The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 07, 1896, Image 2

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OH,. E. UHNSCUOTER, Editor* »’«b.
The literary people of Odell haveor
fani/.ed a Hhakapenan club.
Ladies of Emerson gave a leap yeai
hall, which was a highly aucceaaful
Adam Hti;i>eba*kh oi IMerce county
ha* been pronounced insane and takes
to the aaylum.
Two Yoke urchin* who deserted
home and parent* were overhauled 1*
St Joseph. Mo.
J. II. Dkland, living *t Florence. 1*
83 years old. He read* and write*
without glasses and ia quite an activ*
liny home made P'kmIs and build up
home industries, is u good policy. Far
rell's l ire Extinguisher, mad* by Ear
rell A co., Omaha.
K. Ouhii, joint agent of the I nion
I’aeifle and < Unaha railroads at Norlolk,
has deserted hi* family, a wife and
three children.
THE E'armcr*' Mutuui Insurance com
pany carried risks amouiiting to ® 1 -**<.
ooo during the year 1S8R. and did not
have * loss.
f)it. \Yii.i,iam Daily, elected coronet
of Nemaha county last November,
failed to qualify and *o Hr. Opperman
holds over for two years.
A 4-yxak-oi.ii child was killed near
Auliurn bv a olaviruitc, as it result ol
using n loaded rifle as a toy. 1 ne out
story. nobody know It waa loaded.
Fahmk.ii Vanmvou, living a short dis
tance south of Wilcox, waa thrown
from Ida windmill a abort time ago and
was thought to be fatally injured.
Title Verdon State bank paya 4 S per
rent intereat on »r.,ooo of lilchardaon
county funda and the Slat** bank at
Falls City paya 4 per cent on the bal
Tkhamaii ahipperaare working u» se
cure a cut rate on bay shipments u
Iowa and Illinois points. If the rate
can t>e secured thousands of tons will
be shipped.
A Hou r 30,000 sheep are being fed in
the vicinity of Silver < r«*ek tills winter
which lias been a good tiling for farm
era in creating a local demand for hay
and grain.
At Lexington the Jury in the Walker
case, after being out fifteen hours, re
turned a verdict of sane and tlie judg*
ordered the sentence of hanging to b«
executed March 4.
Tiik Farmers’ and Merchants' bant
at I'latte (enter has resumed buaineai
under tlie new organization, with I* re*
Jewell as president and 1). I). Lynch ai
cashier. This bank dosed its doon
about three weeks ago.
FtiKO, a farmer living neui
Merlin, while in town slipped on th*
sidewalk, striking hia head on tlie cut
vert, cutting a terrible gash a crocs the
forehead, laying his entire scalp open,
lie will he disfigured for life.
Thk. annual report of County Treas
urer J. W. Lynch of I’latte county, whe
waa recently declared short in hia ac
counts, waa received last week by an
ditor Moore, it shows that he owei
the state (13,000 on eollections.
Miss Nasnik. Mhawiian of llumbold
ate ice cream and the service* of tht
family physician were required to sav*
her life. The cream is supposed t<
have been poisoned by the action of th*
acid flowing upon the tin freezer.
Ai t. the people who left Nebraska it
the dry year are getting back an*
thousands are coming who were nevei
here before. Already in the wintei
months ia heard "the first low wav*
where soon shall roll a human sea."
Htatk (Superintendent Corbett con
templates making a trip to Florida t<
attend the national meeting of stat*
and city superintendents, which eon
venes February 18. Superintenden
Hearse of Omaha and a few others ex
pect to attend.
Mcckktahv of Mate Hiper has re
reived a portion of the ”.000 copies*)
the soldiers' and sailors’ roster for tin
year HUM), and is also wrapping then
for shipment. Kach lirund Army pos
is entitled to three copies by provisoi
of the statute.
T«i* title of iinmkrration seems to b*
0004* more turning toward Nebraska
Many of those who left in 1 H*.»4 art
drifting back from the land of big re<
apples, and seem perfectly content nov
to remain in a state which they made i
great mistake in leaving.
Thk state hanking hoard has mad'
an order pvn-mllttrig the llauk of Wan
nete and the Creighton Itank of Com
inerce to close up their business upoi
the otlicers furnishing a good and sutll
eieut bond to pay otT all the liabilitie
within a fixed time.
t'Al lslK M. Ki.Ki.xsof Wilcox, a lad.
ailtjr-eigbt year* of age. has tiled a |w
lilion iu district court St 'linden
claiming dsmage* against the t’.. II. 4
y. railway company for injuries re
reived on a wrecked traiu of the com
peny at Kdgar she ask* the sum o
\x order has Immi made by the au
ureuii- court eii*|*tiding the sentence o
Kdward C. Iloekeubergrr of tirum
Island, |lending the hearing of the a|i
plication fur a r*w- trial. Ilocheutwi
gar waa convicted uf ratberrleatcul o
It uno of school mousy while secrelar
of the school taierd of grand Island dia
Tita 4 jrvar-uid sou of I a toes 'bast
was brought to tusivy. having revolt
vd a savers wooed to Uie left bond t>
•a aa tit the band* of an older child
the children wera p aying with aa ax
ooe chopping olf a string while th
other was bidding it on « blurb whei
the aa cants duon oa the bend. wi«i
tag the little ttugei etui aim cwrn
the on* aest to it from the naait
Wont* was received at I trend ilia
t hade* K ttridley so draw He o«n
to the iadlaa ten Hurt a<atol a fra
ag». Mttdiey serve*! a tetm ia me u*»
ItvtllSf) for assault W lib utvbt to at)
and after having served ten nl a Ihtt
teen years' easternwas pardoned k
• .overnwr Thayer
stilt I'm t* h*pt »att skitian o
osar snexeedtag dav#topm«ats ta m
steel t tty hank fatlnt* I be ia w «
, ovary exwteisla xtf tl.' o • * .
lorgvd papal, theater tn-. ew tn
me party <e»p.~ed '*• •• »h • >
toes attached to >Se batch Mi Ivrgvin
however, aa the to* gad Mo bad*
base cataaiad
Militia I.lsbl* t* Mrflia
i Knr the information of the NrUr-aska
i National Guard, the opinion of .lodge
I Advocate General Stark has been ap
• j proved nnd promulgated bv Governor
! Holcomb and the military board, l or
J u long tune it haa been a mooted quern
1 tlon whither the president of the I nltcd
Ststes couM call for the national guard
to go outside of the limits of the stale
on military duty. According to the
statute of Nebraska he cannot do so.
j In this the Nebraska law conflicts with
I the statutesof the I'nited States, as is
shown by the opinion of Judge Advo
| out* General Stark, who poinlsout that
1 under the laws of the federal govern
ment the miJltla is subject to the com
mand of the president, in case of Inva
! slon or rebellion, and liable to ail mill
1 tary duty whenever it may be required.
Ilshats < Itr Wsn Hangs Himself.
Dakota City dispatch: George C,
Cummings committed suicide last night
about 0 o'clock by hanging. He was 31
years old and his home was in Minne
sota. He came here in June last, giv
ing his name as Andy Dale, hunting
' work, und was employed on farms here
I during the summer. December Mi he
| was married to Mrs. Nellie Htotjer.
j Their married life was not very pleas
I ant, he being extremely jealous, and
i last week his wife had him arrested for
1 assault and battery, hut later dismissed
1 the case Cor three days he had threat
1 cncd to lake his life by cutting his
throat and hanging, and while his wife.
! was lying on the bed last evening he
| went into the kitchen, and, tying a
| clothesline over the door, succeeded in
strangling himself before his wife dis
covered him. Hhe alarmed the neigh
bors. but he died before they arrived.
The coroner's jury returned a verdict
of death by hanging at his own lianda
ffe said he had a brother near Sheldon,
I In., and owned a farm near North
i l'latte. Neb.
< lisrgnl Willi I imri House Hunting
Aurora dispatch: Sheriff McCon
aughey came in yesterday evening
; from Lincoln with William B. Myers in
i custody, and this morning lie arrested
I Charles J. and I’. A. Barney, These
1 iirri ni- nci • I****!*! .hu■■ — -
] turned by the grand jury, It 1* sup
posed, charging the persons named
with complicity in the burning of the
. court bouse in January. 1 #94. The
| Journal correspondent has not been
able up to the present time to ascertain
; the exact charge. These arrests are a
I surprise to most people here nod noth
ing seerns to be known outside of the
! members of the grand jury and county
! attorney us to the nature of the evi
dence upon which tlio indictments are
I founded. It is not generally believed,
however, that the indictments can be
, sustained.
Msgruut Violation of Ur
j Heat rice dispatch: A copy of Hank
i Examiner McGrew's repo: t of the Mine
Springs bank w as filed in district court
to oay in connection with a petition
: from the attorney general's office ask
j ing for the appointment of a receiver
! lie finds that the bank was absolutely
insolvent and has been conducted in uu
unsafe manner, and says that the books
have been falsely and fraudulently
kept and that false statements have
I been made to the banking board and
: published in violation of the law. The
examiner recommends that the atten
! tion of the county attorney be called
to these flagrant violations of the law
by its president, J. C. Williams. 'I he
: amount of the notes and bills discount
| ed is given as 833,803. overdrafts, 83,
390; shortage, SO, !i 8ft 90: deposits. 829,
319 51, He says he finds the loans are
' about 84,405 and that the cashier can
give no account of them, although
| carefully rjuestioned and every oppor
tunity given him to find them. During
the examination he made several state
merits in regard to the discrepancy
. which upon investigation proved false.
I’arment of I'cnllriu Isrjr Help.
Lincoln dispatch: Attorney Genera.
Cuurchill sent to State Auditor Eugene
| Moore the opinion asked for respecting
! the legality of paymeutof penitentiary
help from the 8103.000 maintenance
' 4..../ I ■i.i.enrweila/l ),tf 8 Vl SI 11 •' * 1t. 1 11 -
, ture. The opinion is favorable to such
payment The warrant* were drawn
tilth, afternoon (or a total of #3,.’>25.OH.
The amount of vouchers tiled called for
' S4.13tl.il4. Steward Deck's salary. S.’tu.
wan thrown out entirely. SlbO bad been
paid by A. 1) lleemer. and the salaries
of the other guards and keepers iiave
! been healed down £273.nil. It is the
■ opinion of a numiier of attorneys that
the opinion of the supreme court in
i ffrantinir Warden l.editfh’s application
I fora writ of mandamus against the
i Hoard of Purchase and supplies fully
i covered the case on which the attorney
tfeneral lias just passed. lu that optn
. ion it was distinctly enunciated mat
the Hoard of Public l.unds and Huild
inifs possessed tile same |siwers of Ilian.
i uireiuent over the iH-uiteuliary that it
had over any other of the public inati
v tut ions, asylums, reform schools, etc
% Hill H> seiistur tllsn
WasniiNf ton dispatch: Seuator Allen
has introduced a hill to authorize cred
itors of insolvent national bank* to se
lect a permanent receiver and prcecrib
iiu.* the manner of hia selection T he
I bill ia tbe outgrowth of much objection
on the part of creditor* of defuuel .Ne
braska bank* to the present manner in
which receivers are appointed aud llie
1 ioss partisanship shuts u In the selec
* lion of the receivers who are paid at
the expense of creditors, 1st ultices be
ins' t litre by created for henchmen of
I having appoint ititf power A
notable lustau.e of Hus urn) lie found
in the case of the 1 itizen*' National
lank of tirand Isiand which faded
• Unit two years t.'» Tobias I astor's
sou in-law is reiuiircr of tin* bank at a
salary of |', a# per year tbe ex(uHises
of Ho- Utah la the present tune Iiave
been about I sun per mouth and (rout
r now on will be about snou per month
l several attempts have been made to
have the setta of the tana turned
l over to the ilepoattors. but tin* vltort
faded, for tts on . css would mean the
I rsiiiiil it. ws uf a let Jut It some
l thill* i* t»d don* in all probability th*
n** of the I ans w il i <>n*um* th*
• . Its, (eat in>2 nothin* tur t bi itlfus
Hors m th* defunct institution It ts
, that tt th* lie (wist i Ilfs nut Id
, wxlnil their piouvrty it would b* uoir* iu.c*li> looked after than by an
outsider, and .on**»pontly with th*
ttt'ht to dispo v of ptopeity, to make
v trade* and to vivantf* or. unties, depoa
tlots Would t*ai ... d.dtai - lu* doilav or
f over v m tirand Is and ta not alon*
t m this mattvi il*|*' i’.*r* at tanks at
a a. hvarnvy North f’lntla and
oluet towns at* or* in* act tori on th*
I p*it of Iht cohtf rvs.tunai deietfaMoO for
llow (ho IMmtm Votad—VMt and Cork
roll of MlMonrl mail ('•fw of Kanaaa
Coat Thalr aironath Afalut the
Hoad Hill — Mr. Murrlll'a
ciaalni Npam li — a
Waahlnalmi Maw*.
VV**«iKaro*, Feb. 3 —The flrat rote
in the Senate to-day on the Houac
bond meaanre waa upon the amend
ment of Mr, llutler. North Carolina.
I’opullat, to prevent a It on- of
bond* without the authority of emi
gre** and to puy (’Alin obligation* of
the government in ailver wiieu ailver
bullion waa below the par value of
The amendment waadefeated yeaa,
13: naya, 40.—Tboae voting in the
affirmative were: Allen, llrown, Mul
ler, Cameron, Cannon, George, Hill,
Kyle, I’efTer, I’rltehurd, lloucb, Slew
art and Tillman.
Mr. Allen’* amendment, forbldlng
bond lanuca, waa defeated by a vote of
yeaa 31, naya 61, aa follow*: Yea*
Allen, Macon, Maker, Merry, Mlaneh
ard, llrown, Matter, Call, Cameron,
Cannon. Hill, Hoar, Irby, Kyle, l.lnd
aay, Mill*, l’nlfer, I’ritchuru, Moach,
Stewart, Thuraton—«1.
Naya— Alllaon, Mate, Murrowa, Car
ter, Chandler. Chilton, Clark, Cockrell,
Daniel, Du bom, IJklna, Faulkner,
Frye, Gallinger, Gear, George, Glbaon.
Gorman, Grace, Hale, llanabroiigh.
Harria, Hawley. done* (Arkuimuaj,
image, -ucnriae, .vic.vinian, miihml>,
Martin, Mitchell (Orogi.n), Mitchell
(Wisconsin;, Morgan, Morrill, Murphy,
Nelson, Palmer, Pasco, Perkins, Platt,
Proctor, Pugh, Hhermau, Shoup,
Squire, Teller, Tillman, Vest, Vilas,
Voorhees, Wultliull, Warren, Whet
more, White ami Wilson - fti.
Mr. Gorman of Maryland moved to
lay on the tuhle the free silver amend
ment of the finance committee to the
bond bill. This was lost—Hi to 43.
The vote was as follows: Yea*—
Allison, linker, Hurrow*. Cattery,
Chandler, Davis, Kikins, Faulkner,
Frye, Gulllnger, Gear, Gihson, Gor
man. Gray, Hale, Hawley, Hill, Hoar,
Lindsay. Lodge, McKrida, McMillan,
Martin. Mitchell of Wisconsin, Morrill,
Murpliy, Nelson. Palmer, Platt, Proc
tor, Sherman, Thurston, Vilas, Wet
more— 34.
Nay a— Allen, Dacon, Kate, Kerry,
Klauehard, Hi own. Kutler, fall,
Cameron, Cannon, tarter, Chilton,
Clark, Cockrell, Daniel, George, Har
ris. Irby, Jones of Arkansas, Jones of
Nevada. Kyle, Mantle, Mills, Mitchell
of Oregon. Pasco, Peffer, Perkins, Pet
tigrew, Pritchard. Pugh, Koach.
Hhoup. Squire. Stewart, Teller, Till
man. Turpie, Vest, Voorhees,Walthall,
Warrea, White, Wilson—43,
The following pairs were an
nounced, those for the motion beiug
given first: Cullom with Hlackburu;
Aldrich with ilansbrough: Sewell
with Gordon; Krlec with Wolcott;
Gray with Morgan: Smith with
Du hois.
The next vote was on an amend
ment offered by Mr. Morrill of Ver
mont, providing for retention by the
government of the seigniorage of sil
ver coined under the act. It was de
feated—,'13 to 4-».
The finance committee silver substi
ouve lur uir mmic uni men uuiii** ujj
and was passed by a vote of 43 to 35.
The Senate session opened at 11
o’clock with a speech hy the venerable
Senator trout Vermont, Mr. Morrill,
who said the House had promptly re
sponded to the President'* message
and hud supplemented it whh an
emergency tariff revenue bill. The free
silver substitute for the bond bill, he
said, may not be the tirst time when
bread hud been asked for that, a stone
lias been presented, tint it in the tirst
time that a commit tee of the Sen
ate seems to have perpetrated a prac
tical joke almost good enough for
tlie clown of liurnum's menagerie.
The Senator thougut that a deficient
national income should not lie less
swiftly remedied than excess, saying:
“The present administration, how
ever, exhibits a bashful ditlidence
uIs,ni acknowledging any deficiency
of revenue derived from a tariff lie
reaved of its parents in early infancy,
but with their hands behind them they
may <jn etly take whaMver money ton
grass may place in their hands for the
treasury, where the outflow of gold
has been so swiff as to make even
the heads of the kcep*radia*y."
Iteferriug to the assertion tha.
Prance uu nlains silver at par with
gold, he said: “llrcaiise there Is no
blustering silver party and no silver
plated Ik-uun rstle party H ey are
daily striving to pull down their tuouey
Standard to that of depreciated silver,
they keep stiver to the amount of
1<M,oUM**i. with ®7r»,UUtUaiu of gold
n* the ratio of lit* to I, The t nilni
Mate* lias been the friend and patiuu
of sitter to la own hurt. If our late
luvealioetits of nearly l&uU.iaai.iaai in
sliver have beet! Motorloosly llnprori
dent an>l uiiprviHtable, the di«a*|intis
results will appear as a drop in the
bucket when tom pared with wlial
must Mow iron, the enormity of the
present proposal, to opett nil our
mints to the free eomag* of silver of
all the world
rets his hi scar is Hi 1*1 an \i in ia*.
“Monte wnisneiest threats have It >ut*
r«t in Ike air lhal the eslrmtc stiver
wen now fraternising here and at
lonwe with the liepuUlican party,
would l»an,t Iiicmsetves tog, I in f m*
one dvnoi* nawt Idea and, with am
ilinry Ikis s'itlir aid, liiteh onto the
tall of mhih' great Itepnuiluan a,ore
at the Nrst opieirinnitv »o*ne tiehlieg
silver atuendno nl hoinag to se, are
theiehy a silver triumph *1 a hvt»n»(
vomtonalnm. although the grand old
tiepvthiivsa part* might perish llat
there hi little fear of these eruptive
threat* for, if carried out, the t *d act
might ha read at tonne t*t the wft* utters,
upon whom public opiuioD would not
fail to place it* brand, and whatever
l>arty might survive, not all of the
garroters of the Republican party
would be umong its members."
Mr. Morrill then dwelt upon the In
jury that would be done the Smith If
the world had the opportunity to buy
its cotton crop with cheap sliver. He
enlarged on the advantages of protec
tion and controverted the argument
that tlierii was a gold standard party
in America. The RcnubHcan party
intended to retain both metals in cir
culation and “the election," said Mr.
Morrill, “of Republican governors
In such states as New Jersey,
Maryland and Kentucky indi
cates that the old Whig states
of the South are wheeling into line
with their former position on ipies
tions which concern their industrial
prosperity. The Republican purty. at
Its curliest opportunity, will seek the
co-operation of leading nations in the
coinage of silver and will meantime
aim to maintain the integrity of busi
ness affairs and the honor of the coun
try by the maintenance of every dollar
or looney in the hands of the people,
without depreciation, ut its full face
Keputiin-se llouss I oinnilltsi* Mroihsrs
Krrlilr to llr|mrt A Mir lout I yrly
Washington. Feb. 3 The House
committee on foreign affairs lias
adopted, by a parly vote, a resolution
censuring Ambassador llsyurd for fils
! two speeches at Kdiriburgh and Hos
j ton.
The resolution ipiotes the pussages
of these two speeches which are con
demned in a preamble, und then cx
| presses the sense of the House that the
1 utterances were improper and that
| Mr. Hayard is deserving of censure
therefor. It continues that It is Im
proper for our representatives abroad
| to condemn any political party or
i policy in America ami Unit such uc
j tlons tend to destroy their influence
, and impair the confidence which they
: should always command, at home and
; abroad. _
, 'I ha llouss touiuilttss on filsctlou* so
Its ports hy a I'mrir Vote.
I Washington, Feb. j,—Ho far as the
) House committee on elections is eon
i cerned, the Tarsney-Van Horn can; is
ut un end. At the conclusion of mi
1 executive session, lasting from )(J
I o'clock this morning until 1 o’clock
: ii.i. __ *i..in_ .i_i
I bv a strict party vote to report a res
j olution declaring Mr. Tarsncy not to
have been elected a member of ('on
fresa, and further declaring Colonel
an Horn to be elected to the seat.
The House will undoubtedly sustain
the committee report.
liracral to|i|ilii|ir LaaUrmmii.
VVasiiinoton, Feb. «.—Tiie HenaU
I this afternoon confirmed the iiomlnu
1 tlon of Major Coppinger to be major
general of the army. His confirma
tion bus been subboruly opposed by
the A. P. A.
A Hoy H*|(*r Fatally Wnnila the Iter.
Uwirfa Hill Near Faola, Han.
Paoi.a, Kan., Feb. 3.—Ah Her.
’ George Hill, a resident of J'uolu, waa
t walking on the Missouri Pacific rail
way track one mile southwest of thin
: place, he was met by a boy about 10
! years old, named George Duseobury,
' of Ossawatomie,who asked lliil to give
him forty cent*. Mr. Hill told him lie
! didn’t ha** that much money but gave
; him ten centa and started to walk on.
i lie fori- lie had taken a dozen steps the
! boy, who was carrying a shotgun,
1 shot him, the charge tearing away the
top of Mr. Hill’s left shoulder and eu
I tering the left side of the neck and
face. Mr. Hill lies at the point of
death at his home in this city. The
boy was arrested at his home in 0->sa
watomfe and brought to Paola, where
he ia confined in the county jail
A Csiiaillan Deficit.
Ottawa, Out.. Feb. 2.-6, K. Foster,
Dominion minister of finance, made
his annual financial statement to Par
liament yesterday afternoon. It
showed decrease* of 37.8M0.00b in ini
port* during the fiscal year, nnd over
$2,000,000 in exporta The total rev
enue was the smallest since Ih*i>, being
33 1-3 Million*. This made a delicti
for the year of W, l.V:,H7-'». The deficit
in 1»03 wa* $-<,.>84,000. For each ol
the three years before 1803 there wuh
a surplus. The addition to the na
tional debt during the last liscal year
wa* $8,201.000,
two Men Drowned tu an Oil Tauli.
Htchknvii.i.k. Ohio, Fell 3. A(
Knoxville, thla eoiinty, last evening,
; Charles Kdiniuaton, aged 23, waa on
an oil tunk skimming something oul
of tlie oil when lie waa overcome by
ttie fumes from the oil and fell in.
.lame* Nuekle.v, an nil driller, tried tc
rescue Kdmiualon ami both wear
. drowned.
aeaat* Kesirgaultstleii
WavuIHUTon, Feb. J.—The Itepub
liean Senator*, at their Murat yester
day, decided upon makiug au attempt
to complete the reorganisation of ttie
Heuate, aud tu meet agalu next Friday
for the purpose. There wa* no roll
,-all upon the proposition, but the uro
tiua wa* put aud carried uuaaimoualy
by a viva voce vote.
Mlaa Hm4 a* a Ituehaaa
laiiiHit, F»*» 1 tu view of the re
port circulating In the Fatted staler
(hat William K \ underbill will an
qonnrw* •••on hi* engagement to Miu
Amy Head, Vanity Fair this week
assert* that Mr Vanderbiit alii abort
ly announce hi* rugagemenl to a*
bnglkah ilUs-hraa
t Tea*bar trrwr>4 fur tulaulmnl
Pi nut okra Feh I FresIWeiker,
« as-htad leat her of |l ctmniv Meat ol
here, wa* arrested yesterday by of
keere from npeneer, low* for embe*
•ling li.iiw Welker wa* »a • Homey
h |,.wu and eaote to |i eooniy alni
1 Ita country wa* «r*t opened
go *e, #4, # lew «I* !.*-»*
not in Mr At a* ran, I mi Te*, feb I
The Usage*, conceded to be lb<
weaWkteat tribe uf Indians tm varih
,or capita. n****d a bill througa ikeir
late entae11 asking for a separatum
from Uklahoma end to be annexed to
Ike Indian territory
I Ha Discrlbe* It *• ■ Alistn »«<l • Praail
Whlla RaeogblvIbU th* *ii||»lll(i* of
lb* President, Ihe Measure. He bars.
Was An las!IISara Effort Toward Be
lief—Th* Nllrsrlla* Honndlr Arored.
Mr. Vilas on Finance.
W A All l ho TO A, Ceb. I. —When the
mints convened to-day It was technic
ally a continuance of tha session of
Thureday, as a recess was taken last
night. There was a meager attend
ance. Mr. Allen of Nebraska. Voptb
| list, called attention to the absence of
' a quorum. Tills necessitated a roll
call, which brought senators from
committee and cloak rooms and dis
closed forty-six senators present, one
more than a quorum. Mr. Vilas then
addressed the senate on the silver
substitute for the bouse bond bill.
"It will doubtless never be neees*
| sary to discuss this bill as It came
from the House,” said Mr. Vilas, "bill
it may be said that. It deserved Its futc
nti angled by sliver It was but the
fraudulent pretext of response to the
exigency which it professed to meet,
and to the reasonable suggestions of
the (’resident, which It denied, while It
avowed their wisdom. With the ex
I ception of provision for emergency cer
tificate*— which ought to stand In the
permanent statute*—the House bill
contained not h lug commendable,every
thing else was but mercenary legisla
tion not demanded by our financial
conditions. And so again, as a year
ago, partisanship or Imbecility, or
both, has stricken < ongress with
paralysis, and the rescue of business
prosperity from it* recurring perl) ha*
been thrown upon the executive. It
is almost as fortuitous as fortunate
that an old statute has remained un
touched during our financial madness,
which can again serve the turn.
“II, lie continued, trustee
agent in private affair* should so deny
duty and abuse trust a*< ongres* did a
year ago anti nov/ repeats, no judg
ment in their condemnation would be
too severe. Over fdi.OOO,000 were then
thrown away in the reckless rage of
partisanship, and the injury that
must now be sustained by the people
for the same reason is probably not
less, although the exact measure of it
is not quite so clear. Then Republican
management was able to show pre
tense that but for the Populists and
the free sllverites there might have
been relief. Hut the pretense was not
sincere, and this bill ha* now un
masked the fact by denylug. under Re
publican dictations, the only remedy
available to the increased mischief,”
Mr. Vilas declared that the bill, a*
it came from toe House, was a sham
and a fraud. Then he proceeded to
show that the Henute substitute and
the amendment* that iiad been pro
posed made It worse than the original
mean ure.
“The best hope is,” said be, “that
both will shrivel end die in the desert
air of the henate.” He had hitherto
concluded that, it was the wisest pol
icy to remain silent and allow the sil
ver advocates to <lo the talking, as
they were in the habit of doing at the
ratio of about Hi to 1, but be had
heard it asked why the opponent* of
free coinage did not justify their faith
in debate.
He then discussed the free coinage
provision of the pending hill, declar
ing that the financial distress an/1
public misery for the past three year*
were the direct products of the efforts
to force silver upon the country,
“And,” he said, “our course of relief
is a return to sound principles.”
He believed every step of the fatal
progress in error had been opposed to
the cardinal doctrines on which the
Iiemocratic party is based, and by
which it must abide or sink in re
creancy while the spirit flics from our
institutions of liberty.
He divided the silver advocates into
three classes: First, those who were
interested in silver milling; second,
heavy debtors, and third, those who
believ ■ in the principle of bimetallism.
The first class were few in number,
but wonderfully potential. The sec
ond might “deceive sympathy if they
did not show it.” The third class Is
regarded as honestly mistaken, and to
them he addressed Ids urguiucut.
•The veriest despot of story, the
'grand khan' of Tartary, the great
mogul, never had more submissive
subjects than the silver king of the
Rockies; nor was ever tyrant more
pitiless or exuctiug No indeiieiideucu
of thought or speech Ih tolerated
there. N« party, no creed, no bmd
ness can they huve wlm dare to doubt
in the realm « f that monarch, the law
of finance, us it is in silver The bus
iness men Hud it prudent to say noth
ing, and as for the pollti-iau who
dares to llout his liidepRudeuce, woe
helide him
•'\\ here," he exclaimed, is that
sturdy Senator, the brave uubeuding
tarry? Wlirrc is Ikilnh, the brave,
strong Mud IndrfatIguble? Look on
thr bloody Moloch of silver to learu
tlieir fa<c
Mr. Vilas' s|ieech was a vivid word
picture of "Ihuuoeraey, menaced, on
one liand by federalism rejuvenated in
the Itepuhiican party, and on the
other by tliat portcutinus cloud of a
puny never known in thr days of
ISanouiratie justice, charged with wild,
fantastic thvorjes of Mudal di-order
and wilder sc he utes of remedy thieat
eulug should it grow apa •», no one
cau foretell with what violence of so
eial Loupesl
After reciting the glories of the old
|iett,v of Jettersaa ho-I dace sou, the
senator con- luded "'this |tnrty will
i ogiiuue on its great career, yielding
neither one side o» the o|hv« to the
reaetnmart forces *-f old absolutism nr
red tre« of anarchy
Ursrsis Tcun , Let- b l*r John
A Itrooks has received a call to the
London tabernacle. tha largest « hue
Han vhureh in Lot ope i»r Itrooks
was tha ini |*ruMblltou cHudtdate for
governor of Missouri, in Isst aud in
;*s* he was nominated for I lie 1‘real
lent bv the natboval l‘*-«k tdll « i --n
vention lie *a> In want tears su
to -me master workman of ike Auc cat
Oder of t attest Workmen Ms <e
Signed Ih*- pastorale »f Iks M> myki*
I laden htreet t krlsttau efcureh lu
July last, aad has derated lontself to
evangelteat worh since It at t me Ih
Mrutms has nut yet accepted Ike call tu
M*KIbI*7 WUI Kin T<> Ml Knatl Mm —
ration Ticket lailanel.
New Ohi.esi**. Feb. I.—The Rcpnb
ilean Mtate nominating convention
held it* second d*y'*s*«*lon yesterday,
and at a late hour laat night wa* Will
In aeailon and very nolay, Kellogg'*
men, who are for Heed, loat ground
all day. The bualneii men of New
Orleaua and the angar planter*, whan
It became evident that K< Hogg would
carry the convention for Heed, got to
gether quietly and aueh preaenre waa
brought to bear in behalf of the Mc
Kinley men that a cancio of ell the
leaders except Kellogg we*- held and
It waa decided to acrid two McKinley
delegate* at large and two Reed men
to Ml l/oula. There la but littledoubt
that the decision of the cimcn* ‘ ill
hold, amt that Henry I < on*, and I
M, Vallce will 1st the Mcl' nicy dele
gate*, and Albert Lennart* and An
drew Hero the Heed men
No reaolntlon referring ti the •irc-d
dentiaI candidate - will tc pawn'd »'V
the convention Till* wol give Mc
Kinley a large majority of th* cic
ga e* from tide Mtst* I out 1 ave
already In mi elected, Oovcrnor Mar*
moth way* two will go fronibi*<H
trict A, T. Wimberly and Itlc iatd
Mltne have an eaay light In tin Mc.tnnd
district, and Iwith are e»r a*tlf AJ<
Klnley men 'i'hla malo ten of il><
all teen delegate* to be elc Ic, wlc» will
be for McKinley A IlglH wa* nun > n
the convention on A. < ape, who i*
a candidate for re-election a* cimir
inan of the abate central committee,
and who la a McKinley man 'F ex
eitement rose,, to inch i eight . 'Iial
ebaira were overturned iUuUwnu
Hub-lard thrust from hl» glace on the
(tint form, delegate* knock' i, <1 >wn md
t,ri»iiiple<l under foot, arm tbc utmost
eonfnxion reigned, Tbc fight agamst,
( ape wa* not *uccc**fiil
About midnight the convention set
tled down to work and tie Hr*' im
portant move wa* accomp •led, Tim
fusion ticket put up i the sugar
planter* we* Indorse'I. making thro- I
conventions which have declared in
It* favor. The nominal >"ti of pres
idential delegate* wa* taken up.
Kellogg, who ha* bet n handling
Heed’* cause here, wa* llr*l nominated
anti a move made to elect hint by ac
clamation, but till* failed anti It wa*
decided to fir**- make a11 the nomina
tion* before taking a vote.
Are Oppetetl te Mllltttry let reel Ion In
the School* ef Tht* < -no,try.
WiMnOTOii, Fob I Mrs France*
W. belter of Maunfield, Ohio, anperln
tendedt of the department of physical
culture In the National VV, f T (',,
through fie department of legislation
and enforcement of law, of which Mr*.
Margaret If. Kilts, of Ka*t Orange, N,
J,, is superintendent, is sending on*
the following petition to each legisla
tor at Washington:
“Wc, the undersigned, in lie ha If </f
300,000 members o7 the National VV,
C. T. U., and the home* which these
member* re present, do most earnestly
protest against the passage of any
measure by your honorable body widen
aims to provide military instruction
in the public school* of the country
We believe thet these schools have
been established, and are supported,
for the purpose of developing citi
zenship, and should, therefore, teach
the principle* of true government
and peace rather than the science
of warfare. We further believe that,
■ystematlc body training in all gruocs
of these school* will help produce the
best of which each child is physically,
men tally and morally capable, insur
ing to the government the support of
loyal citizen* under any and ail emer
gencies. Will you use your influence
and vote against ail hills which in any
wise design to Introduce and establish
military tactic* in the publiojethooi
Koienthsl, Uepiihllesn, of Trias UlfM l>
His ContMl Before tbe ffuase.
Wamhimotom, Keb. I,—The bouse
passed a trill to-day granting the
Christian Kndeavor society the use of
government reservations in Washing
ton during their meeting here next
Mr. Jenkins of Wisconsin, Repub
lican, called up the elections com unt
ie* report on the con test of Uoscntliul.
Republican, v*. Crowley,, from tbe
Tenth Texas district, lie explained
that Mr. Rosenthal had decided not to
avail himself of the courtesy of uu
hour's speech granted yesterday Ac
cordingly, tint iimtiiimms report hi
Crowley'M favor was adopted without
debate or division.
I'ulltlvi la lbs Hsfsril Matter
W amiimoio*. beli I,- Nu demalot
id the matter of i«niurln( Amhe ■ ;
dor liayard war attained by the Hoime *
eonilDllUe on forelgu alluira, bill tne
dtunuaahiti upon the que*tlon, whit-li
ahMirhfMl the eatira hour, win one of
the moat iuterentiug whloh that done
mittea hu* Indulged In for a long
time The member* were pmatioall.v
o|i|N>»ed along |iarty Hue*, the Rapuh
liuan* urging a resolution of eeu*ui*
aud the Itrmoerata ataudlng t»y the
Hugh Itraiari Pareaaea.
I*ir!•«•« *m*. IV, Keb. I. Ilttgn
l* iu|i»ey, the vantiatridt matter work
maa of lha Kighlanf Ulmr, *»ulenrid
l,ithe peaitantlary three year* ago for
eomplteity la the |Mii«oatag uf atm*
union meu at the Home,Ua,I .teeI
wurh* after tha great dtlltr of law;,
wa* retaa**4 from |<rl«oa at Id tt'eli* *
lb la morning I he |>urdou wa* re
iaired from llairiahurg In lha imira
lug mail and e few momenta la',
luoup.ev left the |irl*o« in muu|mn)i
ill bt* w ifv
NtWb IN HHlfcl
,t weddlug wa* p-wlg.tae-1 41 l„.,,,
rilla l» '««** tba groom name Mu' 4
I he *<**tow uf **f«iwf wia>-« * i gn
l«et dlutor* l* *aid to Tw go Kg ■>« of
The i Ion ian* urganlred lb* tu.i,**
llomma party l« o.g*M **> Ibel* <•',
a*t* m lit* Indian Territory
• a “an 'a*uigeut* not *«)*<••< Mg
ant go *| It, r#*iiit to ibt at ft aw it,"
benale •e*olnlton* it * *a>,t
Member* uf th* Saihm*i fin* d »f
If alt war* reeetted «| t*, 1 *
boat* by t*»*«ui*ui 11***1*.<