The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 27, 1895, Image 3

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Mr tlwrMR MM Tl»« Will H* >» War
and I hat TlMra l« #'» OrMWlM far AH
Tbli Maat* Mr. Murgae W«*rlA Ida*
,.t A at la* Tb* s** aaballtnt*
rnr tb* Maaa* Mnaaar*
InaeiiMtirg t*e»***IB Waller*.
hi*wanToa, Ike *1 The foreign
affain committee of the Senete nret
early lliia morning and devrrted tba
tun* before th* aseernbling of the
Senate to armsideratlon of the Vene
ruelen uoaemlaeioD bill passed by the
Mouse tb* day after the President's
message wae seat Pr t-ongrese After
some dlaeaaeioa. the following waa
agreed upon
That the aam of or ao
a»uch thereof as may be necessary, Ire
and tba earn* ia hereby appropriated
for tb* aapeuaea of a commission to
eooaiat of three member* Pr hr- ap
pointed by the President, by and with
the advice and con Mint of the Senate,
P» investigate and report, Pr him th#
facta m regard Pi the dlvlaional line
be!ween the republic of Venezuela
and flritiah Omens. provided, tba sec
tion li til the act approved July <f|,
IH'M in king appropriations for the
legislative, executive and judicial #*
pen sea of the government shall not
appl v Pi any coinmUslonera appointed
under this a' t
W In- n the senate was a trout Pr czrfi
vein- Mr, Allen of Nebraska consulted
with his I'opullatfriendaa#Pr whatber
In- would ezznsent Pr allow the com
mission loll Pr go to third rending and
pa sage to-day Plnally he said that
lie would not object Pr Its passage Pr
As MHiti as the He lisle met, Mr, IWor
■ /an secured unanimous cofiseul for ths
^ consideration of the House Venezuelan
hill hihI it ws* at one* read 'Mien lie
offered the Henate substitute and
briefly espial lied the change*.
Mi I'.att of Connecticut said that
any delay would be construed In Hiig
land a* hesitation on America’s part
and that it was essential not to change
the loll. As to that part which
changed the wording as to the report
of the commission upon the true dl
tis oual line, or the facta in tbe caae,
he cianued that the facts would be the
divisional line The amendment of
the Senate would be couetrued ae re
ceding on the part of the Senate, and
the Senate should notify Great liritaln
the I America la behind he President.
Mi Kbeiuaen said tlist the Preei
dent s course hart beeu approved unan
imously by birth houses of Congress
hug land was not making spy fresh
aggressions and wa* not taking the
matter very seriously. He thought
that the dispute would be settled
honorably and that no American Mood
would be sited. The fact that the
Senate amended the bill could not be
construed in any way as meaning that
the Senate did not stand firmly by
tbe President. The amendments
would ituprore the bill and he had no
doubt If made ’hey would be accepted
by the Mouse “It seems to me," he
continued, “that all this is too hasty;
that we arc too eager, lest Us take
oar tone to del berate, and not rush
Into the matter,”
Hurry Ifmyw*rtl'n i:vn1*n»l»n N»4« Jmst
Htftrrm III* Ki«««Uon.
Mismbacouth Mina, Dec 21.-The
ante-mortem statement of Harry Hay
ward. making 30,(Ml words, is in many
respects a most remarkable document.
It was made under the most formal
conditions and with solemn assertions
on the murderer's part that he was
telling the truth. Not only does he
claim to hare murdered during bis
brief career, no less than dve different
people, but iu describing the various
tragedies in which he figured he shows
an litter absence of human feeling,
and a pleasure in hia achievements
tnst marks him as an unusual type of
criminal. The language used in de
scribing nik miuumi auvcniura* is in
tin; careleae, flippant style that char
acterised hi* testimony on the ktand.
Money, b»> saul, wim hia object ,n
life, gills iiic second, and travel the
third There wan a girl in Minnea|>
oli* with whom he wan going and who
had #11,HOO a year, lie had planned to
Kill her, hut did not hecauae there
wan no way he could gut her money,
lie longed to do the deed. "Hhe need
to make me so il— mad,'' said Llay
ward, ‘that [ wanted to choke her. I
ran understand how Durrani killed
those t wo girl* in Hun l<<rancikco with
k pleasure,"
His lirst murder was that of Carrie
Hass, near I*a> ailena. Oal., wlioae little
fortune of §7o0 lie secured. Once
|f> oeii tending liar in Long liruneh tie
killed a consumptive man who wan
there Tlie consumptive had money
and wanted to die. Tlie name Harry
refused to tell on the ground that lie
hud all accomplice who might get into
trouble now, hut this lumber wa> by
spout lug. loo, and the body hail ween
thrown into tlie water, Then there
was a Chinaman killed in a gambling
i|iiuirel and the brother of the Meat
ran got at HI t'aso IM Nmie, and
lastly MiaaOllig.
itiau* truss Not less l u« War.
hr I'airasio ho, Hee Jl The Uua
slab ncwspaiwra generally diseukk the
\ enesuelau i|Uvailoa. and eayieaa the
IM- . t tbai It Will hare a pari IK issue,
I In Hnvusll eouanieta that the |«rai.
lion aasuineil by the United states la
In I'uaiisi e|ih >he lateieata of the
viiiil* ol Hurtifw. and suggests that
tin insHlutiou of >eitam Kerwpeau
(arn era will protaably result in a
lam i fill keitb'inent of I tie dUnmte.
• kmi iSsw«s4 Iraiipi Nsaiti fa* *>itaa
M ksantut SShh he* In rati.
fc oiiae*. oaiarm, iiee | trflteiala
• government claim that ih ‘ ate
of war between meal lirttam and iha
*4 htates i HHa i* e.iut.l ia Insult
font to ur* put m.tMU fully . t|H |i|Md
■ 'Mill Ihta the Iteiii and hunt any hoee
R tbs Caus'd n***i ia likely to bring
against this country la aheeb for a
i iwuMbe of month* at te**t The aitea
f tin* is generally ytaeed a* me of the
greatest grevlti. vasiiag for prompt
(I"*||»i»iii't fee .iafsnsa imt eut for
•ay alarev.
snatl. and < eatrul Swertrso 1'MllrlH
Will IIIv* Their Sagpor*.
WssuisoTo* Ike. 21 -Among Hec
retary Olney'* caller* yesterdav were
Mlulater Andrade of Vcnexneln Mini*
ter Mendonnn of Hrar.ll and Minister
lloiii'-ro of Mexico, representing three
of the flrat republic* of Month and
I entml America Although none of
the lenlrtl and Month American dI p
lornate will consent to lie quoted re
garding their anil, It I* known that
they, as a rule have raided their go*
ornmeuta that the present seem* an
opportune time for Invoking the Mon
roe doctrine ns a mean* of aapport
against Kuropean pressure, aeveral of
them being Involved in dlapute*
with Kuropean nation* at tbia time.
The atatrm>'ttt is made by one
of them the* several Important re
suite will follow the vigorous <-on
stmetion of the Monroe doctrine
First, It is said, wili he the oflieial
adherence of the Southern lie pu hi Ice.
making tbe declaration practically
unanimous from the countries of the
Western hemisphere It la pointed
out that laird Salisbury Insisted that
ihe Monroe doctrine wu* not recog
nixed as International law, but tills. It
Isseid, will be answered bv a showing
that all tbe Republics of North and
Mouth America accept It a* the lavs
governing iliem
The project, of another conference of
American republic* in line with the
Fart-American conference, but with <*
vle,w to political alliance rather than
commercial reciprocity, I* being <11*
cussed also, I'hc suggestion is made
tbit tb> covrw? of lb# I/bIUhi
Slate* assure* to it the moral ami phy
slrsl support of all the Southern ami
t cutral American republic*. In the
iiggregate thl* allied strength of the
Western republic*, with the United
State,* a* It* head, would constitute a
new and formidable factor In Interna
tional affair* It I* not suggested
among diplomatist* that such an alli
ance will take the formal shape of a
treaty, hut It I* urged that the feeling
of union existing constitute* a com
pact quite as effective a* a formal un
*•;• America,is Hale Ks(Im4 Most la
teasely far Various Kessoo*.
Arc-mao*. Kan., bee. 21. — “The
President s message is an adroit ap
peal to the profounde*t passion of the
American people." s»ld **-benator
John i. Ingalls to a reporter, “Oui
conception of the Monroe doctrine U
vegae, ami onr lum tor Venezuela It
platonic, but weal! bate England It
(• hereditary. It is so ,ot«-»i*e that It
obliterate# party lines, efface* section
alism and makes us homogenous. W*
divide on protection, on silver,
cm the race question, but In oui
hatred of England we are unan
I moti*. The sloppy diplomat!*
twaddle about kindred blood,
and a eommon language, deceive* no
body. We feel that England is oui
only enemy among the great powen
of the earth. It ha* been so from thl
beginning of our history. At every
crisis la <mr affairs we have eacoan
tered the secret or open host! I ity ol
England, and the tone of her prem
bs* been si way* cynical, sneering a ml
• Wot there will be no war Like ell
ruffians and bullies. England ia a cow
ard and poltroon when it comes to t
showdown; she never light* her equal*
•he kicks women and children; sh<
bullies Turkey, Egypt Hindoo*tan
.“tooth Sea Islamiei* and African tribe,
and tyrannizes over the weak an*]
feeble, but when <,rant notified bci
that she must pay for the depredation/
her pirates committed on our com
merce In the rebellion, or take the con
sequences, she accepted the lienev,
award, and sent her check for #»»,
',00.01*; in full settlement of our claim.’
Would Toko tin Initiative and lavsdt
Canada at Unm
CitlCAOO, Dec. 31,—In the event of a
war with Great Britain, Chicago ami
thn hike* will he safe.” said Majoi
General Wesley Merritt, cornmamiini,
the department of the Missouri. "My
impression l»,”hesnid. "that w« wouli:
make the war an aggressive one. We
would, 1 should hope and judge, take
the initiative, and invade < snail a at
once ami make that country the greul
«ent of war The immediate seizure ol
the Welland canal, to hold it or de
stroy it, would solve at once the prole
l«m of the lake ports. There is notm
iug to fear from Canada. No invasion
of our country could be undertaken
tbere. We could overwhelm the coun
try with a force utiiithermg Gin to one
anything they could collect or muster,
and then uot leave our aeacoast un
protected ami unprovided with men to
.lefeuU every port "
•lusspli look lir«>S eri I lows.
Nicks, Mich., Dee. vl-.g, T. Moarlv
of this eity lias received a letter frcnti
hm daughter, a missionary stationed
at KoLst, .1*1*11, in which she says that
Joseph t ook, the noted lioston divine,
arrived there reeenlly front Australia,
broken In mind and lusty lie t.s.l to
give .ip his lecturing tout suit theprol.
abilities are he will never regain his
health or mental vigor.
Walker's Ufa tsssrsuvs ttis.Ssd
hr JtieKru. Mu, D«« hull
been begun n t he • la.-uit atoual .against
tlie estate of the late James W Walker,
who - mmttted suirble tn Kansas t itv
I not t>>ng sgti, by Gouts and 1‘red lias
| and M*a K G. Gi.ltou who allege
{ that li* fraudulently assigned hi* m
j suaan. * to hi* wife to avoid paym»ul*
I of h*s debts ll is said that he t>a>net
: over |ki mi
4 Trippia IragsUr la Iras
Milan i||l lust.llrr lleMrtt • an
' (ana. in llunur* uountv, George Wolf,
a i rena l*man shot ami killed Mrs
William liaiGage. with whom hi* df>
rtoneai wile ■»** staying, shut and
fatally •* eu a t ad hi* wile and then
•sue mt tied suieida
OSS le a St 4IVSS4 WM
I Ml. lull, Me 1 t ha* I as 11 At
•M-'-d, sraktteet and dmtgaer, until
«eaststiy a mamtuH of Ike Krm ul ll
ll M.irnhsm 4 its, t* dead f» as a
vsrmpta. auou of ova rout diseases iia
wa* a t.avkator and a few awearns
m«*e 'has «i vwera f age
A wkstkrn intkrrst
third annual »r.rl «<• nt l hr- 4r.erlal»«*>
at •lilurf llriwrt »/ 'hr anemiar»
Me.I,lit nt f Parts That Mam llrr» f»»
forth hamher at I !•"*>• filed tnr
1‘ahllr Wat nr* Am Kdarallonal aoeleif
Irrlaatlon In Pehraefca
Tha third aanuel Nnbmabn atata lr
rigation contention opened at Ntdney,
Neb, under magnificent auapieea. with
nearly 1,000 delegatee and rial tore The
contention wa* called to order by Jo
a* pi, Oberfelder, preaident of tha local
caecutire committee, who in a brief ad*
•Irena elated (he object of the gather*
! tng end the hope that the rjueetlon
which would be prenented Would meet
! with a hearty oo-operntion, aotoniy
i locally, but of the entire country.
The nddreaa of welcome by Mayor
I’eaae waa a maaterpleee of humor and
eharaetertatle of a true wealern wel*
After the report of the committee on
credentlala the chairman, on motion,
apiMrtntcd a delegate from each county
on the committee on reaolutlona
The report of the an rrtnry waa pre
willed, from which the following la
One year ago, by the gracintia cour*
tr-ay of the reprreentntifen of Ihla aano
elution, the writer iiecame Ineeatcd
with tha power* and dutien of wereta*
ry, 'I he only re< ordn ac«c»>*lble wera
the tniokn, papera and documenla con
taining the report of the recoin! annual
contention, and tln-w hare l>een cere
fully prerereed The hlatorjr of the
tlrat year of our organization, though
fain I uer to nil ofllcera and many mem
l.urr nun in,l I Men committed to IIIV
; official care
*',No regular prlnb-4r«|Ntr(uf the lari
. -oaten lion ba* ever iK-rn made, for t he
reason that no fund* whatever were
at hand to defray the expense*. Many
call* have bean made for coplea of Un
official report, but. aside from coodens
ed newspaper sketches ‘>1 the Winvi n
lion, the demand baa remained un*u|i
plied. Much literature as ba* been
furnished baa been distributed at my
own expense, hvery letter of Inquiry
j ba* been answered during the year,
and no week ha* passed without eor
respondent e All expenses for post
age, telegrams, stationery, etc , have
been paid by the secretary personally,
Cxeept only such stationery and post
age as ha* been furnished by the eon
vent,on committee III connection With
preparations for this meeting.
* *1 he treasurer, Hon. ,f»w** White
head, writes me that he has not re
, ceived a cent of fuude during hie entir*
term of office, and it goes without say
ing that the president and secretary,
as all officer* of oar aseoeiation servs
without salary, ff the work that hw
been performed during the peel yeai
and during the reset two year* tty font
president should seem to you to merii
public approval and support, it way
not be out of piece here to
that the actual necessary printing an<:
postage bfiis at least should be assurer
and paid by till* organization.
••it would not oe strange under ex
istmg circumstances, if little bad beer,
accomplished during the year * admin
■stratum just closed, tint fidelity tz
history requires mat a few things b*
set down to show the effort that ha
been put forth. The president, Hon. I
A, Fort, has carried on an agitationa
and educational campaign, extending
oyer every congressional district ir
this stale, and rime gone forth as a mi*
siotiary for the i-sow of irrigation tz
Illinois Indiana and other states. H*
, ha* kept the public press alive win,
irrigation information arid interview*
on the progrese of the movement a,
home and abroad Kvery member ol
our state executive committee favorec
and worked for the passage of the pre*
ent .Vebraeka irrigation law, intro
duced and championed in the legists
1 ture by .Senator William it Akers, now
a member or trie stale board oi irriga
torn The resolutions that wer<
adopted by the Kearney convention re
lating to the passage of the district and
general irrigation law nave neon an
swered by legislation in aersordancr
therewith. I rider the new code ol
irrigation law, pronounced by eminent
critics to be one of the most carefully
framed and practically adapted statute*
of recent years in irrigation develop
tuent, the face of our stale haa been
changed in many place* a* if by the
hand of a master magician, liefoiv
one year baa passed since the law went
into effect forty-five counties have irri
gation work* of some kind under opei
ation, and before the spring seed time
has come again the record will most
certainly show the scientific applica
tion of wuter to ihe soil In more than
sixty of our eighty counties of the state
"■somewhere between son alid ism
persous have tiled their claims to I hr
public waters of the state with the
>iute Hoard of irrigation and the com
lUv year will show a large increase
over this number liver ism.iasi acre*
.>/ Nebraska productive nave been
placed under ditch, reservoir or wind
mill irrigation, The cost of the work*
already • octalrtii-ied amount* in nearly
*l,.'»oo,uon, ami the total coat when com
pieted will be not less than V. usi. non
The result lisa naturally been a large
increase In the value of the land
brought under ihe beneficial opera
llona of the ipw system I arefui eett
inatora now piece the increase la land
values already apparent from §B,utai,<
iasi to tluuonuun If one year of ac
itvw work * an produce such prrettgiwo*
■ sinu only ike realm of tke reckless
dreamer taa undertake tke uafiddmenl
of the coming decsde in ike advance
meat of M'teniike agricuUura ia tke
new empire of tke weal.
\ delegation of eleven five uf whom
were appointed by tke governor, rep
rwrllvil Nebraska in tke fourtk Ma
mmal hr guium camventhm at tltm
<|UvM|W*> V M , last Meptemiwr The
ivso ulkois adopted by ike sersted sty
nual > ouvvutiou ,>l uttr slate assoeia
won relslmg to future legtstatam by
i imgfvse lemtive to tkeewperttebm amt
> owlrol of interstate water* w as mged
liy , ur deiegatnm and adopted i*v • un
grate The congress also sdopte*! a
resolution asking an appropeisiodi of
u.issi for lire purpose oi par mg Ike
i <*t uf a thorough end at* tv ova tr Iret
gattoa survey of Ike and *a<t sewn s> id
•res* of the l ulled utstea and-siting
fur legwistum providing i»r said snr
vey untie* the direction of gnvs-nmen
‘at effort*
Nenrassa was keaeced by tke ptset
deni of the National Irrigation eon
green who appointed your secretary
on* of the five delegates to represent. |
the congress In the Trans-Mississippi
< ommerdal congress at Omaha last,
month The Inst nstned organization
adopted unanimously the resolutions
! on Irrlgstion presented hy the Nebra*
; ha delegates and Increased the record
mends'ion to the Inited Mates con
gress for an appropriation of $!tdO,OOP
"Thla organization of otira hssea-j
erted a tremendous educational effect
dnring the past year in spite of all Its
difficulties Iirealer undertaking* and
far more Imprtrlant dtitie* are before us
for ISIMi The decisions of the court*!
are not at all discouraging and the ont ,
look la constantly brightening
"An yet there are thonsanda who j
have little or no Information o* the
subject of irrigation and the objects
for whlclt our eeeocietlon was organ
lz,*d, the development of the arid and
semi arid area* of Nebraska ware never
no itt , ortant and pressng as now 'I he
secretary desires, personally, to thank
every officer of the association and
every Irrigator with whom he ha* come
In contact dnring th# year, either at
’ long or short range for their uniform
cmtrteey and unfailing patience In con
veying Information and assistance ren
dered In what ha* been confessedly on
your humid* servant's part a weak, httl
honest effort to serve tha common cause
of all Praternally submitted
••A *i'
It I rested a (treat Sensation in Washing
WA*MIHOToa I tec |l* The message
of President Cleveland to < ongreaa
transmitting the correspondence he
tween Secretary Olney ami lewd Hnlta
htiry relative to the Venezuelan
lionudary dtspnte created a real senna
tlon in Washington. Nowhere was
there a voice lifted In dissent from the
doctrine #o firmly laid down hy the
President, hut on the contrary there
urns ... liMenl ja# nel i iof if fenllliit
that, must have been highly gratifying
to the chief executive
On the street#, the message was dls
! cussed «ml obJ veterans of the late
1 war talked exnltiiigly of what they
; were prepared egalti to undertaka at
the call of their country
III the great hail of the pension
building the employes gal tiered and
sung With greet gusto the "ht»r
Strangled Mannar," and 'My < sum try,
"FIs rif 'Mice "
At the W hite House messages ponied
In from avery #|iiartcr of the country,
congratulating the President npon ill*
rnesssge 'I liey came from men of all
parlies and station.
The matter, of course, wae of th#
. greatest Interest In diplomatic circle#,
and the general impression, onasobef
second consideration of the notes, was
that th* matter has not reached a
stage where war la Imminent, and
that the bint of Ore at Mritam'a our
pose to reopen negotiations with van*
•r,u«ls. looking to settlement of the
dispute between themselves, perhaps
may l»* regarded a* the indication of
bow th* whole matter will end.
Minister Andrade of Ven#*u*la
secured a cop* of the message early In
th# day, an/ cabled It by way of
Cabs and Haytl, to hi* government.
[ Tha time of transmission Is sight
hour*, and it is fail that Ms reception
. at f arses* will be th* signal for an
enthusiastic rl*irion*t*atiot> Mr. An
drade’s satisfaction was almost be
yorid the power of expression "The
message is saperb,” he said with much
enthusiasm. "It I# even a surprise to
me in it* vigor, in the nobility of the
sentiments expressed, and in the mas
terly exposition of the Monro* doe
trine There can be no doubt or mis*
construction of it# meaning. In my
Country It can not. but arouse the
keenest appreciation on th# part of
th* government and the people for
Lliia powerful exprw don of friendship
from a strong country In behalf of a
comparatively weak one.”
Mr. Andrade was asked what th*
neat step of Venezuela would be.
"There is nothing further for ns to
do, We have announced our policy,
and in that we have th* eo-operation
and support of th* United Htatnv, W"*
are a little more Ilian spectators now ’*
"Is the plan of a commission to
inuMulltrulii tin* 11,11 Mini (Ilf llip
line feasible?" the miniater wa* asked,
“Perfectly ao," he replied “The
evidence can readily be furnlahed, ao
far aa Venezuela ia concerned It will
be a laborious work, aa the documents
and inarm are very voluminous, and
from many sources, including thoae of
Holland, Spain and other countries, aa
well aa thoae of Veii-rncls.*'
I'hlledelplila Mtreet Kallwar Merelr# la
llail abate.
I'Hlt.aPKI.i'Hla, Dec. 10. I .am night
not a atreet car of the Union Traction
company waa running, though that
company control* every line in the
city with the exception of two com
i>arullvely short croaa-town Knea The
IHillee were shsulutely unable to eon
trnl the mnli violence during the day
■ nil the coin).mv concluded to ahut
down at nightfall. Klva hundred ex
tra pa! Icemen were a worn in by Mayor
Warwlek leal night, and added to thr
regnlar force of j.liai
Tlila morning ell of the branch#*
► ere iu effect lied up. although car*
with formidable escort* of |ioltee
made their circuit* nearly everyone
of them without m«ie*tatfon while
i hi* enabled the ulR. tal* to daelare
■ hat the line* weie ..pen" it <114 ad
help the aituation much aa far aa the
.towvenleace of the riding p-tthile waa
The oMlciaiaof the company daelare
that the) have p > nty of men to run
he car* if they <•*»» get protection for
ihetH ii« the other hand, the striker*
•dare that enough shilled men l»
<ake their place* . aun t be obtained
The strike ha* proved a windfall of
onalderable magullu ic In the a*ngie
• depcnilenl (me it I he eltf. which te
■ .tied the preaeure when tha big eon
dtdation »f ail the other linea »a»
scant iy effreted The omMaav ma*
.I* ear* t« it«*t l*hl adetpM* on Airb
•*d Vina street*. ami la tie rndearo*
*<• ##• otnio xlate all the people who
*<*h t«i pair*mire it, pra**ad iat« ter
*i«ni every *aatmer ear and wan r* »«•
• rated Ham whteh had l-een per wa»
neatly aent te the hayllrl Kveiv
.ar run la packed te tha n».l
The man har* almoat «nive>aal**m
,witty md only frww **•«*#«valiv*
citieen* who while deprecating *t«
ienaa, dealer# ihat the striker* have
>ght on their *Me bat from >at*.*r
a waa throe# a eat the eewntey
tenate llefmhllran* innatmo the trim*
mlttee taalanmenta
t\ **|f|Vti rr»*, llw, it. Tilt I5»ptlte !
(lean eaten* committee of the Senate j
completed It* wrrrk of a**ignlttp the j
majority mcmbcr*hlp of (fit Senate
coin rn It toe* yeaterday, The ***ign
merit of chalrmannhlp* I* at follow*
Agriculture, I’rootor; npproprial lout,
Alllaon: audit contingent #*p*n***, !
Jonet of Nevada; ceutnt < handler;
civil tervlee. Pritchard; claim*. Teller;
cmet. defr-ri**, Htjtnre; commerce, Frye;
Ihttrletof < olnmhl*. McMillan; edit
cation and labor, Mhonp, enrolled
till It, He well: examination of branch**
of the civil *erv|c« I’effer, finance,
Morrill; flaharlea, Perkin* foreign re
latlon*. Mhermtn; Immigration, Lodge;
Improvament Mlanlanlppl river, Nelt'.n;
Indian affair*, l'*ttlgrew, Indian dep
redation*, Wllaon, Inter Stata com
merce, tiillorn, irrigation Warren;
judiciary. Hoar; library. Hanabrongh.
manufacture*, Wetmore; military
affaira, Hawlav; mine* and mining,
Stewart; naval affair*. < ameron: or
ganixatlon eaecntlve dapartment,
lltitler; Pacific rallrrrarl*. <»ear, |»ateril*,
Platt; penatrrn* Oalllnper, po*tofflce*,
Wolcott; printing, Hale; privilege*
and election*. Mitchell of Oregon;
pflhllc bnl.dlng* Quay: public
lanrl*. Itnbrd*; rallroarl*. < lark*: rela
lion* with < anarl*. * artar; revl*lon of
the law*, litirrowt, rttle* Aldrich;
Territorial), Itavl*; trantpoi tation
route* to tea board, Mcllride;! nlveral
ty of the I nited State* Kyle; Interna
tional eapoeltion* Thnraton; to love*
tlge'e the gerriog >*l tnrvey, Likin*:
national banka. Mantle; fore*t, rener
vatlona. Allen; tra*pa**crr ttpon In
illan lantL, linker, Ford theater rli»a*
tei to le filled when tile I tali S#n
Hloo crime In
Thl* ditprwe* of the chalrmanthln*
of all hut eleven committee The
committee* wndl*|to*cr| of are kti'rwn
u* the minority committee* l b** lie
publican* now control them, and tliey
will fall to the fiemoerata und«r the
new orpanlzatlftn Tba ratten* com
mitt* ha* made prorialon for the I'op
j nllat »anstora a« the liemoerat* did In
I the laat eonifreaa, and hare yircfi each
of them a chairman’ hip. ylriny each
the *»mc powitfoti held tinder the
democrat.*, c*c<-pl Mcnafor Kyle who
la promote/I from the rb*lrm*h*liip of
the commlttee on education end labor
to that of the ITilr«r*iiy of the I tilted
Mtatr* The eotnmfMoa trill reeom
mend the enlargement «f all the
larger committee*
flit Men roe O/inrlee-* k|,|ill,<*lillllr Hit
•tea What (treat HHIal/i li t* Hone
Ix/rd H*ll*bnry, the lirlllkh premier
•riktrer* Hecretary Olney >n two note*
both dated duly 'fi
Tba Hmt la deroted entirely to a re
ply to that portion of the note relating
to the Monrr/e doctrine, which he aayi
ha* never before been rna/|e tba anb
I Jeet of a written commmile* lion bi
! the 1,'mted Mfate* to nnotjiar yovrrn
ment, althonph it hse largely In
flurneed American foreign relailopy
Ix/rd Mali* bury eapreunly dc- line , ti
l/e tinder*toorl a* accrf/tiny tba M</n
i roe doctrine
I Lord -» jyl/ory a aecond note, date
•1*0 .fuiy 5f-, deal* entirely with I In
boundary di*pnt,e on It* m-rlta ||,
enter* into art elaborate lil*t ,ry of Mo
Brit i*h claim. founded on the lint/'I
; ce*Mort tel)* how the celebrate/
Hehombnry line w*’ rnn dwell* or
many corn-e „lon* offered by f/re»<
Britain to Venezneia to rr»< it an *r
rantfemeri* and *u/yr*t* that Mo
Venezuelan inUtcnee noon the »rb
tration of t he whole territory won!/
b# paralleled by a reftiviI of Oreal
Britain to artdtrate the Aladtar
, boundary line. nnlr*% half of Ala^kt
were thrown into arbitration
The President'* Wesssgs Ramiro an tin
ssnsl liam»n>lrtlli>« of Approval.
WxsHlXnToe, iMw i a When thi
! President * message reached the Hen
ate, M Morgan, chairman of the com
mitt«e <m foreign relation* exam n«
it and then moved logo into exeeutivr
At I (‘dock the Henate resumed it*
legislative session and the message ol
the President was laid before tin
: body. The executive session, It wa«
explained officially, had been devote*
to the consideration of nominations.
As tin* reeding of the message closed
there was a hearty hand-elapjdriH
from all r|iu»rt*r* of the chamber Mr
I handler of New Hampshire leading
in the demonslralion on ihe Itepuh
Kean side It waa an Innovalian ft
; the usual decorum of the senate
; where the seoa1 or* seldom If user
g ve vent lo their feelings by applause,
Vetera,na of Urn senate say that il wa*
Ihe moot spontaneous demons!ration
in their recollection
The me- >ofe and accompanying doc
amenta were referred to the commit'
' lee on foreign relations, ami then at
1 Lift o'tdock the ->enate ad loomed
I rarer littreilnrvss Hill*.
Mfssiiisorov Itec I* Among th*
*111* introduced lit the liouse vrxter
i day was one by Mr, Tracey of Mi*'
• nort to grant a petition to all prrann*
i who served ninety day* or more lit th(
, I'liMed Htste* naval or military service
•luring the wnr of tha rebellion
who were enrolled Ih aHy state mill
tery organuallon amt served utaetv
days or more: also useistant surgeon*
.did 't'outs who served ulaely tlm*,
at so utti .lit cling ilie aecounfog "fft
car* of ihe t*ra»ury to raaminr cer
lain |*a|wr* in regard Ui m to ,* e*
|s'U '-d ti* the slate of Missouri m
ascertain whst sum is due officers and
i eH'Isted men of the mlfite of that
state hr account of imilsr. servisie In
! lire xUHorxsshm of tire rebellion
St a UssrskUss I esWIilm
WssMisotit* I tee It secretary
Morion I<ss stir* i lest a right r|uaraatine
for all *'*i lie. sheep and other cumin
sals, and swine entering this roatstry
front ani part of nnath America t he
*e tori is it* retail of the rtlsirRut of
tied and mouth disease > mtagtsm*
tdean* pu*amouh» and other watt
agioa* disease* >n south America
Alt meat cattle impsdte* I from U
Hereafter will be *|aeraatlue*l for
oiu.ii das All sheep and fiber
lamirsarsi* and sselae will tw sjesrau
loted ftty fifteen day* IVmau tmw
temptatmg impsotalhm of aalmais
..t|l is» <ec|elred p> swear* a permit
loot* the mavltn af agrtettltafts
Paralysis Follows Blco1lessii®ss
and Neivous Prostration.
pop vr APS.
■h« Telia Wow al leal Ml,. Waa renal
eeritly I,
from I. I'raa» ‘fee Y'rfU Oily
tor itt'ir* than fifteen year*, Mra. A
Matlmr. who live, at No tn Keat on* bua
dred and twelfth Htrret, New Vorh, waa a
anTerer from ana-ml*. whleh, In aplta of
tbe treatment of phyal/iane, gradually de
e« o|ied Into nerreua proalratlon untU
finally n arked tyrnp'.rm* of paraljrala aet
In Mra Mather glad y fare the reporter
bey rtperintif-e
"Kor many year*, ‘ Mra Mather aald, “I
waa a rofiatant aufferer from ner»ouaneaa
It waa about lift#* n yeara ago that my aon
d irIon tiegan to grow worse Boon I be
'■erne affected that I waa proatrated and.
until alarat two yeara ago, waa a t*rt of
th< time nnahle V. laave my bed I «»
ployed M-veral phy .Irfan* from lima to
time, my btlla at the drug ator# fer pra aornetln.'a, atlioaritlng to a*
I ..a 10* month, but all the d'ertora
; did for me did not aw-in to help me at all
; My hl/ed haeam* greatly impoverlahed and
[ aftet year* of aufferlng I waa threateaad
with iwralgala
* VVIuui 1 walked I rsonid aoamely drag
mv feel along and at time* my kneea would
gi'.e away to that I wotdd alrnrral fall down,
I rellng that doctor* could rot help me I
| hud little hope of re.oyery until one d»g I
j read It. a n#wa|>*i<er how a per non, afflicted
■ alrnr/at the aamn a* I waa, had been cured
j by l>r william* Pink Plda for I'ala P*o
! trie | purr-ha*, d * bo* ami began taking
the phi*. The effnet of tbl* nrat bM pleaaad
me *o milch that I bought another Before
I hart taken all tha pllla in the flrat bo* I
la gan t/. eat. rlr-nca- relief ami, after the
; third ho* had been uaed, I waa practically
! enrr-ti It waa r<-*||y aurprlaing what a
I nfieedy ami pronounced effect tha madbdna
had upon me
I ii finjw A'-' p»r »» r r##re w #»»*»
III the house now, mill when I feel any
•> fnptoui# of nervou#ue«# Itnd the' they
gin rim certain relief '
Ml' Mather # /laughter, Ml## AU1, cor
roborat'd her mother'* account, and (old
||/,W she he/wlf had lieen cured of elirwilo
Indigestion hy these pld# and too, how
In-r cousin had been cored of amentia In
the «mue wey
llr WII lams Flub I'llla contain, In a
,ou>len«cd form a'l the element# no, e<i»*ry
to give new life and richness to the blood
ami restore shattered nerve# They are
also a speelllc for trouble# peculiar in
females #nch aa suppression#, Irregulari
ties and all form# of weakness I he/ build
up the Mood and restore the glow of health
i/i pale and sallow cheek# In men they
effect a radical <u»e In all ea#/w arlalug
from mental worry overwork or #*oe*#*a
of whatever nature f'lnk Fill# are Wild la
bo**s /never In loo*# bulk) at Me a bvi or
•li bore# for w» Wl, and may lie bad of aU
druggUta, or dlretit by mail from Dr. Wtt
1 lams' Hohenaotady, New York.
M«rv -fane's Mom,am e.
Mary Jane Holder of l-onaronlng,
Md , la the heroin* of a romance
Nineteen year# ago A brain l-alrd. then
• aged M, rode from Ixma/ oning Intotbe
west Ui seek Ins fortune, rowing aoine
nay to raturn to wet Mary Jane, then
1 a naby of 3 v«*r#
I He settled near F-tirek# wh*r* he be
cam* on* of the owner* of a lead and
■ i silver mine About two week* ago be
determined to go back and rlaH hi» old
bom* Among the Ural upon whom be
i * called Were In* lloldeM Here he
again *nw Mary Jane, who bad become
| a beautiful young woman
f-alr/l wa* cordially welcomed and
proceed*d at owe to fall in love, The
courtship was abort and vigorous.
They were married and loft for tholr
vr stern homo,
fit* Pilgrim.
(Holiday Kmnlitr ; Full of bright
/•ketches pr'/se. poetry and illnstra
lions ny bright writers and artist*
Fritlrely original, now and entertain
Ing Moiled free pi #ny addroa* on re
ceipt of #1* (V»> cent* Injmstag* stamp#.
Writ# to (loo If, Heefford, Fnbllober,
II* fdd (olony building, fhlcago, HI,
Kleetrle Welfflog.
At the gnu work* In Form, linaata
wane remarkable operation# m electric
welding b»v# recently been aoeeasafaU
ly oarrlad out A bell, *1* feet in
, height and #1* feet across tb# mouth,
that waa cracked from top to bottom
j wa# mad# cjtjite aolld again and It*
original tone completely reatored
Thin would bava been quit* impossible
before the electric welding proceaa wa*
< otofort la I alifarnla.
Y«* and economy, loo. If you |«tri»ln
tbe Hurilngtou R/,ut*’# Personally Coadurt
•#! </»' *-a- week #*• tirslon# whh b leave
Omaha every ’Itiursday morning
Through tourist sl**|*r* Omaha to Man
Fran' lwo and ion Angeles. Maenad-da*#
tickets accej<t«d
Hee the local agent and arrange alout
•|/ k#t« and lerths Or, write to
J. gae#> i#.
U.r AT A , Omaha Net.
The UtMl ale* NwkliM,
A penny Inthe-alot maihlne hiut
merle He appearance In the Herfln rail
road atutioim. A idly directory ran I*
nonenltcd by the outpoln? anil arrlrintr
puMmiii/era by depnaltln? a penny In
thealot I tioli Insertion of the coin
the !*•* hnldlnir the directory open*
automatically. and la held open by a
lever upon which the tfenoaltor of the
.oln place* hla foot I |ion walhinp
away the little lever la reteeaed, and
the U.a elnaea. only to he opened by
he neat penny
Map ut the t'alieit *l*i*a
Idle «■ | map taaued to the Hurllnytoi
, Houle I. three (eel w Id# hr t««r «*el lOBf
!■ .rintwl ih ovi’ti ruler*; at mounted uo
rul er* ehiiwe ever, atate, •ountl. im|«r
lam loan and tabmed la the I'a ton *ad
I lormv a very de»lral4e and uveful adjunct
le any BaWWfl dor lawla#** e.l*b bhutant
riiohiMMi.1 in mire .piaatltte. the m*|*
i o*l the Hurbn.lonltuui* noire than lb teen
, eat* rnt b. lot u* rm *M of that amount
in i-mi* the un.l#r.l*ued ultl t« H#e*»t
to id you one
Write Immediately a* the aMtfa l«
outlet i MnaBfli.
Kvwt and An at U allh milk *•*! hune»
aa* » taut, la It
Mra Chartnti. Mmt.den, a rteter 1
the poet Malar, ta atlH ll*ln«. •» t**
aae «f M
Mi ten Parry »• paaete*eiely lend ef
rhlldreB. BBti dehaMa » telltea thaaa
fain viertee
Kite* Biaatey Mali an At*l*»'ie« •Art,
haa r..-etrad Mta Mendelaaohn r* tolar
*hip at tba iwipeta #eBt#»'Bl«#i