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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
THANKSGIVING IN THE COUNTRY ' r- . .. kl OINNKN ON TMfc FAHM, THANKWJI VIJWJ OIANKH i. Honk TurU* Ho up f htrkHIl ri0 Ap|/>** l"H/ Olory Ma lul VolMUitm Carrot* T«iru>|W» I frown Mrrw'J Wbtl# pfckta* Qut-rn'n 1’tuWlntt Mo'k Mln<* l'i« Miurk C*k» Krolt ConfeettaMry Cott** i vuuarwvii • V< k' tabia Oynu-r Houp lloast Turkey Currant Hoy )'(<-. ml I'ork I ml Hiii Pudding Ontona Cnbbago Kwcnt Pleklaa lb* ia I'uini»k I/i pi« Wblta Calta Nuia Contectlonnry Coff<>i» THE MAlTUNIt HOYS. AY, Hill, a'poae we follow* give Widow Orgy a regular aur prla* parly Thank* giving »ve, "I Heard thOM Mali! and boy* bragging to littla Tom Oray wbat a apbndld Thank* giving they war# going to have, and Tom aald, 'I gtteaa we uaed to have aa good a time a* anybody when lather waa alive; but mother aaya w# muan't expoet a turkey or a mince pie thl* year,' "1 lay awake laat night ever *o long, and planned It ail out. You and I will go up to 'Hvjulre Klake lather aaya be** got a big heart and 1 ahouldn't won der, if we tell him how hard Widow Oray work* to get along and keep th# boya at acbool, If he'll give th# turkey, and then the hlggeat thing of all will b« off my mind. "Then f want at leant alx pumpkin*, and here cornea In the fun these 'aur prlae pumpkin*' will ha auch pumpkin* aa you've never »een In all your life. You Juat com* up to our barn to-night, at 1 o'clock, and bring your pocket knlfe, aharpened up, and I'll ahow you what t mean by 'aurprlae pumpkin*/ " And aeren o'clock that November night found aa Jolly and happy a baU ► dozen levy* aa you'd wlah to *«#, col lected In Mr, Kiuirry'* harn, Hlx of th# blggeat pumpkin* one oval in ahap# - and alx boy* and alx knlvea buay at work on the atraw-coverad Urn door, Flrat the pumpkin* were cut In two part*, about two (bird* from the b«**;, (Kan wt ri- Mt/MifiHil Fallf lfettV- I Ing the yellow rind about an Inch In thick tie**; then a gt mo willow withe or switch was cut the right lengtn and put into the smallest part of the divided pumpkin (the cover), for a handle. Then the buys put a thin coat of varn ish over their work, and left to dry on a shelf In the barn a row of splendid new-fashioned, orange-colored dishes and covers! * The nest three days were busy days, 1 can tell you, for the surprise party; hut 'Hqulre Flake gave the turkey and the "Agings," celery and cranberries— and Joe's mother made a real Yankee plum puddlug; and Will's slater made two such plea, as Will said - mince and squash ami 1 tie other hoys' motbera end slaters made doughnuts and cookies and all sorts of "goodies" for the Thanksgiving lea. On Thanksgiving eve. at * p. m , might have been seen a torch light pro cession moving across the meadow from Mr. Kmery's horn, and along the lane that led lo Widow Cray's cottage at the other end of the village. And this was tb# programme. y Two hoya with Chinese laments; two IIUls Chinamen bearing on a pole be tween them a r<«l Chinese tea-chest Ailed with tea and sugar; wheelbarrow, *lt.rnau<ly wheeled by Joe Ktticry an I Will ttomerby. (Mi each side of the har row two pumpkins remaining pies, doughnuts, etc. One pumpkin In front j with celery hii<I eranberrlea; large oval pumpkin In the < < mer with turkey, d<< orated With laurel apriga; apace* Oiled up with white potato** and aweet pota to**; at the head of the barrow, on pole, allltle banner "A Tbankaglvlng greet ing from tbo frlanda of Mra. Gray," Now, don't you think Joe Finery'* waa a new and Jolly "pumpkin lark?" The Household._ •WRP.T CHABITV. 0 Charity, dear meaaenger, From heaven’* court* descend, And to our earth horn heart* the gift Of thy aweet influence lend. Touch, and arouae the alumbering eyea Which do not wake to aee liow other eye* grow dim with tear*. And heart* droop wearily. Remind u«, when a Father * grace Hath hleaaed with many a gift, That there are thoae whom we may help From aorrow'a gloom to lift. Quicken our sympathy, our love, Our mercte* let ua ahare, la»t the glad aunahlne of our live* kpread o'er aad live* of care. Hweet Charity, we will not clone Our heart* to tby aoft voice, For every Impulse born of thee Mu*t make to me heart rejoice, Then come, com# quickly, Charity, And all throughout our :and On waiting bearta or eo|<| or warm— f,ay thine own bleaaed hand. The Tliaithiglvlna turkmf, Ob! Turkey with cranberry Jelly! Ob! Dougbnute and pudding and pie! If there ia ever a time when we want our turkey to be tender and Juicy, it I* ittw 'i’l or,lio»(.,i.1.> Jlanaa V* (a m At every housekeeper who knows how to select a good turkey, though It Is not a difficult matter The best turkeys have smooth, black leg* with soft, loose spurs, and are short and plump, Th* end of the breast-bone should be soft and flexible. The breaats are full, and the flesh plump and white. The cooking Is fully as Important as the seleetiou, and the preparation for It should be carefully attended to. A turkey la greatly Improved by drawing the sinews from the legs. This converts the otherwise coarse and tough flesh of the drumstick luto delicate meat. If you prefer to stuff your turkey, place enough In silt of neck to till the cavity made by removing the crop; fill the breast with the remainder and aew firmly. The Household. I.««S SSrics Don't send a Thangsglving dinner to a poor family by a messenger. Oo along with it yourself, and stay awhile. Don't act yourself up on a pedestal. You and they are of the same stuff. If there Is sny old or sick person who love* you, don't salva your conscience by sending a box of good things, but go and give the afflicted one richly of your companionship. Humor of th* H«y, old Turkey Are you trying 10 lay anything by this year? Young Turkey No, 1 shall tie satis fied If I can only keep ahead until after Thanksgiving. THK TUO.or-WAN. Highest of ail in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking _Powder ABSOLUTELY pure Itutigrr Tram Oml. The Italian physicians who have barn making a study of the component parts of the street dust of Turin, one j of the cleanest cities in Kuropc, by the ' way, report that the germs of almost ■ every disease known to science are die j covered On the candles exposed for | sal<- in the streets, and on the surface i of food aold in the open air, they found the germs of tuberculosis, anthrax and | half a score of other maladies Noth j lug can be really * life to eat If there la danger In dirt. 'I he wax fruit that la ! kepi lii glass cases Is probably as mi- | j healthy as anything that is offered for i 1 sale. How’s This I We offer One Hundred Oollara reward for any cun- of Catarrh that cannot tie 1 cured by Hall's utarrli Cure K. J CHKNKV Hr CO., Toledo, O. . We, the underdaned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last II years, and he- | ! Ileve him perfcdly honorable In all I business transactions, and financially i , able to carry out any obligations mad* ; by their firm, , WAI-HINO, KINNAN A MAfiVIN, Whole aula Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cut" Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood arid mucous surfaces of the system, Testl* rnonlals sent free. Price, T5c per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Mali* family Cilia, X,c, I arm values in Kugland are much de preciated through lire low price of pro duce, Mud many holders of estates are disposing ol their property, not Infre quently at auction sales An estate of 1,200 acre*located near Winchester sold . recently at a price equal to #75.7S per acre, 2, ,00 acres and mansion located j on the River Rule have changed hands | at •< 1.15 per acre An auctioneer has I just sold under the hammer l'U> acree at Weston, -Notts. In small parcels for , K'A.TM. e<|iial to till'! per acre, a prop ; arty which twenfy years ago coat i.lo, I 000. A CMKI Kojoy* fhc plea* ant flavor, gentle action and noothlng effect* of Hyrup of Fig*, when to I ommI of a laxative, and If the father or mother he co*Uva or blllou*, the moat gratifying reeulU follow It* umi; »o that It ! Ia the beat family remedy known, and every j family kliould have a bottle on band. Hy and by Marltmroir/b will go to Join ' Dunraven and v « will • e at rent Manning Hunt,I* Capacity. In the year 1 HI>4 the I>e Kalb Fence Co. of lie Kalb, III., doubled the ca pacity for producing their line* over 18951, which gave them an output of 20 mile* per day. The demand for their good* ha* been no great the pa*l *ea aon, that In order to be able to *upply their trade, they have been compelled tbl* year to double the capacity of 1894, which now give* them an output of 40 mile* per day, Thl* In lt*elf Npeak* well for their product and rnerlta the attention and ln»pectlon of our reader*, and all that, are In need of amooth wire fencing of any kind, and It will be to your lnter e*t. to write for their catalogue which deacrlbe* In detail tbelr good*, com prUIng the large*! and moat complete line* of amooth wire fencing now pro duced by any one plant In the country. Kee their ad In another column of thla paper. hhe I Mrn raddenl when I nlng. lie no : are the neighbor*. Hie nanny n*n l.nln Valley. FOR HA 1.10 The beat Improved Ranch* (farm) in Southern Colorado. 220 a ere*. Addrexn F. P. Raker, To peka. Ka*.., or N. R. Raker, Alamoea, j Colorado, __ Hreuinn of wealth don t eonie true an often »>• work lor it doen. In Flo I a mat lea I Hill of Fare For a dinner nerved on the dining earn ' of the f lucago, Milwaukee A St. I’aul Railway will be aent to any addrew. on receipt of a two ccnl pontage ntuinp. Apply to lieorge II ileaford, general paaau-nger ugent. Old Colony building, Chicago, 111. Aunlralta ha* a imputation of lem than fi,000,(mil. hut eeonoinint* declare It could nupport 100,0011.000 with enne I'mm't Cnuh Hainan* In ib* ©blent ami l*M. It will braa* up a cold it >0*1*. ©rtbaa uto tblua Ulna. It In always reliable Try lb Half righteoumienn lu an hard to cure an cancer "Kanaoa’s Maglo Oora Balvu.” Warrautal u, > ut« oi mt.••■©y rufuuo*d it* year ©rueuiil tut It. FrWt© Ik Malta. Whatever :ov# undertaken to doll doen j well Hilliard tah a, ne mid hand, lor >« • iheap Apptv lo or ad'irenn, H.C. Akl', Ml H lull HI . Omaha. Nun *»l«rlra of Hull f Itflifcra. Hpanlah hull lighters get saluries us large aa those of exceptionally great actors. “First swords, like Mtt/.xati tan I or tiiierrlt.u, are among the richest men In Spain. Muerritn. who I* notyct 3<), eurua an Income which Is never le-s than tin,(too in one year, and own* near ( adi/., u villa und purk, where in the winter he entertain* his friend* with lavish hospitality. Mar./am ni has $ too, i i(g) invested, and It is a hud year when he does not earn §Mt,oon licverte once, after a triumphant corrida in hail Hehiistlen. lighted a cigarette with a spill rolled out of u I'ranch hunk note for 1,000 frailer,, to show hi* contempt for money In general, and French money in particular. Ial««- ttltsi'Wi'fl. Tlicii’ere Ituavis now and then met wlih (*Im> re| certain local idlt* is and pot* •onnns stimuli us Identical with or possess* Inn proiici I les ukln lo I hose of I.o-1e10 I s Montseli Hitler*. only sue eicii In foisting flieh Ir.iliv con.ponnils opon people unie’ouulfited wMh the genu* I IP' « n elc, w III 0i Is ii» n. lid. die If npp'i die a* dn v is lo nighl sk und lake no aim* I* lute for the grund remedy for malaria, dys pepsin, const I nation rheumatism and kid ney I roll tile Homier or later pride Is found to step oil dynamite PITS -Slirio snails'll free I.) fir. K line's Orest fcerse Kestorer, S.. yiissfo r lee iirsi day's uses ■ *rv< lens, nies Trealis* siel S'/inal buttle free t< V It i les Sc III! tupl, SllecgMl SriliSV,,l'Llls,,i'a. Vt hen ws give grudgingly wa do not, give si all I relieve I'lso s ( urn for Consumption saved my Imy s life In. t summer Mrs F. C Mol l/ros, Neisllinui Mass , Oct. Uif, (M All tha I el* on a yaeht r me are not p wed on tha stake I oat II Ilia llahy la Cutting Tacit,. Xs •*.,# and n*s that ekf and sell triad rsrnsdy, Mas. • Seorauci Starr fer CblMras Ts#il.liig Many prop's fall l,y not msklii a good beginning Maay IsffMenei a rnmhlae f« geS.ire aeellS to I he dsuaef dmll T„e reviving prep Tile* of Psrfcei'a <hu*e Tenlr iwat evair ci a llwae Ilia. lulls,r is drudgery only when ws do not put heart In our work. Kt'rtaaa kaawa Saw It I* t« seller with coni' sell they ,ir# ll I cOndiMifV# lo gr*,*f il watkl ■* Ksiiiote ih in with bl damorii# 'the important thing Is not how long ws are going to live, but now. Ho Vou S per elate? 'I hen send for our Imok, "Mow to Hjwii late Mticiessfully on l.lmlied Margins In drain nod Hlock Markets Mailed free, Comstock, Muihe* At Company, Kluto building, Chicago. III. Mufiiferdlnk has written an oiera Mi name probably suggested the plot. MMMMtMNM#N#CM#N4MCN#MNf b a prize fighter and champion in every contcat with j RHEUMATIC PAINS It knocks out In every jw.uul^uid on its belt is written J | 1 ■■■■■■■... 1,1 ■ ■ ■■■■■■—f—1 . . . 1 .!■■ THE LAND OF THE SID RED APPLE lira Iw trawl luwl i* Ira Ira4 Is lira "(Itn ■*«" l.I Iraw frlNt, Kor IPKOK'I VIIOM laumrlliiit luiul la Hurry I n,, M. W. MIMWMI'HI, ttrlui l„ (Urr. t,K„ t. I'lmM, I'ltotm < Ity, Mo.i J O. HiMMiTt, I'ttr.l/, Mu., T ft Murat, ttut.tIII*, Ml.,, or I.. II. *u.»»r ACo 109 MollIt Mil*., f :lllr**o, III. " TW Cmpiaua kM kM (r«rla« MUt. krichUr nnj tmt In awr. Ikaa »ljr*r jnn " ^p i The You s Companion t | "82 Time* ■ Year.” Subscription, »I.7S. g A The Volume of The Companion for 1890 — the 70th year of its publication — will give weekly entertainment and a ^P instruction in abundance tor every member of the family. # Six Holiday 700 For all # Numbers. Large Rages, the Family. * Special Souvenir Number., double in The sire of The Companion page ia Both young and old find In each ^P •ue and appropriate to each neaaon, four time, that of the leading Maga- week’, iaaue amusement and education are publiahed at Thankagiving, Chriat- zinea. In each Volume nearly 700 in the Serial and Short Storiea, in ita ^p ■ man, Hew Year’., Waabington'a Birth- pagea are given, profuaely Uluatrated. Editorial*, Anecdote*, Health and . i day, Banter and Pourth of July. Only $1.75 a year. Miacellaaeoua Article*. ■ a More than aoo Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of THt COMPANION. y * Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus Sample Copies Free. * 9 |VWUlWUkWlSk^WWUW.-«WrtW«WUUIW»WUVrt.rtSWj»lS.i»VWUl»kWek«k»lj 9 1 J REMARKABLE OFFER! SEND I A \ i! Hew Subecribere who will cut oat thle ellp ead Miul It AT OHCB S ,1 A , • ^ i with name ead addrcee, ead will receive: y I 5 , ran- The Youth** companion every week till January i, ilgd. > thl8 Blip WitU | • f V.ALttl'lJJAJt i frbK - Thaakeglclng, Chriatroae. Hew Year'* Double Humbere. ij A ? . . ij FHKB Our Handeome e-pan* Calendar (7110 lachee). Iltho- SI K 'i X 1 \ PPPP graphed In nine color*. Retail price, jo cent*. S7 11 t / qj ji I Tj * J1 AHD the compahioh S* weehe. a full year, to January 1, i»»7. ]j ■ ; A TTHE YOUTH'S COMPANION, aoi Columbus Avsnus, Boston, Mass. X ■end Check. Peel-Office or Eapreea Order, er Hegletered Letter, nt Our Rlek. y la-a-o-a-o-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-o-o-a-o-a-a-a A JVD IVOA// A l ull Itualni-ft*. Sh< rtlimid. IVn \rt and Teleirraph • mini* oldest. I.arfi st ! mid I {eat in Nebraska Muieii!'* rau 'Mirk fur tioaril. laautifnl < utaloif free. F. F. 0OO8E. Proa, Omaha. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works i *Mo% e M« pAlra for 40,000 dlfVrrrnl «•«»% r» and r «U|M. I low aioMglN* »l. ,<>m a Ha. fcr •» 0<*X. Ot* iiiping »n»l *1 a(U»f • Turin* • i ... **w *r*l Ft«i «*!«*<#. -zifi&C' | rromuut a loaoriaot growth. £r»r Falla to Maatora draw air to 1t# Youthful Co,or. -jxa/iri fite:"'"1 liAWI Fr»nl#* Fruit Fill* PaollUrly m u.uva VMWI «jl lr.-tfuU< III- fr in whXt«v#u . . » • 1'r. r. •!.<<•. Oarl HatlW'al • <> ,$i I'fa rh-.rn HtrMt, <:M< ago. I ,1 YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE '. —— f'Grace before MeatTf / > There's u difference between being full of thanks* 2k giving, and being full of Thanksgiving dainties. Hut the one thing generally leads to the other. I low 1 v?/ -'an it lnr helped when the turkey is so gtMid, and the pie so enticing? Here's a helpful hint. For that W& \ full feeling after Thanksgiving ■— take a pill. Not *.j kx any pill, mind you. There are pills that won't help you. Take the pill that will. It's known as Ayer's Fill — aud It's pvt fee t. It is sugar-coated, pleasant tip to the palate, and its operation* like that of nature, WP wpl ia ellective and without violence. Keep this in your My ■ mind H you waul to enjoy the holiday season i Jw /gra *******' before meat, but a Fill after Fte. aim « nil MM UAMMMH aim mammit HUAI m «• ».»«»!*. lu>« • «..«>,.HI. in* *1 Iwwlt Wt» ln««| uwl •>*< > w M •• »»»>» HB1T~1 II (M MM SM<l>l M >*'• All )k« B.IBI « III# . De Kalb Fence Co.,121 Hl,h Simi*. at. j Timely Warning. ~ Tho groat auccaea of tho chocolate preparation* of tho houao of Walter Baker A Ca. loatabliahod in l?BO> ha* lod to tho placing on tho market many mialoading and umcru >uiou« imitation* of thoir name, label*, and wrapper*. Walt** Baker A Co. are the oldeal and largoat menu facturor* of pure and high<gr ad* Cocoa* and Chocolate* on thi* continent No ahomical* ar* u*ad in Ihoir manufacture*. Conaumera ahould a»k for, and b* auro that they got. tho genuine Walter Baker A Co.‘a good*. WALTER HAKtitt A CO., l.imiteU, imacnt AttiM. MAM.