The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 24, 1896, Image 3

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And About That Hate Kl*r* In Nomlnn*
• Km n i nndidst* for I’resldent A Ke»<.
I ii I Ion Tbnt tbn I'ontentlun It* Held
Behind < linked Ilnur* Unanimously
Voted llim* — Tbe t on*enllon City Hut
Yet Mamed.
duly 7 I* th* Hale »«f
Wasii/sotom, Jan. 17,—The l)«mo- j
eratic national convention will be held
July 7. The national committee d*
cided to-day on thla date. An opposi
tion motion favored June 3. The vote
on the date for bolding the convention
resulted II to is In favor of July 7 and |
was taken after a little dlscuseion, in 1
which considerable difference of opin
ion developed.
The resolution of Patrick Collins of
Massachusetts, offered in tbe conven
tion of I ska, that the next national
convention he held behind closed
doors, was reported adversely by the
sub-committee to which It was re
ferred and the report was adopted
It was decided to give each city
thirty minutes in which to preaent
their claim* this afternoon, hut a new
departure was made by the adoption
of » resolution requiring each city to
put Its guarantee In writing to pre
vent any misunderstanding in tbe fu
Senator Morgan, who held a proxy
of Mr. Clayton of Alabama, talked for
Come time about a proposition to
change the basis of representation In
the convention to two delegate* for
each Democratic representative in
Congress and two for each Dem
ocratic Senator and one for
^esch Republican Menator and rep
resentative. lie offered no mo
tion to this effect. Me may bring the
question up in the convention. It was
decided fo allow each territory six
delegates, after which the committee
took a recess until 3 o’clock.
B*lan<* of Trad* In Tbl* Country'*
tutor for th* Vear of •StSt.KCV,HHt.
YYA*iii»o'ioa, Jan. 17,—The report
of the treasury statistician shows the
exports for Decern I •er excelled the Im
ports by •00,3'.*, lift. The total of ex
ports for the month was •'■3,S«t5,603,
and th* Imports •*12,307,367, of which
•3a,7S3,&30 was dutiable As com
pared with December, IM*. exporta
gained $3,000,000.
The total of exporte for the year
1396 was f*24,*%,&37, aud of Importa,
Mill E ;« All rrlelnff (a l,uUti**« />/ r railu
la thl* country's favor of #23,290,*94.
In 1904 the balance of trade wa* #14*,
790 <'}07. The export* for the two
year* were about the «ame, but the
import* of 1904 were #125,000,000 U-»*
than in 1905. That account* for the
drain of gold.
The net export of gold In Decem
ber, 1*05, was #14,170,200. and for the
year 1905 it wa* #72,<915,9*7. Tbe net
export of silver for the year was
The immigration for 1*07 wa* 324,
742, against 249,093 for 1*01.
A Vomer Offlocr Who Vaught a Gael
Given Honorable Discharge.
Wasiiino rog.Jan. 17.—It I* a curious
story that!* embodied in a report Mr.
Tarsncy made to the House from the
military fitTairs committee to-day.
When Captain of the Fourth Missouri
Cavalry William M. U. Grebe, was
' challenged to fight a duel by a fellow
officer, Ferdinand Hanson, he accept
ed, and on December 12, 199s,
all concerned in the affair
were court martiuled and cash
iered. The report recommends at
the conclusion of a several years' fight
that Captain Grel»* should be granted
an honorable discharge. It exhibits
the pleadings of the accused, who set
up that foreign birth and training had
built in him the conviction that not to
fight wa. disgraceful. Tom Fietcher,
when Governor of Missouri, vainly en
deavored to secure a pardon from the
Preside t. The ease Is ainoug the
cvlebr*ie<l case* of Missouri, und < ap
tain Grebe, who now lives at Homier
Springs, Kan., formerly lived in Kan
sas City and >s well known there.
Hspubtlenn Camus Nominal** Allison
for Senator An>l<l Wild Enthusiasm
Dks Moinks, Iowa, Jan. 17.—Tbe
Republican joint legislative caucus
met yesterday afleriioou. Represent
ative Allen was uiude chairman acd
If. ii a tor Kills nominated W. H. Alii*, n
for United Htalea senator. Ka.'h
speaker referred to Mr. Aliisou's line
record, and paid es|iecial attention to
the fact that he is a very available
candidate for the picsideuev livery
allusion to Allison for president was
greeted with great applause by the
members ami visitors crowding the
lobby suit galleries.
At tbe conclusion of the speeches
Mr Allison received the
rising vote of the oeucus for the nmu
lnal i.,ii u(»i wasiii'clniv.l ItiM nulktiiiHa i
Mm »«in »>•••» Aimami la at* at.
I'am*, Jan IT. — At a cabinet conn
all bald lt>l» morning, M lleolbelut,
tii* mtntalar at toralgn affair*, au
auuaaad that tb* .tugln-hranob agraa
want regarding Wain wm alga ad rea
tnrday. and that by lla term* Iba Me
bong h» . nton* tiro boundary and bath
P"»*ar* undortoks to ralraln tram aa
armed adraaaa Into U*e Manam * allay
Hu> the Mlawre territory neat and
aaat »t It la aaatudad front thl* alanaa
Uetwll llwtH* lit
1‘aata, Jaa IT. M t bar)** Tbotna*
b) '■ '•*<0*1, in# wlabratad branch palt*
ttalaa and deputy, (ur a numb*? ol
rear* pteer,l#Hl of the I Irautbar at
1 tv put tea, ta ear tonal t lit with magea
tu*a ol ta* long* and ta not • a pa*tad
to raeorer
t a mare tor hr I a rater
Wanton. » a Itripa Jaa If, tap
tala Uaaaral i amp •* baa rebad tur
reranr raanlrevamaau In bo aaat ta
t aba and it la »>aially reported that
tb* ritual >"* tbara ta regardad aa h#>
tag ol tb* moat trkttaal anrt
The hew .Isrsrr senator Presents a
I teela ration.
WttUlhiTOS, .Ian. 17 In the Henstc
to-day Mr. Allen, I'opullst, Nebraska
called attention to the indefinite post
ponem nt of hi* hill prohibiting
American citizen* from receiving for
eign title*, decorations, etc. It oc
curred through an oversight of hia and
he asked that the measure go to the
calendar for consideration a* the peo
pie did not believe in this undemo
cratic practice and wanted it stopped
The request was agreed to.
Mr llansbroiigh, Republican, North
Dakota, from the committee on agri
culture, reported favorably the resolu
tion directing the secretary of agricul
ture to carry out the provisions of the
law relative to the distribution of seed*
and of government publications.
Mr, t all (Democrat) of Klorida of
fered a resolution directing the secre
tary of Htate to send to < ougruss all
dispatches from the (,'niled Htates
consul* in < ulm concerning the present
Mr. Cullom (Republican/ of Illinois
presented a resolu lion which was
agreed to, requesting of the state de
partment information aa to whether
naturalized L’uiteJ Htates citizens of
American birth were allowed to visit
'turkey, whether their families living
in Turkey were allowed to depart for
tiie United States, and what,her Amer
ican* living in Turkey had the same
rights a* were accorded to thu citizens
of Great flritain, Germany, France
and Russia.
Mr. Sewell (Republican, New Jer
sey) offered a resolution declaratory
of the policy of thu United State* on
the Monroe doctrine a* follows:
"Resolved, That the Monroe doctrine
os originally propounded was directed
to the special prevention of the threat
ened action of the allied powers in
reference to the revolted colonies of
Spain, and the occupation by way of
colonization of any derelict territory
on tills hemisphere, to resist such ac
tion by armed force if necessary,
"Thai the executive lias pressed the
Monroe doctrine beyond what wa*
contemplated at the time of it* an
nouncement and that, the resultant
ar'pienee of the position thu* taken
seem* to be a committal of thl* gov
ernment to a protectorate over Mex
ico and Central and South American
"That thl* would lie most unwise
and dangerous, and would violate the
sound and well established policy that
we should avoid all entangling al
liances with foreign powers, whether
they lie European or American.
"That this action was premature,
looking to the history of the contro
versy and Inopportune in view of the
business and financial condition of the
"'I'hat neither congress nor the
country can be nor ha* been com
mitted by the action or position of the
executive department in reference to
the Venezuelan boundary controversy
as to tbe course to be pursued until
the time shall have arrived for a final
determination, ft will then be our
province to adopt sueh a line of policy
arid to take such action a* rnay then
be demanded by our sense of duty to
the country and by u due regard for
it* honor and dignity, the welfare and
safety of our people and the integrity
of our institutions.”
Democrat* and Republican* Dl* pleased
With tb* Administration's I’ollcjr.
VVasiiisotox, Jan. 17.—Another day
was consumed by tbe bouse In oratory
upon the pension appropriation bill,
in the course of which the policy of
the present adininistrat.on toward the
veterans wa* scored by both Repub
licans and Democrats and defended by
two or three Democrat*. The most
notable Incident of tbe debate was
the uttack made by Mr. Grow of I’erm
sylvaniu, upon what he termed the ex
traordinary attempt hy the i’rcsldenl
and his clerks to encroach upon the
prerogative* of the legislative branch
of »the government, lie denounced
Secretary Carlisle for sending a finan
cial bill to congress, and the action of
the President In having read the fa
mous letter to Mr. Catch lugs on the
Wilson bill just before the vote on the
bill, which he said was an attempt to
influence the vote. Congress should
resent such encroachment* upon it->
prerogatives, Mr. Grow deelured.
Mr. Crowtlier of Missouri, wa* one
of the speaker*, lie closed as follows:
"Judas Ikcariot betrayed the Son of
God; Itenedict Arnold attempted to
luUruv the nation that had resnccted
uiul honored him; anil here couicn
along a Democratic udminiktrniioii.
the flrut In thirty-two.veara, that I* at
tempt lug to betray the men that made
it po»*lble for a I honor ratio admini*
tration to he elected."
l td a Million fur l.lfe Auuulllr*.
Nkw York. Jan. I?. One of the
luont remarkable will* ever offered for
probate in the »urroguU,'» olllce waa
that of William fowler fouler, lie
leave* an e»late of »v, r ima lie
re«|ue*l* tha* all III* real otute he
converted Intoeanh for the purclm-e
of annultle*. I lie only lump be*
•|ue«t left la to 111* wife, llrrilia M.
fu»ier, wliu I* left • m ea»h amt
an annuity for life. N'oi a eent 1* left
to public cbaritie*.
I.t*tag I* Kipee*!*# lu lla«aua.
II *v4*4. Jan. IT. The price* of
pruviatona, etc,, arc rl*lug very rapidly
here, and the eapenae of living t* fully
fifty per cent more than a month ago.
At the rate thing* are going, though
the huautah authuritle* are atlll hope
ful of dilviug the In 'rgeula e. Award
and westward of Havana, the city of
Havana will auon he the imwi ea
tie noire placy lu the World to live in
lualuee* la *uftertng terribly on all
Mia MgMh Heughler le Many,
W genian me. Jan IT The engage
meat la naaouaced of Mia* katharlae,
eighth denghter <*♦ t'Mef J notice ♦'’nil*
er of the failed mate* Hunt erne uout l>
le Mr lh-e» her of Hudfulo eoualn or
the late llenry Hard the* hey t he
date of tha marriage la ant for t eh*u
la,,*«»•* I tiilol the tie*
Uia*ireu, Manitoba, Ian IT Al
the poll* yeelrrda* the eld > • of
Manitoba delated nlnowl nnammou *
again*! Interference by the iKonm • n
with her *• hoo. law*, and e* I'tvmiv
tirweuway'a ndmiuDl’uitwu wa* lu
dureed by a maturity of about h*urteen
A Circular from Mr. Morgan Ha **T»
II,*i <13011,000.000 War* siil»*i rll»*d In
Pour Kara An P.«planaUun of Hi*
Operation* nt III* s/mllaai* Mr. Mur
gan'i lrll*r to rrr»lil»nt Cleveland —
Spndlcnte lil*«nlr»d.
Mond Syndicate 0U,'»
New Yiihk, .lull. In. — Mo in liar* of
the Government bond syndicate re
ceived in tbeir mail thia morning a
circular letter from J. I*. Morgan A Co.,
releaaing them from thelrcommltm*nts
to furnish their pro rata of 00.000,
000 in gold and a second $l00,000,o00
if they desired, taking their payment
therefor in four per cent Government
bonda Accompanying this letter was
a circular explaining how the syndi
cate was formed, what action was
taken on its behalf, and why it is now
“On the 23d of December," Mr, Mor
gan says, “i was invited to Washing
ton for a conference. Ouring my visit
there no negotiations for u loan were
even suggested, nor was there then,
nor has there been since, any agree
ment or request that 1 should take
any steps preparatory to making a
contract. 1 came, however, to the
conclusion that the President and sec
retary of tbe treasury would use every
power at. their command to restore
and iiiaintaln tbe gold reserve; tliat. no
steps would he taken until it was as
certained what Congress would do;
that tiie executive department would
prefer to secure $200,000,000 of gold,
and tliat it was certain that no relief
could be obtained from Congress.
"Upon my return, appreciating the
gravity of tiie situation and in order
. tliat, J might he prepared to act
promptly, I took steps to ascertain to
what extent it would he |>oftxiblc to
secure tiie co-operation of capitalists
! in forming a syndicate which would
agree to sell to the l.nited Males gov
ernment $2oojtoO,ooO of gold coin. The
contract, prepared and signed hy the
participants did not. stipulate whether
i the purchase would he hy private eon
| trad or hy public offer,
j "The only provision in addition to
' the important one tliat no gold should
! he withdrawn from the treasury was
' that tiie minimum amount of tiie con
{ tract should be $100,000,000, the msxi
: mum not over $£$0,000,000. The ap
; plications far exceeded my expecta
\ lions. At the end of three or four
; days tbe total of $200,000,000 was
reached, and I had full authority
which would enable me whenever and
; however the Executive might decide
I to act to secure that amount of gold
for the treasury reserve In exchange
for United States bonds
I "Having completed the formation of
tbe syndicate, 1 entered into negotla
! tiona in Europe and in places other
than Condon, where the market was
closed to us. and through the Deutsche
hank and Messrs Morgan, Harjes Sc
Co. Negotiations were practically
concluded for public subscriptions in
Germany. France and Holland, which
would have resulted in a large amount
of bonds being placed in those coun
| "On January 4, realizing that the
tension was growing daily and had
become serious, I addressed a letter to
; the president, calling his attention to
the situation and representing that
the most important step was tiie re
storation of the government credit hy
replenishing the stock of gold. De
tails of what was proposed were given
and assurances offered that the utmost
efforts would he made to procure for
tbe treasury 11,500,000 ounces of gold.’’
The reason given for the disso
lution of the syndicate ia that the con
tract called for a hid of "all or none,”
and therefore Mr. Morgan was un
willing to make a hid under the pres
ent circumstances, as he might seem
to desire the secretary of the treasury
to throw out smaller bids made in
good faith under the public calL The
only emergency, in Mr. Morgan's Judg
ment. which would justify such a
course, would be the failure of the
putdic to respond to the call of the
| The circular concludes: "I feel per
fectly satisfied that there ia no ques
tion as to tiie success of the loan."
I Tiie following Is the text of Mr.
Morgan’s letter to i*i esident Cleveland
on tiie 4th of the mouth.
| ".sir: It ia with great hesitation
tliat I venture to addreaa you in rela
tion to the present financial situation.
Ass in ill Mrs* lit III lit If was tVfll uUific
j- —
tlnumlal nffui-s are approaching a
eriaia anil the trntlon to-day la ex
treme; and whilat no outward evi
dences have dcvnlo|>ed, we are likely
at any moment to reach the point and
eou*ei{Ueilca* which it will then he too
late to remedy. The gravity of the
'altuatlon must he my exuuae. The
moat liu|>orluiil step at thla moment la
the restoration of government credit
by repladug the gold reserve iu the
treasury beyond i|ue*tiou. This ouce
accomplished uoulideuue both at b'<me
aud abroad In the slaollity of our cur
rency will be restored After uiy recent
visit to Washington I became convinced
that any legislative action to Improve
the method* at the disposal of ilea
executive W«k unlikelyi ill fact, iIMpo*
alble I therefore took steps to e*c«r
tain whether It would be poastbie
to obtain tha eo operation of narlirs nt
home aud abroad to an extent that
would enable me to negotiate a con
‘tract with the gwre>niii«ul for the tele
of 111* million ounce* of gold, approx
imating mu milium* of dollar*, on
about the base of th* contract wf I eb
ruary x, !**&. In tbit xlfort I have
been successful and am nuw In a |-<*'
lion to wake such a contract for lb*
full iMimat t do not hesitate t» ef
Iim that emit * contract would ta ev
ery way be for the beat Inter**!* of the
wovernmenl and the people, would ba
followed by lea* derangement of the
money market m i of ll*l. la fact
all interest*. tn»iud ug foreign e«
ebange* W'-uld be benefited I urge
yo«r seriou* considi lati.m **f eueh a
euutraet. At the same lime I ***»*#
a it* the affect of legislation whteli ha*
been prupo*ed and the discussion*
tkeieupou I* hotu Houses of t impress.
all nf whwh might lead you to hesi
tate to make a private eoutieei an t
enaesgaentlf. la ttew uf ta* gratliy
d ike xUaaUee I feat heaed w *av
that if after a conference, in which
I can more fully lay the
matter before you ami without ex
pressing any confidence in such a mode
of procedure in face of previous fail
ure* of siiuilsr attempts, but recog
nizing as I do that tin- responsibility
of decision lie* with you I pledge to
you every influence and cfT-iri in my
power to assist the government in Its
eft: <rt to make successful a negotiation
by public advertisement which shall
result in a sale to the treasury of
11,600,000 ounces United states gold
coin (8700,000.000) and further, I will,
so far as I possibly can. take snch
steps as wilt enable the syndicate
wbinh ' represent to Join in making
tha negotiation vnRcassful to its full
“Awaiting the Indications of your
plsssurs I remain, respectfully yonrs,
J. I’ikhpost Mono AW.
Tha Tasas Senator Hectare* lllm*alf In
• Puiillr Hppmrh.
Wasiiisorow. .Ian IS. —Mr. Nhcrman
secured the floor shortly after the ses
sion of the Hrnate begun 'o-day and
presented an adverse report on tha
bill prohibiting citizens of the United
(states from accepting any titles, dec
orations, etc., from foreign nations
Mr. beer mu n said there appeared to
be no need for the proposed legisla
tion and tha consideration of the bill
was Indefinitely postponed.
I lie reported favorably a Joint reso
lution appropriating 875,000 for the
expanses of the commission engaged
1. S.I....1I.. I.I.... 1...1.. AI...I. .
and Hrltlah America along the line of
the 141st meridian of West longitude.
There was some objection to irn me
diate consideration of the measure,
hut on Mr. Hherman’a statement that
the commission now at work would
have to su*|M-nd operations unless the
appropriation was given, the resolu
tion was passed
Mr. Mills of Texas, Democrat, then
took tin- floor in support of his renolu
tion, introduced yesterday, concern
ing silver, bonds, etc, lie spoke ex
I ternporancously and was given close
attention. I|c first drew attention to
the long continued antagonism to sil
ver and the present locking up of the
accumulation of silver in tin* treasury
vaults, one lie said, to the powerful
corporation influence in this country
claiming the prerogative of issuing
money to expand and contract as they
pleased. The National hank idea was
not a Democratic idea, the Democratic
policy favoring the retention by the
government and the people of tbe
money-making prerogative.
Mr. Mills showed the expansion*
and contractions of the circulation
made by hanks and said this system
was now to he perpetuated by further
issues of bonds. He spoke about an
hour. At. the conclusion of his speech
Mr. Peffer took the floor on the bond
bill. _
President KruKsr Hslsys l.#*lsl»tlon
Until Meat Mar
Pwctoma. Jan. 10—The volkaraad
met yesterday and authorized the gov
ernment to Increase the state artillery
force by 40b men. A message wa*
read to tbe volkaraad from President
Kruger to tbe effect that he Intend* to
discuss with the Hand in later and
calmer moment* the cause which
led to the dastardly plot
against the state and govern
ment. He was firmly resolved
the message said, to maintain the sa
cred rights and interests of the Re
public and to establish the same on a
firmer and securer foundation. The
brief sitting of the Volkaraad then ad
journed till May. Owing to the ex
cited feeling among the burghera.
calm and dispassionate legislation in
connection with the recent events was
considered impossible.
Dr. Jameson und the ofllcer* of his
raiding expedition and political pris
oners, numbering sixty, are still in
the jail here and are well cared for
pending the final decision between
Sir Hercules Robinson and the Trans
vaal government as to their fate.
Hank Cashier AeqnlttaiL
Chili,n.oTHK, Mo., Jan 16—In tbe
Circuit court yesterday the jury, by
direction of Judge Hroaddus, rendered
a verdict of “Not guilty’’ in the case
of the State against Charles D. ilurx
thul, late cusbier of the Hank of
Dawn, charged with receiving deposit*
when the hank was in a failing condi
tion, ______________
Harrises Will Wad,
Nxw Yoiia, Jan. 10. —The state
ment was given out last night by a
close friend of tleneral Harrison that
it was true the ex-President was to
marry Mrs. Dim mock, but that the
niurriuo a* lamiltil lint t M Lf «* n I It ('<4 IftfeffirM
I.enl, uinl that a formal announce
ment of tlir engagement would be
made before that time.
Imll.'int fur KiuliMiltwiial.
Kmii.iv Jan in -Tha trial of R. K.
Kueeln. the American horaemaii.
charged with fraudulently entering
tile mare llnthel In raewa under the
name of Nellie Kueeln. reunited lu a
Verdict of guilty. Kneeha w«» yen
teneed to nine munlha' ImprieuU ureal,
to |uty a fine of 1,'MMi murka aud to
three Jreare’ loaaof Ida civil right* lu
addition the mare wua eotittaeated
IruMellaai la I a# Heaa*
WaaMiawrua, Jan In In the llouae
to-day Urn speaker announced the up
iwlatmenl of tlr. Allen of I tali to the
committee oa ■mtelht land* in place of
Mr t arlia, of Kauaaa. realgued
Thea on motion of tV A stone of
ISiNni) leeaia 'Ire hovtae Mewl into coin
valuer ot the whole mm the prnaiue
appropriation hill,
fal t oaai l>»l»a..a
iVtauiaoioa ,>aa It Meaator
ieslge introduced an emeadwrat to
the fortlheatlona appropriation hill,
aalhoriaing a popular i i«er eent eoia
loea for »|un.ii«u.ut»", the prucecda to
he wand ill providing toy the defeuae
of the royal, toy the muuufacture of
taaa aad the erection of furl* aw-l
alter io
IkoOt. pot t|*a n»wiaw**4 •« »»o
F»#a» aiiivtt. Arh . dan l® fudge
l*e*her ana taw red t her.rhre Mill to he
haage<l on I u.aday. the Ulh »t March
thrrokee *a> once hefore awn vetoed
to death, hat hia raw »** appealed lu
the *wpr»n»e court »l tha I altad
Mia tea. where the )adgawat af the
lower wart eii a Ml* wed
ft* !'*•••»**•. Wf»l**li Mr#m* A •■!» r«*<l In ll»*
Ifou*#. NffMI Million* !• |h* N*tll*fl of
OklftliOMit MrrMarf Unlit h l<**li»
Tpon It Mltli fll*»|>|»mvnl *n4 Will
0|i|iom If
O»o<f S* m m for Mtlliri.
. Washington, .Iso lit.— After a hot
light, In which it seemed likely that
“free homes' would lose the day, Dele
gate Klynn of Oklahoma carried hit
“free homes''hill successfully through
the public lands committee of the
House to-day.
Mr. Lacey of Iowa preparad a bill
similar In ita terms to that of Mr, ;
Klynn, except that it waa general in
Its spplicstlon and not restricted In
its operation to Oklahama settlers
Mr. Lscey's bill was tsken up for con
sideration first. Mr. f'urtls of Kansas
at once moved an amendment provid
ing In substance that where the gov
irnm«Bt had not yet paid Indians for
the lurid entered by settlers and was
counting upon the proceeds received
from the settlers to make the payment
to the Indians, from whom the lam'
was purchased, such lands should he
exempt from the operation of the
“free homes'' bill, which relieves the
settlers of the payment of anything
bevoud tiie ordinary lund office fee*
J im amendment was hotly debated,
I’lckler, Flynn, Lacey, Lurtls and
oilier* participating. The effect in
Oklahoma, for Instance, where the
greater part of the purchase price of
several millions remain* unpaid, would
he to compel the settler* to reimburse
the government for the cost of the
land Mr Flynn'* hill relieve* tlntui
of the whole of it, Ho much division
of opinion was developed by tlie dis
cession that the hill and the proposed
amendment were laid over until the
next meeting.
Mr. Flynn's hit), practically the
name as Mr. Lace*'*, except that It
was restricted to Oklahoma, was then
considered, lie told how It had been
unfavorably reported to the last con
gress, owing to partisanship, and then
sa>d: "Now, gentlemen, the only
question is, have we enough Repub
lican vote* to pass this bilP.’ I think
we have. ” The committee at once or
dered Mr. Flynn to report the meas
ure favorably, McRae of Arkausa* be
ing given lime to make a minority
report if he chose. The hill is very
brief, but It mean* many millions of
dollar* to Oklahoma -there being
thousand* of settler* who are each re
lieved by it* provisions of the pay
ment of several hundred dollars
Here I* the text: "lie It enacted by
the Henate and House of Representa
tives of t he United States of America,
in t 'ongres* assembled, that all aett'era
under the homestead laws of the
United Htate* upon the public lands
acquired by treaty or agreement from
the various Indian tribes in the terri
tory of Oklahoma, who have, or shall
hereafter, reside anon the tract en
tered In good fattfi for the jierlod
required by existing law, shall be
j entitled to a patent for the land
so entered upon the payment, to
1 the local land officers of the usual and
customary feee, and no other or fur
ther charge of any kind whatsoever
ahall be required from such settler to
entitle him to a patent for the land
Covered by his entry: provided, that
the right to commute any such entry
and pay for said land*, in the option
of any settler arid in the time and at
the prices now fixed by existing laws,
ahall remain in fall force and effect
"Section 2 That all act*, or part*
of acts, inconsistent with the term*
and provision* of this act are hereby
The interior department w.U oppose
ita'rongly, although the committee
to-day did not show the secretary
even the scant courtesy of waiting for
the opinion it ha* pretended to solicit
The SM-ielx Will Nat H* Allowed to
Ulslrlbate K«H«f In Armenia.
Washixutom, Jan. 16 —The Turkish
legation gives out the following offi
cial communication:
"The imperial government will not
permit any distribution urnong bis
subject*, in hi* own territory, by any
foreign society or individual*, how
ever rcsfiectable the same may be (a*,
for iustance, the Red ( rus* (Society),
of money collected abroad.
"Hneli interference no independent
eoveriiiucnt has ever allowed,especial
ly when the collection* are mude on
*V * . m .t.i -.11.... 4 l_
pulilir meetings by irreconcilable ene
mies nf the I rui n and religion,
and *m the basis of false aecusationa
that Turkey repud.ate*.
"tiesides, the auldiuie pork) i» mind
ful of the true interests of It* subject*
and, distinguishing between the real
ataie of tilings and tin- calumnies and
wild exaggerations of Interested or
fanatical (.allies, will, as It ban doue
heretofore, under Its own legitimate
control, alleviate Hie wants of all
Turkish subject*, living in certain
provinces, Irrespective of ureed or
race "
A a»| si la Iren ants a t kl«**a I Ids!
Pansy, okl* , Jan i* — Johnny
Itrowu. aged lo years, son of W W,
Ilmwa, shot and hilled a ehiehea
thief Sunday night Th» hoy's father
was away from home and Mm Hi wa
t.*.* her sun and gun tu watch the
ehieheu ho»ae, as thieve* had played
harm? for sum# ttm- Ah ut mid*
night a wan raler.d and hegna to
f ather In poultry The hoy shot him
a the brv csb
Isms* Mao lianasO Miswl*
Ton a* has Jan It Jacob
hhafer an em#i# of «h* topaha la.
sens axiom committed son-id* by
hanging lie n**d« a ropa of Ihe
thaat of hi* Iwd and swung out uf the
window In view of a «W* of people
lie wa* dead when ismsmI
Psaanytsvlsa ***♦•*• «»».*» 4,
lew tvosis* l at - Jan IA»Ueet
#*«tai college was homed taeterdej
tew* I’s.tie, insuranee 111 wc the
college wa* built and con I roiled hy
the iVvwhytariaaa the hu ldiag Mis
Uriel loss
El-On?. Enrihur of Ohio Elected to Hn«<
reed Hrlre.
Cof.rmina, O.. Jan 1&.~ KxOovemor
Joseph It. Koraker was practically
elected Senator to-day. The Joint
hellot will he held to morrow, but
will lie a formality a« the vote In the
two houses to-day assures Koraker’e
In the Senate. Koraker received 'JO
votes for United States Senator; lirice,
0, and Oeorge A Oroot, I'opuliat, I.
In the House the vote stood: Kor
aker. 17: lirice. 21: John If. Thomas,
Springfield. I; Mr. Oage, I; Judge
lllamlln of Cleveland, 1; Lawrence T.
Neiil, I. all of whom except Koraker,
err Democrats Koraker received the
full Republican vote.
Speaker Slee;ier in the House, after
he vaceled the chair, said he would
name a Republican from Ohio to suc
ceed Mr. Krlce. Sherman, since the
war, had hail a Democratic colleague,
but Ohio proposed to “break tha
record with a record breaker." (Ap
plause.) There had been no caucus;
none was needed; Korakar’a face end
voice were familiar in every countv of
Ohio. Ha bad run for governor four
times and though defeated twice ha
appeared to-day In the phenomenal
position of being the people's cholee
without a caucus
Senator llysell. in presenting tha
name of Mr. lirice, made use of
words, extolling the Senator as though
he were a "sure winner." The Senator
was not asking the compliment of this
vole, but was the Democratic Senator
from Ohio, lie had never been silent
when the voice of ills party nad called.
Joseph Henson Koraker was horn
July 6, 1**1, on a farm In Highland
county, Ohio. July 14, IM2, when only
past his • ini i unity, ne enusv
ed ss the first private In Company A,
Klghty-ulnth Ohio infantry, and was
made orderly sergeant of the company
for having secured the most recruits,
lie was promoted to ho first lieutenant
in February, i«*il, and commanded his
company at Mission Ktdgo. He was
with his regiment in the arduous
snd bloody eainpuign which culmi
nated at Atlanta, and waa an aide on
the staff of Major General Slocnm of
New York, during the march to the sea
and the brief and brilliant campaign
from Savannah to the Carolina*. lie
was mustered out, tlie last man in hia
regiment, June 13, I8d!», with the
brevet rank of captain. He wa* not
then quite UO years old. He immedi
ately resumed hi* atudle*. and no weii
made up the time *p«ul in the army
that he graduated with honors from
the Cornell university in 1889, and wae
admitted to the bar in <Cincinnati tbe
fall of the same yaar. He was mad*
chief supervisor of elections for
the Southern district of Ohio in left,
with tlie full approval of bis political
in April, 1879, In hi* thirty-third
year, he was elected to the superior
court bench of Cincinnati for five
years, but server! only three, when he
was iarumi to resign by ill health.
He had won golden opinions, and wae
urged to take a vacation of six months ,
to recuperate, but he refused. In
1883 be was nominated for governor
by the Republican party, but waa de
feated by Judge Hoadty. In 1185 he
ran again for g tvernor againat Judge
Hoadly, whom lie defeated, lie was
re-elected in 1887, and in 1889 was
beaten by James K. Campbell, who
was the predecessor of William Mc
Mr. Foraker is an able speaker and
baa taken a prominent part in several
national conventions.
H* Say* That. Sherman Is a VInane*
Napoleon Near III* Waterloo.
Wasiiimotox, Jan. I #. —Senator Mor
gan's speech on the ulvor bond bill
was tlie event of tbe Hen ate yesterday,
although a sharp personal colloquy
between Mr. Hill, Mr. liutler and Mr.
Pritchard enlivened the early hours.
Mr. Morgan frequently addressed him
self personally to Mr. Sherman, who
■at across the aisle, and for two hour*
arraigned the Ohio senator for tbe
series of financial acts with which he
is identified. At times Mr. Morgan
was bitterly personal, lie referred to
Mr. Hhermau as the Napoleon of
fiuance who wa* near his Waterloo,
anil who would be consigned to St.
Helena. In the main, however, tbe
speech was a scholarly presentation of
tne silver question. Mr. Uill’s oollo
quy with the two North Carolina sen
ators brought out considerable discus- •
siou of tlie New York senator's polit
ical consistency, and was amusing to
tlie galleries for the sharp sallies and
witty rejoinders during the triangular
tie bate.
The vice president laid before tbe
senate a letter from the secretary of
tlie treasury in reply to a resolution of
Inquiry presented by Mr. 1‘effer as to
whether »lc>o,ooo,000 In gold had at
auy time beuu set apart from other
funds. The horrelary states that this
him never hcimi done, mere uemg no
provision of law authorising it.
: liiraaM lh|i« i« Peel This t'Mltrr'l
l ouipnliluu la M*»ufaelur*d IommI*.
W ssiiixuroN, Jan 15. Uermany la
beginniug to fear the Uulted Mate* as
her greatest competitor in the world's
•out hr I*. United (state* Consul Warner
at t'ologae, Herman), make* this trade
rivalry the subject of e speeiai report
to the Mtaia department, end he
quotes freely from the iiermeu new*,
papers end technical paper* to show
that the Hermau* are thoroughly
alarmed at the outlook The Herman
government, owning the railroad*,
has been warned that U mast da
everything possible bv cutting rate*
on raw materials and reporting lo aht
the Herman manufacturer, or see the
foreign trade soger at the hand* of
t tope 'oca have best* placed la M*Vn*
an herhnr It <• tuggeeted that tpala
fear* United Mate* laterfereae*.
t he llough bl -eh end sseeral build
lag* la the bv.iaeo* district of *ey
m 'Or, lad., were horned Imaa pd,*
' mat
The Man Antonio Mo Ildar*' Meffdy
com pea*. *•* of the lergaet leather
A«H>» of the «fc.oth west, mail* a*
Arraagemeata her* • nelly hath
mad* to eohmlt the North#** Ml*
teag'e to the supreme arart of the
Ueitad stole*