The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 10, 1896, Image 3

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<•<!• drawer I* Chairman of the Mam*
Tha Others are Hlrhard I. Olnef, An
draw II. Whits, Eradarlab B. 4 oadari
and Imalal 41. Oilman Cnlltteal 4'em
pla« Ion of tho Mon
WtiaiHTM, Jan t. — President
Cleveland baa announced tha appoint
ment of tha Venezuelan boundary
eons miss Ion, aa follows:
Dark) J. Drawer of ffsneaa, Justice
Halted Hteles Supreme court.
Richard >1. Alvey of Maryland, oblaf
Justice of tba Court of Appeals of the
District of liol urn Ida.
Andrew ft White of New York.
Frederick it. Condrrt of New Yttrk.
Darnel C. Oilman of Maryland.
Tb* com mission is regarded liars aa
a vary satisfactory one, whose opin
ions and conclusions will lie received
by the American public with that non -
Bienne which the standing of tha
members of the commission In tbs
public eye inspire*
Justice Drawer is a Republican In
polities, and about fifty-eight years of
age. fir Ua graduate of Yale, and
has spent considerable time In the
practice of Ills profession In Kansas,
Where he tilled a number of Judicial
office* in I MM hr was appointsd
Circuit court Judge of the United
fttate* for the Kighth dial riel and was
appmnied associate Justin* of the Hu
Jirrine court in December, KSk, by
rre-ident Harrison
Richard H Alvey is a Democrat In
politic* and a man of marked legal
ability ft was the great reputation
be gained as judge In the Maryland
Ooiirts which led ('resident Cleveland
In the al<*<-nee of political Influence on
Judge A Ivey’s part, to appoint him to
the position of chief justice of th»
Court of Appeals of this district, lie
I about, sixty years of age.
' Andrew IK White is a Republican in
politics He is one of the best known
wii ol letter* in this country, and
r’rhapK iu the world; is an author and
istoriari and ha* been the president
of Corni*II university, Mr. White was
■ Hiinmii'i v; iwipmih ■// I iwr
dent Harrison and this position he
held through Harrison'* administra
tion and for a year or more during
Mr Cleveland's administration.
I- rederiek It. ( oudert is a Democrat
In politics and Is oneof the best known
tD' nilxira of the bar in New York. Mr.
( oudert was one of the counsel for the
tlmted Ktatea on the Retiring sea com
mission, and |n that capacity made
oneof the most eloquent and effective
speeches delivered in behalf of the
American contentions.
The last named member of the com
mission, Daniel C. Gilman, preeldent
of Johns Hopkins university, 1* well
known ns an authority in Internation
al law He was at one time preeldent
of the University of (alifornln, and
was later called to take up the work
of the organization of the university
of which he is now at the head. He Is
the snthor of a life of (’resident Mon
roc Mr. Gil man has never figured
prominently in politics. At ths White
Louse it is stated that be has no poli
tics, but his proclivities arc under
stood to be Republican The two
groat parties, it will be seen, are
equal! v represented on the commis
sion. with tin- fifth member having no
y outspoken politics.
All of the nhorc named persons will
accept the places to which they have
keen appointed and are expected to
assemble in Washington as soon as
practicable, witli a view to taking
the oat i and entering upon their work.
The appointments are made in com
pliance with a resolution of t'ongres*
passed at the request of ('resident
Cleveland, and the work of the cum
m ssioners will be to examine and
collect evidence with a view to deter
mining the true divisional linn be
tween Venezuela and Hritlsh Guiana.
Tt.e conclusion reached by the com
mission will ne reported to the I'resi
d<-nl for hie information In connection
with any further representations aud
communications tiiat may he made by
this government to Great liritain in
connection with the boundary line dis
pute between the latter country and
yuriurrl; famous and Wealthy, Ha Died
In a Home lor lururabiee.
Chiiauo, .Ian. J.— John li. Blair,
b<>rn in 1800, and once famous and
wealthy, died yesterday at the home
for incurables. Illair was a famous
painter a half century ago. ills skill
la attested hv the fact that his portrait
of President Taylor is lu the White
house gallery, lie was one of the first
paiutcrs of war puuoraiiia* and the
first to paint any great panorama
in tills country. Ills first was
n picture of birds of all the world,
anil to accomplish this work he
ileil the globe twice, lie was
the inventor of the silk bag gas bal
loon, such ms aeronauts of to-day em
ploy. and fifty years ugo inveuled a
bicycle ou the same lines us the present
sab ty. He added half a iniiliou of
wealth to a well Uuowu pencil manu
facturer iiy inventing the rubber tips
for pi ncils He paluted landscapes of
foreign countries and pictures of sheep
lu u I most i*ml less numbers, snd his
nuclion •sales of these were sunual
events in art circles *ju« srler of a cen
tury ago Kivu years sgo he was
stricken with paralysis and tin ce year*
later became blind and atari lost the
strength of his iiitud. He was then
pise*ii in the home for incurablea.
11> luauii w Hsfee far l uuplvrs.
Alliums, ban, Jan I. —-I. T.
Ilarkiu, I I' HackUa, l W SVeller,
it U Herd and It A Park, have la
t*ir|Nif«te4 ike "Puinutbla tar • oupler
Company" fur a term uf fitly years
< i luck, |l i » >, general office*,
A ivhiMon
that Slue Smeller treat
bin an*. Da, Jan A Hubert II,
^U*i •«, who returned front I hlcago
yes'eiday, says the aysd csle plan*
tui lire imrohA** uf ail the rise smel
ter' m ibU s< cl ion have uul bees eos
siioiuatcd but that bis ten furnaea
amebei at mu place and thru# of the
I l #ii no* Foundry el Pttlsburg, Ken ,
bate been sold t»> the ayndicate lie
Will give posMMMiuu iii about forty
day* It Is presumed that tha new
ewuete will eon I i cue ike work* her*,
a* ikey *•**« or.ieed enspended fur
■aeee la be repel. #4 lai immediate
MfallliMt Remark* Mad* Rsmatly bf
Vsneansta I ommlHlonrr Cumlert.
W ahiiisoiom, Jan. 3 Krnlrricli It.
Coudart la the only one of the cornrnl*
•ionera, who. in sdvnnc* of hla ap
poin uncut, expreav-d an opinion on
the boundary coni rover*/. Mr. Con
dert, while the country rang with the
Venezuela nie»*age, took occaeion to
express hla view* of England Now
that lie la a commissioner they become
algo ill caul am* are presented aa be
gave them tornc daya ago:
’'England baa been the bully of the
world Her policy haa been one of
aggreaaion. Hhe hold* Gibraltar and
bv that mean* haa Hpain by the throat.
When Trance wee tied up with Ger
many, England aeized Egypt, aa efae
had practically aeized Cyprus. fn the
event of trouble between thie country
and England. Trance would eweep into
Egypt and Ruaeia would march upon
Constantinople. England, of ooaree,
la reeponaihU for the Armenian ma*a
area. England will not permit Ruaeia
to aoiae Constantinople end wipe the
nnapeakable Turk off the face of the
earth, therefore thoueende of Chrla
liana moat suffer death. John Mull
haa no friond* and Uncle Main haa no
anemia*. If there ahould be trouble
between America ami England the
sympathy of all Europe would be with
a* and the baud or every European
1 nation would lie raleed against Eng
land. The English government ap
preciate# It* friendlinrae and helpless*
neaa. Because of that fact there will
be no war. if war ahould come, the
map of Europe would l>e recaet and
perhaps the map of Asia, too ”
.luatlce Hlarna nt ( lilcago Rout* Two
AiU/klfii ThinvM.
<11110*00, Jan. 3.—Justice Jarvia
Illume of the West Chicago Avenua
police station waa passing underneath
the Alley “li” atructure at Thirteenth
street at 1:30 o'clock this morning on
hi* way home in company with hie
daughter May, when two masked men
attacked the magistrate. Gue of them
Hirew nm arms about .'ir. mum* a
nrrU atul tried to atrangie him; the
other made an attempt to And bla
pocket hook.
Making a feint to aaalat the robber*.
Illume drew hi* revolver and fired.
One man uttered a cry of pain and fell
with blood *treaming from a wound
in III* abdomen lieforn the police ar
rived the man wa* dead.
When the man fell Justice Hi nine
turned hie revolver upon the other,
who wae making haste to escape.
None of tbe bullet* took effect
After tbe shooting Justice Blume
and hi* daughter went to the ffarrinon
street police station and told what had
occurred. Tbe patrol wagon wae sent
out at once and the men found dead.
The body wa* taken to the morgue.
Among the papers In hi* pocket wa* a
vaccination certificate made oet to
John Kelly.
•liver Mea Are Preparing a He** a re te '
•opened* tne Itwnd Hill.
Wambimston. Jan. 8. — The Henate
bill finance com mitt adjourned at li:80
until to-morrow. No action was taken j
and no vote was had. The bond bill ,
wa* di*cu»«ed, but the tariff bill wae
not taken up. Henator* White and ;
Wolcott were not present.
Henator Vest was not present so tbe !
silver men and anti-eilver men were a
tie. It I* understood that the in ten
tion of tbe silver men 1* to report ;
either a free coinage substitute or :
amendment to the bond bill, probably 1
an amendment. After the regular 1
meeting of the committee tha ilcpub- j
lican mem tier* held a conference in
the committee room and the ltemo* I
crate conferred In the district commit- j
tee room. Henator Jones, Populist, ,
of Nevada, went with the Democrats
at tha conference. The eilver men
Iiava nnnnlmtiiihli/ riftftiflAfl tn inalftt !
upon an amendment in the nature of
an entire sabntltnte providing for free 1
coinage of silver and the elimination
of ail authority for the issuance of
bonds Senator Jones of Arkansas
was delegated to prepare a message in
accordance with these views to be sub
mitted to a full meeting of the com
mittee as toon aa it can be completed.
The Home of a Wealthy Ohioan Hurried —- j
rise Narrowly Karapet
Columbus, Ohio, .Ian. 3. — At 4 o’clock
this morning the home of John il.
llibbard was discovered to be ou Are.
Mr. and Mra. Hibbard, their son,
Allen, aged ft, and baby, Dorothy, Miss
Kay Hibbard aud Mra (trace Hibbard- !
Dee, sisters, of lluruesville, Ohio, per
ished by suA’ocatlou all ough their
bodies weie more or less burned
Mr Hibbard was secretary of the
Central Ohio Natural lias and Fuel
Company and was related by marriage
with the Deshlera, Huntington* and
other of the wealthiest families of
Columbus. Kour sons, less than l|
yeara of age, and the colored servant
narrowly escaped by jumping from
second story window A,
A Mean I, at lea low newspaper.
Toi-kna, Kan, Jan. 3 Htmon
| lireenspan, win* married the widow of
AHeu Jll Hells, the wealthy ei circus
mail, la seeking lu establish a result
mission daily pu|ier In Topeka The
movement has not assumed definite
hum yet, end will not be carried into
elfrel unless the National l.h|Uoi
Association will aubacrtbe liberally
lireenspan ia i pronounced opponent
I of prohibition, and thinks the uppor
i trinity ia now ripe to begin a raaub>n campaiga
Colorado I'nelaiM Mare Itul4 t hea elites,
Dantha, loin, Jan » —Kor lb. Arst
time in the history of the tttat* the
gold output for the year Just iiiawl
espeeded In vatae that of stiver The
most careful n-.uipiita'lon of the mm
oral • utput foe the year from th > sta
listtc* ail allied allows the folio ring
ti<dd gt7,i«n, tut, stiver •it .' i.nisi
lead. #4,uk4,114| tmpiwr, gaff, cat) total,
Itl.Ot lkt Kor t* • t the output was
ihrld. silver, |l 1,7
land. |.t.y«i«.ttlt, copper. |7dt.t'dj total.
|H Wi.fifii The lacrease la th* gul I
produetioa la aituosi whidlr from Ike
Cripple Creek dislrle
A desolation Inirortored Osmssif lag
He* torsi imi of the llmrw to •100,
0*0,0011 sad Kaqalrlng It* Malstanaaaa
at That llinr*—Pafcllr I rsdlt lajared
—Other Sfatlsr* la ths 1,'pper llosso.
Proceeding* In ths Senate,
Wasmimqiox, ,l»n 1.—BenstorHbar
man of Ohio introduced to tha He nets
to-day the following: “Unsolved,
That by Injurioua legislation by tbo
Fifty-third Congrasa, tha revenue*
of tha government were reduced below
Its necessary expenditure and the
funds created for lawful redemption
of United Mates notes have been in
vailed to anpply auch deficiency of
reserve; that auch a misapplication of
the resumption fund la of doubtful
legality arid greatly Injurious to the
public credit and should be prevented
by restoring said fund to the sum of
not less than in gold com
or bullion, to bn paid out only in the
redemption of United notes and
Treasury notes, and such notes, when
redeemed, to be re-issued only In ex
change for gold coin or bullion.”
When the Honate met Mr. Herb Ins,
Republican, of California asbed unan
imous consent for the consideration of
0 resolution directing the committee
on finance to report an amendment to
the House tariff bill laying an addi
tional duly on raw sugar eijual to tho
other increases of the bill.
Mr. I ferry of Arkansas objected,
it was agreed to adjourn over till
Mr Morrill of Vermont explained
that the finance committee dr-dred to
consider the bond and tariff bills on
Mr < handler's resolution, offered
yesterday, a-king tin- committee on
naval affairs to investigate the prices
j/unl by me government lor armour
plate au<l a* to whether any official of
the government was interacted in
patent processes, was called up. At
the suggestion of Mr, Oorrnan tbe
words directing an Inquiry Into tbe
fact* as to whether the price* paid by
tiie United States were “a* low aa
paid by the foreign government#”
were stricken out.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr. Seerman then Introduced bis
resolution, which was listened to with
keen interest, in view of tbe Senator's
utterances against the retirement of
greenback*, lie gave notice that on
Friday he would aubmit some remarks
upon it. l—J
Mr. Mitchel of Oregon then took the
floor and spoke in favor of hi* resolu
tion instructing the ilnance committee
to restore the McKinley duties on
wool in any revenue bill reported to
the Senate.
Senator Mitchell declared that no
industry hail received such a stagger
ing and deadly legislative blow as that
Inflicted upon the wool industry by
the Wilson tariff act. It had drained
from the United States within the last
year $nr,,000,000 In gold to pay for for
eign wool, arid had occasioned a I os#
to the wool grower* of this country of
more than *1,000,000, Unleaa thla leg
islation was changed the sheep indus
try of the I'aciiic coast would be an
Mr. Mitchell said the tariff hill
passed by the House would probably
increase the revenue *40,000,000 a year.
Amended, as it should lie, by afford
ing wool, lumber, barley, hops, and
other agricultural product* adequate
protection it will give an additional
revenue of *10,000,000, and place a
padlock upon the so-called “endless
chain” by which gold is drawn from
the treasury, will stop all necessity
for further issue of bonds and rascue
from I in pending ruin the wool and
other agricultural interests of this
Wlilie Mr. Miicneu w#» conioouing
that the Secretary of the Treasury
could have stopped the gold drains by
using his dmerution to redeem notes in
coin, Mr. liill of New York asked him
if it was not true that greenbacks had
beeu redeemed in gold by every secre
tary since IS7'J.
Mr. Mitchell replied that it might
be true, but in Ins opinion It was very
poor policy.
'•Treasury uoles have only been re
deemed in gold since 1HUI,” interrupt
ed Mr. Cockrell of Missouri.
"Is that a fact?" asked Mr. Mitchell.
"It Is," replied Mr. Cockrell, em
phatically. "in l"<»3 iu respoiisu to a
telegram*sent by mo to Secretary foo
ter he replied tiial the first treasury
note hud been redeemed by him iu
gold in lull I."
"I t hi talking about greenbacka,"
suid Mr. liill.
"Have not all the Secretaries of the
Treasury redeemed these notes in gold
luce 1K71>""
“lirceiihit us were never presented,"
said Mr. Cockrell
"Tin-re was no demand for gold and
that cun he shown on the record. The
Senator from• duo (Mr. Sherman)since
that time proposed to redeem uud re
tire every one of those grer iibuck*
with silver dollars and his amendment
to that effect is here ou record, in
which he proposes to substitute for
the greeuhneiis silver Hole*
In un«wer to Mr, liill, Mr, toekreli
aaid he d >1 not know whether Nr ere
tsrv f oster had redeemed g .buck*
ill gold.
"You said it had not beeo done."
"Not on demand," autd Mr Cockrell.
"I repeat that no secretort of the
Treasury until tietobor, isui, aver
flrl.l. d the option to the holder* of
lull, d Mates loiiea."
"Hot I tilted Mates auUa were ra
do Hi nil ||| gold.'
"Not at the option of the holder.
The option was never given the holder
uatll |*bi.M
OSMtMst* heating I Stasis
t a1* to** Jan I ts a result >•< the
continue I and persistent rahla which
the police under Hie peremptory
«> no* of t hief Hadcooch, have I eea
10 .a og nil the g*mb.tag hott*** la*
fasting mm.h «isrh anti mg
Itrecls hf'r true gamblers pi- sded
f ull! i this non mug before Juatiee
iradley ant received the atimmuNl
r malty of »- and cost* each Httiera
lie been is m d to arrest every gam
bier area on the Hols ou the rharga
uf vag'aacy and it ha* result*-1 ta a
feaerai vt-slsi of tha 'Ha hovaM
• organ oi.ts the bonds.
■4 Hu RhmI««< Application* far
a I AO,000,000,
Itw York, Jan. I.— Hanker* In thl*
•t r who are In plnae touch with tha
*' ninUtratlon e a prune their opinion
tli it tha announcement regarding the rnn enl bond i**tie will bn made
n I later than Thur«d*y, The datella
ol the contract with the ayndlcat#
w ll eloaely conform to tb'eta of the
pi ivioti* laaue. The loan la expected
W, be for • HO,000,000, with an option
01 an additional *100,000,000. The
ai rangemanl* In the preaent Inatance
d<| not provide lor any guarantee by
tli* ay ndlcate ae In I he laat laaue.
Yormal appllratlou* for allotment*
of the loan were received to-day
by J. I’. Morgan A. (Jo,
Ooaaln from llcrlln la that jiert of the
loan will be placed In Germany,
1 >omaatlc appllcallona alone In thle
city will aggregate IM>,000,000.
VVeaeixoTox. Jan. I,—-The Kvanlng
1'Oet aaya: "A contract wae algned
thl* afternoon by all the member* of
the new bond ayndicate, aubject to the
formal acceptance of the government
The ayndleate agree* to furnlah II,•
OOo,000 ounce* of gold, amounting to
about 121X1,000,000 in gold, the govern
ment to fake one half of thla aum flrxt
and to have the option of taking the
other half and to deliver four tier cent
< thirty year coin bond* at about the
»»mr price a* paid for the laat laaue of
Imnd*; the manager* of the *yndIrate
to receive a commUwlon of one per
cent. The price at which the laat
bond* were taken wa* 104,49, at which
they yielded Jiff percent Interval."
1,0*00*, Jan, I. Mr, Hurn* of
Thotnaa Morgan A, (!«,, aald: "None
of the new l**tje of bond* will b#
flouted In l.oiol n, owing to the
atrulned relation* Je-lween the United
Htate* and Great llrlluln The »ltua
tlon loo** graver than ever thla morn
ing from a commercial point of view.
Thl* ta partly on account of Monator
(♦Herman s position, I ha affair baa
made a wonderful difference In tb#
business bcttvc-n London end New
York and will reeult In tbe with*
draw a I of most of tbe American seeur
Itlc from Lngland, We ara sending
Iioif,e dally large <|iientltles of these
aecnrillea which were thrust upon tbe
market Nome of the new boride will
probably be placed In Germany,but thia
lie* not yet been decided In rny
opinion our American copatriote bare
gone marl,"
■epabllsaas KMiemstblllly fee
WaamaaroN, Jan L— A two hour'#
debate followed the adopt Ion of the
resolution organizing the (Senate com
mltteea on the Itepubllcan cauoua ba
sis, a* already reported, the purpose
of wblcb wee mainly political. The
Democrats, urular tba leadership of
henetor Gorman, ably seconded by
feenetor Harris, attempted to show
that tbe reorganization was affected
by an alliance between tba itepubllc
ana and Populists, contending that tba
silence of tbe latter, by making posel*
sibla the reorganization, Indicated ac
Suieaccnce. He also insisted that tbe
epubhean assumption of control sad
dled them with tba responsibility for
The Populist*, led by Senator Allan
of Nebraska and (Senator Duller of
North Carolina, denied that they ware
In any fashion responsible for the re
sult. The lief ubllcans, under the
leadershlo of Hcna'or Mitchell, chair
man of tbe Deimbllcau steering com
mittee, and assisted by Senators lloar,
Hale, Allison and ( handler, combatted
tbe arguments of tbe Democrats by
asserting most emphatically that the
Populists bad seen refused to make
any auggestlons as to thair committee
assignments, and had, as a matter of
fact, been left by tbe reorganization
In tbe positions to which they bad
been assigned under the Democratic
control of tbe Senate. The Kepubll
eans strongly protested also against
being held responsible for legislation.
Amendment to the Hood Hlil.
Wasiiinotom. Jan. 1. — Henstoi
Jones, of Arkansas, presented an
amendment which he proposes to offer
to the house bond hill. it provides
that any holder of silver bullion who
Is a cltl/dsn of the United Htate*, tuny
lender fhe same to the .Secretary of
the Treasury and have it coined Into
silver dollars,the seigniorage to be the
difference between the coinage value
and the market price of the bullion In
.Mew York; for tne cancellation of all
l>ank notes less than fin; directing the
Secretary of tin- Treasury to no in the
silver bullion in the treasury ini)
•liver dollars, to he used in redeeming
the treasury notes Issued for the pur*
pose of purchasing silver bullion iiudur
lbs Sherman act; and, for the redemp
tion of the greenbacks ill either gold
nr sliver, and for their reissue accord
ing to the provisions of the ad of 1S7B.
I'oiuliilonal l*ar>luns la Kansas
Tcipkms, Kan Jan. 1. -Attorney
deueral l>awe« yesterday gave an
apinlou that the governor line a right
to grant pardon* upon eoudltioua
The i|ue»llou cauie up over the cus
tom established of the governor par
doning Joint keeper* upon condition
dial they leave the state. The l*ro
tdldlioulsla protest upon the ground
that »ueh action is illegal. The gov
ernor referred the metier to ihe
attorney general with the result as
% fcevt I f 1*1 #«»r *l#|<lt**•«*«*,
New Yuan, Jan I ticg general
♦riu of the tsupn inc court lias r*
♦rust the Judgment and ordered a new
flat in (lie mw cf I’.dice I n plain John
i Ntepbciisoo, who was cuuvieted of
U'ceplnig bribes an t a- utemunl to a
arm of three years and ii<ur mouths'
Itprlsonui nl end a Hue of f|,isti as S
venli of the t.esoe invest (gallon
■■ ..■■■»
(■• IksSMsil t ante IInsmC.
JlttiMkii. ii 1 , Jen l -J II Yen
ftt* a prominent Mlllnsss from the
kege reeervaltun. say* that hundreds
# head of talll# and h-*rse»
bnsiwil in the swo'teu streams here
■a past week, cut Ailing ruinous I osar ■
■ many slosh men lii*» the line e
M t herohee nation, he savs. it Is
■111 Worse t lUvden alone having
go entile drowned In Ur«n-t> river,
wet hr ran ftsi head and Ja«h Utley
m, with snores of smaller hwnen
ringing the number of cent# dm* asd
t that eectiwn In eseeee at f.tusi
Osaaral Miles «onslderteg lu Utility la
Arm* IIn- Wmilt He a lireet U«l«|.
W tauiWflToN, .Ian lien Mile# la
now malting a study of the horseless
vehicle with a view to determining ita
utility In army use. The Idea I* to
use it for the army trains. At eaah
of Its forty-one military posts our
army employs two or mors wag*
on a, prescribed by (be Quartermaster
Oen»rsl. The larger, tha sls-mule
wagon, Is for transjtortlng army sup
plies to and fr'.ru rndr.itd stations oa
tbs frontier posts. The other, Wanwn
as the escort wagon, Is pulled by two
or four mules It Is used in ths more
thickly set Usd regions, for tha seme
purpose, as well as for official errands
Those wagons hay# beau used In the
army since the war, with but little
alteration 'The horseless vehicle, If
feasible, would be a big Improvement
over them, besides, it would be a
great saying
Our smitllarmy of lift,040 man em
ploys k.lVbO horses an'* mules for uses
of the cavalry and artillery and for
general drafting purposes The aver
age cost of I base for the last llseal
year, for Instance, ranged from %'v, to
• I4M each, the cavalry horses costing
! the least, aven less than the (lovern
I men t mules, and draft horses the most
I Tims the army makes s great outlay
sssh year, not only for purchasing
horses, but for heaping them well fad
and groomed.
Ills Naulaeilas to Ha a Mrlgadlsr Still
Held I p
i Wasiiisotos, Jan l —The nomine
1 lion of Colonel flopplnger to be briga
dier ganeral of the army Is still held
up In the hnnatc, 'There Is n hard
light being mini* against his nomina
tion This fight Is being oond acted by
the A. V. A, 'The most serious ob
! lection to the distinguished soldier Is
that he is n Catholic In religion and
when a young man sat red In the Pope’s
Copplng.-r came to till* country In
I MW), entered the Union uriuy, served
with distinction throughout the oltrll
war, ha* linen wounded several times,
and received a commission in the reg
ular service and in the natural order
of things reached the command of his
1 regiment and was nominated by the
I President to the grade of brigadier
general Colonel I'oppinger's wtfa waa
the eldest daughter of the late larnes
I (J, Maine, arid It lesaid that one of the
reasons for the serious break between
the Maine and llarrlaon families was
! the refusal of President llarrlaon to
promote Copplugcr to brigadier gen
eralship when requested to do so by
Mrs. Maine, fatal summer, when a
! vacsnc* occurred in lbs grade of
brigadier general, Piesldeut Cleveland
: promoted Coppi riper.
A Modern Will Ism Tall.
Hot Mpmixos, Ark., Jan. J.—"Ari
! sons Charley," whoenjoys the diatlnc
i tlon of having conducted a week of
bull fighting at Cripple Creek, Col., in
spite of the opposition of the local
authorities and the governor, was scoi
i dentally ahot and painfully wounded
1 last evening. He had too much eon
1 ftdence In the marksmanship of •
friend, whom he requested to shoot a
! snow ball from the lop of hla head.
The friend’* nerve was bad and
> barley received a painful wound in
tha forehead _
Swell Operator* tar la
Ccrtiiaok, Mo., Jan I.—Consider
able Interest is manifested here a* to
| the probable outcome of tb* graat
| nine combine. A* Its working* can
, yet only be guessed, those Interested
do not feel at liberty to express them
! selves. The Impression among many
1 miner* and operators Is that the re
sult will be simply to choke out of
, existence all small enterprises and to
eruvent any further effort# toward tha
ullding of any additional smelting
! work* in this section.
I 1,1 Vr. HTOI k A ft If I llliltoi K M A HICK i n
■ g>i«l»tlmi< Kroin ft#«r York, ( klM|«, Ml,
l.oul*. Omitliii anil I Uatvliara.
Huilar—flrtainery »tparator 21 94 'it
Hill tor I air to good country, J,i 94 IA
I i UK1 Kri'-li . H't® W
, idilrkau*. Kraaaad, par ti ... 8‘»94 a
I truck* l'«r»- ..... V ® W
i I urkay* IVr »<.. 9 ® U
I’rmrUirlili kmi* I'trilo/. ..... A AO 94 A mi
ilaaao l'i r A. .... 7 94 k» < liolrt Meaalima. 4 2. 44 4 AO
Iiraiixa* l'< r Ini* ..4 mi 94 4 90
Applun I’ar I1I1I .. 2 79 44 3 AO
[ nwa.l oolutot* Hood. ptr bbl 2 O'! Gl 75
1 I'oiaiot* -I’ar bu ....— 35 94 40
! Iltiui* Nary, baild-iilc I 99 94 1 75
■ ( ruiiiitrriti' ■ ajra <'ml, pr.bbl 9 oo 44I0 oo
| Hay llplamt. par Ion. A A0 94 7 0
; mi on* I'arbii . .. 85 <v 3A
lirooiu I'urii Uraap, par ft. 2 94 pi
1 Ho/* Ml«t l pinking ........ 3 31 .4 3 40
1 iInn* Iltavy nalklil* .. J 40 94.1 45
littvt* rtockar* and faadcra. 2 54 44 3 8<
lirtf rtanra . 0 00 U 4 UI
Hull* .... . *00 44 3 90
may A in mi IM4II444IMIIIII **•«*• 1 7A 94 2 00
Hal ... .............. I mi w. .mi
0*i-u .,.|IM m I Ml)
I »w* . . I 30 94 2 90
lltlfi r* ... I 75 44 3 00
tt faitl'll* . ..*••••• .M.„.... * 14 94 5 IA
(•ftp I amb* . 3 7> 94 4 34
riittp 511 tail iialivt*. 2 0 94 2 7>
• IIH Abd.
tt lit at Nil. !, kprliui • V « 9 4 •• M4I AAV4 '749
linn I'tr bu ... . 25 94 8*k
Hal* I'er li.i . 17 94 I7ij
fork .T a;lav4 a an
I.aril.... 4 W 94 A 34
■ all It •,mi lu VI larava* 3 1 1 4 75
Him* tv-nut. .... # •» HI
nlitap I Mini" ....... . U 4 W
Hi«ma|4 miftjtlU* .. 1 w* iJL i
WlttMl Nil t«<t| Willi* I ti tt MH
»»r* 1 N#* *, .... M ii 14 r
»'•*% S» 4. U f! ti*
* I MM I*,
VMifgi 'Ni* ‘i rt>*l, » 11 *« .. ... *4 A •**»
* MMI * l*»4 |l "» 4 |
I ••It I'l'f *'»l ,, 11... .*41 1*4 vb )*<W j
Murfft |H«4'iilK4 ,,,,,,, i t* «l 1 if ,
I «M>« SMhrlw lr« . in I h
*»i**'* I# N<*Mv*« « ui*., • | 4 * * M I
I 1.44If* 'll it) ^ i 1m '
fc % \ » » 1 | 1 \
Wit# .*1 No ,,, . vf .mi vi |
tun* N»a » ft a att
t*»U N.a la b| Id 1 1
♦ «tll M.a ilft Mill 18* il I J
M u Mu* J I'tt* b* #. 3 *\ M 4 it
I al«A* •* il *«» | If
!>*«>* 4 I 9«A4M W 4Alltf|lM
WttHivinm J«m I — I bt rapuri
lk*t I » 1 Indian* kavt Itaaml l.vuai
••.•*>•1 laud I rum Ik* Kan i rib*, la
toa Him to II..* nil ilia r- uial ui Hiaiy laud* In >* hit**, la itU|<*lto4
by*.1 uni.1.1% All laa«aa mad*
Ky ui * in ludiau* r>i|Mir* in. *p. af lb. ludiau bnrtau, aud tft< |
utftfta tatunl ftlhtudnu tbalr ftlt»lui*nta
aud tout* nutn hwfitliua au.l. ualy
b. autliui li u( au am of iiuwiMa j
n«*a ft»0<m baa u».*r U>.a alluwad
au4 tu* ludiau buraau nlllau* awtk*.
mm It m* |
Tha Ja4|»‘a Mnslral laitniMMl.
A new typewriter a lory cornea from
India. It appears that one of the Keg
liah Judges in India waa an expert oa
the machine, and it occurred to him to
'me it for the making of Judicial notes
'I he machine wa* conveyed into court,
when a certain novelty wa* imparted
io the proceedings by the dick of the
keye end the tinkle of the bell which
Indicated that a line hod been corn
plated. The prisoner was found guilt*
and sentenced. Promptly he appealed,
on the ground that. Instead of listen
ing to tha evidence, the Judge bad
whiled away hie time by playing on a
musical Instrument 'I his was n tech
nhality as well as a typewriter, aad
<|ulte a goo<I enough reason for a bad
men to get a new trial.
If you have l<oth tracts and lirsed to give
to tbe poor, give them the t>reed first
Woman wants discs; msn wants ad
We have not been without Men a Cure for
i'onsuinptloti for twenty years I Jr./ie
Ksuksi < enipHt , Harrisburg. Pa., May 4,
The extent of your trimb& Is the Impor
tsn< a which you attach to yourself.
Many a man who claims that charity ha
glue at home lets his wife saw the wood
ifsrsaiwrllla lisa over and over again
proved Itself the beet blood purifier medi
cal science baa ever produced. It cuigi
when other medicines utterly fsil. Its
record is uuui|usflnd in the history oi
rricdIdn«. He succees Is based upon Its
Intrinsic merit. Hood’*
The One True If food Purifier, f 1; 6 lor |A,
Hood’s him* zi
! I
I '
! i 1
i 1
i 1
i 1
i 1
i 1
i 1
i i
, i
TheOrcate»,t fledical Discovery
of the Axe.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures eveuy
kind of Humor, from Hie worsl Scrofula
down to a common Pimple
He ha* tried il in over eleven hundred
cases, and never tailed except in two cases
(both thunder humor) He ha* now in hi.
possession over two hundred certificate,
of its value, all within twenty mile, of
Boston, Send postal card for book.
A benrlit it always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war*
rained when the right quantity Is taken.
When the lung* are affected it carnet
.hooting pains like needles pasting
through Ihem. the same witli the Liver
or Bowels. Tnis I* caused by the duct,
being stopped and always disappears in .
week a'ter taking it Kead the label.
If tlie stomach is foul or bilious it will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No ctiange of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you ca.i get, and enough of IL
! Dose, one (ablest* **niul in water af bad
time. Slid by all Druggist!.
THK AKHM0TOH CO. doat halt tha •artd’d
windmill buaiiMMa. ba. uu*a it haa ladwied tha coat of
wind puwar to l il Wind it wi It lua mao» brawl.
l,,“' «v, muT .uppilaa ua rood. and rapalra
four dnm, It i ni Mol doaa rurnlah a
IbsUa. mm ia tut lata BMMtaiUian
oUwua. It inaknn I'umplui and
iloau-d, atari, (tairamaad aftar*
I miidatlun Windmills. Tilling
■_ Flwd atari I own a. Htaal Bum daw
Kramra, hu-.-i I o-i ruitara and f swl
i hiiiuiti i 1111 mM'IIi ailnti It will iiainmina
of III"*" ultima dial It will ftirundl until
Jaiiuarj tat at l/:i r« usual prim It alao makaa
Tanks ami Tampa of all kinds, mrxl tor eaial atua.
Pattar/: 12th. Uaokwdl auk llllanrt Straata. Ckkara
Patents, Trade-Marks.
Kaamlnalion and Adrtia aa to falaalablHty af
lavrution kriid (or " lorauuira'wnldi or Hum lotiat
a Tata " fATBICI! STaMUL, WaBSSMTW. 6. 3.
|*NO|>| f'KM, Mil ye«f |ir«Mlu«fa »>.<! • rfl* rv im tm
* MiaiioM bn to Mill* Illy um like f»r ►
»*«•.!• to it.a n.of .orii tin merviiH In/i'nne
llifii »»<ri tm *i*** ii1 .1tit rut. e, 9. tA* NIMI-#
* <» . Ml Ultlt* to.. I
1 ull littnltinaa htturOuMiU. IVu ATI
bbtl lwlagrw|ib ituiraw ul.lrat. l.arga.t
mul Haul in >«bntak» Mtiiatita > an
murk fur Umrit. Ilugullfttl t at* lug liar
9, 9 MOON. ***••. Omuhn.
liaagu (agad M magiag M aw atsMaaM
mm)Mm rrasar-s
•***4 |k*e*AM>>Mooo IkMi^tte. * Meley, mAMk
tk»»*t»fri*m II* 4* h .U.adk*. >*«*|*» IdtMMHr
fcujK MOM MOt. mu, M
klat a M- mail • »•*» tUtWgMa gills raw. Mam
a «* g . *a m a aw, llkklniu.U. «| .iiwahaA.k
WHm writing l« a*i*wIbrnra. kllbllf
tuawl loti I h la |M4W*