w. R. Meilor, Resident Agent for B. & M« Lands. Wild, improved and Irrigated Land* for aftte. TIME TABLE. RCBI.INOTON A MISSOURI RIVER K. R EAST. WEST. I:4S P X. Leave* I’. M. A. F. We RTS. Agt V. r. RAILWAY. Beginning Sunday, November 17lli. train* will arrive and depart at this •tattoo a* fallows: Leave* Leave* Monday. Tuee.lay, iH . w Wednesday, f ‘ Thursday. [ Friday, )*•" siurday ) ** Arrives at Loup City daily 7 5Ap. m. <;ioee connection at Grand Island for all point* East and West F. W. Cline, Agent. Uoaal Dsw3. Hayden Bros. Dry Oootla, Omaha. Window glass at Walkln»on'» Hard ware Store. Lou Willl*in* Jr. returned Friday from Hasting*. Kditor Brown took a spin In the country la»t Saturday The recent fall of snow I* a line thing for the winter wheat and rye, Those who are Indebted to me for twine or otherwise please call and *el tle at once a* I need the money due me T. M Hero Onion Skeo! Order* taken now for onion seed at price* that cannot lie made Iri the spring at Watkins .n’* Hardware Store. W. I). French I* nursing a couple of boil* this week. Bill say* the old uddugc may be true but be would rath er have the live dollar*. The lake* above town on the upper side of the caoel afTon' a good skating pond for those who delight to Indulge In that kind of pleasure. G HIPPY Colds. Orlppy colds ere’ 1 epidemic and are promptly •‘broken up’ by‘•77,’’Dr. Humphrey’s Kpeciflc for colds and grippe. For sale by all drug gists. Mr. C. 1. Drake wa» out early Mon day morning wltb bia famous Iron Grey and cutter spinning up and down our main thoroughfare. The best snow fall we bare bad In this section for two years past, fell here last Sunday and tbe people of the town and vaelnlty are en Joying the pleasure of sleigh riding. We learn that Miss Thomas, from Ht. Paul, has been engaged to teach , school in the Hutton district. Hbo ar rived last Saturday and will commence her duties In the school room this , week. i Wilber Wait has been employed to teach W. H. Kennedy’s school, tbe i grammar department, for a month. Mr. Kennedy Is laid up with rheuma tism and at times is not able to get a- , round. Several skating parties have already tried the strength of the Ice. Skating seems to be a pleasure mueh enjoyed by all who Indulge in the sport. Ye editor and family enjoyed a fine Thanksgiving dinner at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Nightingle yester day Turkey and all the good things of she season was served. Bob Young and Walt McNulty re turned last Saturday from Kansas where they went to seek employment. They obtained several days work but report light wages and work scarce John H. Travis reports having been caught In a railroad wreck while go ing to Omaha last week. Tbe eagine got pretty badly wrecked but no dam age to passenger coaches or Injury to passengers Is reported. Jacob Winkleman and Miss Mary Osterman ware married at tbe resi dence of the grooms parents in this city, Thursday, Nov. 98, Judge Hunter officiating. Tbe Nobtiiwestekn wish es them a pleasant voyage over tbe sea of time. James Johansen was out gunning last Monday and had success euough to bag nine cotton tail rabbits In one-balf day. He tried It again the next day and got several more, two of which be presented to u*. consequently we had fried rabbit for supper, Peter McKeou, of Bristol township, audGeo Newberg.of Hasard, who ti**d In tbe vote (or supervisor of district No. ft were at tbe county seat one day laat week for the purpose of setlliug the question as to who should repre sent thet district for the uext two years. The matter was decided by a draw j which resulted In favor of McKaon. We acknowledge au luvit all* from •Stephen Gray, the bead manager at A Polls'* Hound Prom livery ham to take a sleigh ride last Monday. We mailed ourselves of the opportunity sad consequently ourself and family took a spin through tbs si rants of the city behind hta spirted anlinsU, Thank* Mr. and Mr* W.T. Draper, of Kim township, departed last Thursday for UreeuAeh) Iowa where we understand h* wiM lake charge it. a hemes* shop, j Mr Drepet ha* tented ht* farm In I shCttnan county and will doubtlee* make ki* home I# low a f»r tunic time , to mi me The liMttun k*«. Judge Bent wishes us to say to those who have accounts against tba Htory istate to call on him at his office and (et their money. Mr. Story was the tentlernan who ran the Loup City .'reamery sad while in the occupation ook sick and died at the Ht, Elmo Hotel. A daughter was born to Mr. arid Mrs. A. B. Outhouse Wednesday. This Is the Fourth daughter in the family and it is laid that A. B. Is already wondering low often the styles of bata and dresses will change when they get grown ap md whether or not bl* income will be iiifflclent to meet all demands. Mr. Dare Depew and Mlsa May Con* ler, two of .Sherman county's higblyre ipeeted young citizens were married at he residence of Rev Miller in this :!ty on Wednesday, November *7, 18W, >tev. Miller officiating The North western joins their many frlsnds In wlshiag them a happy and prosperous Future. The livery men of; the town were >ut with their bell* and cutters in the nost approved style last Monday, but be style they displayed was complete ly outdone by Mr. DcLoyater, of W|g (le creek, who it seems brought with ilrn a cearming set of aleigb bells from ;he old country. Ills horse was decora* :ed In u manner that attracted much ittenlien. At the lut meeting ef the Herman Society held in the Watklnaon Hall, ihe following officer* were elected for ibe ensuing year. President, Jacob hltiers; Vice-prosident, Herman Jung; Secretary, John Ohlson; Finance Hec -etary. John Jens: Treasurer, C. J. Jdendabl; Trustee, Herman Johansen. IVe understand that tha meetings here ifter will be held in the Walworth lull. The Thanksgiving dauce which was jiven in the opera house by the Johan icn Brothers was the best and largest attended ball given at this place this icason The hall was crowded and the receipts correspondingly large. Per fect order was maintained throughout ihe evening and the dance was candaet ■d in a maimer that pleased everyone, l'he Johansen Brothers are establlslng julte a reputation tn that direction. The school houses In distrlet (15 and 15 on the south side were entered by s irauip Thursday uight. The teacher In Ne. 85. Bert lladglln, had left his watch in the building and the fellow appro priated It Thu contents of the other school house were left In considerable roufusleii. hut noth lug was stolen A dose wateh Is being kept for the thief, and It is hoped that he may t>e appre hended —hi Paul Kepubliean Thanksgiving day was vary i|Uie| here Must of the business houses were doted and turkey was served in many bow* IJulte a large audience a**eat hied at Ibe Baptist eburvh and listened to an aide sermon delivered by Hev. Mai ten in the forenoon Iter Matseu't termed on the occasion is spoken of at a masterly eg or I and (be though'* ha advanced were vary appropriate Many uf tha vouiig people enjoyed themselves sW.gh riding si going skating. It was ilia Ural whit* Ihanksglving day we have hail for years that Is one with snow enough to furnish good sleighing. Mery one we uteei say that they enpry •1 ►d ihe occasion very mm n Some unknown person here has been small enough to report Mr Ch»» Klede to the government officials, charging him with the nff>n»e of manuf inuring wine* and li<|tio>* which charge hat caused him considerable trouble andex penee The fact that Mr. Riedel has been experlmautlng with s. vend arti cles of produce for some lime past for the purpose of seeing what could tie done In that line has been generally knowu by the public, am) from the first he has made no recret of the mat ter, lie has simply been experiment lag as above stated The particular charge made which has coat him so aiuch trouble Is that hn took five bush els of sugar lieets and made therefrom two gallons of beet brandy. Mr. Riedel frankly owns that, he baa tried this experiment, and If he has commit ted a wrong In the eyes of the law pro poses to settle toe matter by pulling up any raasonabla sum of money that may be exacted by the proper government authorities. All good citizens here tympathlze with him in bit misfortune aa they are confident that no wrong waa intended on his pnrt. The fact that he did not try to keep It a secret j and that he told many of the citizens here of his experiments Is conclusive evidence of his Innocence regarding sny Intent to commit sn offense. He hss been known as one of the beat citi zens of Hherman county during his long residence here, and his many warm friends will do what they can to help him out of the difficulty. Mill. I ... — n I >■ - " I » High grhool Mot#** Loup City schoel pxpil* were well tertained Friday morning by a bard ex enarn Inatlon and one that pleated all. The Prof, seeing that they all liked It and that there was yet one study in each grade, embraced them a gain Monday morning. This they did not like to well, as all Imagined them selves in s most northern region nesr the equator Mis* Lou Ko**eter I# very 111. ha* been confined te the house since Thurs day eve, week, A light snow Sunday made much apart for the boy* and some of the gir's. All who forgot to wash their faces be fore coining to school had them washed on arriving. Mr. Kennedy being unable to teach at present, Wilber Waite has taken hi* place for the next four week* He Is well liked by all the pupil* of his room Blcbard O'Bryan has >>een absent for the laat three or four days which we suppose is owing to the sleighing. We are always pleased to see anyone who wishes to call on u*. “Roxaxa" ALL COMrKTITJOW IIUTASCCII, •■The Overland LlBiltef'1 s Hew Train ; Chicago to San Krsnrlro. The fastest train In the world, dls tance considered, will run via the Union Pacific Bystem. Commencing j Nov. 17th, the Union Pacific, will run' aj through train dally from Council Bluffs to Kan Francisco and Loa Angeles,' making the run of 1,864 miles in sixty r hours thirty-five minute* This train will leave Omaha, 8:10 a m.; Ogden, 1:40 p, m. next day; Kan Francisco,1 8:46 p. m. second day. and Lo# Angeles 1 10:00 a. rn. the third day, carrying Through Pullman Double Drawing room Hleepers and Dining Car to Kan Francisco and Imp Angeles Be sure: and aak for tickets via "The Overland; Route.” E L. LOMAX, Oex'l Pas*. ani> Ticket Aokxt. Omaha* Neb. Ebtbat.— From my farm on section ! 20, town 15, range 12, about 7 miles j east of Aabtoa. I wo 2 year old colts one iron grey mare, weight between eight j and nine hundred pounds and the other a bright bay with a light atrip In face, and white bind legs, at .out same weight Parties finding same please send word and I will come and get them and pay alleosts W.w John Welch, Karwell, Neb. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Tbe caae of Ford vs Ford was up for bearing before Juatice Conger Tuesday and Wednesday, and the decision in tbe case will be given tomorrow. The caae is a replevin case and in which J. D. Ford replevied some stock from his son, M. P. Ford, and i. A. Reynolds, Tbe question of rights was in contra veray. Mlgtitlagale Bros, appeared for plaintifl’ and Judge Wall for defen dents. “tnlr of Nebraska, I Comity of »liei m.in, I To the County Hoard of Supervisor. sn iskft for the |ier|MM« >>f auditing and allowing of i Inline against Sherman OOtinly, lor tbe inirpiMH ot taking m tlon on mailers per. sluing to tlie establishment of publla roads anl pertaining lo Ilia -nnatrmdIon In IdgeS pel II lonsd for , lor tbe purpose of essiutntng and approving ofMi ml lernd and fur the parisum of taking a< linn no lbs ■ iMM'Inl Bossian Thistle las t tmiged ngninei the north nnst quarter of ee> lion ST town IS isnge It west wllnesa my oltto ml algantur* sod the vougtt si-gt bsieto aftl ti ll inis sin day of N»y embay \, |i mui. lords arm, i w# f county curb } - * I l ltd I II t MttltTUAUE nAl.l Not tee Is hereby given that by virtue of s rartula rhattla taorigag'- ilviol >0* IN. *Tth day of Vrbrusrv isst smt duly no d m Hu oStve of Ike County I Irrk of nkermas loontv Nebraska uu Ike *»d dav .T Mereh iwi > vi ruled by Johi> Eaetssand Ww ilss Jr to y W (wars toM.ute Ibe prinoul of tbu isbi of ami 0k and upon uhirh there tv eve doe and j unpaid the sum of *H* a* la-fault bavins ' la ra made m the pviarvi ul said mis and n»‘ suit 'if other yekfailiuv at las having tve«a j Instituted lo re.-over said drill tkeisfoie s‘ j sill sell ihr propnli li . u :u di *. illad o. all thee itrowa (note aith |m,u kn*euand «a* Iter i mule end one double noth harass* Anld sale to tabs pints *-u south nest rotor, Pohllr Nquar. la |..,.,p I'm Niloavhs a thv j I ib Isr of !•> • iui'4 I IMS* at * tevva o • b» h A M of sen) its v Iv * a* Is M Ul f p VP at Si, pi GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure, I hose who take SIMMON* LlVlk HtOUI-ATOR (liquid or powder) Eall the benefits of a mild and pleasant atlve and tonic that purifies tfie blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LlVER Until LATOK regulates the l iver, keros It active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In Jood condition you find yourself free from lalaria, Biliousness, 5rdigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out arid debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver, Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMON* LIVER RlOU.ATOK. The King of Liver Medi cine*, and Better than Pills. /rKtKttY I'ACM AOK-*C Has the 7, Hr amp In red im wrapper. J. fl. U>Ilia * Co., I'hlla., Pa. NON ICKMIilKMT HtmVK In lilstrln Omrl of Mkermsu County Wei, Cleor» II Woo<1*, Plaintiff v*. Caroline < Holbrook, widow of My nth A Holbrook rleeesseff, Hot# J Mnltb, Krlwwrrl M Mniltb busbftl,'! of lioraj, Mu,US. .Nettle O. Wleker share I, L, Wlekefkbarn husband or Nettle O Wi< reroute*. Cl yd. Holbrook a u Aik If. the belts at let* oT Myron A Holbrook, Her eased, Krelya I' Howard*. administrator of the estate of Myron A Holbrook dee. used. IrePndahl* Mtate urlct Orort*d merman Count, Nenraakw attain*! Hie nf/rv* named defendant*, tb* obleei and prayerof whir l, are to forrl*. ' a certain luotutmt- upon fire bomb Half of beerIon Twenty *eren (Jf. In Town ■,* ,.m of W*ee money pabi out Hr redeem aaid land from tb* tn*e» of 1*01 ami the furtl I f m of fSi 'Xr money paid out for tax' * of fxf« a*«e**ed attaint *ald lam; truteth cr elfli Infer* f. on «ald cvxi 'A at *1* per cent per annum from Apr,12* OWabd Inter**! nabl **'. • ' a * ' 'I per " nt per ann-rn from Autt t ki*t. ic/aend intere*t on *aid wn at tenperr en' pr r annum from October fllb, l*lr«, And plaintiff prat* for the appointment of a ttua ,.n ad liHrrn for .aid min'ir defen dant fur an ar e-* iulll.lt M tlie amount do* upon nald mor’/a/e and that defendant* may Ire rer)Ulr* d to pay the arnoont due lbe re*,., and for a deeree orderlritt said land Hr I* *old Hr satisfy th<- Iff.'! -ut which shall Ire ad, Wed Hr t,,' due on said morttta/* You ar' re.pilred H. answer nald petition on bfliefr,rr trie •> e.e.d day * l;r a piano context 'I he perxon gues-fng the correct or near*** to Out correct number of vote* that will be cant for supreme Jii'lge thi* fall will get thl* *I.Vt piano free Th* content cloaca October HI, hern) for a free mm pie copy of The Journal with thi* offer The Jriurnai I* cheap in price now, 50 cents per month without Aiindey, or 55 cent* with flundey, Arhlrex* HUM Journal, Lincoln, Neb, Notice I* hereby giyen that I will not be rexponaible for any ileirtx ami pur chase* marie by M, P, Ford, J, i>, Fork, Agf, Dr. Price • Cream Making Powder World * Fair llichot Medal and LUpluau. YOU'LL WANT THIS. The Heml-Weekly Mtate Journal will be *ent to any addreM from now antll January 1, JHP7, for one dollar, ThU will give you that great twlee-a-week ' paper every Tuenday and Friday all during the fall campaign, and through the coming great prealdentlal cam paign. January. !*b7, I* a long way* off and you will l»e getting a great Jot of reading matter for your dollar. The Journal Ik alway* ahead of the onca-a-week paper* and I* really worth twice a* much. It i*the farmer'* dally. I It* market report* are complete and you get them twice a week. It I* filled wnh choice family reading hi addition lo all the mate and national telegraphic new# I’rlui* llluatrateil Hone* l>y the world'* urrtt«*l author#, The »ooner you end a dollar the more pc, per* you will get for your money. Addre#e t \rliiK.iia Htate Journal Lincoln. Nell. Awarded highest Honors. World’s Pair. DR BAKING POWDER MOST PI RHI CT MAOH. A pu»* ll»»pe Ct'iiu of I d*f I* *iki r<» h a A < it Ala a Iwlng vour mom ' » puree along, for tU caalt we need, no matter whether »• B gold, allver or currency, we are not urthodoa on the mom) • <|ueai|«tn Juat ao we are paid caeh thala ail we care for Yours for Trade.