The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1896, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern^
m~ - rr .msw*-'-' 'V" *’'■
uk.ii lMO'i.ll,
K.dlior and Publlstiur
m. - ■ -- — - - --'
fEt.WT it 60 put 1*v M Paid ,« Adv#H'>«
Sol. r-< •« »h* I snip C.tPr >'/»*».«>• fcr «r»»*
Bll*»l>,i, t(iro«*b tb» li»|l» M •• < l.d
• |M* IllSlt**,
at - • ■ ’ - J
flair Republican Newspaper la Sherman Coocfi
Fanner’* don't be descoutaged
because we bad a dr) season in I Hil l
In Asia, Russia, tJeriosoy, France,
Kngland, Spain,and Monlb America,
also in Indiana, I'enrisyl vanix, and
Ksstern Illinois the dry weather has
at so me time during the last ten
wars, occasioned either a partial or
total failuie of crop#, Nebraska
has had it# turn and now let some of
the other# try it.
We have failed )et to note a eoun
ty in the State where pop dom reigns
A hut what the hoard of Supervisors
have favored their party organ with
the contract for county printing
regardlrs# of lowest bidder and at
outrsgiously high prices. In Buf
falo countv they went to the expense
of a Ivertisiug for bids and then with
out any attempt at an excuse let ttie
eor.tract to the highest bidder and ul
double the rates offered by other
party paper# <>f the countt.
Why can't the republican party
put up ati editor once in a while for
someoffl'-e? Thvie are lots of edi
tors io the state, both brainy are)
bold, who would tnak - good public
servants Kditors are generally all
a set of honest fellow# and kind
hearted, paying all tlu-ir hills and
collecting none; eating once a day
while his neighbors eat three time#',
honors everybody while everybody
dishonors him. They are a pretty
good set of bo*'# after oil, and no
b *dv dare gainsay it, and why they
are not honored i* more than we aro
able to tell. In looking for a govern
or among the newspaper boys what's
the matter with Col, Bixhy, VVo 1»,
Mason, Tim Sedgwick? Arcadia
The Albia Iowan Kepubliestt says
a rather verdant youth dropped in
to a jewelar’s and after gsr.iug at
some fraternity pin# in the show
case said to the proprietor: "Thim
is mighty nice breast pin* you got
Uiar in liter. w hat kind would
you like to look at? pointing to a
M aeon in pin. ‘-Five dollar*, eh?
You haven't got one with arv hand
aaw on it have you? I'm goin toaet
up,a* a carpenter and jiuer' I thot
1 d like to have aotneibing to wear
aofolk* would know wlntt, I wa*
• loin'. Well I II lake it, though I'd
like one with a hand *nw, blit I
poem* niche that* plain enough.
The compaa* it* to mark out your
work, and the Mipiare ia to niaueuie
^ it when marked out, and any durned
fool known lhai <i aland* for gjm*
lei, ”
The Time* in il* laat i«*ue stated
that h> inventigtitiun at die eounty
t'lerk* olllee you would *ee that Ihe
eounty printing wa» let to die lowest
bldiler. If that i« the re.iord at
the clerk* olllee We **y th.ll they
ale not eouiph’le. Til# Motion made
to reject the that lint* laded to
carry, and either one of thoae tU*l
•*id* were more Ilian a halt cheaper
Itiau the ia»t hid which liroWn tiled,
True Mrown • l»»t Iml on a fe w
lieu** id stationery wa* chrejM'r than
our ls*t bid, I he Mapcr y i»*»» * in
their ctideayor to glye the piuiti to
•hi It own party oigsu Icgardb i*
the coal to the tas pa yen*, could *o«
W*» other Way Ilian local! for ' mmc
.cneph'U. tod. \nd moil con*
pole tod* llo ) || tliey I, |
had the heat inl«r*«li yif the *ouuly
at heart they Would harrt let Ihe
iMuttnci in the Aral place to the
loweat ri *|*iid, (odder.
aupmlnir'< PMMU'fdlitg*
1 ' -—
'i ijKTINl.'KIi V«'<M l.twr WKKK )
A petition aigued by H dmelger and
otlo-fa taking for a bridge arrow* *»«b
i i reek referred b> -ridge rotninitt*#.
On (notion tile amended and more colli
, p'ele bltla of K \ Mroxu and Oeo E Ben
a- hotel were taken Up and (•onaidered, Cj
MKlefi-ld having wit lid roam Ida bid:
On motion (be amended and m«r- com
plete bid of E A Brown I* a-oeple 1 on the
item* mentioned In (lie prevhmaly pub
llabed motion of the Kuard, and tin
i Count)' Attorney lo»truct*d to prepare a
‘ contract and proper bond for execution
. by E A Brown, Hftdura not voting
tin motion, the petition aigued by Jen*
Chri'tenaen, et al taking for the vacation
of part of a public road, commencing at j
nortbeaet corner of aoutbweat quarter of
aec, ifff, tp Iff, r Iff and running tbence i
tlirougb above de»i rlbed ’4 and alto |
1 through flu* aotltbeaat I4 of aec 27-1*1 10, j
and tormlnatlng at center of above de*. ^
crltied aec 557, la allowed and ordered va
caled provided the new road petitioned
for by Jen* Clirlaten*-<n, e.t al a*, allowed
; by tie- Board < n I tec 71, ’(to, la in fl1 con
j ditiofl for travel ale! U-e
I'etitloo for eatabllalinienf of public
road tlgic/d by Melvin l/owery, et al, la on
! motion referred to road committee with
; Inatructlona to report tomorrow morning
Official bond of IVter llendrickaon,
treasurer of VV'ebeter fp, and of Edward
laaacaotl, over ;e-r dial -57, BockvBle tp
'ft . f. <1. .el.,,. .....all,. l loel,
•van prevented and read :
To The Honorable Hoard of Superrl*
or* of Sherman county, Nebra»ka:
fJenfJtsmitn: I hereby rwjtie»i of your
Honorable body the allowance of the
appointment and aervice of a deputy b*r
the clerk' o||) e for t'ie year IHOfi. aod a*K
: tha' the atatutvry «alarv of *7<fU )>*f an
t until, for ouch deputy be allowed, I also j
j re<ju*«t that I tie allowed one or more
| a*l»lant» In the clerk* office If required j
; at d a#U that a aalary of ft7 [ier mouth be
! allowed for atntb aaalataat, I further ap
ply to and re/p|e»t of your boby the al
lowance of a aalary of *'JOO par annum,
payable ijuartcrly, for **rv|ce* rendered
a* county clerk for the year IH'M'i.
lend* Hen, County Clerk.
I.'pott cooaideratlofi of the* fore/folog
applleatbrn of the county clerk the anrac
l» allowed In full
Wrbal application by county treaaurar
i .klllit llie- allow i:e e fur IMffi, of deputy,
or i lark hire If nec- .ary, wra* heard and
oti motion allowed
Application made by county attorney,
aaUlftK the allowance of f,,Ot per month
for office rent and three ton* of coal for
I biff) wa* allowed.
Or. motion the offer of John IV leuijf,
to pay the county f I per valume for wren
volume* of Nebra*ka Report* wa* accept
ed and the county .Imltfe authorized to
purebaae the mUattiK number* and to file
a claim therefor.
The Soldier* Relief Commlaabin filed
It* report In word* and flirurea following;
state of Nehra*Ua, t
Sherman County, f
To the County Hupervlaora of a aid
county : (ientlemen : -The Soldier* Re
lief Cotnmlaaiou of aitlJ county moat re
af ectfully rejiort a» follow*: since our
laat report made Jan 'Jrd, 1WD5, we have
expended for the relief of
J A Shipley. Jan 7, 1SD5.*5 00
F Vocum, Jan Ml, 05. 4.HO
.1 *• M Conrad, Jan 2‘J, ’05.7.00
• r eo w, sm .. . •> ou
T O C'liitnberUln. Mur IH. 5 00
T II MiCIIntmk, Apr i) . 5.00
J M Cimrid Miy 10..5.00
I' C Chimberlilo, July 10.5 00
Total .. (phi mo
I,imp I lly. Mi br J mi. 8, 1805.
Wilter Moon, K"cf
J. S. |*yk», t'lmlr.
Upon hairing tin* report of the Soldier .
Ifellaf ('oinmiaatnu Ixid report li ftrivpl
ad and approved mid Jiuin Hentfrow 1>
on motion ippolniad by the Hurd i
member of iild ('oiutiiU.loii for three
Hoard 11Jonriied to 0 >i in of.I mi 10,
Imimry IHth. |*WI.
County I lour d In neiaion puriuitit to
idjoni'iiina’tt nl Jin. 15, imnl
I'reieiit ill tli« i i*inlM'/» of the rnunly
hoard, I oh it M lemtf, i.'UUlv mi.-riOy md
linila lletl, i'lnk.
• oiu at 11 tea on tool* lie folio*
lug report
' \\* thi rotutulllea >>u rmdt leg lt«o
to r< poll on r<i*.| petid oi^d for t>» I.
aty *t tl, njeni fi.reatlgating the rerordi
if the i inmty i ttk a , III* e Me Dud *hl'
the pal.lea Mining . ili r i t fan,,g (
lira the It if a melt if the Pot |
Henry IU k, f kilrtn«u.
t’l.llk Unlit t I i a It-. I*l|, ill,
t*fd tep it a n nit mutton «pp*‘>el
1 I up | m I
U|ei1 tmf. atf.irt of 1 |t 'OI m a 11 I
ky Me*tlit l.-'aatt til ih*r* nk'ng lm j
Ike aata*.ll*lil|rai<t of « pithin' I < ) tall
a*onm»i, • ti ipirit i «, it > n IUe n«»i |
line id » ip 15 | (it mg i tbilig aoith 1
1 lull tiifla t l M-. , .|oai of on t 1 I |1 I a
lid W on "lOllli. |l| 1 lie t <11 | n| k|J
n*'lh|i.|, <| t4t|afad pint# I i'|i*li..|
u • oftllnily (* on (limner mad* th« follow
ing rrport:
tV**, *!ir committee on finance beg
l*«v» to report that v*i have gone ovrr
th* fee book* of county <• I•*rk and llnd
mi cord Ink to wild f*r book for tb* year
IHW.1, efmt tin* acenonta therein nr* cor
rect, to wit:
Kirat ipiartrr.♦ 725 fid
Second “ ... 57W.7II
Third . HI4 m»
Fourth " . 702.1*4
TotMl.|2.82l 20
Dli-lil MKMKNTh
Hiiiary of clrrk.. . .gl TOO 00
HaUty of deputy. .. 7o0 00
Hilary of aa*l«tnu!. Hll Jj
Ha I Mur* mi hand... 5:4 95
Tidal. <12*21 20
I'r.oik Hadnra, Cbalritnn,
Henry B*ck, l.oiila |jm ipliold
On motion tli* above r*|i >rf 0 npprov
and adopted am)* 'dark Im ordered to
|n»y into tin* count, treii«ory tin* balance
o( $5:{4 1*5 -i« declarad III mild report.
I'll* Iiiimiic* committee find tin' »li*ritf'a
f*« nook for I *405 correct a* follow*
Klr*l half yenr.*‘145 30
Second half year .. 174 01
Total..*1 117 01
No dUbura*m*nta ft4lgn«d)
Halt) report wmm appr ived and adopted.
County Hnpt., f*-< book for 13!*3, *
allowed rec*|yta'f<ii Uoii'i' 75 teacher*
c.'i'iic "lie* o ji toeai. .fi-i '
liy ordar 'if county tren«iir*r |
looney deposited ..$'i'i 0.)
Alxtve report 1* on in lion approve!
and adopted,
Oltl ial hood of liinie. If.oiilriw a
Itleinlter of tlie Soldier* Relief < olllllll*
Mfii/i wa* "X nnmed and approve I
The flfiHtien eoininlftei report tli« fee
book of the county judge for ‘85. correct
a* follow*:
Flr*t ijuarter. .$ 1*18 14
S cowl quarter. . ... 82 115
Third quarter. 61* 88
Fourth quarter... 132 81
Collected on account of ai rvlce*
rendered ‘83 II 4 . 100 04
Total.$m 13
Further And that there I* the *utn of
$244 63 which wh* earned ny >ha judge
out not Collected. We And Do dUhUrae
went*. (Signed)
lleport adopted.
f>u motion the clerk I* ordered to pay
hack to Roach the -uni of ten dollar*, that
being the amolind advanced mid (lepo/it
ed with the clerk on tie petition for
Roach road
On motion the chairman Ib authorized
to approve otAdal b mde and the hondr of
printing wnen the board I* not in reunion.
I’lumiee committee r«| ort treaaurer*
fee hook a* folio w* .
Flrnt half year, fee* ..$161 IS
“ “ " coinilll*»lon on tax oSP S2
2nd '* '* a* fee a.... 221 HO
“ “ “ coininlaaion on tax 326 46
Total . $1 28M 46
Thi* do - not include cotiuniatlon on
*• ate tax, (Signed)
Iteport adopted.
On motion, tlie order of thi* Hoard
authorizing the treamirer to accept and
... . . - f *1..
IS* M l{ H (.‘tl., in extended f<» include
the Hi'. i ptauce of the same pint .if the
C I’ system under the minis condition
IS mrd adjourned to It o'clock a in of
Ian 17. Attend:— Lou!* Hein, Clerk
January 17th, 1HP6.
Hoard In session pursuant to adjourn
ment with full hoard prestnf.
County Stiperinteiiiieiit is authorized
to purchase a »ulllrlent uuiuhei of
I'ti'iirs, a suitable table ami dlvtinuery
for use In Ills oltlce slid hi Ilia Ins claim
itn motion the tin.ine« eoinmlttee
Is Instructed to investigate the mailer 1
of assessment of tbn el valor on I .1* .
It It irarlt in Loup City Verbal re ,
pmt made hv eoiumbtee shoeing that !
sahl elevator had I teen aoi-iml at #ttut) j
for'lt!l and #loo for'StI and that no at j
•eminent ther on »«» made for lathi, j
uhieh report wat mi motion approved
ami the b-m .soient for elev lor was
rtaetl at nItst for tN'td to :,a « haigetf :*•
The Omaha I,levator Coiniiany and
the Countf t letk i» ordered iii enter |
same mi the me mitienl l»s4i and lex
lt*t id the rear l*nV
On i wftoti the i oiiuiv Vli ruey t»
Instructed to ascertain the reason »bi
the lewtii h#» so t*ei-n pant the rent
due t# for III-* |l-ate Ilf 1 te■ * allotV I'lMir ;
Fund I i the (i s » »1 and t>.\ and to
in ski' hit If-pm I at i he negf ntretiog of
iti* Hoard
tin it olton tdaiiti u| Hi a n I iniintv
ln« so I It apt-earlng Is p tmvs) to a <ati
thn a* ttou n Mins ai d i >nt v on rtsim
lied hr ain-tiiiti i***M ti (or m|.»bo •
l*o n le i oil one I* .ill t il lit I 1 I *n |i>
lane pe*a»«
• •a hi .i u ihlm HI- * < \ lii.iu
lift* estop for Istsa sod 10-1*0*1 on
lilt tgi *ir«.s» Otk rusk 41 er-tnapps
silling is i| I • a t(*i a e * I i x.ipt a* to tsin*
Item of 94.8A for lumber which Item la
allowed ami warrant ordered drawn
theref .re, the balance of »altl < lalm not
being i |<r#i|ier charge again** (lie
On motto,i the claim tiled by I.ewU
liechthobl road uver*eer lti*t. No If
j for 9it3 00 1* disallowed Mint out being
a proper i b irge again*! the coimly.
On motion tb'' «iim of ten dolin'* wa
allowed on claim for co*t Slate v*
Zink mid warrant of Mint amount or
dered drawn on fund derived from
Klue* mid f,lcen*e*t aald warrant to be
drawn in favor <i«o It ot . to apply i n
coat of that ea-e In lower court.
On moticii the following cl dma were
allowed, deduction* for tuxra made and
warrant* ordered drawn on,
Omaha l*t, Co, *IV,Mt V J Marli j* w*kt 3 Mi
J I’lill Jinvr VMM John llet/el MM
K, A Mrown 73M I ttuaha I’l Co to tal
i; r; ifi-nwboli't I*.78 OdunliihlHu* 3 38
Tbo« J.niirnc 8. .’0 f. K J oh row'll 1*04 •
.1 P, Taylor 3 so .1 P Cray A ttn
John VV, bong MM V. lt. Kl'.lell I*. *
K Illy 8 8< Arthur Mlnahull *.i»
John AngUktlne 3. o VV T MIIimiii A im
Jo*. Auvliatine 3,30 I It, Kan-van 7,80
Soin Auguatlni' 3,.'0 John VVa«li irw*ki 7 3o
arv Animation Krvatoiii'I. Co. 33.78
It I-' fti'lman 3,'SO J. K Murray 780
Andrew M«r*ky ’.no Men th nt 13,73
M K tlavhii"* I ,no V. Mo won '/.Ml
It li rich i-n Wait V. w, Murphy .78
John VV, 1,111)1/ 33 48 I .oilI* lo in 178,80
I, M, I'otohl I'38 JI wiry Hunker 13.60
t'l-li r Mi'Keon SI.00 Crunk llaUnr.i 13 30
4a*wl* Ih'i titholil I’.' .Vi John Mlro.tiolt 13,70
Henry Meeh 13.30 J, I' bHnlmn r
I'.RMUtE I i Pit
Itlrk* itriw *18,10 Wallo* I’nta* It,ID)
! Nl.'l.ola* IVtor- MM Ham Mu I la way 33. on
3 VS M< ItonuM 13 00 Jam"* Jllli inK Il SW
1,11 Ci h< i 7,80 W T <710 on TS Vi
Jana " I, in,pew li l t M P.. llayhur»t 6.78
J M. It I *11 10 60 3lti.ur Mlh.hull 3,60
John VVa*ii li w*kl »,.<** Iwo Klelli I.MI
K' Ii.ra t. Co 73 1* Keyamne l„t!|>. 2.00
M. M, (l.tol'h "Ml A nton Tp. 4,.%
The following I aim* were nil taken
and ordered applied on dollni|Meni
Ivi V' \v r HT.'iO, itli>ihi4 of ,1 <<>»»i, •
Jn*epb. Toti atrl Miry Augustine of
tfl !0(mi'Ii were t'l upplleil on It: o'
John Aiigu*iIn", Andrew (<or*ky #2.00,
.f, K, t’i'<). and fourth claim of
,1 IV. Mi lJonidil fur H.ttiio there wh*
nnplie I the 'inoirif of HT0O fur faxes,
Knoeb fjuwcn Hi 50, E H, Murphy 75c,
< I doi of riiuriiiel O.tlbttvuy fur 427.60
for eleven 'luyi* hauling lumber to
0*1. c,eek for bridge wn* allowed at
412.00 for reason that the hoard did
not roo*ld<'r th • days enii'>ieratcil in
•aid claim a* full day*.
Claim of Oco, K. JSeunchoter for
400.00 for the puldleatiou of 000 <le
• erlptlon* In delinijucnt tax Hat i>f I HIM,
I,ought by the county and of which the
county now hold tax certificate of
»al . v.a* on motion .ll*allnw cd for the
rruvoo 'ha' no proof wa< presented by
•aid HeuechoPtr to substantiate the
• Mill I, TO Cltk III Tolls.
Iii I'oun tv court, within anil for Sherman
rounly, Srliia«ka, In the mat ter of Idle
I'nlalnof Mary ,*l Kislier ileeeaaeil
To the creditors of »alil e■ftttl!; von are
hereOv not ill* u, that I will ell at the
comity court room In I,ou|» City’ III said
con nly. on the nth day of July, A. I>. laws to
receive and examine all claim* against
•aid estate, with a view to then adjoin
menl and allowance. The time limited
for the pc -seiitaUoii of claims again u •aid
i state la alx muiith*. from the Dili day of
January A. It. inisi, and Hie time limited
for tile payment of debt* 1» one year from
•aid nth day of January. mM.
WltiieHa my hand and the »ea1 of aald
county court, till* HI li day of January, A. I>.
Ink,;. ur.oKuk, County Judge.
Slate of Nebraska,
Sherman tlounty, I
william Hash, nun rcaIdent ilefendant,
will lake nutlce that on the 111.h day of
January, 1HMII, iiin'k K. Ogden idamtllt
llled hi* petition lu I ho Dlslrle Court of
Mherman ijouulv, Nebraska,agal n William
Hash. Union Trual Company, Henry T
Cluike, Keeelver Union Trust Company,
Ai uii’itiiH I*. Culley, t lie obfeei an i prayer
of which are to foreclose a i iTialn oort
gage execute I by the defendant William
Ha*h in the defendant Union Trust
Company upon the l.illowlng dcacrlhsd
property, to-wlt: The Northeast Milliner
of seotlou Twenty 1201 Township Klflcen
(l.'n North Itange Killeen (IS) weal illli 1*. M„
in Sherman county, Nehranka. to Neeure
the payment of a eertslii IkiiuI dated April
Dili lw>7, for I ho sum Of Thlrteeii Hundred
liollura tfi.tuu.iiui nun ami iiuyaiu* 1111 i m*
II rat liny ill A ill’ll. laW, hum Unit llitutt la
MOW Mini tipi.ii ihIM IiuiiM uml liiorti<iiKt> HUM
fm luxi’a ii jhiii anlM |ini|iui’t\ jhiIM l>v aiilM
IliirU K. tllf'lMi lfin *||III of Tlilrlimil
IliimlniM sixty four Uollara uml Klxlity onu
i i nlal»l»ll «li hiiM llili’li’al luaraoli I'lain
tur |ii’sya for h ilniirus (list MiMiiiMaiua lm
i i‘ift! ill’ll In |>Hy I hi* Himniiil Muii mi atwount
III tail HI Imml. innrlifiiMi’ mill lallla an jiulil,
■ >r I Imt UHlil |ili'llllai'a may In* anlil tu railaly
Urn uimiiini fnuml ilu«
Ynii ui•’ ruitulruM toxnawur anlM imlitl.iu
on nr Imfort UrnStml May nl Muii'ii l#UH
Ii,iiin January latli mm.
Ill I h t linin’ a. I'luml IM
liy It IM I I.KT1'. tt ll I'KIiiK, Ilk IlnHIl
HUM Mnllt in.lll IlHna.
A I In.I Ilia AtUirili ya
i.nllta Unis, i lurk * l lilalrli i I'mirl_
50 II K lit -III In Mis l; I -infos I
llt.t I NUAS |H
main uf Naltraaka, i
slmittiHii i nanty, i
Jolts J l'o«r|H»uki'r amt llari ml A I'l tia
IHK'ki r, mm luaiiti Nl Mrfi’iiMauta uill lam*
mil lea ili»i nu llm uili Jay ol ,l*nu»ry, latai.
Hark Ik i licltii i.lailil lit ttli'il Ilia iirUlniu
III III# IMAItlutt'liur* nl alimnmiu tnuiily,
Krlu uii. tiualnal ifntiu >1 ft"nu|au krt,
Until i l |'tnii'|Mi'ki-r, t «lnn l rual I mu
mill uml tt" niy 1 i IMik« Mv • Ivi r I'Hlnii
I ..uiyam , Ilia uliju*l Mint |<ia,vl nl atmli
ait in imi I a inlaiu murt**«v ■ in ui«.|
l.y llir mil i, laMla JutlH j |Vtu jaiArr ami
Mat m l A |'i in |i,u km In llir itr-frailunl
I'mIou Traal I mat a. tty U|aui Ilia fnlK.a mu
111 . tin*.| I'tupurly. In *11 1 Ur Sntlli
a i ay tjuatli i of In Itott fount it# l»ia iialtift
illlliil i Sntlli ttl ttnutfe # nut ll ill lift
Hill 111 lilt lilt I' M IM ainl Inltaly
51 til a* tu til# Mkfc WMMlt m| » * I
i**t« Uttytl «!»»r 4 link JN 4* f 1**1 Mi« 9UH4 u|
I * A, *■ M W*;l 4 * t *|«* aft U I
|na * u«| (Iti Ml *K *4 Mi* ■* Jt, ftfct4
|)ylit tf »-**• (Itlft M|***t» *<»»l M»4 !
■'***‘‘4 i V n&v H»*»t I* * *4|w**» Mftt I l*» »*!#*•* I > 1
, v 4im« I <>i kit, I|yf *mu mI |
1 »*l«t fid) iii>* i*«u«ft»* «i«>t Hi I
Ik (#M >at«M |
<« ’* l* I*4*mI* •
u tnii« i iii |ik |i « mh *#
* Mi **>t| %$» •*«* I *•%** **»
}i%< i >1 IK*> *a*« t * « % tmftt * fcN*> U* t*4*» l«»
I * % 1 «’l
y ... «u fft 4 Im Mtttl MM ,
. , i t i f* Ii.. ml 4«m Mi l» '«»
1**1 *ij*«*i*tt Mil »**#
Ill . Ik > «Hti*lk I’UiMiitf
lift iitH(UI * ki ft « MHtul , lift tfcrfcl*
4l. lSMIiltl.4l4 l«M« !
|M«hi! IN 4!l*t***k|f i
l.tii I* Mill. 4 Will Mi Ili iNMi Wii!
Vice-President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Steak, $600,000.
T/oana on Improved farme at NINE per (sent. Beat Company tad beat lane
to bo bad la the treat.
CokueroHDErr*:—Chemical National Bank, New York dtp, 1.14 Oaakl
ISUotal IUu< Omaha Nshrsska
Attorney and Notary Public. Publlttier Loop City Nnitriiwkstkkn
Town IWild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale.
j I nnwARJi I is the whole story
" I of Imitation trade I .
i 1 —rha and labela. \ aOOUt
S#l nirtilttOC no more t-’an other package soda - never spoilt
i 111 pdU\d^v*)‘ flour—universally acknowledged purest In the world.
* Made only bj CHURCH L CO., New York. Sold by grocer* everywhere.
Write for Arm anil Hammer Hook of valuable K< tlpe* Pill,
-iy VVV1 d>' W V T~T~r '" . :■ ■
1:45 1*. M. Lesvc* 0:50 4*. M
A. F Wkkts. Agt
Ilejjlniiliig H.mdsy. November 17ib.
tialii* will arrive mid de|»m't hi Mil*
MtHtioll n« I >liow»:
Leaves Leave*
Monday. / f r< TiuMilny. fg:IJ0
VA > (Jne»day, r I buradiiy.
Friday, ) “ Hiurday V
Arrive* at Loup Mity dolly 7. i5|>. m.
I :lo*i! connection at I * rood l*i nid for
all point* ICa*t and West
F. W. 1 .KINK.
All Kxpr«*» or Freight order* promptly
at tended to
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World'* Fair Hluhent Medal and Diploma.
Notice I* hereby given Mini I have thi*
day emancipated my eon Hurry sawyer
from lil* minority, and uivuii him lull right
to tranaact I»u«iim*h** In 1.1m own right free
from nny claim hy me *i|»ou hi* i roperty or
Hated this l*thd»y of January. iMii,
W H. SAWtKH Parent.
Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Urapc Cream of Tartar Powder.
In HlatrU't Court of Hhoruiau (Jaunty,
Horatio wtucUcr Hii)«lM<r, Piaiuiiit
John llayr*. —— Hayen, wife of
John llayc*. find name unknown.
M H Nugent, ('Hiacii'a National
tl ink of *t Paul Nebiuaka, Utorge
M 1'»m key. *arah A Terhune.
\<IpIiwii j aaott, kotek ami Joi
gen ten. Thoma* Murphy, Uefendnnt*
Mtata oi Nahrwaka, f
aheriuau County i
The ftutd defendant* John llaye* and
— ■— llayei, wife of John llayei, llret name
u<k go alt, will lake not tea that on Him itlh
day of I lea* tail a#, ’-o,V the »*ut plaintiff
P e«t hi* liKlIIIBM In liif dial flit court of
Miuttiiitn i.mui V >i«iM <tnmnn sum nt*
landithl* ihv ubjit'i ami i.rayn uf tahltiii
am III hum mm rill.uu uniriaaua a*ntut •
al by Ibu ill inujuiil, Tin hum Mui|iby lu
In.ili'iriKlaul, Iiiiuii M ViMifevi mimi iba
f. llMWIim .»**. rn««t Hull eaialu nlual* In
klnniuau i ••nuty ami llati ul Naluaala
|u tall Tm mi bail ul amiiiii naaniyi
tl) tu 1u»uilil|i >iaivi'ii ila ntnin uf
kauaa fiiutlaan illi anl uf Ilia Whpilaclial
ii.«tuli*» lu mat* ibu im until *>l lau
in ,iaiMiil| Milan, 4*1. I tyiil in mat, uan
(an llina i *.'•« *■ Ini. mul |«*t*t..t. i«
4l»h 1*1 rni, ami uiu |m |.«« uaa anil
Lrn a bla ait *|»u III. I*. I la* I un l|.iil
[•ilijtiiiaiil limn** U fm'lai au.| ami
aaii, ul a.u4 aiiuua »•> *• liaiaal H* H al
il. fi mutant* baa* tailail In |*ay aalil mil* ul
|,.*|, a Ml Ilia lilt a auaaHil nil laa ia.1 uyatn
a, I m l* ..ill* t a. *,. t 1*1 ait.|
I null* I.*a »lavl«.l lu 4><*l*intb# ubuin
a.. mall I It* Mil u. .|l|a*a lu bw
lunat'lialail ilm’ *|. I i*tta'4a ami lb*<*
la uua 4ua Ibvlauu Iba aaui ul *.**i a,|b
li.lami *1 uiaa |ai nai |*i an imu It u*
A|4‘I 1*1 ua i latalifl |uay* Im a ilaaiaa
Ibal IhhhUmI. iia • i*mn«l lu |U| Iba
laiu* .u Ibal *al4 m*mt*na 1 a *4i| lu aal
HI lb. aiaiuuul I.MiU’i 4na
fun **» lattaiiml in anaaal aai4 twIHHM
u m* Iba «ab lay u* Jamaaif, laa.
luabbl lbta nun ila* u« (t*. auatun, its**
.... ibinaim *n*i **n. i,i*inii*
Wy bb.Hi 1*1. ay * M*.» hi. Aliya
i H*a*
luvia Mala, 1‘nid «* iba »»•*♦• i»l i«»il.
,™* ““-djoweb cube.
0,1 ltu<“vhrry,’ HurrIK ^
ta Prt^ Practice .e,! Z - for >*•"
Iyniri, tot
V^STina’ Inflammation. "Z
ssssa®ffi^S& ;S
iS8?te£S^~ f
aa«ea^Bte :B
ihFffiZrS zSSffi&S $
it3sri££tt^'s3E& $
jtsssssssa^SSSt I
B^aKiuaEFlil^pB I
SwTSrtssws^sssat M
~’'*mSZ!Z£™I mmw.
W *• '< AH<V, '—
••<«« l‘u,,|,« aM.,a,■.*'',u l,W**r *““*• **M
**'*““.„“*-«V,»I(!k -
Mas 4 V uuug ami l «>* VtutIlf, 4«>
f»u.l, m». a III lake Iu4i«e Ibai lbe *nii
>kai >4 Jaiiaali l«*b lb* ealale ul Hi I aw
Hai be*, .tree****!, i imllll li.iem ltd*I IM
i*<IiUm*i lb lb* 4ialiit I vuurl u| kbawbM
I .1111111 S. tuaak* *baii,«l tal l .lelvmlauM
llie iit.Ji* » m l |>i»> ei .1 alil. bklelu t..i*
11.1*1. a IVI lam >u.iit***e mh *l#4 by U.«
i|m:. ii'laiila lu III* yiadillH ii|nui t la aitly,
Ian «# ilil) Hire* ‘4 mi l alilr .hi . li
in biuih Itilil* tub* ill., lb Ibb uittflbbi
lubrii in* u| l-.i'H* I lly. IIWIIIII Hillii
Mt»l.ta»k*. lu MWllfb lb. MinMHil ul line*
i*i lam |Mi>UM«ury mil** .1*1*11 A a* aal Mb,
tan*. I»b* 111* Ibb *ulu 4 t> • 4a* b».| |u . >
• Me In*-1.1 mil. i«m* 11 a* Ivi ft ** i >•
*i*i *M*bbl* Ui ul bk, tea* ||«* lui |» *
in* ant |<*>*U« |..bH*l Mtb !«•( ab*l
IlMiali uu« 4ai' u|. .i «*|.i ****** ai.4 mu*I
|ame lb* a am 14 #lk» *.. lu* »hli b turn
• lib tbl****l tula ii*i*. *4*ibH>
i«*»k lu* • liaNri** Ibbi .l»l»*4*»la bw I*
,.1. Il.iiul ihe .a>a* ih (bbl a**4 IwebM
.•a l .i If *>> i l a*! 1*1' * be a in - a a I
>11**4 4a, Ilia *** MMtaitanl lu ana*,*
*l4 |wltlb*« un at belli** lb* n*b 4*y u|
>*li**4*V. I** -
I'alui >bt< Mi 1*1 u< J*b**l» . MM
tub Ati *(*•■» Km**, !►•»»**» 4
b| A II, iVMHkbH, ll a*«b*y