The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 17, 1896, Image 6
_ _ rHAl'TER II vOisrisratM Ralph had Invlled a couple of young gentlemen with their »l*ter* up from the city and Mine Ireton came over to the Rock with a gay party of her own friend*. Boating, picnicking, hunting, flithlng and atrolllng In the wood* filled up the daya, and In the evening they had dancing and mttalc and couveraa tlon, MU- Ireton professed a great at tachmcfit for Ague*, lint toward Marina ahe wn* a)way* froety, though *u(Tl clently gracious to avoid attracting at tention. Ralph aaw plvl.ily whither hi* mother «u drifting. Hhe had *ct her heart upon bU making Imogene hi* wife. Hhe had never told him ao, In Just ao many word*, hnt bar every act apoka her de sire Ralph loved hi* mother, and he moat devoutly wished to know whether he loved Mia* Ireton. Hometime* when ahe mi beside him. her faced drooped, her eye downcast, her fragrant breath warm on hi* fac#, be fancied she was all Ui*« woiid to mm, arm uien » tone of Marina’s sweet voice would dis pel even l b<- memory of Imogene'* pres ence. One tunny afternoon, the party at the Rock went for a ramble down the ■bore. , Imogene, swinging her straw hat on her *rm, walked by the side of Ralph. Growing far down In a cleft of a lock, she spied a hunch of purple flowers. Hhe claped her hand* with childish glee, "What lovely blossoms' Such a per fect shade of purple' How I wish I had them for my hair! My heliotrope* are ugly by comparison!” And *he tore the odious things from her massive braids and crushed them In her hand. Mnnfna, too, was looking down at the coveted flowers. Ralph stepped toward th>*m, l»nde Graham and Mr. Ver gteln ttotb spoke together. "Don’t go, Trenholme! It looks dan gerous!” Ralph laughed, "OalltMM gentlemen, to think of dan ger where a lady’s gratification I* <on cernsd' I count myself fortunate to he sllofoil the privilege of risking so little for m much!" I reton blushed with triumph hi trigs’>• eye* were downcast. I*^ph swung himself over the cliff. Botnthe girls advanced to look over. He (aibered the blossoms, put them iu bis Brsoxu. and prepared to return. But he plaopd hi* foot on an Insecure atone, It gavevway, and he was precipitated downward. A clump of spruce broke, somewhat, his fall, but those who looked over the brink hardly dared hope Aat there was anything but death beneath! Miss Ireton fell hack, pale and trem unrig. A Kill* IOHI ail CUUSCIUUBIICBB III • swoon, but Marina leaned over, and called Into the depth*, with her clear, aoft voice: "Mr. Trenholme!” She always called him *o now. Tt was no longer Ralph, a* of old. There warn on reply. She rose up, pale hh death, but there waa no tremor In her voice a* she said: '•Dr. (Jraham, we must get him up. There are rope* anil a boat a few rod* above.” (Ira ham was off for them and back again In a moment. The gentlemen looked at each other Inquiringly. There wan no way to reach Trenholme, save by descending the face of the cliff. Marina took an end of the rope and made It fast around her waist. They read her purpose in her eye* and strove lo dissuade her. hut she answered, calmly: “•'Nof T can go beat of all. Y >ur strength will he needed to draw us both tip And 1 have lived among the e cliffs from childhood.” They offered no further resistance, hut lowered her carefully down She touched the hand of Ralph Treuholme It warm. Her heart gave a great hound She knew that he lived. She disengaged the rope and put It about him and In rapid succession both were dr^wu up to their friends. Trenliuime was only stunned, and the motion revived him He rose to bis f»to and look the llower* from HU bosom, Some deep purpose glowed In his eye*. He turned to Marino who stood a little apart • They ate children of the salt spray, like yourself, Marina,” he said "Wear them and do ms honor ” Pus colored slowly, bowed her grace ful head, and fastened them In her curl* Imogene'a eyes flashed danger sully hot her voice was cool a* she said '‘Hoar me, how pretty* Hut purple Is hardly becoming to a blonde, though an oit# object* to purple end gold I believe." liter that Ralph devoted himself to Mer«ae and not all the blandishment# of the black-oyed syrea could wta him •from hie allegiance time eeiy. she tried petpsblv la bring bun h«< h M* had promised to tea. h Marina a new mot* In chewo. that nigh' promised ta tbs bearlae of lmeg«ne S* he wae I paaalng the conaervatory on hla way to ; the llttl* room occupied by the glrla In common, he heard bla name called: "Mr. Trenholme." He knew the voice at once, and went to Imogene "lan't it a perfect night?" ahe aald, looking out Into the clear moonlight. "It la ao aweet. It makea me reafleaa. I I wlah you would go and walk with me on the cllffe. Will you?" 8he put her hand on hla arm and looked up at 1 him with her matchlcaa eyea. He dropped her hand gently from hi* arm. "Thank you," he aald quietly. "It would afford me much pleaaure. hut I have engaged to play a game of che*a with Marina. I will acrid Verateln or fir. Oraharn to you.” What a look ahe flashed upon him! , Her eye* fairly shot lightning, her face 1 wa* like a thunder cloud. Hhe cloaed her email hand alowly; the action waa eignlflciiot, hut the voice In which ahe replied waa cool and even: "Oh! of courH'i I would not Interfere with any prevloue engagement. You need not trouble either of the other gentlemen. On aecond thought, I muat go to my room and flnlah a letter which ought to have gone thla morning. Au i revlor." And ahe awcpt away. CHAPTfSlt III, HKlft game of i cheaa over, Tren holme drew Marina out upon the we*t eru piazza, and from thence to the path leading to the cl Ufa. They walked on allently, aa peo ple do whoae, heart* beat aa one walk ed on, her hand In bla, unheeding that the sweet night bad changed, and that the cold wind wa* glooming the aky with black cloud*. They aat down together on a broken fragment of rock that aeemed to lean out, llatenlng to the murmur of the aca. Trenholme put hla arm around Marina. "My child," he aald, "you have known me a long time. Do you truat me?" She looked up Into hi* face with the confl fence of a child. “Yes, Ralph, an 1 truat no other." "I am glad. Because 1 want you for my wife. I love yob. I have loved you. I think, ever since the sea cast you up at my feet, and now I want you wholly my own." She did not reply, only looked at him, In a little tremulous flutter of wonder, her innocent heart shining through . her eyes, "Marina, I am waiting for you to speak." "But. Ralph. I have no name," she sighed. "I have given you mine once, now I offer It to you for all your life!” "But your mother?” "My mother Is proud, but she loves me. And she will love my wife. Ma rina, answer me, dear.” "What shall I say?” "Tell me If you love me - If you trust me enough to give yourself Into my keeping?” His face was bent to hers. She put her arm timidly around his neck. "I do love you. Ralph,” she said softly, "more than all the world! And I have been so wretched, thinking you cared for Miss Ireton!" "My little Marina! .Miss Ireton Is inag ilftcent, but 1 do not love her. You are my light. Nothing shall divide us.” He took her in his arms, and pressed ! his lips to hers. Just then the storm burst over them. The thunder crashed, the lightning . gleamed blood-red uthwart the heav * ens. Trenholme caught Marina up, and hounded lightly from rock to rock up I the circuitous path to the house. Just across the end of the piazza lay the fallen form of the old sycamore tree 1 that had for years waved over the east- j ern gables, rent and riven Into splint- | ers by a fiery thunderbolt. Martua , grew pule as death and shivered when she saw It. "O Ralph! Ralph!" aha cried, cling iiik to him. "It I* an omen! He kiaaed her, to eoothe her feare, 'My darling' It I* nothing. The light tilug like* an old tree, end thin hen kept i guard here lor agea Uo not give It a ! thought, To-night I »hall epeak to my mother dleep well, dear: remember you belong to me." lie left her el the door of her iliem tier, whli h we* In the eeet wing, on the weeond floor end whoae Uay window* had alway* been eliaded by the greet tree now felleu Neither Itnlph nor Marine had «e»n j erouehlng under the fallen trunb. the | weird futm that looked at them out of' greet, revengeful eyee. that rlutehed ' lie while baud through the gloom mut , lertng boerwely "My Hour will eome' end then t*» were'" M trine erept Into bed. trembling el the Aerie raging of Ihe etorm tel Ailed wttb a atrange delight Her llpe yet thrilled with hta kleaea, ah* held her hand* tenderly lo her heert. beta nee j hi* Angeia had ptaead them Halgh eeni into hta mother* little j private boudoir He found hot anting ther* alone aa h* had eapeeted He I weal at the aubjeel at om«l ' Mother Marine I* to he wi wife " i * She at a red and grey pale aa 4 What ahe had mi long dreaded X come. "Well?" ahe aald. a tittle haugl. "i aak you to accept her aa a <!*• ter, and to love her. If not for hen aake, at leant for mine. And abf nerven even your love. In Juatlre ty merlin," "Partiality may Influence your f , Ion In regard to Marlna'a vlrtneaj ; I have nothing to urge agalnat character. I helped to form It mi 1 Ralph, I have feared thla for a : time, but I hoped for a different ri 1 am frank with you. I had aef heart on neelng you the huab*it Iraogene freton. She la beaiitlfulj la your equal In wealth and rank j more, «he love* you!" "Mother!" "I know you think, my non, that I woman ahould never betray anot nerreta. And perbapa ahe ahould Hut I hoped thla fact might bavj influence with you." "And It haa not. I love only Mg —none other. And ahe lovea Mother, will yon accept her aa II you ?" "Ralph, how can IT I am of a pi race | i>e||eve in blood. And thla haa not even a name!" "Hhe will have mine. It la an hoi able one. No fairer lady ha* ever W It; and the world knowa many » and lamutIful women have horn worthily," "Will nothing move you, Ralph?’ "Mother, worda are uaeleaa My ft la fixed. Porglve m<- If I xecm und ful, for In loving Marina I have ceaaed to love my mother, but In ft rlage love ahould lie lirat alwaya.' He aank down on one knee bel _* A i _ i.... A <. I.m 4 a* be uaeit to do, when a child he r* to have til* llttlo trouble* *oolb*d aw "Mother, dear, blee* me, and proa to love Marina." He looked up Inio ber far#, and look conquered, HI* eye* were I lbomo of bl* dead fattier, Mbe bent e him and kl***rl hi* forehead, her f wet with tear*. He und«r«tood the | lure, and went away from her conU The next day at dinner, the engi merit wa* announced, CHAOTBR IV. HK preparation* the wedding of heir of Trenhol bouse were on magnificent mu M r *. Trenhol having one* yt ed, would do generou* thing, Marina would ' married with the pomp and c , mony that would have given to Ague* in the « r;a*e. The gentle bride took very llttljj I tercet in the preparation. Hbe q beet to *lt out on the cliff* with It-wl' her hand In hi*, her sweet eye* Ida lag out to »ea from whence *bc c«» to him. And *o the bll**ful tt'im/rf day* went by, and brought nigh tl twentieth of September, the time » apart for the bridal. Ml** Ireton had been profuse In hi congratulation*, and It wa* by Marlar own reque*t that *he came over to t Hock a week before the wedding ds to a**l*t In varlou* Item* of the brld< trousseau. And *he wa* to be brld< maid and remain until they had i forth on their wedding lour. The twentieth arrived, clear a r loudlea* and bland. A large party h a**embled at the Rock two or tin day* prevloiiHly, and wa* mode * larger by con*tuntly arriving relnfor merit*, The ladiett-ln-walt!ng i drenaed the bride and left her to h »elf. The hour-hand on the great cl« In the hall pointed to ten. It wa* hour aet for the ceremony. The bl*l I came forward In hi* robe*. Mr*, Tr I holme Mpoke to the brlde*mald* a* 4 stood in a group before her. (tO M OOMTItfOKP,) 1 ... I PREPARATION OF MEATS. WrilMHli lir VVlil,'li file Eremli lliil, Kllcl In Tlielr fulling. Hu teller*' meat (in France) la pared, divided and arranged in aliopa in auch a manner that It n nuggeat* alaualiler. It la a rare t fur one to »ee a ataln on counter, I* or lloor. The mode of killing the mala probubly hua unmet lung u with thla freedom from molature dripping. Marla Farina, In an at on "The Science of French Took in the I.adieu' Home Journal, aayi animal* are not hied before lieiug k aa might lie inferred from the ubi of molature. but they are billed III a manner that vein* aud arierlei emptied quickly and thoroughly. , thla the animal la bouffee, (hat la. with wind The large arterlea \ preaaed open and the poinu of j bi-llewa are Inaerted Into ilium ' the bellow* are tielng worked a t beat* all part* of the iar«*ag w , flat atlik Thla la i« dlairibulu t In alt part* of the tte»b, All thla la done Very rapidly The ill Hal (ha animal In thla manner give* i cf aud Bfiller appe«uab>< to the anJ. I fancy, emptlea the vein# a terlea more effectually than they I otherwlae he The French nae little tee. and menu are kept only day* at the m -*i Tu# teat uf 11 Franca do** not compare wag i < can beef but the veal I* roper I anythin* we Have It la valued > highly than aav other product > butcher Itut no matter what the I when It come* to the hand* of th i It la ao prepared that the haa bn i " w d« In a eacapi la cook li Five ckartera wars **k*d *t ■ , N I* tnat month In onto Tb* Young Man'* Incipient Mui< tacit*. A young man whom we ehall call Jtrfford*. when he wan twenty year* old, went to vieit hie grand mot tier, a very old lady, whom he hail not teen eince he wa* a hoy of ten year*, Mhe, of couree, remembered him ae a boy, and did not realiim that lie wa* a young man. The down on the young man’* upfier lip had giv*n place to a brown ehade of eoniethmg that prom ieed in time to liecom* a real mu* tiM'he, and very proud wae Jo* of f hi* production, though he could not eu dure that any comment* ehould he mail# upon it by hi* friend* On* of hi* grandmother’* rhildleh weakneeee* wa* a ( onelanl fear that there were ranrerou* tendenciee in her •yetem. and that fort hi* rea <ou prob ably ehe wa* alway* watihiug for •uch tendencie* in oilier pensile, The Afternoon of Joe * arrival, twelve or fifteen young Indie* of the neiglihorhood hail met aL grandma Jefford’e to tack a pair of comfort* for her. They were full of life and fun, and were laughing and chatt lug around the ipiiltlng trainee when Joe arrived, The eight of *o many *t range gtrleem harraeeed the young man greatly, hut lie finally muetrrrd up courage to en ter the room, and *ay,~ "Mow do you do, grandmother?" "Who he you?" a*ked th* old lady, "hading her dimmed eye* with one hand, and trying In get a diet met view of Joe "W hy? Don't you know me, grand mother? I'm your eon Robert'* boy, Joe," "What, little Joe?" The young Ituli"* giggled, and Joe, who W«» five feet eleven, looked *h»*p i*b, hut replied, "Not eo very little now, grandmoth- i ir," The old lady’* eyc-ight wae almoet gone, Mhe could not i le/ulv eee oh- i at n dixt/ince nl even two or Hire* fed "('out* her*, Joey," #h« mini. Joe croMMM) the room, ami ah to d by tne lounge on which hi* grand mother mm ’yihg, "Why, kiK'd down, Joey, #o that I i'un #ee you better," Jo* knelt down, Hi* grandmother looked at him with -* r diin eyte, unable to realize that .Inn n<d changed from a hoy to t,h* tall fel ow that he wa*, flut Joe wa# great y emharra»»"<J, and heartily wi*hed hat he or thoxe girl# had etayed at lOiri*. After a few plearant word*,I ha >ld lady #uddenly rai»ed hernelf, and rried out,— "Joey! Jo#*ph Jefforda!" "Ye*, grandmother," "What’# that on your upper Up, < !b«d?" Joe felt a tlame of fire #Weep aero** li* face, and the (x-rapiration cam* >ui on hi# forehead. "It/#-it'# nothing," he#tamm«red. "Nothing' How can you #av that? Something i# the matter with your i ip What i# it?" Urged to d*#peration, poor Joe rtammer*d ont, "Why, grand mol her. t'm—it'#—my mu#taeb«"' Her* thegirl# giggled. The old lady wa# nearly deaf, a# rail a# half-blind. "What dwi you lay?" #he a#ked. "Jt’a rny muatoche!" Joe #houted, | ,i# face a deep rrinmon. With a#igti of reli/-f, but with a qui fc niriile on her face, the old lady \ eaned back on her pillow#, raying,— , "I# that all? I wa# ateered it. might. \ >e a earn er. Anyhow, it, looked a* if i hud humor wa# breaking out." Joe begged to be excused, Maying hi# ioree needed looking after, and hnr- i iediy left tiie bou*«, amid t he miijc ! ire»*ed laughter of the girl#. He did lot enter that room again, hut found t convenin' to in Ik with grandpa n the barn, until he knew that "tbo»* iggling girl# bud gone home." Better Hiay at Home, The Bo»ton Record ha# been doing t# bent to put to flight #ome fond ittle illuMion# which American girl# of 1 mall mean# indulge in in regard to oing abroad and Niipporting them el va* while they study music, or paini ng, or language. Home of theta maid us imagine it t lie easieet thing possible 0 obtain pupil* in Knglish and launch hemselvee into a si range land with ut money to live upon, but with a ublime I'oiiihleticein their own powers, illicit often brings them grief, Kor it 1 true i hat American* have not the rpiitation among the careful foreign natron* which will lead to their ein iloymeut when an Kngli*hwoman can >e had. Nor i* I Sere the opportunity 0 earn money by foreign < orresnond nce t bat many believe exist*. There 1 *o lit tie that I* new which the tele rapli leaves lint old, and foreign inode* f living are so well understood now, hat it7* only In rate cases that cor espondent-* is paid for The moral f It all i* that young women new! to «ve the money at hand to pay their , lay hefora going abroad tu study or 0 travel. Vhy th* Farmer Quit Preach* ln«. Chares a pious and Ignorant lamp J r over In Virginia who used to do a It I* extra wot It at preaching, but ha a*n't fur several y*ai* now On In# rcasion of hi* last appearame lie s*. s ted for Ihe bible l*odmg Job1* d* riplmii ol iIn wat lunw, lit wlttru util* III* "II# »aith annum ha ttiimiatl*, Its. ha, and h* sin*li*ili its halt!* alar nit ' The good man ra<i airing with increasing No vor and inpliasl* until Ih» cam* to this, and lien ha i o' It <1 Ilia eeiiieitce lot til, l(« *ailh miiitii. 'he itump't'. May, av and Hut he never got any Hliter Ilian lhal, fm Ihe people, lor riling Ihe earn ily of I lie place, Idler 1 ami iloo w»ni Into emit a lainth list the meeting In oh* up in ddorder nd thefatm*i ipnl I lie pulpit lorever. VI aaiiingtou • ttile • *■■■*■•• ■ - Je«uti stmig tell hi* e!4a* aa wilale aiuial al III iam test Jzpfllll-M IlmilM. Otari'S Uiidlsy Warner la Harper’s Mag as) ns. It la getting to b« very embarrassing, this civlli/at ion, espe* tally to women. VV« ar« accumulating ao mucb, our eatabliabiuenta ara becoming eo com plicated, that dally life le an effort,. There are too many "tiling*." Our houses ars getting 10 its uiuertime. A house now ie a library, an art gallery, a One a bra* shop, a fur niture warehouse, a crockery store, combined It ie a great establish merit, run for the benefit of servants, pin in tiers, furnace-men, grocers, tink ers. Regarded in on* light, it I* a ; very interesting place, ami in another, it Is an eleemosynary institution. | Ws ars accustomed lo consider it a mark of high civilization; tiiat is to say th* more complicated and over loaded w* make our domestic lives, the more civilized we regard ourselves. Now perhaps ws are on the wrong track altogether. Perhaps the way to high civilization is toward sun plicity and disentanglement, SO that th# human bring will he less a slave to surroundings and impediments, and h*v# more leisure for Ins own cultiva tion and enjoyment. Perhaps life on much simpler terms than we now carry it on with would be on a really higher plan# We have been looking at some pict 11 res of J a panes* d wsl 11ngs, inferiors How simple they are1 how little furniture or adornment' how few "things" to care for end in* an* ions about* Now tit* Japanese are a very ancient p«< pie. They are people of high bn dling, polish, refinement, They are in some respects like lb* f 1iines«, who have passed through ages and cycle* of sz psrien*'#, worn out about all tlie philosophic* and religions then on, and come out on the other side of everything. They hav* learned to take tim gs very easily, not to fret, and to get on with out a great many encumbrances that we still wearily carry along. When ws look at the Japanese houses and attbsir comparatively simple life, are we warranted in saying that liny are behind us in civilization? May it not he true that they have lived through ail our ezperieitce, and comedown lo easy modus vivendi? They may have boa their bric-a-brac peiiod, their overloaded establishment ##<■. their varum * measl*-* at.aces ol ci‘, ili/al ion. before they reached a condition in which life i* a comparatively simple affair. Thin thought must strike any one who *e«* the present iliptuiwi craze in tin* country, For in* I <ad of adopting the .Japane*/* simplniiy in our dwelling*, we are adding the .lap aneee eccentric it ie* to onr other *u < u mulafionof odd* an/I end* from ail creation, and ini rearing the incon jymty and the coinpliout ion of our daily life What a neiplc** being i* the hou ewife in the midet of her trea*ure*7 The Drawer ha* had oc caeion to *p*ak lately of the recen* enthu*ia*ni in fhi* country lot th* "cultivation of t he mind," U ha* b< come almost, a faabion. Huh* arc forme/i for tbl* express pnr|>o*s. But what chance I* there for it, in the in crea«ing anxietie* of our more and more involved and overloaded donna tk life? Huppose we have clllh* .lap aneae club# t hey might be called fo> the eimplifiz-ation of ourdwelllng* end for getting rid of much of our err, barra**ini/ met Chinese Superstition*. it tom the Popular Mchnic* Monthly, The superstitious belief* and oh oervance* of the Chinese are number lc**, and they occupy more or lc** the i time and mind of every individual in the nation. Those here recorded ar< common among the people near Bwa tow, / am unable to say how mao/ ( of them are purely local. W'ben a child i* just one month old, the mot her, carrying it in a scarf on her back, induce* it to look town in to a well. Tide l» supposed to have a mentally invigorating effect, prodm ing courage and deep rung the fender standing. A mother feed* her young rfffant from a cup rather than from a bowl or plate, because a howl, being capa- , moils, ha* an occult influence in making the chid a large eater; while a plate being shadow, | i:au*e* mm to throw no hi* food oti ' slight provocation. The cup, being j small and deep, insure* hi* taking hut 1 little lood. and kecnini/ it. for n* -imi- i lation. When tlif child become* ill tit* moth #r gat her* thorns Irom twelve • 1 ril plants and make* an infusion in j which »|»e waedins the child. Imping In i wash the d mease into the witter. Hite ( then carries the water to an open • pace where many people go to and I fro, and there thrown it upon tin j /round. An nhe goen from tier own houne the inhabitant * ol the nt re t ■ J the traverses shut their doom to nre vent the disease from entering icm ! abodes. A woman of my acquaint Slice recently told me that, having no j fear of demons, she did not shut Inn ! tortr when a neighbor | an»cd b < 1 House carrying water in which a child Having fever ami ague had Hint I.. washed,and the very in »td«y sin Inn •ell had • lulls' If a child fail* from a hiith place to the ground spirit money is immediate ly burned upon the spot by the moth •I, to propitiate the demon who i» to null the child down to deetrnction nlau a child ban fallen I laic i« Innger tbat lie may have left In* twelve wit* In the earth an whnh lie fell, no the mother ai once mage* with Iter empty hand the molhm u tipping from the gruuud tu lh* clnld'» •|»e*t, Thu# etl» lejil.lte* in the chilli wlotl might illh«i him In ptimaueutly net ill I In* "oil It a mao tall into a ceepool > Well a long handled dipper m heed In dip out and restore lo lit* I.ttnoio lue MSthiolwnew! then three iheste uf spit it money am thrown Imriiing into the well, and a heave •ton* I* in>t after II. |t ta uidin by In leave mo< h hair on t Imy'e In ad wlwn he nld eno di to sear n quette. therefore llo tu n I (hotthl It* ehaveel no as to leave lint a •mail palrh on lire crown. Auttud tut hair l* »y ml«ilk nf a harden on the head, ami n heavy queue may toon hung the • are tit a family upon die buy thruugh the death wt hts la i tier Beetlast T«|tUWM W««fl r*r Tbat'a w. the editor how* Mr. Mar ket Gardener My. Wall why daa't rou bare them7 Hirnply because you don t Riant Halter's northern grown anode la vegetables are bred to oorllnoM ond they never disappoint you. Hoiaer la tha largaat grower of vegetable*, farm aaoda. graaaaa. elovara. potatoM, ate. ir pm will eat Hill m ana ••■a It with Ido poataga to tbo John A. Hal ■or Head Co,, I>a CroaM, Wla. yon will rocotva their mammoth catalogue aod tea packagoo grains aad graaooa, la cladlng above oata, free. M It la the earn* man who w«i tha wild aata who hae to reap tha ' fop Feed The narva* upon pure Mood. and they will be/onr faithful aarvanta and not tyrannl aslmaster*; you will not lie nervous, but Mirena, obearful aud happy. To bava para blood, and to heap It pure, Uka Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hood’* Pills tMgjfag* * Hundreds erf ladles write ua that they " can't And good Irlndinga la our town," It's easy enough If you ■ 1 SKIkT BINDING. Look for "S, II, A M." on ihe label and take no other, ^ If your dealer will not supply yen wo will. i S«M lot Mrriplei, thowing libel* ee* mils wOel* Im It* ■ U L U / . 1. / S__ . .. *, YwkCHjr. \ < ASK YOUR DIALS* FOR ■ A* ■ R^, ___ _ ¥¥. L. I/OUGLA8 •3. SHOE "VoWd!" U you pay S4 to M (or tium, a* ^n pw •mlno the W. I.. DouyU* Shoo, and 9 •€ «oa what* good ahoo you out buy for ** ■ OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, [CONCH KM*, HUTTON, •ud I.ACK, made In nil klndaid thebeotaelr-rmt a lent bar by ah Iliad work* 1 man. We f maka and •ell mure •3 Uboe. I ban aay • III! •nauufiulurer lu Ilia world. Nona genuine unbiaa name and price la elamped oil llw Urtlom. A*k your daalai lur our l>, •».»», •*.A4I, HU.'10 - l.ia-a, ••.Mi, •• and •1.7ft lie buy,. TMIMUMIltUU II your dealai (annul tupnly you, wild lu far. tory.aai hxfng prha and diianta In par taiitaga hlala kind, alyle M M iiy « plainj, al«a and wldih fiur ( u.l in M*|A trll/hU youi or dru and lor n«» I Hut Italad t alabrgua lu Hea It W. L. DOUGLAS, Brouhten, MM*. ib^i/w-wdouu nurf '■WW HtllHIHI lr wTbraaa , aszs&rrrjh, l