The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 17, 1896, Image 1
Tm Northwestern •*UBM*HKD BVKKV VKibAV *T Till', COUNTV HKAT. uICO K. liol' Kdio/r and PubSiihir. *K..r. ar . t artist --»;ai»a Til* At 50 *«f Tiif U ,» AArm-a But+r»i •» (hi lni|! C% fnsMftss Ur (nil aaitaluu through tfci </.it!» u HIM IfeltUf, OilF BepoMicai NewsDaoer li SSemian COBilr It |* now claimed that the mjftelng link between man and the monkey baa been found, and the claim Keen)a to give aome people « great deal of phuaurr. dual why a man abould feel proud that Ida aucchtor* were monkey* I* a profound my* tery,* Kx. What conhtitnte* a water right in a atrearn for water of domeatic pur ,.u ... ,1 Si. t si. nil* t .t f i. n, i. i i ' ’ ' ' ' —J • In aueb righta? o, u V., Montroae, Colo. Anawer. Tbe right to dl > vert unappropriated wuU-ra of any natural atream for licnefldal n*e* ahall never he denied. Priority of appropriation givea the better right h« between tboae uaing the water for the aatne purpose, but when the water of any natural atrearn are not aufflcfcot for tin; aerviee of all d - ai/Ing the uae of the aatne, tboae! uaing the water for domestic pur poae* have the preference over tboae claiming the water for any other purpoae, atui tboae uaing tin water for agricultural purpoae* have tin preference over tlioae uaing the aarne for manufacturing par pooca, Hoover Field and Farm. mowr. i o* tar coon Would it not be well for the Hupor Viaora of thia county to built one or more auliable bouaca on the county jroor farm and thereby furnish a home ami employment for tboae of our eili/.eiia who are unable to get along without help from the county There la enough money expended every year to aid thia daaa of people, to bmld a good aultahle houae on tbe farm nnrl f/.r e. i I tlila ti/.l t* //,»*♦ la realized to re-imburac the county except the paltry aurn received for rent for the jroor farm which ia leaa than $300, which aum ia inaufflclent to pay the intercut on the inveatroent. Therein a large amount of farm land now under cultivation and employ ment could he furniahed for quite a large number of people. Huch aatep we believe would be highly commend able by the tax-pay era of the county. It would materially benefit them In many waya. The elaaa of applicant# far aid who are jndustrioua would he glad to earn their owu living if pro, vided with aorne kind of employment. There Ia another elaaa who are too Mhiftlcaaand lazy to work if they cun get aid au flleut to carry them “long until a auappreaeuta itaelf whereby they can earn it without too much ex ertion. If we hud a poor bouae and could furuiah employment tliia elaaa V of people would not become eoun ty chaigee. for two reaaoua, flrat be cuuac they do uot care to live in a poor tiouao aud hucauae there U aorne hind work atariug them lit the face. Again there la another cl»»-> «>t people who ara well to do hut who will take aid under tuoat any clrcuiu •taucca It 'hey cau gel it It takca all kind* of |M*op|e to make a wurld aud every community liaa her aharc «d the full variety, Mherman conn ty ia uot excepted, There la atauit 90O a< tea muter cultivation now ou the conntv farm, aud nearly a baud red more can be broke out. The •oil la of the heal quality aud all lull a little "«>fue» ilea under the ditch Krery f*eil Id it eau U> InigatiHl to (imh| a-ii ullage \S a believe that b * IUi' I'latr r .uid iw hit u|w<u where by .tun only a largc aieowut of u>ou ey iambi tie waved yearly (o ike noun ty but a great iuemne cretUI la* real laad from the luvaaitoauh Tt** Noai tl aatraax luvite* a dtaeuaabm el rbt# otlijwi through it# column* tiik mi m Minima, A full day waa apeut by the noun ty board Tueaday and VVedneadat conaidering bida f<«r county printing, Allbida were putin at flrat for b • than .'/() per cent of legal ratoa. From tlic fira'. it we* aaeertalned that (he Monitor** bid, ao far an I wen', waa the cheapeat, toil lea bid Wn vert incomplete, in fuel jt lacked aeveral Important ilema and for Unit reaaoti abould have been thrown out and the next Joweal hid ahould have l«;en entertained. There waa not lliuell djffereiiee ill the NoRTII. wKvraHR and Timea bida, but it ul-o appeared that the Timea bid wo* incomplete, the editor (ailing to atate hia price* on ao®# item# of aietiouery, Till# being the «#ae there waa only one of two thing# left for them to do, and that waa to either award the eon tract to the North wjcaTXHjr or aak the editor* Ur put in new bida, Alt! fatal *tej> they cliooae the latter and that atep will co#t the tax-payera at leaat $*00.00 more than it would have done hail they awarded the contract to the NoRTUWKaTKR*. New bida waaa»k«d for and the reault waa that the Monitor man got mad aud went home, and both Benschoter and Brown raised their bids to the full limit of the Jaw on all legal work, and Bro"». was awarded the contract, but of course this was all right since popdom reigns and Brown run* the “reform paper. Now Pi give the readers some Idea of the difference between the Nor?iiwbstkk*'* first bid and the one under which the contract was awarded we make the following comparison. The North wnsrKir. s bid for printing the court do)fMt was twenty cents per page and, as footsd up by ICte supervisors them selves, tiie work of the year at these figures would amount fioO.OO, Thgy contracted wl'li Brown, to dp tiie work, allowing him 40 cent# per page of $120.00 per year. Our bid for printing election ballots was per thousand; they contrasted with Brown u> print them for $4 00 per thousand AH other item* of ntationery were given him to print at the Mine proportionate advance in price* The Noktbwk*tkk» of fered to do all legal printing for 47 per cent of legal rate* arid thi* dan* of work was giver, to the Tune* at full legal rate*, fin thi* da** of work mere will be a difference of nearly tiro hundred dollar* I* thi* the kind of “reform" that the pop party advocate*. In thi* in*lanee they have certainly prac ticed it whether they advocate it or not. It wa* evident from the atari that the hoard wanted to award the eon tract to the Time* but could oof un der the* because of the blunder it made in Ita bid. A* a result they ask for new bid* and thereby bleed the tax paver* to the tuue of at leaat $400.00 to keep up the “reform" (taper. The lieuver Field and Farm pub li*he* the following eloaaly estima' ed average of crops raised on an acre in Oliro county, Colorado thi* year: Wheat twenty-six bushel*, oat*, thirty seven bushels, rye tbit ty bushels, barley forty bushel*, corn forty-oil* bushel*, beau*twenty I wo bushels, potatoes |UO bushel*, sweet potatoes 110 hnshtd*. peanut* I ,)0 bushels, loittulue* Ino-h« Is, sugar beets twenty two tons, alfalfs ,]%u tons, cabbage sold at two cent* pound, tight tons, eaulaloupes, sale* fur an acre nil $vo4,jju, watermelons, sales for au nu* It it 10, n**t,$nn, to, |u writing a. le nt tits crop* Frank May < f f,a» Junta says -My wheat averaged thii'y sevenbushels, oats font tit* ami corn thirty om Mi swat po (aloes were the it>m«t ui the tik.oi •a* valley and ran over «•»!. bushel* to the m re,11 || J titiwn ul It,, kt Fold **,« - i <nt i -1. t ( | netted #jim an a* to Hear of ail rv pt-ns, • of raising t lo «o coiie|, has certainly distinguish* t iruett in the way of aginulmral develop meat When I commenced trying i ! tion eight year* ago I made a# i blunder* a* it ixp<**«ible to ma : 100 acre* of land, A man win • l ever bad experience in Srrig will si wav* gne*s wrong My i* on< oiuart r of a mile wide have a main ditch running each aide the entire length o| ranch, with a good wagon road iiing rigid down Mm center, pa with the ditchc*. I run my lr ing lateral# out from the*" mu/ndit/die* a* far a# the road, ingjn*< tall enough to make tin | er move, My small furrow* at t,y feet apart, but where the f« )«**, the dltehet could easily b< ed 100 fact from each other, preparing the land in Mil a way surfac/ft between the tlikluw ca fund" perfectly ftmuolb i find that *ix hundred hurra water will Irrigate one acre of A alreatn three feet and alx il deep, with a current running mi lea an hour i* a good head o< ter for one man Mr bat,di# and * rlgate about ten acre* in twelve I My crop* go very nearly ti day*from one irrigation to am but every fifteen or sixteen Wouhl be b' lder, ()f course I Urate after cacti irrigation, keep up our community ditch •n a reran c 01 one ooiiar eacn Irrigating is not near the ex that some <:<•((» to think. It me fifteen cent* an acre to ir each time, I notice that in localities it i« Mill the practice rigate both day and night. I roerly did no bdt now bare a reservoir into which i run the at sight in order to have a bead for the following day, A cannot do good work in night i tion. Farming by irrigation with a water privilege (/eat* farming U rainy countries for many ret) Wc get better price* for what produce and the harvesting is disturbed by rainfall tfpet from my own experience, fari in the arid region is a profl business. I have cut as mac 2&5 ton* of alfalfa hay from set acre* of land. I cut slfalla time* during a season. Moat pie cut alfalfa when too greer bold that first-ciaas hay should tain some matured seed. In opinion the further development the Rocky mountain reglou can be accomplished by means storage reset voir*. In our *c< we have a twelve-acre reservoir Is a successfully store snd u the flood water* in the mou region. They some with violence and carry so touch sedi and drift-wood that a reset voir « soon be (tiled up. There are many mountain str that run a good hnad of water early winter until May ami < The** arc the streams l woalil led to feed storage reservoirs, concluding I will say that the offers good locations to enierpr and industrious farmers who nceupl the leaching* of others a practical irrigation and who enough common aunce to prolii i he mistakes and the ■iiccasm those who were here before t sugagsd In the glorious scisuci IrrittMlIiiit I rtlii uliiili fuMtiiio, »»MHB«.( <n l#uHtl(! ttgrnullura U* tfliirioii* n»ulU now jwwlify trriut'inl"it* * iu ( »jnul. In KtiiCHi ami Ulwir, (ml fnrili liy 1 irrigation piua««r«, Ku I’ani liiin.i Field uni Fano ¥>t»m fi«p t.e.fc, Wnll*W «irm. T II' 'h»t» I. »i h«««« iImIiIhi I iwith It o»t*«l* Krn tt 1 uirPM al l fatm U II It'Hi u*t» <.milis|i *»•.<«* Mp MpIiI* IpniiIIni *H*r tin pi an ml til* alt Mr. M!•*•» lt**##Mr«| • aval t. •<«<■) amt alii |tptl la tie* |pilm<• «•( «lMla» *HI<i* 1*0 Ih' II A M. WN lid' ••• matrix! V at ' •tar. M«v M* (Mill m ii« w a Hurray*, litiuhioM » ' / k GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative ni< n- me to clean e tlie system and keep the til ,-id | 'e. those who take SIMMONS | IVI u BliHJf.ATOf' (liquid or powder) L t ail the. benefits <>1 a mild and pleasant I-, alive and tonic that purifies the blood » d strengthens the whole system. And more than this: Simmons l.iVl k BM.U* I MOi' regulates tl»e Uver. keet-s It a- five Si d I jI'IiVi and when the Uver Is In , i ml condition you find yourself free from Malai la. Biliousness, ie,digestion, Slck lleada-he end Constlp n--n, and rll of that worn out and debilitated feeling. ') (ire are all caused by a sluggish Uver, irod digestion and freedom from stomach trout !' s will only be had when the IIv«r Is i r . ’ i!y at work- It troubled with any ) ,.f |) -nplainf trv SIMMON', I-IVI U , I'M, / 'Ihe King of Uver Mcdi cine - - 1 Better man Bills. ’ iv-r'KAOti' - $(„ li t" -I oil *-r i,:i,tv in.i /♦ Co., I'lil1' . / . L>r. Price's Cream Making Powder Most Perfect Mode, i A cliol-e half *ei:Mon of highly I'Ul *lv*t*<l land f»r -4 «. rrico wwvjm, , Vor l utl ' r j’.irtii ular» cull on nr a<l <lr< Haifr.if A uurkH. ut lump Dltv. I>r. Price'* Cream Baking Powder World'* 1 air 111*1 - »l *Wd»l *nJ Olploms. A Smut All partlea knowing them »e)v<« Indebted to in" will plea*" nettle Uy i i |i„ note We have carried you a* long a* our clfcuti>*t*fie"» will af ford aid Ao utu*' make »" dement in fall to Dirt of year, Please attend to f tM*- at once, f>«peetfnlly, J I, Dv.PftW, 4 -- -— (| Hill* UoloilMMl'* Motion, 1 bat “There i* nothing new under the 1 mi" doc* not always convey the truth. J>peel»lly i* thU true a* regard* the 4 tew composite ear* now operated dally ,. Iu Hu- Lblcagt, Union Pacific and geri.bwtiu-rn Line between Halt Luke iL' ty and Chicago The** handsome jbiufl’et Hmoklng and Library Car* are ifiiitlr<-ly, tiev/ throughout of latent kiV'Un, contain all modern Improv nil ilcii». and are well aupplied wild . I * riling material, the leading daily p per*, Illustrated periodical*, tuaga I i i< *, etc. The fact that the*e cara t'1 rut dully via “The Overland Limited'’ di aid that (he Union Pacific wa* the line p w*m of Chicago to iriugerate tin* aer* vice *hould commend Itself to all. Hi-e that your ticket* read via “The Over * land Itoufe " f ----- M04>UK«10kaT NOflCK, la l»l*lrlct Court of Mliermiui County, Of N«l,l»*ka lloratlo *niel»"r ani"l*er, Plalmiff v» . John Hay<*«, —— H»ye*. wlf« of I'i .John H*V‘». fli.t name unknown, VI II SiiKimt, rlllseii'* National '* Hank of at I'anl Nc.niaaka, to-u «e ... M To- key, Sarah A 'forli n, II* Ad*ll« rl .( Scott. Kulak and >or . i-unasn,Tiioma* Murphy, ftefan ,»nt* II Mala of «»l,i»»ka. , Ml nborman County. i Tim wvtd defendant* John ll iy«» and UJ _— lluya*. wife ol John Ifaye*. flr«t Mill# unknown, w) take notice ll>at on the >#th <> day of Itccion'c/ I'M. tl>" »md plaintiff filed III* pat I non In ilm duitrlct floor! of ■liuroi.ui county. N«‘ir«»ka uaauml »ald de land ,ui*. ike oiijHfit arm prayer or witmii 911 bj« k> rorealoae .t certain inonpatfu eneeut* «*l i»v lll« delandailt, Tliomua Murphy to ft t ha defend ant, utorgn M Turkey upon tha foll.iwinji n a* r I bed real eautla, aitualn In Ip alter limn ii.unly aipl atal« of Naliraaka Inwn Tlia ettai halt ol keotlnn IWeiilV oae >klr lit Townahlp aiateen (l<h norilt of Marian foul Men ill) weal of the Alii (irinclpal marI<1 Iran to aeeure ihe payment o| two |,i ti,i,. ,i nolea, dated April 1*1 taut, on* w no me buui of #*<* e due and lutyahlr on April la', l Ul, and one lor glMdi doe and la payable uti tprtl lat, ixMi that on April lull. Ini *ald lii„rga M Turkey *oid and V a.irf o-d paid ne •< ludai* In plaintiff, I ha» Ilefenduula nave failed to pay aael note ol * f an. inel I lie lao,< aaaeaaed 4IMl levl* d ii|eni . aahI land lot the yum# l-Hl and law and || plaintiff Ilf* ah elad in daelara the whola nun unit aeeined hy ***ld inurtK*lf» t« »*» i I'iiiio llniidy due and |*ou>'|„1 mid there i* now due thereon the iam m f»»niai with I IliWor.l Al .even luo mill pail annum Irom , April l*t, Uhl plaintiff prat # for a decree B< that del"iidanI • la, nu|UUed to |M»y the xuiueur that **!d premia** Us auhl to ant I 1*1/ ih*aiiioitui fount! due. Ton at* ie,,niled loanawei aald itatlHon on nr l«lw*IM MHliday of January, I**. Iiatad III!# Ini It ilay of liincii.mi, iib » liouat pi aukiaatt, !,la|iiHff ""*1, fry >tt,iiria,,ai • Hum hi* Aliya |t i.ot ia It AIN, thark ol lira Plat r 1*1 Court. MUM hi 11*1 A |a hnTIlk May M. Youujiand l.aai* C Yuatrtg, lie* i lauduul*. will taka not tea that on Hi* ami day ol January Seal tin calm* ol llltaiw Marker, dc* ***■!, i* miMM. herein Hied ••• peltlluti |,t the dlaltt* l * nirl ol alt* nuaii hiHidr, ffei,rti*k# *i(.«iit#i aaij datendaala iltio>i,|ni And |n»>*r of a bleb are Ip i**r# el*.*** a i*i loin bniM*##* * o= ‘‘**1 hi lh* tit t, Hda t» to M »■ ,1.1*110 U,»n» I taailly tao.ej*. tint) IBM" .11 and airly lout mo '• la but lour in. ib lira otiainal Iowa flip of lump City, Ahurnmn ,«MtWtf, ttei.ra-a. pt **,, Are the ol tl <»# i rflla'H yimalf dl .ili a *i*ted taaart na, l««*. ire, lot Mo hub el A * title and (a*. al l, t >dU*l Mb, lew Mu# |m f * *1 •* letnaoi. t'•*<!*• '<t* ■ ** tM* l«f I* w I line m l iMrahra * ,* ,#t Hk. i*tll Teal 1 bare ta wo* due , t-1 * .aid e, * I * * ana u, -,t » tl,a> *nw ol hM r* lot a no h » •“) ,, a uh tnl. • I ir* •** HU* '•»*. t*»a»a»>w too a to, a dec •«« that defendant* ha* re, Wl* t *U MI the aalpatrf that aald MaffM .. i may (a a- l t Mttaff the an* net lotted due Van at* rv ,met to *b*a«( , wtl putithMok m beloftt tin* i Ah day el ra i*.» nary * *• „ »t#t,d Ihi# * d*l •<« January• If* * lut kaf *!»**• Mlkt A ft »*»»k. WfHMd, by M 1C t .<«UAM 4» ••»»*» i, , nos A.P. OULLSYf Vlc«-l'r«-i*ld*iit. Owhier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. i General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $500,000. on Improved farm* at If IMS p* oant. Bat Company aad bat Um to b. bad la feb. amt.*D«mi —Cbomksal national Sank, Row York Oif, R. T4 Omaha Oftiun*4 U.U. ijuiah* nihrahfc W, J. KIHIlElt. GBO. E. BKNHCIIOTER, Attorney an<J Notary Publlo. Publlabor I/OUP CITY NobthwMYKHN FISHER & BEN8CHOTER, itEAE ESTATE AGE ATT#. I/ltP CITY, • * N KKKAHKA. Town IiotH, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. PUR 1 I utiWAun I is the whole story " | <rl ImIUUm trad* I , , 4 | m«rl»* a"d Ufcrta. | JUXHlt ' KtH\ AND m m SODA • Coill Mmore than other packagtaoda—oeverv ol!* ill Pdtl\d^Cb. flour-univcrjaliyatk;iwlalt;c'ilpurc»Un the world. < Made only by CHURCH k CO., Itcw York, sold by rrocert everywhere. I < Write tor Arm ami Hammer Uoolt of VMlaublv ItuetfM)* i f v yy ^ryayv»yT,.-Tir tr yrry- - «* sr«® time tami.k, hobi.inoton A hi*»ouhi kivbk u, b. KAW. »MT. 1 Aft I'. M. Iaivw V- M A. V. Wekt», Agf. 0,1'. BAII.WAr Beginning Honday, November 17tb. train* will arrive an«J depart at tbli atatlon a* t dlowa: J,e»»*i L“»V«* Monday. i.«0 I Tuaaday, )g wo 1 T.i:S‘7' I* Arrira* at Loup City daily 7,IBp. rn. Clot* t-onneelloo at Grand i*Umi for all point* ■art and Went r, yf. Cube, Agent BKNrtCIlOTER, U 1-BOP. or EXPRESS ABU GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kxpre** or rrelglil order* promptly attended to ay, * Attarneu-Bt-Law, W‘Id and improved laud* for »ale And money to loan on real eelale. loup an, • • iiBiuu Or. Price’* Cream Baking Powdar A Pur* Urspe Creaai el Tartar Powder. $ioo ileward%loo We will pay tbl* *uiouut lor each an'I every him) ol ( a iamiiii that Iv»cky Mountain eutarru euro fain to euro, II la iilmumiii Mi ubn l» aiipllad direotly lo ilm luteriml imrl», (ibwoalmf wait ijun-biy realorluu ilium loImaiiv a>lion Him ut.xilha Iiaalmunt mily bin or trial tailllu lor Ui ii»nl< lallvar or alulU|M.' Hut HY MOCiTAIN MU 00. 1,001*1 *bl*« Uaavar. Out. NOTI0K TH < MbUltHMa In aouu ty court, wlllilu and l«r ulmrmaa aouuly, babraaba, lu Ibu inaltar of Iba aalalaol M«iv ‘l fnlwi dMMMd to Ilia I'leililorawf aabl aalala «ou ala Imialiy mil mud, Dial I will all al Ilia iHHialy town itaita iu i nn|t ouy' iu «i>i auwulft, on ilm *lb ilaj ol July, I, I* I* lo rmalva au4 aiawlua all alaliua awamat hi IkU'H, «iHi a t law lo limit a>tju4l Uo al anil alioaama 1 Ha Hina lliuilaal fix Iba lOtauulailoM of elaima analual aaltl aalala la all luonlba, from iba (lb day of Jauuary I II. l«Ml an I Iba Ulna tlwtlad ho lb« |u>) want of llama la uua year 110141 axi l uu day ui January, Ubd. * u,ni u) bawd ami iba warn at aa(4 i ml) iomiI, Ibla alb lar-’l Jannart. I II urn uboawb Uaaf, l owuty Judgu. (HU » ll, fc YbMulb w baa a 4*xo|4ala Ml |«iua4 lunl uf (uaiaiil liialw MlttkMn Hwlw< of Wbtcfa I* abxwu In Ibla nabob Katun* lot wlllbd la Ibn wa bar a jeat la«aal«4 lu a UM*» lion i •» f.1*111 a didarawl manta fa< lute f ba Hal I* t«xn|4lete (Ml a >•••• awmxxi Ol Ua-Hua aaada a«4 afawa. ll la do . lea* In ■mi luMImUi and «»« ba u..1*111 |.X alwaaal belt Iba iMbaa uf a n»a foul wf Iba *au»a ai*a «44r«na Hint, b Maanboiaa runuabar, l.uvrl'ltt MIIWMIIII THE MILD POWER DUMA HUMPHREYS* Or. Hnmafcr.ra' UpaoUUa am aaiantMnaUy and carefully prepamd liainadlaa, oaad for yaam to private praoUo. and for wrar thirty yaanby thfl people with Mitira mcaaaa. Ovary riagle ftpactto a apaaial «ttm tor the diaaaaa named. SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS’ w 1 T?_H_. F azelt 01L 1 l j W I. MANCY. -»DENTIST. liH M K In Mm>I bum Mcyuy lul ■li|« CiiMm *>iu*fa, l.«ui> I’Hy, Ita. • JAQUB8 & SCHADPP Grain Dealers ON II * M STATION* ! Aivmliu, M« Al|*iiti\ l ily, Hlmupp billing wiul A»nt*»u. II ON omn AT MHN» CITY All itnli< haut««l t«» M»'AI|*<»* *»» ?*t Miiiity lit Ou arc i» l» I |t| V*t'Mitt I li l«tHt|> I'll)1 M# \llllUk i ilk v atiti ft< t*i 11* v« hn lui mi mil t,.itv it kI i lit mm; •liiltim Call a»<| MMI Milling ttiiMtaUam,