The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 20, 1895, Image 1

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    4 J_
-»ubi.: ;hkh every kiujaY
nil, *"<>11NTV SKAT.
nai*. ».. ui*;n«*r»ior,i.Bi
Editor mud Publlshur.
TtlA i-l 40 *»r Y«a». li Paid in Advtncn
Bat n I at lb* Ismp City l,<i«toQt<-a for t>»M
tulaaloii Uiruufih tb* malla u aaouad
Only ReDublicao Newsoaper in Sberman County
A hard w tro store wh burglarize!
itl Klin Creek arid about SlO worth
of knives, revolvers and razors
stolen. No clue to (lie thieves.
A School treasurer in Buffalo
county had *I5() belonging to the
district stolen whil« himself and
family was it way eat ing Thanks
giving dinner, The money was hid
u uder the carpet.
President Cleveland is redeeming
himself iii part for his past conduct
^ und comes out with a message that
is being In many respects commend
ed by the people.
W. 1/ Oreen Hindi', the people a
solomn pledge that lie would hand
the governor his resignation if cer
tain of Ids good resolutions were
ever broken W > i ler who O > v.
Holcomb will appoint?—Kearney
W A. MeKeagen died ut the
hospital for the Insane at, II lings,
Xebr. Iot Sunday. |)ee„ 15th. Him
home is at Hed < 'I« ud but h> has
been at Hustings for some time, un
der the treatment of Ids old family
The Omaha Bee and State Jour
•oal are again having v lit*lo spat
» ovt-r their cireutn’lou, l/ftr ifle Joiit
nul has the Bee on the run mid
backs up its flgun h with proof thut
y cannot tie shaken. The Brewster
is getting no sweeter fast.
Allen <1. Thurman democratic
statesman, died at Ins home in
Columbus, Ohio, last Friday. The
Old Itomari, us bis friends delighted
to cull him, has been a prominent
figure iu American politics for near
ly half a century and no rmfn was
more sincerely loved by his party
thuu he.
The old soldiers are finding a
friend indeed and a friend when in
need in Senator John M. Thurston
who baa introduced a hill to prov
ide for the increase by 25 per cent
on all pensions heretofore and here
after allowed to all officers, soldiers
and sailors and all widdows and de
pendent relatives, and directing the
immediate revision and correction
of the list and records. The bill
further provides that such increase
onu be made without further proof.
Mr. Thurston is an able exponent
V t.f tils views and if the bill does not
pass it is safe to say it will not be
his fault,
President Cleveland says in his
message that “the govurnmeul has
Iutid in gold more than nine-tenths
•of its I’ulied States notes and still
owe them all. It hss paid iu gold
about out hall of its notes given lot
silver purchases without extinguish
ing by such pauncut one dollar id
ihcse notes. Ami added hi ail this
we urc reminded that to carry uu
this astonishing financial at mem the
yuvi MiiDi it na» lOium-d a bonded
iltrie'itfdtte « ot $n!i,5*)'i,0tHl ill «>*•
laldi-dung a gold n«- o* ah I of
Ilhn'.-XiA, tow in i-ir.rts to muiuWin
it, |tint an annual uiVtwi! charge of
W -i h b* Hi * t -t i -I- -lit, .., [ . Mtitit
«hsn #i l.m tt.mto, mat a i-otUuu
HI *» course wi«t it>
taM fa fuvritrf IsMiti b*i*i * A 1
tel It# th »k» that ill* it- is rut uve-t
f->f tan it - tt Hue 1m i* tip tbi
«- a |m um* of Iks got era went
Mo ms Hit iib AUmellv*.
In going ill'* roilil<1* of (lie <?it\
tliis week our ntteu'inu was att.ra< t
) rl )(• mmiv ins'iiici's toelpgnnt ntnl
rosily holh'uv displays that were on
[ xI*djitioii hi i lie viirinii - leading
llllsj in'** llollrr- of til*' toWII, A
inougthe liint we ie led the liouuti
fill display of eutli i')’, I am pa, skater,
tea sets, etc, nl tile Hriek II irdwnie
Hi.iire. Mr Watkinson has put In a
large supply of all Hindi goods and
it will bn no trick at all to select
a Hiitnhlu holiday present from his
exeellent assortment
Mr. Sellwer has received u very
fine and large display of jewelry,
watches and clocks and an elegant
display of silverware. A glance at
his stock will convince anyone that
it it the most complete ever brought
to Loup City. Kvcrytlilng in the
Jewelry line suitable for a holiday
present call there he found. He
lias also a good line of musical
instruments and can lit you out
with most any kind of tin instru
ment you want.
VVi* took occasion to step into the
holiday dcpartni-nt of Odendahl
Hrof*. and found not only the tlmst.
display of that kind of goods eve
brought to town, nut the store wus
crowded with customers, all inlying
j something for Chi ii.mas. This d
1 pm . ineiit is located in the old post
• oil] ... fill11'I >. one door Clue of the
lur odmv esi.ublimjiineiit. an I hu
been < ipe i dh titled op f' r the
occasion. I' would b'Mpiite impo
iSillle fOl :i,Oy one WultMnu i<‘ llUV
preseuls to enter tin store and tl"
he aide to find ..oil. tiling suitable
for the occuaion.
Another place very much
attracted our attention was that of
Obas. (Jasteyer. in the west front
wyijow of bis large Lrt'ifU estubli*b
nieiii was a display of cliinaware
that would be a credit to a town of
larger proportion* than this. It is
very beautifully and artistically ar
ranged and the ware of the best
uuality. The display as shown in
the wunfow is but a f air sample of
the large stock which lie has on
hand. Mr. (Jasteyer not only has a
large assortment of cliinaware, but
a lirst class stock of every tiling per
taining to the grocery line, as well
as an excellent lino of hoots and
shoes. The elegant slippers which
he has in stock are of the latest
sty les and makes, and would make
very beautiful and useful Christ
mas presents.
In going the rounds we also had
occasion to drop in at the large es
tablishment of T. L. Pilger where
you cun buy anything from a husk
ing peg or a tin whistle to a silk
dress or a plug hat Such an as
sortment of all classes of goods
was never before seen at Loup City.
He bandies everything that u cus
tomer could expert to find iu a first
elas general store.
A. Boone’s Jewelry store is an
other place to buy Christmas pres
ents. H*'has Just received u tine
line of Jewelry, watches, clocks and
silverware, all fresh from the New
York factory. He received over
l.'too.Oo worth of goods lust Wed
nesday ev cuing snd now lias them
all 011 display. Just look over Mr.
Boone's stock and see if what we
are telling you is not so.
i— ■ Qi»—■
! To the people who are in search
I of Holiday presents we will *«v
i Just c me to Ja ap t’ity aud vou
j will tfnd Just slot , - hi want, both in
j .ptaiuy of goods an l j*rt< >»•
* H WtMfl la t)i« vtu <«r«ln*
ae Ii wh' l from • tr >4 1 fn< ml ami
- pn.tHHW Settler l» .vlnaSiss > ■ uolv
» u,; •«*-,« \\ > i»>' I || -
j in »wr eolwm is hr* ww we ws’lsve
j lti*t his IU4II1 It* "Ms W- ‘i'-i
t<• bear from him, Mr. Cri**
\ Sea. Bciilnn tin., Oi ('you, I *''i 8. Of
Knrroii Noutiiwkhtken:
I lenr Hlr: I tiftvc »t l»»*r. got act I lt'<
4ml will tr\ »ml red •••in my mii»l«! »<
I have taken a eliim in Ih*
tmiuntaln* Our hum** l» a little rouj ti
buf not n great deal worn* I lion Hi*
l.iuir- ook In Old 8h rinau. v<‘i It l>
worn Inconvenient l<> rca«'ll. We 1 ‘V*
twenty mile* from Juni'tlnii i‘liy am
we have two mountain* to erora u
reni'li tin) Wlllann tt valley ami dim
iiiouiitaiu to claim lo reach the Ali"'i
v • |ley I have a *p|endl(l ranch f*n
-lock and have a flock of dioep nm
goal*. My ranch I* id o good for cat
tic. We have plenty "f game here
Miti'li a* hear, deer ami *omn elk. Then
are plenty of tli-li lii the dream*. The
in i,i.o a line country for her*, and tin
hooey 1* a* nice li* any ever eaten
(here Iihh only liean a lew night* Ilia
It ha* fr/rn. There ha* never hren i
ihornier dorm ainae we emne to Oregon
There are Irull* of all klm'» In abun
dance, I have been flailing to-day li
a creek that run* through my place am
caught three aaliuon that iiiea»iire<
three and a half feet each. How I
that for lldi'!
Now I wl«h to know what you wil
tax me for th" paper for another year
With heal reaped* I am
Your <Mil Krle d,
Hi .urm in Cui»».
[Mr. Cri** wialiea to know what
we think of hi* !l*li dory. Well,
we will nay that it ia a whopper.
That, i* the fl*li are. If we did’nl
know of Mr. Cri**’ good repula
lion for truth and voracity ami
hnd’nt re d aomelhing lie fore a hull I
] i |jt> mounter* ilia I wiggle tin otigh I c
atr«»rna ol Oregon we could hardly
| |,. ii '(II jl, bill II ■ il. IH W" id'.w
I i vi rylhiiii’ lei the tl*b, and
I ,. ,.i.l Mwidh « llii'iri If we i"i'di! ire I
them iii tlm frying pan. V\ e win!;
vlr. Crif < ami family » pi spcr n*
ft,Min, a lerry i’.lui -Umi • ami a
JJnppy V-w Y..„r i" tl. V*w
V *i4 r** ft lit Hum' 1*1]
The llatehekir I* >y».
Of til' lay* Hi f.oUP' i'S ... tatcll" ''i ■ ,
| There are ninny in town of stripe:
! T i ll- I,allies It all |,eti.« <"«/«.
| And l'ir mut,rifle my all of tin m ripe,
T... I'n i . lb I ten nil ; , i t :lll amt ’.le i t HIcii: 1 iii
lloth dealers In dresses and lane;
/nd also Hill Marry who with Ills black homey
Takes his best ulrt out r»r a chase.
'I I i" I- 4| I O.leinlahl and Hill Kennedy UK).
The larmi r a dealer In toy*.
The latter I* ijnlte a school teacher by trade.
And Is always noted for noise
John l.oua is another of bulcholor fane
He deal* In our Nebraska land;
He too has a team, a Uiateh span of hays,
llut the ladles can’t him understand.
Walt Heed, so handsome, so tall and so i/ood
Hut shyne s or'e take him ul, time*;
Sieve ilray, of the Bound Front a hatehelor tot
Will go to help make up these rhymes.
Frank Hrowor, tree audit, Insurance, etc.
In fuel, he's an all around man;
.Stoops down to wipe the dust from his shoes,
And talks as no other man cun.
The bid portly cook at SI. Klmo hotel,
Joe Church Is hi* name l suppose;
And Kll II. Fisher the- Seventh Day man.
With the (jrohl rimmed specks on his nose.
And then attain at St. Klmo hotel
We meet Fredrick Hein with u smile;
Fred shoves the ipilll us deputy clerk,
And the ladles are pleased with his style.
And lust hut uot least there Is Herman J. Juuu
Who bakes bread, and cookies and cake;
And denies competlon, he suys, "they can’t boa
We speak of those follows, these bulcholorboyi
Home of Uiora old uml some tiuoor;
llccuuse It Is plulit us llio nose on your fuco.
That they uro patiently ’waiting Leap Your.
(i iujjpy Colds. Qrlppy ealda are
epidemic and uro promptly "broken up
by"77,''I>r. Humphrey’s Kpucific f<>i
colds uml grippe. For sale by all diug
Ur. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
In District Court of Sherman County.
Horatio SineWwr smvl*©i, Piuliitii!
John Huy©*, ■■■— liny©*, wlf© of
Juhn llnv©*, flr*t imiiM* unknown.
1 M II N'litftul. ritU«ur* National
I Hunk *>f mi I'nul Nubrtukti. hiKirtfH
| M Tot-liny, >»rnh \ Torhun©,
\«l©|brrt J Mouit. Koi«ik amt Jor*
Ken-uu, Thoiua* Mui |»hy, Hrunnlnnl*
! Hint© o( Niibi ii»akn, j
I Mht'i limit Cullmy. i*
| Th© *ti|(l it«(oi)ilnniii John ||nv©* am
I Iliui M, wihnif John liny©*, itr*i unit**
ituknoMlit will ink© noth© Mini uu III© IVM.
| iltiv «»f I>*•©*'inb©r, ! ••W-V tli© Mi*i plain l ill
rt.©<! hi* |i©iittnn in lim «i 1*11id court o|
nhio iunn ©tmiity, N©tira<*kn «main»t *nhl tin
t ftuitlnnli, th©blgri't ntt<l |»my©r of ablcli
1 nr© to furtwio*#* ©©rtmu ©invut
! ©tl by tit© •It'lBiut tut, fliuiitiM Miir|»hy i*
th« 'Ufcmtrkllt. t.ttM V| | n‘kt > <t fHOII I It'
| fullti* itijf tii ai hUnI ftml vitkliv *tlu*l« m
f * lorn, an t'ouiHy uu*l Mint© »*f
: i<» *»t I he i ui half cf *4vti«iu tw©iit|
! uit© it in tow a*hli> f>U©iu (t- luuth *m
| Kan*© fourt©eu i|4‘ vMuflM >i
i tiii© i id inn tu Nvmw U*« )m)un^ti ttf l«u
! iuiwrjr Huk©**d*t©d Jl’ttl *t i *•.*!* uin
1 toi ttu **.im n| fitt# .In© &ihI i"tv<*).«:© »<u
’1*111. I «.:.i «*it« (*©• • 11#© M tVi k©y d ami
©4 *wUl iHUHtfu* I*.* yUtnUH. HuM
I* * N • It liku %♦» Hliht’ !» ui| t|M i
I •
, Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to demise the system and keep the
blood purr. I hose who take SIMMONS
1IV11< It If JUI.ATOM (liquid or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: Simmons RhOU
I.ATOK regulates the l.iver, keeps It active
and healthy, and when the f iver Is In
I good condition you find yourself free from
I Malaria, Biliousness, Ir li estlon, Sick*
i Headache and Consil; ' at, and rid of
that worn out and u-hllitated feeling.
The-* aro all caused l y a sluggish l-lver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubl will oidy 1' I. d when the liver
Is properly at work. II troubled with any
of tin ■ • i omplaint’, try Simmons Ijvi k
RliGIJI ATOR. The King of l.iver Medi
cine:', a ' 1 Better than nils.
; «-|e/.'EHV I'ACKAOEiSr,
Mas (ho 56 uu ij» It eo'l oo wrapper.
.1. II. /.eltill 4tt Co., i’hlltc., i*i»
Tli* Southern Farm Agency, I,yr»chburg,V*.
will run * on* far* for the round ttip p#f*6n»
Ally conducted 1*»-d *■*-*-«.•• r* «■ rfcien, leav
ing 0«lw«in, Cedar I |dd». Burlington, Ot
tumwa,Den Molii' i, ( 1 ii HI u* and fntiir*
media!* u dm* Nuw. ruber I)ec«mb*r
Jud and Jr’' i*. via hr, l.ouii. n,< ■ *- Iflg Four
JU - it-' nnd < litaU* 01*i » Ily.
Good! uid 'itr ' linr .of I It.>adi,cloi*»
to market li m it 00 an *< r upward*. No
I drought, oo f»ti//arcW, no failum of crop*.
You mu*!t have a certlli'^m fromili* South*
j *rn Farm Agency to »ccnr« th* on* far* rat*,
which yon < n get freo by addr«r»*lrjg
li li. POPK, We dtrn PA***ng*r Agent.
CU**apeak* <Sc Ohio ky. bb Louif, Mo.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
A Pur* drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
I. Louis lt< In f-ountv Clerk of Hhertnun Co..
Nehru, ■.;i ev iifi/itc ihut Hu- followin'/ hooks,
blank* nnd taitoncry wm >-.• required f*»» at
use of couuty ollU'.M’s of Hhermau county for
the coining year;
Three gro** of loud pencil*, best grade,
x)ue grow * penholders
Twelve <jnorth of Arnolds writing fluid,
Twelve pros* steel pmi*.
Fve hundred blotter*.
Twenty four gross aborted rubber*.
Two dozen sponge top mucilage.
Two reams (’nines Jupuru-M linen abstract
legal cup
Four reams Columbia extra first class abstract
l> gal cup.
Kfgh' * mire record book' 'four plain and
four printed form*) patent fb xable buck flat
opening best paper.
i.OuO t pii tax receipt blocked,
■ mo tn 1 • ip! In l rlplicate bound and per
forated. 'oo fn book for county Treasury,
I.OUO t.ix receipt* lri duplicate bound and per*
fora ted. fnn In book for township treasurer,
- chat tie mortgage files .'00 In file.
Kl sci poll books and envelopes,
1.000 1 - In et blanks,
> Oof) ' t sheet blank*.
3.000 ' r sheet blaukM,
i.Ouo full sheet blank ' all blanks to tie good
e: i IP«I
: non Note heads, good heavy paper.
’.ON) Duller head*, good heavy pap<
.OUOh'i Inch Knveluueu XXX.
uuu 10 Ini'li Knvelopcs .X.X.X,
' nurt dockets, one rust" to page ln>li mil with
rules of courts list of Jurors, courl on' ers. unil
resident attorneys, on lint cap paper In lots of
l l.iioo Kloctlon ballots.
, Seulcil hills for the above must be tiled in tho
i -aunty Clerksoltlee at Loup CUy. Neb. on or
before the llrst Hay of January Isue.
Sealed bids will also be received for the follow
ing Kor
I'uhllshlng delinquent tax list,
Publishing County Treasurers financial state
Publishing proceedings of county hoard of
Publishing road and bridge notices and other
nutlet's required by the county.
Sealed bids fur the above must be Hied In
iheeounty Clerk's office at temp City. Neb., on
or before January 1st. IHIW. County board re
si rves the right to reject any and ull Idds
Haled at lampCliy, Neb thl> M day of
Ik'comtier. istss. Lolita Kki».
i - - i County Clerk.
miisitirr's h.u.k
Not if* U bi'ioby give*« tlial by viriuo of
mi ard*r of *al* t*»tt*d by Ui* Hoi k of Him
dutrmi iHmrt«*i tin* I4tb judicial out riff of
N"biu*ka wttlitn amt for Khuruiiii ©ounty
iti mi at liuii » lit*!"itt carlo* O, liurr wm
I Hut in mul v. ytfUi*h*n Mill*
ruUlict, tVHliaiit I. Muruv, Jmnwi I*. lirlt
li ti, NrliU* Hi in ii, YlotIHl and Tliomp
inn, \v*#t 1*1 ii Nt m 1 ?!»■ i iiu1Co «i|mny.
iiHMittrr U Howell 1 • \\ in I Kugiu* and
t* imp U *»«|»i!»y, J. '1 lliil*. Hawatd Hank,
Hid Uvhi. \V cti tint gluitn * *if defendant* {
‘ I will *• two »♦« ' us p .I. »n Ili« fth day
i ut laumtry, t . dc* «iHtluwr of lb*
(ti'UM litiMh in. l-'iup isiy, ^liwfiiinii county,
! r uki, 4i?|' tf fur aai* at p<UdU* tMMMitMi
ifiit i»ii tb> dm tttJ.tvrit***! r« H to*
jt*ai!-# (»a ItiWi. .-Iv * i!4 , nmUl of
J limit* a i*t d | tO« vHb
< »i 11 ( »* * - i vi’ * in
| 00401*% Jf*b« takp*
| bo »■* 1 | j, % \ UiO 9n*l day of
i I) «
p i* ( ■ %it n ,»*>», *U« Ulf.
Mi if U; tl *■ fr* t* 1 I I i t IN
I Ml l*t*9 *'«? N*--b- -4*4*'
Its i 1 \ i* It* i%\ f»WO> * vMl
Ilka's \ M - I; i\ ? IMMM* di'd to i|A
; l i* - - ' «*. ml*!»dW
[ Of f ' t H t 1 *«H|q
l-C V : ( fV **>«* V# (Nil. Hi*
■ i *, i d , *. . Um t*i. Jl#
|iiil ',{. . i } ■ V* |i, I (I l« » ||l tH* odftf#
K-l (WM >4i. * 4t*4« In t |*« «4U|
U*wiii) «i ***?• 4 a* I p}**? OU .
I ., 1 *.- « -4 |ti # %i I « kt«* *04 > 40’!
! ||iin|f i# U . h»«4 ¥>*> -k- «i 41 •*4 -1 f*p|» 44V- '
iMkod 4*d. hwU I
| tfiU «tb Hi *4 t*v* l-*i4*
'•.*>* mil i maty 4wl4«,
« I
The larirent mid fluent line of good* that, ever came to Loup City
auituhle for
K very body in invited to cull and nee my beautiful good* and learn my ex
tremely low price*; nlao a full line of Guitars, Bangos, Mandolins, Violins,
Aocordenna, Harmonica*, Ktc.; and a large assortment of Gold and SUvar
Loup Clty’a Reliable Jawalar.
Vice-President. CaekMT.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stoek, 1600.000.
I joana on Improved firms at NINE per neat. Beat Company sad beat tam
to be bad to the west.
OokBHroeoaMK:—Chemical National Bank. New York Chf, E, Yd Omaha
Sessional Lace oashs Netarank*
Attorney and Notary Public, Publisher CiTT Northwestern
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale.
i. - -——— - ■ - - I
Bt on
n inferior package soda—
r, keeps soft, and is uni
red purest in the world.
JRCH k CO., New York
iw inrywlwri.
tr Book of ratojibU Rocipe*— FREE.
and local newspaper in