The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 27, 1895, Image 2

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til it. K. IIKNHCHOI BK. Kdltor * fob.
An Omaha firm received la»t week
two carload* of plug tobacco- 74,000
Tiik old aoldlar citizen* of Lincoln
propone to aecure the nealatate reunion
of the Urand Army.
Tiir 12-year-old daughter of Jacob
Zercher, living eight mllee weatof Ran
dolph, died from Injurtee received from
a fall on the Ice. The child lived only
three hour* after the Injury.
Amoiimv lir.HUtr, the Nunce county
wife murderer, wan before the county
board of iiiNiinlty at Fullerton and wud
pronounced ln*une and committed to
the hospital for the Inaane at Norfolk.
Caul. St, living near Scrib
ner, waa killed by hi* wagon upaetllng
upon him lie bad been drinking, and
it in »uppoked wa* tumble to munage
hi* leu in
Till, plun* and kpeclflcatlon* for »
new Methodlat church at York huve
Iwcii decided It I* to he a mag
nificent structure of atone and brick
and haa a Dealing capacity of L'.’hO.
Filth broke out In William Fellow*’
general »tore In Ord lly dint of hard
work the fire wa* dooii under control.
Mr. Fellow* carried a Mock of (Mi.oon to
*7,000, w lik b I* a In,oat entirely ruined.
Inaurauec *2,MX),
Ai Ouiuhu la*t week F. II. Hoover
»hot and killed hi* brolher-ln-law.
Samuel Ihi Kola. The dlltlcnlty grew
out of p money eon*ideratlon. Hu Hoi*
waa a member of the city council. The
murderer la In Jail.
A* Inipiekt wa* helil on the body of
Herman Tonge*. *r . a Herman farmer
wlio was found dead In Hi* nog pen in
fee ward county, and a verdict found
that ha came to hi* death from heart
disease, with which he ha* been af
flicted for several years
IfoV Ronnn Cami'MM.i.. representa
tive in the legislature from Merrick
county, had hi* right hand badly crush
ed wiille shelling corn, and may lose
several fingers. An accident happenrd
to tiic machine Just in time to save his
Tilt librarian of tiio state historical
social is preparing the program for the
meeting of the society to be held .lan
uary 11 and Hi, IH'.ai The historical
society will meet in the day time and
the horticultural society the evening*
Of the same day.
Tut eleventh annual meeting of the
Nebraska Slate Dairymen's associa
tion was held in Lincoln last week.
Secretary liassett gave his report,
showing cash receipts the past year to
have been •1,M3.:<7, and expenditure*
•1,011.Itt. leaving a balance of •.">01.4r».
A i Lincoln the Jury in the case of the
administrator* of the estate of W. II.
Morse, one of the victim* of the Knck
Island wreck, ugainst the company,
brought In a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for •3,000. The case lias ex
cited no little interest in legal circles,
as it is the first one prosecuted since
the conviction of Iieorge W. Davis for
wrecking the train.
,1. M. fVn.r.MAN of Neligh drove out
to bis farm for a load of grain. Re
turning, he wa* walking by hi* wagon,
with the lines tied to the seat The
laam became frightened and Coleman
rsached for the lines, but wus thrown
under the wagon, both wheel* running
over hi* left shoulder and arm. The
arm waa badly mangled ami will doubt
ies* have to be amputated.
Thk Southern Nebraska Pet Stock
and poultry association closed it* an
nual exhibit at (iraml Island. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the en
suing year; President. W II. Harri
son, Alda; vice president, .1. <X tiees
pacher. Drund Island; second vice pres
ident. C. W. .tester. lie wees; secretary,
J. Ohtheiser, .luniata; treasurer. A.
J. lie Her. Hastings: board of managers,
A. (X Slower*. A. M. Work, W. II. liar
ris, T. Karackinuu and W. .1. Oelheiser.
Al.l. that wus mortal of William A.
McKeighan was laid to rest in thecem
etery at Red Cloud. Public buildings,
private dwellings and business houses
were draped in his honor. Flags were
ur.pcu huh ui nun uiiiai aim ail hum
new house* closed The ('hrisliuii
church, the most spacious in the city,
would not accommodate one-third o(
the people who came. Home of them
from distances hy private conveyances,
to pay their lafct respect* to the dead
Tmk Nebraska Mate I’onltry ussociu
tioti will hold oue of the largest shows
ever held in Nebraska, from January
VI to lit, at Omaha Marshall, sheila
burger and lluaseli, three Judge* of
national reputation, will pus* on the
exhibits Mr. K. H lenulug* of l.iu
coin, the superintendent, will sen that
everything move* along nicely. The
show laal January was said to be the
largest and best show ever livid west
of Nvw Vork tily The cash preiio
urn* thi* year aniuuot to over a.1.tarn
besides a ttuv line uf specials
Ax niuruduivnt to its articles of in
corporation has been died with the tec
rvtary of state by the I mow Muck
Vertl* company of Otueha I he amend
me lit was adopted at a meeting of the
stockholders on the utb iust l ndei
the original arltcle* the general natuie
uf the t usiurse uf the company la de
hued to be the purchase and sale, feed
lag and caring for, slaughtering, drew
log. packing, holding for sale selling
and selling fur others of live aluch. In
eluding cattle, hogs, shevp and horse*
and shipping by rvfrigeratur cars and
otherwise. meats and tha protim i
thereof, end doing <u » general way
the basis#** of stock yards, and wha>
ever ta inenleat or usually connected
fwniM of t ulunel J. T iiglesby
who kae recently keen appointed i|*
ciat I aited *1*1 v» Indue *g*nt mvt it
\ alenltne. forty strong After p*<
taking of a repast speech** wets ««,|>
testifying tsi Ike esteem in wknk i ui
»w*IOgleehy waa held hy the eituene
It no a tt M llot was uf Neiigh dive
teat week after aw Mines* of Hu
months the malady was fcsert Irvu
Me and ampwy I he judge «** Sit tins
up ,a bed eating e Iwheh n ben dealt
rear Me we* e lawyer, ig»i t‘< mg *
me bar op to tne lime «f ate »‘*kae»*
In early lienee he we* prononvnt u
Iowa p4ltse
Nebraska'* l»*lryni<-n'a Aasorlst Ins
At the meeting of the Nebraska "’tale
Pairymen's association, held in Pin
coin, the secretary, ft C. Hassell, gave
the following report:
Cash oa hand ... .• TOT.JW
Itecelvvd f»r memlMtrxhlp fee* •
linn Iw-d forsdv*. Ill pre'm report 44 's)
Its. alred from stats appropriation 7ZZ.*>
Total. r
Kipanas annual meeting .. I I ft**'
j*mi uit** ..,.,.,.1... .. ” nt>n*
Kstmnsn special meeting director* J? !:!
Publishing annual report „ ,
Ft pans* special committee*. ff-i»
Premium* dairy eihlhll* ...
Stenographer's asr rice .
Stationery and printing .. 4
salary Secretary **
ln< Identala. frt.,s«p, etc. jJM1’
Cash on band . _
Total. Il.auiff
Ks-< Miigrsaaman VteHelghsn Mestl.
lion W A. McKeighan. ea-member
of congreaa from the Fifth Nebraska
district, died at Hast Inga. Mr. McKei
ghan had been seriously ill since Ilia
attendance at the Trane-Miealaslppi
congreaa at Omaha some two weeks
ago Ilia djaeaac took a de*|H-rate tnrn
and for eevcral days the end hue been
patieutly awaited He was a sufferer
from dropay, complicated with heart
and lung trouble. His funeral was
held at Ked Cloud,
William Arthur McKeighan of lied
Clout! waa born of Irish parents in
Cumberland county, New Jersey, -Ian
nary Id, 1§43; removed with his pa
rents to Fulton county, Illinois, in Ik4*,
where he lived on a farm mid attended
common school; enlisted in the Kiev
enth regiment, Illinois cavalry. -Sep
tember, Hull; at the close of the war
settled on a farm near I’onllac. Ill ;
took an active part in organizing the
farmers' association, wav elected vice
5resident for the Klghth congressional
istrict; removed to Nebraska In Issti,
and aettied on a farm ucur lied t loud,
took an interest in organizing the alli
ance. was elected county Judge of Web
•ter county iii 1985: in I8nl was demo
cratic candidate for congress against
lion. James K. Laird and was defeated;
waa again nominated for congress by
the alliance of tiie Independent party;
waa endorsed by the democratic con
vention. and elected to I be Hfty-sec
ond and re-elected to tiie Fifty-third
congress as an independent, defeating
William K Andrews, republican; re
nominated for the Fifty-fourth con
gress and waa defeated by Hon. Will
iam E. Andrews
Thurston's Kallroad Hill.
Senator Thurston's bill for the reor
gani/.allou of tbe I nion Pacific, says a
Washington dispatch, made familiar
! through the press during the month,
was introduced on Thursday in the
: senate and referred to the committee
on Pacific railroads. Senator Thure
, ton will devote a large portion of hla
attention to pushing this meusure loan
early consideration by the senate, and
has strong hopes of being able to se
| cure Its passage during the present
congress. While Senator Thurston has
resigned his aollcitorshlp of the Union
i Pacific railway, be takes not an unnat
ural Interest in the road, and will be
looked upon as the chief promotor in
Washington of subjects relating to Its
I interests. Mr. Thurston's private sec
retary, Mr. E. C. Snyder, will prove an
able ally to him in literary work con
nected with the road. Mr. Snyder has
already printed several Interviews with
Nebraska's junior senator ujion the
Union Pacific and is expected to do
good work In explaining intricate de
tails connected with tiie bill and in
bringing them properly before tbe
( nubile.
A Llaeoln Hank dossil.
Lincoln dispatch: The German Na
tional bank suspended and was taken
in charge this morning by 11. .1. Whltie
more, national bank, examiner. The
deposits are said to be *50,000 and tiie
nominal assets several times that
amount. Tiie capital stock of tbe bank
was *100,000.
I This is the bank of which C. E.
Montgomery was president at the time
be was killed by W. II. Irvine in May,
1802. There were no slate funds de
posited in tiie institution.
The liabilities are: Capital stock.
*100,000; deposits, *40,000; bills payable
and rediscounts, *Sft,075; clearing
house, *4.422; due other banka, *3,500.
Assets are given us: Hills receivable,
*105,442; United Stales bonds, *25,000;
judgments. *17,700; from Nebraska
Savings bank assets, 94,430; cash, 90,
329; ft per cent circulation, 91,12ft; pre
mium on I nited Mates bonds, 91,450;
reel estate, 940,870; undivided prottu,
Total liabilities. *181.997; total assets.
Hebron dl*i>nlcli: The report comei
from Kriendeuaon a poalofUce aeven
mile* up the tittle Hlue river, that gold
ha* been dlacovered there A I leg net
ha* been uting aand trow the river tt
do aoiau ptaalerlug tint ha* throw i
what he did nut uae where the poullr)
could run iu it He killed a duck am
in the gurard waa found a piece of gob
about the aia* of a grain of corn I1
we* polkahed bright and waa wort
hhelby diapaloh tthat i» aunponei
to be the fountain bead of the Mu fort
gold held* waa diaeoverad veaterday ui
th* farm of K J • t«»h **v# mlleaatiulh
•eat of town While digging anml 01
the banka of the Ulue river l ook no
teed a me 11 partieleaof gltllerlng metal
It waa eaamiaed by himaelf ami emu
neighbor*, who renewed th* diggim
with eaaltant apirlta l he new* of He
diaeoeery apread and a‘ nightfall i
large erowd had gathered 1 he earn
la kWh and la being wnrked *iv fee
hatuw the anrtaea
*• Old f Owe I h>ao law »>«•*
W iieotg* M Itrlnbar whoha.bee
.ermualy til foe aona* lime p*»' d »•
teal wtek at hi* hom* in Aebra.h
t It*. IK Hr ink*) w a* on* of th* nW
eat ( in th* >tat* He w*
bora la Vtrgiam ia |*l t, r*o*t»*d hi
•dneattoa at the I uiveraitji of 1‘eni
ay leant* cam* to Neb- aaaa * It* I
that and with toe * ac.ptma of **« *
Iwn year* ha* rwahled the*# alaea the
Uat* lla »o a n*ioi*» of •*»*■
bylett.a ehnr. h au aetlv* '!*•"» an
(wwaitaeat la th# eatump* »f th
ewnatj toediv** aua-tety III* death he
I b#*a antidipated for aom* awkt |<a*
i -
I _
Chairman Dlaglaf Cnlla n Mealing »r tin
War* and Mean* Committee in Con
•l.lrr Ihe President’* Mraaaga—
■tenal* Adjourn* Till Toea
d»r—Venrsuelau Matlera
—General Mile* Telka.
Wasuinotox, Dec. 21—The II..use
has heeded the I'reaident'a message. nt
least so far aa to recall Ita resolution
to adjourn for the holiday* to day. At
J2:56 o'clock it adjourned until Mon
day. chairman Dingley called a meet
ing of the new waya and means com
mittee Immediately when it waa form
ally organized. The (’resident s linen
. clai im-saage waa not considered, nor
waa the a (Jourin/ient resolution.which
had also been referred to the commit
tee. An adjournment was taken until
Monday at II o'clock. In the mean
time the Republican leader* will cnn
i fer upon the situation.
The Seriate. In executive Mission, re
called Its holiday adjournment reso
lution and at 1:»6 o’clock adjourned
until Tuesday, without doing any thing
• ••iiaral Mils* Dwell* lp»» the Present
Helpless Condition of the Mm toasts.
WAMJIINOTOff, lice. 23. Oenernl
Miles, commanding the army, hue
given out a statement by request !u
regard to Hie ability of the Hinted
, (States to defund itself in case of war.
He said: "1 have just returned from
an Inspection of the harbors of the
(southern coast and. like those of other
sections of the country. 1 found them
in an entirely defenseless condition
if war should break oat at thu present
time all wo have in the Mouth, or, in
fact, anywhere else, with a few cxcep
j tions, would be a Jot of obsolete
! guns on rotten carriage*, which
i would fall over because lbev could
not be of any service. Wr are
in a deplorable state for defense.
Tbere are only three modern high
power guns in position in this country.
Two of these arc at tlie entrance to
New York harber and the third is at
Man Francisco. If Congress would
I make liberal appropriations the coasts I
| can lie placed In condition of defense
! in two years. The work would cost in
the neighborhood of #80,000,000, It
would take In the neigh borhood of
a year to manufacture tools for con
struction of guns and then another
year for the manufacture of the guns."
“Could the United Mtates be invaded?
No; nor would any enemy care to in
vade it. All that would be necessary
would be for him to place ships oIt
our coast and fire shells into the cities.
The fire would drive millions of peo
ple from home and cause untold dla
; tress. The weultli of 300 years is
' stored in Boston, New York and other
great cities, and their loss would be
; very severe. \Ve could not afford to
I lose them.”
| . .
' sis Lives Lost In the CUIvrn Hirer ut Old
Monroe, Mo.. In an Attempted Kescua.
Old Monuoe, Mo., m-c. 23.—Cuivre
river is very high all over the bottom
from bluff to bluff and ia up in the
houses on the prairie, bottoms east of
here. John Heilman, who lives on a
high place on Cuivre river, went in his
skiff to August Fxngneckcr's und
found the water up to the floor, and
persuaded them alt to go witli him in
the skiff to his house. They all
started—John Heilman, August Fong
necker, Henry Fongnccker, ‘I nomas
Calwell, \YiIlian Meadow* and wife
)iid a stepson of James IllacUingship
named Martin. TIu- current was
strong, and It seems that the skiff
struck a tree and split wide open.
Those in the boat were drowned ex
cept Thomas Calwell.
Th* Parllaumat Adopt* a ItMolullou Ap
proving th* ftwiavnl'i M***ag*
Rio Jamkiho. line, JH. —The Hra/.iliau
rvauale auii * haiuber «»< Deputim have
adopted a reaolultuu approving I'reel
llout I lovelund'* ine»*age. Tim pre*a
la divided. Tlm principal journal* op
poae dm A me r leu u protettalon*. Tlm
Jauobiu paper* eupporl llm Monro#
Tlm upeedm* made lit llm chamber
uu llm rt’Milull<>u warn remarkable lu
dtalr »upp'.it uf tbi< M'lUrur dmitrlne.
The congratulatory cable character
Ur* l*r> blaut l Icvcluml'* |au>iliua a*
•upirumly dlgulllwd and a* a urn **fr
I guard of tlm lioiiua and Mivcraiguly of
I *11 A merman nation*.
th* VeaeraM* Mrvttvb miinhh o>*l*<«*
Italy lomatwo ***** ******
Nan You* Ihm ti A looal |»*p*r
| cabled lu Ylr. lilavUtou* for au **pra*
i viuti uf opinion n* to lb* tae«l uiatbuil
I of amuilng |*>aoa Imlwaan ‘>.o* tint
I *!*» and lb* I ulied hint#* and the mc
a«*»fnl adjn*lumnt uf tba VaueAnalnn
^HfUulty Th# loiiuumg reply I*pub
, "tl itAtMl, In* th I an i Mule
natllil* rapt* I hi* not intarfata
llnly eomotuu neu revjuliad lilgtl
1 done."
•a Ink I u lie at la* r»**l4*al
* d ivoikoiov Inv I Tba Nbalby
M I nlloni National Republican Amu
* ilaliwu ha* beau -i gaumed to advauvw
| tha llliaoi* hanatto a* a prv*i4#utlal
candidate llnotg* I Maaon. of Lah
I taua h> proetdeat, and htduey Robin
von of illtdut*. vhm pr»*kl> at t he
nlbei nlMeur* reprwenl Maryland
* Virginia the 1 *> <■!♦»*» and tieotgm.
The 'llssourl Senator Helleres Thai t he
senate Will >01 tl.l lltr I’rnslUriit.
ssiiinotiin. I)ec, I’ll Sen»tor Vest
of Missouri, said concerning the Pres
ident's financial message "It would
he impossible to pass In tin- Semite any
such financial legislation us the Pres
dent wants; uud there would he no
sense in pushing through u measure
which we know lie will not accept. Of
course I do not know what, the House
might be willing to do; It is s new
hotly, anil Its sentiment on the money
question has not yet been definitely
shown. Hut the sentiment of the Sen
ute In this regard was clearly reflected
in the vole to refer the resolution in
treduced by Senator Allen, of Ncbras
Us, directing the finance committee to
inquire ami report whether or not,
under existing conditions, It would lm
wise to open the mints for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver at a
ratio of 111 to I, It. stood if’> to 24.
That. I think, In Indicat ive of the o|c
position to the financial views field hy
the president, and show* the hopeless
ne*« of any *iich legislation as would
meet with hi* approval."
"Do you believe the present erl
*1* call* for immediate financial | cgls
latlon of some kind to restore conII
"The President ha* frequently -aid
that when the gold reserve got below
•7#,Odd,POO the danger line was
reached III* now down to f7o,t;oo,
000, and III* message is therefore con
sistent with Ills previously expressed
views. Hut 1 cannot see iiow we are
to get legislation w>th such antagonis
tic ideas a* exist. We believe in the
remouct I/at Ion of silver; the Presi
dent thinks that would he putting out
false money,”
“ilu* not the tumbling of stock*
created a crisis In which something
ought to done? Do you not think
the President looks on It In that way?"
“Very probably he doe*. The presi
dent is * New York man, and such
thing* may agitate him. lint West
ern men. for the most purt, look on
those transaction* a* mere gambling,
and the new* give* them no more con
cern than if they lieurd that some faro
bank* hud been broken ”
Her Area, Her regulation and Her Ko
Wakmimotom, Dee, 23.—Venezuela i*
in area, 000.000 square miles; popula
tion, 3,ioo,ooo0; population of the cap
ital, • araca*, 75,000; population of Va
lencia. 40,01)0; Maracaibo, 35,0*3); liar
qulslmeto, 31,000; I uidad liolivar, 12,
000; army in time of pi-ac*, 7,000; army
in time of war, (3),non. The imports
to the United Htutes from Venezuela
in l*'.*4 amounted to §1,500,000. Great
lirltain'* sales to Venezuela amount to
$500,000 yearly. Veue/.uela buy* from
Kngland to the amount of tU)O0,OOu
each year. The yearly import* of
Venezuela are about $13,000,000, and
the export* amount to 9it},ooo,»o0.
The principal export* are; i.'offu*,
nearly $15,000,000; cocoa, $450,000;
bide* and skins, §400,000; feathers,
$50,000, rubber. $50,000.
in 1*01 the United States sold good*
to Venezuela to tiie amount of $4,150,
000. During the Name year tni* coun
try bought from Venezuela $<*7,000
worlii of cocos, $33,000 worth of rub
ber. $12,000 worth of bee wood, and
coffee to the amount of $2,000,000. in
addition, $o,',000 in copper and copper
ore, §31,(33) In feather* and $i‘.i3.o0o in
hide* and skins wi re bought by the
United State* from Venezuela in 1304.
The controversy over the Venezuela
boundary line arose in 131*1, soon after
tiie signing of the trualy between
Spain aud the Dutch. Thi* treaty pro
vided that the Orinoco colonies should
become the property of the Spanish,
while tiie Ksequibu settlements went
to belong to tiie Dutch. A< l hat lime
the section now In dispute wild
and unexplored, and was without in
habitant*. Soon after the disputed
territory began to be recognized a*
valuable land, the Kritisb Government,
which had conquered the Dutch and
taken their possession*, took tiie posi
tion tiial her boundary wus not marked
by the Ksequlbo Kivcr itself, but that
England's dornaiu extended over all
the land drained by tiie river
The boundary line, known as thd
"Hchomburgk line," wa* run by Sir
Hubert Schiniiburgk in 1*4). The ter
ritory included by tills line extend*
far beyond the watershed of the
Ksequibo river. No authority for the
nclioiuburgk line Inis ever Men pro
duced. Kngland's probable object in
runniug lliia boundary was to obtain
i territory at the mouth of the Urinoco
river, where she could establish a
settlement. Venezuela fought against
these encroachment* upon tier terri
tory, and in 1*44 Lord Aberdeen, prune
minister of Great itritain, proposed a
couipromiae line. However, the aue*>
tiou was uot Nettled, and in IkMI Lord
tarauville propmed still another boun
dary, but Id* new bouudery Included
more territory than did the one pro
posed by Lord Aberdeen. Under the
line of lsal. Great llrhalii laid claim
to a valuable stretch of country uloug
the Atlantic coaal.
A fie, the opening of the ttarima and
A'uruau gold tulaea, Kuglaud extended
bar territory to the west, mi a* to in
clude the valuable mine* llritlsb
Heat Indian miner* rushed out to the
gold Held*, and took poasesxion of
everything in sight. It la said by en
gineer* who have visited these gold
mine* that they are equal to any la
the world, eud vast developments,
such a* have recently occurred la
Mouth Africa, are expected Th#
tropical climate I* the chief obstacle
to the development of the mines
I Veaesuei* has borrowed llu,i*SM**j
from tire*t Itritaui. |f*t»,utxi from
1'iiutr and about Hw,teHBi*> from her
pwa people I hi account of th* Ill-will
batwceu tiraal Hritam and Venezuela,
the l hoc t Mai*1*. Uranee and Her
mant have aitnoat entire eon*r«l uf
the trade with the country.
Iasi I'lll «si|iwni
Ho out Kan . I eeeiuber VI -'fan
weeks ago Andrew kwiggetl, aa t lark
uf Ike Ihslrtet court uf Itutiar county
eamc to AA > hue and collected about
Iru in wioto v amt ka* aol been seen
•inee 't he Uat so n uf Mwtggett
b* w a* going down a side street to
Caleb a tram late at atgbb It t*
tbuugbt he w*s murdered
dame* t annum*, t' tear* at *«•
ssMwmlttest suis de tn *<h*lb»illl# in.I
The Bill Intrriilureil li| Hr. IIIM »l Ml
m Voir* Hr.
ftotifrll* of H«ln* ansi Hr. f rl«f» of
llrorfiM 4 Ion* •f»»»r • I'ollrf of I in
lion 4 .Nolionitl f»«f*n»* If III.
I l*v*l»n#l I'romfill* •oromlrd.
WA*rrmoTojr. Dee, 16. -Mr. TTItt of
Illinois, Republican, roar In the llouae
aa soon aa It had been called to order
to-day and called f.,r nniiriinioua con*
aent for the eonaidnrallon of the fol
“A bill making an appropriation for
the expenae of a coinmlaalon to Inre tl
gate and report on the true dlrlalon
line between the republic of Ven/.uela
and llritlali tlufana.
"Be it enacted by the Henate ami
llouae of lleprraeiif atirea of the United
Si a tea of America, In Congress eseem*
bled, that tb« aum of <»>■>, or ao
much thereof aa may be neceaaary, be
and the aame la hereby appropr fated
fur the expenses of ft commission to be
appointed by the President to investi
gate and report upon the true divis
ional line between the republic of
Venezuela and llrltiah Ouiana "
When the words were read by the
clerk they were loudly applauded on
both sides of the chamber,
Mr. Iloulelle prefaced his remarks
by the statement that be disliked to
object to the consideration of such a
bill, "but," said be. "It seems that
this subject is one of aucli serious Im
portance that the llouae of Repre
sentatives should proceed In a decor*
fiua raaruer to consider it. The
President's message was read yester
day, and, it seems to rne, gentlemen
may not be ready to pass upon a bill
of ibis importunes without dellhera
a I_ H
Ml* MO I rm.I.B (Al HOT,
Cries of “Heady, Hearty’’ from the
Hi-publican side interrupted Mr Ifou
telle, but he urged that the matter
who one which affected the relations
of the two great KngJisli speaking na
tion* of the world, ile said: "I hare
been accused of being a jingo, what
ever that may mean. 1 hope no one
in that part of the country whore I am
known would believe that I would
hesitate in my support if the honor,
dignity or safety of the country re
quired, to take up arms against any
or all of the nations of the world But
the press shows the country to be In a
state of feverish excitement. It seems
that we ought to give this matter as
much consideration as we would give
to an appropriation of a few thousand
Mr. Boutelle referred to the Presi
dent's message as an extraordinary i
one. and went on: "It aaems that we
should send to the committee, to be
calmly considered, this great question
and the message in which the execu
tive himself for the first time in the
history of such correspondence, bae
outlined the possibilities of war be
tween tbe two great Anglo-Haxon na
tions of the world."
The speaker asked: "Does the gen
tleman object?"
Mr. Boutelle said that he had merely
suggested a hope that tbe hill would
go to the committee.
Mr. Hitt Rnnounced that be only de
sired to say a word concerning the
bill and it* purpose. He would do so,
he said, “without mentioning this side
or that side, for be hoped there would
be no two sides when it came to a
question like this. Aside from ite
general discussion of matters of na
tional policy and Interests, there was
a request made by the president for
help from tbe house to enable him to
exercise his executive functions.
“The first thing for us to remember
as patriots,” said Mr. ilitt, “is that
the success of our country depend*
upon our maintaining a united front—
that our government should speak for
all the people of the United Mates.”
The suggestion of the President was
for a judicial Investigation, lie was
aure it was made in tiie proper spirit
and the occasion required that the
country should act as one man. In
such a time the executive was bam
pered by every criticism that comes
from his country. It should not be un
derstood by the British press that the
President was not backed np by hie
country, but only by his owu party.
The people had had a long tune to
consider the Monroe doctrine; they
mijfiit. nub a({irc w nit nn mr urniua
outlined by the President and Secre
tary OIney and the discussion here
would prove e help to tlioae across the
sea. lie hoped the hill woum pass.
Mr. Hilt moved the previous ijuea
tloti, hut Mr. t'rlap of Oeorgi* secured
bis permlskioii to say a word He be
tan: "I s|"-ak for ull this aide of the
louse, where there la no division aa
to the propriety of passing the bill.
This House resiieetfully invited the
government of <treat liritaln to arbi
Irate the boundary ipicslioii between
Venezuela an-' Itritish Uulaiia Oreat
llriiuiu has (toilIliad. Now what are
we to do? If the American paople
have a Used opinion on any i|uesllou,
they have a decisive opinion that no
Kuro|Mian country can acquire terri
tory on the American continent by
raeean tniiovT nan i.iaeaay.
Mr llltt entreated Mr. 4 rjap. la flaw
uf the magnitude of the I Ole reals In
vntved. not to preotpllale n hasty die
UUKiUlM ill Ihtflll
Mr t rtap is winded Mr. llltt that
tha Kepublteetts had Introduced the
hill which ha had ellewitied to bring
in hiweelf yesterday, and oontmaed
saying that If the boundary maid not
ha ascertained bv arbitration with
Urent Hr Me In the I nlted Mates should
ascertain U at once "And when »*
have ascertained where It Is," he con
eluded, we should have the eonrnga
and maahtssl to weintem It,1*
Mr M>« tear* of heaieehv and Mr
neutaitn wire shouting for le.ogai
I loo bat Mr Milt lefused to «laid l he
door and the prv* h«•» -pi.-sii>-n was
pul and carried with a shout of "ayes"
gad no oppoa ug v«-lue
A rcsolultoii was offered by Mr
I dug Ivy and agreed to that the holi
day adjournment h- from f rldaV. I*v
aemhar »**. to Pihlny January I
Thau tha Muwaa at li hi adjourned
mill Irutny
an ikim-iim Mritu mm.
la tha aenata Mr < handler of New
Hampshire Introduced a bill "to
strengthen the military armament ''
It directs the preeideal to atrenglhen
the military foree of the Halted Miatae
by adding 1,000.000 Infantry rlflea,
1,900 gnna for field artillery and not
exceeding .VlioO hear/ guo i for fori ill
ration. The an in af ia made
immediately available for tba purpoee
of the propoaed arinaoMit
Maw Verb World Celle tba Praaldeare
Msaesge a Hlsndsr.
Nnw York. Dec. 19 —The World
say a "President < levelands message
to Congreas on the Vrnefuelan matter
1a a aerloua blunder. It ia a blander
hecaaac It ia baaed upon a wrong eon
i-eption. because It ia not sustained by
mtei national law or ns«g*-. and be
canao it places the United Htslea In a
false position. The President. In Ida
message, like Harret.ary Olney in bla
dlepatchea, assumes that the policy of
Orest Britain In Venezuela involves a
menace to this country, I 'hr I'resi
dentsaya that ‘the doctrine /of Monrogt
upon which we stand la strong and
sound liecause its enforo in ut is as
•entiul to oar peace and safety aa a
nation, and to the integrity of our free
Institutions, and the truo|ui) main
ter,auce of our distinctive form of gov
"Arc our peace and safely as a na
lion, the integrity of our free inslitu
lions, and the 'tranquil rnainlananc#
of our distinctive form of government,'
threatened by an c*tenaion, however
unwarranted and arbitrary, of the
l.nglisb possessions In Venezuela?
I In- preposterous nature of this jingo
bugaboo Is sufficiently Indicated by
pointing to Canada and to British
< oluinbls. on our yery border Kng
land Is not a ‘foreign nation'in this
liemispbere. fireat Britain owns more
territory on this continent than we
do Hbe was here before we were a
nation If she bad the hostile inten
tions which the President's words ini
mite, did she need to wait for s 1
boundary dispute in distant Venezuela,
wiui a nyorin race, to a'situ us or to
menace our republican Institutions?
•*Tha assumption la ah ur<l. And
with it fall* the airucturc of ponder*
on ale iiatrlotlc rhetoric relied upon by
the Frebidcnt,
"It la a gr>.ee blunder to pul tbla
OottrnBwnt If the attitude of threat
ening war unless we mean It. and are
prepared for it. and can a pn-a hope
fully to the sympathies of the civilized
world In making it. I Jo these '-ondl
tlons exiat? Will any of the senator*
who applauded the 1'resident‘a me a»age
seriously affirm that they do? If
thaac condition* do not exist, what re
main* for u* except a leer week* or
month* of bluster and a mora or laa*
graceful backdown?"
fi«Mrr*l Ninm H. Walker llaad.
Kknton, Ohio, Dec. lit,—(Jn*rtl
.Vione* It. Walker, the iiero of f.hicka*
manga, dlad ye-' day. Kleveu daya
ago he wa* stricken with paralysis.
Oeneral Walker waa born in 1419. He
served throughout the war and wa*
conspicuous for hi* bravery in sixteen
battle*, lie was the lust man that
left the bloody field of < hicksmsups
Burglar* I s* Dyeseiltw
Cl-IXTOX, Mo, Dec. 19. Ilurgiars
used dynamite on the vault doors of
the hank of Deepwater, ten mile*
south of here, last night, but were un- ^
able to open the inner safe. They
stole a team of horses and fled, aban
doning the team at Clinton, where it
i* thought they hoarded a train for
Texas. _
A noted Old Counterfeiter Ilm*.
Daytos, Ohio, Dee, 19.—Nelson
Driggs, one of the most noted count
erfeiter* of the country, ia dead. He
was at one time said to lie worth
nearly $1,000,000, made try exchanging
had money for good. He spent many
years iu the penitentiary. Driggs wa*
stl year* of age.
Kn|rur V. f>*b# Withdraws
Tkiikk Hautk, Ind,, Dec. 19 —At a
meeting of the brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen In this city, Kugene
V. Debs, f»r many years its grand sec
retary, wa* present and made a xfieech,
withdrawing from the brotherhood.
A Hank Wrocker CmfltM.
UaiD, Ok., Dec. 19. —In the district
court yesterday afternoon Frank
Itoyce. ex-hank cashier, wa* found
guilty of receiving deposit* after he
knew that the hunk was insolvent.
ijnot mi Ion. I torn >«« Vork, « lilmi*, st
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