The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 03, 1896, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
• __ , ___ _ .... M -p - .. ■ - . . . - | - ....
The Northwestern
ttKO. K.. llltEHOMOT*;*,
Editor and f>ul>liali*r.
rtHTi (I to pot lw. If I* M*mm
*r„ . mutra-xiJtt ■ .'?> *■• -^~~jar
BmUrt i 0* M>» l*/«r <t*r #■<■**«•»• tof ear
Mima %k» Mllll M IWi*4'
otoso mo>»ot.
our Eepillieii letipapir 11 Skenii Coutr
A. I). Wolf«nbcrg*r, of Lincoln,
waa elected president of tb* Neb
reek* Irrigation Aaaociatton which
convened at Bldney.
Weatley Black,of 8UIIwater, Ok.,
waa engaged to a lady iu Ohio for
•twenty-three year* and finally mar
ried Her on* day laal week. Tblnk
■of that, impatient girl#.
The fight for the two cent* in tb*
in Utah promt*** to b* bitter.
Thar# are aereral candidate# trot
. tbe republican* are pretty a*r* of
* winning. They bare a majority of
twenty-three in the leglalature on
ioint ballot.
At Grand I aland K. C. Hocken
bergar. e* seen tary of the school
board, was found guilty of em
bezzlement, the Jury returning a
verdict after being In the box only
fortv rninii'es Tii<- defense a* once
gave notice that jt would Hie ■’ wo
lioe for < ne v 'ri—K* iroc, Hu-o
The H‘ at v T* mIc ' - b-s1 o,tI o
which i' row l»eieg In Id * '»
f.jds fait I :ive tue ../-at t»
deuce of anv m"<>'b.g of tie- and
ever Ij'-d/i u N< bi. «k.«, Kver, r -m
is bringing in new arrivals, Hlale
f*uperintci,dent Corbet has worked
up a won'lerful interest in this d<
rection and lias proven himself to be
•the right man in the tight place.
,.H i, , V <* dt t w p | .
r spoken ol |>f ilutllr esielrdaO
P . for governor, Mr. Cady la amons
ttue brightest men in western Neb
raska and should he get the uorni
nation the republican party would
have a mighty popular candidate
not any more so however, than con
greasman Meikeljohn, but be woolc
be a candidate that would reeiavi
the full party vote. Our choice how
ever is Meikeljohn, for the reasor
that he has proven himself to be i
true advocate of the peoples beat in
tereats, and then again because w<
admire a man who comes out aquari
toed and lets the publitknow that hi
ia in tha fight. Mr. Cady haa one*
or twice here-to-fore been a darl
horse for the nomination of governor
and through no effort of bie own bai
reuvveu m vrwy uhuviiu^ tuw iu tut
convention. It wa* doubtleaa tfai
lack of bia own energies which de
faated h.m in tk > convention.
Ti'« graaping, avaricioua loai
vompa.tte* are not aatiafled witl
robbing the poor bomealender, o
y which we heard so much In tha 1st
campaign, i*«t they reach ont fo
all ulaMane of People, and do no
let even onr governor eaeap* It
tentacles. A n batch of fori
closures raoeully Hied in the dii
trlct court la on# by the Hacurity
Trust and Deposit company again*
8. A. Ilolcomb and »bey aak th
court to roaka the goveruor pay ol
a mortgage of • 1,60o past dui
nearly two yaara, with accrued iu
teretl or aiahe au order ailowini
them In sell the farm Amilhr
thing brought out In the petition 01
tile ta that the govet nor has no
been contributing bl» jh*t propor
tioii of the ishea to support our > t
tfniaiiaiit pop counit c ferutneti*
at It recite* that th" Inge* on Hlla*
I at hi have not lean t*aid for th
tear* |stij, |aht and thU4, Tl'
governor *<** one of the f.||ow<
who iia*l> >'d iu « «>i iithg I to* pop. n
our eottn' i oi l im ought to slam
by tin< Job and chip in hi* mite «e
uoallt toward* supporting *ui k i
luaert (5 uatet I'oauty Repnbli
■palling In gafcnala.
And now they *re denouncing the
common *nd high *chool# of the
land because the children no longer
learn »n a pc 11 correctly In them tint
what el»e could lie expected with the
preaant system of "ramming nil the
branches of study at once in'o the
knowledge boxen of the young one*?
U one atopa to reflect* ll'tle he will
see that the acience of spelling prop
erly the half million word* of our
language, of even the ten thou**nd
ordinary words that enter into the
vocabulary of the average educated
citizen, involves a irewendoaa a
mount of memorizing. The spelling
of a great majority of these words is
arbitary witbo tit rule or reaaoo, and
to a great extent Independent of the
Forty or fifty ysar* ago our
school*devoted the flrat ten year of
the pupil'* career to reading sad
■palling. A little arithmetic and
gaograpby wa» acquired between
time*, but the great work of the
child five to fifteen year# wa* the
spelling book and it* logic*) and
ualara) complement, the “reader"
Hot now it i* different. Tie
spelling book has been relegated to
_A L*. _ _I .. L._i a a .
sue I wtmi All'J IS » miw,i j iH'.rti’J •/»# /» -
noon a* the infant can stumble
through the lines of tbe primer or
first r* ider, it* attention is called to
numberless </her object* and its
mind full v occupied, if not
hewiloored, in grapplir.g with ab
sir!i< ln 'in fa'her than the form«tion
of the v rd*b'< which f "t* aic no
m un icatcd.
; w i>,ci < jus't wocI • f'is*'*,
A lop piece < • jsl;.i«g or<iro(, all
I l.h«' fi"«W (he *'fiooi now
| ttOtil lh<- child h if. h't'l ff > is ».,% to
I ten years to devoirs nluiostcxclcsive,
Jv to tins acquisition </f or'borg'ipby.
The best spellers In the laud under
the old regime were school s.bddren
of twelve or fifteen year* of age.
Hu* today the younger generation
i f « c r ein a *
in /* .* ffi > r •' I
printing"(flees. III* not lire fault
of the tca< her*, hut of ib»' stat in —
tf i-ale Journal.
Lincoln dispatch: Tbe otfic* of
tbe commissioner of public lends
and building* has received a plat of
nection 3d, township 24, range 39,
w«*t, in (Jraot county This plat
show* that tbe new survey by tbs
government does not correspond
wim tbs old ooe, e strip forty rod*
width being taken off tbe north side
of tbe section. This is interesting
to tbe stite and those who have
taken laud in that section under
sonlract for lease or sale.
This section being one of tbe two
’ in every township which is set apart
to tbe stele for school purposes, has
been leased aeeording to tbe eld
1 survey. By tbe new surrey it Is
not school land but ia subject to
entry libe other government land
( nod the title of the elate is a«t
( good.—Kearney Hun.
r -
i The Poultry Keeper says: Then
r is no reason why the fanner should
I not have something for sale from
i his poultry yard every week in tht
. year. There are time* when the
. ben* will not Uy oecause they ar»
in the moulting siege, which takes
l away alrnut three mouths In lbs
, year, mostly during Jely, Auguel
I aail Hcpteralier, or perhaps begin
n lug and ending later. As eggi
will then not ire so plentiful tin
I shirks should he mads fat and a*al
f to the marks!*. The poultry bust
i n#as |Mrmlu of sotnwthlug I'oiainj
, in all tie* limn, which provide* Hi*
• | capital for operntlnjj i|u< business
.! Me* one has lie* no* established |u
tile poultry hir»|«i«*s the rvcsipii
horrid * a* *o d the csinoi*** nt cr»*ri
< iingith in thu year, and dip is in n
be l*st* he.t early and Is’ ,f 44 I»
, S* I lie h p* will la 1 * ini* bit i«l» *
i, sit, but the 1 should Is soi l I**1 ton
the winter sr lsin, »* by ihsi 1 iirtr
^ lhr hsus should bare flnlslnd " <
moult ms’ process wud be r*ad| bn
laving again, and will need tin
room tbit fca occupied by the chick*. J
By celling cbicka during tbe latter
part of tbe year there will u>>\ be
tbe uanal Iriterviila between tbe
profit# tbit come in
What e>M«*n
Thomaa A. Kdiaon, who w; a
naked by a reporter if be (bought
American inventor* <"uld deviac
enginca of deat ruction aiifffcicnt to
deairoy tb* Britiili fleet. replied in
tbe affirmative,
“It would require but the itn
petueof a war," be acid, “to bring
forth *U"b inventive geoiuc ae to
aatouod tbe world. Aa it atarida
to-day a battle on land need not In*
fought. A handfull of men could
•weep away an army. The destruc
tive power ja found in electricity. I
believe that tbe aubroarine boat* now
on (Hal by varioua oationa ran be eo
improved that diet will be irrcaiatible
When lien* on deatruction Widi
properly compreaaerl air I think M
would be poaalblc for aucb a boat to
remain under water for a day **t *
time. At present they are too alow
to be effective. That could in; over
conic, I believe that tbe aerial j
torpedo furniahva u« wi'b proved' n
from boat-lie warahipa. We are j,o>f,
they are.and how ttw v can b impr
vcd, I have not 0 e slight* f d* : '
: that an aerial or;*do can ix- <<e
| Otf OCted that c»« tie *tc*i <*J, Tie
| coat of cousin* lion would lx
fling aboil* /) -,0O or • -;o
torpedo <c (do < ' I-. '* '
»», a certain ijui t • 1
loo-c from lie ai.i •/ '
Ilf* , f i.fjc-' tfijoj;* - i 1
; at one time, and sen » ,
; v,; |i a600-poio.d dvnmni < torp*-''
| lia.'.gin,; to each, ft would i»ot '
oeeasarv to strike the |» when
dropped and * xploded. The very
for<* of the concussion wjtbio two
roilea of a ship would almost shiver
i her
*,rfe fiowf e-ri tc> sort*! * :n
<r * ,,
C*lllVI*(C< d jf wj 1 full I'll It* fMi
e,hlnea to defend this c/iuutry a
gsifiat all f**reign *Mft<'» (f lhe»e
{* a war with Knglsnd, w .ieh I
(rust there will never be, too m*v
quote me aa saving there will lx;
some remarkable tbinga done by
Americana, For myself 1 will say
that I will abandon all else and give
my whole energy to the service of
my country. The dynamite gun
should tie taken op first, A vessel
armed with a dozen dynamite guns
would be a terror of the seas.
American inventive geoin* will
aoon supply what the army and
navy of the country lack.”
G hippy Colds.—Orlppy celds sre’
epidemic and sre promptly "broken up’
by “•77.’’ Dr. Humphrey’* Kpectflc for
colds and grippe. For asle by all dtug
Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder
Moat Perfect Mode.
HliKKirr’* SALIC.
Nollee I* hereby given that hy virtue of
an order of *ale Waned hy the clerk of the
diatriei court of the inih judicial dial rid of
Nehraaka within and for Hherman county
In an action wherein * arioa (j, liurr wan
plaintiff and aaujtiel C, Hefrher, Mllie
Matcher. William L. Man v, Jam* * I- lift *
ton, Nellie lirtf ton. Moffltt and Thump 1
aon, Weafern Manufacturing fkrupany.
inooner It Howell, I? H Wind ICngine ami
rump unpanv. J. 1 lUlc. Iluwaid Hank,
and lino. W Cunningham were defendant*
I wit at two o'clock |i in >n • li«* 7tIi day
of January. 14a, al ihe eouiktUutr <*f the
conn Ironae In l,oup city, aheHnaii county,
Netireaka, offer for aale at puhlle auction
(for MMdit Ike following dcarriln d real to
will The North weal uuarlar of •wctlon
ten (10;, in towuahlu Ihfrleea (Ik north of
tenge fourteen (It) weal of the 6lh |»lln
rl|*al meridian* am! altuete In kkerinan
eounty, Nehraaka
Uif•!» wmlai my kend tkle fend (ley of
Hat am her, jw*
tt 0 .tMhMicgaoN, eheiiff
NON itMll'fck I* NOTION
May M. ) onng wild I a wla I ’ Young, it*,
feudeitta. aid lake mil ice that on the and
day of Janaaf» lid* the cal ate of Milam
Mar key* dr» ea*ed. i« alnlirf h« rein m -I it*
t * t ii ton in t It* d >« t * n I >>0111 of nutui
, < minty, Nehraaka agalnat *ald defendant*
! I tie object and player of which ate lo #«*»
< hoe a certain mortgage r|tr(|l«<l hy M s
*t•fendant* to the pialntMt ujmn I taaiiti
i wo »**’>. at ft y three .Mi and ri|i| lour uttj
in h •« k thirty lour I*-, in Ihe original
1 loan site of iron j* *i t y. eher man county,
* k a I tii.,
♦ ei * *H» pi 0144 > *-•.» > M>.l r * \ * I» I \ .1 -Hi
Hha for th«. aon* of t ♦ due and fm
• • •1 i *
•*ud |aa» aide 4**0 '*i Hk, l*ei Mm* *i«f #.
In* and | a»a * • 4 ansi *h -k that
4h* r» k* in;# dde «*!*;•» Maid Imii’* and m-ut
• *-: * • otin . -I r 144 y , |or w n. •nm
w oh mu fts| Ir in tuO «Uh - i-mulig
, t « Ihi*^ (ltd defer i*n<« r«
•♦*»* I In ia| M r same or the4 tai l pfemt
fMMHtl true 4 on <rM* leuuiit t to anawei
ea' I |u>» m o«h I M kf
f aiuaiih | *wa«
Mela-' *M* md day of daw nil, law
I fkl Mtil feel M N U4»l> a M . |r« • «wasnt
I t«7 a ft tSianya At‘« tn«,
Almost everybody take* *ome laxative
mid,i me to clean*e Ote *y*tem and keep tlie
Cood pure. I lto»e who take SIMMONS
IVi k PfeOULATOk (liquid or powder)
ret all the l»ettefit* of a mil) and nlea*ant
la/atlve and tonic that purlfte* the blood
ar>d *trengtlien* the whole *y«tem. And
more than tin*: SIMMON# I.IVbk PI OU
LAlOk regulate* tlie l.lver, keen* It active
and healthy, and wlten tlie l.lver I* In i
fw/d condition you find your tell tree from
lalarla. BHIoutri'-**, !r, iige*tlon, Sick
H'-ada' l,e and Conttipabon, and rid of
that worn out *nd debilitated feeling.
I i,e*r are all cauted by a *lnggl#h l iver,
Ciood digestion ar/J freedom from *torna< li
trouble* will only be had wlieti the ||v<r
i» proia-tiy al work- If troubled with any
of theoe complaint*, try SIMMON# I .IV* k
Pi OULATOP. I be King of Liver Medi
cine*, and Better than Pill*. - ,
Rm I to- 7, Hl mnip In real on wrapper.
J. If. /a illu * Co., Mill*., I'*.
Thf fhnifism firm A$*r*y, X/yri'.hh>urg*VA.
vflf rut* A om /a/a fof If '! to - A irit*
mi\y ponAwAA \»r-4i****ri «*' >f*i'*nt Issv*
ing <"Hi« tin, C*A*t \/ * A>i*. S'. ■' .1.4*01,. Of*
Iumwi'tM* Mott**, Co t- ii I' ff* u*A war*
umx'Ju'a o .iou houmhir uMt, b*'*nA*m
%-,A nA Mth- Am It LouU. thru'4 Hig fuur
Mott* m4 CM**p*im4 mi*4 OS '. *r. .
OfyA*u4on ltoo . i/.,» ‘AV'.aA*/t\n**
V. mtri*$ from W '*uvn , *»r4* Me
4meg..’, ev. t/ fn.l'.r* of C"J4.
V</, b. ,<• h« V,a c*ftlf.'.*'«fioaifim V.udk*
ern ti.H A|» v y v. ut. or* ii.« ..i,* far« ,»U,
which r'y, e»(> f,« ty srt'b'Mir.ij
K 0 POPK, wexera rw«.|« A coat,
CU.n»aOw, My. ct. UuL. Me.
Dr. Price’* Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drepa Cream et Tarter Powder.
l(C,V7 ?cr? T^ONT
In Your Own Local*
ma>U- < a»,ly and honorably, without e
tui, during you »|«tre hour*. Any n,
woman, hoy, or .<(« i 11 do tin' work I,
i.y, without < ! Talking
nee*- ,ry. No-- id;.- jt for mo.
Diiki g. <-r«./i I..*1. furc. Ourwori
alway* pro (f'-r. No time wanted
learning tbe Ini dr. -W<: teach you
a ni .-lit how to i> 1 <d from the Hi
hour. Vou .-Mi m;i a tri d without
pen <• to your-If. ,i;..t you, fhru
every v n<-< d iryon tl<<
n<'.»* mi ■ ■ a.fui y, ■ guarantee
aga 't f„ lure if ■ u hut follow
•fniph pi.-.fii |»>•>.',< tin;,-. Ipiui. r
you are In »*< d <.f r< >dy money, i
want to know all olxnit the ix-nt pay!
huaim-a* Indore t). - public, acrid u« yo
addrc«a, and we will m ill you a do
mtnt giving you all the particular*.
TRUE* CO., Box 400,
_ Augusta, Main
In litatrtct Court of Shermmu County,
Horatio Hmelaer Sroeiaar, Plaintiff
John 11 wye*, - Jfay*«, wife of
John If aye#, Aral name unknown,
I II. Nugent, ( mean** National
lank of at Paul Nebrw*Ww, (ieorge
I To« hay, Sarah A Terhune,
del Pert ./ Scott. Kotak and Jor*
•naan, Thom a* Murphy, Defendant#
fata of Nahraaka, f
horn*an County, i"
The an!4 defendant* John Have* and
—~ Ifnyea, wife of John llayea, nrnun.:
uknown, will taka notion that on the f#th
ay of fi#<am her, i»#fl, the. *w>d plaintiff
lad hi# pat ft Ion In lb# diali i mmiH of
harmn county, NahiMaka Mgainat aald de
andante, the onjeol and prayer of which
ra mi forceione a certain mortgage macut
d try the defaudaiit, Thom a* Murphy to
he defendant, Uioige M Toektiy upon tha
ullowlng deamhad real eatala, aituata in
hetman «‘•Mint y and stale of Nahraaka
0 wit Theeanl half of Meet loo twenty
o# mil in I‘ownahtp algtaen (I*.> north of
[ang* fourteen l»» we*t of the nth principal
lerhlian to aemre the incviimr>t of two
r<niH»*ory note*, dated April iai inai, ona
or the aum of «o .fue and payable on
tpi d lat, tNfi, and one for feOtii «iua and
»atahic..n April i»t, i n . that on April
ISH M r*e May Mini and
«*ig .hi »aid uiuiMNgn to plaintiff mat
attendant# have fallal to pay aatd note of
and t ha t a a ea *»**• * * •**! * •» I ley i»d i» poo
aid -and foi lie va>>« | - a i i | i*d wild
baintlA lia* vhi.U I to d* • Per# Ilia wioilg
tUiiiid e*wu<isl i./ * o*| ii.'Oig ige to la
i ,
la How due thereon I he »aut of pi« l» i wtlh
1 . ....
Ip* ti«.' *f a bi fee
ha1 dtd« ud*nl i.« i 4 * - r «>*i to pay tha
>an «m>i that 14I I pfam * tw a - d to ant
•It ihr amount found do#
»mi am leonni I to muwti tan! (wi n tun
it. mi to’ioi* th* mI* day of January, 1 MU*
Nil. | |hi* I ttn lay of iH tit.nai, ike
If«Oi * M1 * MM DIM. i'iatuttff
Mi iittiiiMMiP ft IlgM Nit 4dll
flh •«
,Ot » liMV l elk of Iha |M »t I o % l‘*M. ft,
kuflid or ft 111 ink
knit- Of HtdOMik* <
h«i *.an county, j* ■
1 Not tag it hatch > * on
Hat pattt> •»» hating twean Ale*! in tha
, Nc"».* «*ka
• *i » ap| • »** *» Me ftdnt.HMtiMicir
U ' 1
I o»«*| flo ouni 4 441 lot
_ * m . . i, | if o»» |l ..Uv tha
t * 1 **f ■ • t I» hra
1 th« »»mn‘| Judge in I <mu t ||y m aatd
MSHt|, at a to. a lima «««j p *«>•%. all par
Inlet 14t«wi in Mid <-rt*t» may ap
car ami U trawl J •%»**»»#• *»t a# aatd *i.ii*>*iirT«
till * : .it M (J fj m I | *i«(
Wl l«4>
litMM'.l H. » f , I ... »t»
I take thl* opportunity to thank the Public for the liber
a patronage beatowed upon tne the pa*t year, and call your
attention to the fact, that 1 have in Stock a lar^e variety of
article* auitable for
Your* Respectfully,
Loup City’* Kali*tile J«w«l«r.
Vice President. Cask ter.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Steak, $600,000, /
Loaoe ob Improved ferine at HIRE per cent. Bead Oospeay ee4 tad Gama
to be had ta the weed.
CokBaeroBmtmm:—-Chemical Rational Beak. Rew York (My, E. Y.| Osaka
■Heiooat Raae. Rebraab*.
-- ........ a
Attorney and Votary Public. Publisher 1/n.P ClTT Vokthw sente*
Town Ixita, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale.
r"~ .... " *.111 ■■ ———BBPE
md local newspaper in