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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
VHTiMUOHAL »v *t*Miauon or ' HAND. MtNAU.Y A CO.. CHAITKK IX,--f<V>»Tt«' «td The letter wa« written In a formal clerk'* hand, dated from the Admiralty, and algnc/J with a hieroglyph which w»* no doul<( the autograph of noire- high official If ran a* follow* "I war Hlr: The Volunteer ha* brought Intelligence that til* ma)e»iy'» whip Xlobe, reverily-four, ha* put Into the Cape of flood Hope pi refit. Hie ha* loat her captain and flr*t lieutenant overboard In a gale, and I* reported ae verely damaged and abort at all afore* The brig Hpee/j well ha* been loaded with the necegaary material and will take out an officer pi bring the Xloli* home f'aptaln Truwott. ui whom thl* commlaalon wa» offered, I* al the laat moment unable pi rail If you “r' *r‘ a poffltlon Pi take hi* place you will le g/eel enough to atari, Immediately for Mount'* Hay, where the Hp-dwell wa* P» put In on Tburaday ne*i You will lie carried a* a free pawangei P» the f'»t<e, where y<iu will tak' over corn rnand of the Xlohe; and for thl* pur* poae the prewnt letter ahall be a good and aufflcbnt authority to the officer In rt arge Pi hand her over to you "In the event 'if your te-lng unavoid ably presented from accepting you will tie gicet enough Pi rr-addre»* and f<<r ward fhfr letter Pi f'aptaln Andutuon at PorUmuUth without delay " IHi-k read without under*tandlng any thing beyond tlte general purpfirt of the letter, but he graaped clearly aew^art. fore.lllo uf&a lr.ut #/» hlfYl for many month* *t l*a*t II* r«,uit*<l blmaelf to consider way* and mean* at one*, and hi* *y* fell up on the vail**, which the m**«*n|f*r wa* »tlll holding In hi* hand. To hi* surprise h* recognized It a* hi* own Where did you get thl**" be a»ked Krorn your hot***. *lr," replied the man • There'* a uniform and a few thing* In It hi* lord*blp thought you might want, a* you wouldn't have time to go back to town." 'HI* lordship? Whom do you m<-*n?" "It wa* Lkrrd Glamorgan, *ir, that gave m* tit* letter," "Ah that explain* It," exclaimed Dick "Hut how did l»rd Glamorgan or you 1 know where I had gone?" "HI* lord*hip »ent rn«- to you hou**, *lr; and they *ent rne on to So. V. H*d- I ford square." "And they Vdd you thereT’ "Ve», *ir; they *ald you'd gone off aft er a wagon on the road to Guild ford " j "Wry well," «aid Irick; "now you had ; better go and halt your horne Come ( to me In the parlor wn<-n you're ready ! to go back, and I'll give you art an*wer 1 for Lord Glamorgan.” Half an hour afterward the man [ knocked at th* door of the room where Dick wa* writing hi* acceptance to the Admiralty and hi* thank* to hi* patron i for thl* second piece of cruel kind new. I He handed them to the messenger with ! a liberal pourholr*, and rang the hell to make arrangement* for continuing hi* own Journey While he wa* talking to the ho*t a clatter of hoof* wa* heard outvl'l'- the window. "There go** my man," thought Dick; "he'» a hot rider. It **em» I wish to heaven be had broken hi* neck on the way here" CHAPTKK X K'K MAI* A 1/>S(> and hurried Journey la-fore him, nnd h* made preparation* accordingly for starting In good time on the follow ing morning He also tried once more to find oul from the driver of the wag on where the Dt Montand baggage «u to be delivered; but the man, though assured that I tick himself had no longer Ihe lime to follow him •tout ly infus-d to give any further answer, and by daybreak nest morning he had disappeared, wagon and all. without giving any one a clue to his destina tion The sun was selling as l»lck left Itel aton for Ihe Iasi stage of his Journey When ha came In sight of Mount's hay there waa but one golden bar lefl In Ihe wesirrn sky tiradually this ion faded, and a gray, mlaly iwtllgto* began lo creep over Ihe hay gt Michael's M-iUlal loomed In sight. Weird as Ihe Sli chanted resiles of fairyland In It*. highest turret glimmered a single light making the mlel more drear and Ihe Silence yet more desolate The opposite shore was snapped n darkness, but on the broad water lo tween twinkled hele and there liny malleus sparks that IMi k knew lot Ihe l«/«terne of lh* ships al ancle** Ho of them d .utilises waa lh* fate lhai It* must follow, Wlll o'-lhe wisp oi guid ing slgi, there II gleamed among lh* feel, a Ml* Ihe dim shivering nig hi • round and Ihe falh-*ml»»s a** he Uealh I mile *»r I wo Ifcut" and they * ante Milling Inin th* street* **f I'ensan and tHok *r**#e from hi* t«»*rl* It* In •lulled for Ihe gpeedW*II. and f'*UI*4 iitsi ah* waa lying i>*H toward Mcwlyn. and was In sail al daybyeak Mei tapldlh had been asl*-*t* that •ftaygoon looking oul f *r a pass Ha- > who had lieee *i|w* lnl tor Ihe **•**!« an hwut l*ef> rs, lin k angagsd a l*-*ai and atd»**d *op pet gt MMii by I* , k h« so along •Id* the hrtg and kalf at* h <«* laic* fast awlaep In hla i-a*ih f>*tgelllng for ( the ptenent all journey* whether by land or at He awoke neat morning to Itnd tb ahlp already on her way The eaptaln waa walling for him on deek‘, a gray, wrinkled man with a abort grtaalef. heard, and a aono-what klout-blng air about him. f-H'fc thought "I'm your pmaaenger," !»• k aald. "and I ought to have re tarried my nett la a* night, but they told me )ota were huay and I waa tort tired Ur wall, My name ia Kat'otirl, raptaln of b<-r majenty'n ntitp Xlohe when you bring me Ur hat " "Ay, my," replUd the <rlher; "I waa In the aeratee rnyeelf om e, but I waan’t railed Wttraley then ” "Indeed"’ maid IrUk, and aUtppa4, erne ban waned The eaptaln waa apparently troubled by no au'-b feeling, and went on "I waa broke for a trifle" he aald, "a young man'* folly Hut I <lon't know that I’ve been tpwh tha worme It'a a hard nervier the king'a, you make no money in it, anti glory a a thing I never took mut'li at 'ount of," lri‘ k had nothing to aay to thlr "Where mhall I IrteakfgaiT' he naked "With me, maid the i aptalti "You'll find me pretty anug la-low. and thal'a the main thing In tha World, ah* I don't rare how marty trip* 1 make in the If peed well, If I'm alw aya aa rttm forlahla and aa well paid ' I >tek rant Id hardly aay that h» hoped never Ur make another voyage in lb* brig, or that ha already wlahotl Ihla one waa over, hut terth thougbta um» <JI* tint fly Into hi* mint! "ft waa a airoke o' lw k," tontlnu< I Ida garruUnta companion', "juai a airoke ft lut-k. I'<J nothing Itt do for Iona 'Bough, anti waa getting a Mt down a«4 than au'lrtanly my lortla find them nlng to m>'. «np off and money down <m th* Mil," "That * pretty much what happened to me, ' said /dolt; "th*y were In a hur ry and the man before m* failed them at th* last moment " "Ay, ay," replied the captain; "they must have been in a burry too, or they'd never have conic down on an old dog like me and auch a ramahockle <-r*w to carry hi* majesty * stores, l-t j alone hi* majesty's irfflcerS," he added with an affable grin 'Oh! said Dick, "what sort of fel lows have you on board, then?" "All sorts," answered the captain, "and more than that. There* Knglish .lar ks and KrenrTi Johnnie*. and a coa pl* o' Mpgnlard* and a nigger: I never saw such a flrat-to-hand lot in rny life They're willing enough, you know, bu' It'a the rum meat c-r* w P/ he working ,» navy ship " "The brig herself took* to b* fast and , well found," said l/tek, wllb an appro ,'- 1 Ing eye on the whit* canvas bellying ] aloft. "Ob, she's well enough " r<-pli»-d tic- I captain, carelessly; "there's better and j there's worse, no doubt, le-t's go down < p> breakfast." And tie led the wa> Is-low Ho the days went hy for the roost par' In cheerful content; only now and then , hi* brow clouded when they spoke >, passing ship, and answered I he cheer- : and waving signals of Kngllsh men and , women homeward bound. Hometlme* he was even bapp> for an hour, for the water he sailed wa* no obscure or unknown sea from Cor- ! unna to t'adiz there ar- name* and 1 memories upon its shore that might have stirred the very ship herself, as she swept past them with th- flag it empire rippling at her mast-head On the ninth day they passed Ht. Vin cent. The sun wa* setting, and th crags of the cap,. Were sharply relieve ) against the opposite horizon, all aglow with answering fire Kar heyond them, lost In the vast glimmering dlstan toward the ea*t, lay a yet more famous j headland, and trick, as he leaned over the bulwarks, and vainly strained his eyes toward Trafalgar, felt hi* hrealh quicken with a great inspiration and hi* hands clench with the fighting Insf.lnc' of his race. Hut now the Hpeedwell lefl the coasts of Hurope, and passed on southward in to the region 'if the islands The ordi nary route to the cape lies outside the*, groups, the Azores being the only stop I'lng point on the voyage for most Kng llsh vessels Kstcourt, seeing that the hrlg stood In to the east and !<s>k i more direct IIik, concluded at once that she was to touch at Madeira or the <’anary Isles No. said I he captain when It hazarded this conjecture; t wish w> could put Into Funchal <>r Mania i-tuz, they’re both pleasant places, when you've a day or two to spare; hut my toilers ate to sail sltalghl fm Itoavlsla In the I'ape Vrrd Island* There a some passengers III coma aleiard there " “passengers'" ur|*d Irlcb, In saionlsh mem, “Oh. they Won't trouble us long sshl the captain, “they go off as no at As cension I suppose they're going glartll haiklng after the government coltmles m these pail* AA hen w ie ltd of them a< shall have a • Imi run Itt tin I'ap* lick fell by no means so anao>u* I about their departuie lie was pleas* d I to ihlnh ih.ti he would l-u some day* l al any rale hate the mon>duny of hi* ! voyage enlivened by new e UipiMlotM i sod h* began In h«*h forward >agr||y < |n the (Mum*m a hen tie W'Ul'l 11“ h agio | i*e abme al every meal with -it w u*l»i I a till hla ||oa of item n«llg*'d c.n *er*a I I Inn A lew dais Hi-'ti- and M- t ti" was I left on In* slailowid tuaitvi llu > | passed through tlo- I'snsrtes tnlw> n , r. II I life and i It and t'anary and on April Ij|li ■ am* al laal In s>ahi of ' Itogvlala. and diupp-i I anchor inwsr I ' evening In Hie toads <m the It -n|hw»#l j of live island Hilton a quartet at a mile of tlo m j lay a largo merchant t • #•* I with t in llsh i*d»ts at lh* top and lh- k was n * I long in gelling a bail I ottered ant fow mg id! In Vbitl her Hite turned nut In | tie the Hamilton from a qihampt n i« j ItaMa Her I*|n*ln an' led lh k ' “ I dlally bul he was ills al slnty* no • , board, all lha paaacngtra having g , manor a lot tha day, and half lha crew halng awny In aaart h of waitr, "I hear," aaId Ill'll, "lhal you've an; paaaangara tor ua. Who or* lhayT "Madame g-hullx and M Yiotshatd,' tapUad lh» < aptaln "Thay'ra hwl cohrr ala 'or A» tialoia htolhat at. ' alalar, and thara'a a Mpanlah aaamah namad tiihUx. who'a working out hi' paaanga to lha I'.mpa " “I'm 4t«app<il0ta<l hr h aar lhal," aa id ttl'U "I had hoped 1'ir ona or two fallow‘country map to talk io, Wafa deadly dull on ih* I mg "Ob'" amid lha implaln of tha Itamll ion, laughing, "you'll ha Uvaty anoug-, now. Yrm hard la a fir*t»rata fallow f alortaa, and afiaaka Y.ttgllah capitally: and hla alatafa a real haauly, If mil: aha trnuliln'l kacp in tiataalf ao much Tha hoaia wera now tu-an piittlna "ff , from lha ahnta When they < ante neat , IO lha ahlpa one nf mam left lha ra ; ami Pleated for lha gpradWafl '"there go your paaaangara," aald ‘ captain to ttteg "They an Id gmid’liy hi m» hefote leaving thin tn irning, an l 1 now all lhal rematna \a tor you hi tak thair baggage oyer In your honi, if you'll la- ao good ' , “Certainly," replied tuck: "I'm ready wa aoon am II la l-mded ' "Avaat theta'" aald tha na plain; "wa re not an tnlmaprahh aa lhal You tonal alay and on-el the real of our company at auppat " The remainder of ma paaaangera were lunt coming <trt hoard Katc iucI wan In leoducad ht them all In Ini'll, Mild Itc amt down to aup\ter aoon afterward They ware a vary unintefePttng l"l chiefly hnrtnruia* and'lah leap tmaineaa, voyaging for mercanu Pounce with a houlh AtperU-gn conic Hop, Hut the crowded I a Ida, the tlooi rtf ronvetndtlnh. and lha i-mtinu I laiighiat ware a change to IHch and ' delayed hia departure nil lha la*l ft, -<• mant When he taiutnad to Ida own atop tie found lhal hi* new coinpatdona Had already gotta hr thair < ahln* Thair baggage waa carried down Ur Il-am, and dndtpg lhal they were not likely to ap pear again lhal night td/h aoon after ward turn* d In hlmaetf Ha war already droway when ha h» •amc alowly cot,action that ha Waa li» h-nlng to a note- which ne-tned hr hara icen going on for an indefinite lana'h of time, If *van the pound of IWo Vrdcea wire ‘ ,h tea f aa / .ft rat git at In* i ‘tlilli tallI it', . but lb# otb*r med «<!H Ilk# * voi In * dream, utterly remote from the r#-»l world, and y#t In a way **>,■» m >rr m >1 to him than that whl#h preceded and followed It, Over and oV#f again be tuoughf Mm# 1 self on the point of r#«>*f«bram #, but b# never quit* reached It, and In a abort time tb# bland, soothing ton** overcame him Mo a sp'll, and l<# fell Into a dreamless »l*ep Wh#n b# a wok# n#*i morning tb# ; myMerPytte noise* of tb# night had pass*d entirely from hi# r*''oll#etl#fl Me hastened on deck, and found that b# was tb# fleet to arrtv# there It wax a fr< *'i. br#**y mormog- and the brtg Wa# cutting It* wa-.## gallantly a* #be weni aouibwarn lb b/n* tack# Kour or live mil## away lo starboard lb* Hamilton wa» winging b*r way to the westward- th* #our#*« of th* Iw-i v##n*la diverging more and more with every minute Th# Islands lay Mk# liny cloud# upon tb# horlgon b#hlnd them, and th* long, P,w c/rast-lln# of Africa wa# vlalbb to larboard und*r a rainy »ky, Mcfc took a careful #urv#y, and be gan to propheay to blm##lf about tb# w#a»b*r. 'Those woo ar# #*p#< ting Malay Mi toe tn# *;> tn# as yesterday," he murmured, - nienlloualy, “will b* probably a good deal—" A# b* spok# th# word# died away on bl# lip# and the torpor of toe|pl*M a#toni»bm#nt sd*#d spin him 11" ould not turn bt# bead, be could not move, but toe beard behind Mm a voice that »book the Inmost flier# of bl# soul Whether It cam# from tb# sky or the sea. If h# w*r# mad or sane, living or dead, to- kr#w not. but tb#ssevere tb# lovely ton#* In which f'crnllla spok# In tb* old time# before b# bad lo begin Ilf# anew Tb# vole* - am# n#nr*r. and stltl b* could not or dared not mov# Tb#n, suddenly, another vole# answered the strange familiar vol## of tip night be fore; Ik- r*m*mt>#r-»l It In a (lash, and kn*w It for t'olon*) d# Montaut'# M<- turned swiftly and was face lo fa#* with them, Tb* colonel #nm# toward Mm at one# with outstretched hand, and with a cordial smile upon Ms face; but trick passed him and w#nt forward to • a milla, _ - 1 'to ss io%n*tso r •Mogulsf Sole 10*. A Paris working shoemaker named Chapeau committed auldde on July 23 tin an extraordinary reason lie was found dead in hla room, suffocated by the fumes of a charcoal atov*. On the laid* waa found a letter. In which he aald "Kor teu years past I have been saving up to buy a really pretty china table service, which has cost me IIS francs. I hat! promised to Inaugurate It by a dinner to my numerous friends in tbe neighborhood, but. as I have uol ihe means of providing a good feed I have resolved to die In order that my friends tulgbi not be wholly losers, however I desire lhal tbe service may Ire dieti United a* her* eel down" Then fnlluws s llsl of (he frieud* among whom h" wished the different part* tv Ire divided I IlMlnr • I Quit* a novel sight wa* seen at Jen ning'a lower factory In I'bester Matur •lay writes the piscatorial editor of the New Voik bun A large number of eela about three Inches long were aeen rlimhing up the psfpeudu’iilar side* of (he Wmtdrh flume with upp*r elli ease A little moleliire assisted their «|ln i| bill when It waa peeler lly die thru movement* wer* tun slightly impeded Kv, White I lose lbs l »<h Its* Several million* of dollar* pas* istu in* bands of the b,mhmakers dot lug in* rsrlsg m in ibis conniry itf • nurse some u! u , um»s bach to the bettor* but i* few who b»l mine out •tool *1 the end ml the punk AS I lb* truokmok r* • oiiMantly complain tfeai they are l«*ln« mubsy, It wuotd la lb let rating •« kuo* where all thv t **h «»*» Is Fow ActrMM* Are Pretty In Private There to fxrtta, any* m mriUt in the New York Vork Press, fascinating a* a whits kitten on tlie stage, who would rwognl/s tier in tits red beaded, freckled fa*# little woman black-berry- | »n« in a calico drees, tin pail m hand, that you meet in tti* woods about (sake Oeorgs? Klhn Terry? One would know l»er anywhere, to lie eure, | •till, a tall figure with a hounding step might hrueti hy on Oxford street or Piccadilly liefore you realized that the 1 rough Newmarket and somewhat bat* tersd hat was worn by a woman whose beauty people forget to ques tion and who leaves tier paint (art* in I lie theater dressing room, i We owe Miss Terry a good deal, H»i# to tire only aei.r*-se of fame who does j not Insist on telling, through public j advertisements, what make of powder she prefers and whose perfume goe* on her handkerchief. Neither does site j lend her face to the soap maker or tobacconist, nor her characteristic autogrsnh to anybody's bairn or lo tion, We, too, nav# been spared a < #f alogue of her body linen To this day an admiring public ie ignorant ns to whether U# pet Metres* wears silk or woolen next her skin. Neither has ! »he conjured its III the magic name of Worth or i'mgat. Yet who could wish her to drees her pari differently, 'fie* stars who. in tlie detective light of the sun, are handsome are exceed, mgiv rare. The two most, noted ex- j ample® are Marv Anderson and Mrs, j Langtry, The latter Is fast lasing tier fine lines and freshness, but her ex- j unlei!* dressing does something to deaden the sense of lose At lea*t it distracts, tlie eye Mary An*ler»on is always a hand* some woman, and this is largely due to the fa* • that she has a complexion more Knghsb tiian American in its bloom Hhe is careful almost to pre cision m liar toilet, and if seen in a neglige it is certain to be both elegant snd becoming. The Worship of Wonderful •prints. f'rrpulwr 'rent** Monthly for M«r< h From the ino»t remote time ti*e beneficent «pring* that, yt from the Interior of tint earth have excited the gratitude and admiration of men J fake the *e« and river* they have I; n ' deified by the people* of the Indo* Kuropean family, and the wor*h<p that hoe been given to them, and the fable* with which *tiper*f,ition ha* in vewted tb m, exprew* tfie degree to which popular imagination ha* been ■truck by thetrmy*t«rioii*origin,tlieir j mexhau*tihie Dow and tlieir *ecr/t I projiertie*. ‘The Oreek* attributed t.o > the fountain of fiodona, In Kpirinntbe faculty of di*eov*ring ludden truth* j and ulterior orio le*. The fountain I ol f-X' tia wire euppoxed to po**«- * the ■ame power, and wa* entrusted to , tlte guatdianehip of tile V* *t*! V ir gin*. Til* fountain* ot fn*>n ia on 1 th* Dank of l'arna»*u«, o' Hippo cretie, near Helic m, were iielieved to | communicate th*- poetic *tirit. Tfie Haul* bod *[iecial veneration I for tfierpring* to which the, went in j ■4 arch of health The old romance* o' I chivalry m tlieir fancic* ol a fountain j of youth,'where -pent force* and «<•' i charm* could be recoven-d.were only reproducing a myth of old 7 he perennial nature of firing*, which wa* for a long tune regarded a* a *arred niy*t«ry,wa* a<»o their nio-t ■triking cbaractenet c t'» tbo*e a ho nought to explain it without reference to le igion and pot-try, A"o ting to Ari*‘otle * idea, wham wa* adopted by ketteca and prevailed fill tin-*ix> ti-n'ti century, "the interior of tiie earifi contain* deep cavitie*anu much air, wlncti mn*t nece**ariiy he corned tlieie, Moiionlc** an 1 ntagnant it i* not long in being converted into wa ter fry it met amor phO*l* ilk* Hint which, in tiie atu,o*phere, p o lm • * rant drop* That thick *h.tdi>vy. nat j eternal cold, that conileiMit'ion < , * I i* di»turbed try no movement i >■ ic aiway* «uh' i»ting and inc.***antly 'fMt can»e* of the tranxmutat ion of .* r. Women in Russia, I'mm a MiiAt itw l.i'i r I tn- WIHIIMI ill 111*. II ilu 1 Win! ill11! - ill ill" work in tin- wintry, T an- inimeriaa win'll!, n'»t mil it li, !i'.» "vnrvwli‘hiiiI III \'UU»t tliHi* i» i/ri’Wt/w tivtt v lii tli" country 'i .*• liti <" majority ol nr*,,,, at work ,u, wool o. i In y Wear ulioi I iln |.iiiMi ami atrauht, »ml a Iona pi""" o rlolh ovi'i tli'-tr lii-inl* M *■ \ it,» Till win ill • * town III'Oil'll 11111 if not < nt hy (in' woon-n with »« ki"», u liaivw.le<l with Ih« o' ! («• uom.l ■cylllti, aliillil* n (wi JMlIl i l *n. no Mini ,1 hroa'i. short Iilml - I ruin 11.< i>ii",i<l 11ji In th" hnmll" there >» n uooili n how, »oi milling t*l»• in «p |n*n am", 11*«* hail ol the heavy hut i<•! hoop Tina 'mu kii-p* the an* i , etc , from fntlina nark os i In *« \ * In* . hamtle ami wi'attaring I liavr ii*»u*r ! yt>i •".•n tin man who wonhl *i#i‘i>| to gather np tuii-l an I ataik mr win it or OAte wl< li lone it « •* t n. I 'i'lie women miml ilo tlii* ah<" (In* nlull • lo me ' gentUimioly’ woilt, A thoogli I tmsue*.si many wtim rot ling grain witti th* •• vil>« Tim i gh , Imre 1‘lnii Ineelbei nt li«in»t in <1 help on" anolnai A lin*»iaii Inn > rat mg niMimiiut In i|tnte lively aii'l • l|i,i Kinnie ol a nmll") riowtt Tin nhl nn n ami young, ln»ya ami virt« with then mother*, grainiinoi tier* ami age*I wnimn a*»*iithh a* >la* O 'I I- i< nri a nn on wlitih are garrlinl water. <on I ami | • «tra iinplemenla. Tim timu* t»«•» | t>oya ami imtt rule, while theiml mm »o waU 'limy alwav* enrty the my t lies, loi la atnl lake* ha k ami i holheveiy *lay ami wotg a* long a* l lone ta it a* light, ami alma it m 4a* I'icab at A a m ami not 4atk unlit hall pa*I nine p in . Ilia hour# t»i la liur are tang one* An £«pe»*l»e fitnner. A tria wir« ilMItir »n the psMofftm guard rail one night telling »torle* One of the in minted thin; “I know ol a fallow who had njx-nt e eery rinlet life in the i-onntry and had never been to tha city ( omirig Into a little moaey he midden ly developed a tie* I re to lx- a »ix/rt and Immediately dcpar'rd for the cltv, It wan lit* habit after arriving to lounge around the corner* in the central part of the city, and in- natur ally heard the gilded youth talking about the amount of money they •pest, " Hay. I hud a great dinner lent night.'he heard one nay. 'and It coat me Ho,' "Many other remark* like thla he heard, and the ruMie aport deckled to get into the iwirn too lie made op hi* mind at onee to get an expensive din ner. not realizing that the moat of the money »pent by the noaeter* lie had overheard liad lieen for Wine Walk ing into a xwell reMaoraut, he called the waiter over 'hay, look her*,' mud he. T want an eapenMv# dinner like the be*t of the blood* tiring rnr worth of ham and egg*.' " llomeradinh growing ha* been brought to the point wl>ere lx-»t cnltl vaied will *e i at price* nearly double thone realized for the r<x/t when indif ferent in ipial ty New .lerney aup pile* a large part of lue •-1 .ters de mand. bent turning In New |o i al *7 to f* jier 100 lb* Thla i* 'or cultivated horneradinn of one year • growth and grown by cxpei t*. The Orient grade *ell* in Hoatzm at fin per I'M Ion, when tva*hed. and ** unwanhed, with Infe rior and dirty ntuff lacking In Mreagth and atiractiveueiM a:1 the way down to f: "to and *', At New Haven limited »a|e at lb Horne,adivii xbonld he wanln-d before *hipp>ng t WwM'dalrl MKIfff.M AWAUtf, (IMPERIAL! r ORANUM ! (Always WINS HOSTS of (FRIENDS wherever its ; (Superior Merits become| (known. It is the Safest! (FOOD for Convalescents! ( M4 by IrfrlKMMT* I.VI UVW»l;kf! I \ < J ... 1 _____... ,1 TheYircaUmt flfdltol Itiseovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. OONAUi KENNEDY. Of ftOXBORY. MASS., Ha. discovered in one ol our comma ft down to a common Pimple Hr ha* tried ii in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed ex.ept in two eases (tV/tli tliu.-nler humor; He has now in his possession over two hundred teriifieates of its value, all within twenty miles 'd bAion. Send postal sard f</r F<ok A benefit is always experienced from , tlie fust b</tiie *nd a perfeit ire is war ranted when the right tpjan'uy i taken Wlien the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing througti tliem Hie same with ttie Liver or Bowels Tnis i. »ued by tlie ducts being stopped, always disappears in a week a'ler taking it Read tlie label. II Hie stomach is loul of bilious it will cause vaueaini .il freiwg* at first. No changeof diet ever necessary, tat the best you .a.t get, and enough of it Dote> otur tabl'.- j i onl ul in water at bed time. SoId by all l/ruggists i— i— - -ii i - - ■■ -i i — It Is a Pleasure To mnwinmnd Mood'ii Hurwiitftrill* to *11 •ffliotftd with blood or (.kin dim-noon, My blood wim out of ordtir, Mid 1 «ulfn*d for yfront o«orlft*l«. I trim! »«V"r»l rvinttdit'ti without bvuftflt, Afl**r lulling Hood's Sarsaparilla for t wo toontli* I w»» rtmtornd to toy for wivr good hvftllli und M llk« * diB*r*nt [tftfMtn, At* ft blood (turiHor I tliluli H'tod'n ffuniufiftrill* lift* no «jo»l.” CifAft. It. f/or'KKhKKAg, Irving, Illlno*, Hood's Pills # A few f} • Doses of v I DTHobb’s % I gparagus ♦ ^ will relieve # %§> baim In ymi Hatk, Sidra, V A Muatlra, Mrrta, Mrad.rle, ^ aid all K id nr y Tr'/ublrt; JL ^ RhrumatHm, Gout. An Tr A arrrna, and 'dhrr Blood <m TroubU%, tauvcd by akk X !f A few boxes will a £ ctire. V& All 4rUM0i#». <rt dL Tor Mr t*r U/t r WrUt fvr p’imphut. jt ■ HOIK t MLblCtNC CO, ^ c* n»* t«- t'm *--WRITE-' Jl Hgrrett,prt'MUtiti:l o,.-Allan tie, loan a ml < it*, Mnhraa ka. llu»l/,«-^# < «,ll»*<-a and PhnflbaDd -.•l»«.»i». 1,/f an a«planaiInn ot th# U>t and fwnt unluun < nut In l/>i»lna>< oaihln* M« In «*.• hot taught In other » h««il» < nr turn paid «**«**•«**•******«*#*•* ZachariT. Lindsey, , *S RUBBER GOODS liaaiaraw-ad tor < atalugi.aa, Omaha, Mata Patents. Trade-Marks. fUawtlnahun a«4 *4*1" M "< rahntafcnily at ***»»* TkTZ/.Z ■ TtJXtt-. ’nt.VfctVtW. 6 s. W. N, l/„ OMAHA, 4H, IHUA. When writing to a<l verti-era mention thin |/i»j*er. ‘ ""^r-—-»— —— Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke^M ty^K _ ■ ft I Mu* norvaa IS Away • i u " .« w jAjmr V ■ BH| tlto feojintr* of II y&tU mk. maturuly old nmn j « j RS WM/ It raatoraa loat vltrrr I \ AOMBiI BFtI WMhJ// You may train tan I /Vnf VFI Mtft mtmy pound* in Piu day*. U .Jfl 11J CUARANTEED r 1' lPJrT tob*cc° h*8|t cure ^^ftj^ft EL ooata oiuy 4i 1 Your own drutnylut ■■■ fft BgT' will MimranPa. a cura or money »« HjQJR |. fund ul ilookiei, wriftan i{uurnntnnofeurn I H wnd aumplo Iren Addreaa neareat ofBco J] lttSadB Uy the mRUNQ RIMIOY CO , ■HI WSjPY CHICAGO. MONTR.AU, can. new torn. II offl •• . '•gflBWgSaBftftf1 ,"—' "^fpyjS^1^ - ■>* » iWg^aaa—, |j| AIERIBZTC e»i.ilr < .il,,utl' ritfA r. *tl|.,iilei, 1‘urwly «•■»■ i»U«. ruMaHh i>,4 UlSulllC I # 4RRT. Raid id 4r*4E(*l» artrywEarv, i .ao.iio.nI U» cum. duly luo. the food for all such. How many pale folk there are t People who have the will, but no pow er to bring out their vitality; 1 I" Opla who awuij; M.e a I" ndulun but w • * a «" " iii and ^ mi that one day'* work rau»e* aix dat a* ah km 'T If-*' ~ -i People who have no lile for rrdating tli »-.i >■ thin people, nervelma, ib liiate! The food lor all au«h no n, women, or children ia Seorr'a F.MUt aioM, I he hypopho.phttew combined with the oil / will lone up the a\*tem, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digeatinn, The aign of new life will y lie a fattening and r- ddenlng, which bringa with it atrenglh, comloit ami goodnature, th .»»# ■ . fll ' t4ftt •»*MM On H> MU >4 *»4 (Ml * ,4 t4 ■*»««•«< tkott A I km tie, Now York, All Utwigi.u. »*, «nu U,