The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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UIO. K. IIH.SMCIIOIKR, editor * l ob.
Be. a rates bw ■ champion egg eater.
Jack Robinson, a colored man. the
other day consumed on a wager two
down raw egg■ la leee thea Bee min
Rr.v. Horn of Valley weat to Moo
mouth. Ill, t« atUod the reunion of
brothers snd sisters st the old horns,
la honor of the golden wedding of their
parent*, who *rs *tiil living
Jon* HjmoI'IKI. of Bancroft doea not
complain of Nebraska. 11* csme her*
a poor man, and sold hi* farm the other
day for •13,120. He will retire from
tijn lornBeld and live on the Interest
of hi* money.
Ham Mi Com. and Wade Hberley, two
young men, lost their live* by drown
ing while skating near haiem. Both
young wen were highly respected in
the community.
O’* Uaonon. a farmer living
Bve wiles southeast of Campbell, whiie
returning from Bed Cloud ran into a
ditch and tipped the wagon over, the
bos falling on his head, killing him in
A MKKTINO of the managers of the
state board of agriculture is ' ailed 'or
tns Millard hotel, Omaha. December
12, at 7 p. m.. to wind up the year s re
ports and prepare for the annual meet
ing in January.
A j.akok and enthusiastic mass meet
ing was held at the county coart house
in North I’laUe for the purpose of peti
tloning congress to recognize the < ubun
insurgents us belligerent* Resolu
tion* to that effect were unanimously
A oka an musical festival and circus,
given for the bouelit of the Associated
Charities, will he held ut Omaha on Oe
cernher iith and 12th. Half raU-a will
be given on all railroad* in eastern Ne
braska and western Iowa, good to re
turn until the l.'ith.
This city board of Ktoekvilla met and
Hf/pom i#»»j i/r ' •*‘ '
investigate the rumor tiiat smallpox
existed iu that place He returned and
reported that the rumor we* true
Next morning the hoard enforced a
quarantine against Curtis.
A**!> misfortune ha* befallen tbe
family of John Kimmerly of I'ierce
county. Mrs Kimmerly became ve.ry
mneb excited over religious matters,
which soon developed Into a case of in
eanity, and ahe was taken to tbe Nor*
folk asylum, where she died.
A Washington dispatch *aya that
ex-.Senator Ruddock tiad a conference
with Kenator hmlili in reference to ex
tending the time of payment for the
Otoe and Missouri land* iu Routbern
Nebraska, and also relative to the re
bate to he allowed purchaser* of these
land* Nothing definite was agreed
upon, however, find another coo ference
will he held soon.
A MOST interesting case has just been
finished in the district court at > had
ron before Judge Itartow, wherein Dr
J. 1. I/ease, a prominent eiti/ro and a
loader of the straight democracy, waa
sued by a young man whom he had bit
over the head witli a cane on account
of alleged alenocr preferred against
him, for $1,000. The Jury was out only
a few hours, and returned a verdict in
favor of tbe defendant.
TMX case of Rev. < ole. pastor of the
Congregational church of Grand Island
against tbe Western In ion Telegraph
company for $l,00.r> damages, was con
eluded last week, the Jury bringing in
a verdict awarding plaintiff $Vi and
cost*. Rev. Cole * cause for action was
the failure of tbe defendant company
to deliver to him a message announcing j
his mother's death, he not humming j
it ware of the latter fact until after the j
Caui. Johnson, one of the prominent
Heandinaviau farmers of 1'olk county,
living about seven miles northwest of
Osceola, met with a severe accident
He had come to town to trade and a*
he was driving near the Ktlbourne
flouring mill the workmen blew the
noon whistle, scaring the team of
mules They ran away, throwing Mr.
Johnson out Ue was bruised up badly
and it is (eared may be injured inter
A music dealer In lhadron has sent a
violin to a man living at Pine Kldge
agency who bears the longest name on
record in that part of the state at least
His name Is Irish f rauds MuycocUThu
Klsing-Hun-And Muon. His postottcc
address is a close second and is Medi
cine Root Creek, Kyle poe to flics, Pine
Ridge sgency. Shannon county, South
Dakota. He is a whits man and not
an Indian as hit name would seem to
It groin* received at the office of the
secretary of state show that Hie Grand
Island sugar factory there was made
out of the beets, on which the slate is
charged with a bounty. S.IOfi.iH?.
pounds of granulated and 433.48*
I am mis of yellow sugar The factory
,|Uil paying (* per ton on beete on the
lira! of December, so that there is no
• Isim attaching foi bounty on w hat is
now being turned out, ami th* figures i
ol output only include whst was made
while the bounty pries, *-'» was psi.L
WAUUSaiuS UUdN'M In looking
up a pension case Rspissentstlvs Mer
cer toads a die. ovary of Interest to
many old Nebraska soldisrs, being the
pi escut whsrsebnule of * number of
men who served in rompsny D, f irst
Nebraska cavalry The list is as fol
lows » sptaiu Jon C. Potle,
Aria; Hsrgrebti.sorg# II. Kill*. Wet
kma, hi, VTi torporal Joshua A Itur
son. Nvyauur, Ind ; Privates Waller J
Hardin. Port Worth. Tes i Georg# Ah
• rueihv, Klh < reek. Neb,! Richard
liirt, 1.0* Angslea. « al, and Job* Me
vsas, I.Jfkk, slsaa
Gamut* Kisssm, of Dodge bounty,
arraigned «• Ibe ekarga of loceal wttk
bis daughter, we* discharged, the svi
dsa«>< uot bams suavtaoing
lUv. Jons Haw 111, rector of the
i hutch of th* lloly Trtailr of Idaeotk,
has keen ealled to nt Paul * Rptecopel
ihureh la < oiumbua. U
J, f, Tw»u as foiuwrly buowa as tbs
Arm of Thome* A Ira, who l»»* keeu
dtuag busiu*** iu Nurbrara fur *»«mt
AfteeM years keeping a drug abd gro
vary rks*. ci*»wd up by
It It VaA M"U* vl North Ump was
so badly Ikiure l by the antiaa of a
tu. k mg broach*, that h* died ta a few
I Iilirnllf >',l|irn«M
•I. N, I lilies, aerctary-treaaiirer of the
Board of Kegenta of the Mate t Divers
ity, ha* filed with the governor his re
port of the expenditures of university
land* for the eix month* ending No
vember 3a The board of regent* meet*
tomorrow at the univeraity, when it will
be acted upon by the member* The
report i* a* follow*:
L’nlversltv fund, aulsrlee sod **(•*
appropriated, Isa'. —............ Mft.tJJI M I
Current a*peri*-«*i . .... KMN-M
Library building ...~ 7U.7IS rA
Herr- tary'a cast,. univeraity fond.... I21.Z3 •
Agricultural e»p«rim<-nl station ... 4.43"-!' ,
K»pcrltii<-iit farm, cash -- Wi.'H
Morrill fund, Inatsllmanl lae, ...... •.*l|,.7a
r.*|ito |*| library fund nnlvarslty
matriculation and diploma f«**.„ bMi It
I,*tv school «»price* . I,'U3,II |
Tbs report also sbona tbs condition of t Its
various fund* available for university
Meeting of Stale Itatryiurn
'J he eleventh and annual meeting of
the Nebraska Bairy men'* association
will be held In the chapel of the State
univeraity on Iteccmber 17, lb and lit,
BKf.',, The Ofiening session will be on
the evening of Becember 17, at which
there will be an address of welcome by
Chancellor McLean, response# by prom
inent mem tier* of the association and
oilier*, the annual atldress of the pres*
ident nml ttie report of tne secretary,
At Wednesday's session there will b«
{rafter* read and discussions on the fol
owing tonics “Visiting a < rcamcry,"
F. W Culbertson. Archer; "Two Tear*'
i’rsctiral Experience In I'snit url/.lng
bream for Butter Making and Bwecl
bream Trade." K. .1. White, Brighton. 1
Colo.; “B 41." by a representative of
the Conn Butler Culture company, Wa
terloo, is, "B 41 la the nam< given
to a new system of developing a uni
form flavor In butter by a well defined
method of ripening the cream "Al- '
falfa for the I lairy," L. F'. Hloddnrd.
Kearney; "T'lir Farmer Man's liairy- '
mg,” II. F. McIntosh Omaha; "I’re- I
sentable Butter for Market," John ,
Betliuue. Lincoln; “The * oat of Fro*
during a Found of Butter," If. F, Ash
onro, «#looon.
Thursday'* session: “The Effect of
Foods on the (fry Ku balances of Milk, ' ,
Prof. T. Ij. I,yon, State university;
“What the < ounirv Merchant • an Ho !
for the Private Hairy men,” W. E. Kid
Jell, Omaha “The Jersey Cow for Ne
braska Halrles." F. VV Vaughan, Fie
moot. Neu: “My Methods In tin- Pro
rote Hairy,” Harvey Johnson l-ogau
An Irrigation Map.
The atate irrigation board will, with
in a few weeks, Isaac a map which will j
(how by suitably colored lines the exact
location and length of every irrigating
ditch in the stale. The map recently
issued by the state lioard of transpor
tation, on which the railroads and
stream* of thestate are laid down, will
be used as the basis of the new map I
The valleys of the Platte. Kepubli- J
can, Niobrara, Klkhorn, l-oun and most
of the smaller stream* will snow a net- |
work of mains and laterals which will
astonish those who have not kept track
of the amount of work which ha* been ,
done in the irrigation section. .State
Engineer and Secretary Howell lias
called in the services of Alexander
Kchlegel of the laod commissioner's of
fice to make the drawing* for the map.
Another Irrigation I onvratlon.
The Mci'ook Tribune wunts a Repub
lican valley irrigation convention to be
held in that city some time In Febru
ary. The convention to be called for
the purpose of general Irrigation dis
cussion and the taking of definite steps
for organizing the valley of the Repute
lit an and Frenchman rivers, under the
new state law. into districts b<- be
bonded for the construction of Irriga
*lon works.
Thesiste vs. Ki-Treasurer Hill.
After the first jury trial of the case
of the slate against ex-Treasurer Hill
there was left of the $15,000 legislative
appropriation 88,70b. lb. From the
itemized account in the governor's office
it is learned that of this sum $2,270.2-1
has lieen drawn, leaving a balance of
|<l,4::b. b.V There are a few small Items
yet to be drawn against this amount
The amount of #*.279.24 is made up of
the following items: E. Wakely, 85oo;
(i. M. l.amberUMiu. *250; clerk of the
eiinrnma i/.nrl I'MI.Oli tlirV eXDCIlHi V
stenographic work, etc., |l,2( The
contract betweeu ex-Uovernor Crounae
uni) Judge Wakeley provides that the
latter 1* to receive #3,000 for carrying
the case to the supreme court, and #t,
000 should he recover an amount from
the bondaiuen equaling #100.000. and
the same proporiion of IS.OUU for any
sum under #100,(MU recovered
< lirisllan Workers Msrt si tlisilruu.
(hadron dispatch: The Christian
Kndeavor societies of northwestern Ne
braska wilt hold a big convention at
this city Iteceuitier 14 ami IS. I’rcai
dont W. A. Ih-nley autl secretary Miss
Minnie Newby of the local organisa
tion are using their best effort* to make
the affair a great success, lielcgatea
am expected from all of the neighl-or
mg cities, aud many interesting pap rs
will t>e read anti discussed The Ulilki '
is to be matte a special feature; I'rof,
Heuneit s choral t las* beiug the princi
pal anraciion All delegates front
abtoad will tie enterlalued free of cost, 1
and much good la espeeled from the
convent Inn.
••easy loss of a tanner ny tire.
V\ tisoar it i» dispatch A batni*
longing to V\ ill ism i amphett. Sts miles
south of hers burned last sight, to I
gather with eight head of horses aud
mule*, thirty head uf hog- ais tous of
hay aud several seta of harness, the
damage amounting iw IJ.iMi
Hessd User let stealleg llsys
l remoni dispatch i ha praittmuaf jr
eaamihatma of l*s|et Mdtedgv on the
charge of the larevuy of seven hogs
frutu the standard tattle esHUpaht al
tlues wa* ha d this morutug Joseph
Itstts. who as* aa aeeompiiee ut Mill
edge a. testified that Mllledge and him
seif went |o the peas aad drove out
seVea head about a mile out on Use
prairie loaded them into a wagon aud
that Mtiiedge tenth them to lli-upct aud
sold them lie nas hound over in the
district court ami in default «f hat
went In Jell
ft la PeatlM* that Centre** Mar Ordai
tha Mama -Eiparta la Maba a Thor
ough Eianalaallon of tho Hneba la Or
der lo riad Oat Wbr hurrutarr Car
liala Ha* Oalafed rafaaali af Impor
la a I Eahlla Work*.
A rioaaelal leqolrf.
Wunmo-roa, Dec M— Several Re
publican member* of tbe llouaa bavr
ba a io consultation since tbd Treat
death message was made public a* V
A method whereby they could aeaure a
definite statement of the condition d
tha treaaury. Mr Walker of Mimi
ehuaetU will endeavor lo bring about
aa investigation of thn finance* by an
•Xpert, under tbe direction of the com
mittoe on appropriation*. To this ex
pert departmental officer* will be
requested to give any Information in
their power and he la to prepare a
statement of the following matters: All
elslin* against the' United State* that
ware not fiald Ire for* July 1. I stithat
have been favorably reported upon by
any committee of the House and upon
which auch claim* the court of claim*
ha* rendered Judgment In favor of the
claimant; all claim* on which the
oourt of claim* ha* rendered Judgment
lo favor of tbe claimant, but which
have never yet been pa**cd upon by
any committee of the House; a Hat ol
the act* of Orngre** providing for any
public work, where tbe work wan
completed and paid for prior to July 1.
J Hvr,, the statement to give the date of
tbe act, the total *um to be expended
under the act (oreatimate thereof; and
the total amount appropriated under
or tiecause of tbe Act; the date upon
Which the first money* were paid out
of the United State* treasury nnder
each appropriation and the amount
of money paid out during the
calendar year under each appro
print.ion up to July I, lev..; tin
value of ao much of all government
work done and approved of by the
proper officer*, on or before June Ml,
In each year of the four year* prior to
which hail not been paid for prior
to July 1 In each year; when any of
act* mentioned were panned to provide
premise* to he used in the place of
premise* for which the Government
wa* paying rent, thn rent* paid in
each quarter of any calendar year
since tbs passage of the act to be
One of the aim* of tbi* plan is to
substantiate the statement made by
Republican* that Hecre'ary Carlisle
ha* delayed the paymsnt of appropri
ations and held back public work* in
order that the treasury may make the
beat possinls showing
rhe Tata* Law Frwve* Meetly* dgslaet
tha Standard OH Monepotf.
Waoo, Tsl, Dec 14 —The trial of
the first of what is known s* the
Standard Oil Trust case* waa endad
yesterday, when E. T. Hathaway of
Denison, agent at that point for tha
Waters-Fierce Oil Company, alleged
to be a member of the Mtandard Oil
Trust, wa* convicted of violating th*
anti-trust statute of Texas, and th*
|urv assessed hi* penalty at $Ml fin*, e
There are four o'lur defendant*
swaiting trial, and the indictment* in
clude Messrs. Rockefeller. Flapler and
the leading Htandard and Watora
Plerce Oil Companies' officials, al
though none of them have been ar
rested. The csv; will be appealed at
r>nce, and the much disputed question
of the constitutionality of the 'Texas
inti-lrust law will be thoroughly
The national Committee to Meat Janu
ary 10 to Tlx the Nsit Couvsutton.
Philadelphia, Dec. 14 —W. If. Har
rlty, chairman of the Democratic na
tional committee, to-day instructed
the secretary of the committee to no
tify the members to assemble In
Washington January JO for tin- pur
pose of selecting the time and place
for holding the next Demourstlc na
ional convention.
The Walter A. Wood Caaa Dropped.
Al.BAMT, N. Y., Ihtc 14.—The at
torney* for Mra. Fattlson, wife of tha
late Admiral Fattlaon, In tha matter
of the application to tha attorney gen
eral for permission to begin proceed
ings in the court* looking to tha
dissolution of the Walter A. Wood
Mowing and Heaping Machine com
pany, have withdrawn their It
Is understood that the town of llootic
f alls will take up Mrs, Fatttaon'e
ttock at par value.
Mteyelee far ftllMem
New Your. Dec 14.—Last night the
Aral squad of policemen, mounted ou
bicy les, In this city, weut on duty,
Hereafter four uiouuted pstioliuen
will be constantly patrolling tha
boulevard Tb* bicycle corps will do
duty Just the saute a* any other |>tdioa
man. esc-pt that Umi will |Imii
lata tha Iraflle of vehicles and pravant
fast or reek lass driving,
A Trust Maahand MreasM Mash
Hai.toa, Mo, Dec l« J h llui iu
formerly R Jeweler of this Uiwa anti
Harriaonvtlle, who daasrtad hla fawtll)
and eiupad with* woman from Knot
Nustar, Mu., was ventured in Team
last Monday MaartlT lluiton of t'mm
county srvivad with him yastanlaj
and ha la tew bulged la Jatl at liar
viaoavlll* awaiting trial
urns a a Tvaavary M»44la
worn*, Nah , Da- li huma llvali
davalopmaat* over tha ally treaaurar
•hip sra immluaut A •• Krlwsrda
who was recently alaetad. was uwshli
to sasura a loan I h*.nd tla gut tci»rt
troad rum pa etc • to clgn th> lastru
mant, however, whlah waaau nau-u*
and ukJautiuuahla t»> Omaha eitweu
that the »u»i would ant approve It
Tuts wnauu the theory that tha um
ia>tic*. having no available naval* ti
N-1,tasks sou id n-t he lute*4 h> paj
in the want of litigation The alt
ally itaasarar hold* u«#r Tha trea*
aver alert talk* of hrlagtng mawdamw
proceed mga
Kaat#rn trunk I,tn»« 1'rrfrei Th+lr
IraffW 4 omblnr,
Mkw York, Dec. H—The greai**t
railway tru»t of modern time* was
practically perfected to New York yes
terday when tbe railroad magnate* of
tbe Irw joint Kaalern Traffic A**<*la
tlon, formed from tbe Old Trunk Line
and Central Traffic Aeeoclatiou*, met
and appointed a board of three arbi
trator*. I'reatdcnt Robert* presided
and at the abate of tbe meeting It waa
announced that tbe following gentle
men bad been cboeen arbitrator* cf
tbe new ***oai»tlon: J. V. Goddard,
New York; Garrett A. Hobart, N*w
Jer*ey, and e*-Governor Jacob D. Co*.
Ohio Frank II Hoyt wa» elected
*e> retary to the board of control.
'Ilia new agreement kigm-d by tbe
different road* In the association will
go into affect with tbe that of tbe new
year. Tbe new joint traffic a**o< ia
tlon of January I will begin it* live
year*' agreement to control tbe policy
of thousand* of mile* of railroad and
nettle all <|ue*tiou* and difference* by
arbitration Tbe a**o< latlon will
have jurbwllctiou over all traffic, pa*
aenger and freight, to, from or through
the Wentern terminal of tile trunk
line* Tbe manager* will p*** on all
application* for change* In rule* and
rule* and iliolr action upon nil tjin-*
lion*, except a* to rate**nd fare*, will
be aubject to appeal to tbe board of
arbitrator* 'J'be I oard of control will
decide apprul* in regard to rate* and
Title aaaoclnilon embrace* all the
railroad* between Chleago, Ml. foul*
and the Atlantic aeaboard. In the
face of tbi* gigantic combination of
capital all other tru*t* fade Into in.
algulllcauce. Thl* pool reprc*eiit*
i more than tl.V'O,duo,wm/ in capital.
: The Importance of tin* organization
ia beyond aatimate. If it *taud« the
teat* of law it will work a revolution
In tranaportaliou Intere.i*, The
elated object of the combine on I* to
make the atock* and bond* which rep
r**ent thl* fabuloo* capital pay better
j i o i „ . . . . a
Mi 1 • S**P » 1 ■/»
lit*; enterprise deny that they
eon template raising rata*. If u t
It Is masoned that when
1 maintaining rale* means compelling
railroads that are carrying passenger*
and freight cheap to advao-e fltelr
ra'e* to the level of those which are
not giving the service cheap, the effect
is substantially an Increase of rates.
Thesis railway “blogs' responsible
for thl* scheme arc Chauoeey M.
Inpew of the New York Central,
2,*00 miles: ham Moan, Delaware,
Lackawanna A Western, 1,000 miles;
George II Hoberts, Pennsylvania,
*,700 miles; M. H, Ingalls, < hesapaak*
A Ohio and Cincinnati. Chicago A Ht.
Louta, 4.700 miles; K. if. Tbotna*.
Krie, 2,lo't miles: Hlr Charles Rivers
Wilson, Grand Trunk, 4,MX),
rbe Mardsr of Another Wnaii Uld
to HIm. _
IniAWATtit, Minn , Dec. T.—When
Clans A. Iflixt was told of the rumor
that Harry Hayward had confessed to
Instigating the murder of l-ena Olsen,
a domestic, In Duluth, In the fall of
l*v4, he said: “AH i know about that
la that Lena Olsen once lived at
the O/.ark Hat*, arid that Harr/
was intimately acquainted with the
person who Is supposed to have gone
with her to the place of her death.
The woman's dead body waaufterward
found floating In the Mississippi at Ht.
Haul, My impression was that It was
Harry who killed the floater. I know
iie expected aud planned to kill me
after I had done his bidding to that
poor Glng girl. He came to my room
no less than five times after I got
back, but as I wa* In great pain from
the dragged whisky he had given me,
my wife was with me, and he didn’t
get the chance.”
The Cfnserast of Wager*.
Wichita. Kan,, Dec. 14.—This morn
Ing a contract wa* signed between
George J. Mold, an ex-lettcr carrier of
this city, and Cash Henderson, pr-e
prietor of the New York store, by
which the former agrees to make a
tonr of the world In four year* from
January I, costumed as a clown aud
speaking no word except to aud
through a ventriloquiJ figure which lie
carries, to mart penniless unu rcvuru
with »!'*,000 honorably earned on a
wager of 910,000 put up by Henderson.
Mold Is to be accompanied by ii. F.
Kinnear.lasa representative of Hen
derson to see that the contract Is fully
carried out.
'Min Match Trust's Trench Heel.
ChIOAOO, Uec. 14.— A contract has
lieeu made with the French govern
ment by which the Uiumond Match
company receives a bonus of 91btf,(MiO
tor the use of Its machines in the man
ufacture of matches, which is a gov
ernment monopoly in that country.
The company will receive 9100,000 a
year during the ifn of the contract,
which la for five years, with the priv
ilege of renewal.
ratal Hullsws/ Accident.
Mu,am. Mo., Uec. 14 A fatal ncui
I dent occurred near this city last usght.
William MemloiihuU, his wife aud ill*
| tie daughter started to town,
,ii,,l while going down a steep Incline
the team became unmanageable ami
ran away. A piece of the tougue
struck the Hills girl on the head, com
pletely tearing her skull away. The
parents also received injuries which
may be fatal.
Was Net Hilly Mysv.
( Hit Auo, lieu 11 Hilly Mjtr. the
' middla weight pugilist, denies that he
was one of the principal* in the Myer*
, | Mtewart mill near laffersonvllla. lie
adds that he has rented fr-on the rlug
and dues not know the identity uf lit#
man wbu la ustug his snia
« W«4ed louse Head
Maw toss I tec 14 Juba A Mold
' | smith, tke to,ted driver ami handler
wf trotting Ion sea. died to day In the
' Presbyteri <n Hospital lie had gone
1 Is* the hospital to have wbal h«
thought a trivial operation performed
1 lie waver rattled
I - ■ - *~
Sdite* seat te Iks fsattenltarr
lantsesrotis. lad, tkra It lame*
! M Wilson, editor nf an ladlauat-niit
I paper was sen leased by Judge Haber,
uf the Federal esmrt, to two yes.* In
, stale s prison fur seeding ubesvMM Ut
sister, thrsrugh the ms1!*
Hnnilr*iU of r*»plu, from tha n#F»r»m
»f lloditt llown, fJalbur >1 th* II..
of llrulli Tho tarflMt rondatNd hr
• t *»*ral,l* I'raarhar. — Horn* to lli<
fire*# Hr MU <lron<Uona
Tli* funeral of Allen u. Thurman.
Urf.tfMiitfi, Ohio, IJec. 16_With aim
pie yet aoiemn cere monte* the body of
Allen U. Thurman, Juriat, sUteainan
and beloved citizen, we* oonalgued to
the earth thla morning. The entire
city felt the loaa and joined with the
bereaved family in their grief.
The funeral wan held at the Thur
mao reaidence at the Corner of Rich
•treei and Waahington avenue at Id
o'clock thla morning. ICven before
the appointed hour the houae wa» aur*
rounded by aorrowing frienda, who
wi-re gathered to pity the luat tribute
to Lite memory of the beloved dead.
The Thurman Club, numed for the
"Old Roman, 'and in whoac affair* the
dead Senator look the grealeat inter
ca* during hi* lifetime, met at their
fduh room* and marched In u body to
the iiouae. Governor McKinley and
the Mtute olllelala met ill accordance
witii a prearranged plan and together
proceeded to the reaidence, ua did alao
the city official*, heuded by Mayor
Allen. The po.imantor, acting under
apeclal permiaalon from Waaliingtoii.
bad dozed the office urid ail the em
ploye*, a* well ua Hie other govern
mentofficial* in the city, attended In
addition to Mh-m- were numeroua pri
vate citizen* from every walk of life,
making an Immenae coneourae, I'rob
ably at no tune ha* there been ■« more
notable gathering in tbe city of Col
tJinbiia on Much occualoii.
1 The member* of the family, the '
. * . _ .4 I A . .
II' 'I I II wi»,
friends us could be accommodated,
were admitted to tile house previous
to the beginning of the services, und
then the'lours were closed until the
brief exercises were concluded T he
Lev .1 L. Orover, who conducted the
ob i i|Utcs, wa* it lifelong friend of the
Hen it tor und is himself bowed under
the weight of years, having passed
his noth milestone in life * Journey,
and his white head shook and his
voice trembled as he proceeded,
The venerable pastor began by
reading the With i'sulm, and followed
with'a brief prayer. The services
were simple in character, there being
no music, and consisted of the reading
of the episcopal burial servlet: un i I
Corinthians, xv, 20. Following this
the Kev, Mr. Orover recited the Lord's
prayer and then pronounced the bene
diction. There was nothing whatever *
in the nature of u sermon, nor were
there any other word* spoken. Him
plicily bad been the desire of the. deed
man und hi* wishes were respected,
For two hours after the services had
been concluded a steady stream of
people passed through the residence
and looked for the last time on the
noble old faee.
There wu* but few floral designs.
On the coffin were palm leaves, holly
and floral designs of simple variety,
llav ng consented under pressure
to share their grief with the public
during the morning, the family wus
left alone with their dead after the
body had been viewed. During the
afternoon the. Immediate member* of
the family of the deceased accom
panied the body to Oreen Lawn ceme
tery west of the city, where it was
consigned to the grave. The services
there were even more simple than
tho-e at the house, consisting only of
a prayer as the body was lowered to
its last resting place, the Itev. K. L.
Rex ford of the First Unlversalist
church, being tbc officiating minister
The pallbearers were mostly grand
sons and near relatives of he ludi/e.
ft I mli-nuki-s to Distribute Armenian
belief < untrlbnlUrns.
Wxshi.votow, Dee. 10 -The Ameri
ca n Red Cross Hoolety lias decided to
accept the duly of distributing the re
lief funds for the Armenian sufferer*,
and has issued the following state
“Owing to the unanimous and
urgent appeals from the friends of
humanity, representing nearly an oi
, the people of this country, the Ameri
can National Ued ( ross has decided
that it must accept the sacred trust of
endeavoring to relieve starving Amu- j
Ilians in Asia Minor. According to
conservative estimates there are 350,000
utterly destitute people In that country
who will have to be assisted six or
eight months until tiie next harvest
Fully realizing the diiUcultios and
dangers to tie met. Die Ited Cross will (
start for 'Turkey as sun as sufficient
funds are placed ul Its diapoenli or
giiaruortcd, to Insure success. Funds
may! he sent to Miss Clara liar ton,
president and treasurer of the Ameri
can National Ited ( ross, Washington.
1». C, Authorised agents to receive
futids and materials will lie published
In s few days The Ited Cross also
suggests that goods, grain uud other
materials may 1st e*it by chartered
The ited t ross party, Including Miss
Barton, will leave immediately after
Wing assured of a sufficient sum to
carry forward the work The start
must he made at an early day. as it
will take Use weeks to get to the dis
tressed district, and the demands of
the suffering people are urgent
A esoo.uue nr*.
Cot Midi. Utters, Iowa. Use. It —
Fire tn the wholesale district nf the
•ll> last tog hi caused a Ins* of over
|v u,lM*i A heavy wind blew Arc
brand* iu every direction and wade
tbs blase n hard one to fight
tieaere! Use's PeWlteal tMaee*.
lamas tcol ts, I ml , list . )• - Bon
John C, New, formerly consul general
t*. |.undue, and who Has hsd charge uf
all of Ueiurni Harrison's campaigns,
gate a dinner last night la which
them Is supposed to be some pointers
The guest of honor was es Freatdent
Harr .son, and al ths other *Mc of tbc
b»*t ne> seabd William l( tlcheen
rresident of the Vsndalia BaUrund
tuoiniui and a detlered candidate foi
the I niwd Mates Nemete, to emceed
\..uhe*s tit Iter celebrities present
• ere Judges Wmat and Baber, uf the
I nleral yourt, Uea«rat l.ew Wallace
aim lames WMIeoml* hllev
Oa« Drinking I'laae fart Irar; Ntaetg
Thrns Man In the Country.
Wxsiiinoton, Dec. 10.—There ere
006,3HH retail liquor denier* in the
United Hisles bolding llcenee* from
the commissioner of internet revenue
end 4,550 wholesale liquor dealers.
There are 10.400 others who deal only
in malt liquor* at retail and 5,055 who
aell only malt liquors by wholesale,
making a total of 049,004. In addi
tion to the** there are 1,440 rectifiers
and 1,771 brewer*, making a grand
total of 030,095 persona or firm* who
hold license* from the government o(
the United States to make and eell in
toxicating drink*.
Assuming the population of the
United States to l>e 05,000,001, this
gives an average of one liquor dealer
to every 3*0 men, women aud children.
Assuming again that two-thirds of the
population are women aud children
aud temperance people who do not
patronize saloons, It will be seen that
there is one drinking place for ua
average of ninety-three men iu the
country. This is a good text for tem
perance advocates.
The largest number of saloon 11.
cense* Issued in any one stale was 41,•
1711 in New York. Illinois bus the
second place with 17,033, Ohio 13,017,
i'enusylvuinu, 11,11.1 and California
13,77.0. Among tiie prohibition elate*
Iowa seem* to have the most prosper
ous iiquor trufllc. She bus 10 rectillers,
Ik breweries, 70 wholeaale liquor deal
ers, 4,0.'ll retail liquor dealers, 31M
wholesale dealers in malt liquors, I0O
retail dealers in malt liquor* only,
making a total of 5,ill.') engaged la
the liquor busim-s*. Kun a, cornea
next with 3,5*0 person* and lirm* en
gaged iu making and selling liquor,
Including i rectifier, 3 brewers, 13
wholcsulu and 2,025 retail liquor deal
ers,59 whole ale uud 070 retail dealers
in beer.
It is u eiirhins fuel, thut. then, cie«* DK ,
more person* ulid Dim* engaged in the 4
liquor business in tbe. prohibition
Stale of Iowa than in Kentucky,
where the manufacture of whisky is
considered a Hue art and its con in mil
lion ari accomplishment.
Alaska, Indian territory. North Da
kota and Vermont are the only vstri
snd territories without wholesale
liquor dealers. Alaska, Florida, In
dian territory, Maine, Mississippi,
North Carolina, Vermont and Wyom
ing have no breweries,
Itetnilt'e Chief Magistrate Suffers lunon
veulanes for the I'ulillc's (Jo<mI .
Dxrnorr, Mielt., Dee 16.—Mayor
Pingree got a free ride yesterday
morning through refusing to pay his
fare on a Citizens' Company’s car,
unless tbe conductor should sell him
six tickets for a quarter. Last night
he repeated Inc experiment twice and
was put off each time. The conductor
who allowed the mayor to ride free
has been temporarily suspended.
The mayor intends to make a teat
ease of the question, although there is
no ordinance requiring the company
to sell six tickets for a quarter.
The Chinese Hark In I’orl Arrtiur.
Lownox, Dec. 16. — A special dispatch
from fchaiigbal says that several Hus
sian warships watched the formal re
entry of the Chinese into Port Arthur.
It is believed here that China, as a re
ward for Russia's intervention in her _
favor with Japan after the war, will '
permit the Russian Pacific fleet to
winter in Kian-C'hu bay.
Warner ami Meed.
W ASHIXOTOX, Dec 10 —Politician!
are discussing with considerable vigor
some of tbe possible results of the Re
publican national convention going to
St Lou la Tbe latest suggestion on
tbe subject of presidential candidates
Is this ticket: Reed of Maine, presi
dent; Warner of Missouri, vice presi
dent. ________
yuolatluiu f rom New York, I bleago, kt.
I.oul*, 0,101 lia and l Uawhere.
Butter--Creamery eeparator 10 ffi tl
Mutter—Fair to good country 10 45 20
i gg*- Fre*h. ... 1* it llvt
Spring chicken*, live, per Be.. t. tt 4
Chicken* Iire**ed, per It * it 1
Muck* I’erR. 7 ffl I
Turkey* IVr 0> . 8 A I
Mrulrlc chicken* I'er dog. ft 60 it 6 On*e Mer it’ . 7 a t
l.ernon* Choice Mee*lna*.4 IS V 4 60
Orange* M. r box .. 4 00 A 4 60
Apple* Mer bbl . 2 76 <L 3 60
Sweet potatoe* Oood, per bbl 2 60 0 8 00
Mot a toe* -Mer bu . 26 it SO
Mean* Navy, band-pic, ed.bu 1 66 *6 1 78
Cranberries—* ape < od, pr.bbl H 00 A t 00
Hay I pland. per ton . 6 00 A 7 On
onion* Mer bu . 80 it 40
llroori. Corn lireen, per tt.. t A 2u
Hog* Mixed packing . 6 60 ASIA
Hog* -Heavy s\ eight*, .t 06 A 4 70
lieeve* Stocker* and feeder*. 2 26 A 4 S>>
lleef Steer* . 2 00 i|4»,
Mull*. I Ml it S 08
stag*. I 76 M 2 40
Calve*. 2 00 A 6 00
Oxen. 2 80 <• J to
Cow* . I 60 A 4 Ob
Heifer*. 1 *0 it J 70
We*teru* ........ . 2 76 A I'Ob'
-beep l.ainb* J 00 A 4 261
Sheep Mixed native* 2 2, A * 76
Wheal No. 2, *p,tug. 6*149 Mle
Corn Mer bu 2A«A t. A
ual* Merbu . 1. A ITtu
Mori .7 67 ,5 0 60
Herd.. . I 2ft ASHH
1 attle We*l*rn range iteer* :i Su A 4 26
< hr »tma* Peeve* . 4 ti A I 80
Hug*- Average* . S Si A S 80
Sheep I aioii* ..I 00 A 4 it
sheep Weetern* . I 70 A I 16
Wheat No 2, red winter ..... TO <9 fnt%
urn Rat . . gft ) i*v»
ua * No t......... gi
Murk -.10 78 Au «
Lard -. I lo A 108
W beat- No I red. 1 a*b . «d * g*
tor* Merbu .. 84«»A *.
Hu)n packlag '.'.7.7.7,'. I V X I l*''
1 attle Native tie M.,,,.. SIB
kheeu Mutton* . I |T SiM
I a mb In I lS
W heat No. I bard *4 ,m t»
ia fl:f 22-=7- - II m
I’aMI- Stoker*and feeder* Id, Blip
ttStV&VA'" it tm
NhWH in BRIKr.
t uatrbcU fur siew mall |M«eb«w werA
awarded tu a inm aauted kfaiaa uf
t Iucluhatt
NcerwUiy Hirkgrt will tab mmurwea
!»• (five him authority t*. award «*>•
traeta lur at* uew bettleeblp*
fire deaifoted the Mu«tfuae Kuiel
at Muttituee Mo
». Je«ne* U lb Nil bkQftlftu,
bta Mu.uu a tharg* uf wMir4erlgw
KU father *
NftlhudtatA are ku ftru
ft bull Ogkt tv raU* moftay U Vull.l %