I yoi, x 111._ LOUP CITY, HHKKMAX I The Northwestern '*UHDIMHED EVERY FRIDAY AT I’M K COUNTY HEAT. UKO Hi. MKIinOIIOTKR, Editor and Publisher. TEHMfc »t *0 Mi M •» U'**M BaWixl M *h« Ion * CMf I’ortoBU* lor kM* misalsa Utro««h tbs malls m m«4 •IMS matter. oily Bepa&licTTHewiDipVr u 8ltmi Contf It would lie ungrateful for the people of Nebraska to cipect or even wish for nher weather than we are getting at the pretent time. Vetoes from president Cleveland will noon he In order, especially if there are any billa passed which are favorable to America and detriment al to Johnny Bull. Henator Hherman will introduce a Mil in congress eornpelling railroad l companies to reduce their rates on nil sleeping car coaebea. And yet the pops end demo pops aay that Mr. Kliermun is a corporation man. The fad tlmt the irrigation law aa punned tiy the legislature baa been pronounced by tbe supreme court to be constitutional should be a boom to Irrigation in western Nebraska and no doubt the enterprise wilt be pushed iti man) of tbe weetern counties of tbe stale during tbe coining year, Tbe populiet papers and especi ally tl»c Times-Independent have a *|Ueer way of figuring out tbe re sult of tbe recent election. They claim that tbs populist purty is gain ing ground. I'he Times must have taken Kansas as a basis to figure on. Kansas was once a populist hot bed y ou know. Hhe elected a pop governor and u pop legislature. y This year she is caught in the act of rolling up a republican plurality of over MO,000 for Supreme Judge. (longres* is organized and the political) compaction of it# mem ber# I* 2'M republicans, «l) demo crat# #nd li populists. The republi can* have a nice working majority and doubtless ihere will be uiueb good come from tbe sitting of tbs Fifty-fourth congress. One of tbs first steps to be taken after tbe house gela do* n to business should be tbe revision of tbe Wilson-Uorman tariff bill which baa been a eetbaek to American Industry ever since its enactment. During the campaign of iStll, the pops had a tug rally in Callo way, and O. M. Kem, tlieu riiDiiing for bia second term, was tbe prin cipal speaker. Ii. winding up an ac count of tbe alfsir, the Courier said Keui wua “liorne tbrougb the streets g u tbe abouldt ra of Swsiu Finch and another Jackass.” Now Uncle Swain look mortal olfanaa at thia language, ami Iroiu llial lima a aort o cold wave Intervened between him and thia ottlce, and if we ra mi in tier aright, he even stopped bis paper. Therefore, the other day, when Uncle Swain met us and grab bed our paw in a regular caiupmcet lug band abeke, it uearly tia>k our breath away with asluutsbmsnl, • •I've lieeu mail at you for several tears,'* said Duule Swain •That an? What hate w* done to tOM?” ••Remember Utv time w« Itad a relit here and you said me ami an otlier jii’iuo tallied KvUt though the town mi our shoulders?” •■Seems to tia We oavaikl annuo ^ iklug of llie etfl, we replied raihei duhhtttal t. ••That made me hut, aaiil I'neir Swain "tint I ala t mad am more | bate Just found out that I ••• a Jackass. t Waiting for Nettle Conger, wbo In cyphering on the weight of e large Stone, the problem wee given KraucU McUrady by a Frenchman. While Nettle C. la atlil working you can eee Bell Mutlck Cbaalng Ora Hunter down who la fol lowing May Mellck, ahe la going rket iug on O'Bryen'a pond. Fannie Ford la once more amillng a lining the facet of her "click." Mlaa Goadla O'Bryau waa vialtlng ua yeaterday. We have a new acholar enrolled, Miaa Ida Nelaou, a slater of Mra. Worts, from Oteely Co. t here la one young lady in the High School that waula 10 be a little careful or ahe will get aoaked out luatead of shut out. *Ve oiideraUud Hoity I'vke will Mart to achool, I hat la providing the glrla will huv him e gla»» uaae lo pul him In, Uuod for Itnb) **Hti a ana ’* r,«w UlrkirM Mxallar A «tr< aa» trura lu Mi ami Mr* l ha* Ita**, ul lloanl ThutaSay Mo* rial M iWuwi ha* Mini hi* e*4ar STATIC IMKIOATION CON VKNTMN. To all friends of irrigation In Nebraska: Tbe Third Annual Con vention of the Nebraska State Irri gallon Association will be held in Sidney, Nebraska, on Wednesday, and Thursday, December In and I!», IHlIft. Tbe ablest expert* and speak er* of national and state reputation on this highly important question of Irrigation will be in attendance and will deliver addresses and read pa pers upon the various phases of this sgrlcultural science. Tbe representation in said eon ventiou will be as follows: The Governor of the State is requsted to appoint twenty delegates from tbe state at large. Tbe Stale Board of Agriculture, tbe State Labor Coin miasioner, tbe State University and tbe University Agricultural Depart ment, ten delegate* cadi. All Farmers' Institutes. Granges, Coun ty or Local Agricultural or Horti cultural Socialleo connected with tbe development of agricultural in terests in Nebraska not herein other wise provided for, ten delegates to each organization to be chosen or appointed as tbe officer* of the re specltve societies or organization named sbad decide. Kadi Irriga ting A Mu.w.lal i/xi lurccr dniti a coon. ty will lie entitled U> » delegation of all its officer* and fifteen additional delegate* Kook Local Irrigation, Association will la* entitled to a delegation of ul I officer* and ler. member*, Major* of cities .ire re quested to appoint ten delegate* each, village five delegate*, prc*l dents of Board* of Trade and Com rncrclul Clu b* lh< delegate* each private and denominational colleges, three delegate* each, and labor or gaoUations, local or state, shall be entitled to three delegate*. Kvery regulurlv organized Irrigation Ditch Company shall be entitled to three delegate*. Kditor* of Agricultural and Irrigation publication# lo Nef* raska will, on presentation of cre dential* showing their present posi tion or occupation, lie entitled to seat* in the convention. A gcneiul invitation i* extended to all past and present members of Congress from tb|* state, all post and present Htulc Official*, the present member* of the Nebraska Legislature, and all County official* now bolding office, to utteiie a* dele gate*. And we hereby extend a cordial invitation to oil Come and give your pre»euce and your cffnrte to the most important roovmem* ever inaugerated in our *tate. Re duced railroad rates will be obtained on all railroad line*. For further information »ee the daily and weekly press, or write to the President or Secretary. State Irrigation Convention Com. Jo*. OuKurkuikK, President. Chas, Cai.l All am, Secretary. The lulu Mr. Bland of Missouri was advertised to lecture ou free coinage at Mavonoab, Ua., the other day. Arriving in the city about noon and finding that only one tick et had been sold to his lecture, Mr. Bland cancelled himself and drifted out by the next train. Thu 10 to I erase died with ita lands on. Slate Journal. $im Ketrani We will |iay ltd* amount for «*a< h «*•«-! every case of t'arsuuii that Hooky Mouiitriitt C'ntnrrU Out# falls to cure. II la iileasmil In lake Is sopllstl tloeelly 10 I lie ultrvUMt touts, rlranslua sail >|0lt kiy MMlurlna llieiu to ItSally a. lion Hop ioooIII* IfSttlioPOl >■«() ut Iris! Outlie tor %£ ueiilsisllyet ut »i uiUs. treevsr, Iktl LAND ~ EXCURSION VIRdfNIA, n« tuntMm Iv* mm fmm m *♦*■« i»n tk* Nw*«i »*»* ******** *»» »«*•*■ e > * o <•» » W«». l«a lk'«iw.( i.«<*!>*■ o i at *.»«. •*4,0 S 4* H-4S*.k*4 I*.* I* t4«mJ h •. •<*> si I •*» » , »»«« -mi. *..| > . for ki #•* tM*k#4 If m *» * « ** ♦* *!*»» '• Re* IIIMAMAt #•# ■ »« f*I3||Stkft ********* ** r**sp to»•#»**t Election Returns are all in M. Reschinsky, Photographer Roup Cit y comes out on top with his grand One do/, strictly first class ('a hi net Photographs From Nov. Idth until Dec, 21st Whereas their will be a great rush parties aro reques ted to come as soon as possible. Oallery will be open every day \R Reschinsky, Artist. Drain Dealers ON H & M. STATIONS: "Amidfrr; MdAlpino, Loup City, Slmupp Hiding und Ashton. MAIN OFFICE AT LOLT CITY All grain hauled to Me AI pine nr ! Hehuiipp Hiding thkeU ure to he presented ut Loup City or Awliion nlMce and receive wluit tile ill m m t price ih m. iteihc Htullonn, Cull mid nee iih before Helling elnewliere, yy ./.FISHIK. Atturiiep-at-La w. W'l(putaMott to tnMt a* M> ! jum, to a tl «tl ... Mutual o mount hhMMiMxm 1 to ant. a nt.1 .»>«tout .u» uttil at t»r Mata • alUatf! Mult .toil o>o t.w UM.it than tan ! tijnlt i* >>) |t.*> t»*M >■ rapttai u . t1 au;f Ibat •» laattutnaot lu alttlua). duty am u. t t autl .. tt'f. o 1 by taut.... pot * .atom .ttt.ua Hall. «... t au*Mtt.loi«at aaa 1 .... tbt .'U' tut .[ t U t..«4it. tuft Out) tUou {i.u tu*.*tO ;tt l|u iuiiMI .lailt't ..At.* i|| } i. w t ... ua.t k. .tank*. and tat tiat : ntui .«t |Ua two .tat ut .m t..**#. t aft. to tua .it tit 1*. ....out r .ta.k.tf t attar roaoty N ! ...... a .Ita tin* t*4 tto *». t.ta. t • *i iff %• f>|#iKikt»i% ,f iff |k# h*i» t! < »-%4 *#«n di «m*t < ‘t'*i »* iM« • t» ui a«f ti«u4«i. 4 U I Milt {|fe ftt H % »>■»♦# I * I * iiloi- % t ^ li •% : I •#*#*** fc <♦% * • ii S i §;- umf.'t ■*' * % I UMIf, 4 +•*** i i rmt < ***| It 4 j a V t I l|H| W %|l * M H *».*.+** SANTA CLAIIS HEADQU/ JfEPS. Tlio largest mill fluent line of goods that ever came to Loup City suitable for I-K )LIDAY PRESENTS. Everybody is invited to call and nee my beautiful goods and learn my ex tremely low price*; aleo a full line of Guitar*, Bsngos, Mandolin*, Violins, Aucordcnns, ilmwuncus, Etc.; and a large assortment of Gold and Hllver Spectacle*. K 8CHWER, Loup City’s Reliable Jeweler. D. a, DOE, A. P. GULLET, Vice-President. Geehier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. OapHal Stock, $600,090. Loans on Improved farms at NIUE per oast. Beet Oempaay aai M OW to be had bi the wwrt. OoauapoeDxim:—Chemical Watiooel Bank, New York Qtf, I. ¥4 Owski JHUoaal XUee. Omaha. Wshaaaka* Iff ' ■' W. J. FIHilr.lt, UKU. K. HKNiMsIllJ I B,It, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher LOUP OlTT NORTHWMTSBN / ,f >« -'r . ■ i \ ;-"v FISHER & BENSCHOTER, REAL ESTATE AGEJYTS, LOUP CITY, • • NKBItABKA, Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. 1 Costs no more than inferior package never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni versally acknowledged purest in the -world. Made only by CHURCH k CO., New York. Sold by crocert trtrywbtrt. Write tor Arm and Hammer Book of nluble Recipe*—FREE. Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTI8E IN THE NORTKM The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper In 9 WAN COUNTY. I