W. R. Mel lor, Resident Agent for B. & M. Lands. Wild, Improved and Irrigated Lands for sale. Uooal Dsws. A. Boone. TIIK Jeweler. Pilger ha* aomo line Cabbage William Bet/. I* once more in our III 1(1*1. Hee T L. Pilger'* new ailil In this Issue. Hoots and abocs at Henry Doll* Inga. Pilger has some choice Onion*, lied and Yellow. Pilger haa some Excellent Home made Hauer Kraut. Be sore an I read Caateyer’s new “adif’ in tbi* week* lasue. Lewi* Wilaon,of Ashton start* for Chicago next Monday to attend achool. I)ld you get one of those fancy china cup* with I lb of Japan tea at Oaatey er‘i? Cbaa. Hnydar. of Vlrdurette was do ing huainesa at the county aeat laat Tueaday. James Oouley. of Maaon City came over laat Hunday and returned home on Monday. W P. Baird begina the naw year right by enrolling hla name on our sub scription Hat. Prank Bimpaon returned to Loup City laat evening for a few days visit with lit* family. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Parrot, of Arcadia while he wa* sojourning In our city laat Monday. John Terhund, Oeo. Bradley and Ed ib«> uiijpmii , i * I mu Mv? 1111 wric lining business at the county seat laat Wed nesday, The township board tor Loup City townabip met In regular meeting laat Tueaday to make aettlament with townabip officer*. Count AMlt Uhiv Cold* and Crip are one and the same thing, br. Hum phrey*' Specific ‘'77*’ cure* them both. For tale by all drugglata. You can buy nice amoked ham at John Kgger* Meat Market at HI cent* per pound, the flncat In the market. Sliced Ham 12} cent*. Mr*. J. I,. IfalHIe and non, Wilton arrived from Shelton laat Wedtieaday evening for a tew day* vlait with friend and relative* bare. Hoone'a Orcbeatra conaiatlng of alz piece*, will furniah inuale tor the masquerade hall to be given by the Cermarila Society Jan. Slat. Speece'a Minstrel* *ar North Loup ditch Iasi m onu and re aliaerl 4400 ist for the crop. I’he slurp holders of the Sherman »‘o, Farr A asm.*Triton met In annual meeting la*t Ifondar, but ns only about half of tin* member* were preeeut no business was transnsted. t'he meet tug was ad' punned to January ISth, at f nVIueh p in and the secretary instructed to Motif) nil the slot kholder* There I* tsruse imparltnni business t« transact ntnrurg which it the election of oMcers, k*'i»ewe air ie|i|««iid to announce • hat n full ali*Nd*of-e is required at inn MM! meeting Ib.o't forgsr the dels , ru 13th, WHAT!! 24 lb*of Sugar fur #1.00 at Gaateyer-*. Pilger hn* a choice lot of apple* for *a)e cheap. Pure Maple Syrup and Buckwheat flour at Gaateyer* .Tame* Lander*, of Arcidla wa» in tbeclty laat Monday. Jame* Gray, of Clear creek waa neen on our street* Tueaday, John Webb. Of Arcadia *o jotirn» d In thia city laat Wedneaday, T. 0. Chamberlain, of Clear creek waa In the city Saturday !aat, Gaateyer aella atrlctly I’uro Sew York Apple Cider 80 eta, per gal. Will Taylor arrived home from m extended trip in Kanaaa, la*t week, Henry Lewi*, of Scott town*hlp waa in tha city the forepart of Mie week, Spaece'a rninatrcl* waa well patroni zed and a good program waa rendered. Pilger la Sole A geot for the Celebrat ed St. Paul Flour every rack warranted, Gaateyer aella •katlng on Ink's lake. They report j having a good time. The settlement with the county tree* urer has been completed and the state ment shows a balance on hand of M5, ■mw John Oilman I* another who has be gun the new year right by subscribing tor the MoktiiWKaTKitN for a year and what*' more, ca*hed up In advance, A most disgraceful occurrence which happned last Monday evening and was perpetrated by a young man of this vaclnlty, and who lives riot far from! this town, lias been reported to this office It seem* that the young man In i|ue*tloa was lurking around the stable* ! located on a resident lot here, and a* a young la ly. who It seem* had. before retiring, been told by her mother to go to the barn and close the door to the chicken house, wa* carrying out her mother's Instructions, he mad* a hold advance toward* her. Mhr had just secured uic uoor ami started 10 return to the house when the young man ad- ’ vanecd and made an indecent proposal to her. The girl managed to escape and made off to the house without further molestation. The young man was plainly Identified by the girl and tt was tboeght at Aral to have him ar retted and brought before a court of justice, but upon considering the em barrassing position it would place the family in, the suit was not pushed. We wl*h, however, to state in this connec tion that the citizens of Loup City have their feelings considerably arroused over the matter, and it will not be well for tills young man or anyone else to make another such an attempt The matter is made public this time simply as a word of warning and next time no doubt an example will he made of the guilty person. King Unlemou's Motion - That “There is nothing new under the sun” docs not always convey the truth. Kspecl'illy is this true as regards the new composite car* now operated daily via the Cbicagi, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line between Sait Lake City and Chicago. These handsome Buffet Smoking and Library Cars are entirely, new throughout of latest design, contain all modern irnprov meats, and are well supplied witn writing material, the leading daily papers, illustrated periodicals, maga zines, etc. The fact that these cars run daily via ‘The Overland Limited” and that the Union PaciAc wts the line west ef Chicago to inugerate this ser vice should commend itself to ail. Bee that your tickets read via “The Over land Route.” DT. me* ■ cream naaing Kowuer World's Pair highest Medal and Diploma. Proiu Clear Creek. Weather continue* warm Stoek i* thriving on what they get from the Held*. Kiery one it eornplaining of hard timer. John Mead was united to ’ lilis*.: Maggie Ileslop hy the Holy bond* of matrimony. The cermony was pre formed by Kev Hhoemaker, at the bride* home ou Christina* day. James Cray made a Hying trip to . Wood Hirer to attend the funeral of hi* *Uter-in>law. Kirk'* children are convalescent. The M. W. A lodge at LitchfMd will initiate several members at their next meeting ltd ’ohdrr. NoTick:- All parties knowing them selves Indebted to me will please settle hy cisli or note We have carried you as lung as our clrcuiustauees will af ford and we must make sell lenient In fall to Hrsl of year, I'lea** attend to lilt* at once. especially, J I liti’iw. Awarded highest Honor*, World’* Pair. DU BAKING [ POWDER MOST PI KPI CT MAhl A pusv * >j’.» 11 *m »i I ,<** I' .(i s r*mn-« * IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We have got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in thin Market, All at Extra Low Prices. 4 oup BAIT is bargains” T. L. PILGER, New York Store. Loup City, Nebraaka Arcadia Cream Patent, per sack.751 Bran per one hundred pounds.45 QUEERSWARE apd GLASSWARE: Everything in this line CHEAP, must be Hold by March 15th Canned Vegatablen Canned Fruit. Cem Corn, 2 cans.25 Hamilton brand table Peaches.15 ** Succotash, 2 “ .25 « “ Blk Cherries.15 “ Limabeans 2 “ .2b “ •* White cherries.15 Bifted June peas 2 “ 25 Cask’s Apricots.15 Btringless beans 2 “ 25 California Grapes.15 Everything in this line will be sold at COST for the next NINETY DAYS COME EARLY Dried Fruit. Cereals ^ Apricot*, per pound.10 Nary bean*, per pound .04 iVacbee “ •• ..oft and 10 Cel. Pink bean* " “ ..04 I'luut* “ “ 08 Oatmeal *• “ .....00 Prunea “ " .. . oM Beal Jupun rice *• •* 07 Itaiain* " " 04 Scotch green pea#,( “ 08 ALL PACKAGE COFFEE TWENTY-ONE CENTS. Moliirtriort. Syrup Soup. Black Strap, |*er gal .-* Satinet, 7 l.ar*.8% Beat Sorghum, •* “ 40 Beat « n All, 7 •» .tt& Beat N#» Orleatt*. " " ...... -.tH) i»llrei Leaf, 7 " ...... .5)0 t'iiinaa Syrnp, *' **.!,u tnlon, 7 ** ..... ...DA Hold Medal “ •• 40 Ne» Style. t) •• . .'A APPLES NINETY CENTS PER BUSHEL. licml this ov«*r carefully Mid take your cumh tuui product* to ( ,*4<3 » w •* - • I' 4 Wi ilht nlf»r Ui uh# * •'<•■»% I* mil l» 4(1 **• »ill *<■ !•» lltitr * iihU MMmftllfttf In fftHU |A <*' It. •IIMMI. Md 4 M*W|i(«U fit* ftltil III «*»*•• l*» KW')4t>|NMl4HO IUo*t» 4bo I) ••**( i*»#f (m (i*** I*1 HtM