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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1896)
A WEIWINft NOVELTY. PECULIAR MARRIAGE CEREMO NY IN WASHINGTON. Adelslil* Jahumnm Invite* Priced* In * *'WMt* K»p*lnt" *rit I* H*pflnl I* a VniitN Who IHrl1*krn Her \tnit—Th* lirutfMi Wcsr* Wlilie Hr«*ili'l<ilh ‘A aplrltnall*! iimelnle*. A 1 li»<Hi<>|»liti il Weililint WilNlMrui, -tail 31. - An evlra ordinary careuiuiiy was performed here last night Theosophy was the mu ll him which joined in th« bond* of matrimony a "new woman" and a “new man ” Adelaide Johnson, the sculptor, whose pol l rail busts of Klla abeih lady Stanton, Lncrctli Mott, Susan U. Anthony and Or. Carolina Winslow occuplad a central position In the Woman’s building at the world's fair, waa the heroine of the novel af fair. Mis* Johnson Invited twenty friend* to a "white evening" at her home No bint was given of the na ture of the occasion The guests, ineluding Mr*. Hicltardson of Mo*ton, Susan M. Anthony, Clara H. Colby aim Colonel Charles, arrayed themselves In white, as requested, and arrived promptly at the appointed hour. They found the drawing room draped in snowy cheese cloth, while curtain* hid the windows and doorways. White *11U cushioned the chain! and covered the tables, on winch crystal bowls of calla lilies were placed A bust of General l,o aru n a.nsa 1..0I .ml la I (fl /.Hi* p/n nnr !/<■ /pal nternly on the marble liken*** of Ln cretin Molt wIMi (Juuker cap and fold ed bandkerchef, Ttie nunpieion of * tie gu -*U wan Brut a ro lined by tin- ntglit of a white satin ribbon which endowed a nort of chan cel containing a nofa iipiiolntered in whit- and made comfortable by a half >do/.en white rutiled pillow < urionlty wan net at rent at k o'clock bv the an noun cement that the wed ding of Adelaide Johnnoii to Alexander Frederick .lohliwoo wan alioilt to take place Cora I/. V. Richmond, the npiritualmt, panned bell (nil the ribboun ntteoded by tlie groom wiio wore a null of wbiu- broadcloth and a white ailk tie. Mo, John Vance Cheney, wife of the poet, entered immediately after and re-i I a poem on ■•Munic," the iant at a ii/.a of which wan accompanied by the wlrairi* of Lohengrin'* wedding diorua, played m/ftly by Munan Old berg The bride noon appeared, gowned in white tulle heavily em broidered with pearln and made over white natin Hbu wan encorted by her brother, * liarlen <i. .1 olmnoii, of < hicago < ora I,. V, Richmond performed the marriage ceremony, • under iunpiration." A week ago the groom, by [lower of law, changed bin name of Alexander Frederick Jcnklnn for Alexander Frederick lohnsou, tliat hin talented wife nliould not forfeit the name hy wiiiuh »hc in known to the world, lie in a alight young fellow, not kO yearn old yet, light hair and penetrating dark eyee. lie wan horn ir- (-.upland and han traveled over America lie npent nine month* alone on an Ari/-oiia ranch and now liven in New York. That in nil that in known of him here, except that, like hin bride, who in twelve yearn hin *enior, be in thoroughly imbued witn the be liefnof Cbrintiun r-cience and Ibeonophy and in a vegetarian an well. WILL DELAY THE ISSUE. Tbe Im,million Government llnl|l»| on thn Mnollolis Mr bool tjuenllon. Mortkkai,, dan. 31. — It in naid to be the purpono of the Dominion govern ment not to force the Manitoba ncliool question to a vote at thin nennion. The introduction of a remedial rncAnurr will tie delayed an long a* ponnihle and the diacunwion will be prolonged until the preaent parliament expiren. The obstruction of Liberal*, it will be naid, prevented tlie carrying out of remedial -ci.. i,ii» i.,,.^....... declare that thin hill will not save the government at the general election and stoutly predict that Mr. I.uurler will be tbe next premier < m|Hi la ( rushlua Out Ketvrllloii. • i aiiacah, Jan. aI.—Preeident Creepo lx taking every possible mean* to fer ret out hi* enemies and when be flndk them to punish them. He want* to keep the country in peace by locking up those who are trying td incite re hellion. Mails are care fully watched and suspicious correspondence Is seized and examined. Half a dozen hie.on yachts for use on the coast ami on the Orinoco river and armed with American rapid lire guns iiave been ordered. delta I* lllsliarrcil. P W ahiiisii ins. Jan. il Hclva A /.iH'kwood, ouec a presidential caiuih date ou the Woman's Itighis' ticket ami now a practicing nttomey In tills city, was yesterday debarred from practicing as an attorney or agent be fore the pension bureau Tin- action grew out of a charge made against Mrs. I<ockwood by the imnaioii depart went accusing her of having liuprug erly aceepted a fee of $.f> In a pension claim « him her M a lull A SI It I Male a. I'Hsuuiu, Jan HI. - A proclamation i a» l**u gazetted to the effect that the government believe* that the threatened elosing of the mines la due to an Intention Is recommence ills till b,sloes, amt warning all that the government Intend* to vigorously pro lev t the peat etui development of min tug, amt to Inltul the sever* *1 penalties of the law u|e>n ail thoae attempting In uiteiiupt it A MeWarinut from last teas, VI tiiutiitut, Jan ill. 'the Imtlan appropriation bill was reported to the House today Whtia the hill wilt * am a little ever t* aui.imi there wlii Is a reduction of aternl h1 s'*,is** helots the estimates for the year and about » >*• taw below iha svtssl * pgr opt, a t on for tbe last tear Mastter tesMsO Mist Uslllf K sssta I tty. Mo , Jaa it- Herman I Mueller, formerly h »n**a t vty agent for the Nehlils ttrawlsg aom NSf v»f Milwaukee waa found net guilty of ewbaaallag (it,mu trow tha < ompany while acting In that eapo >iy MITCHELL OPPOSES BONDS lf« hu NrH to Irirrno* llio I'r*** fill IllllflilttliKs* W*srti*«T<v .Ion. si. — Menutor i MltHiell nt Oregon addressed Ion Men at# on the silver substitute for the bond bill this afternoon, lie opposes the proposed Issue of bonds and fuvors the substitute measure. He asserted that the purchasing power of silver in all silver using countries was as great to-day a* ever before and that, goods were prepared tor market in those countries at Just one half what It cost* to produce the same article lit the gold standard, gold 1 using countries, and sold without | trenching on profits, for just one half 1 the price in gold they would have been I compelled to sell for If bimetallism bad been maintained, and the destruc tion of tbe parity value between the two moneys had bo u brought out hy silver demonetization. Regarding the bond bill as It came from lbs House, Senator Mitchell said; **l decline to give further au thority to the Secretary of the Treas ury to Issue additional bonds in time I of peace, first, because I deny the | necessity for auv such additional Is j sun: second, ho a use I am opposed to a further Increase of our Interest bearing public debt: third, lie cause In encouraging additional ; bond Issues at any rate of Interest, I believe Wc are hastening the rapid ap proaeh of national bankruptcy: and fourth, because I am a Republican and every Republican Ntate conven tion which has convened in the la*' year ha* condemned In emphatic terms the present administration for Issuing bonds and thus Increasing the national Indebtedness '•I am unwilling under any plea of 1 necessity to aid the party to which I belong In doing that which us a party It has most emphatically condemned in ot her*." The resolution directing the secre lury of agriculture to execute the law relative to seed distribution was then taken up and Mr, ticorge of Missis sippi spoke fu defense of the course of the secretary. W H. ENGLISH ILL. 'git# sol tn.llama Ml is4 o Keiul vuled hf * < Dfiipllf’Nllon of All no uln, 1 Mill AX ATOMS, iud, .1*11 .'il. Will' nun II. Knglish I* lying dangerously HI *t lit* rooms in Dm Knglish hotel. A week ego Mr. Knglish experienced (in attack of tint grip which result,cl in congestion of the mucous membrane of the air passages. This had become much better when inflammatory rheU' mutism set in. Mr. Knglish'* physician reports his patient's temperature very high and these Complications, considering his time of life, are sufficient to make hi* condition serious. Mr. Kngfish wa« vice presidcntlsl candidate on tlm Democratic ticket with Winfield Scott Hancock, who ran for the rir**id*n"v In t»*0, SULLIVAN S CONDITION. The Pugilist Is Ifitsrnallr luj,ir*<1 mini IU< • feel Wiiiiinl on Ills Mead. tfl'KlxoPIXI.D, III., .Ian 31,- John J„ Sullivan is confined to hi* lied at life Palace hotel. His company left for Kast St lamls this morning, Dr. .1 X. Dixon, tin- surgeon attending, says: “Sullivan i* in a precarious condition and has sustained serious wound* that may result in fatal complication* The wound on Ills heud will slough uwny nii'i inny ' rrjai%nn,n of 111* eye* are dosed tight and he suffer* much pain III* recovery will rely upon th<- healing of I he wound III hi* heart Me i* Internally Injured al*o. I believe I (ran bring him around but It will be a scratch,” Hut Kopubllntn Flglit In l/otilnlana. Nbw Oitl.KAXn, Fa., Jan, Jl,—The Itepiiblican convention did n t get tie gether this morning, the credential* committee, which had been out ull night, not being able to report. Moth the McKinley and lived force* are making a desperate tight for control of the convention when it Is again culled to order. T here are indication* of a spilt and the holding of two con ' vent ion*. _ A stale Funeral to rlr. liunyon. Hr.ill,is, Jan, IIt.— Funeral service* were held at noon to-day at Nt. George'* chapel in honor of the late Theodore lluuyon, l ulled State* am bassador to Germany. All of the 'too seat* were occupied by u iliMtinguished congregation, and the imposing look ing catafalque, upon which the body rested, hu* almost buried under Moral offering* from the deceased states man * udiuireru. There were tributes of re*i>cct from Kiupcror William . ' Germany, the Kmpre**, eg-Kmpre** Frederick, the German foreign office, the member* of the diplomatic corps, the American colony and German friend* of Mr. Itunyon In addition there were bumlsome fforai pieces from the staff of the Amerleaii em bassy and the I lilted Slate* consulate here. j M* I|*iur lfi*W«'fr,« I ill I*Ill’ll* I % IHl'Iot HMOIt AMii*U IoJi, .lull » Mi llHilii' Mil ki*r yt%l#r4fty Uilro4u**t»4 uh uoi#ft4* mu lit in tlit* nilv»*r bill ii«iw tu’fort* lli»* Hoimt# jifovbtiti# tbut miy |h r*M»n if •hi iiU«r of to tb«* mi mi t t*« b«t Miiuvtl * bull mi t «|uu>ly vftliiftbta Mimuiut of Mm- olbur imtul uu4 bait* i both (Hiiiiwi, Tim numinhimiit m>I* forth tbut tb«* |iui |HUtt u t«* M i tui< tint |M*I It v of tftlf* two Hi* t ill* % Munt'ii IM |u#t||. M in*HM I t MU'li , Jam .* wifi* mill two voting »hm* i ! M «*i I t fftftt % uh4 1 *M it Mi* wufv l*u»Mr4 to*M«*tti in ibrtr hoot** m 1 Min)|ii;n tuA iikhiii nil h.•)<•' uortbi 4<it of til l *tty ftt 1 ovltn l* iiti lo ruiM# LA 1 8 N t. vV:» NOIbli son a I oatit the lt . su ..l.igi.t is dead Me gaim -l rvlteUH In < Mo» I'tMHjH I ill >*H '* I llftff* M 1'trtlv lb# IliUtt I kill |* I ol ft HumImII ll«HI mm |*4* Is* at** tiiH'IIV •Iftl to in* Ik to III** Vftftftt of f«Tt«il II# H«i 4 bi«fb Tim iiti4UMuNiuiH>iit of tb«* omul of Mr U I* Vm*4#>Mt| mol Mim Aon M#*»4 m 4**1) » . u i All «|*M*»*wt*i of it**g bitu s* In* ift*f IH lb* i*>| t|t‘|U ft* <*r l|‘ u 19t Ifii* wMnint gwftfMfe 41*4 lo 1 Hd 4ftt «n ! bft*• Ibfow ft 4*1* ||»#|f tulm ftft4 ft# •! TILLMAN WAS HITT Kit iTRONO ARRAK.NM NT OP THR ADMINISTRATION. Ilia I'mlilMl < a "H«»oiled tyrant” and Neerelerf I arll*l* "#f«da* friitn Kentnebf" Wall atrret aeerert and Ann I tier P.ra of IllninUlied Pfadlrted l»r th« a»»lh < arullnan. TIi* AduilnUlrallnn Arraigned. Wa*irwotom, .Ian. Henalor lien riilinaii of Hoiilli Carolina npoke upon the Oliver milmtitute for the bond bill In the oenate to-day and made the oc casion the opportunity for an eatreme arraignment of the udmlnlotration and of thoae liepnbllean* and Democrat* who have, In the p»ot, thrown their Influence toward the upholding of the gold reaerve. Henator Tillman began: “It la not •eying too much, and I feel warranted In charging, that the derangement In our finance* and all thla cry about •onnd money and maintaining the honor and credit of tlie United Htatee are all part and parcel of a damnable •chain* of robbery, which bad for It* object, IIrat the utter destruction of •liver a* a money metal; aecoud, the increaae of the public debt and tha I* •ue of bond* nayable in gold, and, third, thn aurrender to corporation* of the power to l**ur all paper money and give them a monopoly of that function. “if the uccret biatory of the year 1*02 aliall ever be written. It will die close tint fai t, which cannot b« proven now, hut ul which I have not the kllglilcnt don hi. that the gold ring lit New VorU, which embrace* n**rJv all the bunWerain the Ma*tern and Middle state* and the slock gamoleraof Wall street, controlled the Presidential nomination* of leilh the Democratic and Uepuhllcun parties and had an understanding with the manager*, or with both the Candida'*** tnenisel v«*, In regard to what policy ahould he pursued toward* our tin an eg*, They contributed money for the booming of Mr. Cleveland a* the only available Democratic candidate, and they abmed and ridiculed every other Democratic a*plrant, "In the entire history of thl* coun try, " continued Mr, Tillman, the high office of the l're*ident ha* never been no prostituted, and never ha* the ap pointing |>ower been mo abused, < lalm fng to be the apo»tle of civil service reform, he ha* debauched the civil *er vlce hy making appointment* only of tho*e wlio*e rpon*or* would »urrend«r their manhood. and, with hated breath, walk with *uhml**lve head In hi* presence. With relcnthi** purpoce he ha* ignored hi* oath of office, to uphold and obey the law, and ha* paid out gold Instead of coin and ha* issued bond* to buy more gold, hy both notion* overriding the law and giving no heed to the luter«*Ui of any but nun eyed friend* -I might *ay hi* owner* or partner*. "While to tbi* besotted tyrant coin ha* com* to rncKii gold alone, he can not hy bl» mere ‘lp*e dixit* change the Jaw of tbi* land ami pervert the plain meaning of the Knglieh language, "The repeal of the .Sherman Jaw, It wa* a»*erted, which wa* the flr*t point of attack of thl* ’unholy alliance/ wa* accompllehed only through the aid and In conjunction with a majority of the He nub) lean senator* "Till* Democratic ('resident accom Ellkhed what wa* not po»*!ble for any (-.publican executive tinder tip- cir cumstance* to have brought about, A change of the party In power had left a large number of office* in hi* gift with which to buy vote*." MH. CM HUM.K, "/(/OX*rROM RKNTtfCR V** In discussing the "honest meaning" of parity of gold and ailver in the Rheriuan law,Ipt Mild: "Thu object waa to have them assist each other, to hold silver up hy holding gold down, and an houe*t secretary of the treasury, n ii'/ hhwmiu >•in u rather thau have submitted to the dic tation of a beaotted chief, would have paid out ailver to protect the treaxury from the gold gambler* and bond gamblera, ax the law and hia oath required. No wonder the Senator from MaBxachiiertla tee lx like twit ting u*t with tlie decay of South ern xlatexmanxhlp and charging ua witli diabolical)', lie churgea it. liow over, in uuothcr connection uud ux aiding and uhetting tliia dudua from Kentucky, who. utter a brilliant ca reer of twenty ycurx ami more aa leader and champion of tlie ailver force*, hex, in liix mil age, come tot hie pitiful na*a. Ami then to think that Hie indictment Unix brought again t a wh'de aeetioti should have xo much i-olor of truth uud of fuel to back it up in the u|»oxiuuy from their priuctplea of the two oilier Seereluriex from tlie South ill the cabinet of a I’rexideiit who hua ao dlxgrueed the name of Ihnnocrauy, "Tlie South bowa ita liead ill ahuitic at I Ilia ealiihltioii of moral cowardice and dcxpixe* tlie reuegadea," coni Asia Aran lit wai.i. erui.ici And again referring to the |*reai lent) "If he wax honest at the xtart and I am willing to grant that much), liix axxmlnlli »ii with "ail at rent and iiia conn net inn with wealth) men liaa teh,niched hia e.oiMitviiee and da ilruyed ail i)Mi|nilli) w llh the uiaaxex In diM'Uxatna tlie gold i|uexiiou further, Mr 1*11Iim<a•« >ant 'Itolha >h Id and hia Amerlcaii agnu gra ItoMaly eondexeeud to mine to tti v help if tlie I nlted sia'ea liraxur.v in ma>u< laUiliig the gold atandaid, which Ita* SMiugiitthe rule, and only gha>gw« Mu, t‘t»MMIt> *lwM It* IM #4**|' I It <4 4 INI# Jf*4##I *****#«» lit# fit It 1*4, !*-♦*•*» fwl t*4t I Imp* |f Ml % t* l*f M I f *Mjf It 4 It# Mi lu* * |**fc* t»*t * I tiitltti# xlvh ibuiit i liAf# U #a k§»j* •*••*#* I II* »#♦ * iir## m l |>it »u*t I i«i «# IfrtMU* a* 4 't It# u( )#ft*9t4Mi| Vflltut ifttt ItitbiMtf ifllf tfciM iI tfc# litHItMff f#*4% *»»** 4 **A f ##**. I*** u #A W*I4# fMNi b) lb* I'f#* t 4##l bl by Ii It# tmti I«» a *• -'N#t| ’ tb* t4iift*MbiitMi-U ttl Ibf Mtf*) |* i Ibi *A(H|t#ftM*M KMil %#**Uljf #*# 'A|*4 it 'II I >44 4 1 *m\ 4*9 ll*# * * jtlr* . W » 4 ilf# btmi*>b»* »*f III# 0»*##f #h*»*A4 |f# <*#*#« «*l t|«NP|* If****##* 4*4 ill 0.U4# >44# 1*1 M*vM W 9 At# fill Of Mtf Itolii |tt|t>iltiH*hl b| i|)HMt’M Ml lA ill# lAl*f#*l mI H* *#'»4* *0#* AA«| imi •.•liUMtt*, |M III# **Hiftr#4|i# #Nfl, b# *«• AtftvfH tu|« aaaaia aa a#I mi t mm grcm looking to the taxation 01 tur rich. AMOTREH KKA OK BI.OOU PKKDIOICU. "Thn struggle from ltd I tolMl, which drenched thin fair land In blood, was to emancipate 4,000,000 black slaves We are fast approaching a condition which will place the collar of Indus trial bondage around the mx-ks of ten times that many white slave*. A day of reckoning will come, unless there la no longer a just (Jod In heaven, and when it do a omue, woe ho unto those who have l»een among tiia oppressors of the people The present struggle is unfortunately too, like that which preceded the lata civil war, inasmuch as It Is sectional. . The creditor and the manufacturing Males of the North and Kast, thoaa which have giown Inordinately wealthy at the expense of the produc ing classes of the Mouth and West, are urging this policy with the besotted blindness of ItslM'a/./.er." It was easy to see, the senator said In conclusion, that the struggle for the new emancipation had begun. There ware mlillou* now on the march and they tramp, tramp, tramp aide walka hunting work, and the high ways begging bread, and unless re lief conies they will some day take a notion to come to Washington with rifle* In their hands to regain thn lib erties stolen from them, or wbluh their representatives have sold. POR CUBAN III-COGNITION. u#»uf* MhiMiKIoii of mi put hf for III* Wasiiimotom, Jan JO —Mr. Morgan of Alabama, Democrat, from the com mittee on foreign relations, reported In the senate to-dav a resolution for the recognition of the belligerent rights of the Du ban insurgents. The senator read the report in full, stating that It favored action on a substitute resolution. The committee resolution follows: "Unsolved, By the senate, the house of representatives concurring, that the present deplore hie war In the Island of bubs ha* reached a magni tude that concerns all civilized nations to thn extent that it should be con ducted, If. unhappily, It is longer to continue, on those principle* and laws of warfare that are acknowledged to be obligatory upon civilized nation* when engaged In open hostilities. Including the treatment of captives who are en listed in either army, due respect to cartels for exchange of prisoners and for other military purposes, truces and flag* of truce, the provl*!ona of pro per Hospital* (tun nospiiai supplies non services to tins sick slid wounded of either army; bo It furl her "Resolved, That tills representation of the views and opinion of Congress be sent to tbe i'resldent, and if he con cur* therein that be will, in a friendly spirit, use the good offices of this gov ernment to the end that Spain snail be requested to accord to tiie armies with which it i* engaged in war the right* of belligerents, as the same are recognized under the law of nations.’’ 01IUAM IKUKI'KKJIKMCK MWOMTSD. The report on the above rays: '*'J’h# Congress of the United State* deeply regretting the unhappy state of hostil [ ities existing in Cuba, which lias again been the result of the demand of a large number of the native population | of that island for its independence, in a spirit of respect and regard for the welfare of both countries, earnestly desires that the security of life and property and the establishment of permanent peace and of a government that is satisfactory to the people of Cuba, should lie accomplished. And to the extent that the people of Cuba are seeking the rights of local self government. for domestic purposes, tbe , Congress of the United States ex presses its earnest sympathy with them. "The Congress would also welcome with satisfaction the concession by Spain of complete sovsreignty to the people of that island and would cheer fully give to such a voluntary conces sion tbe cordial support of the United Slates. The near proximity of Cuba to the frontier of tbe United States, and the fact that it is universally re garden an a pari or him coniiueniui • system of America, identifies that island so elostily with the political and commercial welfare of our people that Congress cannot lie indifferent to the fact that civil war is flagrant umoug the people of Cuba. "it is neither Just to the relations that exist between t uba and tiie United Slates, nor is it iu keeping with the spirit of the age or the rights of humanity, that this struggle should he protracted until oue party or the Other should lie exhausted in the re sources of men and money, thereby weakening both until they mav fall prey to some strong power, or uutil the stress of unman sympathy or the resentments i-ngcude>-ed by long and bloody conflict should draw into the strife die unruly elemuuls of neigh boring countries " All-ntlou Is called to the inability of Spaiu to deal with the revolution ist* us a misfortune which is unfair to visit upon die I oiled stales, "it ia due,' the report conclude*, "to the sit uation of slfairs in ( uba that Hgtain should recognise the existence of a slate of war in lh« island and should voluntarily accord to the armies up posed to her aulnortty the right of bel ligerents under tha law* of uaUoux" i n.lowing is the text of the resolu tion repot led ui Senator t anieron as a substitute for the t ul-an res-iiuliou, re JMirlcd by the Senate committee ott tireign relations he-sojvad, That the I'raabhrat ia hereby icuueatvd to taterpow hta friendly oitfccs with the Spanish gov ernment for the recognition of the in dependence of t nt*n ' The minority t apart state* that shortly after Mr ttiatne became see* leiais of state, he sought to see a re the independent e of t uba, bat tha project (ailed through the refusal of S|tain to vtashlaf tue release of iter rtrioay in eoneiuaion the report Urge* It la tar an m iterative duty that belligerent > be ac* nr ad, and that tha i'rvs deal iuiltoi urn* a toward tha ln»b |»-a leave of the Island tbs shut Wss lata* Ml JosscM M't . Jan lit lames N Kradv #- »ne lima ago stela aa kuslb tag ramarb to Msn llail about tha latlar a wife, when Mali shot Ittady ia thi tag Itrsdy dtwd from blood puls tot tag yastarday a ad Hail h aow la toil t VOORHEES FOR SILVER. fh» lo'lltni Nfimtor HrorM tht OoH HlMtiilftril I’ollff. W AHIIINOTON, •Inn JO.—At 3 o'clock tlio sliver bond bill was taken up and. after some skirmishing between Mill and ( handler and Jouea of Arkanaaa. in a vain effort of the last named to hare Thursday at 3 p. in. fixed for a vote, Mr. Jouea said: ’'Then l give notice that on Thursday I will ask the Meuate to remain ill session until thia bill la dlapoaed of. and I ask all Hena tora to come prupared on Thursday for aucb act ion. " Mr. Voorheea, Democrat, of Indiana, rose for a "abort talk,’’ he said. He haa seldom spoken of late and received cloee attention, lie said the country waa now in the inidat of a revolution brought on by those plotting againat ailver. It was this class which brought on panics, deatroyiug the purity of the metals. The men who demonetized ailver in 1 H7.’t were, said Mr. Voorheea, "revolution iats." They aougbt to overcome tho constitution, tne laws and tha policy of a century After tracing the constant use of ailver stnoe the government licgan, the senator declared that the token of "aound money" applied to gold money waa a fraud. Nllvor was as much sound money aa gold. It would effectually atop the raids on the gold reserve If the dewande on the treasury were mat by ailver payments as well aa gold. __ SENATE PROCEEDINGS The Utts Inquiry Hwolatlun Referred Aa Inquiry Into Havana Arraata. Wasuinotom, Juii. 33.— On the con elusion of Mr. Tillman'a apceoh, Mr. (fray of Delaware, from tlio commit tee on foreign rclatlona, made a favor able report on tne rcaolution calling on tbe Necretary of Ntate for informa tion aa to the arrest of Mark H Koder iguez on the United Htatea mail steamer Olivette, at Havana on the Ifttli Inst, and also the arrest of Louie Homeillan and nlu aon in Havana oa tin- same i lie cummin,re struuic out that part of the resolution In structing the Secretary of Htate to de mand the Immediate release of tb* prisoners named. The resolution went to the calendar. Among the bills Introduced was on* by Mr. tiallinger of New Hampshire, pensioning the widow of tleneral Thomas Kwtug, who died recently. Mr. Call’s resolution directing th* Interstate < ommerce commission to Investigate and report on a canal across the Htate of Florida was agreed to. Th* resolution for au inquiry Into the imprisonment of Kugene V. Debs was referred to the judiciary commit* tee, on the assurance of Mr. Hoar, chairman of the committee, that earl/ action would ho taken. WA8 IT A DECOY? ______ ••port That Ufldsl Attention Was For pool7 Drawn to the J. W. Hswkltu. Wasiiihotoh, Jan. .10.—Report# re ceived here aeein to fully confirm the report of the sinking Monday of th* ateamer J. W. lfawkins, which left New York Sunday night with a Cuban filibustering expedition of 100 man ami ammunition on board. There is a curious ruinor afloat hare ! to the effect that the true story ha* not yet been told as to the alleged wreck of the steamer Hawkins, which had just set out to carry a load of man and ammunition to Cuba. Home people close to the revolution ist* say the whole thing Is a •’decoy,” and that the Spanish minister and tb* | United Htate* authorities have bean cleverly fooled. For some reason that I cannot be definitely traced, there ia a ' belief that the arms supposed to be on [ the Hawkins were either transhipped , at sea or else were sent out secretly in , some other vessel, and suspicion inten tionally direeted against the Hawkins , for the purpose of throwing the Span I Ish spies and the United ntates rera quo authorftie* off the track. Nagle Will Ba Austalnad. Wahiii.notom, J*u. 30.—The Attor . ney General and the President are { alike tirm in their purpose not to with* draw the nomination of Patrick Nagle ; to he marshal of Oklahoma. The flood ■ of telegraphic charges against hit character passes them by absolutely without result. |,|XIt STOCK AND ritODlU K MAHKKTg ajuolatlaaus I rom haw York, Chicago. It l.oul., Omaha anal I Isawliara. OMAHA. Muller-Creamery separator IS ® 20 Butter—Fair to good country 13 '<1 U i ggs Fresh I* ® l]M Chickens Dressed, per B . 0 .® <4I Ducks Per B. ...... I4.® 10 Turkeys Per »> . II ® 1J Prntrlei hh kens Pardos.. 0 mi A t Ad iiea'se Per It* 1 a I l.eiuou* Chulee Measlaas* 4 IS) sol oranges Per baas 4 IS) ® 4 SO Apples Per hhl .... .... 1 W u i JO sweet potutoea Good, par l)bl I D B I B Put Sloes Par bai . SI ® 40 Means N a * y, hand-idea, ed.bai I 4I> A la a runtwrrlas < Spe Cod, pr.bld # IS) 011 00 Hay I plaml per Ion 4 JO ® T A a intone Par bo .... .... It at IP ilrooan Corn Uraan, per B. ..... 2 ■ . M iin.s narking 4 HI >* 4 It lings Hesry " eights ID ® 4 A) llaeva* singkars ami (aaalers JAM ® 3 (A Dresssd rlaeis » iSi A 1 at II at Its.. 3 ID ® I Jf Ml|. . iff ff I If osae^.W .".".".'.7 7777*. 77 111 Sib HaTfars 77" 7777:::. I# Iff * Iff mi k* J t» ill) Mimi iiRlltc* 1 If § iP * M|t vth«fft V* 3. iplii ♦ «.*» IV i * ♦* (Iff I® I'fff bit IS*# h I ®» * . Us • I ■ . * * t,i'* *Uv#l0 I * U H * lU I tl« » o| b ff »»* * H-* * • T till is Wheel -Y-I I *a-« a.h *» A AMS ise i I 3 Hews Mita.l Mc kleg 4 »■ if 4 * t »Ota N »»D* la *» . 4 A ft 4 (b »k**a 4smim 4 a a 1 It I ssCs lb Alb 4,VSaAat |i\ W Isaa! his I bald At *A 44 <a 122 Jfcf , _ f.’"I L 1 Sill •lutsiissj hvtl*n III A S ft Hi; UltS Th« Mori am w.y Commend* Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest man ner and disagreeable a* well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the dcllahtful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Manu factured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. _K'_ An Infallible Test. A miser hail dieil very suddenly. The doctor who was called in to certify his death appeared to have Ida doubts about the case. “Place a 10 mark piece In his hand," said the old housekeeper of the de ceased. “If he doesn't grasp It. you may safely make out the order for hie burial."—VV eg wsiser. Forecasters. Homs people ars so Influenced by tbs electric currents of the atmosphere that they can foretnll the coming of a thunder storm with iierfect accuracy, and others there are with nerves so sensitive that they are sure of having neuralgia from a low ami fretful state of the nervous system | Now why can't the’ latter I* warned In time and know that anouiiieof prevention Is I worth a pound of curs To use Ht. Jacobs | Oil promptly will ward off an attack, will i promptly cure Huch people can do for themselves what others do from weather 1 prophecies, heed the signals and save the wreck and disaster Coinage of new words In the Kngllsh lan guage continues at the rate of 100 annually. VKI.I.OW MINI), UI.OOD UD FUMHI A wonderful combination, a tremen doua novelty, found only In Halxar’i j Holden Pumpkin Watermelon. It'a marvelous. We paid 6800 lor one melon! You will want It, everybody : warita It. 6 kernels 10c., 26 kernels 40o. 86 packages earliest vegetable eeede 11.00. Our new creations In oata yield ing 2014 bu„ barley 118 bu., potatoes i 1,200 btia. per acre! Where will It end? | If you will cut this not anti sen* i with 12c. pontage to John A. Bftlaer Heed Co., La Crosse, Wl*., you will get free a package of above Hulacr'a Holden Pump kin Watermelon seed and our 148 page aeed catalogue free. Catalogue alone 6c. for mailing. w.n. The Meld In society for missionary work Is as large as Texas. are honest mid upright the celeb • • VJ V* JWMl nm nun; w imm. When yon cm )o rrnlloo I thill yowrwxrnw wn*«"»«. wml »<> m"ro pwln, b«M» frwtful y on Ictil All Ibi work of BlBdMOOrM. Uw. An »lr of M>< rwt norrow lw vwry Iwx-omlnu I to • prirl aw Ioiik ah wlm hah oohih rotworrow. WITS—All niw Htopiwit fr»» by I>r. K IIah’w flrmt ! Mwrfo Kowtnrcr. flu KIlHWItor tliwnr.Mlwy’w UM. itwryolimwcurcii. Trent I*.*, him I tSlrlwl IH>«i|i>fro»Ww ! Fmchhww. Wmji) to If r. K llni'J«l Arch it., 1‘bllw., i'w. When Columl iih wlghted Iwnd hi) ewr* 1 mwn liettor oyww uixl milnritnd the world. doyou i ' f Some persons are al i 4 ways taking Iron. If j 4 weak and easily ex- £ , 4 hausted; pale and with- f ; 4 out appetite; ifthenerv- ^ j 4 ous system is weak, and 4 J ^ sleep difficult, what do f I 4 you take? Iron? But 4 J 4 iron cannot supply food 4 | 4 to the tissues; nor does f i 4 it have any power to r j 4 change the activity of f | 4 unhealthy organs and f i 4 bring them back to f (health. Cod-liver oil is f what you need. The oil 4 feeds the poorly-nour- f ished tissues, and makes 4 rich blood. Iodine, bro- 4. mine, and other Ingredi- 4 ents, which form part of 4 the oil, have special 4 ! 4 power to alter unhealthy £ | 4 action. 4 O A W. A 1*4* (? AAA S ■ I A i AAA <3Wuo c/m/tumui u. 4 of Cod-liver Oil, with # f Hypophosphltes, Is the $ $ most palatable way to f | ^ take cod-liver oil. The # : $ hypophosphltes supply 4 ! f healthy nerve action, f j # which controls all the w 1 $ processes of life. * 0 |W'. snil |t 9okt*)ldrn,tgl4U. 0 0 immsr Mom; Sind ~ k. I .. k»M U - -M. ■ Juki «*.' Patents. T t«srfilp