The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 03, 1896, Image 8

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W. R. Mellor, Resident Agent for R. A: M. Lands, Wild, Improved and Irrigated Lunds for wale.
~ — ■ i —■■■ «■' 1 1 1111' ' " ' —— " ” 11 - ■" 11 ' 'I
Uoaal Daws.
A. Boone, Til* Jeweler,
pilger ha* win* Bn# Cabbage,
Boot* and ahooa at Henry Doll
5o«T. I„ Pi lgor'a aew add la thl*
Pilger baa a aholaa lot of apple* for
aal# cheap.
Watch out for C. Qaateyers new add
■ext week.
Pilger ha* »e«ne ebolee Onion*, Red
and Yellow.
Pilger h«e Mine Excellent Home
made Bauer Kraat.
A baby girl watbora to Mr and Mr*.
Henry Oblaaa last Moaday.
I. A- Brawi w»de a bul*ae»a trip to
Grand Island loot Tuosday.
J. W. Meapy Wa* doing bualneie et
the witty a*at I itnrday last.
Gold Unused glease* #1.00 per pair
at CTa'kiaMd’a belefe the holiday*.
A very piesuvi ;»arty was glvea at
the Lo»3 resldenew last Tuesday ulgbt.
The holiday* arar aed oer bu.i
MM mea report a ry good holiday
Fred Ryan, of Oraad Island, hat been
■pending a few day* flailing in our
Lino your Rig Sleeves witb Cbamoise
Flberlne.64 inches wide, for sale at
Sheriff elect H. G. Patton moved hi*
family Into the Wilkinson house last
Pilger baadle* only the Choicest good*,
and hi* goods are all Clean, Fre*h and
Pllger I* Sole Agent for the Celebrat
ed Rt Paul Flour Every flack war
The nierehante of tbe town are pre
palrng their iee boeeee for the new
crop of Ice.
Pllger baa Home New Sweet Cider.
The only Pure Cider ever brought to
Sherman County.
Carl Eggle and wife came up from
Grand island last Tuesday to attend
tbe New Year ball.
Bee A. Boone's new add on tbls page,
and then go and see bis new assortment
of Jewelry Just received
Don't miss the Minstrd entertainment
at the opera house to-nlgntSIngiug and
dancing and lot* of fun.
Mis*. Lura Hound and Miss. Nina
Landers, of Arcadia, were visiting
friend* In tbls city this week.
There were quite a number down from
Arcadia laat Wednesday evening to at
tend theK P. New Years ball.
K A Smith's family arrived from
Graritfldale, Montana one day last week
and K. A. still remain* in the west
prospecting for gold.
Colds and Gulp—Colds arid Grip
are one and the same thlrg. Dr. Hum
phreys' Specific “77” cure* them both.
For sale by all druggists
A convention 1* called to meet at
Lincoln Nebraska for tbe purpose of or
ganizing a Btate Brirkmsker's Associa
tion. Tbe convention will be held Jan
21 JHttfS.
A. Boone was agent here for the
costumes sent here by Mrs. Neimana,
of Grand Islam] and we uuderstand he
bad them all rented out for the K. 1”*.
annual ball given New Years night.
Tbe head typo of this office reports
having enjoyed a New Years dinner at
the residence of hi* uncle, Mr. Geo. II.
Gibson M'-. and. Mr*. Ilayhurst and
daughter und Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Smith were also invited guests.
Peter Tbode and Miss. Jendrleks were
married last Monday at Loup City.
They are two of Sherman County’s
young and most respected citizen.
Tbe Nuktiiwkstk.un withes them a
prosperous and happy future.
School commences next Monday
morning with abo ut one hundred and
slxty-Ave pupils on the roll, aud is ex
l»eeted to continue for five months
without a break. The scholars have
much enjoyed the holidays and will
no doubt take hold of their studies with
a will.
While at Kails CUy l*»t Saturdy we
became somewhat interested lu the
horse market, and horse buyers who
made their headquarter* at our broth
«r'e livery barn bought twenty
three head of flue horses aud tnwiet
The top price paid was gdN.op.
Well bred three year old mare* sold for
from •-'o to f.10.
Ye editor, In cum|>ey w ith ills broth
or O. Henschoter, had * week* visit
with parcels at Kalis < ily, Nebraska.
The occasion w as to s|ieud t hrlsliuns
at home lit family re union, It being the
Arst time [<tr elg it yeara that all
(father, mother aud the Ave hoys
were together ,\ e had a most pleas.
•Ut Visit
On our rviutu fiuio Kalis t'uv last
Tuesday we bad • dav al t<rand Island,
ami in the atterumm was show*
through the l‘ I' ear »h»|>a hy our
friend J II t* llryan II* tl'Bryan
look M through all Ibe dtAsreiu de
part meats, ami ihroigh hi* courtesy we
made the •es|uatwraMce uf tome uf the
t'lMi tale the shop fur a I tbs. emplot
meat fur a large fury# *1 men r "d g
great deal uf oar repairing is gtdng ..i
W. n Conger I* on the atck Hat
Hayden Brcm. Dr_v Oorxle, Omaha.
WHAT!! 24 lbs of Sugar for #100 at
Pure Maple Syrup aad Buckwheat
lour at Oaateyer*.
Mra.fcomer left far home in Grand
iland Wedneaday.
The connty supervisor* will t>e In
leaalon for the neat few day*.
Oaateyer aella atrlctly Pure New
Torb Apple Older 30 eta per gal
Hr. Chase,of Ma*on City yUlted her#
laat Friday returning home Saturday.
Oaateyer *cll* Queenawar* and Fancy
China at remarkable low price* for
Did you get one of those fancy china
rupa with 1 lb of Japan tea at deal#}
A pleaaant party la reported at the
realdence ef W. R. Mellor last Monday
■ Lescbinaby mad# a bulan#** trip to
Brand 1 aland laat Wednesday and re
turned Thursday.
A ham mysteriously disappeared
From the seat market of f F. Reynold*
laat Tueaday Bight
Chaa. Brown and family hay# moyrd
back 'art wtek aed hay# again located
in Sherman County,
Master Freak Smith bea been to
|our</lng«B Clear cieek aad Immediate
raclnity far Ike paat few daya.
Dick and Aide O Bryan look a
therougkbred Jeraey calf to St. Paul
Fueadsy returning Wednesday,
Begin ibe New Tear hy aubaeriblng
for Mie NoiTHWIlllM. The lieat local
newspaper published In Sherman coun
See thoic <;oonn next door.
At the Opera Houoe Friday
Itev Hick* predict* a severe monlb
for January, and advise* people t'< keep
their ceil bine well supplied daring
Ibis month.
Miss Kva Wilson, of Ashton, nude
these hesdquarrer* a visit last Monday
tnd presented ms with a dollar on sub
I,a*f Friday night a crowd of young
folks assembled at the residence of Mr.
md Mrs. A.F. Wert* »nd enjoyed a
rood time.
Pilger ha* the only Pure Buckwheat
Flour In Gherman County, liaised the
•eed himself and had It ground Into
Buckwheat flour.
You can buy pice smoked bam at
John Kgger* Meat Market at 10 cent*
per pound, the finest In the market,
Hllrcd Ham 12$ cent*.
Oeo. War#, of I,ogan township mad*
this oil)** a pleasant cal) Monday last
ami left *2 00 to insure a weekly visit
from the Noktii wkstekit.
We understand that Prof, Kennedy
has sufficiently recovered from hi*
rheumatism to resume hi* duties In the
sobool room on the opening after the
Martin Comer ha* recovered suffl
ciently from hi* Injuries to be on duty
•gain. He has accepted a position
from the U. P. It. It. Co. and I* station
ed at Grand Island.
A shooting affray occurred Dec. list
in the Union Theater, In the little min
ing eamp of Victor, near Cripple
creek. There were two killed and
several severly wounded.
B. A. Brown, of the Times-Indepen
dent received a handsome present in
the shape of a neck tie presented to
him by his slstcr-ln-law Miss Kthel
Goldsworthy, of Idaho Springs, Colo.
Speescs noted Jubilee Singers will
give an entertainment at the opera
house on Friday eve, Jan 3rd. The
program consists of plantation melo
dies. music, dancing, duets,, solos,
comic speeches, gags and darkey farces.
All should come out aud enjoy an oycn*
lug of mirth.
'The east bound fast mall on the Union
Pacific recently made up two hours am!
twenty three minutes lost time In going
from North Platte to Council Blurts,
The run from the Platte to Grand Island
was made In two hour* and twenty
three millutea, about sixty-five miles sn
hour Kx.
We take pleasure this week In an
uoiioctng the m-irrlge of Mr. l.ueloua
Tracy in Miss Mills McGradv. which
i-vent occurred at I.oup City on January
1st, lutM Judge Bent onictating. The
Nmntiiwa* inn* wishes them many
happy New Year* In their toy age oyer
i ihe sea of time
The annual uiatipierade hall given by
the h P. I.odge of this City New Years
I nlgtit * a* attended by one of the largest
crowds that was ever ktiowutoiie at the
opei» house on a similar ue#g*|on
Mi s«u| me people alien,ling were
masked and many of the costume* we e
pvelly not costly The oiu i. and
management was good and the net talon
was mot It vujo; ed The tot
I ticket* were over #13 Oil
Nino v All paiiic* knowing ih-in
•else* tielel.led to ms will ph-ase •>l<te
ht lush ov note We have sallied you
as long a* mil elrvumstanm * wl|| ||
lord ami ws must ma te •** 11*10*01 to
full lu itisl uf 1 ear Please altt ol to
I*at • nci * ipsyffallt
J I, I«* 1 s w
From |,ltr!»ftrl<l Mentor
The Method I *t Sun lay School gave a I
CbrlMrna* entertainment eltl» a plea* I
lug program on ( hnatmaa night
«f, Tcrbune returned Monday from ai
three weak* bualneaa tour through Mia i
aourl atul the eaatern part of till* ataie
The I'reahyterlan < hrUtmii* enter
talnrnent at th« hall »a» a grand w
ce»a. and a large crowd congregated
to llaten to lhe exeralae*. which we |
apendidly executed.
According to piibllahed call, tboae In
tercap'd In organizing a hand met e*t
unlay evening, and an organization,
waa effected. George porter »»« el#«■>
ed pretldenf, (,'larance f,ltl|e|1eld acre
tary. and 0, W. Ben*on trea*urer. ~<*v
eral of the ln»truto*Mi* belonging to tin
old organization are avalahle, aodP l«
the undemanding (hat a few new In I
•irumenta will lie porch-tved aa anon *•
the prn|,er arrangement* can l»e mad*,
then the band will be fully equipped
and ready for buialne**,
Conalderabl# *aHternent wa* cau«ed
at the mill pond Saturday while a party
of young folk* were akntlag. The
water bad l>e«n lowered by th* ©p*r
atlon* at the mill, leaving (he iceaonken
and rather unaafe. Mlaxe* Klfle flint
and Ada Potter with their eaeort, W M,
ffohaon, etruck a weak apot near the
•bore and broke through Into about five
feet of water, I lie Ice wa* In aucb a
aondltton that It waa alrnoat Impo*- d"
for the other* to reach them but Will'*
cool head kept all *af« until board*
could Ire procured, and the unfortunate
parti** yet live to rela'e the particular*
of th# adventure
A Man* Ufa Wr»«h«4 hf a Moment n*
Wmum tfulnass,
“There goes * men whose life wa*
ruined by forgetting tbe simple charac
ter 0," said a prominent railroad man to
a Han Francisco Examiner reporter, !
pointing to a ragged, besotted man
Shambling along tbe street, unmindful
of tbe rain.
He was a train dispatcher on tbe Ohio
A Mississippi railroad once, having
worked up to that position from messen
ger boy In tbe teb graph office. One
Monday be hsd only two trains on his
division, an express train Westward
bound snd s fast stock train running
East. The day was warm and sultry, j
and Hill, for that was bis name, bad
bard work to keep awske. He knew
that as soon ss be made tbe meeting
point for the two trains be coaid doze,
and be Impatiently awaited tbe time.
When tbe trains were close enough to
gether for blrn to figure a meeting point
be sent an order to tbe passenger train
to meet snd pas* tbe stock trsin
at a Hub; station called Willow Valley,
fixing tbe time at 12:60. To tbe
stock train be sent an order that it could
have until 1:26 to make Willow Valb«y
for tbe passenger, (fee tbe mistake.
He forgot tbe 0, and hence gave tbe
Stock train tbirty-flve minutes more than
be should. Hill saw bis mistake ten
minutes after be bad made it, but there
being no telegraph station between tbe
points where tbe trains were given the
orders or at tbe meeting point be could
do nothing to rectify it. fie sent for
the superintendent snd ordered out the
wrecking crew, then sst st tbe key pale
as death, tbe cold perspiration running
down bla face In streams, a waiting news
of tbe colllson.
It came. Tbe passenger train reacted
Willow Valley on time, waited the re
qulred thirty minutes under tbe time
card rules for tbe freight train a»d
then pulled out. Three minutes la*;r
tbe two trains met on s curve, both rei
ning st s high rate of speed. Fourteen
lives were lost In the collision, beside*
8100,000 worth of property destroy*!.
Hill resigned at once, and the next day
disappeared. For a long time it Was
thought be bail committed suicide, b A1
met blrn on tbe street here one day ,^at
as you see him a total wreck.”
«u cottrcmioM inaTAKCKia
••The OserlanU UmltMl,” a JHewTriln
Chicago to Han Francisco.
The fastest train in the world, la
tanca considered, will run via be
Union I’aclllc Hyatein. Comnena ng
Nov 17th. the Union I'aclllc, will rt i a
through train daily from Council lit fT*
to hao Francisco and l.os Angi es,
making the run of 1,804 miles in s ity
hours thirty five minutes This r tin
will leave Omaha, 8:10 a m.; Og en,
I I 40 i>. III. next day; Han Franci co,
i H 4.7 |> m. second day. and l.os Aug lea
j 10:00 a m. the third day, earn ng
j Through I’ullmaii Double Draw ig
i room Mleejiers and Dining far to Ian
j Francisco and l.os Angeles, lie i tre
; and ask for ticket a via 'The Over nd
Route," F. L. I.OMAX,
oia'i I'a»s am> Tu an Anas .
Omaha' Si1 .
| '
Awarded Higlicat Honors,
World'* ( air.
A pu** <i Ape tlSAUl *< 1 .It,41 I*. W |
r««efc m A— ■ »'s. Sfswi siii i» *» ""4 |
40YkAKk Hit! hlAWDAKC
A j, iMaputa wilU a
I I All T woman wban
I Hill I*1** wfi °°r
JJ U11 lOooAa ara tlm
Only Oum Jo But. it*
r-aiOH' aim kiiowa what aim
la talking about,
Argua wiih Imr
whin alu aa>a
Our Fri< i-a ara
ky,Jm talka lika
a aanaihla woman who
« known what'a what.
. Try to excuee
Tvourerlf for no
I mu to now* ot b
I er etore jnetead
J *of 0ti re. Vou
«4fl know Umt you < an offer r>o
r<»eeoo t hat can l>e eufflclent
for paaelng Uie etore where
the Hxer and C'MKAf’MT
go together,
_ ' .
Kxpect your
wife to meet
you pleaeautly
if yoa've gone
to come other
etore than On re, when the
expreeely told you to go
nowhere alee. Don't do
j theee thing# if rou expect
4 to lire long and keep yofcr
hair on.
Dry Goods, Groceries, QaeBosware, Boots, loos, Hats, Caps, Foroisfciai Goods,
Notions I
We havfrg<it the Strongest Lina Kv< r Ojf< r< l l;i Vf/.rkH, Ali i. JVW' ,
^ oup BAIT IS 6}- \r^\HS ;
New York Store. Loup City, NetmiMka
TbM* who »r»- liidebfe 1 to tn<- for
twine or otherwi** plena* cnll and net
tle at once a* I need the money due me
T. M Jfgglr.
* m.— ITT,l,r "nrr i
Notice I* her* by given that I will not
In; reapomdble for any debt* and pilf*
r;ha*e« made hy M. f‘. Ford,
If, Yotur. Agt.
Dr. Price'* Cream flaking Powder
World * Fair Hlahaal Medal and tflpioma.
A cholne half aectlon of highly cul
tlvated land for »ale. Price *2100.00,
For further i/artlenlar* call on or ad
drea*. A lsr.*«< u/ir.u.
at Ixrtip <!ltr,
Frfffmilll I'rPtfiiiikfl,
One thing will do It, that i» a ahirp
razor. Warranted razors at Watklu
roll SALK.
Till* office, ha* a complete IS pound lout
of Nou parti type lor sale cheap, me faea of
which la ahown In ihl* notice, tteaaon for
.idling Is that we have Juat tnveated In a
large font of Non parti of a different manu
facture, Toe font la complete with a large
amount of I)gun-a (jimda and apace*. It I*
first-class In every particular and can l/e
bought for u I moat half the price of a new
font of IIIi ante al/.e, adil teas
ii tut. v linear not aa, Putdiaber,
l oi r oit» JtoMTiiwa*Taa».
<!'lie I tally Ktate Journal give, every
•Uliacrlbef i ending *1 on •Ul>acrl|ftioii a
gue.a In a piano cnnieal The |mr*on
gu*»»liig the correct or neare*l to the
corn- t number of vole* that will lie
caat for »upfunio Judge ihl. fall will
get ihl. CI.'iO |d*no free. The uouteat
1 October ill Hcnil for a free Hill
ole ropy of The Journal with Ihl*offer
The Journal (a cheap in price now, Mi
cent* |>er mouth without holiday, or Ho
cent* with Hundty, Addrea* hlal#
Journal, I.luculn, Neb.
YOU’I.I. W ANT Till*,
I he heml Weekly Htai* Journal will
he »eiii to any addrea* from now until
lauuary I, I*tt7, for one dollar I hl*
will gl ve yon that great twice-a-week
paper*very I'uetday amt Finlay all
niriu - the la liampaigu. ami through
the romteg great presidential ram
palgn, ,1 rntiarjfalhtiT I* a long way*
off and yon »III le- gelling * gteal I t
of ti ding lustier for your dollar
I ne Journal la *l*i| i aM ol of the
oner a week paper* and I* realty worth
Iwlc" n* lent h. It I* Itie f-iiuici'* dally
|l* m.iki l It porta le inmplii. ami
I oU g( t them IW lee a Wt eg III* lilted
With etude* family i*.oil (I* aiMI|li‘«
to all l he »ia«e and uai * t»l '• i< pteli a
|t| W I ^ * *' iH*
world * yl» all at aidh. MW .oouei
you rend a i)»llif fl»e ru* re papt r* yon
Will get for I out tonne I \ I'm •
>*hf*.‘-a male Journal I netdo Net»
— —.It yon will %o Ur.
Jewelry Htore you will arc what
a a w It waa the fluent, aanortwent of :
Holiday Goods j
in town. And they are freab from 1
the factorlea of New Vork Juat had
finished unpacking and arranpintf
them for the trade. There were
watches, clock;; hud
—a complete line of—
Holiday preaeute call on
^i(X) Reward
We will pay thl* amount tor each and
every ea»e of Ca t a nun that
Rocky Mountain Catarrh Curo
fall* to eur«,
II l» plnaMMl lo lake la a|i|i|l«<l iIimmiIIv
l» th« effrt'ltwl parln, rleanaltitf na<l •p«l<ibiy
rxnlorlna lloon lo hrally *. lino
One wmiltia ueai nnod >ml> arm or trial
Untile (or to reel* Oliver nr alnreiia
Cooper Miiltf, lienvnr, l.a»l
ruemmotom a Miaaocui kivku h. a
Kill. WtWf.
\MV M I.nave# r.fiop. w
A. F Wrim, Agt, tf
# tl. »>. UAI/.WAf
Beginning M jo day. Xo rein bar 17tb»
train* will arrive and depart at till*
atatlon a* t
1/rtraa UarM
Monday. > I Tuaaday, i „, ^
Wedneaday, *"'• Tburadiy. *'*
Friday, )*'w | aiarday 1*'“
Arrfraa at f/oup Olty daily 7. iftp, in.
i ;io»« connection at Grand I aland for
•II point* final and Weat
F. W. Cunt, Agent
yy .j.fimii i it,
WH and unproved tanda for aala. Anot
moony to loan on real antaia.
'■"* im
Weat Hide Public Mtjuara.
I/Oi.'p Citt, .... Me*.
^ Mior. or EXPRESS a**1
All EapraM or rrelglil order* promptly
attandad to
yy I.. MAitGY,
urrioE-la Mead and Many Rtnai, Real
•Ida Fnidta Mutate, lamp Play, Rah.
Arp»tUt \|. Mjilim, 1/tMiiiCity,
Slirtiij.j* Mitliiiji it ml Aalilmtdf
maim mi i* i; a l I.m p t*i j y
AH Rtall* li titltnl lii Mu \)|dl|M tty
Mi baupp Mtdlug III kid* are In tut
tmanttied at l. xip I’ny t,y \,i,!,,i,
hUhi MmI (attiyi Altai Hip maiitl
prim tax Ibx.f aUlloua ('all ami
•MM* M«» Itaif»••*• veiling idaenlter*