_ _ Lioaal I7«ws. A lloime. ill* Jeweler. Henry Dolling ha* * line line of »boe* on the ro»ay till the IIrat Sunday In March, whan a program will lie rendered. To day la the llneat yet of the acaaon. Farmer* *ay that they caa plow with out difficulty, there liclug no fro»t In the ground to »peak of. K. A Itrown and A. VVatklnaou have made a; plication for admUalon to toe A, O, U. W.l,odga and will probably lie Initiated at the next regular meet log. The JfoHTIIWK.ftTKKN household have moved to the Morria real dance north of the M. K. church where they will live until we liavt our new residence com pleted The entertainment to be given laat Tueaday evening by Mia* Ina Taylor in the Watkmaoo hall, did not material l/.e,owing to aome miaunderatauding regarding the ball It ia given out without contradiction that the l.oup City achool*, under the aupervialon of Prof. M. H, Mead aa •fated by Prof. IV II Kennedy are the land ever had in the town for year*. Mr. Greening, of IV ina ton, Mo. ha* been here for the paat week looking liUv Willi » Vl« W 171 lug here. Also Mr, A O. Smith, of Meadville, Mo., I» here for the same purpose. home person shot Mr, House's beat liverv horae, which wa* loose In town Hunday morning Two or three shot* were tired and the animal'* aide I* liter ally tilled with shot and will he dis abled for »ornc time, Litchfield Moni tor, The new constitution of New York stale contemplate* the separation ot municipal a,Hair* from national poli tic*, and to that end It proylde* that the election of mayor* shall take place at a lime when federal ofllcer* are not to be chosen. A. I*. fulley, the weather prophet of this place ha* hit It exactly tor the month of February. He predicted that wo would have more or less snow during this mouth. On the 3rd of Feb ruary we hud less snow and on Satur day last we had Just a little more. The little five year old girl ol Mr. ami Mrs. John Fisher who received i|ultt severe Injuries by falling out of tin wagon one day last week, I* now ijuitr well again. The hind wheel of tin wagon passed over her body jiiiI for s time It wa* thought that *h« wus hurl internally. Mr* A. Wall and daughter-in-law, Mrs Oeo, Itrlll, met wltlii|Uitea seven accident last Wednesday morning wbllt nu their way to Litchfield They hail got a few miles out of town when tin team became uiimaiiagalde and ovet turned the buggy throwing the occu pant* out Mr* Wall sustained quilt severe Injuries by getting her sltooldei dislocated ami otherwl»« badly bruised Mrs Itrlll e>capcd uninjured. Tn« case of it hoot dUtttvl Nu, 0, v school district No 31,(thermal! count) h*s Ikwh taken to the .Supreme court and-It will doubtless ha some •month1 lo'liiiv a decision w III U< tcached, Tin suit grew nut uf au attempt to cousotl dale the two districts which move »* cuntli'imd after due considers*but by the fount y w pet lot violent, f I Johnson, H appearing that titer* wai not enough settlement In ill Irtci tfT to legally maintain a school I be cast wa* trle-l tu disirtct court and Mr Jukaxai't act mi sustained. It w»i then laheu In the supreme court w belt full Iter development* will he waMn-tl W ith in.err si , Will aole your ■bora for from 96 cent* upward*. IlMIlT 1)01.1.IUO A full line of New Seed* Ju*t recleved at Wfitklnaon’a. R. J. Brown'a famlly. of Arcadia are flatting Mr. Brown’* parent* at thli plaee. T S Nightingale made a bualnea* trip to f.itebgeld We our vest pocket. K-.r sale by all drngglata. The I/iup City Orchestra will give a Washington's Birthday Ball at the Opera House on Hatnrday evening. ; Feb. 22nd. Admission 25 cents. The farewell party given at the ref I* tlence of Mrs. published that Is not worth more than $1,80 a year to any family If they do not take a paper; and If they do any paper is worth all it costs if they will read It. Take all the papers your family will read. It will more than re. pay you. In this age of cheap papers people cannot afford to live nor let their falinlles grow up In Ignorance of what i» going on the world.— Sterling \ hull A few duys ago the I.oupCity (.'amp of Modern Woodman of America re ceived an invltati u to come to Asbton and Initiate some new members In the Ashton < amp And on Wednesday evening went to that place about HO strong, and upon arriving ouuil eleven candidates for Initial Ion After the preliminaries of lh« meeting were gone through with Ihe camp was turned over lo Ihe l.onp i'l|y hoys They at once look charge of ihe camp and proceeded to the Initiation. I he work took all night tut things were made p easant for all there and to ihe murit lug Ihe viaveu candidal *s would all swear that lire) were all full hedged H oodmen, Ilian-' Island, b*b , t'eb |.Vh, pan tint luniks are now i>peu lor esn • liwits sed wid remain until ihe rli tenth ol April hwHlldav UK Ice* lb* reipiiied acreage shall (»e math* up pie «Ions to ih*i date Mo contract will tie ai crpted f oin any other than parlies pm posing |o glye the crop llie ties! of aUentmu, and w Ito eliltt ; tiw n or rent d<*sli able I .it I adapted to Itye growth o| llie sugtf heel Not Is*s than three acre cunt taels will lot ac epted Itlsuh conlracls can Its seen ay applying to jil I'iui Ioms. I.titipCity Mebigshr I os S AMI* I**:* r m u am* t* KKaOLVTIONa. At h regular meet ng of !4bll»h I’oat So, 124 iJcpt of Neb. (i. A. K. held Feb Htb. 1*00 the following preamble and resolution* were unanimously a dopted: I'hkamri.k a*i* kk«outturn*. W'herea* certain rumor* have )*•- n for wme time paat freely circulated among the comrade* of thi« Po*f, that our (,‘ommanrler W, 'J', Owen*, ha* been guilty of the ml-appropriating of relief fund* coming Ini > III* hand* a* ruch commander and that he Inc* failed to report fund* lie longing to the Port, and Where** raid report* have reached the general public anil thereby < »ii*ed a acandle r< fleeting upon the good name of Commander Owen*, and of sihlloh Port So 124.0. A It and Wherear, In view of aald report* 'hi* Poat at ite la*t regular mee ting held .fan. 26; IHltd appointed a committee to Investigate *ald Owne* receplr *ml diaburarnenta of all the matter charged in »ald rumor*, and W'herea*. aaid committee Ime re ported to till* f'o-t. tbi* day »* to *•* ir alter* charged In »aid rumor* and adopted by tbla Port a* amended, and the committee dlaebarged, flald committee reporting a* to each i rid eyrry Item of receipt* and dlaburw mcut* nn tl»<* p*r* of I'oinminl»r Owen*, Mini Where**, the finding of *ald com- j nilttee •• emended fully exbonereled •aid Owen* In that *a)d i-ommittee found tint nil receipt* of reilef fund* | coming Into hi* hand* had be en fully accounted forjand faithfully applied to the ohjeet* for which III* donation* were made. Therefore to- It ic/oiv' d Fitter, that thi* action on our part end our finding* h given the »ame publicity that wa* .here to fore given to the rumor* rgaln*t our xald com* mender. Hv/ OKV. that we condemn the *plrlf that animated the detr ictor* of Com in ander Owen* and that we belbve the *ain« to have been uncharitable In the extreme, uncbri»tlan in principal and in r,o*en*« comrade- like. Unsolved that till* J'ort have the utmoat confidence In Commander Owen* who*e Fraternity. Charity aim Loyalty *o well known t®ua ha* been exemplified in hi* Iiff.or* for the benefit of thl* Port and hi* aoldler comrade* during the dark day* of dlatre** and want which we have but recently paa«ed. Kenolred: that the thank* of thi* Poat be extended to commander Owen* for hi* labor and service*. alwaya *o cheerfully performed for the Poat and the comrade member*. W II Coxuy.u, \V. A, WibOOX, Adjutant. Com, pro tem, I de»ire to my to all those that took part In the entertainment Saturday evening, Feb. Sth. that I very highly appreciate their nervlcc* and admire the npirit that prompted them to act *o nobly, and hope they may enjoy Heaven* richest blaming*. Mrs. Lou IIolcomk. A choiae half Motion of highly cul tivated land for sale. Price <$400,00. For further particular* call on or ad dre*«. fisiie* A BEKrtiiOTeg, at Loup City. Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. NuriCk:—All parties knowing them selves Indebted to me will please settle by cash or note. We have carried you as long as our circumstances will af ford and we must make settlement in full to first of year. Please attend to this at once. .'espeetfully, .1. I. Dki-bw. Kins Solomon's Motion. That “There is nothing new under the «uir does not always convey the truth Especially is this true as regards the new composite cars now operated dally via the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line between Salt Lake City and Chicago. These handsome Buffet Smoking end Library Cars are entirely, new throughout of latest design, contain all modern Improv merits, and are well supplied wltn writing material, the leading daily papers, Illustrated periodicals, luaga Allies, etc, i’ll# fact that these ears run dally via The Overland Limited" and that the Union Pacific wasthellue west of Chicago to Inugerale this ser vice should commend Uaeif to alb Mee that your tickets iead via "The Over land Itoute" * Awarded Highest Honor*. World'a Pair. oa BAKING POWDER MOST PfKFECT MADE A fas* Cup* Ciieit of Tela I'naJa, fin n urn Aas», ... A .• as lay e»# i Wlena 40 >t AR» THU klANDAKD. DON’T DO QT T% ) 4 UUpMl* Willi a I ATI T woman when I Hill |ahe *ara our JJU11 Lrio'/i|» ore the Only Onefc lo Huy. He eauae ahe know* what *he In talking ohouf. Aigue with her 'wh< n ale »ay* Oni I'rnea fire Moar,r-HAV*H*. ,-he lalka like it aeiiAlMe woman who know? what'a whet, . Try lo extuiae Trouraelf forgo I trig loKorne nth ler a tore jnateoil ■■ ll Our* know that you ran olfer no ri'iwrn that < an l*e aefflrient for Ihe »tore where I he Hk*T anil ("lie A I'KkT go together, j . Kxpe.rt y o u r Twife lo meet I you |r|ru«antly I if' you ve gone "to aome other *>•< re than Ohm, when ahe i % r>»*ly toll) you to go i ahere elae, Hun't «lo thear thing* if you expert to live long iin i‘ 'TOC'K OV ISTotioriHf Eic« IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We have got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered i u 11, M i 811k Tara OSbantere “ M _ _—— BHHBHgBaBBBawa*MwiwaaMn«MNMWssmM*MMBavMMaw«'«*MMiMM*w>"«aa*> Steel Enamel Ware, First Quality. toffee pots, 2 qt each.*♦ ITea kettles each. ea pots, 2 qt each. 4ft| {Handle stew pans, I gt each. I5| APPLES! $1.00 PER BUSHEL APPLES! LYK. olL Lewis Lye, per can.Kl Roeeae, per gallon . 2»J Kagle “ “ “ .OH Headlight, per gallon,,,. 17 _^___1 MAKING I'OWDKK, 1 B Calumet |»*r pound.a0 Celiuho i per box ..10 tfpu *• “ Ifl Argogu>«» l boxea ..at American family *• '• 16 Argo corn »» .. all package coffee twenty.one cents. Dried Fruit. Cereal* \|>iii'ku, |M‘ * " . <» K, h 't'o U«hk< uwIdh a< or 91'hi nr ih'<> >, < <■ n ■ i in hum • l.>» *«< • ill |jlv« a liniiiUoim' I'tMik II.H.k TuUm *• |MUllMO«lim •vnomrl* of #10. •» •»»**#, »Im* l*»Uun> »• ■ ■ >**1 < N|**