder
World’. Pair Mistiest Medal and Diploma.
Notlee I. hereby given mat I have lli!«
dey «uiane.i|>ati«1 my eon llnrry aawver
from til. minority, and given him lull rlifht
to hu.lnea. In III. own ri«hl free
from miy claim liv me upon hie property or
Hated thi. l.thdev of January, IMM,
w a new ran Parent
Dr. Price’: Cream Baking Powder
A Pur. drape Cream el Tartar Deader.
la District Oouft of ahermnu Oounty,
Mra It A Multi h, Plalallir,
The anhnuwii heir* of Annie
■ Head, dnceaaed.
To Ihr unknown hslr. of the estate of
A onti. hr M .t<.i.a < u.m
wilt laka iintiae Ibai on lb* Will day of
January, |n»i, Tli« I'taintiff bnraln Iliad
li»*r pal ition In ilia dlairin eowrl In and
lor aliatmaii nmni* Nabraaka, a*»in»i Mid
dafrndabla, Iba ubWi ami inaym of wblah
*1* 10 liitarbwa a Tat l.iait Isilllliutta It
•nad by It A. Jaokton, Iba tbau luualy
tiaaaurar In and Inr aiiuinian enmity, k#b
latka, Im lit* dalluuneiit late* «( Ibn
I * at i'lti in III* *«UI III *11 III III kbanuan
imniity, Nabraaka. and mi iba tnlwaiiuanl
**ar» III nan, iWM. IdH and iw*i All at
It I in'k own rti'BiHi nil* ini* and Iwu In Iba
ixikiual loan un* *ljlt|< ol I.UMM I'll*,
abet man I nuitly, Nebraska, «lilt b Mid
la* *a » ii«Hin»ali *«i >i« ilia mi day ui
*« 1,1. uilwi, land doty aaalaatal to Iba y.laln
tiff, I bat I tin* a i* now due Ilia |ii*ti.tirt
li lain lb* •win id |l -4 «• lata* a--d paws ly
Plaintiff aaka lor a iloata* id ior**li»»ur*
and unlff >d M*a or Mid i>i«ml*«*
Vuwar* it united iwantwtr mi* jteiiliau
on u* ><*•«*• Iba tun oar id Mat** l<**> or
lb* a Irani mo* <ira« nol will lw lat.u aa
lHt: and r* ,«* untitled a* tut»un
Mm* H A Ml lb a. Plaintiff
Nylikti W Hi area Mar Aliy
l.offlk Mil* l? talk u* lb* U r*.ml Cm ill
Dr. Homabreyr' UpecMea are nelaatlflaeUp
and carefully prepared Hemediae. oaad for ?ean
lo private practice aod tar mtr thirty paaaahp
the panplo with eattm •uroeaa. Drop rtafle
Upadflc a apodal cun. for the linear naaiad
33~Kplltip«jr, «. Vltu.'»Ma*...I.S#
a^SiKSrriBSKSSSfc .-a
“77"0,1 ""8E5S ro.SMP.250.
IHI^IXW—H101 nMpiwWPMi*
b. Ucarnuu Ibiui. iB«Ur««»* nllH4l°M
mnuiruMAriii * »»•
yy I. MARCY.
urriot-ll W«K» unit Hirer *to»S, SMI
nnlr rutiite mump. L«U|> Clip. *•!>
Mail to. I. la.mlia m>v wm Ui.» l»p vlrit*. uf
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iir rliikiilitivtaiii i wuttlVi .*i«kuib» tib
iholiat 4*y ii* uiiwr, i«*t *n4 •«w«t«d
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ibatwi ihl* ifib itai i>( Nliiaan, W
W »* H*4U. tiuitfaff*