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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
w''~' ’ I ,xz J .A • Loup City Northwestern. VOL."xinr " I.OIT CITY, SIIKRMAN COUNTY. Xi:»P T.ID.U, NOVKMUKH M. INUMBER 89 The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY KRIDAY AT Til K COUNTY MK AT, UKd K. BMUMJIIOTKlk Editor end Pubilaber. TERMS SI SO par Tasr. II Paid is M*mm Butarad at tha lamp City f>mtnmse for traeo a ration through tha mail* a* ta-..od •less o.altar. .• mmm it rar v--v~- vmnmmm Oily HtpDPlicn Newipapir 11 Eberan Cooitr Thaokeklrln* HaflttUun Oh. where la that turkey that hlk turkey gobble, The one wllb Ha leira tied up with u airing Rn llkbi that It tsovld'nt do nothin* hut hobble The on* our euheerlbnr burl prouilaod to bring. We Ion* to Ire bold him nnd roaat him and eat him, And then our atory of Tbunka*lvln«r to tell. That Ion* ranked week tukey. That eorn fattened turkey. That lore treating turkey. That etruta round tne well. There deems to he sn yuusupl s mount of ruilroud aecidtEta reported in the dsille# of this week csuaed hy trains colliding snd in some plsees t/y heavy snow aud wind storms. The anow storm of last week ex tended from Denver to the Atlantic ai.d from Daketa to Texas and es pecially in the eastern state* did great damage. V*. Chicago all corn, runniest ion with the outside world and with Us own suburbs were com pletely cut oir by the falling of the telegraph wires, they being unable to hold the heavy weight of snow and ice which stuch fast to than. In the streets of the eity anow a ad slush was piled high and locomotion made difficult and dangerous. Other eastern cities are reported in about the same condition. ... - . _ • Now is the beat time to invest in Nebraska soil and those who are permanently located here will do well to remain. Such a drouth as we have had in the past two years has never been known before in tha history of the stats and it is only reasonable to suppose that it will not come again with the present generation. From all over the state comes tire report that there is plenty of moisture and that the ground is in excellent condition. We have already had two good falls of snow this fail and at the present writing sleighing is the best known here for three years last past Everything confirms the prediction that the drouth period is broken and hereafter will only he known in history. An era of pros perity may confidently be expected to commence with next year N MIKAfiKA BAlXrALL. riie agricultural experiment sta tion of the statu university has just issued a press bulletin regarding the rainfall in Nebraska for the past twenty years ikat eont aius much valuable information, and it is especially valuable to those who have commenced to loose faith in the state The first important fact that it y contain* is that the entire weat ha* suffered more or less severely from drouth for the pust three vests, Nebraska being more seriously ef fected than some of her ueigbhora. The almost total failure in 1*W4 sod the partial failure this year natural lv ciaised it feeling of uurest and man\ to become ao discouraged that the ipiealion has beeu raised in their minds whether they would not better forsake tbair farms for a mote ftitoraldv locality. hi view of this feeling the otttcers of 'll* impertinent station have col lected data, showing the average rainfall not only tu Nsb.*»»ka but also m the states nuuictliaUdy sur rounding u» These ftp urea show thst Nebraska is as well favored lit . this reap* »t aa .my of her slater slates, Mikola 'lowing less and tliunesola and low* showing only s •lightly laru i pie* ipitation Tins ,s t.ikieg tlic average for iiie past r a mitt t»aia, including the lioee tears of drotiih The average rainfall |w*r tear in HI £ t Nebraska ia ‘iS.ftS Inches. Ia 1*1*1 it was largely in exceaa of that a mount, IHtfJl showed Id,*, In 1804 it waa 13,31, while title year It haa been IK. A further investigation shows that nearly 70 per cent of our year ly rainfall haa been during the five growing months, from April to Hep tcmber. In this respect there Is no state that ha* averaged better than Nebraska. The further fact ia shown that the precipitation during July and August, the corn maturing months, has been d.ftft and 2 «'<3 re* apectively—an abundance. The bulletin closes with the fol lowing sensible remarks: Thua it appear* both from a com pariaon of our yearly rainfall for the paet nineteen years with that of other states and from a study of its distribution through the months of the year, that the paet two or three seasons have represented cli mate conditions which are excep tionable rather than normal, and which are to be expected occasion ally rather than ordinarily in Neb _I- _ A Fr#«i*bt» Kaffir Cr»*« Tb* farmers of Oklahoma have been experimenting wltk tbe new K afllr corn, and they are now ready lo declare that it will bring more money to the farmer* of tbe United Ktates than all of the famous gold mines of the Kaffir eountrv from wlrlcb It comes. An enthusiast write* from Guthrie that a short season of experiment proved that the new corn would mature a full crop in tbe drysst aid hoteat taat on the high wsstarn plains. Now he say* a more thorough trial has developed the fact that “wtiether the season wss wet or dry, cool or hot, long or short, this new prrxlurt would thrive on all kind* of aoila with the minimum of care and culti vation, and planted any time be tween the 1st of April and tbe mid dle of July it would mature an ab aolutelv *urs crop of grain and fod der before tbe frosts of autumn. It will grow iuxeriantly on the aod of newly broksu ground, produce fine crop* either on bottom or up land, i* a natural enemy of waada ur.d will be as clean with two culti vuiiotis a* Indian corn will be with four tlmefc as many,” In Oluhoma and southern Kaoaas ho rnuah of Ibis corn was prodacsd last season that the people hardly knew for a time what to do with it. They found it good in its natural state for table use, bat did not realize its real commercial im portance until a miller of Medicine Lodge, Kae , ground it into mean Tbia was found in every way equal to corn meal. Than the miller ex perimented a little more and Anally produced a product that they aay will “create a revolution in the world’s breadatnifa." It ia Kaffir Hour. Bread made from it ia tweet to the taste, highly nutritious and aattsfaetory to the eye, being about the color of the beat graham bread. The talk coming from Kansas and Oklahoma about the hardiness and produotivenesa of the new corn, and ila value ea a food produet, la pitched at ao high a key that we mnat make considerable deductions for the enthusiasm of the into who have brought it out. But it is wtll worth tryiug in western Kansas and wealarn Nebraska It wilt Join well with alfalfa and the sioek indualry in carrying wealth to that region. Slate Journal. STttl IHNHI AVION VONVBNTION. To all friends of irrigation in Nebraska The Third Aunuai Octa ve u I ion of the Nebraska State Irri gation Assoeii.tion will he held in Sidney. Nebraska, on Wednesday, and Thursday, liyemler I* and lb, IMtnt The ablest elperla and s|ie alt ers rif usipmsl and slate reputailou • m this highly important question of | Irrigation will In* in atteudsme and I wtll deliver addresses and read pa pers upot the various phases of ihia (agi (cultural a* leave Tbe representation in said con vention will he as follows: The Governor of tbs Hlste is reqnsted to appoint twenty delegates from the •tate at large. The Htate Board of Agriculture, the Htats Labor Com mieeiooer, the Htate University and tbe University Agrisultural Depart roent, ten delegatee each, All Farmers' Institutes, Granges, Conn ty or Local Agrieultural or iiorti enltursl Societien connected with tbe development of agricultural in tercets In Nebraska not herein other wise provided for, ten delegates to each organisation to he chosen or appointed ae tbe officers of <he re spectire societies or orgsni/.atiou named shall decide. Kach Irriga tion Association larger than a coun ty will ha entitled to a delegation of all Its offlccra and fifteen additional delegates Kach Local Irrigation, Association will be entitled to a delegation of all officers and ten members. Mayors of cities are re quested to appoint tan delegates ea«h, village five delegates, presi dent# of Boards of Trade and Com msreial Clu ha five delegate* each private and denominational cbllepee, three delegate* each, and labor or ganlzallon*, local or Mlate, ahall l«» entitled to three delegate*. Kvery regularly organized Irrigation Ditch Company ahall be entitled to three delegate*. Kdlior* of Agricultural and Irrigation publicationa In Neb rank a will, on preaeutation of cre dential* allowing their prevent po*i tion or occupation, be, entitled to *cat* in the convention, A gcneial Invitation i* extended to all pa»t and preaent member* of Coogreaa from <bi* aute, all paat and preaent Hlate Official*, tbe preaent member* of the Nebraska LegUlature, and all County official* now holding office, to atlene a a dele gate*. And we hereby extend a cordial Invitation to all. Come and give your pretence and your effort* to th« moat important movrnent* ever inaageruted in our atate. He duced railroad rate* will be obtained on all railroad line*. Kor further Information ace tbe daily and weekly pre»a, or write to j the l’reaideot or Hecr«tary. State Irrigation Convention Com. Jo*. OtiRliPKi.PXR, President. CllA*. CAf,LA HAN, Secretary. from f.llcliftelrt Monitor The epidemic of typhoid fever In this county li»* abated. Tbe aoll 1* In good condition for grain aotrn tbla fall, and everybody 1* confident of u *pl«n dld crop next *en*on. Key. A. H. Hecktolt'a youngest child 1* villi very Kick. Ming partially paralyzed, and It* condition 1* considered critical at tbla writing. J. M. Ainvberrv who formerly puhllvhed the Mavou City Advocate, will e*lubll*h a paper at Anaiey called the People * Advocate and will l**ue the (lr*t number thl» week The chicken pie woclal at Mrs. Potters w.a* quite well attended and tho*e present greatly enjoyed the occasion Thu proceedsgo uiwuros purchasing an organ for the W. It. C. The three year old sou of Wllliuiu Hellers, living on clear creek, a few miles northwest of Hitch tie Id. fell from a wagon dunday afternoon, the hind wheel passing over his abdomen, Irom the effect* of which be died before the arrival of a physician Mrs. liaddlx mother of Meolt liaddlx of Clear creek, arrived from West Virginia Thursday eveulng. Mrs. liaddlx'* trip may l>e mentioned a* rather remaikaldti. from ihc fact that she Is IK years of age and totally blind, but through courtesies at the hands of the train employees aud passengers, the trip was made with comparative ease aud comfort. Mrs. liaddlx resided fur yours ucur Hwcntwutor, this county In the days of early settlement, aud has many actjualutances In this taclnln X husking bee was gotten up by thl Wood man rump of this place, to crib John Nan < corn John ha* beeu seriously sick for several weeks aud thla uelghlstrly act will < vrr lie kintlly renieatbered Ity John bight teams were In the llehl aud thirty acre* of corn was cilbbed la • ate day Kuclt work I* always tightened by the Christian moll to which prompt* the deed and th»*t parMcipaUn* gen • rally manage to wjuaeae a little lun out of the job la thl* Ittstaur* It *** a ton*.eg fan and t' h llallet preyed hlanelf Hi* la»U I In the Itetd dl Mandolph srtotol alol Wilt liar nett third The Mb bMekl *cht*d has utgaulrt d a l iter wry Club and will gltc wa eauti* tmmt *>l j that kind every two weeks V'rdm in j eteaiag beg IliHliitf || f lU I U« ; j it I toll l*»i • »» a i •*»* t>>i| f«4 t M»4l #%##! UkU)V U ***** ‘t* I MOMMA*# M«l*l III# A *'• f t , MUh \»l4 lllAiktvMl * 1 * l$4 “» 1 | «»l t»liy IMMtl uhll i*Um I * t*#‘tii j ^•Uti il)4 lltfNid«ilv#« vt 4« HI I i # ! |A Nil Mufcltth W **t##4 t* lit* fethMkW i*t lint j MA'AM I IUiI IIm AMI UdUl tNtf.M 4 I t l|A<*r < | KkllltNl aa*i l«AHVA lift! *l« i^'ll % l#hMi *• t'iMk'iN «i Ml# »lA>» h* n* **• mi tmv I School orders taken in trade at One Hun dred Cents on the Dollar at A. Hoone's. Election Returns are all in M Lcschinsky, Photographer Conn City comes out on top with’ is grand On<* d<»/, strictly first clans Cabinet Photographs From Nov. 10th until Dec. 21st I_B Whereas their will lx* a great rush parties are reques ted to come us soon as possible, ttallery will lx* open every day M. Leschinsky, Artist. JAQUE5J & SCHAUPP Arcadia, McAlpirte, Loup City, Shaupp Siding and Ashton. MAIN OFFICE AT LOU I' Oi l Y All grain li,iuIi iI to MeAIpiii<‘ or Felt oipp Siding ticket* ar<- i" lie pri niiteil *ii Loup City or Ash on nnil reedvc what tin- nutrio t prli i; i» at tlioHi; HluiioiiH. Call and nee uh before Helling eUewhere yy .i.Fisiii it. Attneneu-at-La w, W'Jft rtiMi uiiprovivl laii'l* for wilr Awl monoy to loan on real unlniv. LOOP ( ITT, . • HRBHARlA. Gil. GIBSON, • KKAl.KK IN Furnitur ?, CARPETS, UNDERTAKERS GOODS Went Hide Public Hiputre. Loti* City, .... Nkb. 4 V IIUAYU/MIO'PO’D w rnoi“. ok EXPRESS *»u GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All SsprtM or Kroltflit or<ler» promptly KttiOMleil to I, MAJtOY, ■“DENTIST* ill KICK -Iii KmkI Hint ilnroy lltoell, Kami ttiitf* Public »uuur«, IxiupOtly. Noli, NOTICK Ok amknohknt or T»lk AItTI* 4 ’|.I - 4'I ISfoltPOltA'IION Ok III AC illMOIAM I'oturt Irkioation WAIKItroWMI ANl> IMPMOVI MI S I COMPANY. To Alt w )n*m tl iiiav cHliitUAjrit You will Ii*k«i' not lot* t lint on Ot iolx'i H A O IMM Urn Htoim*Hii*ounly In iifMiUot vvnt*n powur Hint ItlipOrVAMllOit « ••iii|mny, Hi M III4 of tin Mm klu»<ltt* duly ihIUM Hint til Id Hi lU oDHut III Coup I'iiy, S«>l*r*«k*, h»m#*mIw I *u • i* |4» «lt (Hi >lf )ta Artt<M»« of |h<HH |«ifiil|(iii to i rnU a* fot* tona. to- w il ••|hr |*U4*«I HlllOUUt *»l t HllHbt tw| IMMM to wlio ii *«ld iori*orui him iluil) Hi m*y Mm* •llYjol ll. u at ihif not l»* Mttifii Hum two UtllM \K> of t ll W |Mld III tiHpilH1 WMWp*1 Hint IftHt Ali MUMIMJlO Ml ill W i tltPH. duly «A##Ui«ut and nr Nil** w l**djfi*d l»y wll'l oiflMp Hi toil *#tHl»J* lot til «>H t HUM* Mil Hit'll I w II m»i tto *Ubd*V of it. Ix'vi dun tMttd for |*K<l l III Util «oMHiy » liik'a ort»» w of HtmllAtiiO « •ilUiy, Si IO<i«Ah, Hlld »«* iUj Hit i ou tl*« Alt Uh> lit «*« tu'wi, iwt, n» tv* liPitf id thr iHiunty ‘droil «»f * »hi>4 «»ofnty j S(U«rw4k>4 unit to liin ofbtH ol Mia AtudAif i of llktr i*4 ^AiifHikA-. |Hill* lii'drf Mil' tMAlot* Hlld i«Ai Of •aid <1 Hit* All UwjF tif ikltilHf, A t* • •#» I it A All IA"4 II l III 11 i IkHlMktHl* St 41 IMaPUHHH I All IHIIIIiAHItt it»Hl*kl tty n# tv ah i l of |tiM?a no#, A I' ecu At, 0AA*«AH t MM chiv i » » t J pun f iNik WAl I M <1 HiiUlMuiU I « % t MVM St |U w It Mhioa tortllif TO MAKE ROOM FOR MV IMMKN8F, STOCK OF OOOltH WHICH I HAVF, BOCOHT FOIITIIK PALL TKADK I WILL OFFKR Grool Barpios floras Hie lull of Novilwr. Come to sec in- before buying elsewhere I can save you money. Repairing done In a first ultee manner and on short notice, and at* prices lower than the lowest, K. HCHWKR, Loup City's Reliable Jeweler. It, C ItOK, A.P. OULLJCY, Vice-President, Ocebier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Loan* on Improved farm* at NINE per oeot. Beet Company aad ketf lOTW to be had fas tbe went. OoKueronoxirm:—Chemkal National Bank, New York City, N. Yd Omnbd mwtionai Omalia. Netonnba e W J. FISJIEK, GKO. E. HKNBCHOTKB, Attornry ami Notary Public. Publl»b«r IxiUH CITY NovrilWMTRSM FISHER A BENSCHOTER, reae estate agejvts. J.Ot’P CITY, - • NEBRASKA. Town bits, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale. BHWARH I Bon §^\ ■ HAA\A\ER SOPA :age5^j& »l r»lo»ble Kwlpxo—FRKK. Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE NORMS The BERT ADVERTISING MEDIUM and looal newspaper in SI IMAN CnUNTY.