The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 20, 1895, Image 6

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of ptHMisaioH or
RAND Mr ' '.v * CO.
The colonel drew out a paper and
plo-d II fi the laid* before him
To mr.i you all trouble," he aald, "I
have rnyaelf written out the letter,
which now only rc<|iilree your aiKim*
(tick bruahed the paprt contempt u
oualy aaide, and half wheeled hla chair
round away from them.
"I uni prepared to xlve you time.
■ oitlnued the colonel, "but only In r»ot
w in and I would advlae you not to run
it be> line, for 1 do not com-al from you
that by a continued refusal y,,u
tori’e ua to extreme*."
"To put It abort," aald Johnatone,
"you'll al*n that paper In *n hour or dl>
for It," I
At ihl* moment the door w •* auddeniy
opened, Johnatone w»* puabed aalde,
and a white fixture paae-d awiftly round
lfie table to lt|ek'» rlKht hand
ttldi apian* to hla feet, Kor a mo
ment the ifitee m* n were allent. all afar
.• ex|e lantly at famllla. »a ahe *tood
t. ddlrt* out both hand* to Hick
Then the colonel wuu heard lo eurae
b-tween hla act teeth l>U-k turned
in . , .1 iritirnotiantlv. In each hand
'* rin k*'** »*»**
inat bin side stood Camilla, with
pale f;i- - and flashing eye*
"Have no mercy!” she cried, In the
ringing voice of an angel of vengeance;
"i,i mercy! They bad none on you'
II- raised his hands. Johnstone
glared at him like a tiger brought to i
bay. the colonel shrank back Into the
corner of the room, and the cold sweat ,
< imp out In great heads upon his fore- ,
Camilla would have spoken again, but
l ■ t voice broke In an uncontrollable
* oiod between a sob and a laugh.
I>b-k turned to her
”1 give them back to you,” he said
•*ime Is of your kin, and the other
bottling but a tool.”
gin- t’ung out her hand toward them
in the,i corner,
"Do you hear?” she said; “tuke back
your shameful lives! And now, she
,"•1*1, taking a pistol from Dick's hand,
rs i*', rny soul’s captain, come away
with me!”
Hhe would have raised the pistol, bul
i.o took her by the wrist.
"No. no, dear heart," he said, gently,
■ -purely that too would la- suri'endc
Jet's fight the ship until she sink*,''
He laid both pistols upon the table,
and pushed them aero** to the colonel, :
"Arid now," he said, "g-t you gone, j
I wish to speak to this lady undls- |
I lirbe't "
The colonel hesitated, but In a (lash
.1 din-,one caught him with a grip of j
Ir n, and whirled him, helpless, through
the door.
ICK and Camilla
were alone together
and face to face at
last. There was n >
hesitation, no shad
ow of reserve be
tween them. This
on<- hour was
theirs, though the
rest were the very
.darkness of de
Hhe came toward
him J i fully, and with a proud smile
threw her arms about his neck; then
drew her head a little back and looked
long Into his eyes, where the light if
I ,ve shorn- steadily, undlmmed by any
•,Iri* -H of farewell.
How could I." she murmured; "how
•uld I think you less than greatest ?”
Nay. 'no said, "how mid I think
you wished no* to he so?"
And they forgave each other III a long
silence of possession.
At Iasi I'millla star ten painfully; tin
ruin! a voice waa heard outaid., lie
I'iishI without ctiierliiB; hut with the
hateful aound her mood waa •'hanged
IVace fled, and a great terroi and |»-i
(•laxity took hold u(ioii her I tick aaw
It and took her In hie anna again; ahe
dung to him dcaperatcly
What am I to do" ahe cried 'What
i til I do"
"That which you came lo do,” he an*
l eered, nulelly "tiut fliat you muat
i. *t; the atralti of all thta haa worn you
"Keat1" ahe aald "I can (tut un
• II- And her voice failed
know what you would ewy," he
' idled V»U are troubled t*> uncer*
ti.nty a 1*0ill me. hut you muat try to
diamlaa that from your min t What
• ver guinea to me. you have your work
I > •!•> and y»u muat do it
Mhc looked al him reiuoachfully. hut
aid lt d aleak
tie unde, her again and an*
w.'i.-d her una|»>k«u thought,
‘ No, he aald, “I am not forgetting,
•*vtt y«u ywinall ‘aw* made ni" inomtaM
that I a util i«wl aahb' Mt* for dot*
I ttgve no need, I know to mak> th<
angr t*i«ua«t of you
A a t c aiMike Hte a* **no of mat |o O|o, ii*
q Ion k !«(••* her « y » hh* »*w
the t all Hint gl tiialli'U tug ll“»w W»
IsawMikg beige, and her own gritfc and
••If a u Hi t tenet
Hoi n a link a a* *t akin* 'aAlt
A *d tl at * tiaed *a though hi had d<Vlt*ad
her thought, In I'Arl •> t*a«i
That old tuotwla* h<* »ald ha*
I ,.und kh> iwbe already I found tl
hard hut I obeyed Thta third lino I
, ,.uld m.» h» #i*. hut that tha ft"""*
II aulureed hy A »*l Aliottget law It
la .* Niter etu*l IO '<*W| hut I tonal
Itghi aga'oai you and yout i aaae I ran
out warn y*t» that I Ahatl t • ntt i**at
t|at kM't Wgt (aAt And I*1 Aha
of bnug he anewared *• »* *« atm#*
tier the word* I know you inn not
sacrifice youi loyalty bi the Kmperor,
even for me,'
In utter simplicity he had misunder
stood her; h* r weakness was doubly re
buked, and she felt him tower above
her higher than ever,
"It la a strange gams,’’ he said, more
lightly, "In which you snd 1 are found
on opposite aides; hut since we're in it,
let no one say we didn't play It out.'
"Hut either way you lose!" ahe cried,
with despair In hei voice and eyes,
"Not so," be answered, tenderly. "I
have won already, and received my
prise beforehand."
Me drew her to him aa he spoke, and
again for a apace the chains of their
Iron destiny fell away from I hem. and
they lied together across shoreless *CUS
under on Infinite radiance of sunlight.
Hhe tor* herself away at last, hut only
ai hla urgent entreaty that she would
rest, Hhe promised with a sad smile,
knowing sleep to he Impossible.
Outside stood Johnstone. As he was
ubout to lock the d'so again tbs colonel
■ ame up and stopped him.
"Walt h moment," he said "I want
to speak to Captain Kstcourt."
Me turned to Camilla, and added, lie
fore he went In, "1 am sorry to trouble
him again, but I must make it plain to
hi that hla fate Is none the b-ss Inevit
able for any help you rnay have prom
ised him, I warn you, you are power
less In my hands If you wish to save
him It must he by bringing him over to
our side, and not by de«. rtlng to Ids,
"You may spare him your hateful
presence, then," r«iorted Camilla, "for
I have made no promises.
The colonel looked Incredulous
"fill',” she cried, "how should you tin
derstand? I would have given up all,
and gladly, too; l>ui he compels me to
do wy duty In spile of myself "
The colonel looked a little uncom
fortable, but his face cleared. ‘Then i
may count on you to nelp me?" he
Hhe turned upon him, her eyes Max
ing with unbankable hatred and con
“Ye*," ahe cried, "you may count on
me lo help you and despise you; to
curse you In success a no to triumph In
your downfall"’
The colonel turned away. He felt that
he was riot appearing ut Ida best be
fore Johnstone; and It was against his
principles to let hlmwelf be seen at a
disadvantage by a subordinate.
Camilla went to her own cabin and
threw herself Into her berth. Hh>- was
worn out, hut far too overstrung to
sleep. The wind was rising outside;
the ship moved violently, with sounds
of straining timbers arid of heavy
masses thrown from side to sire.
Hour after hour passed In this tur
moil, which seemed to match the help
less tossing of her thoughts. Hometlmes
the shouting of rough voices cam* to
hit; sometimes the shrieking of the
wind was like the despairing fry of hu
man agony Her nerves quivered, rest
less terror overpowered her reason, and
the most horrible fantasies possessed
her. At last she could bear It no longer.
Hardly knowing what she did, she rose
and went to the saloon.
Johnstone, w< arhd out by a long
watch on deck, was sleeping on the Moor
beside the di«,r.
Hhe took the key from his pocket,
turned It In the hark, and passed softly i
In. He woke as she stepped over him.
but, seeing who It was sat still and eyed
her watchfully.
Hhe steadied herself In tie- /doorway
ami looker! down the room. A hammock
ha<l been slung across It near the mid
dle; there lay Dick, sleeping quietly as
a child; a single lamp was hanging
mar. and the unsteady light threw
strange distorted shadows across Ills I
face without troubling his rest.
She stood gazing for sums minutes; a
desp sense of peace came over her; she
HOTht-il .mil I Ill'll' <1 awnv. S"olt""l .'ini
Johnstone, without rising, held out
his hand for the key. As she went bac k
to her cabin, he muttered behind her.
"Ay. ay! my beauty; he II be sleeping
sounder yet tomorrow night!"
Happily she did not heat him, but
went to her berth comforted .and slept
for some hours In spite o( the noise of
the hurricane, which raged with in
creasing violence,
Uuriiig the night tin- brig, after vain
ly attempting to anchor, bad been driv
en past the Island to the south, and
when Camilla came on deck In the
morning she thought at nrst that an
unhoped-fur deliverance had thus been
hi light about, for Hi Helena wag far
away on the hurtion, and tltc wind,
though It had moderated In force, was
still blowing almost dead against them
Hhe s»sin saw, however, that the ship a
load was toward the Island, and that
by repealed tai klnt! they were already
making some wav against the wind
The colonel himself came up to lt«r
and pointed out this fad. lit sunset,"
he said, "we shall have comfortably
Winked Iia>k to the north stile of Hie
Island, and our io-w guest will t>« on
h-olld the Mpeedwdl Sun after mid
night "
Hire looked at him with ec»ld Hstr*il.
and made no answer
I can not help Seeing, be remarked,
"that | hare had Ho misfortune to in
< ur your dtspb-asui Hut 1 hops1 the
Kmpelot « to o to i oUlss w dl n cull
die U* all
Hite mined bei ha k ui»>n Him and
Welti being \\ 1,1 <1 dig t, elicit me
diHul d Ills salt so i she f oooil liifanst’Ote
|«arled there again This lino he rv
l«s it In lei her In
Mo, hii he satdi fust turn last
tight, mitre this morning I've purlieu
lat husitisss with Captain Kst- out to
day, and fr>ou hts hsdia I should sat H
would take Its sum' llHle yst
Hhe went In h«r i akin and Ihe I og
day began to drag manly un
iNvh. tn the meantime was racking
Ms head to Had e -me sole war ul up
setting Ihe --dunel s plans «rm al the
last n> *meni. and at <nv cat |u him
self It nas hot ithis to think that If h»
ucm i t he noull invntve I'rmltla Is
the ruin of the conaplracy. But tie put
the recollection of thi* aternly from his
mind, or clench' d hla teeth atlll mora
doggedly when the thought forced It*
aelf upon lilm. He aaw clearly enough
^ thut the colonel would go on hoping for
1 hi* surrender until the laat poaaibl"
moment—that would he until the time
I came when they muat either get leave
| to take the Hpccdwell Into the road* off
Jameatown for the night or he boarded
by the acarch party from one of the
crulaera If he could manage to he on
deck at the deeiatve moment when th«
guard-hoot came alongalde, he might
give them aome kind of warning before
hla enemlca could alienee him.
The colonel had come In twice during
the morning to ace If lie had algned the
letter yell on ih« aerond occaalon Dick
had anatched the paper from hla hand*
and torn It Into fragment*. He tn>w
appeared for the third lime, bringing
a freahly-written copy with him, Which
he handed to Johnatonc
"Thl* la my laat vlall,” he auld, "1
ahull leave t.'uptuln Katcourt lo you
henceforward. It aeerna thut my prea*
epee make* him unreasonable."
"It la you,'' auld Hick, with »n »'.•
leidpt at diplomacy, "who are unrea
aonahle, to keep me shut Up below here.
Are you afraid thut t ahall awlrn
"I am afraid thut you might try," re
plied the colonel. "But I'll lei you go
on deck after dinner If you will excuae
my inking my own precautions."
"What precaution*?"
"Putting aome little constraint upon
your power of movement,"
"fall It Iron* at once!" Interjected
Idck flushed Indignantly, hut a glance
at the colonel's face told him I hut the
Interpretation waa correct. Inauliltig
a* rh« atiggeallon waa. he could not nf*
ford to refuac, for It waa hla one chance,
"J accept,' he auld. shortly, and the
colonel wnl out
After dinner Hick waa taken on deck.
and the Irons were brought. He sal
down while they were looked Upon him.
The colonel stood a short distance off,
watching When lie saw (hut Oh k w.i»
helpless he < »roe up.
"Now," In* id hi hi Johnstone, "take
him down again, If you please."
Dick turned white with itnger and
"V hi don't on .in thiiil" he cried.
"You cun not!”
"I promised you should com* on
deck," refilled the eoloncl "hut I think
I mmi right In saying that no time was
mentioned In toy Judgment you have
been long enough here already, and —
you will pardon me for speaking plain
ly -the sooner you learn submission to
my Judgment the more trouble you will
spare us all,"
io as i ovMSi.’sn r
College rmtninr Complain* of ill*
“Sporty" Style of Newspaper.
"Why Is It," asked a mild-mannered
college professor of a friend by whose
aide he sat. wultlng (or bis turn In a
barber-shop -"why Is It that barber
shops, of every grade and In every lo
cality, always provide for the delecta
tion of their patrons the most, lurid of
'sporty' publications? I don't look
like a sport, do 1?" And the friend
looked him over, and with a droop of
the corners of Ills mouth and an eleva
tion of bis eyebrows agreed that he
didn’t, "Vet," continued the professor,
"whenever I sit down lu a barber's
chair tbe barber Immediately thrusts
Into my hands a sheet of pink pru
rience, or some less highly colored but
more openly indecent Illustrated abom
ination. Home few hotel bar her-shops
have a stray copy of a dally newspaper
lying around, hilt I have yet to find a
barber-shop where 'sporty' papers are
not tbe chief literary entertainment
provided for patrons with which to be
guile tbe tedious waits for a chance at.
the chair. Is there any reason for It,
or Is it Just a trade custom for barber*
to subscribe tor such publications
when they open their business. Just as
they order soap and shaving papers?
Is It that all the thousands of mild
mannered. every-day citizens who are
not 'sports’ shave themselves, and
there Is therefore no need of catering to
the literary taste of the casual ^•u.*
tomer of that kind? But If, an I Imag
I itti II. I ho c'luii I lio 1,'lelirii 'u nil tniniir t
are inmi of dll classes and calibers,
why don’t the barbers provide some
thing to balance the spectacular effect,
at least, of the sporty’ papers that
stare at one from every chair? A ropy
of some Rood monthly magazine would
not cost as much us a sporting weekly,
for Instance and would lie really a
treat for dozens of customers, where
the superfluity of pletorial ahum In a
tlons are really offensive. Hut I didn't
Intend to suggest how a barber should
run his bus I liens l only started to
voice my wonder as to Jitst why barber
shops and lurid 'sporty’ papers should
Always have to be associated together
In one'* Impressions fun you think
of one without thinking of the other?'
I hr II.Kk Trade !• Itiislilng
The manufacturers of clucks have not
bun so iiuy a* any time during aevaoal
years as they are at present The Inc
torl< s devuied to the production of *11
ver plated ware aie luuiilug lull time,
with !nr"a < uu plenient* of operative*,
ihe watch manufacturers have Uiia year
given their hands shorter vgi.ittun*
than usual, and are lu< reusing their a'
ready huge furies, the Jewelry Itianu
fMIUrers of I’rovidenee. Sew York
Newark and otjier centre# are rtinuliM
their fa> tutlaa to their uluiosi cspgi ltt
the iitipoi tei* of art gi*e|» pottery an i
bib a tirsi are receiving muuhr
shipments of goods. maker* of cut a I s<
are prmlm tug many new pattern* ana
are working every tram* In 1M1
plant* Th.r* the anticipation of * shower during th» fall moiwiii
I* tvhlcnt ihio'igboui the manutgatur
Ing hrau> he* of out Indttalry, and that
ihe manufacturer* will »“t h* dhrap
pointed all *tgn* Indlcalo
■ in menr « shift at rend mi * at
» u,a. io4lh ltn> archer little m <at.
Viol many a a 'td at ran-*-m *i->h*w
M*< sKwlh* *r w.'und a heari that «
- gatiIt
How tho Metnttara of tho Foorr KiimOW
lion P«M«it tho Itof—Tmliloi tho
Kaklno* Atntrloa Manmn loath la
Oil* tho Dlanar Takla
R8. PKARY, who
apent eo many te
dious montha with
bar huahand In the
Arctic reglone, waa
determined that the
holldaya ahould not
poaa her by unno
ticed; and eo,
though ahe waa liv
ing In the moat
primitive faehlon.
with a frozen world all about her, ahe
made hearty though almple prepara
tion for featlvlty.
They apent, ahe aaya, a day In deco
rating the Interior of their Arctic homo
for the Chrlatmaa and New Year fentlvl
Ilea, In the larger of the two roouin
the celling waa draped with red mon
qulto netting Wire candelabra and
candleholdera were placed In all Hie
| corner* and along the walla, Two large
United Hlntea flnga were croaaed at one
| end of tho room, and a allk elodge Hag
; waa put up on the oppoaite corner.
1 gave tho boya new cretonne for cur*
talna for their bunka, and we decorated
the photographa of our dear onea at
, home with red, white and blue ribbon*.
We apent the evening In playing
1 game* and chatting, and at midnight
Mr, Peary and I retired to our room to
j open name letter#, boxen and parcela
| given ua by kind frlenda, and marked
I "To be opened Chrlatmaa ev# at mid
I 'MfMli.
On Christmas day wo lisid what wo
! considered the Jnlllest Christmas din
1 tier over eaten In the Arrth regions,
and then we Invited our faithful natives
■ to a dinner cooked by us and served at
1 our table, with our dishes, I thought It
would be us modi fun for its to see them
I oat with knife, fork und spoon us It
; would he for them to do It.
After our meal had been cleared
j away, the table was sot, aguln, and the
• Ksklmos wore called In. Wo had nlck
! names for all of them, and It was the
' "Villain'’ who was put at the head of J
| the table, and told that ho must serve j
( the company Just us bo had seen Mr,
| J’oary serve us.
; The "Daisy" look my place at the foot
( of tb# table, and her duty was to pour
| the tea. Tho "Voting Husband" and
I "Misfortune" ant on one side, while
I "Tlresomr" ami tho "White Man” sat
: opposite.
It was Lmuslng to see these queer
; looking creatures, dressed entirely In
the skins of animals, seated at the
table, and trying to net like civilized
people. Both the Villain and the Daisy
did their parts well.
One Incident was especially funny, i
The White Man, seeing a nice looking
piece of meat In the st'-w, reached
across the table and endeavored to pick
vrmr.'ivnui%muKa^maaimi^^tM iwu. e .t ,
"It wus am using to see these queer
looklug creatures.”
It out of the dish with his fork. He
was lmm»'D*»ely reprove I by the Vil
lain, who made him puna his mess pan
to him, and then helped him to what he
thought he ought to have, reserving,
however, the choice piece for himself.
They chattered and laughed and
seemed to enjoy themselves very much.
Both women had their babies In the
hoods on their bucks, but this did not
hinder them In the least. Although at
times the noise was great the little ones
slept through It till. The Daisy
watched the cups v< ry carefully, aud as
soon as she spied an empty one, she
would say:
"Ktudo cafee? Nabtne? Cafeu pueuk."
(More coffee? No? The coffee Is good.)
Finally at ten o'clock the big lamp
was put out, and we told them It was
Dine to go to sleep, and that the/ must
go home, which the/ reluctantly did.
The t'ciulug fcvenl.
Now Manta Claus hooks up Ills teams.
Among the snow-girt dells,
And happy children hear In dreams
The Jingle of hta bells.
flisy watch (be tolly shlmhsy tops
with eyes oi oagsr youth.
Aud seldom ‘Us s rooas oas drop*
Ts what Is rosily truth
till status may h# rsttMMsd Irwm wall
pwpsr by applying ls« lour hours pip*
dty. powderml sad ml«*4 with water
tu the t h tv hues* ol rronm
IN. 1620.
Th* Flrtl UhrlatnM ora TkU
< •ntlnpnt
It waa In th« year 1620 that the Pur'
tana paaned their flrat ChrlNimaa In
America. Hy referring to a copy of ib«
old Hradford manii*rrlpt It will he
found that the early aeiilera evi
dently determined not to celebrate their
flrat Cbrlatnia* In a new land except by
hard work. William Hradford wrlleeof
It In tble manner: "Te IB day ye wlnde
came falre, and (hey arrived aafe In tble
harbor. And afterward took* better
view of ye placo, and reaolved wher to
piteh their dwelling; and ye 2b day be
gan# to erect ye flret Itouae for com
mon uae to receive them and their
git da" To look hark upon thoae ear
ly daya, when our forefather* by hard
labor tolled for a houa* for all. makea
one realize In aome degree Hie advance
ment of our country. Hradford contin
ue* a* follow*; "Monday, the 2b day,
we went on abore. aome to fell tymber,
aome lo »uw, aome to rlne and aome to
carry, *o no man reeled all that day.
hut toward* night aome, a* they were
at worke, beard a noyae of aome In
diana, which cauaed u* all to goe to our
Muaket*. but we heard no further, *o
v.i cnine aboard again and left aome
twefitle to keep the court ot gnrdj that
night we had a *oi> atortne of wlnde
and rayne, Munday, the 2b day, being
t'lirlNima* Day, we began to drluke
water aboord, but at night the M*at*r
cauaed u* to have *ome Deere, and *o
on board we had diver*# time* now end
then eome Deere, but on abore uoue at
Ill- UUIIetue.
A score of Intelligent and well-in
formed persons, assembled in a druw
Ing-room one evening, were asked to
*lve the hsbits and peculiarities of the
mistletoe. Without exception they de
scribed It as n parasitic plant growing
jpon the oak. This almost universal be
lef comes, no doubt, from associating
he plant with the oak which the Druids
generated. It Is, however, regarded as
•xceptlonal when it mistletoe flourishes
in an oak-tree. An eminent authority
leclares that there were u few years
igo less than a score of oaks In all Kng- ,
and on which this parasite was found.
Th* >VChrltUnmt IMy.
The keynote of Christmas Joy Is [
Peace on earth, good will to i
non," The first Christmas Day that ,
>ver dawn<d brought rejoicing In Its :
sake. On that day there was horn In j
'iethiehem, Judea, a Savior, who Is |
jhrist the Igjrd. For those weary with |
iln, for those oppressed with sorrows,
or the troubled In mind, for the weak
ind helpless He came. But not to these
done To the Joyful and happy ones, !
o those rich In this world's goods, to |
he successful and prosperous He came,
ro the whole world He appeared. None j
vere forgotten by Him. And now to
he outcast and to the weary one, to j
he rich man and to tin Joyful child He- ■
lays the words, "Learn of Me.”
If you suffer Christ pities you.
If you be lonely He Is with you.
If you repent of slu He will keep you 1
n safety.
It you have (treat pohhcmkIoiin Me any a
unto you. "Olve to Mie poor,”
Tim Vat* Penal.
I.ei Knglitnd have her plum pudding,
ami lei ua have our own particular
American dlebea on t'brlattiiaa May, A
comment waa matle hy uu ICngllah
woman upon Americana In general
yeatorday When naked what ahe had
not lead apeclally about American,
during her two yearn' vlait to thu
country, ahe amll«d at nrat and .aid
nothing Hut when the rwqueat waa re
pealed aud eliiphn.laed by the queat
mu: ' Now what are you going to any
about ua when you return to tfiightiul
in fact, what are you going to aa>
behind our backa?” aim reptl. I
”1 ahall probably any In erlltelam that
yon dlahgure the atreetn at New VorK
by having an elevated railroad, and
that all Americana are trying to b«. ,(
much Hho the fchlgllali ae ynulblr
giid I do not no* why thin t* I ahouht
thlttk you would want your American
Individuality grea#fv«d |«r a v’hrini
tuna dinner thin year let n hate .mu.
dlalma that belong tu our o»,* country,
aid which net *v*n England
not hlvalruua ►‘ranea% u t< ,uit i n*
Hehea are not eapettalie, g nil coutao
addition* may be made
A gat tolly tl la to pta> Hlva ua our
dally bread ' It we have devoured wid
gw a' houaeo and go to chunh with the
c*ah In ««r pocket
the ««ly whelvuMtbe bread for OO |«
that •• lab* trow Uod a hand aa hta
A Touching fcpltaph.
A Topeka reporter wne noaing areun.l
! i second hand store the other day when
be came across a tombstone which had
in some manner drifted into the deal
er'e hands, and which was for sale a'
less than half first cost. Upon It wa
engaged the following touching in
I seription "Jimmy thou art gone: but
'tie sweet to know that thou wilt meat
ns on Jordan’s banka with thy awaet
j hello" __
Disastrous fellere.
W e ran mention no failure more die*.
1 Iron- Ilian that of physical onargy It
Involve* ilie parllal suspension of ihv di
gestive and asslinllntlve processes, ami ea
lalls ilie retirement from business of ibe
liver and kidneys, only through ibe good
oltlres of Hostetler's hlomach Hitters can
Mo restoration of lt< former vigorous alat*
I Us lie hoped for when this aid has been sc
cured, a resumption of activity la Ibe atom
II h. liver and bowel* may lie relied noon
The Hitters conquers malaria aad kidnap
I i roubles.
I would have e> man great la graat things
1 and eevunt In little things Johnson
The rarefied atmosphere of the rlty of
l.eadvll!e. t'oj , Is fatal to cat*, rala, mice,
! etc
! Remember
j I ngl good health, strong uervea, physical
vigor, happlneaa and usefulness depend
i 'ipoapure, rich, healthy blood. Hetnem
b»r that the blood can tie made pure by
; Tba One True Blood J’urifler, f I; flfurfA
1 Mood’s Pills ''ure biliousness, headache, it*.
' World’s I air I MKJlir.ST AWARD.
r <3tranum:j
; Many competing FOODS:
: hare come and goneff*.
: been missed by few or
: none,"nc1popularity of this
i FOOD steadily increases!
/ John Carle 4k Son*. New York. }
When to say “No.”
When the clerk tries to gut rid of
some other binding by culling it
iust as good as the
Bias Velveteen
Skirt Binding. \
Sim piy refuse to take it. No bind
ing wears or looks as well as the
"S H & M."
If your ilealer will not supply you, we
will. f
Send (or »»mple», *howlnjf lebele end mete
rieln loth* S. HIM. Co., P O Boi 699. New
York Clly._
THr A RKMOTO*- CO. due* ||»I( the world'*
wihtifiitli 4>iu»m<j*4i, fiew ,tuss it luwi rsfiiicsd Ihscfiet of
fUndpoworlo I |> wind It wstit.0 It lmn ninny ImuicIi
bon- • >, itn,i * li i giMKh and rtpaiis
US, foi|| iJ'/ih It * KI ttJ.d IK.' * furolnh *
' . Id'ti»*r suticJo for If n luonry than
'othoiti. (t muk. Pumping and
Uoar<M|, miH, <4ilv«m/.c«l;iftor
‘t'ompif*tli/ii windmill*. Tilling
and Klxsd suod Tow*n».8tf#d fJtnMriaw
Kraim-s, Him I I ord ruitsrs and ¥m<X
Orindsr*. <m application it will mmiHons
of bi'.rii A ii. ti li Hill Inrni li until
January /it at i/:s too u. ual pries. It also makes
Tanka aid Pumps of mi kind*. Mend for ratal of us.
factory t I2fk, kockwcll nod I diioore Street*, Ch least*
lh» LmI (hunt Land io l»r had la tk« “€am Br'i"
•I Imw Prlra.
For INFORM ATION rtuurtUnu lafnl In B«*rr> Cu.,
H. w. MINMII III, WllUi to (’AFT. UEU A.
I'l'ttDT, City, Mo.; J 0. Mariott, l*ur<l>, Mo.
T h. Fkokt, • nr viu», Mo., or I*, li. kidwavACo
MOSt Mo Radnor |( Bid*., Chlrago, 111.
lltn.lri.U"! o.ititlni'iiK ntinwtnii TVK.IJ
) ' «t Kura. Have tw»n teataxl as4
all warr'intfd.
Alum Olty Fulfill. ami I run Work.,
tu I'c.'li mi a, <‘u
Miiiun « li, luwn.
Tmb Uuwku. x i' M,i iimany t’o . _
1414 kv.t KU'.fut i i*tr«-t’t, Kail'*. Ctli i
,aYO, ’ 0(,»,
' « ia aaataitiT, g. xoioa
AlttNte’M 0F MAIt NIAI Ar 4.i,r„;
| Bl« • |»* | i i 4 ••II >,,01 t HNlU«miwl «ltla M 41 fw
iRtuonmiiun Row |# hid m»mj «<a *h4
. Ila I ! • k « » wf ■ 09R an IMI9I1U IllfwMHA
•I M «it>< h.. k '» M l* f. r. ««« WtWtkB
4 1*».. 1(1 (•Mil* R ,
*«i I .. . ...
Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works ,
'«">■ t*.*ual.» 44»»«u 4l«...g»4 *4 it, ... I
• aka..,.,, iia.k.A.k *
.at.Ts ■i'.j.rcY.,. A'■
W N r . OR *11 \ M liul,
V* 1**41 «• r A* t>«n Wt AilltrllM'la I4l.ltll.llt
Ihw |at|air
1 l